Newspaper Page Text
The i mal Four
Perry Panthers defeat Southeast Bulloch, Green-Taliaferro, Semifinals are March 5,8:30 p.m. Page 6A
Volume 127,
No 0
2 Sections,
14 Pages
March 4, 1408
■>o Cents
\t the LjLs
This Week
Concert at Agricenter
A concert In the < oast
(iuau! ('add Hand is among
the many activities scheduled
ai the (icorgta National
Eatrgtounds and Agncenter
tills week
I Ik toikcit Icaltiniu'
Perry I lieli alumiuis Paul
Kemp will lx- March 7 at 7
()thci activities scheduled
ilk lude a Jtinmi |<( )'l ('
Military Hall Manli (v A
(loud Sain Directors Meeting
March 6-K. a (lull Paso Pino
horse show March 6-K and
the Georgia Aircralt Modelers
Association meeting March 7
Cheese croissant on
school breakfast menu
Here are mentis lor
Houston Count) public
schools lor hreaklast and
lunch loi the coming week
March 4 Hreaklast
Cheese croissant or cereal
and toast Iresh I nut or fruit
mice l unch Corn dog or
grilled cheese sandwich with
Iruit yogurt oi PHJ sandwich,
two vegetables, two luiits.
pineapple upside down cake
March s Hreaklast
Chicken biscuit or cereal and
toast. Iresh Iruit or Iruit juice.
Punch Nachos with cheese
and heel or pi/./a ot PHJ
sandwich, two vegetables,
two Iruits gingerbread with
lemon sauce
March 6 Hreaklast
Pancake with syrup or cereal
and toast, fresh hint or Iruit
mice Punch Steak nuggets
w ith roll ot barbecue on bun
or PHJ sandwich, two vegela
hies two IVuit s banana pud
March 4 Hteaklast
Managei's choice oi cereal
and toast Iresh Iruit or fruit
tuice Punch Chicken
nuggets with roll oi hot ham
and cheese sandwich or PHJ
sandwich, two vegetables,
two Iruits. pudding with top
March 10 Hreaklast
Steak biscuit or cereal and
toast, fresh truil or fruit tuice.
Punch: Taco or lish nuggets
or PHJ sandwich, two vegeta
bles. two Iruits. million dollar
March 11 Hreaklast
Breakfast pt//a or cereal and
toast, fresh Iruit or fruit juice
Punch Hot dog or hamburger
or PH) sandwich, two vegeta
bles, two Iruits brownie
All are OK
OI the restaurants inspect
ed by the Houston County
hnvironmental Health
Department during the week
ol Peh 23-27. all achieved
passing scores with no dis
(Set POOD. Page 5A>
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Houston rimes-Journal
Official Legal Organ for Houston (ountv, the C ity of Perry and the State of Georgia
County narrows architect search
Local firm among six chosen for further study for new courthouse
I ons-Joins u Sun
The competition was stilt, hui a coalition ol home
town architects are in the running loi a job that could
make history designing a new courthouse lor
Houston (’ountv
Haves Michael & Slater a team which includes
Jim Mehscrle and Mike Slater, both ol Peny along
with Doug Hayes and James Michael ol south Bibb
County, made ii to the Count) Commissioner s short
hsi ol aichitecls to consider lor the court him sc pro
ice l
The decision was made at the Commissioners
meeting in Perry March V
The architects got together under a new corporate
name to make their proposal, and are associated with
Oak Grove members, friends break ground
New building to
replace one which
burned a year ago
IlMts.Jnl HSII greet
ELKO "We stand here
on these grounds where Oak
Grove will he rebuilt
Those were words spoken
as friends and members of the
Oak Grove Christian
Methodist Episcopal Church
gathered March I lor ground
breaking ceremonies lor their
new church
This follows several
months of those members
being without a church build
mg ot their own since Oak
Grove C M E. burned to the
ground last year as a result of
The new church building
will he located on land at the
intersection ol Sewell Road
and Elko Road, about a mile
east ot the old building
“I am overjoyed." said the
Rev Kutha Mae Jackson pas
tor of the church
I am so happy this day is
finally here and we are able to
make progress building a new
sanctuary." she added
More than KM) people
joined together in song and
worship during the ceremony.
