Newspaper Page Text
At the
This Week
Monster trucks visiting
Monster trucks will roll
into the Reaves Arena this
weekend. The Pace
Motorsports Monster Truck
Show will take place Feb. 5-6.
School counselors get
National School
Counseling Week, sponsored
by the American School
Counselor association is being
observed this week, Feb. 1-5.
The object of the observance is
to focus public attention on
the contributions of profes
sional school counselors.
Professional school coun
selors in the Perry area schools
include Geri Shirey, Kings
Chapel Elementary School;
Marie Anderson, Morningside
Elementary School; Melissa
Thompson; Ann Lanter,
Tucker Elementary School;
Perry Elementary School;
Nancy Graham and Alfreda
Hall, Perry Middle School;
Leigh Giles, Hazel Jackson
and Sharon Hodge, Perry
High School.
Students get cheese
croissant meal choice
The following menus will
be served at Houston County
elementary schools this week.
All meals are served with milk.
A variety of fruits and vegeta
bles are served daily with
Feb. 3 - Breakfast: Cheese
croissant and meat or cereal
and toast, fresh fruit or fruit
juice; Lunch: Corn dog or
grilled cheese with soup or
chili, or baked potato with hot
toppings or pizza; Mississippi
Mud cake.
Feb. 4 - Breakfast: Chicken
biscuit or cereal and toast,
fresh fruit or fruit juice;
Lunch: Nachos with cheese or
beef or sub sandwich, PBJ
sandwich or pizza; chocolate
chip cookie.
Feb. 5 - Breakfast: Pancake
with syrup or cereal and toast,
fresh fruit or fruit juice;
Lunch: Steak nuggets with roll
or barbecue on nun or PBJ
sandwich or pizza; Jell-0
Feb. 8 - Breakfast:
Managers choice or cereal
and toast, fresh fruit or fruit
juice; Lunch: Quick baked
potato with hot toppings, kiwi,
whole wheat roll, Royal
Feb. 9 - Breakfast: Sausage
biscuit or cereal and toast,
fresh fruit or fruit juice;
Lunch: Turkey, lettuce and
tomato sandwich, broccoli
salad, fresh fruit, oatmeal
raisin cookie.
Feb. 10 - Breakfast: Biscuit
with southern cream gravy, or
cereal and toast, fresh fruit or
fruit juice; Lunch:Gyro with
sauce, tabouleh, baked
Health inspectors find
storage problems
Local Health Inspectors
found several storage problems
during their visits among Perry
and Warner Robins during the
(See FOOD, Page SA)
the Times-
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Houston Times-Journal
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CONTESTANTS - These 13 Perry High School
students will face-off Feb. 6 for the Miss PHS
crown. Participants are (front, from left) Candace
Nicholas, Heather Whiddon, Dana Collier,
Rebecca Akridge, Kristel Brown, Amanda
Baker s dozen seek Miss Perry High title
Thirteen contestants to compete in Feb . 6pageant
Times-lournal Staff
A bakers dozen Tili tKc Perry High Auditorium
stage Feb. 6. That’s when 13 PHS students will seek
the tide of Miss Perry High 1999.
The pageant, featuring a return visit by the 1998
winner, Shannon Lanier, begins at 8 p.m. Lanier will
serve as co-hostess for the evening with Rob Zell, a
Perry High teacher and coach.
Lanier, a freshman at Georgia Southern
University, will perform a twirl routine and a swing
dance routine with a partner from college.
The 13 contestants for the 1999 Miss PHS
include seniors Rebecca Akridge, Dana Collier,
Jessica Edes, Rebecca Kennedy, Christina Kirby,
Amanda McLeod and Erin McCoy. Juniors include
Kristel Brown, Kim Cook, Sheba Gray, Candace
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NOMINEES - These Perry High School stu
dents were among 34 students in Houston
County honored at the Governor's Honors
Breakfast Jan. 29. Nominated are (from left)
Six Perryans seek Governor s Honors spots
Times-lournal Staff
Six students from Perry High School are among
the hundreds of Georgia students competing for
spots during the 1999 Governor’s Honors program
at Valdosta State University.
Nominees from Houston County public schools
fathered at Perry High Jan. 29 for a breakfast in their
Perry High School nominees include Ginnie
Brown in Music - bass clarinet, Bret Copeland in
Theatre, Susan St. Charles in Music - flute, Wendy
Tarpley in Social Studies, La’Shonda Watts in
Mathematics, and Ross Yasin in
Commercial/Industrial/Architectural Design.
Several parents and family members were present
to support the nominees from the four area high
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Official Legal Organ for Houston County, the City of Perry and the State of Georgia
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McLeod, (back) Christina Kirby, Sheba Gray, Erin
McCoy, Kim Cook, Jessica Edes, Summer
Saunders, and Rebecca Kennedy. The pageant
will take place at the school auditorium at 8:00
Nicholas, Summer Saunders and Heather Whiddon.
Judges will make their section based on an inter
view with sportswear, evening gown and
on stage questions.
