Newspaper Page Text
t *| tft '
The undersigned is now prepared to
lend money at 8 per cent, interest per an¬
num. No cash commissions charged bor¬
rower. All that borrower Is required
pay in advance is my fee tor
loan and cost of recording
papers. Sums of $800 and upwards loan¬
ed on improved real estate tor five
time. It you want money at cheap
come aud see me, and get every
that you give a note for and save heavy
Commissions. Respectfully,
—Mad* roost ftonu nr n* —
Mm. lyrlakheTBBetties,
also oca nxtba voce anciAiaauh
All — route nettle. PfCCiOLA
The boss delicate end most luting odors atede.
Our trade-mark patented on every label.
“Delfoete e* a cobweb, hills.”
Lasting at the
HaeaaesatM ITlrytnr dranteS aa* wesvIU don’t Cerwar* tree* Shea
— Ch a r S r i e **.. Yaw Orleans. La.
Fin *
WOODWORK’ ff* Mutminn
«AgSSSMSIgg kuhiiamo. eam^BCO
J. W. Blasingame, Knoxville, G*.
31 m
Shm ft&fS After Vtrtr jpn
oxpwrioneo la taw
Liliaha preparation xbun On© Handrad 6f mor*
ThottMAd th© United • ppJIeaMtms and for F«r«tfa p*UnU l*
Btat*M th© BeUntid© ©own*
trt«w, t b.9 pnbUnhstra ot
Junarioon eontian© to act a© scUoitcte
for patent©, cat©*!*, fftrthe United trads-tnark©, eopf- and
r!ie>its. ct©., HUfco©,
& obtain p.v ;nt* in :h*r Ge-imda, ^untotrtse*. Knelana. Tb©i»*rp«ri~ rraro©,
/many, fcwi • Mum
©■re ;s r.D*owa •a r.o-itJicir sxt omf
RPsf*: i -rr-iionr vtn* S'wl
• i■ .
.. it. >::■*. Mi 1-30. T f»ruu v vy
feus.', a }. -> c’a • \'T ( ( ©MiinatAotf Ci M -i
Or P&teuf dV.iWJr.Kfl h:; tmtilire©. Mana* notiwA
latlw SCUQtfTkOTC >4 ohtaine.l rhronsh AMJCSUCAS.> ich
• ha*
tho largest oiroalation and i» th© mwt IniluoBtial
BmiiMpor of it« kind pn¥H©h©d in th® world.
Th© adwaatocM of toon a notioo ®T®ty jiabonu©
VuAofiUfidi. Thi« and fip’ondMjy <*$frated
laiw© WHraiKIiY >4.00iptt, nowepap©r and ia
|ft BduitUd pnblUhod ba the b®«t at dmrouA to wcl®no©,
to iwip^r worka, and
atb«r sn»ohanio©. department© Invention©, of indoatriat ®ncic©<?rins pah*
mb©d in ti. it oontainn pro©rr®«*. th®
anr oonnt worn©©
Ml patentees and title of ©v**ry month® iavention patented dollar,
•aco ioldby week. all newndoaleta. Try it fonr for on©
U ytm have an JnvcnMoa to patent writ© i© .
Mnna * Oo.. publl»h«r* of ScianUft© AflMfioSB,
rVES!&i»£ patent© mailed Are©.
At Ceres or McEimurray’s old stand
Rum For Fine Whiskies, general
and Gin and
prices, ceries. Everything at
The White is King.
7000,000 Now In Use.
J i
J % i
0 :
Goutlemon, do you want to please
Ladies do you desire to lighten your labors
Hosiers do you wish to satisfy your
If ao, Buy THE YVHITE.
The oua sod only verdict of tbe people
large isthat the White fills the bill in
sry Tespect.
YVe Know ? <>u Ws©t The Best.
A Golden Opportunity Fo* Dealers.
White Sewing Madaine Co., Cleveland O
What the People are Doing and
Talking About.
8edeiy News aa< flelghber.
heed Netes-Peneaal
Sow your oats but pay your subscription
if you want good luck.
Mr. Frank Wright and wife and Mrs.
Z. T. Harris visited Atlanta during this
Don’t feel slighted if we fail*toymentlon
your trip to the exposition and the Gate
City. So many went that we couldn’t get
dll the names down.
Those who ha vs paid their subscription
to this paper have our lendeth thackv^He the Lord. that
giveth to the pror to
It looks as If the legislature wanted to
stay In Atlanta as tong ss the weather was
good an d the 1’iedmoDt exposition lasted.
