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Wednesday, December 21,1994, Houston Times-Journal
Houston Times -Journal
P. O. Drawer M • 807 Carroll Street • Perry, Ga. 31069
Phone: (912) 987-1823
Th* Houston Times-Journal (DSPS 000471) Is published semi-weekly (or SIB.OO per year
by Houston Publications, Inc., 807 Carroll Street, Perry, Ga. 31069. Second Class Postage
paid at Perry, Ga., POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the Houston Times-Journal,
P. O. Drawer M, Perry, Ga. 31069. ISSN: 1075-1874
Bob Tribble, President
Brigette Loudermilk, Editor and General Manager
Sherri Wengler, Advertising Manager
News: Larry Hitchcock, Pauline Lewis. Sports: Phil Clark. Composition: Lynn
Wright. Classified Advertising: Melanie Bullington. Circulation: Eric Zellers.
Bookkeeping: Judy Morrow. Photography. Eric Zellars.
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Our Goal The Houston Times-Journal is published proudly for the citizens of
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Social, school church news deadlines
In an effort to better serve our readers and meet printing deadlines,
The Houston Times-Journal is asking readers to please observe
deadlines for submitting your engagement and wedding
announcements, as well as news about your clubs, schools and churches.
In order to meet our deadlines, all social, club, school and church news
will have to be in our office by 5:30p.m. Friday, for publication in the
following Wednesday's newspaper.
If you are unable to come by during the day, there is a mail slot on
the front door in which to drop your items.
We appreciate your co-operation.
PAL thanks community for caring
Dear Editor:
On behalf of the entire Project Agape Love/Visions of Sugarplums
Committee, we wash to extend our deepest thanks to the community for
its support this year More than 400 families experienced the joy of
Christmas through a huge effort from local businesses, schools,
churches, and the public.
Even though times are hard, we have realized the reason for the
season It is evident that through Jesus Christ's giving hunseif for our
sins we have learned the importance of giving We honor Him by
celebrating the true meaning of Christmas.
This year the Project Agape I.ove program was able to reach its goal
and provide food and toys for each family. This would mot have been
possible without your help Together we did it!!!
To all those who gave to these families and to all those who
volunteered their time for this cause, we are truly grateful When those
who received food Nixes and toys said "thank you," they were speaking
to each of you.
Thank you for caring!
In His Name,
Alvalyn H. Pope,
P.A.L. Team Member
All I want is
one thing from
Santa Claus
this Christmas
Dear Santa'
I need just one more day!!
Thank You,
Brigette Loudenmilk
I've found out in the past two
years that the Christmas season just
isn't as fun as it used to he.
Sure, I enjoy buying presents for
my daughter and the delight on her
face is worth all the trouble,
but...the trouble sure is a lot of
I was all ready this year. With my
leave of absence from the work
force, I thought I'd have plenty of
time to shop for Christmas. Turns
out, though, I should have done it
before November.
I started back here or» temporary
assignment the week before
Thanksgiving and, with the more
recent turn of events, have been
hard pressed for time to shop.
My Christmas joy has turned into
holiday anxiety, seasonal cheer has
turned into frustration.
As I sit here thinking that I've got
only two days left to shop before
holiday observances begin for both
my families, I know I need just one
more day.
17 loppy
from the staff of the
Houston limes -Journal
So. that's what I would like to put
in to my Letter to Santa. (I guess
that besides beginning my shop
ping earlier, I should have written
my letter early too.)
•On another note: I've enjoyed
coming back to help out at the pa
per, but it seems the time has come
again to say "Farewell".
I'll be leaving December 29.
Mirny of you will know the new
editor well since he worked for The
Perry Times for many years.
Jj Johnson will begin at the paper
just after the new year.
So, to everyone who's supported
me during my recent, temporary re
union at the paper, thank you. I'll
try and keep in touch.
Also, I'd like to thank everyone
who supported the staff during the
recent loss of Jim Kerce. It's been a
rough few weeks here, but maybe
after Jj takes over as editor and the
old year is behind here, everything
can get back to normal.
And, to Jim's family: I know the
holidays won’t be the same this
year for you, but I hope you can
remember the good times and I
wish you all the best.
