Newspaper Page Text
Pie Without Fruit.
When fruit is searco, a good pie can
be made of one c:ip of rich, sweet cream,
sweetened and flavored to suit the taste;
whip to a stiff froth with an egg-beater;
if the cream is cold it will" get stiff
quicker. Line a pie plate with crust and
bake;put the cream iuto it; set in a cold
place until you want to eat it.' Small
pieces of red jelly placed on the top im¬
prove its appearance.
Fried Parsley for a Garnish.
This is the cheapest of all garnishes,
but it must be carefully prepared. Wash,
pick and dry the parsley thoroughly,
then put it into a wire basket, and hold
it in boiling fat for two minutes; then
take it out of the basket and dry Beef-drip- it well
by placing it before the fire.
ping is the best frying medium for this
purpose, and care should be taken to
have in. it'boiling hot “ when the parsley is
The Philosophy of Boiling.
It is a mistake to suppose that a piece
of “well-boiled” soup beef has been
heated to 212 degrees throughout. The
heat penetrates so slowly, that a good
sized piece of beef may remain compara
tively cold inside after staying in boiling
water for an hour or more, and if you
actually measure the temperature, of the
inner parts of the beef the moment it is
taken “well-donc“ out of the will pot and be surprised pronounced
you to
find that it seldom reaches over 170 de
grees. It was therefore cooked at a
temperature boiling considerably below the
A Lecture on Coffee.
It is a well-known fact that a better
and more delic’ous coffee is made hv
pouring the boiling water over the
ground coffee than by baling the coffee
itself, as unfortunately is yet so often
done. The boiling water that is poured
over the coffee ceases to boil the instant
it leaves the kettle in which it was boiled.
Through cooled evaporation the it is already some¬
what on way to the coffee pot,
and by further contact with other bodies
the temperature is still further lowered
until it is evident that the temperature
in the coffee pot is several degrees be¬
low the boiling point. The coffee is con¬
sequently notm ide with boiiiug but with
warm water.
A Suggestion for Easy Cooking.
A writer in the New York Times says:
“A process in cooking that possesses the
advantage and fuel, of considerable and, furthermore, saving makes in la¬
bor it
impossible fo scorch or burn anything, is
as follows: The food is brought to boil
and allowed to boil for a few minutes.
The kettle is then removed from the fire
and carefully protected heat in a heat escaping. safe so
as to prevent the from
The food will then be cooked by its own
heat, or, in o'.her words, the temperature
will for several hours remain high enough
to produce the necessary changes in the
victuals under treatment.
The heat safe necessary for the fore¬
going process can be easily constructed
by anybody, and at a merely nominal
cost. First get a common packing box
of a suitable size, cover the bottom with
a layer inches of picked wool then or cotton two or
three thick, from a piece of
zinc or sheet iron make a hollow cylinder
a little larger than the kettle used, place
the cylinder in the cylinder, box, and fill the inter
val between the and the box
with cotton or wool two or three inches
thick. lid, A common pillow ready will answer
> for the and the safe is for use.
When the kettle is removed from ithe fire
care should be taken not to raise the lid,
which should placed fit as closely safe as the possible, pillow
and when in the
must be tucked well down all around.
After remaining in the heat safe for from
two to four hours, according to circum¬
stances. the food will be done, and you
will be astonished to find what a well
cooked and toothsome dish you have
prepared with so little trouble.'
Hay or cow hair, being cheaper, can do
bo substituted for wool or cotton, but
not retain the heat quite as well,
especially in apparatus of smaller size.
The safe can, of course, be made to con¬
tain several vessels at one time, and
meat, potatoes, beans, etc., can all be
prepared at the same time. Potatoes,
beans, rice, peas and likes can be placed large
in the safe as soon as they boil, but about
pieces of meat should be boiled for
half an hour so as to allow the heat to
penetrate them better.”
Hints to House Decorations.
A pretty fancy for light curtains is to
drape them with narrow scarves or hall
handkerchiefs of their own material.
Maiden-hair and pink roses are the
accepted decorations for the “pink”
dinners and luncheons now so prevalent.
Rope embroideries and rope fringes are
stylish and costly for wall decorations, a
bit a yard square or less that we re¬
cently handled being marked $135.
Maiden-hair fern without any flowers
is a very favorite decoration this winter,
and should always be dipped in water
just before using, so as to glisteu in the
light. decoration within
A the reach of almost
any is a jar of grass and ox-eyed daises,
draped about with a green scarf, and,
though so simple, few more effective ones
can be .found.
A narrow shelf about eight inches above
the mantel board, with a row of Japanese
fans placed behind it as a border, serves
admirably for holding and displaying the
smaller bits of bric-a-brac,
painted A champagne neutral basket tint and and pine draped easel,
with plush or velveteen, or cretonne,
make an admirable holder for newspaper
and periodicals. Have the pins of the
easel long enough to hold the basket—
whose lid should be fastened up with a
bow drapery. matching or contrasting with the
a very pretty tray cover may be made
with but little expense. Get butchers’
linen, which comes in fine quality -at
forty cents per yard, forty inches wide.
