Newspaper Page Text
fio, cSol#x£ol
from. Cause if you make them,
then I can have all I want, right?
Lets get down to bussieness!
1 would like:
1. j.i_. penneys - page 494 -
Ventriloquist Doll 24.99 (Howdy
2. J.C. penney's - page 102 -
earings and ring set 24.99
3. Toys-R-us - 29.99 - Sabre
Skates - roller blades page 29
4. T.V.
Sewell Cir.
Perry, GA 31069
December 14, 1994
Dear Santa,
I am in Mrs. Morrison's Third
Grade Class this year, i would like
a pair of roller skates for Christmas
this year, and a pair of ice skates,
too. But my best wishes comes
last. I want a wonderful Christmas
with my grandparents, and some
warm cookies, lots of presents ( no
clothes). But most of all I want
enogh snow that 1 could go sleding,
build a snowman, and make a
snowangle. Merry Christmas Santa!
Emiiy Jones
1114 Kenwood Dr.
Perry, GA 31069
December 14, 1994
Dear Santa Clause,
I am in Mrs. Morrison's Third
Grade Class this year. Who (aught
you how to make toys? My
Christmas wish is to go to South
Cardina. I would like some new
clothes for Christmas.
Crystal Matthews
P.S. Please tell me.
December 14, 1994
Dear Santa,
I am in Mrs. Morrison's Third
Grade Class this year. I ;im eight
years old. If I had two wishs I
would wish for a doll and a bike. I
would like a bike real bad. It is in
the Warner Robins walmart. I have
been a good girl. I wish you a
Love, Jennifer Green
December 14, 1994
Dear Santa,
I am in Mrs. Morrison's Third
Grade Class this year. I want a lot
of stuff for Christmas this year.
Here's my list: Rickeshet, Pocket
Sized Sega. Murder on the Oriant
Exspress by Agatha Christie. A
A Word From The Wise:
Celebrate the
Miracle of Christmas
with the ones you love.
Best wishes from all of us.
Alfa Insurance
11088 Washington St.
Goifii Oi'in'J s ’
Here's hoping you're surrounded
with gaiety this Christmas. Wishing
you and your family a safe and
happy yuletidei
900 Russell Pkwy. 923 9131
biger alowcnc, 4 Lancd Electric
Raceing and my own T.V.
Dillon Mertens
December 14, 1994
Dear Santa,
I am in Mrs. Morrison's third
grade class this ye;ir. How are you
doing this ye; /'? Are your elfs doing
okay? I wish that I could get a wile
ranger .ige>‘ zord and a red dragon
thunde r zo/d. I am looking toward
to Christmas. See you soon.
Maurice Ivelson
Dec. K, 1994
Dear Santa,
I am in Mrs. Morrison’s Third
Grade Class this year. I hope I’ve
been a good girl. We have done lots
of fun things in school. My
Chrisunas wish is for an Computer
a clothes.
Candy Wright
Dt .ember 14, 1994
Dear Santa,
I am In Morrison's Third Grade
Class this year. I have always
enjoyed Chrisunas. Even Christmas
I have got even thing 1 wham. I
hope I get even tiling I wham for
Amy Shelton
December 14, 1994
Dear Santa,
I am in Mrs. Morrison's third
grade class this year. I never whant
you to stop bringing presents! I
whant alot of snow this year! One
last thing would you make school
Amanda Beitz
1047 Morningside Dr.
Perry, GA 31069
December 14, 1994
Dear Santa,
I am in Mrs. Morrison's Third
Grade class this ye;ir. I want a hurt
bike for Christmas, a lather jacket
that is black.
Andy Oliver
Morningside School
Perry, GA 31069
December 14, 1994
Dear Santa,
I axn in Mrs. Morrison's third
grade class this year. I hope I get
Ren and Stimpy ar.d my WWF
Raw video gemes and I wan t iny
wresling men and my Power
Ranger ..toff.
Det.-el McCarter
Morningside School
Perry, GA 31069
December 14, 199 S
Dear Santa,
I am in Mrs. Morrison’s Third
Grade Class this year. And if I had
1 whish I would wnish that I could
be a good draller.
Stacy Stanley
Morningside School
Perry, GA 31069
Dec. 14, 1994
Dear Santa,
I am in Mrs. Morrison's Third
Grade Class this ye;ir.
How did you become santa.
Love Justin
Dear Santa,
I would like a waterbed, trucks
and hot wheel cars, road
construction set, and some new
I'll leave some pizza and a glass
of coke out for you.
Billy Ray Bullington
202 Lake Lillian Dr.
Dear Santa,
I'm in Mrs. Morrison's Third
Grade class this yean>
I want a dirtbike is Honde 80. I
also wont the vedo game Dowm.
