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TRAD! is. MB m ik
F f E mark
Carriage.—Why sferwjaeaas: so many deviate from l
L ®! n ® Ba c k ,—T h 1 8pinaI column is the main
sta> of f the t body, which stiffens up tin
straight man or woman, and nature hat
provided muscular supports to hold it erect
, :| 0 rt 8.—Men
twist themselves and women recklessly
sult out of shape, and the re¬
is the few standing straight and tlie
many bending down.
Pains.—Those SYMPTOMS.
which afflict the back are the
-most insidious or subtile. Tiiev come at
times without warning; we rise from a sit
ting posture to hud the hack so criopled or
strained as to cause acute suffering/
Cure.—Rub the parts afflicted freely with
bT. Jacobs Oil,; rub hard and vigorouslv
producing yielding, warmtii, the and if the pain is slow
in wrap parts in flannel steeped
m hot water anu wrung out.
SoM by Druggists and Dealers Everywhere.
A Memory of Early Days. v
Bane of childhood's tender years.
Swallowed oft with groans and tear*.
How't made the flesh recoil.
Loathsome, Search greasy early castor oill close.
Till your find another memory dose:
All the you shuddering frame revolts
At the thought of Epsom salts!
Underneath the pill-box lid
Was a greater horror hid,
Climax of all inward ills,
What Huge and griping the old blue and pills! entle
a contrast to mild ge ac
tion of Dr. Pierce’s Purgative Pellets, sugar
coated, easy the to take, cleansing, without wrenching recuperating, it
renovating system
with agony, gold by druggists.
Territory, Women suffrage but they is re-enacted from in Washington jury duty.
are exempt
If Sufferers from Consumption,
Scrofula, Bronchitis, and General Debility will
try Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with
Hypophosphites, lief and they benefit. will find The immediate Medical Pro¬ re¬
fession universally permanent declare th
it a remedy of o
have greatest used value Scott’s and Emulsion very palatable. Read: “I of
in several cases
Scrofula and Debility in Children. Results
most gratifying. My little patients take it with
pleasure.”— W. A. Hulbert, M. D., Salisbury,
Hood’s Household A Thing Calendar of Beauty. for 1888,as usual,
leads all others in beauty and style. The roost
taking feature about it, because it is unique in
Calendars, is that it is cut-out, as if by hand,
and the bright, healthy wealth face of a handsome
young girl, with a of brown bonnet hair, con¬ and
trasts beautifully with her blue
strings. tlie The lead is a marvel of las color print¬ The
ing, flesh tints being as natur life
pad sign is also printed in colors, there with a is special condensed de¬
for evory month, and ible informa¬
upon tion; it indeed, a large it amount lias of valu points of excel¬
so many
lence that it must be seen to be appreciated.
by Copies may be obtained at the drug C. L stores, Hood or &
Co., sending six ceil s in stamps to
Lowell, Mass.
Cedar chips (wetted), placed in the nest of
setting hens will drive out lice.
&500 Reward
is offered, in good faith, by the manufacturers
of Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy for a case of ca¬
tarrh which they cannot cure. It is mild,
soothing “cold in the and head,” healing catarrhal in its effects, deafness, and cures
ailments.and many other complications of this
distressing disease. 50 cents, by druggists.
for England thirty has spent about fortifications.' $35,000,OOOannually
years, on coast
Life is burdensome, alike to the sufferer and
all around him, while dyspepsia and its at¬
tending evils holds sway. Complaints of this
nature can be speedily cured by taking Prickly
Ash Bitters regularly. Thousands once thus
afflicted now bear cheerful testimony as to its
Consumption Surely Cured.
To the Editor:—Please inform your readers
that named I have disease. a positive By its timely remedy for thousands the above of
hopeless shall be glad cases have send been permanently bottles of cured. remedy I
to two my
free to any of your leaders who ha ve con
sumption address if they will Respectfully, send me their Express
and P. O.
