Newspaper Page Text
As a bell in a chime
Sets its twin-note a-ringing,
‘As one poet’s rhyme
Wakes another to singing,
.So, once she has smiled,
All your thoughts are beguiled
Ann flowers and song from your childhood
are bringing.
Though moving through sorrow
As the star through the night,
She needs not to borrow,
She lavishes, light.
The path of yon star
> Seemeth dark but afar: ...
Like hers it is sure, and like hers it is bright
: ■ Each is jewel
grace a
Would ransom the town,
Her speech has no cruel,
Her praise is renown;
’T is in her as though Beauty,
■ Resigning to Duty
The scepter, had still kept the purple and
—Robert Johnson , in the Century.
High, sees—Astronomers.
A scaly trick—Catching a fish.
“What’s the score?”—Twenty!
There is an idol in a Chinese temple
that weeps tears, idol tears.
Crooked work will always bring a man
into straights. —Pittsburg Civonide.
Some plays are so solemn that men
have to go out of the theater to smile.
Nobody knows where files go to. Per¬
haps they go up the “tidw. ”—Detroit
Free Press.
They buried the milkman in the old
fashioned way. He took no stock in
The dentist should make a good work
iug politician. He is always ready to
take the stump .—Boston Transcript.
It was compla ned at a child’s party,
where the grown-up people were in the
majority, that it was too much adult
I While cost of living may be 1 educed
f down to a mere nominal sum, the trouble
ij remains with many to get the nominal
;; sum.— Siftings.
f 1 A fashion article in one of our ex
L changes says that terra-cotta is much
I worn this fall. We suppose it is either
I in the shape of tiles for gentlemen or
I piping for ladies’ dresses ,—Lowell Cou
| rier.
Two strike is the name of an
chief at the Pine Ridge agency in Dako
ta. There is evidently baseball talent on
t 6 10 ? X r ® serv ®' Uon - Mr. Anson
should u , j look into this mater.— Chicago
News *
When the frost is on tho pound cake and tho
The sparerib’s in the pot and
chilly autumn’s here the furnace
tire is hot,
knd the man who has dyspepsia eats those
things which lie should —Chicaqo not.
if News.
This . comes from r At, the Txr West as £ frozen
fact, but we more than suspect it is made
to order: “Mss Clam has married Mr.
Fritter and now signs herself Mrs. Clam
Fritter.” As the tale comes from “Bad
Man’s Gulch,” out in Arizona, the mari
time flavor is all the more remarkable.—•
l Commercial /ommeremt, iraetnuser. Advertiser
Judge Tree, of Illinois, it is said, is to
be the Minister to l.ussia. It will,
therefore, be iu order to say that his
bark will soon be on the sea to stem its
way to the Other side of the Atlantic.
There will, of course, be proper leave
taking, and as soon as he arrives at his
destination he will make his bough to
the Czar. There is little doubt but that
he will soon take deep root in the esteem
of the Rus-ian court .—Boston Courier.
A Combination Piece of Furniture.
A bureau exhibited at the Brussels Ex
hibition is a source of great surprise
when taken to pieces. In the space of
five minutes the bureau can be trans
formed into a complete set of bedroom
furniture, consisting of the following
articles: First, a ~d, bed table; (including mattress
and blankets); a 3d, a leather
trunk;'4th, a washstand, with basin,
ewer, looking etc., complete; glass; 7th, 5th, a towel armchair, rail;
Oth, a There nothing short, an in fact.
etc. is
The inventor is a Mr. /wicker lotar, of
Brussels. Of course, the bureau con¬
tains all the usual accessories in the
shape of drawers for papers^ letters,
account comfortable books, etc. night’s In the rest, morning, the bed
after a
is again transformed into a writing
Itable stored and washstand, table, etc., and re¬
to their places in a few minutes,
Mttnemitbu Mustu, Japanese minister
at Washington, D. C., is a most abstemi
nous man as regards stimulants, but, be¬
ing a scholar and philosopher, he has
shown an inclination to tase of American
mixed does drinks as an experimental tipples, process. how¬
He not like our fancy
ever. A few days ago he tackled 83 gin
fizz for the first time, “Hal” S3 ex
claimed in an Oriental way, “it buzzes
like a fly and stings like a wasp.” He
will hereafter confine himself to tea
From the District Attorney of Westchester
Comity, New York.
White Plains, N. Y., April 10, 1858.
I have received many letters in reference to
my testimonials, lately published, commend¬
ing Allcook’s Porous Plasters.
I cannot spare the time to answer them In
writing, therefore would again say, through
the press, that I have found Allcock’s Porous
Plasters invaluable as chest protectors and
shields against coughs and colds. Furthermore,
I have found Allcock’s Plasters unequaled
for pains in the side, hack and chest.
Nelson H. Baker.
There is a mine near Leadville into which
Women are never admitted.