That is all I wont for Cresmet.
Love Ben
Morningside School
Perry, GA 31069
December 14, 1995
Dear Santa,
I am in Mrs. Morrison's Third
Grade Class this year. I wish for a
TV for Christmas.
Australia Fountain
Morningside School
Perry, GA 31069
December 14, 1994
Dear Santa,
I tun hi Mrs. Mo.ison's 3rd grade
class this year. Do you really ride
in a slay? Signe or; the Doted line.
If I could only have tine thing it
would be Doctor DreJful food lab
or drink lali.
Love Jeremy
Shcool Perry,
GA 31069
Dec. 14, 1994
Dear Santa,
I am in Mrs. Morrison's third
grade class this year: I have been
doing my Christmas list over and
over. The three things I want most
a sega, a computer, and a gocart. I
want to have a Merry Christmas.
Drew Cox
101 Devauxer Dr.
Perry, GA 31069
December 14, 1994
Dear Santa,
I am in Mrs. Morrison's Third
Grade class this year. For
Christmas I won’t Richksha, a
Saga, and a Super Nentendow.
Jennifer Faulk
209 Jody Lane
Kathleen, GA 31047
December 7, 1994
Dear Santa
I love you very much, and I am
so happy for Christmas to come.
Where is the North Pole at? Please
ttll your reindeer I love them Ux>.
Please bring me a Barbie doll, a
xain Lack, a baa'ball set, a guitar,
a play Barbie cm, Dr. Barbie, a
vacuum cleaner, and a Barbie Bike.
Jennifer Faulk
5 years old.
Dear Santa Claus
How are you doing up in the
North Pole I have been good this
What I Want This year is a new
bike and the three triplet babies and
a stroller and a Snow White movie
and Winnie the Pooh Bern.
Lauren is my little sister. Please
bring her a baby doll and a stroller
Winnie Pooh Bear and a tricycle.
Tell the reindeer hello
Love you Amanda Kara
6 years old
December 13, 1994
Dear Santa and Mrs. Claus
I hope you will have a good
Christmas this ye;tr. I receive your
letter I broat it to school Mrs.
Goodwin read the letter. I liked the
I woud like a tranplean. And a
little picture of every reindeer. And
on the back write the n;unes. I alos
woud like Hollywood Hair. And
one more tiling a kit
Your friend
Have a merry Christ
mas holiday filled
with beautiful things.
We want to wish the
best to all of our fine
December 13, 1994
Dear Santa and Mrs.
I hope you are doing fine. I hope
the weather isn't to bad, I’s ok over
here. We well theve some careits
for the reindeer, and some cookies
for you. If you well I would like
clothes for my Americaen dolls and
a doll and stroler, and food for the
Your freind
December 13, 1994
Dear Santa,
I hope you and Mrs. Claus have
a god Christmas. I no the elves are
working but plesas give mey a
piger of you and Mrs. Claus.
May I have a barber hores
and May I have Kensk
May I have a badoes home for
the holiday.
May I have a roler blads and
Border Modmohe
Your friend
Decemder 13, 1994
Dear Santa, and Mrs.
how are the reindeer i hope thay
are fine, the weather is cold here
please wear your warines suit.
May i please have a puppy real
germen leperd sleapers.
your friend
Hallie Ruth
Merry Christmas
Jeremy Smith
Dear Santa
1. bike
2. Magic Works
3. train set
4. Soccer ball
5. Game Gear
6. 100 dollers
7. roller blades
8. Pet hamster
9. Sega Games
10. ptxd table
11. C.D. player and some C.D.s
12. tools
13. triple Wheels
I have been a good boy. and I
love you Santa.
are you dowing all right?
Merry Christmas Santa.
December 13, 1994
Dear Santa Claus
I hope you are well this year.
You are my best friend. You are so
nice. I bleve in you. Every
Christmas I hear you come in the
door every night. I hear the
reindeers footsteps on the roof ever
Christmas night what I want is
roller dlads bat and ball power
ranger for seaga cowboy bots
cowboy delt cowboy hat sled bom
box c.d.
Your friend
Brandon Doles
December 13, 1994
Dear Santa,
I hope you and the elves are
doing good. How are the reindeer I
what a Jungel friend playground a
white Ranger with zord a Mity Max
Magus and Dragun Island and a few
other things. Merry Christmas!
Your friend,
Dear Santa,
My name is Nicholas Vandal and
I would like a Harley Davidoson
Bike for Christmas and a Toy Race
Car for big boys. And I would also
like a fast boat.
Thank you so much
Love Nicholas
P.S. Merry Christmas to you
and Mrs. Clause
Brittany Easier
Dear Santa Claus
Here is my list
WT\ Hope your season is a dream.
