Newspaper Page Text
A wan, gray mist on the harbor lies,
Like phantoms the ships glide by;
Spectral and dim their tall masts rise
’Gainst a sullen, leaden sky.
I stand-alone on this dreary shore; -
I know that now we must part;
And I hear above the breakers’ roar
The beat of my hopeless heart
I can hear the night wind as it rave*
And the storm abroad on its trask;
I can see the cruel, hungry waves—
The ship will never come back.
Through the driving rain with streaming eye
I watch as it sails from me.
Gone—o’er the harbor the pale mist lies;
There is nothing left but the sea.
—Edith Sessions Tapper.
Small talk—Infant prattle.
In a great mea-ure —The surveyor.
A bosom friend—The chest protector.
fowl. Making a clean breast of it—Singeing
Time gallops under the spur of the
baloonist. Moving in the highest circles—The
Women love to see themselves in print,
and it ought to be encouraged, for it’s
much cheaper t an silk.
“Father, what is a promisorv note?”
asked Harold, looking up irom his arith¬
metic. “A paperwait, my son.”
The people who bet on elections do
wrong, but the man who never bets is no
better .—Newburyport (Mass.) Herald
Minister (called upon to marry a young
lady toan eileminaie dude —“To avoid
all mistake-:, please state which of you is
the bride.”— Sijtings.
It now appears the statement of a sea
captain that the Esquimaux were dying
off with scurvy was merely a salt rheu
mor .—New York News.
Motto for a Hairdresser.—Two heads
are bettei than one. Played out.—A
congregation. The end of a strike.—
Phosphorus.— Moonshine.
Old lady (stopping open street car)—
“You don’t allow no smoking on this
car, do you!” Conductor—“Certainly,
madam; take one of the back seats.”—
What we want to know is really
How to accept the mitt genteely.
—New York Star.
“What does assume mean, uncle?”
“Why, to take unto one’s seif.” “Well,
it says here he assumed the role of the
Merchant of Venice—did he steal the
man’s roll,”— Dispatch. 1
Smith.—“Now, oddest there’s Jones. He’s
one of the men I ever knew.”
Brown.—“That explains, I’ve been
trying a year to get even with him and
failed. ”— Binghamton. Republican.
‘‘Oh, Bill O’Fair,” says I one day,
“1 wish you’d pay your due.”
£ “I have,” savs he, and then, says I,
“I guess I don’t menu.”
—New York Star.
“Isn’t it dreadful,” asked Miss Bran
nigan, deed,’' “to run over a man !” “Yes, in¬
replied the official of the Bobtail
Street ( ar Line, “it jolts the car and
often breaks a window .”—New York
Young ladies who wish to have small
mouths are kind y advised to repeat this
at frequent Fin h intervals fried five during the day:
“Fanny floundered frogs
for Frances Fowler’s father.”— Philadel¬
phia Hcorl. .
Talking Shop.—Our Chemist (proud¬
ly)—“This is my eldest boy, Mr. O’Hog
gartv.” didn’t Mr. c’H. anybody — “Sure, Mr. McPill,
it want to tell me that.
I can sec your liniments in his face. ’’—
Funn! Foies.
‘ ‘The differecce between a sculptor and
a butcher is 1 hat one carves a tougher
substance than the other, Mrs. Trim
close,” said the witty boarder, inanswer
to her attempt to start the ball of con¬
versation .—Bur h ue.
wetter! Lieutenant Already (waking up)—“Donher-
10 o’clock! John,
why did yo 1 Dot waken me when I or¬
dered ” John—“I have already wakened
you several times, but perhaps you have
not heard me .”—Fliegende Buietter.
“My dear boy,” said a mother to her
son as she handed round his plate for
more turkev, “this is the fourth time
you’ve been helped.” “Iknow, mother,”
rep ied the boy, “but that turkey
pecked with at me him.” once He and I his want turkey. to get
square got
In the Guise of a Pinkerton Detect¬
ive He Kidnaps a Bank Cashier.
