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It is understock! at Washington that
when Cleveland la re-elected president
r Speaker Carlisle will-be appointed attorney
Some advocate the use of pine .hoards
acme advocate using -pine straw -matting
while now and ■ then -some other ffellow
proposes to cover cotton with a textile
made of something else. Bear grass or
pine straw, welfcelieve willl be made into
bagging for covering onr future crops of
• cotton.
The Editors-Afraid-of-McKinly have
-sort of quieted down—Atlanta Constitu¬
And the Editors-Afraid-of-Losing-Their
Subscri hers have begun to hurrah for
Cleveland.—Atlanta Journal.
.A-special .from Wilmington N. C. re¬
po rtsthat a bate of cotton ■ covered with,
pine straw bagging, made by a mnufoct
oompaey of that ci ty, passed all tests sat¬
isfactorily, including compressing. It is
■said that bagging can'be made from this
material much cheaper than jute bagging.
While workmen in Dalton were excavat¬
ing a pool for the reserve supply of water
for the city tank the-sharp edges ©f the
picks were blunted by striking against a
-hard substance. An investigation followed
and it was discovered that underneath was.
an exhaustless eqpply of finely-grained
A few days since AlfHall, a prisoner at
Baxley, being very fend of chicken, took
some of his dinner and put it just insice of
the iron door of the jail as bait.. A chicken
came u p to get the bait and.Hall caught it
by the head and pulled it off on the inside
• of the jail, thus adding a new one to -his
numerous thefts.
Waycross has .been put in a cleanly
- ’oudition.
There is a hitch over the building of a
street railway at Cedartown, It is highly
probable that an entirely new syndicate
■will obtain the franchise and build the
Two of Washington's barbers had a catv
iiag frolic on the public square last night,
Hull Evans and William Means were the
parties engaged. The latter came out of
-.the fight with a gash several inches long iu
his cheek.
Pledger , the notorious negro politician,
had an appointment to -yjeak at Moore’s
■Grove, in the lower part of-Clarke county,
Friday, and Jim Huggins went with him
and to make things safe Huggins carried
:his pistol, putting it on the seat of the
buggy. While driving along the pistol
was accidentally fired, the ball passing
through the cushion and into iPledger’sleg
lust ab>>ve the ankle. The wound is a
-slight flesh wound but painful.
At Griffin a negro woman had -her shoes
ihalf-soled and premised to pay a week ago
Saturday. The disciple of St. Crispin did
mot .see her unfit last Friday afternoon
when he dunned her (for the money. She
field tii m .she .would pay when her month
•as sip He Asked when would that he, -and
received for an answer that it was none of
his business, whereupon be compelled her
under threats of a whipping, to pull off the
shoes in the public street and walk home
barefooted. The cobbler was a white man.
A gentleman of Buena Vista received a
letter the other day-from Oliver Jones. He
was on board the Bteamer S. B. Holland,on
the English channel/and was en route for
South Afriea, where he was going to engae
the business of civil engineering, The let¬
ter also Stated that he-would go from there
to South America. -Jones killed Milson
Melton about six years ago. He was ar¬
rested and , placed in jail, but escaped
through a small hole he made in.the iron
door and went west, where ho has been
unknown- to the people. Buena Vista until
his departnre'for Africa.
A live and successful farmer of the
Twenty-eighth-district of Sumter county
had a drove of€nehogs to disappear a few
weeks-since, .and he hunted high and low
for them, but could not find them. Hav
ing an old fortune teller living near he
went to her, paid her 60 cents, and "receiv¬
ed instructions as to-where they were. She
said that they weretpenned every night
and turned out during the day, and would
go to the muscadine vines. He went to
the thick woods, and there among the vines
found his grooters,- fat and doing well. He
carried ihemlfaome, and now his faith in
the fortune teller is marvelous.
Sandy Point Sifting's.
Sandy Point, Sept., 6th, 1888—Com¬
ments on the weather would bring the
echoes of chestnut bells; as the rains con¬
tinue there is.a perceptible lengthening of
the-: farmers visage.
Miss Aurora Burnett is visiting relatives
in Taylor county.
Messrs. Watson and Jerome Burnett
returned'from the Butlor «unp-meeting
last Tuesday. They say they had a “fine
largo time.”
Mr. W. K.Euhanks who has been seri¬
ously ill for some weeks, is said to be some
better. Mr. Eubanks is one of our best
citizens, and he and his wife have the
sympathies of many friends in their afflic¬
Miss Ella Hollomon of Bibb has return
after sorno days stay with her cousin, Miss
Aurelia Hollomon.