Misses Eddie Jarrett, Emma Stembridge
Lillie Blasingame and Lee Ellis visited the
Atlanta exposition on Tuesday.
Mrs. M. B. Pierce made a business trip
to Atlrnta during the week.
Ool. O. P. Wright, 0. N. Pierce. C. T.
Blasingame, J. W. Stroud and J. C. Cul
verhouse went up to the exposition on
Mrs A.P. Spillers returned on Monday
from a visit to relatives in Bartlesville.
Mr. Edgar Jordan h*a an air of Impor¬
tance about him since that boy was born
last week.
A limited number of the celebrated u-m
e'en a China trees—one year old—for sale
by tlie editor.
Oscar Kennedy has gone to attend col¬
lege at Oxford. Oscar may'represent this
county in the legislature some day.
Mr. Rufus King did not go to Texas as
was stated in the last issue. He told out
and got ready to go, but was persuaded to
remain in Crawford county.
A nice lot of dress goods just opened stj
W .Blastngames store at lowest market
Captain Mark Carnes had the misfor¬
tune to lose about 409 shingles by fire neur
his uew building on Monday night.
There is hardly enough room to give
the names of thote visited Atlanta and the
Piedmont exposition this week.
Wrapping paper for sale at
his office at 4cis per pound
F©rRs»l« t
The Green M. Jackson farm, contain¬
ing 607} acres, 3 miles from Byrou, will
be sold cheap on long time.
Address: C. P. N. Babkm,
Room 82 Traders Bank, Atlants.
Tbe Year Town
I learn that my last article created a
good deal of comment. I sec no one ha s
answered me. I proposed before t< <<
only in facts, and it seems that the people*
were of tbe same opinion, as no one has
written against it.
It is concedtd by many citizens of the
old town that the new railroad town is tbs
com in g town of this section. The sound
of lhe saw and hammer never ceases here,
and building lots are being sold almost
daily, The cotton market for the county
ss here and several merchants of the old
town has storage houses here. This shows
two important facts. First, tbe people
look upon this as the most suitsble place
for a market; second, even the business
men of the old to wn have to do part of
their business over here. Then again, we
do even now more business bere thais n
done ini he old to w.n No man with
much capital will think of locating in the
old town. Here we have all advantages
over the old town and the people have ac¬
knowledged it by not denying it through
the paper. The fame of oar boom is go¬
ing out over the county and iu a few
months wa must, from the very nature of
circumstances outstrip ail competitors in
the race for public favor end patronage.
X. Y Z.
I find Ideal Tooth Powder is without
exception the best I have ever usod.
With and white, its aid which I keep I my teeth unable very to clean do
with any other powder I have ever tried
before. So sava Ferdinand X. Chartard,
Baltimore, Mu.
Tooth By the Powder way, willyon 7 we can buy thoroughly and use Idea)
ommend it, R, E. Nichols, Dentist, Se¬
lina, Kansas, says, Ideal Tooth Powder
is in my estimatmi. Just what ft* name
indicates. An engraving 30xS4 is given
with each two bottles. Price 26 cent#
per bottle.
°"bbOWS'» - .^W gjcntss, I*OW Malaria, Indigestion and
sale BWEHS.
It medicine. euros quickly. Get the ceuuis*. For by all dsaJors in
GEORGIA. OCT. * 0 , 1889
Price $1 Per Annum.
We the Grand Jury Chosen for the Oet
Term 1889' Superior court beg I<$gve to
make the following General presentments
towit; We have examined by
as thoroughly as we could in time allowd
us the books of the dlierent officers of Abe
county and so far as we could ascertain
the public Records are properly kept and
in good shape, We especially commend
those officers for the neatness and care
evidenced by the counties Records.
An examination of the Treasurer’s hooka
shows he had on hand the following
amounts of the several funds ot the the
April Term of the Superior Court towit
Poor fund $270,15
County „ 286.27
Jury ,. 678,62
we find the expenditures of the diferent
funds to be as follows :
Poor fund $866,00
Cov.nty „ 1024,96
Jury „ . 494,60
To meet the current expenses of the county
the county commissioners found it nects
saiv to negotiate a loan of $700 which is
now exhausted. We find that the Trees
urcr has proper vouchers for the amounts
paid out: We have examine.) the Dockets
of Justices of Peace and Notaries Public
of the county and find all entries properly
made and itemized bills of cast* as the
law directs. We find ths county Jail in
good conditon far safe keeping of
bat find the floor walls and sash badly
besmeared with spittle from the prisoners
inside the ceils, an evil that should be
remedied by putting spittoons inside the
cells and requiring the prisoners to use
them. We find ths Court House in good
repair except the Travers Jury room, which
needs and should have some repair of the
plastering overhead, we find no chairs in
said room, which we think a great neces¬
sity and one that ought to be supplied.