Make the cover two inches longer each
way than the tray it is to cover. Have
dragons stamped in each corner, with a
border of crescents between and a mono¬
gram in the center. Embroider the
dragons in chain little stitch—blue, brown,
orange, red,and a black real Scotch
linen flosses or flourish’ng thread. Rem¬
stitch all round, an inch deep, and then
trim with some pretty crochet edge done
j about with the No. real 70. Scotch linen crochet thread,
The Woman Man-Eater in Kentucky.
Very few people in Louisville know
that a Fiji Islander, a genuine man-eater,
lives in their midst, but it is so. She—
for it is a woman and nameless—is a
very is worth strange-appeaving walk character, and it
her cannibalship. a long “Spotty to take Johnny,” a peep at
as the man-eater has been called, may be
found at any hour of the day or n’ght at
the little cottage of Patrick Cain, an
engineer on the Newport News and
Mississippi Valley Railway. She than never
goes farther away from home the
immediate neighborhood in which she
lives, and is quite as inoffensive a per¬
son, thought not quite as beautiful per¬
haps, as one would care to meet.
“Spotted Johnny” was brought to this
country in 1872 from the Fiji Islands,
along with a small band of her people,
by Forepaugh of circus fame. She ran
away from her captors while the show
was in Pottsville, Pa., and no one knows
how she got to Nashville, where she
was finally discovered doing drudgery,
the only sort of work she seemed capable
of, for a family that had taken the
fantastic cold. and repulsive effort outcast made in by out the of
the An was
circus people to reclaim her, but Johnny
did not like the idea, and expressed her¬
self so forcibly that her friends sent the
circus men about their business.
At this time Johnny ate raw meat
with avidity, and cared for little else.
Now she is a vegetarian, and scarcely
ever touches meat, though she eats fish,
She wears as one else
in her position would. She is very
much devoted to Mrs. Cain’s children,
and they are equally fond of her. The
family with whom the escaped cannibal
had taken refuge in Nashville, removed
to a distant city, leaving Johnny with
Mr. and Mrs. Ca'in, who were then living
in the Tennessee capital. This was more
children than five years ago. much At afraid first Mrs. of Caines their
strange servant, but this was soon con
qured by the mildness of her manner
and her simple devotion, Her intelli
gence is of a very low order, and she is
able to perform only neighborhood, the plainest labor. and
The children of the
some of the older ones, too, for that mat¬
ter, stand considerably in aWe of the
strange being, but as she seldom leaves
the house, and interferes with no one,
but little is ever seen or heard of her.—
Chicago Herald.
A wise reflection by Jones: “Doesn’t
it strike you as rather odd that while the
papers are celebrated daily compientiijig tllfey op the de¬ de¬
cease of men never
nounce their birth?”
A New Evangelist.
The religious se.isation in Kentucky
just now, is the impassioned preaching of
the Rev. Pascal Porter, of Madison, Ind.,
who is only eleven years old. The youth¬
ful evangelist has been drawing immense
crowds at Williamston, Ky. As described
he is a handsome boy, with bright brown
eyes and well-shaped head. Out of the
pulpit there is nothing in his manner or
speech to indicate his wonderful gift, but
in the pulpit, says an account, he is a ver¬
itable giant. He possesses a most won¬
derful memory and great gift of language,
and his sermons are logical, doctrinal and
deep. One account says of him: While
all proclaim that his preaching is won¬
derful and interesting,the community arc
about equally divided as to whether his
sermons are original or whether he has
committed to memory the sermons of
another; but all admit, whether they are
original or not, that the boy preacher is a
wonder and a prodigy.
To dream of a ponderous whale,
Erect on the tip of his tail,
Is the sign of a storm
Unless (If it the should weather is warm,)
Dreams don’t happen much, to fail.
Some amount to anyhow.
constipated, signs, however, are infallible. If you
are with no blhous appetite, tortured
with sick headache and symptoms,
these signs indicate that you need Dr. Pierce’s
Pleasant Purgative Pellets. They will cure
yon. All druggists.
The French have invented a steam tricycle
that easily runs 20 miles an hour.
('onsumption Surely Cured.
To the Editor:—Please inform your readers
that I have a positive By timely remedy for thousands the above of
named disease. its use
hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I
shall bo glad to send two bottles of my remedy
free to any of your readers who have con¬
sumption if they will send me their Express
and P. T. O. address. SLOCUM, Respectfully, C„ 181 Pearl St., N. Y.
A. M.
Some swindlers took a lot of Confederate
money to Mexico and disposed of it at par.
When all so-called remedies fail, Dr. Sage's
Catarrh Remedy cures.