Yucatan’s last gun was -fired with much
precision, bat, 0 dear 1 the. cannon must
have been loaded with gas alone, as it
made a large,import and hit no one. We
have never had the pleasure of meeting t he
mach flattered .(?) David. You tried to
hard on us Yucatan, but yon were too
about it. While you were making
sure of ©avid,-you left room for us to slide
out, and y ou-sat upon nothing. We hope
however, the fall didu’t hurt you, if it did
send for “our doctors. Dave.
JFor Sale,
Thirty Thousand Good New Brick at
Six ^Dollars per thousand, delivered at the
Kiln in Knoxville, Apply to tile under¬
signed or©. P. Wright, Knoxville, Ga,
Wm. J. Dent.
/GEORGIA Crawford County. Will
VJ be sold befoi o the Court house door
in the town of Knoxville, said county, on
the first legal Tuesday hours of in sale, October the following next, within
the de
scribed property, to-wit : An undivided
one half interest in two hundred and
seventy 234 (270) and acres part of of land, lot number being Jot
situated partly a in Upson-and partly 210,
Crawford first district counties, of lying originally and Houston, being , in
now Upson and Crawford counties, and
bounded in the County of Upson on the
north by lands of Mrs. Chatfield and on
the west .toy lands of G. W, Holloman
and An the County of Crawford on .the
and-east by lands oS John T, Wol
Ions and William Finchei ; said land
levied on sunder and by virtue of four fi
§?k Mrs. ^k.^wSi&°t^ngr M- H. Hammock vs. 11, 0. White, P as
luo Mhe aforesafd°fi f£? Co^Tlh^ hSS btenfsm^
G. M. said county, and levied by Jne. T.
Cochran Constable of said district and
jetiirned to me tor sale. This August
3;;cr tm. W, A. Hartley, Sheriff.
The lots are laid off in convenient shape “and the land lie*
well. Lots are on and near the railroad track and are nearly
Some building will commence at once, and the new town
started, Get a move on you and buy one of those
In these days of booms the fast man is the cue who gets there
right, and their motto when a bargain is offered is to
This property cj h ‘never be worth less than it ; s now, and
the probability is that it will soon enhance rapidly, and you
will find' out that; you have 'made a
iees lOTStiini
This property is offered for sale at Knoxville hy
i • 1.1. MeCrsiy.
Oiin Central Life Insmira Co.
....." ON THE——
Life Rate JEndowment Plan
Combines present Prt tection to your family if you die, with
Endowment to yourself if you live, at ordinary- life rates.
company’s policies ar Incontestable, Non-Forfeitable and
the Extension Feature. The late of interest realined
higher and the death rate Lower than any of the leading
in the United .States. For particulars see
Are in the ring and must have a showing
Fresh Groceries.
Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Drugs
.and Canned Goods.
All grades coni an 1 Bye liquors
Home-made Peach Brandy.
Lager Beer, Imported Rum and
Tobacco, Imported Gin. Cigars.
Snuff and
-~-— — - ■ -
/ EOKuIA. Crawford County : W. J.
Slocumb as Administrator Cum tes
taroento anuexo of Sarah P Williamson,
deceased, has fully discharged having represented trust that he
his and yeti
tioned that lie be discharged from the
same. ’Iliis is therefore to cite all per
sous concerned to show cause before me
by the first Monday in October next why
said application should not be granted
and petitioner be discharged from his
Witness my hand officially, Juno 2fi,
I 888 - GEO. L. SAWYER, Ordinary,
Huy and Cost# only 25 Cents, TMthlna cure#
*ea la tlMHouea. AJftyourDrujcisfc
For Bale bv Jones & 1 .‘-Sueur, Knoxville
and J.F. liartlvy, Taylor G*.
>Ki)lNAKY’S County, Georgia. OFFICE, iCrawfoud Matilda
Mathews, having widow of Jas. application N. Mathews,
made to me
a twelve months'support for herself
two minor children, and appraisers
set having been duly from appointed the estate to assign of said and
deejasedj f. part same and said appraisers Facing
muH' Their return as required by law.
Thus is therefore to cite all 'persons con¬
cerned to show cause, if any they have,
my office, on- or before the first Monday
October next, why said application
d not be granted. Given under my
and official signature this, the 30tn
of August, 1888
GEO. L. SAWYER, Ordinary.
ft! SlilR DR. MOFFETT'S -
iiS m
corrects l "i?raS' nil irregularities 1 'SlD* and r
from which ladies suffer. annoying troubles
debilitated so many health It gives the
we;-ft, the woman despondent, and strength.and
makes cheerful Udyshoufd depressed in
trims. In chance WEED. or life no be wtth
out INDIAN ItiaSa/eani Unfailing*
Aei your Druggist.
For sale at Knoxvi'le by Jones & Le
Suur; at Taylor by J. F. Hartley.
Babbitt Metal
■At Ae Jonr