Newspaper Page Text
‘How are you Count!’ said a noted
wag to a spruce-looking specimen of
the genus snob. * Sir !' exclaimed
the indignant swell, ‘ who ara you ;
and why call me count?’ ‘Why I
saw you counting oysters in New
\ ork last week, and I supposed you
were oi royal blood,’ said the wag.—
Snob vamosed.
The parentage of a lie is the most
difficult of all to trace. It is, a clevei
lie that kows its own father 1
The N. Ic . Dutchman says that it is
so dry up in lowa, that the people have
to sprinkle the rivers to keep the boats
from kicking up a dust.
hy does an aching tooth impose si
cnee on the sufferer ? Because it
makes linn hold his jaw.
A man who advertises for a compe
tent person to undertake the sale of a
new medicine, adds that it will be
found profitable to the undertaker!
“I hate to hear people talk behind
one’s baek," as the robber said when
the constable called "Stop thief?”
A Bright-eyed, curly -hailed boy,
three yeais old, was, on his good be
havior, promised a child’s drum to-mor
row. Early the next morning he turn
ed to his mother and said ; hMa, is to
day to-morrow ?’
(Hie Mar.
- ~U.~T~T*~....*,F "T~ —~~ T ~ ■ ~ : ~T
‘•Hail wedded iovo. mysterious law. true Retiree
Os human offspring. s. le prnprictv
Iu paradise of all tilings common else/’
as J WM I Jft
On M* l i lay, Nov. 13th, by Rov. Thomas Jordan.
Mr. David T. Sixglcton of Dahlonega. to Miss
Hkbkcca 1... daughter of Robert Griggs, of Putnam
(Tlit {ilni.
In Eatont 'ii on Thursday 16th Nov, Mrs. MA -
tjia, consort of Thomas Floyd.
[corrected week; t ii v \y. a. da vie.]
Wholesale •vui Jlciod Grocer.
COTTON.—TiiIa article is still very much neg-
Itvtoi owing to the depr. ..-ed state of the Foreign
nnd New York Markets. V.'e have but few sales
to report—we iiu> te 11 r the week ending Thursday
it noon, .-xtr* n.-es ranging from 6 1-2 to S 1-1 cents
per pound.
BAGGING. .Genny y) yard 17 (cj 13
Kentucky none.
BACON..Hams VH> 12;q <<£ IS
Shoulders ‘y'ia tej
S;.ies f/ lh (g
hog round ft lb
BETTER..Go.-{{<•■’i y lb none.
• ouat/y ylb 10 tt I®
BRICKS., thousand 650 (if 700
CHEESE.. N jithsrn ft lb 10 ® 20
Engligliy>airv y !b none.
COFFEE..Rio Alb It <£ li
Java V# Is (ts 20
DoM.E'-'TIC (»o'«»S..Shirt’, ft vd 5 <g !'-}■>i
yard 17. (ir, SO
FLOUR. otinei 1 00 lo 00
CM 5
LIME.'. i!! 2 7.0 [r JM
LUMBER.. p thousand feet 12 oo (fg\l oo
MOLASSES..* übn \> ga110n.... 37» o 7
New Orleans ft gallon.. 40 (<i 45
y gallon.. M nb 02
NAILS.. t> Keg 0 77, ®7 50
OILS.. Lamp <<gallon 150 OS 200
Train gallon 100 (t£ 125
Linseed \* gallon 125 <jj 130
Castor y gallon 225 <£ 250
KICE.-V 8 & 3
hope .v r, io «i> n
LIQUORS. .Gin, Northern $ gal 100 at 75
Ruin, N. K. t? ga110n.... 100 S 75
W i:ii<kev V gallon 1/0 (fp 62
Brandy, <*og,»ac SOO cS ~00
Gin. ffidfaiid 200 «U 300
»C«ABS..New Orleans p 1b... 7 dp 9
l'orto ULeo *p 1b......... 9 (if 10
%? lb H 12
Crushed ft ib 12 <3> 14
Penned \t L 10 & H
IS ALT.. V Hushel 100 a1 25
Salt fl Hack SSO «£ 300
SOAP. .Colgate, pale ylb 12 <jp 13
Yellow ylb 8 S 10
Country %l lt> G (if In
SROT./ft lb h-fs 12
V Beg 2 50 2 "5
Putnatn tihtrlfTtt Sale.
\\ MLL BE SOLD on the first Tuesday in Janu- !
YY ary next, between the legal hours of sale j
Wfure tin**Court-house floor, in the town of Katoti
tun, the following property; to wit:
One negro woman by the name of Ann, about
twenty-five years old, and a negro boy about five
rears old by the name of William, levied on as the
Property of Eliza Barnes, to satisfy one 11. fa. issued
from Butnam Inferior Court, in favor, ol? John W.
Swan, Administrator of John It- J'ltor, deceased,
i*. said Eliza ilarnes:
A!sf», at the same time and place, four negroes,
to w it; Maria, n woman about twenty-nine years
old —Wilson, a boy five years old—CimVleH, a boy
five years old. and Mary, a girl fourteen years old
iovied on by attachment agahust Ciiza Barney a,ic *
to be sold by order of the Putnam Superior Court,
September Term, 1854, to satisfy sundry attach
ments, to wit: One in liivor of S. 0. &N. S. l’rud
deu t*. said Eliza Barnes—one in favor of Daniel
Slade vs. the same—one in favor of N. 3. I'rudden
& Cos. vs. the same—one in favor of Stephen B. Mai
shall fit. the same--one in favor of George W. Ped*
dy s. the same —and ouc in favor of William 1.
Cor vs. the same: ,
Also at the same time and place, five hundred
acres of land, adjoining the lands of William E. Wil
non, axul of Kinchen Little, levied on as the proper
ty of Wakey Bachelor, to satisfy one li. fit. from
Putnam Superior Court, in favor of Lewis P. Har
well t'i- said Bachelor —one from same Court m av
or of Edmond Owens, Endorsee, vs. Blakcy Bachel
or Maker, and Lemuel Lancaster, Endorser —and
one in favor of T. B, Harwell & Cos, Endorsee vs.
BlateJv Bachelor, Maker, and 13. F, Tidwell, Ku
dyrser,* Property pointed out by Bachelor : -■Uso,
at the same time' and place, 58 acres of land, more
or less adjoining the lauds of Perryman and Den
ham levied on as the property of John U. Lee, t 0
satisfy one li. fa. issued from Putnam
Court in favor of Pharr & Snelliugs m sfud Loo
JOHN B. FITTS, Sheriff.
