Newspaper Page Text
Notice to Contractorti*
TX7TLL be let to the lowest bidder on
’ » the first Tuesday in July, 1889, con¬
tract . for repairing bridge
Avera’s known as
specifications bridge according to following bench
: Two spans and one
of old bridge to be slightly curved up
stream and to be raised to same height
of old bridge. A nev* addition 44 feet
long supported by 4 new benches; this
addition to be connected with the two
spans aforesaid and to continue the
curve and tot he on a level with the old
part of-bridge. Ail timbers to be of
same size as those in old bridge, and to
he of good heart lumber. Also an .em¬
bankment of dirt and slabs 210 feet long
and 16 feet wide on top. Embankment
to be of same height as bridge at con¬
necting end, and to taper down to naught
at tlie end where it uuist connect with
the old road YV. J. Dent,
Chairman Board Co. Corns.
W» take pleasure in calling the attention of
mothers to a home cure for all diseases of the
Stomach and bowels, a medicine so long needed
to oarry TEETHING. children safely through tlio ofiticaj
•tage of
■ »;
la &n incalculable blessing to mother and child.
It it an instant relief to coiio of infants, a dis¬
ease with which they suffer so much the first
four tnsntha of their life. . It gives sweet rest to
,the sick and- fretful child, and strengfcsnt
And builds up the weak, gives appetite and
flesh to the punjv corrects drain form the
bowels, oures diarrhea and dysentary. A
panacea gor children. Try one bottle. It
Costs Twenty-Five Cents a bottle,
■For salt) v ~ ~ a FtsXgw.jga
1. 41"
. After Forty in year** tho
ai experience preparation of
than One Hundred
Thousand applications for patents in
the United publishers States and of Foreign Sciontitio coun¬
tries, the the
American continue to act as solicitors
for patents, oaveats: the United trade-marks, Stat copy¬ and
rights, etc., for es,
to Germany, obtain and patents all other in Canada, countries England, Their France, eiperi
) ®nce ia unequaled and their facilities are unsur
> ^Drawings fn the Patent and Offtcfc specifications short notice. prepared Terms and filed very
reasonable. No charge for examination of models
,$r drawings. Advice by mail free.
fn £ Patents obtained through M nun AOo. are noticed
the largest circulation and published is the most influential world.
flewspaper of its kind in the
The advantages of such a notice every patentee
understands. splendidly i..astrated
fs I This large and nowspapor ami
published WEEKLY at devoted $ 3.00 a year, science, is
admitted to be the best paper works, to and
foechanicB, Other departments Inventions, of industrial engineering pub¬
lished in It contains progress, the of
dll any and country. of invention names patented
each patentees week. Try title it four every months for one dollar.
Bold If by all have newsdealers. invention to patent write . . to
you an
Munn & Oo., New publishers of Scientific American!
| 6 l Broadway, York mailed free.
———'!""", Made by Harwood M'f’ggmq
. 308?“.
To Replace Broken Cane.
t Anybody can apply
No Mechanic needed.
i SOLD BT jfl
-1 .
I Furniture & I;
• Harflware
In .buying new Chairs, ask for those with
Habwood’s Red Leather Finish Seats.
1 ; jpoteaey, rrcorlal Affections), Organic Weakness, Scientific tlonorrfaoes, Syphilitic and
ijmedies. Deformities TreateJ. treatment; Call write Bare for and list sura of
icsfionsto be answered by those desiring treatmenrby maiL
Persons »nd learn suffering something from to Tinpfarc ibetr advantage. should send It their S.: not address,^ a truss./?
IdrossDr. ' itral Med. C. A L. 8urg. ZaHAlUIK, Institute, Pres'fc 920 Locust and Physician St. Loaln. In Charge Mo*
.cce&obte Dt. ButU'Digpenaiuy Bsi st.,
*umbod SO years'
'J8 (B
: r/i
; i
. i
m v
if darling, irresistibly
fvely ,//c.—My night. you look
] |e SAe.-r-Do I ? Thanks very much! you
hanrlsome as a Prince, Charley, in your
i (ess suit.
