Newspaper Page Text
What the People are Doing and
Talking About
Spciety Mews and Neighbor¬
hood Notes—Personal
Read new legal advertisements in this
M. J. Thompson, af Culloden was in
town recently.
BABBITT METAL For Sale at t»e
Journal Office.
Charles F. Gauss of .Atlanta, was in
town a few .days ago.
M. L. Flowers, of Rome, has beep in
town several days this week.
Miss Emma Andrews is spending some
time in Macon with relatives.
L, B. Featbersby, an Atlanta cotton
dealer, was in town yesterday. .
Misses Alpha McManus and Lee Ellis,
of Sandy Point, were in town Sunday.
Mr. Wm. McAfee may now be found
behind the counters of Wright. & Allen,
Miss Mattie Avaot returned .on Monday
from a visit to relatives in Taylor county.
Mr. Walter Clark and his charming
bride,, of Clarks Mill, were in town last
It is said that Mr, H. D. McCrary will
give a ball next week in his large new
store building.
A squad of Knoxvilloites, headed by F,
Dan icily, is putting up section houses on
the line of the A. & F.
About half of the building lots near the
depot have been sold, and various parties
are preparing to build.
The telegraph poles are being raised on
this side of Zebulon. In about a month
the entire line will be up.
Miss Leila Webb, of Goshen Valley,
spent several days in town with relatives
daring this week and last.
Mr. John T, Andrews informs ns that
49 squirrels were killed last week in one
patch of woods on his place.
At least 500 head of cattle have been
driven through this place recently, which
were being carried to Macon.
Mr. John Crockett is permanently lo¬
cated here as a cotton buyer. Knoxville
will continue to spread herself.
Lightning rods have been placed upon
the court house. There sre very few light¬
ning rods used in this county.
J. II. Nolan received a lot of chairs this
week that gives him a cimplete line of
goods. Go and see his furniture.
Mr. John W. Blasingame presented the
Editors wife with a monster yam the other
day-, for which ho has our thanks.
The news press has been thoroughly re¬
paired, and another break-down is
not likely to occur in several years.
Messrs. J. J. Gaillard and Russell Rey¬
nolds, of the surveying corps on the A. &
F. extension, were in towu on Sunday.
Miss Mary Jackson, who has been con¬
ducting a school at Goshen Valley, has
gone home to Vienna to spend vacation.
When you go to Atlanta stop at the
TaJrnadge House, opposite custom houseon
north side. We find this one of the best
places in the Gate City,
W. E. Carnes, a contractor of Atlanta,
has beru spending some time recently in
Knoxvilie. Ho has purchased a large lot
of,lumber and. will put in a plaining mill
:iejjr the depot, so it is said.
Another new firm with $10 000 capital
is about to bp formed, who will sell gro¬
ceries at Knoxville. The parties live in
Crawford county.
Mr..Ji J. Hanes, who was some time
ago the leading merchant at Jonesboro,
is having the old Allen corner store pre¬
pared for his occupancy on the 12th.
School Commissioner’* iYotlca.
All teachers of public shools in Craw¬
ford county are notified to meet me in
Knoxville on the 14th inst. I will pay
on that day 50 per cent on contracts to
teachers. H. F. Sanders, C. S. C,
Alliance Notice.
The Sub-Alliances of Crawford county
are requested to send delegates to a call
mee’ing of the.County Alliance to meet in
Knoxville on the first Saturday in De¬
cember, at Ilo’clock - a. m. The trade
committee are requested to meet at the
same time and place
By order of the President.
Oct. 9th, 1888. J. W. Jack, Sec
Useless Shooting;.
There has been a good deal of complaint
lately about the frequent shooting of fire¬
arms at night in the most public parts of
the town. The parties think that shpoting
does no harm, and tnat they are free to
do as they please on the public highways,
but if we mistake not,, there is a state law
against this kind of thing.
Sick or nervous people are made to
suffer by the unexpecied discharge of a gnu
or pistol near at hand, and horses which
are being driven—or thosa.which are hitch¬
ed, for that matter—may become scared
and hurt themselves or doother damage.
That which does no good does harm, boys.
We will sell lumber at the following
prices for cash pn the yard. Heart lumber
$1.00, Good square edge .75 First class re¬
.50 Second class, refuse .35. We sell
. 7
strictly Tor the Cash. au
Mathews & G a^rett*.
Knoxville lmprovis^.
The idea that Knoxville would never be
anything but a little one-horse tot^n, and
that the most of the trade of the,farmers
will continue to go out of the county, is
dying out. There is good causey for this
idea being abandpned.
Last spriDg thpre were only two stores
In Knoxville, an$ the stocks of berth stores
acldod together would not have amounted
to $4,500. Noyr there are five stqres well
stocked, and two other large ones,will be
stocked next week, while there are still
others being built.
In a few days the merchants will have
fseilities for conducting au annual trade
amounting to almost a quarter of a million.
Besides, we have now without doubt about
as good cotton market as the country can
afford. There is every reason to believe,
also, that three or four strong firms not
included in the foregoing, will open large
grocery stores during the winter.