Now. 18th, 1854. —31-t4*
Guardian's Sale.
ITNDER tui order of tho Court of Ordinary of
) Putnam County', will be sold before the Court
house door in tho town of liatonton, between tho
legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in January
next, two negroes*. Jacob and Joanna, belonging to
the estate of Martha Jarratt, minor.
Nov. 18th, 1854.—31—tils Guardian.
JUST received, on consignment, a lot of extra
line Tennessee clear Sides*, for rale low for
cash by M • A. DAVIS.
Nov. 18th 185*.—31—It
TJIK subscriber would respectfully inform his
patrons nnd the public generally, that lie has
concluded to work 20 per cent below his former
prices, for cash. ROBERTSON.
OfSce over Carter *V Harvey’s Store.
Nov. 18th, 1851. —31-ts
Special Holier.
T. J X £S /> £' -E S »'* KH.
THE friends .-f John 11. Crafton will
support him for re-election to the office cf
Receiver ot ta\ returns at the I issuing January elee-
Get. 7th, 1874.
Ti> Til A l’Oil-111-'' OF PCTXAM COVIsTV.
:r<r ~. We are iiUthovi/.ed to announce Wilii.'im
M. Rohy as a candidate for the otliee i>f
i iiceeiver of Ia Returns of I’utnam county at the
I ensuing January e’eotion.
j Sept. 2, is >l.
. . Vfc are authorized lo nnnonnee the name
ftg&T of MICHAEL GRAYBILL as a candidate
'br ;?:c etbee of tax collector of I’utnam county at
the ensuing election.
August ibtli, ISS-1.
tax collector,
V\'e are authorized to announce Ihc nmno
of Si'Kl'llEN S. WRIGHT, as a can
ifiihn f* r re-election for the otlico of Tax Collector
at the ensuing January election, in 1855.
Sept. lGth, 185*.
ty, G i bson Dawson will ba supported for
WfHe the 1 dice of Tax Collector at the ensuing
January election by MANY \OTERS.
OSice, Ea-ontou Branch ii. R.
Eatoxtox, Sept. 20th, 1834.
«wea«sa» ORDER HD, That the treasurer give rto
rX'diy tiec to all Stockholders in arrears, in the
Duvnient of tiieir subscription for stock in The
Katontun Braneii Rail liaati, that if the balance du?
on their suliseriptions be not satisfactorily arranged
heforc th., last return day for the next term of the
Superior Com' ofthe County of Putnam, suits will be
instituted for the collection thereof.
A true extract from the minutes of the Board of
Directors J- ADAMS, Treasurer.
Oct. U. 185!. 20—11 dm
yrTCs, THE citizens oi' Katonton and vicinity are
notified that the Trustees leave determined
tc> refuse to all persons the privilege of burial at the
grove about the Church, after the first day of Janu
ary next. J. Vv INGI* IET.D, Chm n.
Oct. 22, 1534. 20—tlclj
Office, liatonton Branch R. 11.
Eatoxtox, Oct. 28th, 1854.
(vrvay** TIIE annual meeting of the Stockholders
vfcS?' of the Katonton Branch Rail Road will be
held in Eaton ton, on the first Tuesday in De
cember next. M. DENNIS, President.
Oct. 2>, 1874. 23—tlln
of the Royal College of Physicians.
and for years Senior Physician in the London
Royal Infirmary, for diseases of the Lungs.
In the treatment of Consumption by inhalation,
I ’have obtained results which warrant me in asserting
that it is now as curable as diseases of the Stomach
and Liver.
- Breathing medicine directly into the Langs is
certainly the rational mrde of attacking the dis
ease. Like many other great and beneficent discov
eries, its seems strange why such treatment was
not resorted to long ago. Where there is life there
is assuredly hope for the most seemingly hopeless
cases, as throughout all the stages of this insidious
disease, the wonderful and benelicieiit effects of his
treatment are soon apparent. In cases also of
Bronchitis, Asthma, Ac., the inhaling of powders
and vapors has been eminently successful, and to
those suffering under any of the above named com
plaints, I can guarantee a speedy relict. I have
pleasure in referring to 109 names, residents of
New York and neighborhood, who have been re
stored to vigorous health; about one-third of the
above number, according to the patients' own state
ments, were considered hopeless eases.
The Inhaling method is soothing, safe and speedy,
and consists in the administration of Medicines in
such a manner that they arc conveyed into the
Lungs in the form of vapor and produce their ac
tion at the seat of disease. Its practical success is
destined to revolutionize the opinions of the medi
cal world, and establish the entire curability of
Applicants will please to state if they have ever
bled from the Lungs; if they have lost flesh; have
cough, night sweats, aud fever turns; what and
how much they expectorate; what the condition
of their stomach and bowels. The necessary Medi
cines, Apparatus, Ac., will he forwarded to any part.
'J'l&imilS 2
Five Dollars consultation fee.—Balance of fee pay
able only when the patients report themselves
JBLS> KI.S *. H.«*4TMißS'n£:9Ss
Price sl.oo.— Address
Office B:ti Broadway N. Y.
Nov. 4, 1851. —20—Gm
1) KS. Lel! KU N & J) UFT ON,
DU. Lcßrur. of!ere to those suffering from Deaf
ness his infallible Aural Remedies, which hate
Been successful in nearly three thousand can-;* <\t eon
tinned Deafness. These remedies have been pro
nounced hv Dis. Khrnmer of Berlin, Hard and De
lean of Paris, and Curtis, Pilcher and Ycar.dey of
London, as the most wonderful ever applied for
diseases of the internal and middle ear. incy com
prise different courses for the various diseases that
affect the external, internal and middle ear. It the
disease is confined to the external car, their effects
are apparent on the fifth or sixth day. Dr. Lebrun
warrants a cure in every eas--, when the ear is per
fect in its formation. fie has eighteen certificates
from those who have been deaf from infancy whose
hearing is now completely restored, and they are
lie’*' enabled to learn the language. Over twenty
seven hundred cases of deafness have been success
fully healed by him. Certificates to that elteot may
be »een on application. , ,
Dr. Dutton i. the only practitioner in tlie United
States who practices the new, painless and success
ful method in treating all the diseases to which the
Ere is subject. Where every other means have tail
ed to afford relief, lie asks from such a fair and nn
' pitifciit'", 1 ’ by sending a few particulars of their
ease, can have remedies sent to any part.
Terms.--Five dollars consultation tec. fell dol
lars to he paid when the hearing is restored to H»
ÜBm»d Dutton, Vmih
Place, New York City.