THE PEAfJdT &M-LEfZ.y ~ !
suffer!ng from
*o 111 JH
■ft. L l
RAFB troops watch with interest as U.S. troops invade Panama
5 Years Ago
Dec. 20, 1989
County again demurs on giving
senior citizens acreage,
* • *
Lawmakers brace for '9O Less
than-expected revenue will test leg
islative influence
* * *
Perry Convention and Visitors
Bureau now asks S4OO rent - origi
nally proposed SSOO per month-rent
from Perry Area ChamVer of
Commerce for space in the C&VB
new Welcome Center
* * *
Debbie Barrett receives the
Certified Real Estate Brokerage
Manager (CRB) designation - the
industry s highest award.
» * *
Bank makes CB&T name change
* • •
Perry Veterans Ralph Tabor,
Lawton Daniel and Virgil Brooks
tell tales of Christmases spent away
from home and during war.
* * *
Bobby Tuggle explains the new
wildlife program to Kiwanians re
* * *
Robins Air Force Base is watching
with interest as U. S. troops invade
* * #
A 1 Pearson related ' How Come
Christmas" to Perry Exchange
* * *
"Unto you a Savior is born."
Luke 2:1-20, King James version
of the Bible.
Do you have the faith to see the supernatural in the natural?
Once upon a time, a long time
ago, God became man! That is the
Christmas story. When God does
something, He always does it His
way. His way is usually not our
The timing of our Lord's appear
ance was not as I would have
planned it. I would have probably
had Jesus come during the reign of
David or Solomon, when the king
dom of Israel was at its height in
power and extent. Why, it would be
ready-made for King Jesus to step
in and take over.
Surely humanly speaking that
would make sense. God the Father
had God the Son born at a time
when Rome ruled the world and
dominated Israel as its vassal sub
Yet 700 years before, the prophet
Daniel said, "So you are to know
and discern that from the issuing of
a decree to restore and rebuild
Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince,
there will be 69 weeks. . . (Daniel
9:25). Commentators tell us that
Jesus, in fulfillment of the
prophecy, was born on the very day
it was foretold, showing God's
ruling in the affairs of men.
The place of Jesus' birth is not
where I would have had Him enter
history. I think Rome, the capital
News items from past issues
10 Years Ago
Dec. 20. 1984
Earl Lewis is Kiwanis "Man of the
Year" Dr Felix Smith received
the Perry Kiwanis Club's past'pres
ident's award from current president.
Allen Pritchett, Jr.
• * *
Perry allocates $46,000 for utility
relocation on Houston Lake Road.
• * *
Houston County Commission
Chairman Dr. V. W. McEvcr,
presided over his final commission
ers meeting Tuesday, which in
cluded passage of a proposed gun
ordinance for populated areas
* * *
Perry Panthers capture Christmas
* * *
Make America strong by buying
American goods.
* * •
The Perry Area Historical Society
was responsible for placing the lu
minaires in the downtown area for
the Candlelight Service during
Perry’s Olde-Fashioned Christmas
at-the Crossroads on Sunday, Dec.
9. City of Perry employees and
Scouts assistedd society members
Pauline Lewis and Kenneth Abney
in the street-lighting project.
* * *
Salvation Army typifies the holi
JSI Shipley j
BrJI Presbyterian
■ ■iBBI Church pastor |
city of the Empire, where all the
news was made, would have been
the suitable place for the birth of
the King of kings. The Emperor's
palace would have been just right;
not an out-of-the-way place like
Bethlehem and in a stable!
God the Father decided differently.
The prophet Micali said centuries
before, "But as for you, Bethlehem
Ephratha too little to be among the
clans of Judah, from you One will
go forth for Me to be Ruler in
Israel. His goings forth are from
long ago, from the days of eternity"
(Micali 5:2).
Think of it! The great God and
Creator of all lowers Himself to be
born in a stable! Why? I believe He
made Himself vulnerable, reachable,
and approachable. Who would feel
comfortable going to the palace to
visit the baby Jesus?
