Newspaper Page Text
Wednesday, December 28,1994, Houston Times-Journal
Page 8A
MGT announces
computer course
to train plumbers
To assist plumbers in meeting
new legislative requirements. Mid
dle Georgia Technical Institute will
offer a four-hour class, Computer
Literacy for Plumbing Personnel.
Effective Deceml>er 1, 1994, and
authorized under House Bill 1690,
master and journeyman plumbers
are required to complete four hours
of continuing education each year.
Licensed plumbers who do not
complete a total of eight hours of
continuing education during 1995
and 1996 will not be eligible for
renewal in 1996.
This course is designed with the
person in mind who have never
been exposed to a computer before.
The very basics of computer
applications using Word Perfect 6.0
for Windows will be covered.
The course is scheduled to meet
Monday, Jan. 30 from 5:30-9:45
p.m. Class size is limited, appli
cants may register in the Continu
ing Education Department through
Jan. 27. The cost for the course is
$36. For more information, call the
continuing Education Department
of MGT (929-6800).
January 4-8: National
Swine Conference (Duroc,
Hampshire, and York Breeds)
For additional information, call
January 28: Georgia
Aircraft Modelers
Association For additional
information, call 912/328-2689.
Please Note items on this
calendar are subject to
change. Call 987-3247 to
confirm each event.
from 7A
and the Extension Director requests
that those who would like to attend
contact the Extension Office at 987-
2028 for reservations "We will
mail reminder letters before each
meeting, but folks need to contact
our office to insure that they arc on
the miuling list.” Dr. Bell added.
Listed below are the dates and
topics for the Monthly Ag
January 10 M id Season
Wheat l Update
February 14 Pecan 1 Ipdate
March 14 -- Cotton/Peanut
l 'pdate
Apnl 11 Soybean Update
May 9 - Pasture management
June 13 -- Mid Season Cotton
Pest Management
July 11 Pesticide Container
August 8 Peanut Harvest
1 'pdaie
September 12 - TBA
October 10 - W'hat Update
November 14 - Winter Grazing
December 12 -- TBA
from 4A
If there is to be school renewal
rather than education gridlock, the
governor, stale school superinten
dent. legislators, school boars
members, educators, parents and cit
izens must converge in the weeks
ahead to develop a comprehensive
plan of school improvement op
tions and support local schools and
school systems in realistic imple
mentation of the options. Education
gridlock is not a realistic choice for
Georgia today. The stakes are too
high, each day, 1,300,000 students
are dependent on our decisions.
(The opinions expressed are
those of Dr. Shumake and do
not necessarily represent the
opinions or official posi
tions of PAGE.)
Perry Area
Home Loan Rates
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9.250% + .375 disc. pts.
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tion loans. Mobile homes on owned land 15 to
30-yr. terms. Second mortgages at prime.
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Morningside Elementary Students of the Week for Dec. 12-16 are Abrabam Bonilla
Amanda Bryant, Samuel Noel, Bryn Collins, Andy Fountain, Lequnda Allen, Tyler
Payne, Rishawn Scott, Drew Cox, Chan Whitfield, Jessica Davidson, Brittany Straka
and Stacy Gray.
Apply for help with heating bills
Low-income Georgians, particu
larly elderly and disabled people and
families with small children, can
apply for help paying their home
heating bills. Beginning January 9,
1995, homebound and elderly
households may make applications
for help. Application intake for all
other households will begin Febru
ary 1, 1995.
County departments of Family
and Children Services and Commu
nity Action agencies should be con
tacted for information where to ap
ply for assistance.
The Georgia Department of Hu
man Resources will help pay heat
ing costs for gas, electricity, wood,
coal or kerosene said James R. Bro
phy, executive director. One-time
payments will be made primarily
Look into Flint programs
It's 1995! Now is the perfect time
to call Flint EMC and ask about
one or more of the many programs
offered to Flint members Since the
first of the ye;ir is a good time to
plan for the future, perhaps some of
Flint's services can help with your
plans. Some of the services offered
to flint members include:
Senior Citizen's Program
If you are 62 years old or totally
disabled and receiving Social Secu
rity Benefits, you may qualify to
have the due date of your electric
bill moved to .tround ihc first ol
Levelized Billing
Have your bill averaged each
month so that your bills will not
jump suddenly from month to
Bank Draft Plan
Never have to worry about forget
ting to pay your bill on lime again.
With Flint's Bank Draft Plan, your
Compton, from 4A
as long as the generations roll on.