N B. A treatise on the nature find treatment of
Deafness and diseases of the far, with, the treatment
of the Deaf and Dum\ Price One Hollar.
Money letters must lie registered by tho 1 ost Mas
Nov. 11, 1854.—ti0-Cm
Notce to Debtors and Creditor*.
ALL persons having demands against tho es
tate of James It. Bane, deceased, will present
them in terms of the law, and those indebted to
said estate will make payment. ;
Nov. Jl, 18M.- 30-tds
TVTKnow Iftivc the best materials for making
Y Y fine hoots, niul as good workmen ns are to lie
found anywhere, mid sue fully prepared to make its
neat a fit, mid nut up as serviceable midfijahionable
a boot, us can ne done iii the whole.eouuirv. V/o
warrant our work, nnd where there is a tuM iireAo
In, there will be no sale, provided the boots are
returned to us in good order. Either of us will be
prepared anywhere and on nil occasions to take
measures, mid have boots made and delivered ns
directed, For the convenience of our tViends nnd
customers in Eatonton, nnd surrounding country,
we will keep » box at Messrs Da\is A Walker’s
store, where all persons wishing repairs done to
their boots or shoes, can write finer names upwi
tlicrn. and drop in them written directions for the
ropairs tliey wish made, and put them in our box.
_ne will scu t to town every 'Tuesday for all such
jobs, and return the work well done, punctually on
lh p ( 1 uosunv niter, at. farthest, and general! y poonur.
.d-inier, p.easa allow this notice to your associates.*
\\ c solicit the patronage of all our friends, who
want neat and taitliful work. Give us a iriui, and
we warrant to jfiease.
Oct. 7th, 1854.
(JJDHR an order of the Court of Otxlinary of
Putnam county, will bo sold, on Monday, 27th
November next, at the residence of John Ledbet
ter, late ot said county, deceased, nil the perisha
ble property belonging to the estate of said ileccas
od. consisting of household mid kitchen furniture,
corn, fodder, stock lings, cows, slicep, plantation
tools, Tie., Ac. Sale to continue from day to day
until everything is sold. Terms made known on
the day of sale. JAMES N. LYNCH,
Oct. 28, 185-I—2Btils. Adm’r.
(> Months afterdate, npjilieatioh will be made
.1.. to tiie Court of Ordinary of Putnam county for
leave to sell the house and lot belonging to the es
tate of Isaac Boring, deceased.
Sept. 23, 187,4 ' J. BROADFIELI), Adm’r.
A DUB Bill given by I, inch & Davis, in favor of
! T.\ myself, for eighty dollars dated about the 1 Oth
| of October, with a credit on it oi fifteen dollars,
i All persons arc warned not to trade for said pa
Nov. 4th, ISS-I.—2,o—tf
. Yccji'ocs for Sale.
r IMIiS subscriber offers for sale three negroes—a
.1. woman wlio is a good field hand, or cook, wash
er and ironer—a boy large enough to plough the
ensuing year—and a little girl who is an excellent
nurse considering, her age. These negroes can be
seen at tho plantation of James B. Moseley, Esq.,
who will give satisfactory information to any one
wishing to purchase. J expect to leave the coun
try in a short time. Therefore apply early.
Nov. 4th, 1851—2D—tt*
Administrators’ Kale.
ON Thursday, 14th day of December next, all
t he perishable property belonging to tho estate
of Frederick Rainey late of Putnam county, de
ceased, will be sold at his late residence in said
county. It consists of corn, fodder, horses, mules,
cattle, hogs, household and kitchen furniture, farm
ing t,coles &c. The sale to continue from day to day
until all is sold.
Terms of sale will bo made known on the first
day of sale. WILLIAM. F. RAINEY'. Adm’r.
Nov. 4th, 1854.—22-tils
Sheriff’s Sale.
A A ' ill be sold on the first Tuesday in December
t T next before the Court House door in the
town of Katonton; between the legal hours of sale,
the following property to wit:
A negro woman named Phoebe, about twenty
nine years of age, levied on as the property of Nat-
Ihaniel Barksdale to satisfy one li. fa. isued from
Putnam Idferior Court iu favor of Robert 11. Har
per vs. said Barksdale.
No with, 185*. —20-tda
Di ilOi ii.ii Lxiiiuiiii i' iii iji'-ii.
€ 0 M & tt OMj E tt ,
41 Marlcet Btreet, Manchester.
Principal Warehouse, 102 Wood Street, Chcr.pside
Loudon. England. American Kst-iblishnients. 55
Ann Street & 102 Nassau Street, New-York, U. S
The Ilvdromagcn is a valuable discovery for pro
tecting the feet from damp or cold, and t’nerefoio
a preventive of many Lung diseases, without- nny
doctoring whatever. ‘The Hydromagcn is in the form
of a sole, and worn in<i ic tl:e boot or shoe. Its -med
icated, cliaraeter is a powerful antidote to desease;
For Gentlemen it will be found agreeable, warm,
and healthy, to wear in the i< I .le.-t or raintest weath
er, as the foot cannot lieeoinc wet if the Hydromagcn
iis inserted. Ladies may wear the lightest soled boots
|or shoes in the mostiui'lemeut weather with impuni
ty ; while Consumption, so prevalent among the'
voting of our country, may be thwarted by their gen
eral adoption. They entirely supersede over-shoes, as
the latter cause the feet to perspire in a very unheal
thy manner: and besides, are. not dangerous wear to
pedestrians in icy weather, like indie rubbers.—
While tiie latter cause the feet to appear extremely
large, the Hydromagcn, being a mere thin slice of
cork prepared peculiarly, placed inside, does not in
crease the size ofthe boot, or cause the foot to appear
untidy. To Children they are extremely valuable, as
thevmay engage in exercise with comfort and heal
thy effects. Tiieir expense is so slight as to scarce
need mention; besides, those who patronize them
will find their yearly doctor’s hills mveh diminished
thereby. . .
As the Ilvdromagcn is becoming more known, its
sale is increasing to an almost incredible extent. Last
year in London, Manchester, Birmingham, Liver
pool, Glasgow, Leeds. Dublin, Paris, Antwerp, 1 Lam
bur'. and Berlin, our sales reached 1.752.45 b, pairs
of Cork Soles. This year the number will far sur
pass that. , ...
Ask the Faculty their opinion oi their value, as a
preventive for Coughs Conns, Buoxcuitis, Asthma,
and Consumption*.
Men’s Size, pr. pair, 03 Cents.
