Newspaper Page Text
Hazel Eyes.
flirt Young man, you had better not try to
with a pair of linzel eyes. It is a
waste of time and rather dangerous.
They are less susceptible than the blue
and when once deceived do not pine
away in grief, but rally for revenge and
take it out in scorn. If you tackle them
you had better go in to win or leave the
country. And while I think of it, I’ll
make another remark:—When you woo
and win and wed you had better keep
try. on winning It afterward or leave the coun¬
takes a power of love to do
In the Way.
“Ma,” said Bobby, after a thoughtful
silence, “I wish it wasn’t wicked for
people to work on Sunday.’’
“Why, Bobby V
“Because pa would go to his office,
instead of hanging around the house all
day,” — Epoch.
The Republic of Columbia has sold
the right to deal in ice in the department
of Panama for $45,000 a year for fifteen
A Great Legacy
To teqneath to your children is a strong,clean,
pure constitution—better than wealth, because
it will never prove a curse. You cannot give
what you do not possess, but mothers will find
in Dr. Pierce’s Favorite all Prescription weaknesses, a bringing wonder¬
ful help—correcting perfect condition, that
their s\stems into so
their children, untainted, shall rise up to call
them blessedl all land
There is not a druggist stock in hand. the
But always k eeps a on
King Humbert, of Italy, clothes. seldom wears a
uniform, preferring civilian
“Consumption can be Cured.”
Dr. J. S. Combs, Owensville, Ohio, says: “I
have given Scott’s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil
with better Hypophosphites med to four possible patients with
results than se- with any
disease, remedy. All were hereditary cases of Lung
and advanced to that state when
Coughs, frequent pain in the dies', and frequent breathing,
these pulse, have fever increased in Emaciation. weight All
cases from. 10 to
28 cine.” lbs., and are not now needing any medi¬
For The Nervous
The Debilitated
The Aged.
■ Medical and scientific skill has at last solved the
problem of the long needed medicine for the ner.
vo us, debilitated, and the aged, by combining the
best nerva tonics, Celery and Coca, with other effec
five remedies, which, acting gently but efficiently
on the kidneys, liver and bowels, remove disease,
restore strength and renew vitality. This medicine is
^(.Rines Ufcry
; IFHUs a place heretofore unoccupied, and marks
a new era in the treatment of nervous troubles.
Overwork, anxiety, disease, lay the foundation of
nervous prostration and weakness, and experience
has shown that the usual remedies do not mend the
strain and paralysis of the nervous system.
Recommended by professional and business men.
Send for circulars.
Price$!.OOa Sold by druggists.
WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Proprietors
Do want a
X_ l
3 I
BPtLY’S Ely’s Cream Balm
is sure to cure
AYrEEVER Mfcold in Head
Apply Balm into each nostril.
IKIy Bros.. 235 GreenwichSt.,N.Y.
DIE! KI Lk5 EC swisrs*aas W B U ."«:
r SSta 6
Jenney & Graham Gun Co., Chicago.’
improvement. HERBRAND CO.. Fr.mont,
TPyTe I CfllHO iXiin LHIlll 570007000 tural and trrazing acres land best for agricul- sale.
Address,GODLEY & PORTER,Dallas.Tex.
Ifso, write BROWN (‘5 ICING
Manufacturers and Dealers in
Cotton. eral Wonlrn Mill Supplies. and Gen—
“fraught and Iron Brass l’i goods. e Fittings
If You Feel Tired
Weak and weary, worn out, or run down from hard
work, by impoverished condition of the blood or low
state of the system, you-should take Hood’s Sarsa¬
parilla. The peculiar toning, purifying, and vitaliz.
ing qualit es of thii successful medicine are soon
felt throughout the cut re system, e pelling disease,
and giving quick, liea’thy action to every organ. It
tones the stomach, creates an appetite, end rouses
the liver and kidneys. Thousands who have taken
it with benefit, t stify that Hood's Sarsaparilla
"makes the weak strong.”
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
“I have taken not quite a bottle of Hood’s Sarsa¬
parilla, and must say it is one of the best mediciaes
for giving an appetite, purifying the blood, and
regulating the digestive organs, that I ever he rdof
It did me a great deal of good.” Mrs. N, A. St.n
ley, Canastota, N. Y.
Makes the Weak Strong
“Feeling languli and dizzy, having no appetite
and no ambition to work, I took Hood’s Sarsaparilla,
with the best results. As a health invigorator and
medicine for general debility I think it superior to
anything else.”—A. A. Rikeb, Utica, N. Y.