We find the sinks in the room used for a
water closet out of repair and a unisance
and will continue to be such until they re¬
ceive necessary repairs. We recomtned
that a book of Temporary Administrators
and also on- for Bonds for same be pur¬
chased fsr the Ordinary. We recommend
that the County Commissioners look after
the bridge near Johu T. Andrew’s place
aud make such repairs as needed. We re¬
commend that B. F. Kennedy be appoint¬
ed Notary Public for the 677 Dist. place
of T. J. Sanders of said Dist* And that
John YV. McGee bo appointed for Sandy
Point or 497 Dist. Also that W.M. Rav
be appointed N. P. andJ.P.fortbe 629
fh G. M. Also that O. C. Cleveland be
appointed for tbe 621'st Dist. G. M. Also
John L. Harrison be appointed for tbe
680’th Dist. G. M. We have examined
by appointed committees the Tax Receivers
Books and find it necessary to make chan¬
ges in the several Disfricsas hereunto an¬
nexed. We furthermore recommend that
the Jury and Bailiffs fees remain as filed
by the last Grand Jury. In taking have
of His Honor George YV. Gustin, we beg
leave to tender our thanks for courtesies
shown this body, also the Solid tor General
W H. Felton. YVe recommand that the
General Presentments be publshed in th c
Knoxville Joubxal. W. F. Chancellor
YV. A, Watson Foreman. T. O Arnold .
M. H. MacElmuray. H, C. Bowers. G. D.
Mathews. L. H. Gaorge. W. G. Altman.
R. B- Schofill M. F. Jordan. B. J. Becham.
B F. Kennedy. W. G- Hancock. James
Taylor, VV. M. Ray John Wilder. T. T -
Dickson. J. F. Bryai't E. Rowell. W. J.
Walker. L. C. Futrell.
Get efl'tasjr.
On last Saturday several darkies asked
permission to use a room in the court
house.- They said that they only waoted
to discuss the emigration queston and hold
a mass meting to elect delegates to the
colored convention in Atlanta.
The town negroes behaved very well
and said nothing offensive about white
people, but a scool teacher by the name of
Cowan made a s peech full of veitperation
againai the whites. Several gentlemen
who heard him said that it was a regular
insurrection tirade. Cowan said that ne¬
groes would nsver get justice from the
nouria until the juries were made up of
negroes tad the courts were made of tbe
African race.
He said be would a* soon go to the gates
of bell for justice as to the cotirle of this
country. He told his hearers that the
state gave thousands and thousands of
dollars to white schools but nothing to ne¬
gro schools. Cowan misrepresented law
and incts in every instance, and his uter
snees were of a riotous nature. He was
arrested sod a case was about to be made
against him, but be pleaded igkorance oi
the law and promised to behave himself
and he was allowed to go unharmed
Cowan got out of a bad scrape more easily
than he will ever get outof another one of
the kind this communty, as it is said.
Jieuraigic with Tereona
And those troubled nervousness resulting
from care or overwork will be reliovod by taking
Brown’s Iron Bitters. Genuine
has trade mark sad crossed rod lines on w rapper,
*The barrel factory at Macon has began
£ A mattress and soap factory are to be
established at Brunswick.
There is a probability of the establish¬
ment of a canning factory at La-{range.
Griffin has invested H 760,000 in manu
factoring enterprises since 1886.
Negro highwaymen are making it dan¬
gerous to bo out at night at Brunswick.
The Southern female college at LaGrange
ill at once put in an electric light system
f its own.
The recently burned district of dawson
going to be replaced with three-story
krick building, with iron and glass
Floyd county won the $1,300 premium
for, making the best exhibit at the Pied¬
mont fit position.
The Forsyth Manufacti ng Company
of Forsyth ia dow turning out irons their
factory cotton yarns. The company has a
force of thirty operative* at work.
It is said that the late Mr. Phinzy of
Athens left in his will a clause that gave
$100 to every Methodist minister who
officiated in his funeral services. There
were thirteen present.
The Piedmont match factory at Atlanta
will be tn operaton again in a few days
It will b» remembered that the factory
was established on Emma street some two
years ago, and for awhile did a floUrshing
At Greensboro, Friday, dirt was broken
and the work of laying the foundation of
the Thomas Stocks institute was con
monced on the lot opposite the Baptist
church by Contractor Allen Boone.