Iowa Crry, Ia-— One of the most dar
narrowly escaped »'“**”«of bu,...™.hid.
success nas just come
to liglit here. lor a few days previous
to the bold attempt to rob the Bank of
Wellman, a town near this city, four
suspicious persons were seen about the
wns ,J °i ; dreamed that they
hud their eyes on the bank, which lias
but recently been started. The cashier
is ayoung man twenty-three tl.i years of age, .la
who tl» key »,
with the President of the institution is
the only.persoii who [mows the com’oina
lion of the valuts. A few nights ago
while Mr. Moore, the cashier, was
a. with >« M
ive bride, a carriage drove up toe house
and a stranger knocked nt the door. Ho
demanded with an air of authority to see
voting bug*? Moore, and taking him to the
grasped him by the shoulder and
said: You are my prisoner.
The cashier was much astonished, but
he was informed that he was ° a forger J 3
aud 1 ,, that . the ,, stranger , was a Pinkerton ,
detective, and the best thing that could
be done was for the cashier to go along
withhim. Said the alleged detective :
“If ii you vou want want to to go 170 tn to tb« the hank bauk to to get wt
liny money or paj^ers that you need I
will go with you, but I am in a great
hurry.” the bank, Moore said he would not go to
but that he ha-1 a friend that
he would like to see to borrow some
money from if he had to be taken away,
A this point a country doctor came up,
and, being a friend of Moore, asked to
see the papers on which the latter had
been ] arrested !,t ‘ tT The ? boons " g detective ?
said : “I am a Pinkerton man and I
don’t have to show my papers.”
then Moore was taken to the iriend
he wanted to see, who proved to be the
President of the bank, Mr. Nicholas,
who wanted to know why Moore was ar¬
would rested. be and best who for linaliy said with that it
Moore to go the
officer. The pretended detective started
I out to take his prisoner to Iowa City,
The arrest aroused some half dozen peo
pie in the small town, and the detective
Beemed in a hurry to get off. Finally he
starte(1 and when a little way from the
village he gave Moore something to
“ nnk from a bottle. In a few minutes
he waa taken violently ill. He is still
When Iowa City was reached the man
told Moore he was sorry, but he made a
mistake. Ho bad found a telegram at
the mistake livery barn imforming him that a
had been made, and that he was
the wrong Moore. The men then
separated, Moore going home and the
pretended detective taking a train
From investigations made with¬
in the last few days it is pretty certain
that Moore was in the custody of a burg¬
lar. It is believed that had the bogus
detective succeeded in ge’ting his man
off without arousing the President of the
bank and so many other citizens he
would have taken him to the bank and
forced him to tell the rest of the gang
the combinations of the vaults which
then held over $25,000.
Prevention Belter Than Cure.
The following statement speaks for itself:
‘•This certifies that I was, with my family,
a resident of New Orleans during the terrible
Yellow Fever epidemic which visited that
city in 1878. We were strangers there, and
unacclimated, but having previously used
Ayer’s Ague Cure for malarial disorders, I
fully believed it would prove a preventive of
but I could not persuade my husband to use
exemption from sickness at this time was
considered miraculous, but I believe it was
Ayer's Aguo Cure, and feel sure that we owe
to this medicine tha fact that we survived
the epidemic.’’-Mrs. L. E. Osborn, Prescott,
Ark ----—
Judge Thurman dete-ts a cigarelte
smoker with ail his emphatic soql. On
his trips, sti angers sometimes enter his
car with a cigaiette. The judge can
smell one, he says, a block off.’’ A11 iu
veteraie smoker of the blackest cigars
himself, he abominates a cigarette, and
doesn’t hesitate to say so. The odor of.
the burning,paper is almost nauseous to
Log Cabin Success.
What oils the young men?