But who of us would hesitate to
come to a stable? Christmas is for
the average person, the lonely, tl|§j
4 a —Houston Times-Journal
day spirit of giving.
» * *
25 Years Ago
Dec. 18, 1969
Commissioners set liquor license
fees at $3,500.
* • •
Mrs Bobby (Joyce) Brooks named
Perry's "Woman of the Year" by
Perry Business Women's Club
President Betty Roper presented a
silver bowl to Brooks
* • •
UGF Drive falls short of goal set
in Houston County.
* • «
Many towns in Georgia arc faced
with doctor shortages, including
Perry. The Perry Area Chamber of
Commerce and local doctors are
now at work in a joint effort to lo
cate more doctors here.
• * *
Girls join nationally recognized
FFA Chapter at Perry High School.
* * *
Perry Rotary Club forms Interact
Club at Perry High School,
* * *
Perry barbers win State competi
tion. Larry Hudson and Dale Grim,
owners of Plaza Barber Shop, their
models, Charles Bozeman and
Sonny Heard, won first and second
place in a 3-state contest for hair
styling, held in Columbus, Ga.,
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. Howell Bryan
Lewis, 1138 Macon Street, Perry,
married 50 years on Dec. 1, cele
brated their 50th wedding anniver
sary on Sunday, Nov. 30, with an
informal reception at their home,
world's outcasts, for those who
have refused the world's acclaim and
have come humbly with broken
hearts to the Savior.
Then I would have chosen special
influential personages to proclaim
the news that Messiah has come.
These would be the leaders of the
military, the political rising stars of
the day, the recognized experts in
the arts and sciences, and the men
who were making history in
religion and education. Yes. Jesus
would, through their influence,
become front page news. But God
the Father chose some very different
witnesses to give testimony to His
Son's birth.
The shepherds, who were not
even allowed to participate in the
temple rituals, as their profession
kept them out away from all of the
prescribed rules which would have
prepared them for worship, these
were the first to get the message
and give the witness.
Wisemen from the East, gentile
strangers from Israel, were given a
star to guide them to the Christ and
their precious gifts bore testimony
that the life of this Child would
reach far beyond His own people
and bring salvation to a needy, sin
ful world. The greatest witness to
given by their daughter. Miss*
Pauline Lewis. £
** ‘ 5
50 Years Ago
Dec. 21, 1944
Ad: New Perry Hotel - One meal *
served on Xmas Day, Dec. 25, 12*-
noon to 3 p.m. 5
* * * c
Mrs. J. O. Coleman. Perry, was,-
awarded a SSO War Bond in Georgia *
Power Company's
Division of the Georgia Better p
Home Towns
Contest, entitled '5 Ways to Make*
My Community Better."
* * *
Trees and decorations bring Yule-*
cheer; carelessly placed, they can v
bring death. §
* * * j.
Not a few of our carols have been
traced to the mystery plays of the f
12th and 13th centuries. In those -
primitive times, the church, in or- ?
der to entertain the people, indulged.«
in extraordinary representations of-;
the events associated with the birth
of Christ.
* * * Jt
Christmas is the Day of Days in '
America, but in many countries
Christmas is primarily commemo
rated as a religious festival and the <
gift-giving and festivities of the
holiday season came later. Gift-giv
ing was well established among j
Northern European tribes before
they became converted to
Christianity. It was so much of an
obligation among pagan Germans {
to distribute gifts that men actually
left the country during the holiday
season to escape gift-giving.
Jesus Christ is not who we are in
position or prominence, but the fact
that a faithful God has set His love
upon us and we have responded in
faith and obedience.
Christmas is truly of God. A
weak, frail, little infant; the son of
a teenage peasant girl; born in a
stable; at a time when Rome ruled
the world; witnessed by a group of
outcast shepherds and some for
eigners from the East; what a scene
that was directed by God Himself.
The same God, the King of kings
and Lord of lords, took upon
Himself human flesh at Bethlehem,
so that He could arrange the time,
place and circumstances so that God
could become knowable.
Do you have the eyes of faith to
see the supernatural in the natural?
Do you know this Jesus? Is He
your personal Savior?
at the
Church of
Your Choice