Ladies’ do. do. 80 do.
Boys’ & Misses’ do 25 do.
Notice.— From the Retail prices wo make a very
liberal allowance to Jobbers and Wholesalers, so that
any storekeeper may make a fine profit on tiieir sale,
while they are an artiele that may be kept in any
store, among nny class of goods*
Fo terms, apnlv to
83 Ann Street, New-York.
Nov. 4th, 1854. —-20—3m.
Administrator’s Kale.
ITNDER an order of the Court of Ordinary of
j the County of Putnam, will bs sold at the
Court-house door, in the town of Katont-ou, oa the
first Tuesday in January next, the following pro
perty, to wit:
250 acres of land, more or less, in the said coun
ty of Putnam, adjoining the lands of Lewis 11.
Lineh, John Barnett and others. Also one negro
man named Harry, about 35 years old. a wagon
maker bv trade, Bally, a negro woman, about 45
years old. Emily, a negro woman, about 22 years
old, and two children. Julia, about 4 years old, and
hoy Arnott, about 2 years old, ami woman Louisa,
about 20 years old, and her child, Jane, about 1
year 0 ;d. “ Said land and negroes belonging to the
estate of James R. Lane, deceased, and to be. sold
f, r the benefit of his heirs and creditors.
Terms of sale, Cash.
Nov. 11, 1854. —.10-lds
AGREEABLY to an order passed by the Inferior
Court of the County of Putnam, when sitting
for ordinary purposes, will be sold to the highest
bidder on the lirst Tuesday in December next, be
fore the Court-house door m the town of Eatonton,
2 or ;i acres of land, adjoining the lands of M illiam
Whitfield, Spivey Fuller and others. Sold as the
property of Sion Leg deceased, for ‘he purpose ot
distribution. ,
- Terms made known on the day of sale.
Oct, 14, 1854. 20 —tds of Sion Lee, dee’d.
Administrator’s Sale. .
AGREEABLY to an order of the Court of Or
dinary of Putnam County, will bo sold on the
first Tuesday in January next, between the legal
hours of safe, before tho Court-house door in the
town of Eatonton, all the negroes belonging to tho
estate of Henry Blizzard, deceased. Sold for tho
purpose of distribution among the heirs of said
deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale.
A. J. STEWART, Adm’r.
Not'. 11, 1854.—J0-tcls
Administrator's Sale.
AGREEABLY to an order of the court of Ordin
ary of Putnam county, will be sold on the first
Tuesday in January iiext, between tiro legal hours
of sale, ’before the Court- house door, in the-town of
Eatonton, two negroes belonging to the istate of
John Ledbetter, deceased. Also at the same time
and place, one tract of land lying mostly in the
countv of Putnam, and partly in the county of Jasp
er, containing 820 acres more or less, adjoining the
lands of Benjamin Mosley, Mary Grant and others.
Sold for the benefit of the heirs of said Ledbetter,
Terms ’ twelve months credit with approved se
curity. ’ JAMES N. LYNCH, Adm’r.
Nov. 11, 1884. MARY F. LEDBETTER, Adm’x.
\\ r 1113 SOLD, on the first Tuesday in
. , next, between the legal hours of, before the Court-House door in Eutontoh, the
following property, to wit: One Two-norse
waggon, portly finished, nnd a house and twoucres of
and lying broadside to Mrs. Pool’s, and the road iiH \V itlJncofl lloiulrt: levied on uh tlit*
piopor'y oi Lewis 1. \ aneey to satisfy a fi fk issued
mom J'urnum Superior Court in favor of Bently 11.
U ilkerson vs. Lewis T. Ynnery.
Aruiittiic Kttbje time and place one house nnd two
acres ot land, adyoniiiig t |,e lands of James Niehol
r."o,' ” * J kes, lying m tiie road from Eaton -
Ui.'itotne L'uotoryqsuiout one mile from town; levied
on as the property of James }j. Towns to satisfy a
It hi issued from L utuam Superior Court ngninst the
said 1 owns in favor of Poddy & Prichard, for the
use oi P. E. Prichard.
Get. 28, 187;,t. JOHN IJ. WALKER, D. Rlftf.
wm* mmML
TITOBLI) nnnouneo to the. ladies of Katonton
V Y and vicinity that she is prepared to cut, fit,
imd make dresses, line and trim huts and bonnets
in any style, desired, and respectfully solicits «
share of their patronage.
Rooms at Planter’s Hotel. £
Oct. 2s, 1854—28—St
mmii iisiaa*
New Scries for 1855,
To be published 1)1 GH lIfhVESB OR O'. GA.,in Janu
ary, should 500 Subscribers be obtained by the 20th
of December next.
7pi 115 undersigned having purchased from Messrs.
JL Rufus lasig & Cos., tiieir entire, interest in the
“JOKER & IvNOW-NOTIiiNG.” will, for the next
year, publish it in Greeuc.sboro’, Gn., WEEKLY',
under the above title, with new Type and on an
Enlarged sheet, should lie meet with that encour
agement, which the old patrons of the paper are
able to extend to him. it will 1>« perceived that
the price of tho paper will be the same, viz One
Dollar per annum in advance. (The “Joker A
Know-Nothing” was furnished at 7)0 cents for six
This step has been concluded upon, in compli
ance with the solicitation of numerous friends, who
believe the interest ofthe paper will be enhanced,
and its permanency more certainly secured by the
Whilst tiie distinctive character of the paper as a
Budget of Fun, will he studiously observed, the.
discussion os subjects of interest to tiie general read
er will bo introduced us occasion may seem t.o jus
tifv. Space will be devoted to Items'’of News, Gen
eral Intelligence, &e., &e., —in fact, to every thing
which may amuse or instruct.
The Paper will be Independent in everything—
bu t nothing calculated to injure individual rc'putatum
shall be for one moment entertained ; —nor will the
columns of the Paper be opened to any thing which
the most polite would consider the least indecorous
or deprave:!. No contribution will be noticed,
which is not accompanied by the real name and ad
dress cf its author ; nor will tho Publishe r or others,
concerned in the conduct of the Joker’ be in any
wise responsible for any artiele which may appear
in its columns.
All we want now, is NAMES ofthe 500 New and
paying Subscribers.—The MONEY* will do when
the first number ofthe Paper uppers.
If each Subscriber to the Joker & Know-Nothing,
will furnish ns with TWO new names for “TIIE
Wf.kki.y Jokkr,’’ the work is accomplished. -a-}
JTgTWill our friends do this •*-?/"* if not, we will
aav'd relinquish the nrojeet.