Entertainment for the pageant will be provided
by Perry High School students Shay Allmand,
Angela Pope, Judson Davis and an a cappella quar
Also, April Fendley, the reigning Miss Dogwood
Queen and a Perry High School graduate will enter
The pageant begins at 8:00 p.m. at the Perry
High Auditorium . The cost of admission is $4.
For more information call Perry High School at
988-6298. Drama instructor Mary Jo Zell is the
Miss PHS Coordinator.
Times-Journal Photo by Stacie Vu
La'Shonda Watts, Ross Yasin, Bret Copeland,
Ginnie Brown, Wendy Tarpley, and Susan SL
Charles. Watts was cut off accidently when the
picture was taken.
schools. Also among the well wishers were Houston
County Board of Education members Skip
Dawkins, Pat Summers, Shirley Lowery, and Ralph
Nelson. Charles Holloway, Houston County School
Superintendent, offered congratulations to the stu
“It’s not easy. They made the choice to do this. It
will get more competitive, but they will each do a
Bod job. Each one of them is a winner.” said
olloway. “You are a prime example of our young
people today. We look to you as our future."
Perry High School Principal Phil Smith wished
the students well. “Take this as a means of growth.
During the interview process you will grow as a per
(See HONORS, Page SA)
Hoop Update (
Check out the action at
Westfield, Perry High and
Perry Middle.
See pages 6-8 A
Times Journal Photo by Stack Vu
Construction continues
on expansion for
Diversified Machining
Times-lournal Staff
Diversified Machining
Services Inc. is building a new
facility in the Perry Industrial
The 51,000-square-foot build
ing is the newest addition to a
rapidly growing company in the
machining and aircraft parts
manufacturing industry said
Gary Scarborough, Contracts
Administrator for the company.
The news was announced by
Tim Martin Director of the
Houston County Development
Authority, during the HCDA
monthly meeting, Jan 28.
Work began on the building
during November. Scarborough
expects to occupy the building
during early May.
“Part of why we are expanding
is an effort to maintain our com
petitive edge in the parts manu
facturing field. We are trying to
grow into a new market by pro
ducing more complex parts” said
The company now performs
machine shop service and manu
factures aircraft parts for both
civilian and military aircraft.
The company started in
Centerville during 1992 with a
workforce of seven people, and
now employs 35 people at the
13,000-square-foot location at
901 Valley Drive Perry . That
building was occupied about two
years ago.
With the addition of their lat
est site the company may support
as many as twice the current
number of employees,
Scarborough said.
Westbrook found dead
after day-long search
Times-lournal Editor
Well-known Perry business
man William A. “Bill” Westbrook
was the point of an all-day search
Feb. 2 which ended with a tragic
discovery in rural Monroe County.
Officials from Forsyth contact
ed Perry Police Chief George
Potter shortly before sunset to
report they had found
Westbrook’s body. A cause of
death was not immediately avail
able, and an autopsy was taking
place as the Times-Joumal went
to press.
Westbrook left Perry en route
to a business meeting in South
Carolina Feb. 1, Potter reported.
“Both his wife, Ellen, and his
company. Comfort Inn, contacted
us early Tuesday morning," Potter
said. “We found out his route and
contacted law enforcement agen
cies along the route he would
have taken to South Carolina."
Potter spoke with emotion
about Westbrook, who had
helped the Perry Police
Department obtain thousands of
maips to give to tourists.
“He wanted us to have some
thing to help tourists,” Potter
said. The maps are of a tear-off
style which make it easy for offi
cers to distribute to visitors in
Westbrook spent his career in
the hospitality industiy. He was
manager of the Perry Holiday Inn
Work began on the
building during November.
Company officials expect to
occupy the building during
early May.
Meanwhile, motor coaches
and visitors were also on the
minds of the authority members.
The March 22-26 Family Motor
Coach Association rally drew
their attention.
“Three years ago the event
drew approximately 6,000 motor
coaches and we are expecting
about 9,000 this year” said
“We are trying to work with a
company now that travels with
the coaches and provides detail
ing services for them” said
The company usually arrives
one week before the event begins
and provides detailing services for
the coaches by appointment.
“They have asked for a five
acre plot of land that is paved and
has a good water supply to pro
vide their services,” said Martin.
Martin made a presentation
highlighting accomplishments
attained during the 1998 year and
goals to be reached for the 1999
Following the presentation Tee
Tolleson, Development
Authority Chairman, praised
both J. Sherrill Stafford .County
Commission Chairman, and
for many years before leaving to
operate a hotel in Helena
He answered the call of his
community and returned as the
director of the Perry Area
Convention and Visitors Bureau
during January 1996. He was
very active in making the 1996
Family Motor Coach
Association rally at the Georgia
National Fairgrounds successful.
Later, he left the CVB to
return to private business as gen
eral manager of Comfort Inn.
Watson-Hunt Funeral Home
of Perry will be in charge of
Found Dead Feb. 2