, | Inirt, jHe .—Give the credit to the Diamond
line my love, which I wear for the first
•111 to-night; toilette. it Here is that is its which gives (slip- tone
jlng my the Diamond prototype ring
ilf finger). engagement on
| jie fame —May of our love be as enduring ai
t “ The Diamond Shirt.’
n •Tableau.
i w 1SSSi>B!CI 2100 LINEN.
your dealer does not keep it, send bis address
jUaniel Miller & Co., sole manyb Hirers. Haiti
% Md '
, {ff/:7;
—t'~~‘ ‘1 ’5: . 3,4,9; 4-3.»
1 ;- '_;J::";‘ __,
.115. 34A fin‘q’tafivp‘g m ,- 4v, _-, 3,
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What the People About. are Doing and
■ V it
Society , Hews and INelglibor*
Uood Metes Personal
■ ——-••
Knoxville needs a bank.
We can have a bank if we will try.
;■ I 1
A number of the elite of Culloden were
in town jesterday.
Tbe rain kept a good many people from
attending the exhibition.
K.eqxvi’.ie is-not naif so sorry a town as
some people think it is.
Mr. A. J. McAfee, of Culloden,
a day or two this week in our town.
Mrs. Dr. Sawyer visited .lief.Lister,
Bryan, at Marshallville during the week.
i Professor Willie Pierce hqs given, vaca¬
tion, and has spent a few days in
ville recently.
■J ■
A Frst Class new Sewing Machine
sale at, nearly half price. Apply at
printing office.
? '
.. Mrs. Evan Lumpkin,. of Columbus,
stopping, in town with her brother, Mr
Frank Daniclly.
i Captain John Jenkins, of Perry,, was in
town on Monday shaking hands with
numerous friends.
* ‘
• * 1 •;
Mr. Napoleon Andrews brought in on
yesterday a cabbage which weighed thir¬
teen pounds. Next.
.! ,
The raiDs are abundant and crops ere
spreading themselves. Iha God of Natuie
is with the Alliance !
Mr. R. L. Green killed a water moccasin
on yesterday that measured six feet in
length and was very large.
' n r
Crawford county would be Cod’s country
if wc. had a bank and a iWe.ll established
market for all country produce.
Mr. B. II. Ray, of Macon, was, in qiir
burg .tbie,weck.speculaJtius u* xattle and
looking after the interests of his firm.
For a safe and certain remedy for, fevor
and ague’ use DrJ H McLeanChills
and F ever Cure, it is arfanted to cure.
- i i ',
Miss Bessie Smith, who has been a
pupil of Gordon Institute, Batnes.yiile, has
returned to her home here to Spend
Sheriff Hartley .brought in, and jailed
Jack Regains, yesterday, who was, arrest¬
ed for stealing §13 from Coiiuor Regains,
his father.
i H - ...
There is plenty of the best kind of talent
in this section. Then why not organize a
dramatic club and present some plays
high grade ?
If the rains continue to fail .for a few
weeks longer as they bav,e been
the farmers of Cfawford county will make
all they can gather.
Possibly the Wool folk case may yet
tried in Crawford county. It depends
upon the action of the Supreme court,
who may order a new trial.
On Thursday Sheriff Hartley and Mr,
Wes Dent carried Brown, the man who
swapped p Macon stableman’s horse, and
placed him in jail in that city.
• ’
. . .
S >rne of our merchants have placed
romo very lar, c orders for fall goods, and
the prospects a bettqr trgde next winter
than the town ever had. are flattering.
Even the most vigorous and hearty
people have at times a feeling of
and lassitude. To dispel this feeling take
Dr. <1. II. McLean’s Sarsaparilla; it will
impart vigro and vitality.
, Thebe are times whena feeling of lassi¬
tude will overcome the most robust,'when
the system craves for pure blood, to fur
nish the elements of health and strenght.
The best remedy for purifying the blood
is Dr. J. H. McLean’s Sarsayarilla.
John Smith, the barber, has opened a
branch shop at Culloden, where ho will
work on Saturdays. Culloden people will
be pleased with John’s work, for he is neat
and polite.
• i ,
Thc-interests of the fqrnicra of Crawford
county demand that Knoxville shall be a
firjst class market for cotton as well as for
everything else. In a few months Knox¬
ville will he a better town ihan many of
the people ever expected to see here.
