Newspaper Page Text
Christmas at the Crossroads 1998
Special pull-out section for holiday festival
inserted In section BI
Volume 127,
No. 47
3 Sections,
22 Pages
Nov. 25, 1998
50 Cents
At the
This Week
Horses, cars visit
Two events are set for the
Thanksgiving weekend at the
Georgia National Fairgrounds
and Agriccnter.
The Thanksgiving Classic
Palomino horse show will take
place Nov. 25-29. The Pace
Motor Sports Arena Cross
show will be Nov. 26-28.
Restaurants receive
health inspection
Local restaurants received
Health Inspection ratings for
the week of Nov. 16-20. The
results were as follows:
Blimpie, 1205 N. Main St.,
Perry, 77, with storage of
cleaning producls/toxic mate
rials discrepancies
Chen’s Wok/Galleria Mall,
2922 Watson Blvd,
Centerville, 97
China Palace Too. 112 N.
First St.. Warner Robins, 95
Family Mart, 515 N.
Houston Road, Warner
Robins, 88
Happy Store #433, 517 N.
Perry Parkway, Perry. 81. with
storage of cleaning
products/toxic materials
Hardee’s, 421 N. Davis
Drive, Warner Robins. 88
Jin Jin Chinese Restaurant,
1309-D S. Main Street, Perry,
70, with food handling tech
niques and temperature control
of food or food sources dis
McDonald's, 1414 Sam
Nunn Blvd., Perry, 70, with
temperature control of food or
food sources discrepancies
Perry Rec Dept/Rozar Park,
1060 Keith Drive, Perry, 97
Porno’s House of Barbeque,
2766 Watson Blvd.. Warner
Robins, 66, with temperature
control of food or food sources
All major discrepancies are
corrected before the health
inspector leaves the premises.
Office open Friday
The office of the Houston
Times-Journal will be open for
business during normal hours,
8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Nov. 27.
Santa letters welcomed
The Houston Times-Journal
will continue a long tradition
of publishing letters to Santa
in issues prior to Christmas.
Letters can be brought to the
Times-Journal at 807 Carroll
St., or mailed to the paper at
P.O. Drawer M, Perry, 31069.
The deadline for letters to
be published is Dec. 18 at the
close of the business day.
Game at Bp.m.
The Georgia Independent
Schools Association semifinal
Class AAA football game
between Westfield and Tattnall
Square will be at 8 p.m. Nov.
27 at the Hornet’s Nest.
the Times-
Contact the Houston Times-
Voice i (912) Vo. ,Z 22
Fax (912)988-1181 .
Mail P.O. Drawer M,
Perry, 31069
Street 807 Carroll St..
Perry, 31069
Houston Tiuiuo -uournl
Official Legal Organ for Houston County, the City of Perry and the State of Georgia
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TURKEY DAY SURVEY These local vey. Most want to have more family ori-
Perry Middle School students gave inter- ented events during the Thanksgiving hol
esting answers to our Thanksgiving sur- idays.
Middle School students share recipe for Thanksgiving success
Times-Journal Staff
What’s the recipe for a happy
Thanksgiving Day?
Survey * group, of.jnilltfle
school students and you'll find
out that the ingredients are sim
ple enough: a family gathering, a
lot of food and fun with the
emphasis, believe it or not, on
Asked what they were thank
ful for, 53 of 55 students sur
veyed at Perry Middle School
listed “family.”
“My family and friends”
“Big house, big family, caring
“Family, love, food.”
“Food, family, love.”
“The love my family has."
“Being with my family.”
“My mother, my dad, my sis
ters and brothers.”
“For my grandmother and
grandfather to be out of the hos
pital and well. We can all see
each other and thank God for
“Nana is alive. I’m with my
family, and I’ve lived another
Some want more family
around for the holiday.
A question about “things you
would like to do on Thanksgiving
that you do not now do” got a
few poignant answers:
“See my real dad, which I
have never seen.”
“Have my cousin home, my
dad to be there..”
“Have Thanksgiving with
whole family.”
“Have more people come
down here, go out of town to
where our kinfolks are. for the
people that come down to stay
“Have ALL the family.”