T. A. SLOCUM, M. C„ 181 Pearl St., N. Y.
A Proud Woman’s Airs.
Why is a proud woman like a music box?
She is full of airs. And if they blow on her.
coughs and colds must follow. Do not neglect
a cold, but take Taylor’s Cherokee Remedy of
Sweet Gum and Mullein.
For The Nervous
The Debilitated
The Aged.
' Medical and scientific skill has at last solved the
problem of the long needed medicine for the ner.
vous, debilitated, and the aged, by combining the
best nerve tonics, Celery and Coca, with other effec.
tive remedies, which, acting gently but efficiently
on the kidneys, liver and bowels, remove disease,
restore strength and renew vitality. This medicine is
VS&Y. ^Paine’s
It fills a place heretofore unoccupied, and marts
a new era in the treatment of nervous troubles.
Overwork, anxiety, disease, lay the foundation of
nervous prostration and weakness, and experience
has shown that the usual remedies do not mend the
strain and paralysis of the nervous system.
Recommended by professional and business men.
Send for circulars.
Price 81.00a Sold by druggists.
WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Proprietors
Improvement. IIEK Bit AND
» ROUGfi^MTS — (f MARK x \.'V
^^DON’t( HOUli <
k% m »N THE
Gone Where the Woodbine Twineth.
Eats ere smart, but “Rough on Eats” beats
them. Clears out Eats, Mice, Roaches, Water
BugB, Bed-bugs, FUes-Beetles, Hen Lice, Moths, Ants,Mosquitoes, Potato Bugs,
Sparrows, Skunks, Musk Weasel, Gophers, Jack Rabbits, Chip¬
munks, Squirrels. Moles, Eats, Druggists.
15c. and 25c.
"ROUGH ON PAIN” Plaster,Porosed. 15c.
“ ROUGH ON COUGHS.” Coughs, colds, 35c.
mors, “Rough Pimples, on Itch Flesh 1 ' Ointment Worms. Ringworm, cures Skin Tet¬ Hu¬
ter, Ivy Salt Rheum, Frosted Feet, Chilblains, Itch,
60c. Poison, Drug, Barber’s mail. Itch, E. S. Scald Head, Eczema. City.
or Wells, Jersey
Cures Piles or Hemorrhoids, Itchicg, Protrud¬
ing, in Bleeding. package. Internal and external remedy
each Sure cure, 50c. Druggists
or mail. E. S. Wells, Jersey City, N J.
ki tb£ n
UVeRoBUOOD ijj t,
i if -< o C.
Do you feel dull, languid, low-spirited,
lifeless, physically and indescribably miserable, both
and mentally: experience a
sense of fullness or bloating alter eating,
or of “ goneness,” or emptiness of stomach
in the morning, tongue coated, bitter or
bad ziness, taste frequent in mouth, headaches, irregular appetite, diz¬
blurred eye¬
sight, “floating specks” before the eyes,
nervous bility of prostration temper, hot or flushes, exhaustion, irrita¬
with chilly sensations, sharp, biting, alternating tran¬
sient pains here and there, cold feet, drow¬
siness after meals, wakefulness, or dis¬
turbed and unrefreshing sleep, constant,
UILIUUO I i ous attack, fluttering of the heart, poor rest at
HI ATTanv I Alia. I I night, etc., I commenced the use of your ‘Golden
Medical Discovery ’ and therefrom." ‘Pellets,’ and derived the
......... f very highest benefit
the Thoroughly cleanse health, the blood, using which Dr. is
fountain of by
Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery,
and good digestion, a fair skin, buoyant
spirits, and bodily health and vigor will
be established.
Golden Medical Discovery cures all
A medicine possessing the power to cure such inveterate blood and skin diseases as the follow ing testimonial portrays, must
certainly be credited with possessing properties capable of curing any and all skin and blood diseases, for none are more
obstinate or difficult of cure than Salt-rheum.
Mi MjaLa i. i* Lu a . . -i J “COLUMBUS, OHIO, Aug. 18th, 1887.