“I took Hood's Sarsaparilla for loss of appetite,
dyspepsia, and general languor, it did me a vast
amount of good.” J. W. Willeford, Quincy, Ill.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
ssrassa sssssssss
IOO Doses One Dollar
Blair’s Pills, G h nd
Rh«ic Rem e dy
Oval Box, 34 i round, 14 Fills.
| ip
®;. m ''7 : m - i
* ■•r laBEa 1 §5 I® Many CHROMIC DISEASES Sue
; J ©essfully Treateel without a
i tm Personal Consultation.
! Uupvl l aa TyE obtain our knowledge of the patient’s dis
? i c r ■■ medicine, *' ease of by well-established the application, to the practice of of
j? principles modem
. science. The most ample resources for treating’
lingering or chronic diseases, and the greatest
skill, are thus placed within the easy reach of
invalids, however distant they may reside. Write
and describe your symptoms, inclosing ten cents
-~r in stamps, and a complete treatise, on your par¬
INVALIDS’ HOTEL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE, 663 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y. ticular disease, will be sent you, with our opin¬
ion as to its nature and curability.
Nasal, Throat The treatment of Diseases of
the Air Passages and Lungs, such
as Chronic Catarrh in the Head,
and Laryngitis, and Consumption, Bronchitis, Loth Asthma, through
Lund Diseases. correspondence constitutes au important and at our specialty. institutions,
Lung We Diseases, publish which three give separate valuable books in- on
Nasal, Throat and much
i ornaation, viz: (1) post-paid, A Treatise on cents. Consumption, (2) A Treatise Laryngitis Asthma, and
Bronchitis; price, ten on
or Phthisic, giving now and successful treatment; price, post¬
paid, ten cents. (3) A Treatise on Chronic Catarrh in the Head;
price, post-paid, two cents.
Diseases of I
HinrCTinU UluLollUff. are cessful amon treatment £ those of chronic which diseases our specialists in the have suc
—■ mill.. — ........... attained great success. Our Complete Treatise
on Diseases of the Digestive Organs will be sent to any address
on receipt of ten cents in postage stamps.
kindred maladies, have been very largely treated,
and cures effected in thousands of cases which
Diseases. eases had been are pronounced readily diagnosticated, beyond hope. or determined, These dis¬
by chemical analysis of the urine, without a
personal examination successfully of patients, treated who at can, their therefore, homes.
generally be analysis microscopical
The study and practice of chemical and
examination of the urine in our consideration of cases, with
reference to correct diagnosis, in which our institution long ago
became famous, has naturally led to a very extensive practice
In diseases of the urinary organs.
I ■ CMITIRnI UdU I lun. ■ is?"thor<?ugd^fanSliar^ith^hemfand pptent to ascertain the exact condition whoisco’m- and stage
•**«™*™*«" of advancement which the disease has made
(which can only be ascertained by a careful chemical and micro¬
scopical examination of the urine), for medicines which are
curative in one stage or condition do positive injury in others.
Being in constant and receipt curability of numerous of these inquiries maladies, for a compi i lete
work on the nature written n a
style to be easily understood, we have published a large, Illus¬
trated Treatise on these diseases, which will be sent to any ad¬
dress on receipt of ten cents in postage stamps.
ULHUUI.II oravel, Enlarged. Prostate Gland,
Hior UIulhoE. I ere 0. tions, Retention may be included of Urine, and those kindred in the affec
of which specialists among have achieved extraor¬ cure
•mmmmmat our
dinary success. These are fully treated of in our Illustrated
Pamphlet on Urinary Diseases. Sent by mail for 10 ets. in stamps.
| Stricture. | TULAS.— of STRICTURES strictures, Hundreds many of AND of them cases URINARY greatly of the worst aggravated FIS- form
by the careless use of , instruments in the hands
of urinary inexperienced fistulas, and physicians other complications, and surgeonB, causing false passages, for
relief and That of this class annually is difficult consult for us the
cure. no case too
skill trated of treatise our specialists these is maladies, proved by cures reported in our illus¬
on to which we refer with pride.
To intrust this class of cases to physicians of small experience!
is a dangerous proceeding. Many a man has been ruined for
life by so doing, while thousands annually lose their lives through
Unskillful treatment. Send particulars of your case and ten
cents in sfac P , Illustrated Treatise contaim'ng many
testimonials. A
GC M /.f R
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White Lead, Red Lead, Litharge, Orange
Mineral, Painters’ Colors and Linseed Oil.
XT. S. Standard Scales.
ST Sent on trial. Warranted. Freight
IIKSfAUTPWJ (A paid. Fully
3 TON $35.
■ Other size- proportion- Catalogue
! atelylow. Agents well paid. Illustrated
free. Mention this Paper.
OSGOOD & THOMPSON, Binghamton, N. Y.