What do families do together
Planning and Zoning issues first construction permit for new post office
Times-Jouhnal Staff
After lying dormant for more than a year,
the property at 1400 Macon Road has come
back to life.
Recently, a construction trailer was placed
on the site of the future Perry Post Office.
Work began almost two years ago on the
site, but the company which had the con
tract to build and lease the building to the
U.S. Postal System went bankrupt.
Now, the Perry Planning and Zoning
Commission has issued the first permits
necessary for work to begin on the site.
A permit to allow cleaning up of site ero
sion and having the construction trailer on
1 'V y
that makes this day so special?
The Times-Journal asked the
students to list three things their
families did on Thanksgiving day.
Here are some answers”:
“Eat, cook, have fun.”
“Eat, talk about thing* in the
past, spend time together."
“Eat soul food.”
Have you tried turkey and
pizza for Thanksgiving?
By Stacie Vu
and Charlotte Perkins
Times-Journal Staff
When you think of
Thanksgiving you think of
Turkey, right? All across America
Local administrative offices and
restaurants celebrate Thanksgiving
Bv Stacie M. Vu
T i mbs -J ou rnai Staff
The City of Perry Administrative Offices will celebrate
Thanksgiving Nov. 26. The administrative offices will be closed
on Nov. 26-27.
Houston County administrative offices will also be closed on
Nov. 26-27. Trash pickup for Houston County will fall a day
behind with Thursday pick up being picked up on Friday and
Friday’s pick up being picked up on Saturday. The City of Perry
trash pick up has changed also. The trash to be picked up on
Thursday will be picked up on Wednesday and Friday’s pick up
will remain the same.
Local area restaurants will observe the holidays with some
closing and some staying open to serve Thanksgiving Day
patrons. Those that will be closed for business on Thursday arc
Applebee’s, Angelina’s, Arby’s, Captain D’s, Chic-fil-A. Dairy
Queen, El Jalisiense, Hardee’s. Kentucky Fried Chicken. Krystal,
The Oil Lamp Restaurant. Pizza Hut, Red Lobster, Subway, Taco
Bell, and Wendy’s. The Oil Lamp Restaurant will be closed on
Friday also.
Some local area restaurants will observe special holiday times.
(See OPEN, Page SA)
site with power for lights on premises was
issued Nov. 23 by the P&Z board.
The permit was issued to Postal Services
LLC, a limited legal corporation. The com
pany is owned by Glenn B. Clark Jr., but no
information on the address of the company
was available before press time.
Plans for further work on the site will
have to be submitted to Planning and
Zoning before new permits will be issued
and any pre-existing permits for work on
the site are invalid said Steve Howard
Building Inspector.
Meanwhile, Howard said workers should
break ground at the new Wal-Mart location
in the 1400 block of Sam Nunn Boulevard
Jones, Hornets get
rematch with Tattnall
(after beating Milledge
Details, Page 6A
"Eats, cats, eats."
Eating naturally leads the list
on this day of feasting, but there’s
another main activity that the
Pilgrim fathers wouldn’t have
expected. 23 out of 55 students
report that their families watch
(See RECIPE. Pape SA)
tables will be set with Turkey,
dressing, cranberry sauce and
other Thanksgiving favorites on
Nov. 26. Some Turkey may have
(See PIZZA, Pape SA)
City beginning water,
sewer improvements
but rates going up
Bv Stacie M. Vu
Timex-Journal Staff
Improvements to the Perr\
water and sewerage departments
will result in a small increase of
rates for city customers.
City officials announced dur
ing a Nov. 17 meeting that the
rates would climb about four per
cent beginning Jan. 1 1999.
For all customers of the city of
Perry water department, this
means the consumption rate
the charge for actual water used
will go up. Meter charges will
remain the same.
Now. water customers who live
in the city pay $1.75 per 1,000
gallons of water used. After the
rate increase, the cost will be
$1.82 per 1.000 gallons.
Persons connected to city water
who live outside the city now pay
$2.62 per 1,000 gallons. Those
customers will pay $2.73 per 1,000
gallons beginning Jan. 1.
Sewage rates are based on the
amount of water used. Customers
Compromise rumored in
pool hall alcohol debate
Times-Journal Staff
Some 24 citizens at the Nov.