Robert Garrett’s father left him a fortune
of twenty millions. He was from chi dhood
reared in luxury; he received a sjnendid
education with an especial training into a
thorough knowledge of railroad management
and was expected to succeed his father as a
^road ajffitessssi, k *"e- „ 1 ‘SjasKt’
were assumed, he is reported a broken down
man, with mind ana health permanently
George Law is another young man left
^ “ th e °“ wrec^HiT father'tta
stone mason, was of gigantic size and strength,
with commensurate brain power, so he be
came a great contractor, then a railroad
kin S<* nd left half a dozen millions for his
SSltChw The founders . of both of these great “ estates * —
were born in the most humble walks of life,
grew Pte strong, hvmg aiid mentally labor and physically, aud devetoped by
« m houset
ksss tellectual pigmies. es Jizvszrsst
The great men of our country have not, as
a rule > come from the elegant mansions of
the b ‘ lt fr T m t ; ho Lf « Cabins of the
ures, (1 wh simple remedies for disease, effective
ail velop , j brawny, ch leave , brainy no P° son men, in who the system, compel the de
-world to recognize their strength and power,
The wholesome, old-fashioned Log Cab n
remedies are ihe safest and surest for family
use. Our grandmothers knew how to pie
pare the teas and syrups of roots, herbs and
balsams which drive disease out 0 / the sys
tem by natura i methods aud leave no after
ill-effects. The most potent of these old
time remedies were, after long and searching
investigation, fe secured by H. H. Warner, of
, “ ™ re *“"0. aad are now put out for the
Cabin^emed^s. 11 . “ Warner S Log
Regulate the regulator with Warner’s Log
j Cabi sarsaparilla, and with pure blood
; giving health, strength, mental and bodily
| vigor, with the you most may. gigentic hope financial to cope problems successfully of
the hood. age, without wrecking health and man
- -
, Indicat . ons from many parts of the . feoulli ,
point to an early frost.
Women’s Work.
There is no end to the tasks which daily con¬
front housekeeper, the good housewife. To be a successful
the first requisite is good health.
How can a woman contend against the trials
and worries of housekeeping if she oe suffering
from those distressing irregularities, ailments
and weaknesses peculiar to her sex? Dr.
Pierce’s Favorite Prescription is a specific for by
these disorders. The only remedy, sold
druggists, manufacturers. under a Satisfaction positive guarantee from the
refunded. guaranteed See printed in
every case, or bottle money
guarantee on wrapper.
All dramatic artists’, when off the stage in
Russia, must wear a uniform.
Kl fees Ely’s Price Cream 50 Cents, Bata,
ifegi HO ATflUR H
Apply Balm into each nostril.
5A-IELY BROS., 56 Warren St., N.Y.
FOR $10.
rJfili EE &
A. P. STEWART & €0 •J
69 Whitebali Street,
yj ves— r
Umbm .'1
(rJ~F t~ I .— U '* wRADF’l j
rg. la r tns0 Catch ihein alive with
B SaSlBV a ’’is, B 5 StfilST'S PA E Sold Sticky by all drug- Fly
oT.^cfnTif. 1 ' 8 ’'!^ 'Ill "iii'wiriE'^? i; : 1 fliunu
“‘■•■’‘T »?. Beekmgn_ s(t cet, Ncw v «rU.
i _ _ -
.Tv .J, * ►*. ►!, -J, .J. .J, .J, .J. J*\
The man who hus invested Irom three We oiler the man who wants service
to live dollars in a Rubber Coat, aud g a (not style) a garment that will keep
at his first half hour s experience in Ift n ■ SNOB ■B ail him dry in the hardest storm. It is
a hardly storm a finds better to protection his sorrow than that a mos- it is WW gbg HZ. H 9 called “ SLICKER,” TOWEL’S EISII familiar BRAND
m M ■ a name to every
qu quito being netting, n«»t only taken feels in, chagrined fl| fW» Cow-boy all over the land. With them
feels at if h so badly not look exactly but also like B the Coat only perfect Wind and Waterproof -m* ^
e does is “ Tower’s Fish Brand Slicker.”