Qfll OiiLI-iini.UKJ T BMMI8S 5 g World's 683 Dispensary Main Street, Medical Buffalo, N. Associa- Y.:
AND Gentlemen— For several years I have felt it
i to be my duty to give to you the facts in rela
ftilCIIIIATIQU nnLUHiiU lOffl. | tion vated t0 case the of complete salt-rheum, cure by of the a most use of aggra- your
a—uc‘Golden Medical Discovers’.’ An elderly lady
relative of mine had been The a great sufferer from distressing salt-rheum her for
upwards of forty years. disease was most in
hands, causing the skin to crack open on the inside of the fingers
at the joints and between the lingers. She was salves, obliged to protect
the raw places by means of adhesive piasters, ointments and
bandages, and during the winter months had to have her hands
dressed daily. - The affected, pain was paving quite severe the at times for other and her diseases general to
health was Catarrh badly way deal
creep in. and rheumatism caused a great of suffering
in addition commendable to the salt-rheum. She had all used tlie remedies faithfully, prescribed and with
the most without perseverance, obtaining relief. She afterwards
by her treating physicians, herself but by drinking teas made from blood-purify¬
began and herbs. She continued this for several but de¬
ing roots benefit. Finally, about ten I chanced years to read
rived no small pamphlets setting years ago, forth the merits of his
one of Dr. Pierce’s add
* Golden Medical Discover}’ ’ otiier medicines. The name struck
Golden Medical Discovery cures Con
sumption (which blood-purifying, is Scrofula of the invigora- Lungs),
by its wonderful
ting and nutritivo properties. For Weak
Consumption. Solomon Butts, of North Clanton, Miami
Co., Ohio, writes: “I have for not the words to
express my gratitude the good your
‘Golden Medical Discovery’ has done my
wife. She was taken with consumption, and after trying one doc¬
tor after another l Anally gave up ail hope of relief. Being very
poor and having but one dollar in the world, I prayed a's to God that
he thing might did show tell me something; and then it seems though some¬
me to get your ‘ Golden Medical Discovery.’ My
wife took it as directed, and as a result she is so she can work now.
Gained Can., writes: “When I commenced taking
an /{I n POUNDS . __ * Gc'flf Discovery," ifblc your
11 Medical I was not to
work and was a burden to myself. At that time
......"■ i weighed 122 pounds, and to-day I weigli 147
pounds. Then I used to eat aboi one meal a day, and now can
eat four or five if I dared to."
indescribable feeling of dread, or of im¬
pending If calamity? have all, considerable
number you of these or any
suffering from that symptoms, you are of
most common
American maladies—Bilious Dyspepsia, or
Torpid Indigestion. Liver, associated with complicated Dyspepsia,
or The more
your disease has become, the greater the
number and diversity of symptoms. No
matter what stage it has reached, Dr.
Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery
will subdue it, if taken according to di¬
rections for a reasonable length of time.
If not cured, complications multiply and
Consumption Heart Disease, of Rheumatism, the Lungs, Skin Diseases,
Kidney Dis¬
ease, or other grave maladies are
Mrs. I. V. Webber, of Yorkshire, Cattaraugus
I UIE.I1 ll/CD Co., A. Y„ writes: For five years previous to
(lloriPC taking I ‘Golden Medical had Discovery’ and ‘Pellets,’
UioLfluL, right was side a great sufferer; a severe pai in in my
I continually; was unable to do my own
work, am now well and strong.”
humors, tion, from a common Scrofula. Blotch, or Erup
to the worst Salt-rheum,
short, “Fever-sores," Scaly or Rough Skin, in
all diseases caused by bad blood, arc
conquered by this powerful, purifying, and
invigorating rapidly heal medicine. under Great its benign Eating Ul
eers raflu-
sufferer from salt-rheum. She commenced taking it at once, and
took one bottle, but seemed to be no better. However, I realized
that better, it would and encouraged take time lor her any to medicine continue. to She effect then a chaDge' purchased for the
half-a-dozen a
to notice improvement. bottles, and before these had all been used she began
an After taking about a dozen bottles she
was entirely healthy cured. Her hands were perfectly well and as smooth
and as a child's. Her general health was also greatly
almost improved; the rheumatism entirely left her, and the catarrh was
cured, so that it ceased to be much annoyance. She has
enjoyed excellent either health from that day to this, The and lias had no
return of salt-rheum or rheumatism. ‘Discovery’
seems to have entirely eradicated the salt-rheum from her system.
