Newspaper Page Text
In Americas house has just Slipped a 1
ke lot of furs to Baltimore.
pci. bale Primus Jones, of Baker county, the.
E man, has lost by the recent freeze
y acres of cotton he planted in January,
has [00 acres which escaped injury.
Prank Norton’s grocery and barroom at
(swell was broken into and robbed on
nday niglit, the thieves securing a lit
tobacco, canned-oysters, candy, liquor
t other luxuries.
W. W. Anthony, living two or three
les from Wrightsvil'.e, -was a victim to
[ lust on (he fine morning gin, shingle of March 6, by which
a mill and other
fly machinery.
Jordele’s growth is really wonderful,
tty-three buildings are already finished
1 four ,piorc are going up. It has
elve stoves, all doing a' flourishing trade,
d a beautiful s diool room has been com
.-ted. Cordeie is withoutttoitot booming':
A State miltitary encampment on St.
(lions' Islam 1 is suggested for the summer.
Two hundred volumes have been recent
added to the University library at
I I’auhinavilie and AtnCricus are red hot
I direct railroad connection with Savan
It is reported tKSt a No. them capitalist
511 build a $150,000 hotel in Bainbridge,
lis year.
There are now lining in AtiiCno a -half,
i persons whose ages range from 90
i 100 years, and a very large number
hose years-excead three-score and ten.
A negro bey was drowned at Wright's
till, in Banks conirty a few days ago.
lis hat blew off and fell in Tile river, and
i attempting -to get the hat ho was
Ir owned.
At Griffin a Hill. street merchant who
k-lit-ves in the old saying of ‘'See a pin
( Lick it tip and all the djy you'll have good
[tick,” [lie saw a pin in front of the pout office
other day, and while stooping to cap-;
lure it his hat fell off and rolled out into
be street, two suspenders gave way ir. the
•ear, bis collar split open,’arid lift store
eeth, which cost him $18 when new. fell
) ,t and broke on the*' walk. He picked!
■i ip the pin. lioweVcr.
At Cavtcrsvillo a Xlrief Fobbed L. B.
I! a thews’ house of seventeen $20 geld
lieecs Tu sday night.
The fishermen at Lumber City are catch¬
ing large quantities of shad, for which they
realize fine | rices.
Brunswick is to nave a cotton compress.
The East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia
[railroad is interested.
The ladies at Marshallville have invited
Capt. J. P. Carson, of Reynolds, to deliver
[the memerial address.
Wine is sold on the streets at Lnmbcr
City by the quart every Satin day by a cit¬
izen of Montgomery county. There -is
ready trouble growing out of this violation
of the law, and the people are very much
wrought up over'the matter.
Nine thousand'dollars was recently-paid
fir the Lc-etbenvood farm near Murphy,
containing iron ore, marble, talc, and-soap¬
stone. The purchasers, Maultby and Cog
Turni, have also established a plant at
‘Uartersvillo for the grinding of mineral
J. W. Parrott, of Suniter county, says
that the doves 'aie so plentiful on bis place
and have been, destroying so much corn
that he bad planted that he determined to
get rid of them. He tried to poison them
-with strychnine, but found it would cost
too much, so lie soaked his corn in salt,
‘and say 8 it ‘killed them by the hundred
The store o! Messrs. Miller & Way, at
Johnston, was robbed one night last week.
The loss was estimated at §200.
Hog cholera is playing havoc with the
meat prospects of Fort Gaines, and distem¬
per is very prevalent among the horses.
Cot. A . O. Harper, of Elbert county, re¬
ports that there is-some kind of a bug or
fly destroying the wheat in his neighbor¬
There is an old gentlemen in Athens
who has a musket that his grandfather
carried in the revolutionary war.
Lumber City lias another barrel factoiy
in operation. The new one is supposed to.
be owned by a'Syndicate of naval stores
commission merchants of Savannah, who
propose to fight ‘he present monopoly in
the spirit barrel business.
Two small gourds are owned by
Smith, of Wilcox county, that were used
by his father for carrying gun powder.
One of'frfcetn bears the date Of ’T8tf3, the
other lS'20.
Three negroes a lew days ago entered at
the same time Berry Hay’s store at Daw¬
son having but. two good eyes among
them—one was'totally blind ■and" the other
two had but one eye ditch.
V. WJCloptoa, of Sumter county, had a
hard time shooting a cow mad with hy¬
drophobia, a few days ago. She captured
a negro cabin, miming the 'family off, be¬
fore she wasNenally slain.