With seeks groans and sighs, and dizzied eyea.
He the couch and down he lies;
Nausea and faintness in him rise.
Brow-racking pains assail him.
Sick headache! But ere long comes ease,
His stomach settles into peace.
Within Pierce’s his Pellets head thethrobbings fail him! cease—
Nor will they fail anyone in such a dire pro
dieament. To the dyspepetic, the bilious, and
the constipated, they are alike “a friend in
need and a friend indeed.”
Mrs. James G. Blaine, Jr., is going on the
stage again.
How to (Uaiu Ftcsli and Strength.
Use alter each meal Scott’s Emulsion with
Hypophosphites. It is as palatable as milk,
ful. Use it and try your weight. As a remedy
for Consumption, ) hroat affections and Bron
chitis, Scott’s it is unequaled. Please read: “I used
Emulsion on a child eiukt months o d
with eood results. He gained four pounds in a
very short lime.”— Tho. Prim, Si. D., Alabama.
Commander-in Chief Booth, of the Salva¬
tion At my, claims 1,000,000 people as converts.
Conventional “ Mo-ton ” Resolutions.
Whereas, The M non Route (L. N. A. & ('■
By large Co.) desires it to make it known to the world
at that forms the double connecting
link of Pullman tourist travel between the
winter cities of Florida a id the summer re
sorts of tho Northwest; and
surpa“sed, Whereas, its Its elegant “rapid transit” Pullman system is un
Chair Buffet Sleeper
and car service between Chicago and
equalled; Louisville, and Indianapolis and Cincinnati un¬
W7ter«js, Its rates are as low as the lowest;
then be it
Resolved , That in the event of starting on a
trip it is good policy to consult with K. O. Mc¬
Cormick, Dearborn Gen’l St., Chicago, Pass. Agent Mcnon Route, 185
for full particulars. (In
Jostagl’* 9 a Uri8t Gmde ’ enolo8a
A Ra(licaI Cnrc for Epileptic Fit..
Tn the sd itor—7lease inform your readers
that I have a positive remedy for the above
named disease which I warrant to cure the
worst cases. So strong is my faith in its vir¬
tues that I will send free a sample who bottle will and
valuable treatisejo any sufferer give
me his P O. and Express address. Respy, New York.
H.G. ROOT, M. C„ 183 Pearl St..
Catarrh Cured.
A clergyman, after years Catarrh, of suffering and vainly from
that loathsome disease, remedy, at last found
trying every known cured and saved a
prescription feteS which completely seffTdfflfstam^d
e a Si5 Prof. J. A. Lawrence, 88 Warren
envelope to free ot charge.
St.. N.V., will rece ive the r ecip e
Dangerous Trifling,
it i3 not only foolish, indigestion, but dangerous, to trifle
with constipation, Take the remedy piles or liver de
ran g em ent. proper as soon as
possible, and avoid all danger incident to delay.
The mother of Gen. Boulanger is a Welsh
woman w ho is -tro..g and hearty a t 85.
Don't hawk, hawk, blow, spit, and disgust
everybody Dr- faa S e ’» Catarrh with your Remedy offensive and breath, end it. but use
All dramatic artists’, when off the stage in
Russia, must wear a unif orm,
io any mew auDscrmer wno will send us this Slip, with
A $2.58 name Money and P. O. address and $1.75 in Money Order, Express Illustrated
Order, Registered Letter, or Check, for a year’s isub
scription to the Companion, we will send the paper
ORLY $05 and for a full year from that date. This offer includes the Supplements
Sent to Each _ Subscriber at Thanksgiving—Christmas— New Year’s—Easter.
Household Articles, Tales ^5 of Adventure, k? superior Illustrated to any previous Sketches year. It will contain Six Serial Stories, 150 Short Stories, profusely illustrated,
of Travel, 1,000 Anecdotes, Historical and Scientific Articles, Humor, Poetry.
83P* Specimen Copies and Colored Announcement free. Please mention this publication. Address
THE YOUTH’S Companion, 45 Temple Place, Boston, Mass.
A Modest) Senlttve Woman
Often shrinks from consulting a physician BSE j
feeling,but it is one which is largely prevalent.
ttemorskiUlSThyli^ians^f^^day^vho had experience in curing diseases
has a vast remedy
peculiar to women, has prepared a
which is of inestimable aid to them. We refer
to Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. This is
the only remedy for woman’s peculiar weak¬
nesses and ai.meats, sold by druggists, under a
positive guarantee from the manufacturers*
that it will give satisfaction in every case or
money refunded. See guarantee printed on
bottle wrapper.
The export of diamonds from South Africa
for 1887 was worth $21,000,000.
Monthly Irregularities are relieved and
cured and much suffering saved to woman by
use of Bradfleld’s Female Regulator.