"forever, O Lord, Thy word is set
tled in heaven. Thy faithfulness
continues throughout all genera
tions." Psalm 119:89-90.
God has established a covenant of
hope and life with his children :md
their children forever He is keeping
His promise. The light of God's
blessing has shown the way for His
people to come to Hun throughout
the corridors of history. . all the
way out to us and our children and
our "grands”.
Let us not be overwhelmed in the
sea of human bad news where many
( 7?la* A
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987-5441 987-0062
• Computerized State Merit
Forms Available
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Fax Machine Now Available For
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Bill Moss
by checks issued to home energy
suppliers on behalf of eligible
households. Under certain condi
tions, direct payment will be made
to eligible households. The one
time payments are expected to aver
age sl4l. benefits for 1995 will be
10 percent less than the 1994 bene
All eligible households must be:
(A) Responsible for their home
heating costs.
(B) At or below 115 percent of
federal poverty guidelines.
(C) A U.S. citizen.
The total income of all household
members is counted to determine
income eligibility.
When applying for assistance,
persons must bring proof of income
for all household members who
bill will be deducted automatically
from your checking account.
Switch & Save
With Flint EMU's load manage
ment system, you can help keep
rates down and save up to $32 on
\ <nir October bill each year.
Good Cents Program
Hint will help its members build
ing new homes to make sure they
get the properly sized heating and
air conditioning equipment and
proper insulation for the structure.
Hint offers a rebate for homes certi
fied under the Good Cents Program
Heat Pump
Retrofit Program
Flint will help its members re
placing existing heating and air
conditioning units with heat
pumps Flint representatives will
size the new equipment for the
houses and recommend any
upgrades in insulation that may be
;in Hind us are drowning in their dark
predicaments of sin. Instead, let us
rest in God’s bright promises and
pray for those who follow after us.
"Repent, and let each of
you he baptized in the name
of Jesus Christ for the for
giveness of your sins; and
you shall receive the gift of
the Holy Spirit. For the
promise is for you and your
children, and for all who are
far off, as many as the Lord
our God shall call to Him
self." Acts 2:38-39.
Your Family Independent Pharmacist
is a trained professional. He will fill
your prescription promptly and
accurately. Count on your friendly
Family Independent Pharmacist for
quality, trusted prescription service
every day.
mSt jL
have had income in the last 30
days. This can be a paycheck stub,
award letter regarding public assis
tance, Social Security, unemploy
ment benefits, etc. Applicants must
also bring the Social Security
number for each person in the
household who has income and the
most recent home heating bill or
documentation of prior month's rent
payment if the household's home
heating costs tire, included in the
Households who reside in public
and/or subsidized housing and the
home heating energy cost in in
cluded in the rental payment are
ineligible for assistance. These
households are considered to the
least vulnerable for home energy
Classified Deadline for
the Wednesday Edition of
The Houston Times-Journal
is Monday at 12 noon.
|This examination normally costs $35.00 or more. It will include an orthopedic test, a neurological
|test, a blood pressure test, a spinal alignment check, an examination for restricted or excessive motior
|of the spine, a muscle strength test, and a private consultation to discuss the results. Any further
[treatment shall be* agreed upon in writing by both parties.
1304 Road • Parry, Georgia • 987-7555
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Sylvester Dept, of Labor Mon.-Fri. BAM-4:3OPM
Cordele Dept, of Labor Mon.-Fri. BAM-4:3OPM
Vienna City Hall Mon.-Fri. B:3OAM-SPM
Unadilla City Hall Thurs. Only 10AM-3PM
Ashburn Chamber Wed. Only 10AM-3PM
Sorosis club meets Dec. 8
The Sorosis Club, the oldest
ladies' civic club in Perry, met at
the New Perry Hotel on Thursday,
Dec. 8, for the club’s annual
Christmas luncheon, with Barpara
Cochran, President, presiding over
the business meeting.
Hostesses Willene Hall, Barbara
Cochran and Totsy Evans furnished
Area residents named to Dean's List at MC
Area Houston County residents
named to the Dean's list at Macon
College for Fall Quarter 1994 are:
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door prizes which were awarded to
Louise Lawson, Marian Stubbs and
Jewell Britton.
This lovely luncheon meeting was
attended by 24 ladies, one of which
was Louise Soxild from Racine,
Wis. the sister of club member,
Irene Slezak.
•George E. Depuy, Christopher R.
Lamb, William J. Swem and Mar
sha A. Ward, all of Perry.
•Steven L. Nelson of Kathleen.
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