E-sri ,etter eonuiningS'ubseribton for “The Wu.kK
i.y Jokkk,” should lie addressed (post-paid,) inime
dintelv to R. 11. Boon. Peufield, Ga.
Peafield, Oet 27,1354 it. 11. Boon, Publishcr-
P'3T T tt jS C II VST.
Sir ASTLEY COOPER, Bart, H-1).,
Great Preventative, of Consumption,
Without thn use of Itlcdicine.
Sir A. C., Bart, invented and advised the use ofthe
mJSDU BiNtTLiID T'lijl
CIIE STl>lto TEC T 0 li,
To all persons of all ages and conditions, as a ct.-r,
tain and a safe shield against those fearful diseases,
Consumption, Bronchitis, Asthma, Coughs, Colds
and other afflictions of the Lungs, which arise from
the exposed state ofthe chest, uco rdiny to fashion,
and the continual changes of our climate.
“The Protector,” is simply a chemically prepared
fur lined with silk and padded, which, suspended from
the neck, covers ti e chest, in so agreeable a manner
that, once worn, it beiuiues a necessity and con■
“ The Protector, ’’ although but recently introduc
ed into Ameri ais making rapid progress through
the United States, the Canadas, South America, and
the West Indies. It lias tor along time been a staple
article in England and on the continent of Europe,
while it has grown in many countries to the position
of an article of dress.
To demons:;-.:: • these facts enquire of any English
resident in yourviciuiy of his knowledge of the bene
ficial effects of wearing the Protector, without i:k
covime to noi Tottixa ofi,my kind. The cost of wear
ing these articles is a mere trille, and one will last
some years. No one who values the health of him
self or his family v. ill be without them. The Hospi
tals in this country are not alone recommending them
but rapidly inti-o'diteing them. Hurcourt, Bradley
A Cos., of London, and Manchester, England, were
originally entrusted with the manufacture of the
Protectors, by the lamented Dr. Coopei, nnd eontin
tie to inanutketure according to his original instruc
tions, and therefore recommend those who would
wear “ The Protector-,” to see to their being genuine.
TENT Medicine.
Gent’s‘■hzz, ..$1,50 each
Ladies’ do 1,00 do.
B<ivs’ S: M uses do 75 do.
38 Ann Street & 102 Nassau Street,
NI.W-YOUK, U.fl.
Princici.e Warehouse, 102 M oodSteet, Cheapside,
Manutactory, 44, ifvL’t .Street, Manchester, Eng
11. Ik A C o. are estalJishing Depots for the sale of
“The Protector,” in all jiarts of America. Physi
cians, Burgeons, Druggists, Clothiers, Dry Goods
Merchants, Hatters and Milliners, also Gentlemen’s
Furnishing Store-Keeper are entrusted with the
wholesale and retail distribution of them, and to
vvliom inoslli! ml terms ate offered for their enter
prise, and a splendid opportunity opens to them for
sat e and profitable business.
For terms apple to
B 8 Ann Street, New-York, HJ. S.
Nov. 4th, 185*.-—2t*-3iu
Soiitliern Military
»g €elI? E ./?I I"
Dijthe authority of the State of Alabama,
CSTTo he drawn 30th November, 1354.
Capitals §15,000
‘ 5,000
“ 4,000
“ 3,000
“ 2,000
“ 1,500
“ 1,100
“ ... .5 of 1,000 5,000
111 all, fill prizes, amounting to #OO,OOO
Every prise drawn at each drawing.
Tickets 810 —Halves and Quarters in proportion.
Bills oil all solvent banks taken at par.
All communications strictly confidential.
SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager.
Sign of the I’ron cLion s
Mongtmocry, Ala., Oct. 21,1 ss4—2Btf
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
ALE persons indebted to the estate of Henry
Blizzard, deceased, are requested to make im
mediate payment. Persons having demands against
said estate will present them in terms of the law.
Sept. 16, 1854. A. J. STEWART, Adm’r.
ALL parties in interest are hereby required to take
notice that 1 shall apply to tho Court of Or
dinary of Putnam county, in the Stato of Georgia,
on the 2d Monday in January next, to appoint com
missioners tor tho purposo of a division of the ne
groes belonging to the estate of Nancy Williams,
deceased, among tho distributees of the estate of
said deceased—publication of which notice is here
by made in terms of tho law.
Sept. 9th, 1554. t2mj
- - -
OIXTY days after date application will bo made
O to the Court of Ordinary of Putnam county for
leave to sell a 40 acre land warrant, the property of
Abel Farrar, deceased. W. W.O ’NEAL, Ex’r.
• Sept. 23, 1854. MARTHA FARRAR, Exr’x.
MRS. A. w, OSBORNE, having recently
retarriedTrum t)jo North, with the latest New
York and Paris fashions, invites the Ladies es Ejt
lonton and vicinity, to (.'till and examine lifer stock
--4 (m, j>m ess- y : rimming n, km hr oidefies,
d’O., nt prices warranted to unit, purchasers.
Dresses, Cio&lis, Bonnets,Caps, &e.,made
to order, in a fashionable manner.
r-*TAiI orders from the country promptly attend
ed to. door below the Post Office. t f rl
Oct. 21, 1.834—-tt*
rpEßßEl-L, TURNER & CO., are wnnt
.l ing a purtiusr. of good business habits, and iru--
clinnical turn of mind who will remain, at Hair mill ,
and assist to at tend to the business. Two of the
partners in the present firm arc compelled, by' in
dividual business, to be absent most of the time. —
Desides, they have an idea of going into the wood
business, in addition to their present engagements,
and one partner cannot, attend to ail.
T. 'l', it On., will sell, to the right sort of man,
one-fourth interest in the mill and appurtenances.
Apply to E. Z. Terrel! at the Mill or * • Win. 1).
Terrell or Win. W. Turner in Eatont'x.i.
Oct. is, iss-i—tt;
OUR FillCESirr
Terrell, Turner Sl Cos.,
BEG LEAVE to state to their friends and cus
tomers, that they will, hereafter, :,sk the fail
market price, to-v. it: One dollar per hundred feet,
for all the lumber now in their yard. The fact that
lumber is not fresh-sawed does not deteriorate from
! t’s value, but rather adds to it—provided it is
Kci'Did. YV'e are about making arrangements to ship
quite a quantity of lumber to Eatonton, and pile it
near the clep.itj where wc will sell scantling arid
plank of various kinds, at one dollar and thirty
cents per hundred feet, for Cash. If Jumbo.’ at the
Mills in Futnafti is worth one dollar and twenty-five
cents per hundred, it is worth the price we ask for
it, delivered in Eatonton.