Ask tor the “ FISH BRAND ” Slicker B B HbW HI and take no other. If your storoke leeper
does not have the fish brand, send for descriptive catalogue. A. J. Towp.r, 20 Simmons St., Boston, Mass. * ______ _
^ ^ ^ ►£» ^ ►Ji ►Ji ^ >J« ►Jm ^ ►Jj >1* ^ ^ ^ ^ ►J, ^ ^ ^ ►J-
Pulmonic S YRUP
Is the oldest and best established medlcin*
for direct treatment of Consumption
and all affections of lungs
lit ripens and loosens the tubercles,
gj / Rids the Lungs of purulent matter,
jjj \ Cleans and heals the sore spots,
< O {Makes new blood and helps circulation,
Jjj j /Prevents other deposits of tubercles,
Helps the return of flesh and spirit,
\Cures where other remedies fail.
Do not fail to send for Dr. Schenck’s new
and admirable treatise on the Lungs, the
Liver, and the Stomach, with their diseases
and cure. It abounds in excellent informa¬
tion, and will give you ideas about these
vital organs and the laws of health you
never had before. Sent free.
are for sale by all Druggists. Full printed
directions with each package. Address all
communications to Dr. J. H. Schenck & Son,
Philadelphia, Pa.
gas: crisis}:
I believe Piso’s Cure
for Consumption saved
my life.—A. H. Dowell,
Editor Enquirer, Eden
ton, N. C., April 23, 1887.
1 B
The best Cough Medi¬
cine is Piso’s Cure for
Consumption. Children
take it without objection.
By all druggists. 25c.
Any book learned in one refuting.
Wholly fjpea unlike 'leg without nrtilicial note*. avatemn.
Great Piracy inducement* condemned by Supi-mie Court.
to correspondence classes.
mond, Prospectus, the world-famed with opinions of Or. Win. A Ham¬
iinniel Greenleat'Tliom' Specialist in Mind diseases, 1
omst, J. M. Buckley, i». !>., ami, Editor the/,-rest the Psych Chris¬
tian Advocate. R of
and others, eh nr 1 Piv.clor the Scientist,
PROF. sent post free by
. A. LOISETTE, 237 Fifth Ave.. New York.
Ton Wagon Scalps,
Iroa Levers, Steel Bearings, liras*
Tare Beam and Henm Box for
w Every *iie S 6 O.
Seal* Tor free prwe liM
If Mention ibis paper and addreu
B |ASTHMA German Asthma Cure neveir/at'Z* CORED to give im-\
Sm«$£a(e rtlicfjn the worst caeen, insures com fart
I able sleep; effect* care* where a 1 others fail A
Uriai convince* the most skeptical. Price 5»Oc. and
* 1 .(X)*o£ Drucftfst DrTK. r or by mail. Sample PanhMmpl F REE
Ifpratairro. SCHItfFMANpBt.
this society, YOU which MARRIED? OTJ 55 S:
pays its members AiioO to $ 1,000
D0WA1ENT Circulars free. N. W. MUTUAL EN
SOCIETY, Box 846, Minneapolis, Minn.
y 0 irfl £ reiiruailsliii\°Ariufmetic,’8h(vrf-lfaud^,
H1 thoroughly taught by MAIL. Circulars free.
Bi yantN tJolicee, 457 Main St., Buffalo, N. x.
»0iiD Live at home and inukc more money working for un than
I at nnythingelse in the World Either *ex Cosily outfit
Terms vkkk. Address, .TUUR St Co., Augusta, Maine.
ISSSSSlii erCo., worth feet. Holley, ^te FREa Mich*
a. n. u.. ........Fotty, "’5
Best Cough Syrup. Tastes good. Uso
in time. Sold by druggists.
Best Cough Syrup. Tastes gtxid. Use
$275 (17157