Jackson said that while the
School board focuses on three superintendent candidates
I imks-Joi kso Sum
The Houston Counts Board ol
Education has narrowed its search lor
a new superintendent ol schools to
three candidates including the cur
rent principal ol Warner Robins High
School, and two Texans
The top three Marianne Melmck
ol Warner Robins. Charles Allen
Holloway ol Cirand Prairie. Texas, and
Albert Dewey Thomas of Denton
Texas were announced at a called
meeting of the board Feb 27.
School Board Chairman Skip
Talbert said that complete resumes lor
all three are available at the schools so
parents and other cili/ens can review
Marianne Melmck
Melmck has served as principal ol
Warner Robins High School since
1991. and prior to that was assistant
principal She has been m public edu
cation since 1975 when she took her
lirst position as an elementary school
teacher in Mountain Hill. Ga Her pre
sent salary is 584.500 pet yeai
She is a 1974 graduate ol Columbus
College, and holds advanced degrees
in admmistialion horn
II DK Im an lirm sjvciuh/ing in
coiulhousi construction DDK is icrcd in
* Alevainln.i \a vvuh an oflice in Atlanta
Others on the hsi are Inbble A Richardson.
Dtinwoiklv Heeland \/ai Walsh <V Matthews. I hompson Hiav Blown allot Macon. James
\V Hikklcv \ Associates ol Swainsboro md Maye 1 '
Sudderth \ I ihcrcdgc ol Ailania
MHi M orris Molieic A Associate’s the lirm
hired hv the ( 'inmi"ioncis to undertake a Icusihili
iv sindv on die options n| icnoealing oi budding a
new courthouse was not si’lecled lor lurihci eoiisid
I he top mv wcic i ho sen Horn IX (iritis which sub
I See ( Ol KIIIOI Si-. Page SAI
P V Hr
* r^*l - ': '3&rSL>
Grove Christian Methodist Episcopal Church
break ground for their new sanctuary March 1.
Among those participating are church pastor the
church congregation has been
blessed with generous donations
the need is still there for hind' to
complete the rebuilding project
Anne Ariail.member ol the
United Church ol Chrisi Disastct
Team was in attendance and
said that group will be’ bringing
in volunteers to help with the
Georgia College and the University ol
Georgia She earned her Ed D in 1959
from the University.
In the statement on her educational
philosophy submitted with the applica
tion for the superintendent's position.
Melmck said. "Leadership must be
shared, but it is the responsibility ol
the superintendent to set the tone The
superintendent must model a leader
ship style that emerges from a position
ol mutual respect and trust not from a
position ol power
Albert Dewey Thomas
Thomas has been superintendent ol
the Denton Independent School
District since 199* He served as
superintendent ol the Cedar Hill
Independent School district from 1988
to 1993: as superintendent of the
Jacks boro Independent School District
Irom 1984 to 1988 as Superintendent
ol the Honey Grove Independent
School District Irom 198(1 lo 1984 His
current salary o S 107.52 s per yeai
He earned his B S m Elementary
Education and his Masters in
Education Irom \sesi I'exas Stale
University and icecivcd his fill)
Irom East Texas Cniveisiiv in 1977
llc has Ivon ai live nuivii ullaiis in
Serving Houston Count-. Sinct- f><K .17, Tfe7o
I rnirs loiinul Hmlo bv tnulv (okmionr
Rev. Ruthie Mae Jackson (second from left), Jackie
Singletary and Velma Duncan. Near the center of
the back row is Timothy Fold. With the cap beside
Fold is Eugene Rathora.