We are still sawing away at the old stand estab
lished by V. YV. <fc E. 1). Ross on the, M. & G. K.
K., wher. we are prepared to saw lumber at short
notice. Make out your bills carefully, and sign
them, so that we may he certain the lumber will be
received when sawed and sent according to the bill.
Those who want extra lumber, must expect to pay
an extra price. TERRELL, TURNER & Cos.
Saw Mill Get. IS, I*s4.—tf
Money Lost or Stolen.
I EITHER lost or had stolen from me. in Eaton
• ton, on last Wednesday night, my pocket-book
containing §1 15 or $l2O. Eighty dollars were roil
ed up to i'tscl f, and in a separate division of the pock
et book. Tiie size of these bills are unknown to
me, as they were handed to me in a roll to carry to
Jus. 0. & J. C. Denham. The remaining money
consisted of a S2O bill, a new-looking §lO bill, a §3
arid 1 think some $1 bills. Also, there was one note
of Silvanius likks, for sllO, payable tome, given
about .July Bth, 1854, urie one nay alter date, t'nf
receipt of William A. Lane as attorney, for several
notes, a letter directed either to James 0., or Jas.
& -J. C. Denham, and other papers not recollected.
The pocket book Was made of light colored calf-skin,
and had a strop w.h.en how. From use. it had become
dirty and dark. Any person finding and delivering
the pocket book and contents to me will be hand
somely rewarded.
All persons are cautioned against trading for said
notes. 11. D. TYE.
Eatonton, Oct. 21, .13,54—26 —if.
a ADIES &' MERCHANTS of Putnam and acl
joining counties will find a specimen of Fancy
Soup of my manufacture, at the cilice of this paper,
which cannot be excelled in quality or beauty by
-my establishment in this count ry. article can
be purchased of my agents, at my prices at the Fac
tory in Savannah, for 20 per cent, less Ham in Etc
York. J deliver all free (f expense to RaUroad De
pots in any part of the country.
Those, wishing the article sent to this office can
be supplied at §1 per dozen, delivered free, by leaving
the cash with the Editor.
33STT wish an agent for Putnam County, he will
have the entire trade.
Manufacturer of Essential Oils , Extracts ,
Perfumery, Fancy, Toilet and Shav
ing Soaps, Drugs, Medicines, Ac.
‘ SA VANE Air, aA.
Oct. 21, 1854—ts
HAVING determined to go went tins winter, of
course, I shall expect my accounts settled
very soon either by note or Cask. On Saturday and
nil other times, except school hours, I can be found
on the public square, where I will receive with
pleasure your notes or money. This is my first and
fast call. ' If any of you neglect this timely warning,
gentlemen, do not. grumble if vou should he sued.
‘ Oc-t. 21, 1854.—2 t .* .J. W. AKERS.
Arif. THE Subscriber will attend to all kinds ot
Y-Uwatch work, repairing, &c. lie is prepar
e l to mend and repair Jewelry, and pjectges
liimself to be faithful in tiie execution of all jobs
left in his hands. Terms, cash. Office next door
below Slade's Corner. JOEL BRANHAM, Jr.
May 16, 1854.
S3. £2 -.Ho
undersigned will sell at his residence on
. Wednesday 20tli Nov. next, a quantity of corn,
fodder, stock hogs, a few farming utensils, house
hold and kitchen furniture, blacksmith's tools and
other articles too tedious to mention. Terms, cred
it till flic December. All sums under $5 cash.
Oct. 21, 1854r—tf AMOS E. WARD.
A LARGE stock of very heavy, double-soled
negro shoes of oak-tannecl and hemlock bot
toms, warranted not to rip, and of superior quality
for sale at cost. Planters and merchants wovld do
well tef bring on their measures and hurry their
orders, for if they let this chance slip, they will be
apt to go farther and do worse.
Oct. 7th, ISS-1. 25—ly
N O T I C E.
cpiVO Months after date application will be made
JL to the Court of Ordinary of Putnam Comity for
leave to sell the land and part of the negroes belong
ing to the estate of John Ledbetter, deceased.
Sept. 2,18. VI.
ON Wednesday, the 6th day of December next,
all the perishable property belonging to the
estate of Samuel Walker, late of Putnam county,
deceased, will he sold at his late residence in said
county. It consists of corn, fodder, horses, mules,
cattle,* hogs, sheep, household and kitchen furni
ture, farming tools, etc. Sal 'to continue from day
to day until all is sold.
Terms of sale will be made kubwn on the first
dav of sale.
■ Oct, 7, 18.Vi-—lds
Administrator’s Sale.
UNDER an order of the Court of Ordinary of
Kinehafoonee county, will be sold, on Tuesday
she sth day of December next, all the perishable
property belonging to the estate of John Griggs, late
of said count v,‘ deceased. The negroes belonging to
said estate will he hired out for the next year, on the
dav of sale. WESLEY GRIGGS. Adm’r.
Oct. 21. 1854—tds.
UN DER an order of the Court of Ordinary, will
he sold on the first Tuesday in November next,
370 acres of land, lying on the waters of Cedar Creek
adjoining the lands of John B. Pounds and B. W.
Clark. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and eredi
o'rs of Henry Blizzard, deceased,
cpt. 1G,’1854. [tds| A. J. STEWART, Adm’r.
UNDER cm order of the Court, of Ordinary of the
County of Putnam, will be sold at the Court
house in the town of Eatonton, on the first Tuesday
in November next, 800 acres of land, more or less,
known us the plantation of Samuel W alkcr, deck!.,
adjoining lands of William Whitfield, llowell Bald
win, Francis S. Hearn, Sr., and others. This plan
tation has upon it plenty of timber, 200 acres in the
woods, and is in a fair state of repair, having a
comfortable dwelling house and all necessary out
buildings, and a good new cotton screw.
Terms, one third Cash, the balance payable the
25th December, 1855, CARTER SHERDLED,
Sept. 23, 1854. Atlm’r. with the. will annexed.
1 ~
/"AN Friday, the 20th day of this month, all the
\ / perishable property belonging to the estate of
Marm iduke Williams, ‘ deceased, late ot Putnam
county, will ho si Id at his Into residence in said
Terms of sale will bo made kuown on the day of
Oct.. 7, ISS4 —tds.
' ■ ' *
(*tc at Excitement!
C, BP. JpMijRSOJV &' Cos.
