Newspaper Page Text
Jesup has been shipping green peas for
Several days.
A beer bottling works is to be established
at Atneeicus.
T. B Artope, of Macon, will build Jeffer¬
son county’s new jail for $4,400.
Columbus’ new directory gives the city
and suburbs a population of 00,000.
At Macon the firm of S. T. Coleman,
Burden & Solomon, has been dissolved. |
Ilawkinsville has received a new
tion in the form of cider and vinegar works,
Laurens county has sold its bonds issued
to build a bridge at a premium of $ 1 , 200 .
There is now some talk of having two
large compresses at Brunswick instead of,
Contributions for the cyclone sufferers at
Lumber City arc being solicited at Bruns¬
1 bo steeple of the Presbytuiau church at
Toeeoa Was badly injured by lightning
j uesday night.
’0. A. Beil contemplates starling a straw
malting factory at Amcricus during the
comimf summer.
The Marietta I’aper Mill dam was washed
nwav on Wednesday afternoon oflast week.
The loss is about $1,300.
T’he rosin crop is rolling in at Bruns¬
wick, and the naval stores inspectors are
♦kept busy classifying the goods.
Sixty-four rabbits and 118 rats is the
record of two day.'. 1 sport by one man at
Fort Gaines during the high water.
I’ativek Kelly, another train hand on the
same train, nad one of his hands barliy
mashed -at the -same station while coupling
The Rome Tribune delivered Saturday’s
edition with boats, the lined making it
impossible for the carriers to make their
eircuits on foot.
AI ft red Beil, (eclaml)was badly bitten
by a mad dog Wednesday. A daughter
.,f l)r. Willingham, of Crawford, was bitten
on the san e day.
It is said that ail average of POO dozen
Cggmne Shipped weekly from Shellman
“ W ° aW ° Unt *°
°' C1 ® ’ ' ye,U
The sconce of Pompey Haynes (col
ored), a eonvn t m the penitent,ary. sent
fiom 'A ,slnngton county, » rxpieon
April He is serving a twenty years
tcn "' ■
St. Simon’s Island already has about
1,000 population. The Summer visitors
will make at least 1,000 more, to say uoUi
ing of what it will bo when the military
coa1 °"
J. J. Johnson (eclored), of Jackson conn
ty, a cow that gave birth to three
calves last week. Two of the calves
ilrowncd bv the recent rains, hut the third
O isauiUji, il, hi" well wen.
W, L. Wells, a student at the State
University at Athens, snatched a child
from before a rushing 1-comotive Tlnrs
dry and heroically saved it- from what
teemed certain death.
A colored man on Mrs, Ann Pentecost , s
Sir, i.hiit.iu.m to Ctatolk*'. dwlexstnkni
Mm to to,™ . h,-u dut will to,
live ptros in two ihivs. lie offers r,o wager
a month's work on it.
Several of the students who live outside
of the incorporate limits of Athens were
summoned to work the roads. They claim
that students arc exempt, but ilu; ovei
soor of the road claims that they have
their washing' done in that county', and
are therefore residents. They will test the
The iron for the St. Simon’s street rail¬
way is now loading in New York, and will
sail on April 10. The Schooner will unload
at the ocean pier, near the lighthouse, and
the iron be laid at once.
The barbers ef Atlanta asked For closed
doors on Sunday*, and the Mayor lias
granted the request by vetoing the ordi¬
nance just passed by the Council permitting
the shops to be kept open.
Several citizens of Tattnall county report
the finding of clothing, papers, planter,
shingles, wall paper and other things sup
posed to have been conveyed considerable
distances by the late cj clone,
Mra< j oUu B e.U lost a three-room house
Ten'uille, last Wednesday, by fire. The
k"use was occupied by William Wood,
who says ho thinks the lire was caused by
the children playing in the closet.
Two negroes became involved in a quar¬
rel I ho latter part oflast week at the mil -
road camps near Blakely, and one of them
shot the other so badly that he has since
died from his injuries. The mur erev es¬
At Tv -Ty Sunday three citizens living
he t outside of towu cugugch in vat killing
at the home of one of them, and uftef kill¬
ing all they could they proceeded to count
when it was found that they had dis¬
patched sixty-eight of the rodents.
rVhat is supposed to he a Confederate
gold dollar was found in an ash shed in
Atlanta vccontly, and sold for $30. It is
said that only six such coins were issued by
the Confederate government, and if genuine
this specimen would be worth §t>50.
At Griffin Monday night a negro named
Eppinger was walking along by the Drake
residence when some one shot at him five
times, otic shot taking effect in his left
breast, making a fearful flesh wound,
though not necessarily dangerous.
A reward of $240 has been offered by
the citizens of Harrison for the arrest, with
proof to convict, of the murderer or Bob
Jenkins, (colored) who was cruelly mur
dcred at that place March "24, and the
! ‘° UC f bnrac-.l ever his dead body to hide
Crawford Douglass, an old negro well
digger, went into a well on I). D. Xtnltz’s
place, five miles from Brinbridge. Fvidav.
to oUu*..! it our. flic well caved in, bury- 4
.„ 20 fcs , (lf earth . IV
endeavored to rescue him. but after a day’s
hard digging gave it up.
, r w . McMi||ail ha(1 a wUh
an a |i igatov a f cw days ago. The alligator
WJXS s ^ ven f oc t and flirce ii.tlies long, and
fought gallantly with his tail midi he was
killed by being struck over his head a
number of times with a fence jail.
„ . , ., ,,, p ,
more an ,i Ohio railroad, 1ms recently r con
nibuted handsomely to the Sigma Alpha
Ep.-i!ou Club House, soon to be creetul at
Arhvns. Mr. Spencer was one of the char
ter members of Chapter Beta, of the Uni
versity’of Georgia.