$ 100 to $300 0 'wo“k“g
made f«
A. N. U........................Seventeen, 88.
I .I NERVnilS .... I i Epileptic Convulsions, or Fits, Pa
■iliiiuuu ■ ralysis, vitus’s or Dance, Palsy, Insomnia, Locomotor Ataxia, inability
1 st. or
I ll!Q£l<!EQ to sleep, and threatened insanity. Nervous
| UiolhOLo. | Debility, tion, treated and by every variety specialists of nervous for these affec- dis¬
are our
eases with unusual success. See numerous cases reported in our
different illustrated pamphlets on nervous diseases, any one of
for which will be accompanied sent for ten with cents in postage of stamps, when request
them is a statement a case for consulta¬
tion, so that we may know which one of our Treatises to send.
™ a ™| We have a Special Department, devoted
uioluolo nicciopo np Ur exclusively Women. Every to the case treatment consulting of Diseases specialists, of
Women. whether most careful by letter and considerate or in person, attention. is given Im¬ the
portant skill cases home (and we physicians) get few which have not
already baffled the of ail the have the benefit
of a full Council of skilled specialists. Booms for ladies in the
Invalids’ Hotel and Surgical Institute are very private. Send
ten cents in stamps for our Complete Treatise on Diseases of
Women, illustrated with wood-cuts and colored plates (ICO pages).
HERNIA (Breach), or RUPTURE, no
I H&O CM UuRE I I matter of how Ion# standing, or of what size,
j HF Ur Rupthrf lluriunc. I without dependence uiiou trusses.
Abundant references. Send ten cents for
our Illustrated Treatise.
bowels, PILES, FISTULAS, treated with wonderful and other diseases affecting The the lower
are success. worst cases of
pile tumors, are permanently Illustrated cured in fifteen to twenty days.
Send ten cents for Treatise.
nnn 1 K I decline impaired Organic of memory, weakness, the melancholy, manly mental nervous powers, anxiety, debility, involuntary absence premature losses, of
wili-power, tions arising youthful weak indiscretions back, and all affec¬
from and per¬
nicious, solitary practices, are speedily, thoroughly
and permanently cured.
treatment We, many of years these ago, diseases, established under a the Special Department for the of
management of some
the most skillful physicians and surgeons on our Staff, in order
that all who apply to us might receive all the advantages of a
full Council of the most experienced specialists.
■■I WE n UFFER We offer no this apology neglected for devoting 60 much
attention to class of diseases,
.. NO flpni . flfiV believing t°° wretehed that to no merit condition the of sympathy humanity is
nu mi ullu i, and
best services of the noble profession to
which we belong. Why suffering, any medical man,
intent on doing good and alleviating Why should shun
such cases, we cannot imagine. any one should consider
it otherwise than most honorable to cure the worst cases of
these diseases, we cannot understand; and yet of all the other
maladies which afflict mankind there is probably none about
which physicians in general practice know so little. We shall,
therefore, continue, as heretofore, to treat with our best con¬
sideration, sympathy, and skill, all applicants who are suffering
from any of these delicate diseases.
Pngrn it llnuc Most of these cases can be treated by us when
UUlltu AI nUlRC. at a distance as well as if here in person.
A Complete Treatise (136 pages) on these delicate diseases
sent sealed, in plain envelope, secure postage. from observation, All statements on receipt
and of only secrets ten confided cents, in to stamps, will for be held to be sacredly confidential. made
All letters of inquiry, or of consultation, should be addressed to
No. 663 Main St.,’BUFFALO, Y.N.
fungus — MARK IPs 'A ^
Gone Where the Woodbine Twineth.
Eats are smart, but “Rough on Rats” beat*
them. Clears out Rats, Mice, Roaches, Water
Bugs, Flies .Beetles, Moths, Ants, Mosquit Bugs, oes,
Bed-bugs, Hen Lice, Insects, Potato
Sparrows, Skunks, Weasel, Gophers, Rabbits, Chip¬
munks, Moles, Musk Rats, Jack
Squirrels. 15c. and 25*. Druggists.
“ROUGH ON PAIN” Plaster, Porosed. 15c.
“ ROUGH ON COUGHS.” Coughs, colds, 25c.
“Rough on Itch” Ointment cures Skin Hu¬
mors, Pimples, Flesh Worms, RingWorm, Tet¬
ter, Salt Rheum, Frosted Feet, Chilblains, Itch,
Ivy Poison, Barber’s Itch, Scald Head, Eczema.
60c. Drug, or mail. E. S. Wells, Jersey City.
Cures Piles or Hemorrhoids, Itching, Protrud¬
ing, Bleeding. Internal and external Druggists remedy
in each package. Sure cure, 50c.
or mail. E. S. Wells, Jersey City, N. J.