Ed Willingham contemplates putting
$25, 000 into a furniture factory at Macon.
The firm of W. S. Payne and E. J. Will¬
ingham, furniture dealers, etc., dissolved
last week after a partnership of more than
eight yea res. The business will continue
under the firm name of Payne & Willing¬
ham, and will be composed of W. S. Payne
and Paul Willingham, Ed Willingham re¬
tiring to start a factory
It is said that a few weeks ago an En¬
glish company, which Is working the
Nacoochee mine in North Georgia, took
out a nusger weighing 1,800 penny¬
weights. The largest lump of gold ever
found in America came from the foot of
Roan mountain, North Carolina, and
weighed 1,600 ounces. Three men were
killed over its possession, and today the
the nngget rr-maines in the government
vaults waiting for a legal claimant.
Fiiday, a young man named Smith, liv¬
ing about twelve miles from Cbauncey.
drank a half gallrm of whisky within an
hour. Pretty soon lie was stretched upon
the ground, and lay there in a deathly
stupor till 10 o’clock Saturday night, with
blood oozing from his mouth and ears.
On Sunday' however, he appeared to be
all right again.
J. E. Floyd of Carny, Pulaski county,
has just had a pall extracted by Dr. T. I),
YValkertimt be had shot into him by a
yankee soldier during the war. For nearly
twenty seven years he earrieb this leaden
memento around iu his hody, suffering
much from its irritation' but he is now all
Col. Joseph H, Nisbct, the editor of the
Millegeville Union Recorder, has held that
position for forty-eight pears. Ho was one
of three that bought the paper from Hor
schel V. Johnson in 1852* He Was born
in Athens more than three-score years ago,
and moveb to Milicdgevilie at the age of 9
The Southern Marbla Company of Mari¬
etta has been reorganized with a capital of
$6,000,000. The company was formed
several years ago, and opened up vary
valuable marble quarries in Pickens coun¬
ty. This marble is beautifully variega:ed,
and became popular for building purposes
and furniture tops at once.
The American Accident Go,
$100,000 deposited for protection of
policy holders.
LOVltmi, XT.
No medical examination required. A
man is not wise who will not protect him¬
self and family in esse of accident when it
costs only fonr cents a day. For only a
few days disability you receive more than
it costs to insure for a year. An Accident
Policy medical enables you to command tbe best
atlenttcn at once, compensates
for loss of time, protects your family while
you are helpless and leaves those who are
of depeudent accidental upon death. yon One provided for in in case
killed injured person every
seven is or every year. Sta¬
tistics show tnat there are more thau foity
accidents to one fiio, and yet no one ever
regrets having ULACK, property insured.
W. W. M. I> M
KskivillM, Ga,
virtue GEORGIA, of directions Crawford county— will By
tire in the last
ahd testament of Thoma9 J. Sanders,
late of said county, deceased, we will
sell at public outcry to the highest bid¬
der for cash on the first Tuesuay in I)e*
cumber next before the court house door
in Khoxvil'e the following lands belong¬
ing trict to of said estate, situate in the 3rd dis¬
of Land No. said county, to wit: one-half whole Lot
165—159 and acres of
Lot No 138, being the south part, of said
lot—seventy of Lot eight No. acres in south east
131—67 acres in north
West corner of Lot No, 102 and 11 acres in
northeast in body corner coutoining of lot No. 109—all and lying
one and 617 one
half acres more or less. Terms made
on day of sale- Augustus Oet C banders, 26, 6889.
Jamils M. Sanders,
GEORGIA, vJ and virtue Crawford of county :— Under
the power vested in
us James by the last will and testatnenr of
the highest Roberts, deceased, for will be sold to
bidder cash before the
court house door in the town of Knox¬
ville on the first Tuesday in December
next wit; the following hundred inscribed ptoperty lot to
Ooe acres of number
11 in the 2 nd District of * said county,
said property being dower set apart for
Mrs, Margaret Roberts, lately de¬
ceased. bold for distribution among
heirs. J. I. Champion.
Oct. 3^th J. A. Moore
1889 Extrs.
the town of Knoxville, said eounty with¬
in the legal hours of sale on the first
Tuesday number in and Decinber 103 in next, the Lots of land
86 2nd district ft
said county, each containing 202 an one
naif acres, more or less. Levied on as
the property of Mary Lucia Jordan,
Mattie Anderson, W. R. Jones and D. J.
