Newspaper Page Text
2 - The Savannah Tribune • Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Superintendent’s Student of the Month
Black in America
Joseff Kolman
Student of the Month is
Joseff Kolman, an
eighth grader at
Oglethorpe Charter
Joseff was selected
because he is an
extraordinary student
who excels academical
ly, musically and as a
school leader.
Joseff is currently
taking three courses for
high school credit.
He has also
received several awards
including: highest GPA
in Science in 6th grade,
most improved 7th
grade Language Arts
student and the
President's Award for
Outstanding Academic
Excellence in 7th grade.
Joseff devotes the
majority of his free-time
to extra-curricular
activities at Oglethorpe
Charter School.
He is a member of the
National Junior Beta
Club, National Junior
Honor Society, and is
President of the
Oglethorpe Charter
School chapter of the
National Association of
Student Councils.
He has also been
selected for the district
honor band for three
years and was selected
first chair for both dis
trict and all-state bands.
Joseff is also the first
OCS student to receive
all-state honors in the
school history.
An outgoing stu
dent and role model for
both his school and our
entire community,
SCCPSS is proud to
name Joseff Kolman
Superintendent's Student
See Student, page 14
-Words of Thanks-
The family of Mrs. Georgia
Branch Dillard of Tampa,
Florida, will forever be
grateful for the many
friends who looked after
our mother and grandmoth
er throughout the many
years she lived in Tampa.
You were there for her and
for us. You made her life
and her final days in Tampa
a wonderful experience, and
may God bless each of you.
Also, a special thanks to
Bishop Eddie Newkirk and the St. John Cathedral Church of
Tampa for your love, care and concern over the years and for
coming to Savannah to share in her Homegoing Celebration.
To our friends in Savannah, your constant support and
encouragement, the telephone calls, visits, flowers, food and
other acts of kindness will never be forgotten. Your kind and
thoughtful expressions of sympathy are deeply appreciated
and gratefully acknowledged. May God continue to bless
each of you is our prayer.
Thank you,
Edna Branch Jackson
Kevan L. Jackson
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2U , fAt
Mrs. Franctiya M Bynoi, President
Mr Ra1aig.1i □ Hynes Vice President I General Mnnagar
Mrs. Frflnchyn Byrit s-JonuE, Tronsuier i Sccittury
Mr. Allrori L. Mulllc*. Mdnagar
Mrs. Olgn I Williams. 3«theii Diredur ol Ail minis tin lion
Mrs. Tara &yn«5^Jackson, Human Rusaurce? Diretlar
Mr Edward Muagrow, Funeral Service Appranttca
Taqwaa Saleem
The Savannah Tribune
announces the latest in a
series of articles written by
guest columnist Taqwaa
Fataq Saleem. Taqwaa is a
2008 honor graduate with
the B.A. in English Language
and Literature from
Savannah State University
where she was also awarded
the coveted President's
Second Mile Award at the
commencement ceremonies.
She is currently a graduate
student and teaching assis
tant at Georgia Southern
University. She is a member
of Alpha Kappa Alpha
The six weeks before Easter
is a time when many
Christians observe the Lent
season and concentrate on
fasting, praying, renewal,
and awakening. One of my
personal prayers each day is
that I remove myself from all
situations and from contact
with all people that may be
toxic or that may hinder my
learning and growth. If I am
trying to be the best that I
can be in order to achieve
personal goals and be of
utmost service to mankind, I
must be as enlightened as
possible about my best self.
Being Black in America is to
recognize that some forms of
self-centeredness are neces
sary in order to grow and
prosper. If the self is not in
order, how can one relate
with, teach and learn from,
or serve another? As the
renowned public intellectual,
Dr. Cornel West, reminds us,
“the problem is we need
See Black, page 14
Business Awards Honor Workplace Innovation
and Flexibility
Retaining workers is
not just a concern during
good economic times.
Employee turnover not only
costs money, directly and
indirectly, but affects a busi
ness’s ability to satisfy its
Businesses that
truly rely on team work;
those that listen and act on
employee input; companies
that understand that commu
nity and family commit
ments, when balanced with
work, increase productivity;
are all invited to apply now
for the Sloan awards.
It takes less than an
hour to apply. In exchange,
companies receive an indi
vidual benchmarking report,
comparison benchmarking
among Savannah companies
and applicants from their
industry from around the
country, and a directory of
past national winners’ best
practices and contacts.
Winners’ names are pub
lished in “USA Today” and
the “Congressional
Savannah is one of just
30 communities around the
nation where employers are
being offered the chance to
apply for this national
award. In the last two years,
two Savannah businesses
have been Business
Excellence award winners.
Last year, the
Savannah office of
Environmental Services Inc.
was a national winner. ESI
offers opportunities for its
employees to work from
home and to set up offices in
their homes to accomplish
their goals and support com
pany clients, according to
Robin Bullock, national
human resources director.
In 2007, Lazard
Dana, now Deemer Dana &
Froehle, LLP, a public
accounting firm, was recog
nized. John Matthews, man
aging partner of Deemer
Dana & Froehle, said he is
extremely proud to be rec
ognized by and associated
with the Alfred P. Sloan
Awards for Business
Excellence in Workplace
Matthews sees the line
that can be drawn between
team member satisfaction
and customer service. “We
know that team members
who feel they are valued
provide better service to our
customers, who in turn feel
valued,” Matthews said.
“This is an integral part of
our firm’s mission and cul
ture. It is what makes us all
This year, for the first
time, When Work Works,
the project that administers
the Sloan awards, has inte
grated questions regarding
flexibility practices for low-
wage workers into its
employer questionnaire.
This effort focuses on
increasing the spending
power of low-wage workers
and is funded by the Ford
Foundation, and adminis
tered by the Families and
Work Institute.
Companies can find
out more information and
apply online today. Go to
966-2044. The deadline to
apply is April 6.
Visit .
www. s avannahtribune .com