Mormons have gobbled up the most fertile
districts in Arizona.
Bronchitis is cured by frequent small doses
of’s Cure for Consumption.
Q i H W
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is L.WTJ H
Cots, Swellings, Bruises, Sprains, Galls*
Strains, Lumeness, Stiffness, Cracked
Heels, Scratches, Con tractions,Flesh
Wounds, Stringhalt, Sore Throat,
Distemper, Colic, Whitlow, Poll
EtII, Fistula, Tumors, Splints, Ring*
bones and Spavin In its early stages.
Apply St. Jacobs Oil in accordance
with the directions with each bottle*
Invaluable fbr the Use of Horsemen,
Cattlemen, Ranchmen, Stablemen, Turfmen,
stockmen, Dro¬
vers, Farmers.
Common Herds.
Sold by Druggist* and Dealers Everywhere.
and Printing Material of every
description, United States, from any for Foundry sale by in
S3 Broad Street, Atlanta, Ga.
Everything sold strictly prices. PBMS
nt manufacturers’
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Estimates on application.
v $50 Gold Watch Given
to the first person Bible naming before the June sho
m 1 est book in the 1st.
To 2nd a $25 Silver Watch. To next
25, $5 Nickel Wat-ches. Next 75, ele
irnnt Tura noise, Garnet or Persian
rolled-gold send Kings. (poBtal Each
rson must 25c. note,
er or (damns). tSl for choioe of one
catalogue. h^artbinKsfj^id*p<>Rtago HART JEWELRY n «n ilTust'd
CO.» Atlanta. gold Georgia. watch, Mar. 16.
M. E. Allen, offer Macon. above. Ga., gets
DP"8*e new
iitUAWB Tim**, 1’ttln, Tronble
r ..’fUcOVUl and will OURK
prj ^5^1 J Apply Bros..235GreenirichSt..R.Y. Balm into each nostril.
WORTH $1,000!
Would not Tnke SI.OOO for It—Relieved of
15 Years’ Sailering lroin Dyspepsia.
AlapahA, Ga.,June 22,1887.—B. B. Company,
Atlanta, Ga.—Gentlemen: I had suffered
from that terrible disease, dyspepsia, for over
fifteen years, and during that time tried every¬
thing I could hear of, and spent over three
hundred dollars in doctors’ bills, without re¬
ceiving the slightest benefit. Indeed, I con¬
tinued to grow worse. Finally, after I de¬
spaired of obtaining relief, a friend recom¬
mended B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm), and I
began using it; not, however, expecting to be
benefited. After using half a bottle I was
satisfied that I was being benefited, and when
the sixth bottle was taken I felt like a new
man. I would not take $1,000 for the good it
has done me; in fact, the relief I derived from
it is priceless. I firmly believe that I would
have died had I not taken It.
Respectfully, etc., THOMAS PAULK.
“I Gave Up to Die.”
Knoxville, Tenn., July 2,1887.
I have had catarrh of the head for six years.
I went to a noted doctor and he treated me for
it, but could not cure me, he- said. I was over
fifty years old and I gave up to die. I had a
distressing cough; my eyes were swollen and
I am confident I could not have lived without
a change. I sent and got one bottle of your
medicine, used it, and felt better. Then I got
four more, and thank God! it cured me. Use
this any way you may wish for the good of
sufferers. Mbs. Matilda Nichols,
22 Florida Street.
For the blood, use B. B. B.
For scrofula, use B. B. B.
For catarrh, use B. B. B.
For rheumatism, use B. B. B.
For kidney troubles, use B. B. B.
For skin diseases, use B. B. B.
For eruptions, use B B. B.
For all blood poison, use B. B. B.
Ask your neighbor wh > has used B. B. B. A
of its merits. Get onr book free filled with
certificates of wonderful cures.
A Great Medical Work for Young
and Middle-Aged Men.
3 M *Mr
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Consulting Boston, Boston, king mass. JUass. Physician. Physician. WM. WM. More Mow H. H. th than PARKER, 1 million M conies - II.,
Premature •old. It treats Decline, Decline, upon Nervous Exhausted and Vitality, Physical Impaired Debluty.
Vigor, and consequent Impurities thereo of the Blood, Contains and the S0Q untold
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Do want “ ES? ,e
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PEI Pmr’i Pmint Imfbovbd Comm©h*»
Eab Drum* Perfectly Reotort the
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Broadway, cor. 14th 8V., Kew'Yo»h # f*j
Illustrated book of proofs, FRES*
$Zau f 1 MONTH. Agents Wanted. 90 best sell
A. N. U................Eleven. '88.
1: 30, 1mm BROWN 5: KING‘
Manufacturers and Dealers in
Cotton. ernl Woolv-n Mill Supp urd iea. Geu
Wrought and Iron Brass “5° nods. Flttlngq
64 S. BROAD 81.. ATLANTA, GA.;