AAi .ue looking to begin ihe
pio|cvi ahoui March IV said
Jackson said she hopes the
new church will be ready lor
Sunday services wuhm six
We are l«Hiking lorvvard to
Denton and was elected Denton
Public Servant of the Year in 1997 He
serves on the Board of Directors of the
United Way. and is a member of the
Denton Rotary Club
In his statement regarding his major
career accomplishments. Thomas
wrote. "I unite communities behind
their schools In Denton. I have opened
a second high school, redrawn atten
dance /ones and passed the largest
facilities bond issue in the history of
the school district
Charles Allen Holloway
Holloway has served as superinten
dent of the Grand Prairie. Texas school
system since 1995 Prior to thai he was
superintendent ol the Sequine. Texas,
system Irom 1993 to 1995: superinten
dent ol the Groesbcc. Texas, system.
Irom 1990 lo 1993. and Deputy
Superintendent ol the Cleburne. Texas,
system Irom to 1987
He holds an Ed. D Irom Texas
AAM an M Ed and BS Irom East
lexas Stale
In addition to numerous civic activ
ities Holloway lisis his interests and
hobbies as c utile farming and exhibit
(See SE ARCH. Png* s\)
Perry is in the Final Four!
I imis-Joi user Snmrs
MACON At approximately 6p in Peb 2K. a slighi tremor was
tell m ihe Macon Coliseum.
It wasn't an earthquake It wasn't El Nino. It was ihe vibrations
from the Perry High boy's locker room as the players celebrated
advuftaing to the GHSA Pinal l our bv screaming their now-famous
cheer. P-E-R-RV
Ii was a proud day for the Panther ream as they advanced to the
semifinals ol the GHSA stjtc hasketball tournament lor the first time
since IVBS They did so by healing the team which eliminated them
from last year 's tournament. Gtccnc-Taliaferm bv a score of 66-54
"I can't think ol a belter to team to eliminate than (Greene
Taliaferro)." said an elated Dannoms Harvey, who scored a team
high IK points playing center lor the Panthers We've been wailing
a long time for a rematch "
(See POUR, Page 6AI
walking into that new Jerusalem
and praising tlie I ord said
lack son
The former building burned
Eeb 22.1W7
Three Perry men were later
convicted ot arson charges in
relation to thai fire
II '
l WB&' ; 1
I p "? •j* ■ '■/ »
Time. Jounul Pho... V. Fm>h Mutuum
Worrall (left) ond Emily Kemp (right) recognize the
upcoming concert of the U.S. Coast Guard Academy
Cadet Jazz Band. The Mayor signed a proclamation
honoring the band which is set to perform March 7 at
7:30 p.m. at the Heritage Had of the Georgia Nationol
Fairgrounds ond Agricenter. Kemp is the mother of one
of the band members, Paul Kemp.
Home of Ihe Georgia
National lair and
\gric enter
Perryan held
after barbecue
I I'll '-Jill KS'I Mm
A man faces charges
stemming Irom an incident
involving a Winchester ( m lc res
idem who was stabbed lo death
JT I elder. 44 ol 7IJ
Patterson Si ha' been charged
with the murder ol JK ycai old
Samnue AA.itkms. according lo
Perry Police Chiel Gcotge I'ollci
Authorities were called to 723
Patterson Si aboin s |y p m
Eeh 26 said Potter
Perrv Police ( apt Mickcv
Harlicld said witnesses said the
slabbing look place following an
argument between Eclder and
W. llk Ills
Alcohol could have been a
tailor in the incident said
When emergency pci sound
arrived on the scene Watkins was
found lying in the roadwav said
the i
Alter Eclder stabbed Watkins,
the stis|Kci left the area and was
later s|*nicd walking in the Smith
Drive area by authorities added
Bartii Id
Authorities are still searching
for two people who are said lo be
friends ol Eclder and who might
have information that could he
important to the case, said
Hart le Id
Felder is being held at the
county jail