Os Punctual Customer,
HAYING Opened a fresh supply of new Fail
and Winter Good?, we invite' the people cl
Eatonton and vicinity to call and see ns, and they
shall not go away dissatisfied.
Sept. 23, 1854 [tfj 0. I). PEARSON k CO.
Splendid Bargain.
I OFFER for sale my house and lot in the town of
Eatonton. The lot contains 4 acres, and is one
of the most desirable that can be found, not only
on account of its large size, but on account
of its being convenient to the business part
of town. The house is large and convenient,
containing nine rooms, and eight fire-places. A
bargain is offered as lam determined to sell. If
the premises are not sold before the first Tuesday
in .January next, 1 will then offer them for sale to
the highest bidder. JAMES GRIGGS
Septa 28, 1854. tlij
I HAVE concluded to offer for sale tlie'qV-
beautiful and much admired horse Dick /PTI \_
Johnson, who is from the very best blood in the
South. This superb stallion is seven years old, and
live feet, three inches high. liis color is a dark
blood bay, his hair short and glossy, and his legs,
mane and tail are black. His colts are noted for
their superior, qualities, and lino appearance, hav
ing the elegant form and unsurpassed action of their
sire. Any person wishing to own a stallion will
have advantages offered hint in this horse rarely
met with. If you wish to purchase, call and see
the horse, or you will miss a bargain. Terms will
be made easy lo suit the purchaser.
Sept. Dili, 1854. 2m
Eatonton, Sept. 50, 1354. tl'
I shall be at the court-ground of .the
500th District, Sept. 22nd 300th District. Oct - 11th
514th “ “ 23rd 307th “ ' “ 12th
512th “ “ 25th 390th “ “ loth
574th “ “ 20th 807th “ 18 At 19th
308th “ “ 27th 315th “ 25 11 20th
300th “ “ 28th 079t1i “ Nov 1 <V- 2
307th “ “ 29th 314th “ “ 4th
390th “ “ 80th 312th “ “ oth
369th “ Oct. 4th 874th '• “ 6th
314th “ “ sth 30Sth “ “ 9th
312th “ 11 oth 500th “ “ 15th
374th “ “ 7th 867th “ “ 16th
308th “ “ 9th 390th “ 22 & 23rd
I shall he in Eatonton every Tuesday and Friday
after the 18th Oct. .My books will be closed on the
25th November. ' »S. S. 'WEIGHT, T. C.
JPisfc’s tJfSetaHc Riti'iiil Cases.
A SUPPLY always on hand which can be fur
/jL nislied at short notice by 8. PRUDDEN, in
Eatonton, and Wui. MeDONALD in Montieello.
July 29, 1854. [ls-ffJ
ALWAYS wanted to buy at our tan-yard good
raw-hides, horse, deer, goat and sheep skins,
and tallow and bec’s-wax, for which we will pay a
liberal price in"leather, shoes, &e., &e. Sait your
hides well, and keen them from the sun and rain.
Oct. 7th, 1354.
ft APS leave Gor ion at 3<j’ past 9 o’clock, A. M.,
_} and nn ive in Milledgeville at pjMt-10. A. M.
Leave Milledgeville at 45 minutes past 10, A. 11.,
and arrive in Eatonton at 12 M.
Leave Eatonton at 2 I*. M. and arrive in Mil
ledgeville nt } rust 3, P. M.
l eave Milledgeville at 45 minutes past 5, P. M.,
•md arrive at Gordon 45 minutes past 5, P. M..
connecting with the up day, and down night train
on tlie Central Road.
Tickets must >.<j purchased at the ti -kef office, or
20 cents additional will be charged.
L. (A DENNIS, Ag’t.
Scot, 80th. 1854—ts
Cheap, for Cash, at ADAMS & BROTHERS.
E J 'intern, Sept. 80, 1854. ts
FIMIE premises whereon William O’Brien ‘Cfri-
X resides. The house is a comfortable, two- Ig’lfL
story- building, situated in tlie town -'f Eatonton,
and lias attached to it sixtv-five acres of land.
Applv to EICiIAR . T. DAVIS.
Oct. 14, 1854. ts
THE undersigned is desirous of employing a good
English and classical teacher for the year 1355.
Address the ntulcrsigucd.
Eatonton, Oct. 21, 1854.—ts
~M±2 _.XK r S3 ' S2 W. JSdd MEL 9
Shoe & Boot Factory,
Six Miles East ok Eatonton*.
r |*'llE undersigned have in successful operation an
I extensive Tannery, at which they have and
will continue to keep on hand, and for sale, a large
and complete stock of the best and first quality of
Leathers, such as
Black Leatiikr Light Belt Loath rn.
Side “ Heavy Gin-band “
Russet “ Harness “
Oak-tanned “ Bridle “
Hemlock-tanned Loop “
Side “ llamc-string “
Tanned and well-finished horse, l;ip, calf, deer,
goat and sheep skim: :
Well-saved hair for plasterers’, and saddlers’ use:
Noithern and French calf-skins, linings, bindings,
pegs, lasts, and a general assortment of boot and
shoe-makers’ findings, tools, &e.
800 T and SHOE SHOP.
In connection with our tan-varJ, we have a large
Shoe and Boot Shop, with the best of workmen in
our employ, and will keep constantly on band a
large stock of the best quality of negro shoes fur
We will make to order, men’s and ladies’cSfe-B
fine sewed eall-skin and morocco shoes, am!»‘Bg
gentlemen’s line calf-skin and pump-soled,* w-i*-
stitehed or water-proof hoots. Measures taken at
short notice, and the work done of the best materi
als, arid inest. fashionable styles.
We will keep on hand, or make, at short notice,
stretched and riveted gin-bands and bells of all
widths, of a superior quality.
Wc keep on hand a good assortment of riding
and blind-bridles, martingales, girths, stirup leath
ers, whips, cow-hides, Ac., Are., and will make or
repair, to order, two-bnrse and road wagon harness,
in a neat and substantial manner, at short, notice.
Wo most respectfully invite all persons in need
of any article in our line to call and examine for
themselves. Wo shall take pleasure in using our
best dibits to make it to their interest to patron
ize ns-
Will be filled with ears and despatch and foi ward
ed to any point. AH communications of enquiry,
A-e., by mail, or otherwise-,, promptly answered.—
Brices and terms liberal. Will you give us mi or
der, (and that soon.) for negro shoes to begin with !
Bargains may be hud.