The growth of our trade fecilities has
been brought about through the unceasing
efforts of a few enterprising spirits,,.who
have had mauy obstacles to overcome. But
at last our town can compete successfully
with the best markets for the trade which
has beer, hunting a market. Next year it
will be seen that this great territory, pop¬
ulated with 15,000 people, have a market
of their own equal to the best in any in¬
land town. Property is still low, and our
people have not yet taken up with the
doc m'.cLa in disposing of real estate.,
1 Georgia, Cbawkorp County—H. U.
White. Administrator of K. B. Murchi¬
son deceased, has land made belonging ..application to said for
lea Ye to sell the given
and notice is hereby
that said application Uoriday will November be passed next, upon
the First iu
at niy office. Given under my hand and
official signature, this Oct. 2nd, 1888 .
■" GJSO. U SAW YER, Orient
".1 I H \ ns
I keep an assortment of General Merchandise, and try to suit
eveiybody both in quality of goods Seeds, and in prices. I have aw
on hand a lot of Fresh Garden also a variety of
Farm Tools *
of the best makes which I sell cheap. Gall on me.
F. H. WEIGHT, Knoxville, Ga.
GEORGIA, Crawford Connty—Lizzie
W. Dorongh has personalty filed her application and setting for
exemption And valuation of of homestead, and I
apart at 10 o’clock
will pass upon-same November, a. 1888 in.
on Tuesday, 27tli day of ,
at my office. Given under my hand and
official signature, i.388. this Geo, the L 5th Sawyer, (Jay of
November, Ordinary.
GEORGIA, Crawford County— E. D.
Wiggins has applied for exemption of
personalty and setting apart and valua¬
tion of homestead, and I will, pass upon
said application at 10 o'clock a. m. on
Tuesday, the 27tli day of November, 1888.
Given under my hand and official signa¬
ture, this 5th day of November, 1888.
GEO. L. SAWYER, Ordinary,
riEORGIA, Ctawford county—Will
VJ so id before the court house door
in Knoxville, said county, on the First
Tuesday in December next, within the
legal hours of sale, the following de
scribedpropeity to wit: One stone spring
piano box single buggy and set of single
harness for same, also one black horse
mule named Jim, about ten years old;
levied on as the pi operty of John W. Scott,
underland by virtue of a fi fa issued upon
the foreclosure of a mortgage, from the
Superior court of said county in favor of
Summers and Murphy against hand officially, the said
J. W. Scott. Witness my Sheriff.
this Oct. 23, 1888. B. A. Hartley,
Also at the same time and place Jots of
land number 78 and 83 in the Seventh di-
triet of said county, containing in the
aggregate 405 acres, more or less / levied
on as the property of E..S. Lee to satisfy
a fi fa issued from the Superior court of
said conuty in favor of Sterling Neil
against L- T. and E. S. Lee. SHERFIF.
Also at the same time and in place lots one of
undivided one-balf interest districtof
land Nos. 94 and 100 in the 7th levied
said county; property said described of defendant land_ fi fa,
on as the in
under and by v h’tue ol a certain fi fa is¬
sued upon the foreclosuie ot a mortgage
from vrtawford Superior court in favor
of Miss Jimmu Fleara versus. Charles H.
Meara. Given under my hand and offi¬
cial signature, this Nov. 2nd, 1888 .
B. A. Hartle y, Sh erg.
Cf TATE of GEORGIA, ) All persons
O Shaving de
Crawford Countv. 1 msyuds against
James N. Mathews, late of said county,
are hereby notified and attested, required to the to pre¬
dersigned, sent same, properly within the time prescribed un¬ by
law. And all ipersons indebted to said
deceased, are hereby required the undersigned. to make
immediate payment to
GEORGIA. Crawford County— All
persons indebted to the estate of Win. B.
white, deceased, are hereby notified to
come forward at once and settle tlioir
indebtedness, and those having demands
against said estate are notified to present
them within the time prescribed by law.
Geo- W. White, ' s Executors
Oct., 25, 1388 Whit®
W. B.
GEORGIA, Crawford vested County— By
virtue of the authority of William m us by
the last will and testament deceased,
B White, late of said county, bidder
we will sell to the highest on the
first Tuesday in December, next, in the
town ot Knoxville, before the court house
the following property to wit: 198 1-2
acres of lot of land number 178.; all of
lot number 189, containing 202J No acres
moie of less, and 125 acres of lot 180;
all in the 1st district of originally Hous¬
ton, now Crawford county, and contain¬
ing 525 acres, more or loss'. Said land
•will be sold in 50 acre lota as directed in
said will. Terms cash. Oct. 24tli 1888 .
Office in the Court House. fb 27 -
Attorney at Law,
entrusted Prompt attention given to all business
to his care. jy 27
Call# ptomptly attended day and night*
Physician ^ Surgeon, ,
Patronage respectfully solicited. ■ fb3
New-and Fresh Goods!
Reliable Goods.
Having sold my- drugs I am now making
When you want a first class meal or a ,
good place First to Class sleep Fare, come to Comfortahle the Harris
Booms, Reasonable Charges, Accomino
dations Not Excelled!
I am improved prepared farms to loan money
on to the
amount of $200 and upwaids
on most liberal terms. I rep
resent the Araericuf, Georgia Loan & Trust
Co. Ga., a char
tered institution of the State.
T will guarantee that our com
missions are at least from two
to three per cent cheaper than
that of any other ompany„ Pay
merits can be made at any time,
and the loan may be taken up
whenever desired. Quit the 1
. We
warehouse and try us. are
o- heaper and and give don’t you Lapse lib- I
a? rty, we want your
land. The warehouses are .g et
tingit. W 4 JOTEK P. Blasingamx