Newspaper Page Text
T fi . i ESS, V T 1 UJU | A el T <• ^a«5SE»»^ S AVAVAVsX- ■ i fr i j 1 a
What the People are Doing and
Talking About.
Society Mews aud rVeigfSil>oi‘.
Itootl Kotes—S*ci.<s«»j&al
Melons are getting plentiful.
A good many subscribers wore added to
the list this week.
Mr. Henry Tyson visited the Gate City
a day or two ago.
Mr. C. N. Pierce made a business trip
to Atlanta during the week.
Mr. Ilenry Knight has seven daughters
who were all born cu Friday.
How we have a schedule from Knoxville
to Atlanta. Macon seem? a long distance
If brevity is the soul of wit, (as the old
saying goes) this edition of The Journal
must bo spicy indeed.
Professor Barker, from Tliomaston, was
in town this morning seeing about getting
a school here or near here.
. When you go to Atlanta stop at the
Talmadge Select Boarding House, aerbss
the street from the custom house
This is the pickayune edition of a nar¬
row guage paper, but in a few weeks W3
hope to be able to print »large paper.
The last election was an unusually qui< t
one. There was no quarreling nor fight¬
ing, and the absence of liquor was con
Mr. Arthur Walker, of,this county, has
lived 87 years in the house wherb ho was
Born. He never for a few months lived in
any other house.
This is the 4th of July edition, and it is
is light an affair as we could well got up.
The public will bear with the printer on
such an occasion.
John D. Smith is ready to givo you a
good jjbave every Saturday. Shop in rear
of Blasingame’s store. Drop in and have
him to doctor your beard.
The protracted meeting at the Methodist
church, in which a good deal of intefes t is
manifested,- still continues. Several new
members have been received,
Mr. WilliS Scott has two mules whoso
ages are 27 and 29 years, respectively.
They have worked in 25 and 27 crops, and
arc still good for some time to come.
August 24th is the clay set for nomina¬
ting someone for Sheriff, J. F. Grace and
B. A. Hartley each received the same
number of votes at the primary ; hence a
second election m
The passenger train leaves every morn¬
ing at 4:40 and returns at 8 p. m, Freights
are received hero every other day ; that is
the freight train lays over one day and
comes down next day, etc.
Mr, Ned Andrews'caine near cutting oil
the large toe and the second toe of one of
his feet the other day. His son, Napoleon
Andrews, undertook to act as surgeon, and
sewed up the cut. It is thought that if
an artery, which was cut, had been tied
rip the operation would have been made
successfully, but Mr. Andrew, suffered
great deal of pain, froir -L V.-niir,.]/
Ahts iidunedi
1 he railroad baibecue will not he given
at Knoxville. The idea of having the
barbecue on the 28th ult. was abandoned
because the railroad track for several
miles above town was in such condition
that trains could not pass over it. Since
then the whole county has been excited
over the election, and nothing could be
done towards getting up a J cue, because
everybody was anxious over the result
the election.
- Besides, it lias rained a groat deal and
the crops arc in a bad fix. The candidates
and their friends were obliged to neglect
their crops. It may be.said that politics
and changing the date for the barbecue
ruined its prospects.
Complaint io made by the Muscogee
•grand jury of the growing practice of vio¬
lating the Sabbath hy selling and trading
on that day, and the hope is expressed
that the evil will be abated.
Lumber For Sale!
YVNF hundred and fifty thousand feet
‘ °t Lumber for Sale. Prices 37 1-2 00
.05 7a cts per hundred. On the A. F. Kail
Load, 21-2 miles south of Knoxville.
« « <•
a. Sunml asn JcaBaeca-?rwifcTi> oo. pfsprs j tma J1 - li Jl—
■ j Pfl
mmmmmtm .reais H ■■ fSHH i if \ IT
tit bbb Snrnni 1 IjuUI illki r IU S P * till f 6 *
comoxz‘mfl M1119:
and Oil Machil’lery'
SAW ■ t
YV rite to US fol prices, We can save you money by purchasing direct, •
ziOomo to Headquarters for what You- Want.zr
E. Van Winkle & CO r, i) rr Atlanta, 8a.
* jn A2-A ; • ASI )]] IJ<l
!Q( 1 X
i • BORGIA. Crawford County: IV. J.
Slocuinb ns Administrator Cum tes
tamento annexo of Sarah J. Williamson,
deceased, lias fully havln.u represented that )»«
tioned that discharged ho his trust and peti¬
ho discharged from the
same. This is therefore to cite all por
sons concerned to show cause before 1110
hy the first Monday .....
in October next why
said application should not he granted
anil petitioner be discharged fiom his
said trust.
,oA 1888. itne !L‘"-V GEO. L. band SAWYER, officially, Ordinary. June 25,
VlEOuGiA, yA GhawKoud County.—To
all whom it may concern : Whereas
.7. B. Fowler, executor of the will of T.
1). Hammock, deceased, has applied to
Hie for letters dismissory from his Exec¬
cerned utorship ; therefore, hereby all persons con¬
are required to show
cause, if any they have, before nie, on
the first Monday m August next, why
the said J. B. Fowler should not be C'.i 1.1S
cial charged, Given under rnv iiand and offi¬
signature, GEG. L. this Anri! 3oth, 1888.
SAWYER, Ordinatv.
vA eori.i j, Obawford count.—T o all
whom it may concern : J. Wesley
for Mathews has in due form applied to mb
permanent letters of administration
on the estate of .Tamos N Mathews, late
of said comity; deceased : TVs is there
fore to cite all persons concerned to show
the firs't Moinlav^in*’ August 1, mfxt, l, *yvhy
applicatU.^Ui'^n^iuuler%?y official signature this the istii # haiKt and
June, 1.888. GKO. day c f
j Ak-ffA An A NA
A ' ■’ ■
‘ A;;:;
i,, A ■y
i gliBB 11
J (J. I-Jogue, a mechanic employed at
the Variety works at Americas, had r a por
tion of four fingers of (he left hand taken
oh hy the machine he was working.
I am prepared to loan money
on improved farms to the
amount most of liberal _ $2p0 and iipwaida
on terms. I rep¬
resent the Georgia Loan & Trust
Co. "if.Americas, Ga,, a char¬
tered institution of the State.
T will guarantee that our com¬
missions are at least from two
to three per cent cheaper than
BlClltS f Call ««f be otterompany. made at ally time. Pay.
alu 1 ! U ] l!,,. 1 C l loan mv , m may .,,. r. De + taken .f r „„ up ’
whenever desired. Quit the
Warehouse . i W .
ailu cry US. e are
c ^ ea P er and give you more llb
f * 7 , and W G Want your
land. 1 ne warehouses are p pt
Cotton ’Pr‘e‘sfises.
,And Seed. Cleanemg