The other day J. H. Nolan caught a
trout at Hortman’s mill, pond which
woighed six and one-fourth pounds.
Friar, tlie miller, caught ope which lack¬
ed about half a pound of being as heavy.
A young man near this town ha.d an
eating cancer on his face, which had de¬
stroyed his nose ant) was eating towards
his eyes. As a last resort I put film on
Swift’s Specific, and it has cured him en¬
tirely sound and well:
M F Crumley 1 M D Oglethorpe,Ga.
GEORGIA.....JUNE , 29, -1889.
Pi-ice $1 Per A-nrium. Crftwfoid Oourity’a Organ.
- *
■ ..
The Kxliibltfon East Night,
Two hundred and forty people were
last night at Professor Power's exhibition.
The threatening weather prevented
hundred or more from ccming who had
intended to do so.
To judge from the behavior of the
ence it seemed that there w.ere none pres¬
ent but ladies and gentlemen, strictly.
! The pupils all did remarkably wed, and
Professor Power was nicely advertised as
fine,Instructor by the proficieneyriisplayed
by his scholars, both b ys and girls in de¬
clamation. The dialogues wers well chosen
gnd happily rendered. Some.of (he girls
and boos toe, showed considerable talent,
and it was quite refreshing to witness.
would like to reproduce the full program,
and publicly, accord to eoph the mead of
praise due, put canuot .at this time.
We dare,say this was (he most enter¬
taining school exhibition ever given at
The Alliance has knocked the spots out
of the jute trusf.. _NoW let us get the ex¬
change to working so that we may whip
the combines that are made to squeeze the
working peeple.
“Indian , ST . LOUIS, MO., proverbially Post-Di?patch healthy says
women are
and strong, often marching for days with
their babies upon their backs. In fact,
they frequently go the day before and after
confinement, with their tribes, upon the
march. These women acquire this great
strenght and power of
a weed that grows in their locality, out
which a medicine is now being made,
kept by the druggists, under the name IN¬
DIAN WEED (Female Medicine.)
The Bent fn he lVoald,
I think Swift’s Specific is the best blood
remedy in the world. I have known• it
make some wonderful cures of
who were considered incurable.
D M Grayson, Cromville, La.
Treatise on Blood and Skin
mailed free.
The Swift Specific. Co; >; f .;
Drawer 3,Atlanta, G&.
DIZZINESS, nausea, drowsiness,
tress after eating, can be cured and
vented by taking Dr. J. H- M.iLean's
and Kidney Pilletf (little pills,)
The most delicate constitution can ssffelj
ues Dr, J. H. &cLeih;».Tat„Wino
Balm, It is a sure remedy for
of v oiao, and all throat and lung troubles.
Notice is hereby gi ven that at the Ad
jaunied'Term, 1889, of the General Assem¬
bly of the State of Georgia, to convene ou
the first Wedesday in July, prox.. a bill
will, be introduced before said body to bo
entitled.asiollows: An Act to prohibit
the sale of Seed Cotton in the County
Crawford in quantities of less than five
hundred pounds, and for other purposes.
This June 12th, 1889.
Onr Bafoy,
Our baby when two months old, was at¬
tacked with Scrofula,which fora long time
bestroypn her eyesight entirely, And
us to.despair of her life. The doctors sailed
to relieve her, and we gave S.; S. S. which
soon cu.ied her entirely,'and shots pow halo
and bearty. B.; V. DELK.
Will’s Point, Tex.
CALIx 6 Ito—,—,
j. s., M<;gee
At Ceres-or McEImurray’s old stand
For Fine Whiskies, Bran }y,
Rum and-Gin and general Gro¬
ceries. Everything at Macon
The White is King,
~ on
7000,500 Jjfow In Use.^
'to y--: ^
r <5
M ■■fj.
. ..
Gentlemen, uo you want .to please your
Ladies do you desire to lighten yourlahors ?
Dealers do you Wish to satisfy your cus¬
If so, Buy THE WHITE. .
The one and only verdict of the people at
large is that tho White fills tho bill in ev¬
ery respect, J-U-'i 4 *.