At Atlanta, Tuesday, Lou Bailey, a no¬
torious female character, was arrested on
a warrant from Lawrf'ticeviita, issued at
the instance of W. D. Dunaway.
charged with kidnapping Sutilla 'Donna
way, a 16-year-old, girl, and bringing her
to Atlanta.
At McRae,'in a difficulty over a game
ot cards Monday night,Israel Glover was
shut and instantly killed by Herbert King,'
both colored. King received several se¬
vere gashes with a i azor on his neck ami
breast, but succeeded iu making bis escape,
and is*stithnt ’’large. The Uorofier’s jury
returned a verdict of volunferymafislaugh-.!
At LaGrange, J. G. Truitt has jnfv
ehased the 'Kc-ncr property froni Mrs
Wright, for the purpose cf erecting a cot¬
ton factory thereon. A 5,000 spindle fac¬
tory is to be erected at a cost of §150,000,,
§400,(000 of which has already, -been
subscribed or promised 'aud is now in
Two of the most ferlorn and dejected
looking tramps ever seen iu Athens, arrived 1
there Monday from Atlanta, having walked
all the way. They were man aud wife,
and were in a pitiable plight. The male
was at one time one of the most, prominent
business men in Savannah, aud has rela¬
tives among the upper ten in Athens. His
wife,wvho still showed traces of former
beauty, was once :t society belle in Atlan¬
ta, and her story is pathetic in the ex¬
At Brunswick, Tuesday, H. L. Harris
caused considerable amusement by nailing
a silver half dollar to the sidewalk and
leaving pedestrians to sgrab for it. Some
of the millionaire guests of the Oglethorpe
are reported to have made desperate efforts
to capture the half dollar until the titters
of the lookers on apprised them of the sell.
At Rutledge, on the Georgia road, Mon¬
day, Rush Reynolds, a nephew' of Ed. Cox,
of Atlanta, became involved in a difficulty
with a tnau named Jones, and, 'drawing a
revolver, shot his antagonist, inflicting a
serious aud probably fatal wound. It is
said that the shooting was done in self
delcnse. Mr. Reynolds is not more than
T8 years of age
A Walker courtly young man has been
anested and placed under a bond of $500
for forcing a preacher to take a drink out
of a bottle at the .point of a pistol.
& .1 f
Macon, - - - Georjfi??,
Dealers in Groceries, Plantation Supplies, Kentucky Mules
and Fertilizers. The following brand, of fertilizers on hand :
We keep a supply Crawford of the above goods at Fort Valley for the be
convenience of our county customers, which can
hiad on application to us.
A track "has been itiid t-o the tits hods
near OdaVtown, bringing them in direct
connection with Anniston, Aia.
C.irrollton is infested with colored female j
preachers, who make the night hideous i
uff. .. m, tn h ii ir ir ineess-nl incest, lit lmwbn now tin s.8. ,.s
The oil mill at Social -Circle is now
making about. l,200ga!lous of cotton seed
o,l presses. per day. It is now running three j
The ‘Amertcus Republican j
th mat it it it will "ui beein txgm issniim tt*uui 0 a a d uatty likv edition edition
oil April 1.
Carter Brothers, of Petersburg, have
their engine and boiler works at
Thomasville 1,590 visitors who spend
an average each of §3 a day iu the town—
! S>'MOO per day—$o 1,500 per week—
$ 135,000 per month §540,000 pt-r sea-
80,1 ^ ul ' ; hhmtils.
Mrs. J. VY. Dudley, of Atlanta, used
pounded glass iu an attempt to commit
i uieide Thursday-, lier life may be
/ijsi'Fi ISSiei'ifiF's tkale-s.
/■tEORGIA,’Crawford County: Will te
\J sold before the court house door in
the town of Knoxville, mid county, within < n
the first Tuesday in April the following next de¬
the legal hours of sale
scribed property, to wit : Whole. lots of
land numbers forty-five and fifty-one
and the North half of lot number seven
tv-nine in the Feventh district of said
county, making ir. the aggregate five
hundred six and one-fourth acres, more
or l«>s levied on as the property of L. T.