Jones to satisfy a fi fa issued from Craw¬
ford Superior Court in favor of ILN.Britt
vs. Mary W. Lucia Jordan, D. Mattie J. An¬
R. Jones and J. Jones and
against said property ; said fi fa now
and controlled by T. YV. Persons,
2Gth 1889. B. A. HARTLEY,
GEORGIA, Sheriff.
Crawford county— Will be
before the court house door in the
legal hours of Kuoxvilie, Ga., between tbe
of sale on the first Tuesday
wit: November Lots Dext land the following property
of number 127 and 98
(except of sixty acres in the south-west
number said in lot), ihe and 2nd district north half of of
126 said
Levied on under and by virtue
a mortgage fi fa issued from Crawford
court in favor of J. W. Coombs
J. L- Parsons,
Also at same time and place Lot of
number 101 in the 8th district of
conveyed county, B. Georgia, W. Sanford being the T.
by day January, to J
on 20tli of 1882.
on as the property of John T.
Hartley under and issued by virtue Crawford of three
fi fas from
court in favor of M. Nussbaum
Co., Nussbnum VanSickie & Tindall
Small & Mallory vs. said John T.
Tenants iu possession notified.
cash. CCt. 30th, 1889.
B. A- HARTLEY, Suez;
lads by "mood Il’f’u. Bo.,.
To Replace Broken Cane.
AayboCx can apply
So Mechanic seeded.
Furniture &
In bnjrlsg uew Chairs, ask for toots with
Hxaweatfi Red Leather Finish Seats.
-—MAO0N, 6A., DEALERS m.—
pared Having supply bought out Mr. Holzendorf’s business, we are pre‘
to our friends with the best Liquors cigars and
Tobaooos the market afiords at livinilprices. Now whenever
you come to town come to see Cram icks.
AGENTS warm),
GEORGIA, by Crawford county—tinder
and virtue of nit order of the court of
Ordinary of said county I will soil befofd sisid
tba (fw)rt bouse door in Knoxville,
county, within the lawful hours of sale, on
the first Tuesday in November ne xt, the
following property to wit: four'eett sCres.
more or less, , f lot of land num her 144
in the Meuml district nf said couutv, lying
adjoiuing to lands of Mrs. B. H- Kav. It.
D. Smith and Z. T Harris in said town of
Knoxville ; and also one milch ct w, a tot
of old mechanics tools ami come kitchen'
fwrufture &c. Said property belonging to
estate and sold of Mrs. the M. 8. Stem bridge, dVceitsfd,
for purpose of paying debts
of said estate and for distribution atnOog
heirs- H. M. BURNETT,
Qt, 2hd, 1889. Ad.minictiattrf.
GEORGIA—Orawfnra county, Under and
by virture of the will of public Mr». M. Allen,
deceased, I will sell at outcfjr, be*
fore the court house door, in the town of*
Knoxville, said county, within the legal
hours of sale, on the .first Tuesday In No¬
vember next, the following described lauds
to wit: Whole lots numbers J 29 and 29
in the sixth (6th) district of said county,
containing 406 each 202j acres, and in the ag¬
gregate acres, more or less- Sold tor
ceased purpose and of payiug indebtedness of said de¬
for making distribution among
legatees under said’will. Terms cash.
Witness my band— Thos. T. Dickson.
Ex of Mrs- M. Allen, deed. Sept 20, 1889.
Ci. aotfett’sTEETHlSA (Teeming Powders)
Allsyt Irritation, Aid. Dlraattoc, RepUafwtha
Eruption. andSorw, and SS&'CSfti^ nothin*
tboSamncrtrOBble.orChlidrcn af equal, ttfor
Utqftandntr*. Try any age, It
It and yon will n.v.r ha
without •an ia TEETUtN A aa Ion* Druggist. a. there ara chu*.
the House. Ait your
Bought; the Splendid
fur It dost such beautiful work.
Sample MaoMaa at Factory Price*
Rents Wants in OnrnvM Territory.
In It ara com¬
bined the fin¬
est mechanic¬
al aklll. the mm
moat useful
and practical
elements, and «s
*11 known ad
vantages that
make a sew¬
ing machine
desirable ts
cell or use.
tmtorj >ad Wholes*!* Offlse, MvUm* A
07J Wakteh Ate* CM oaf.
B Broad S*r oet, Xm TorU,
Whenever you come to Mum and want. s-mufifing good to m: and ‘snn ething
good to drink you will find the Brilliant the best place in WWI) of the kind.