Wc Know You Want The Best.
A Golden Opportunity, For Dealers,
White Madbine Cleveland O
Alliance Resolution*.
X ,
■ — , i ■■ <>
Whereas, the great sickle of Time, Death,
has been in our midst and stricken from
among us Brother W. C. Hunnicutt,: and .
Whereas, to express, oiir Sorrow at this
sad taking away of,our friend and brother,
Resolved that we sincerely cympathize
with the family in this their sad bereave¬
ment, hoping and:trusting that what may
bo their loss may be bis eternal gain
Resolved that in the death of, Brother
Hunnicutt this lodge, Woods Academy,
has lost a worthy, honorable and trusted
member. Brother Hunnicutt having been
cut down in the prime and vigor of man¬
hood, when all. <jf his earthly aspirations
were being realized, should teiniud us
that the young as well as the old must die.
and that we too must soon follow him to
that clime from whose bourne no traveller
e’er returns, and the solemn warning should
be Impressed upon our minds to have our
house in Order,, so that when we are called
upon to pay this last earthly debt, as we
may be ready to bid farewell to friends
and family and" pass into the realms of
eternal blis3,
. Resolved further, that the members of
this lodge wear badges of mourning 30
days, and that a blank,leaf be left upon
our minds to record initiation, age and
death of our worthy brother.
., Resolvcd jthat fheqe resolutions be spread
our minutes, and a copy of same be fur¬
nished family of deceased.
Skin Cancer,
Swift’s Specific hast cured a caucer on my
face, and has almost made a young mau
of rue, * , ,3
Waci-sa, Fla. . e-»
A servant has been afflicted many years
With A cancer on her nose, which resisted
all treatment. She has been entirely cur¬
ed by Swift’s Specific.
Thomson, Ga.. Hill.
Swift’s Specific ,bas cured my cancer,
which, was very bad, I am now in fine
health--never better. .. Have gained 25
pounds since I begau taking Swift’s Spe¬
cific.,, Tiptonvilb, Tenr>, . ... S S Bradford.
4--1 «’>,
TtVcnty Pieces of'ISome,
! Hy iittle :;eico, left me by .her mother
had one of the worst eases qf white swell¬
ing I ever saw.,., More than twenty pieces
of bone pame cut of her leg, one piece being
'about tbs size of.the small end of a walk¬
ing cane, and nearly : three inches long.
The hole left by taking these pieces ou
, vyas as large as a good sized walnut. She
was not. able to . walk, .p. step for eight
months, and was afterwards compelled to
use crutches for neatly a year. , The doc
ors said there.was no cure, and advised
amputation of the limb; This. I would not,
consent to, blit put her .to. taking (S..S. S.)
leaving off all other treatment It has
cured her sound and well, and 1 shall nev¬
er grow weary of speaking its praise.
Mrs. Annie Heeding.
, Columbus, Ga., Feb. 11, 1889.
SICK headaclie, biliousness, . nausea
costiveness, are promptly and agreeably
banished by Dr. J. H. McLean’s Liver
and Kidney Pilletb (little pills.)
Swift’s Specifi is a simple vegetable
compound, prepared, from roots gathered
freshly from the forest and contains noth¬
ing of the mineral kingdom or any poison¬
ous substance or any article at all which
comes from the chemist's labratory.
The formula of the remedy was obtained
from tbe Creek Iudiaus in Middle Ga. by
reliable white men, who had witnessed the
wonderful cures made by that tribe of
Indians of blood .disease. Mr Hugh
Dennard of Houston Do Ga,: began using
wift’s Specific in 1829 and continued its
use all his life and asserted, that He had
never known it, to fail to cure any case of
scofula blood taint o* contagious blood poi¬
son. This testimony has been corrobara
ted every day foy years.. The pvesent Com¬
pany was formed in 1879 and- hare,since
made known, to tho: world the.- virtures of
Swift’s Speeffio and to-day it is sold in ev¬
ery city, town and country store all over
America Great Britian, and maDy other
portions of tho. world.
I have seen Swift’s Specific used and
known of many cases of the worst form,
of blood diseases which have been cured by
it I know tho proprietors to be gentlemen
of the highest type and utmost reliability..