I was surprised lifter
using Ely's Cream. Balm
right closed open two months nostril, form and free to years, whichwas{Jwift"NpT{ find as was, the the „, i ^ - m 1
other. Ifesl very thank¬
ful.—R. ham, 27518fA H. St., Cresseng Brook mi «s5»r 9%
lyn. ij.SA.
agreeable. Price 50 cents*®®”*-* W Mm
at drug-gists; ELY BROTHERS, by mail, registered. 66 Warren 60 cents. St., New York.
It has permanently cured thousands
of cases pronounced by doctors hope¬
less. If you have premonitory symp¬
toms, Breathing, such as Cough, don’t delay, Difficulty of
FISO’S Ac., CONStf but use
immediately. By Druggists. 25 cents.
V svécnssons
Red Lead, Litharge, Orange
Mineral, Painters’ Colors and Linseed Oil.
Wanted in every County. Shrewd men to act under instructions
in oar Secret Service. Experience not necessary. Particulars free,
Graanan Detective Bureau Co.4t Arcade,Cincinnati.O.
A gents wanted. $1 an hour. 60 new articles. Oat’lgue
-A jl and samples free. C. E. Marshall, Lockport, N. Y.
Above • absolutely water your and money wind on a gnmo?nil>6ercoat. and Will keep Tho FISH hardest
tradw trademark. mark Askior the “FISH BRAND’» proof, taho vou Urv If in t!:o storm.
— ot J Y<Lt H ^— slicker and no other. your storekeeper doe?
o i .0 o__ m m n p
S P Sjs
\\-» \a,^
a9 ‘
/m a • ■ am a gag
It /) SL KJ I S
- mj g-. *e Pga
Kol^Tefore ?«vm/the “actoryJ protSS ooda.
ffc3^™ be has them without my name a re
duced price, stamped or says the him down as
and price on bottom, put
a fraud,
m i
k L i
-J S
The only calf #3 SEAMLESS Shoe smooth
hurt the feet, easy as hand-sewed and AVJLL
NOT RIF. DOUGLAS SHOE, the ^ original , ,
W. L. 84 Equals
and only hand-sewed welt $4 shoe. cus¬
tom-made shoes costing from $6 to $9. SHOE.
W. L. DOUGLAS 83.50 POLICE them.
Railroad Men and Letter Carriers all wear
Smooth Inside as a Hand-Sewed Shoe. No Tack!
or Wax Thread to hurt the feet. unexcelled
W.L. DOUGLAS 82.50 SHOE is
for heavy wear. Best Calf Shoe for the price.
MAN’L SHOE is the best in the world for
'"AMsTKm® School Shoe in C’O world.
Is the best YOUTH’S School
W. L. DOUGLAS 81 .-,6 the
best Shoe shoes gives in the the small world. Boys a chance to wear
-isAH made in Congress, Button and Lace. If not
fold by vour dealer, MASS, write \V. L. DOUGLAS#
Cl _\ where all other remedies fail. Our
1 ( method of direct and eo tinuouv
«K medication ot the whole rdspira
V \ tory a- favorable system produces change same ot climate. effect
No smoko or disagreeable odor.
ILLUSTRATED BOOK giving full upon application.
5C State St., Chicago, Ill.
ifitefttSp. “OSGOOD”
s - SttBdM* Sctlu.
opp. Sent on trial. Warranted. Freight
paid. Fully
3 TON $35.
Other size., proportion
ately low. Agents well paid, illustrated Catalogue
free. Mention this Paper.
OSGOOD * THOMPSON, Binghamton, N. t.
CONSUMPTION remeil.y for above diseaseby its
thousands 1 have a positive of the the kind and of longstanding i::: ; 18
of cases worst its efficacy that
have been cured. So strong is my faith in
1 will send two bottles tree, together with witn a a valuable
treat tee on this disease disease SLOCUM. to to any any suffei sufferer. C., Give Pearl Express N. and Y
P. O. address. T. A. M. 181 St.,
ARE society, YOU which MARRIED? its *250 "SSS
this pays members to $1,000
nt DOWMENT marriage. Circulars free. N. W. MUTUAL EN¬
SOCIETY, Box 846, Minneapolis, Minn.
flrlUffl nnmu u»r>vr Hfiai I Famiessiy Days. Sanitarium cured In 10 Horn. to 9
1 B or
Treatment. Trial Free. No Cure. No Pay. The
Humane Remedy Co., La Fa yette, Ind.
j liflT.fl „ Live nt anything at home else and In make the more world. money Either workfnpjfor sex Costly ns outfit than
VKKK. Terms FREK. Address, Tblk & Co., Augusta, Maine.
to $8 a day. the Samples horse’s worth feet. $1.60 Write FREEL
Lines not under Holley. Mieh.
Brewster Safety Rein Holder Co.,
A. N. U. Forty-seven, ’88