Various _ con . ectuvcs have been made as
to the amount it will cost Stewart county
to replace the bridges destroyed by the late
freshet. They range all the way from
$5,000 to $10..000. The Ordinary makes
an estimate, Based upon reports, that it
will cost $2,500 to $3,000.
TLu ,W.iy of trains on ilic Ka.t Tenome.
V'rtjl* -4 Oto*. «*> Tuesday ™
a smash-up at Chaiincey, where
‘ e ’>w, being run into was thrown
tne switco wiili hjc .1 fjicc as to knock it
open, and the passenger train dashed into
a side track, riuiniog against some box cars
and causing a general smash-up that will
cost the road$30,000. Nobody was killed,
but the passengers were badly shaken up.
| H'lic took train had time to to be clear abandoned, the wreck, and other as
i some
, passenger trains were delayed.
Hi !
■ era m Geoi’g’ia,
Dealers in Groceries, Plantation Supplies, Kentucky Mules
and Fertilizers. Tiie following brand of fertilizers on Land i
We keep a supply of tire above goods at Fort Valley for the
convenience of our Crawford county customers, which can be
bad on application to us.
Choice Let of Millinery Goods. Cheapest to be found in any country town
Dresses made in the LATEST STYLE:-, apG
fP . a 1J II di o !
Cllil04l0.Il, GeorgSa,
G.E*NEp,AL Fxjndertakfirs MERCHANDISE supplies
I keep a Full Line of Familv Groceries and Ileavv Dry Goods, ShorS lints &c.
keep the a complete stock of these Burial goods, both Metal & Wood Cases Wood 1 hive
from cheapest to the best. Robes & Wrappers. To this line of mv bus
iness (so r.:ii( h appreciated by my patrons since its introduction) 1 give special at
tent-ion, and by so doing hope to merit a liberal patronage from the public* I shall
spare no buy pains in serving Will you promdtly. My charges will be more reasonable 'extra than
you can elsewhere. attend burials 15 miles with hearse without
charge when cases are wortli 520 or upwards in connection with me Miss Ach=ah
Holloway Millinery has an immense line of
and Ladies’ Dress Goods, White Goods, Notions
and cut, Novelties made and in lilted profusion promptly which to she order is offering Her at remarkably low price 0 Dresses
her business just emit be excelled. Then she superior skill and tact in this aiid line of
through her stock of goods. She invites all naturally the ladies loves to see von show
you little to call to s<m her when
make they come it to our tor city, and don’t be in a hurry; spend the day and she will
pleasant you. Veuy kesi'F.ctfvi.t.y,
J> Q- HOLMES, Culloden, Ga.
Little India, the daughter of f. J. Brai -
don, who lives about four miles from Bos
ton, was badly burned on Saturday last
She was playing with some other young
people near where a fire was built to burn
some rubbish, and in jumping over it her
clothing caught. She will survive,
Near Lexington Tuesday Jeff Donahue
(colored! was walking in au old field and
found, almost buried in the earth, a glass
jar about the size of a pickle jar, in which
was placed a well-formed white child about
six inches in height. This curiosity is well
f.,.nncd an.I is surrounded by alcohol.
A young lady of Amcricus bus suggested
to a Recorder reporter a design for a crassy
quilt which is entirely new and quite
unique. She said that she intended t*> cut
squares m the shape of the different States
ot the Union, and putting them together
make a pretty-map 1 of the United States.
Late Monday night a negro boy named
Willie Hicks, a sweeper at the Macon Oil
and Fertilizer Works, went to sleep, and
oil suddenly awakening approached the
machinery in a sort of dazed way and lay
ing his hand on a gin was rudely
rm-d • « n • hi* * full »n<M - Iro J * l, ‘" s ‘ •**“ ’
■'»"** >«" Km to. «™.
Anderson Taylor, an aged cdoml man
Jiving on M,s. Summerlin’s plantation,
W as killed by the engine of passenger train
No. 2, near the 131 mile post on the Ccn
tral railroad, last Friday. The engineer
first discovered the oid man walking by
the side of the truck and blew a
| whistle, when the man, in presumed cou
| fusion, stepped upon the rails, and in an
other mo rent he was struck ane instantly
Lee 1 liouicrson, one of the workmen oa
the Macon aud Florida railroad. near
Haynoville, on Saturday, while blasting
loci., was in the act of igniting the fuse
when a spark from the match foil into an
open powder can only a few feet away,
quickly igniting the contents and blowing
M ■. '1 hnmorson several feet in the air
When he struck the ground he discovered
tli it clothing was in flames, and,
i.'.mg that Gomel king must be done, lie ran
j llie creek and plunged in, and cxliu«
guild'.a], the file.
—-kt the—
g”|athIgHfo ^ i^uranWnvast^nteTn f i
Ohio, where it is located, are more strln
K'Uit than than those or any tuber State.
Net a dollar can be invested m railroad
stocks kecoxt—’ or bonds is’a
it cautious company. Its
death vatu is almost one-rhiril less than
less the United than'tiiat'of*any Hate,;’. 1, other*'company "in
n^ been H For7eVaraTyearJp?s%"tslun«sttivo invested yield
so as to over seven
arid a half per cent, of nearly two per
n. «w« Uto» tlto On a*.
S'SKS'lii.tiSSWK'ftS'Sg hurc«i by each pohcy-bohlcr.
ait1 s
‘it ViasTen.^dSstratea Life-ftiito
that a limited payment Endow
b^ter^thun^ 1 per^eent.
bonds, besides furnisliing the constant
protection of Bisuranea^ •
policies arc. iiicontestibYe iind'nou-forfelR- ......
I able, and llieie are no restrictions what
, after apolicy ’ lias boon 'Issued. "