I reccommend ii as a great blood remedy
unequalled bv anything that I know of.
: ’• •; Mi B.W liar too,
Pastor 1st Baptist Chuch, Montgomery Ala.
Wrapping paper for sale at
this office at 4cis per p'ound
. Faults of digestion cause disorders of
tlie liver, and tho who'd! system becomes
deranged. Dr. J. P. Mo Loan’s Sarsapa
r diu perfects the process of digco'icn and
and thus makes blood.
r. Y- f.
The m. and B. R. K.
Vi; ■t
.. The surveying corps on the new. road
will rqn still another line from Ecbeconnce
creek to the A. & F. road. If rights of
way are. given the road will run by Fair
Play cross-roads, two miles above Knox¬
ville. .< There arc two, or. three men in thq
county who ;do not want this raad built,
and are saying everything against it. The
people throughout the central and western
portion of the county all want to eee this
line constructed. • •
We advise the farmers to give free rights
of way, provided the road shall be bu I by
Britt’s bill and Hickory Grove. This is
the cheapest route, no matter what may 1 e
said to the contrary, and the road- built on
this route would ,be worth more to this
section than anything else under the sun.
The Company seem to have determined
to run between Knoxville and Culloden,
and very naturally is inclined to adopt the
cheapest route. Of three routes the lower
one is preferable, because it will furnish
more,traffic, touching as it does the pine
belt in the eastern part of the county, and
traversing the best portion of the country
between the A.& E. road and Thomaston.
By crossing at Britt’s hill the road would
get the same amount of patronage on the
north that it would get by crossing at the
school house on this side of Ceres,. and it
would gain at least 30 per cent more bus¬
iness out of the country south of it.
Crawford county will be doomed to do
forever without a market town, compelled
to scatter its trade to the forr winds, unless
this road shall pass near the centre of the
county. Our citizens should not . let any.
little selfish interests JJstand between them
and the greatest need of the people.
h Two Women Fought.
There was a lively scene in tlie Ordinary’s
court a few days ago.
Sherman Rutherford and his wife, were
suing for. the possession of two children
whom they claimed had been given to
them. The mother of the children was
the daughter of the prosecutors, She is a
bright mulatto and the two little girls are
nearly white. The mother of the children
claims that she gave them to, her father
take pf, he to feed theta and . to
furnish them with, plenty of nice clothes.
She claimed that her parents did not.give
the children any iclotbes, and she; tried to
possession of item. Old man Sher
mamsued for possession of them and won
the case. ,
Eliza, the mother of the girls, was so
frenzied with auger and grief that she
attacked her mother, and the two women
had a lively set-to all over the Ordinary’s
office. They were parted by the Sheriff
and his deputy before they did more than
to bruise each other a iittle.
Strictly Buiaess.
What is. the Swift Specific Company ?
Who compose the organization? I sit a
clap-trap patent medicine humbug, gotten
up to deceive and make money out of the
? These questions we think are
by the officials and citizens of
city bud State.
Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 10 1888.
Wc know the gentlemen composing the
Specific Company. They are prom¬
citizens of onr State, men of roeaans
of high character and standing.
W A Hemphill, Pres. Capital City Bank.
II Porter, Romare, Pres. Vice-Pres. Merchants’ Nat Bank. Bank. i
J Hill, Pres. Gate City Nat. Bank.
B Gordon, Gov. of Georgia;
H Colquito, U S Senator.
T Cooper, Mayor of Atlanta. -i a
Crady, Editor Atlanta Constitution.
: maxs ix ?.‘PARK‘ER, i
"Having bod'ght o'ut'TMr.’ Holzen'dorf’s bfiSiiiéss, we are pi-e
éz/parezlv‘to sapply marketafi‘ords our'fzfiends' with at'fivinfiprices... the’ best Liqu'drs cigars and
“Tobacéos the Now Whenever
.r you‘come"to~-'town'“cbmeto'see 0mm? icks. »
/GEORGIA, vJ sold before Crawford tlie county—Will bouse door bo in
hours Knoxville, Georgia, the first within Tuesday'in the legal,
of saloon July
1889-, ttietollovvirfg property to wit 1 : Lot
of land number 220 in the first district of
originally Houston, now Cfawford
county, Levied containing the 202$ acres, more or
less. on as property of thrf
estate of K. B. Murchison, deceased, lot
satisfy of three executions, L.’ to wit: One in'
favor K- F. and D. Moore against
H. C., deceased, administrator of K. IL1
Murchison issued from the
Crawford county court; one in favor of
J. W. Stroud and one other iu favor of
Jasper Beeves, both against H. C. White
a s administrator of K. B. Murchison, de¬
ceased, District, and issued M-, front Justice Which court of
4941 li G. and are now
held and controlled by George YV. White.’