Eatonton, Oet. 7, 1854. 25—ly
HAVING determined to removo West. I
offer for sale, on good terms, the place "feitli
upon which 1 now live, containing 36') acres, ifffiß.
more or less, lying immediately on Murder Greek,
adjoining land's of Coxe, Lawrence and others. —
This is u good farm, with comfortable building- 1 ,
healthy location, good water, in good repair and
well timbered. Crop, stock and plantation imple
ments sold with the above, if desired. Call and ex
amine Iho premises. If you want more land I
think you can get it and form a first-nite. settlement.
Come quickly or you may bo sorry for it, as 1 have
determined to sell. Wjj. R.SING.I DjW
Kg?” There can be acres of first quality land
bought adjoining this,
duly 71, ...
(bur Jitiste.? (Munut, : q
All advertisement!?, to-insure insertion, should-foj*
handed in .is early in the week as possible —by 12
M., on Thursdays, at furthest. Thosb that are
handed in by that time will be put np in good style,
While those which ate handed afterwards, if insert
ed at alii will have to bo put'up in an inferior style.
Get. 28, 18547
To Subscribers. .
Our subscribers who do not live in town will find
their papars in the Post. Office.. Should they fail
to get a number, and will call at our office, we will
endeavor to supply them.
Out. 28th, 1851. M
11 OS P E 0 T us”
J weekly in Eatonton, 0f... at the price of $2,00
per annum, Invariably in advance.
A* its name indicates, it is entirely independent,
being governed alone by such rules as decency and
good morals impose upon every press. Its politics |
are Democratic—of the school of Jefferson, Madi
son and Jackson; but it will publish all articles
whether they agree with its own views or not. pro
vided they are brief well written and IVso Horn
personality. •
Its editor is not governed by party or other sliaer
les, but speaks out whatever ho thinks on any nnl
all subjects whatever, ‘"without fear, favor or affec
Ail communications must bo directed, post-paid,
to the undersigned, editor of the Independent Press
Eatonton, Ga., July Ist, 1854.
grp Those of our exenanges who aro willing t#
extend us a courtesy, would oblige us by giving
the above a low insertions.
dfj c liikjirnknt srcss.
Published every Saturday Morning.
r J2J' :sna .n. r di.'3& SL®iS«
TWO DOLLARS per annum in advance to ell
not residing in the County.
Hates of Advertising.—Legal advertisements
inserted on the Ibliowing terms:
Letters of Citation, $2 75
Notice to Debtors and Creditors, 3 00
Applicat ion tor leave to sell land or negroes, 4GO
Sale of Personal Property, by Executors, • -eM
Administrators or Guaidians, per square, 1 50
Sale of Lands or Negroes, Y>y same, “ 3 50 1
Application for Letters of Dismission, 4 50
Yearly Advertisements- —Professional and o
business cards, measuring twclvo linesror less, V s rt
be inserted at Twelve Dollars.
Other Advertisements will be charged $1 w
for every leu litres or loss, for first insert ion, and
50 cts. for every weekly continuance.
Advertisements, not having the number of in
sertions marked upon them, will bo published till
forbid, and charged accordingly
Job Printing of every kind exevuted witb neat
ness and despatch on reasonable terms.
May 16, 1854.
S. W. BRYAN, '
(“VKFTCE no ;,tuirs, adjoining tba Printing Office,
I win be imy lie found during the dav. and at
night at tlie residence of AY. A. Daria, unless pro
fessionally absent. All calls for medicines or stten- .
tiou promptly attended to.
Reference TRY HIM.
May 80th, 1354. 41y
wTivTi)X vis,
dSlijoiysalc aub "Retail (Srottr: -
Sells Country Product tn Commission:
East corner Jefferson St., Eatonton, Ga.
A prii 18, 1854.
No. 4,Carter & Harvey’s Range,
April 23, 165-1. Eatonton, Ga.
WE warrant to please nil who wish the latest
style ot dress. Shop up stairs, adjoining tli*
Printing Office.
April 13, 1854. _____
CsVJ., 4
INVITE the attention of the citizens of Putnam
and the adjoining counties, to their large stock of
dry goods and groceries,
confident that they can p'ease them in style, quality
and prices. . , ,
Special attention will he given to fill oroers.—
Cash paying customers will find it decidedly to their ,
iuterest to give us a call. 1
April 18,1854.
Tad. peakson, & co.~
-» IyOUI.D Call the attention of the public gen-
V r erallv to their huge stock of Dry Goods,
Fancy and 'Domestic, Groceries, Crockery, Hard*:
ware| &c. Their G.-ods are all new, bavin;
been recently selected with great care in t!:<
Kcw York and Philadelphia markets. They fhitte
themselves tiny can give their Justnnu rs as goo.
bargains as bought in middle Georgia. A1
so C4.1l and examine cur stock of ready-made Cloth
ing. Wo will ciidea- your to lit all in garments uuf
in prices. A;
inTw loods
XT E would be pleased to exhibit, to the ladies
$ V and gentlemen of Putnam and the adjoin
ing counties, our large stock of ,* ■■ l
complete in variety and stvle.
Eatonton, Sept. 80, 1354 ts
DEALERS la Groceries. Tobacco, Cij«rs, Sin!,
Shoe's, Hats, Drugs, Patent Medicines, Halt
Hollow and Wood ware, Cutlery, l*ou tier and BL<l
Candles, Soaps, Crockery, Fine Liquors and W ii.rf,
atid various other articles. Call and examine bot. 4
pitreliasiug elsewhere. Bargainfc can bo Lad.
April 18, 1864.
£n it’s FYii’fows Hrtinthts,
rxK.crTr.p ritoMi-Tuy and with i.EarATcn.
rklT 11 Wil'd a lunuher of bands in connect!*
§*• M with' mb', 1 auj prepared to do jobs not. »n
inPutnam but in the adjoining cv mtics. Any cor
nnuiiention from abroad will reach me throuch t|
Post Office KcrW lam also prepan and to exo-aU j,
'neriivf with neatness, and angoontenns.
1 April, 13, vd. JEFFERSON WRIGHT
•w \TILL tbe.ii’. atfetition to the practice of Is
yV in tb’e bountiesf.of Chatham, Liberty, Mcl
tnsli, Glv.iii, Wayne - ' and Camden, of the Eas‘
CircuitLowndes, Ojlueh, Were, Chariton tn.
pliug of the Southern circuit;’imd also, V
Duval; and £t. Jbhn’r c'luitieiq'l !• *a At
■ Tbos. T. Lov-a. | T* - rt. ;I!
f, I>S4“ v