She is now over eighty years old, and very healthy for one of such
extreme age.
I have written this letter, of which you can make any use you
d fit, hoping that some sufferer from salt-rheum Medical might chance to ‘
it and obtain relief by using your ‘Golden Discovery
—for ‘Golden’ it is in its curative properties, and as much above
the multitude of nostrums and so-called ‘patent medicines,’ so
zealously metals. flaunted before the public, as gold is above the base*
Respectfully y ours, Wheeler, 182 21st St.”
Lungs, Breath, Bronchitis, Spitting of Blood, Shortness of
Chronic Nasal Catarrh,
Severe Coughs, Asthma, and kindred affec
tions, it is a sovereign remedy. While it
Mrs. N. W. Rice, of Nev'fane, Vermont.
i:nnr?£l UuUdn nc Ur says: “I feel at liberty to acknowledge
tlie benefit I received from two bottles ol
Cmr lilt VciDO iceno 1 the ‘Golden Medical Discovery,’ which cureq
a cough of five years’ standing, and dyspep
STANDING s tinie. ! a ' ^‘° I m have w kich also * used had suffered suffered Dr. Pierce’s for for Extract a long
' " ■» ..... of Smart-Weed, or Water Pepper, in my
fumily, with good effect.
Worth ivunin SIGOQ fiwww ‘Golden Medical Discovery’ and have been
A A D PUII nTT | Lila r cured of consumption. 1 am now gourd and
w—m—mm—mmmmmA well, and have onlv spent three (lolMn?, and
[ would not take three thousand del.'ais and
bo put back where I was.”
Discovery $1.00, Six Bottles for $5.00 ; by Druggists.
Mustang _ _
Sciatica, Scratches, Contracted
Lumbago, Sprains, Huscle^
Rheumatism, Strains, Eruptions,
Bums, Stitches, Hoof Ail,
Scalds, Stiff Joints, Screw
Stings, Backache, Worms,
Bites, Galls, Bwinnay,
Bruises, 8ore^ Saddle Galls,
Bunions, Spavin Biles.
Corns, Cracks. CakedBreasta
For MAN or BEAST, Rub it id
Blair’s Pi!ls. 6 R»»3f«Sif
__O val liox, 44 i rociid, 14 Fills.
f 4 MONTH. AgenisWanted. 90 best sell
A, N. U.......... ..........Five.
liable to set in, and, sooner or later, in¬
duce a fatal termination.
Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Liver, Discov¬
ery through acts that powerfully great blood-purifying upon the and
cleanses the system of all blood-taints organ, and
impurities, It is equally from cflieaciouB whatever in acting cause arising. the
Kidneys, and other excretory upon
cleansing, strengthening, and healing organs, their
diseases. As an appetizing, restorative
tonic, it promotes digestion and nutri¬
tion, thereby building up both flesh and
strength. In malarial districts, this won¬
derful medicine lias gained great celeb¬
ami rity in Fever, curing Fever and Ague, Chills
Dumb Ague, and kindred
ence. Virulent blood-poisons arc, by its
use, robbed of their terrors. Especially
lias it manifested its potency in curing
Tetter, cies. Sore Eczema, Scrofulous Erysipelas, Boils, Carbun
Hip-joint Eyes, Disease, “ Sores and Swcll
ings, Goitre, Thick White Swellings,"
or Neck, and Enlarged Glands.
promptly cures the severest Coughs, the it
strengthens the system and purifies