Tenants in, possession notified. Terras
cash. Tins may 25tli, 1889.
B- A. HARTLEY, Sheriff. '
AOT 1 CE : .»* ' '-V it
•Notice is hereby given . that at the ad-,
journed session of the Legislature, which
will meet on the first Wednesday in July,
next, a bill will be introduced, to provide
for. Tax Assessors for Crawford conuty.
May 31st 1889.
If health and life arc worth anything!
and you arc feeling out of sorts and . tired
out, tone up your system by taking Dr. J
IL McLean’s Sarsaparilla. ..
INDIAN WEED (Female Wedieine) hair
proved a great blessing to the weak .deli¬
cate, over-worked women of our large cities
for it is that all who use it keep robust and
healthy. V
• ■ ■ ■ t
My father had for years an erting cancer
on his under lip, which had been gradually;
growing worse until it had eaten away his
under lip down to the gums, and was it3cK
on the inside of his cheek, and the surgeon
said a honible death was soon to come.
We gave him nine bottles of Swift’s Spe¬
cific, and he has been entirely cured. .
W B Lathrop. South Easton, Mass.
• •>
Swift’s Specific is entiaely a vegetable
remedy, and seems to cure Cancer by fore-,
ing the poison out of the system through
the sore. Send for book on Cancer and
blood poison, mailed free. ■ i
Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga.
Pimples, blotches, scaly skin,.Ugly spots
sores and ulcers, abscesses and ; tumors,
unhealthy discharges, such as cr/jarrh, ec¬
zema, ringworm, other forms of skin dis¬
eases, are symptoms of blood impurity
TakeDr. J. H. McLean’s Sarsaparilla.
; it
No need to take those bigcathartic pills:
one of Dr. J. II McLean's Liver and Kid¬
ney Pillets is quite sufficient and more
■- (-t
m 's
New improved high nrm s new mechanical pHncU
feed, friction, no springs, tew parts, minimem'
71 tantrums,” no no noise, no wear, no fatigue,,
richly ornamented, capacity nickel unlimited, always in or¬
satiefaetion. fiend for circoiara. plated, and give*’
KVaACHINEtCOf Address,
@18 Broadway, New Torfe;
liCstorFaxliag Manhood. Nervousae* CUBE FOR 1
W^fenessTLaok of Strength, r. •,
St’"?5. b7 oaoBlly within • month. Ho DeoapHon In*
fnrQuoph.17. positiva Proofs, toll dmriptianand
«P%!ME mm* rree!
A favorite preficrlption of one of tbo
moil noted and sncceasful specialists In the U. 8*
(pew retired) j&anhoaxS, for tho W*sOmm99 core of JFervous and Deosy. DeftflUy. Beni
2c plain sealed envelope/Veo. Druggists can flu lb
Addrsea DR WARp« A CO.. Louisian^ Mow
fjie hvhl . k yTui) i) Y h: nTj a kg b d.devkl- '
d.NKD.Eto.. is'an intereatlngaS
loutf run fn our paper. 1 n reply to lna at»:
tvll* nriy th.»* Lhere is no evidence or humbq g
til-g- On the onutrnrr. the advertiser s are very a
lndorsod. Iuterosted perHo ns may
glvlr.g all nartionlars, by adore:. sin g gam
9 Evening Baa.
& Life Experience. Eeraarkable and
\ulcic cures. Trial Packages. 3end
ktamp for seeled particulars. Address
t»J» X CO. Louls'rma.
t! c bes Gins, Feeder and Condonsirs.
- .,
ni mj