W J Merry Christmas. L
WoodrufFs Auto
V J 912 Commerce., I
A 987-0053 W
Wednesday, December 21, 1994, Houston Times-Joumad
A bike
a game
a new pair of balletsh(x;s
play money
c.d. player
dreamland baby
smelly crayons
Merry Christmas
Love, Brittany
December 12, 1994
Dear Santa,
Hi, My name is Ashley
Offenberg. I am 3 1/2 years old. I
would like for you to bring me a
bike, a sun jewel Barbie w/Ken; a
tea set, and a baby doll with a
bottle that has stars on it. That's all
I want for Christmas. How's Mrs.
Claus doing? Rudolph? I"ll leave
you some cookies and a glass of
milk so you don't get hungry on
Christmas Eve. Oh; my baby sister
(Katlyn) would like a "Big Thing"
and a play puppy dog, a baby doll
too! She's only 1 1/2 year olds.
Love You
Ashley Offenberg
Dear Santa,
I would like to have an alarm
dock, Fantasy Fountain ptxtl, and
My Pretty Topsy Tail, and a coupld
of surprises. Will you put a pack of
that chap stick that has flavor like
Dr. Pepper and some rings and
some surprises in my slocking too?
Kathryn Deal
Dear Santa,
My name is Cody Willard. I am
3 years old and I want a book, a
Mountain Trike, and a Climbing
gym for outside. Since my baby
sister is too Idle to write, I'll ask
you for her presents. Brea wants a
one-touch tape player, and an
activity set for inside. I will leave
you some milk and cookies out on
Christinas Eve.
I love you,
Cody & Brea Willard
To Santa Claus
From Jessica Seipos
Merry Christmas
Since you have so much chidren
to make toys for I only want three
presents work clothes, work boots
and Ken Barbie Doll.
Jessica Seipos
Age 7
Lauren Mullin's Wish List
1. I've really been wanting a
kitten if I get it I'in going to share
it with Jennifer.
2. Samatha the American Girl
Doll and other things.
3. Microscope
4. Indian Barbie
5. Lion King Toy
6. Lion King Tent
7. Kirsten the American Girl
Dolls kittens.
8. More Barbies
9. Teddy bear with brown fur
Please, Oh Please Bring me a
kitten, oh please, Santa a little one
I can play with.
Dear Santa,
My name is Amber Davenport
and I am 8 years old. I have been a
good girl this year. All I want for
Christmas is a pair of Incline
Skates with pads, and My Magic
Dairy and if you want to you can
bring me more then that.
P.S. on incline skates I wear
size 2
Your Best Friend
Amber Davenport
Wish List for Landon
1. Black Truck
in the glory that is Christmas, and the promise of peace,
hope and brotherhood for all mankind.
We appreciate your continued support
Middle Georgia Tech
1311 Corder Road
Warner Robins, GA 31088
jHHfIBHRga /
2. Big blue wheelbarrow
3. Fishing pole (Small)
4. Video movie
5. Strike-a-ball toy from
Discovery toys at the fair.
6. Suction ball like Zach’s
7. New batteries for Suzuki 4
8. Toy Tractor
9. Yard tools
10. Some surprises! Please
I Love You Santa
Wish List Zach Harper
To St. Nick
1. Boom box
2. Talk box
3. Sega (with 3 games)
4. 100 foot rope
5. Fishing pole like dad's
6. Rookie of the year movie
7. Flannel shirts 3
8. Pitch back
9. Monster truck remote
10. Control car (no cord)
Some Surprises PLEASE!
With Love
Dear Santa,
I am a 7 year old who has been
gotxl all year, so Santa if you can,
will you please stop by my house
on Christmas day? I know you can
not stay but I know you will leave
me Jumpsie, Newborn Nancy,
some games, clothes, Reeboks,
sega Genesis sega tapes; and
whatever else you think I may need.
I Love You Santa
Merricka McGhee
Dear Santa,
I ;un 3 years old and I have been
a good girl all year. Santa if you
can please stop by my house on
Christmas Day. If you can not stay
please leave me Jumpsie, Newborn
Nancy, dishes for my kitchen, a
stroller for my babies, a grocery
cart a 1-2-3 bike and also a V-tech
learner. Santa please don't forget
my mom, sister and my cousin
I Love You Santa
Ashanta McGhee
November 28, 1994
Dear Santa,
I love you very much please can
you bring me a lot of presents and I
like wen you laf and I believe in
you because I do not no who put's
Please see LETTERS, page 10A
Glowinq 1 1
good ‘1
A wealth of good feeling
from our family to yours.
We're hoping you have a
safe and happy Christmas
filled with all the rich
delights of the season!
604 Ball St.
Page 9A