Ley to satisfy two li fas-issued from the
Superio, tourt of said county—one in fa
■vorof'i 1 < fekellie vs. L. T. Lee, and
Hme in fa'or of 11. C. Harris against said
L. T. Lee
lami Also at the same seventy-eight and eighty
numbers Seventh district ot said
three in the four
county, containing in the aggregate
and five acres, more Or- less,
levied on-ns the property of TLS. Lee to
•satisfy a fi fasued r a sued from from the tue Superior cnpeuoi
Court of said county in favor of bterhng
Neil against L. T. aud E. S. Lee :
Also at the same time and place lot of
lami number one county, hundred. containing 111 the oixth two
district of said
hundred two and a half acres, more or
less, levied on as the property of J. W.
Gbit, tb satisfy a fi fa issued from the
Superior Court'of said county t in favor of
J. M. Tooie against said J. w, . Gun*:
Also at the same time and place the
following described property, to wit:
feixty bushels of corn, more or less, ■of fod in
the sliuek, five hundred pounds bushels of
der, more or less, aud six
Peas, levied on as the property of E- n.
Wiggins-under and by virtue of -a n fa
issued from the Gouty Court -of said
county iu favov of U -IlatelreT against
said E. W. Wiggins : ana place
Also at the same time one
saw mill and fixtures, one belt, oue log
cart and lot of land number sixty-six county in
the Seventh district of said aim
one-fourth interest in two hundred and
twelve acres of lanrtd, being parts of lot^
one hundred and nitibty and one hundred
and ninety-two, in the Seventh distric.
of said cot-nty, making in the aggregate one-hall
two hundred and fifty-five aud
acres, more oi less, levied oil as tlie prop¬
erty of William Carter to satisfy a fi fa
issued from tlie fcupenor Court o. sam
aouuty in favor of James II. lurnei
egaiust said William ^ Sheriff. y ,
Feby. 27th 1888.
-in' rue-—
FnisT _ lt is a safe company. The lawn
regulating life insuvanee investments in
Ohio, where than it is located, are more State. strln
Ke y rt tlian those or nnv other
b * tov ^ fed iu railroad
Second— it is a cautious company. Its
V^^rraWe^i^tlliDi.^d in
less th in that of any other company
tlie United States.
quin: —it i s an ably managed funds eompa
For several years pas tits
,^ on so i)ivestei] as to yield over seven
a half per cent, or nearly the two East¬ per
cent, move than the average of
ern companies. The prodigious this high benefits rate
ofConpcmnd shared'uy Interest each policy-holder. at
are Capital
Fourth— Its policies are in¬
vestments. It has been demonstrated
that a limited payment Life-Rate Endow¬
ment, Police in the Union Central pays
better than i per cent, the government
bonds, besides furnishing constant
protect inn of insurance.
Fifth'-*I t He a Liberal Com'any. Its
policies are incohtesfible and non-forfeit
able, and ilieie regard are to no residence restrictions leave what;
ever with or
after a policy has been issued.
I am now prepared to do Repairing of
— an d —
With Neatness and Despatch. Dali or*
"me at the Post Oflire when you wish any
work of this kind done.
If you want Honest-Goods at Reasonable
Brices you will find them at my store on
my Plantation three miles North-east of
towu. Good Coffee 25c. Kerosiue 20o.
L. L. Bryant.
When you want a first class ‘meal or a
good place to sleep come to the Harris
House. First Class Fare, Comfortable
Rooms, Reasonable Excelled Charges, Aecomnre- .
rlatiotis Not !
mmi T
u -a Aftrf Tofty years’
III rABi'S act .•»,«>'........ olicitork
I M V for American riitbntr, awrtiUWhmeta. copyr
lanM ris-lits, «tc.. ih O'ftTiftda, tovtlre tinifceA England, KtatM. Franc®, and
ibtaia patenV» Their
many, and all other litoit ^ountrioa facilities experi-
3 la ucaqualed aud are unsur-*
P Drawtnga'*ii4ypecifioatiohs prepared nnii filed
in tlie Patent Off,-a eu short notice. Terms verir
reasonable. No charge for examination "of uioaela
• drawings. Advice by mail free.
e sCTKNTiF t O A^rEUICAN,ivliichtiaa
lnm0 IC
The advantages of such a notice overy pateuteo
^This large and WEEKLY splendidly i^nstrated ^.OOa year, newspaper and js
is published at
admitted to bo the best paper devoted to science,
mechanics, inventions, engineering worw:s, ami
other departments of industrial progress, pub¬
lished in any country. It contains the names or
all patentees and title of every invention patented
each week. Try it four months for one dollar
BO d ^a“ d ea in"ntion c.t.nt writjA
If n to Aiaori«%
Munn 4 Co., publishers of Sfeiontiho
& tedlled j