17 meeting of Perry City Council
expressed concern about a pro
posed pool hall ordinance which
received first reading during the
Nov. 3 City Council meeting.
During the Nov. 3 meeting. Jay
Lahku, owner of Smokin’ J’s. a
local pool hall, voiced opposition
to the proposal. Smokin' J’s is the
only pool hall in Perry.
The proposed ordinance says.
"No alcoholic beverages shall be
sold, served, or allowed to be used
in or on the premises of any pool
room, billiard room or billiard
parlor within the city limits. No
minor shall be allowed in any pool
room, billiard room or billiard
parlor within the city limits
wherein alcoholic beverages are
sold unless said minor is accom
panied by his or her parent or his
or her legal guardian.”
Lahku said then he believes the
ordinance is “targeted at me and
my business” since he is the only
pool hall owner in the city.
Lahku received a beer license
from the city during June. There
were, according to Lahku. "no
issues brought up then about
minors being present.”
Several of the Nov. 17 visitors
said it was not fair to punish kids
for previous acts which have
occurred around Smoking’ J’s by
within the next 30 days and that dirt is set up
on the sub grade.
Demolition permits have been issued for
the site but arc not expected to be used
immediately. Most of the former Grant
City/Kmart shopping center will be demol
ished to make way for the new store.
In other business, members of Planning
and Zoning issued a permit allowing a sec
ond monument sign to be erected at the site
the new CVS Drug Store at the intersection
of Commerce and Washington streets.
The monument signs will be no more
than 15 feet tall. The store is expected to
open for business after the first of the year
said Howard.
w km, 1
Village surge
Several new shops
open doors at Village
Shops on Carroll
Details, Page 9A
now pay $1.40 per 1,000 gallons
of water used for sewerage treat
ment. After Jan. 1, customers will
pay $1.46 per 1,000 gallons of
water used.
The changes are part of the
bond ordinance passed Nov. 17 by
Perry City Council.
“Interest rates fell so low it
behooved the city to refinance the
water and sewer bonds at a lower
interest rate. In doing so we’ve
created savings of almost
$200,000 over the life of the
bonds,’’ said City Manager Skip
Nalley. “The city was able to get
$1.4 million of new money to be
used for water and sewer rehabili
tation and improvements.”
Nalley said the city has identi
fied several water and sewerage
projects which need completion.
“Some we’ve been putting off
and others we have to provide
because of growth,” Nalley said.
“Some projects extend water and
sewage to the new Exit 42A inter
state interchange."
banning them from the pool hall.
“I believe that the pool hall will
show a tremendous decrease in
teenage crime, traffic violations
and loitering," Billy Gray of Perry
‘‘Our children do not have any
thing to do. I’ve only been here
for six years, but there is no movie
theater and there is no bowling
alley,” Gray added.
Alan Andrews agreed that there
is no teen entertainment by stating
that “Smokin’ J’s gives them
(kids) a place to go.”
Joann Whitehurst, also of
Perry, said "The kids that are in
there are basically good kids wim
nowhere to go They can go out
and find somebody to buy them a
beer any where and then go out in
their cars drinking or doing w hat
ever they’re going to do. It's not a
bad atmosphere.”
After hearing several people
voice their concerns Council
agreed to put off adopting the
ordinance pending a possible
A compromise that is under
review involves allowing minors
in during an allotted time with no
alcohol sales. After the allotted
time, alcohol sales may resume
but the minors must be accompa
nied by a parent during the hours
of sales.
The next Council meeting will
be on Dec. 1, at City Hall located
on Washington Street.
New orange variance signs have replaced
the old white ones. The new signs are made
“in house” rather than being contracted out
and will list the hearing date and the variance
on each 30-inch by 30-inch sign said Howard.
The 66 acres annexed to the city at the
request of Houston County during the City
Council meeting Nov 3 is zoned M-2 which
permits the location of a jail and a court
house to be in close proximity of each other.
The project is currently in the design phase
said Howard.
G. W. Wamcn who resides at 1334 Nolan St.
was granted a permit to work out of his home
and will be pouring a concrete foundation and
driveway on the property said Howard.
Home of the Georgia
National Fair and