Newspaper Page Text
'-rT' ' v- 'y
la Putnam Superior Court.
- Ilc-ijry iio<r.-n, IV'j.tctf. .T-., j Pill for direction for
vs. [ Oh.* sale of trust pro*
Elmar# Calloway, Adm’r. ( potfy. Ac.
* *c.. and Olliers; J
It appearing to the court. by- the affidavit,. c>f
Cjmpftßtiuut in aaiUl ease that two of U'oUrtend
anK in said oas *. to wit. George \Y. Johnson ami
hi 6 wifb jilixa. reside beyond tliu limits of the state
-t-i Goorgtfi, and thtd Jams M. Sun-dley and Mary Smcdley, bothinfinite. reside withouttholimitX
of 1 ' eouuty tis PtUuntn.
it ,■ tiitftvif »m on motion of cotnpiaimn.t'a <-oun*
Svf onk-red by ti'» court Hint service of mid bill be
; riveted on said ilon-iwideril defendants by pulp*
iicaiumtiocc a month fbrtbnr mom lis in tin* Imlm
Press. 11 pul lie gazette of raid 84 ate, ;imi
tint they appear and answer, plead nr .demur to
said bill by the next term of this court, not deumr
titijf alone, or in default thereof; the said bill will bo
tuftchi pro eonlesso as ogaiust tboai.
True extract from tin* minutes Superior Court.
September torus, 1934.
Oct. '23ta.lSsl~2Sm l (Vrk.
Georgia, Putnam County.
ting if Hi of tie O.”ul oi Or,t*tury nr mid County.
JT i J’i aving to the Comt IVOIII the petition of Me*
if . K f ■\, .ts. .\\ il.-ary Ail
foi'd, de-eased, lute of s. id county. that he lias
billy and iingcd tint duties, of his >.hd otthv, and
pray big to discharged limrofruiu--
<o* b/W. That jc-Ik-c of his said sipplav riaii be
published lit ’« riu* of the law. and l.u.t persons
rouc-*ruc«i , »M- w fMiisii'yiiv tin) imp, «»u **r l»uiVr*
the first Moil-lav in November next, \v»;y hotel's of should not, at that time, be grained to
said executor.- from Minutes ~f Court.
M ■ lh CARTER. Ordinary.
M -\ I
lVitnaui t Oiiniy.
Cviirt nf (tr-uunry<;f .<.<« i vu’Ud-ji Junt Tenu, 1874.
IT appearing to the t \eurt fro:n tin* p tinea of A. A
\ lams, aduiinistr. lof lie !>, iu>n of i.e esita.
us J:ts. D. JalTatt, ill Viu.M'j, taut he ha* fllily ? ! -
lainist-re l tile otateot'nis said Luest.itc pray i:i ;
"to-bedismissed -
/, Pilot noitvo i>f t'ais his application- l.* l
publish) and in terms of the law. flint all p -r.*oM> con
cerned tv, iy take notice thereof and file theiro-yee
lions, if any tlu-v have, on or before the first Monday
in IK-eember next, to tin-erunii)io of letters --t'di*
mission <-athat day. W.M. 11. i'\RTKK, i ui’y.
.In fa- !•', 1*74
i l KUUId t, i * , A.!,. w> ~s *•
1 .1 WHEREAS-. A ...rd a -piles io m
ibr os of aumkuslr.ttion on tiicesbd- of M. lb
\t li'iams, i.its c. said enmity, lie ■;
Tiiese are tlierrtbre to ette and admonish nil tm i
*.r,i<ilar thilErtitudreii sad i-rtd’.to:s of said he. ease.!.
' to ■ . and appear at n\y I tliee w ithin ti e time pre
tfevd '-d by taw, to s..o\v cause, if -i,i.e ti.ey have.
•• -why S'.idib Uers sii'onh! not be orniite ; .
A■;•_•. $-hb, 1 **.“*•!. W.M. 1». C.VUTKU. Ord'ry.
<f liORhI V. Piiinnm Conniv.
I >A M 1 Hi. I'KAhsi, , ; ;'u dish. 0. M..
tml-s'b f-re nr* iis r.a estri'y, taken tip upon tiu
free! if:.! the said Sm.inel I't-arsun. in si-id
.m.i district, it sorrel i.s.av ttb- tit ti-ree or
'four y. -f :«:<•. appraised by Daviu Msu-re
tire- . \\ iooins. f;\ l-olders i-f said county uhd di.—
l.riet t eweriis thiri v-ftve do’lars.
t.dvcf* ftn-’e.-r t.'.v l'.iind t n I ottiihd sijtn.tiuv tins
A .':K 2t-r’i. is.'-b I'KTKK M iiKNiiV, J. th
s -pti mi-t r ", i rol- - ti’
CEORCiiA, Puicam County.
'VI-iil-KI'AS Ih-njaiiibi F. A lams. Admi.iistra
\> tor .hi-nus of the-estate of Albert K.
.1,. K' ■. di-eca<i-d, applies to fm f--r let-ers of di*-
Jidss . fr.-in sl id ittlmitii. trafotsiiij, iiavintr tit i\
perf.-rt,- •! #lc dntiys Os the suiik — ‘
Tm e i-. t!ier.-:-n», toei'* and adia -i.isii a]] >\nd
siti.o .r! • k::. hvd and i-redifors of sai,.i deceased,
t" -e and •ppi»»r ;.t liiy i.tJi--* within t % tim« jn-i
--»• k, ~. «y j*, f *!totv c»u.*», if.tny titty have, wliy
s.d* l !«t rr» of di'i’i ss-on *,.>niiii not :.fe jranU-ei.
un Ur my ii.-mi i i.fiiaini signature.
Pit. Tih. !-• 4. \VM. 11. < A H TKR, Onlliiarv.
U WUKKKAS, Parti r .Siscplanl applies for let
ters ot _u«rdiatiship oi Hliliu Waiker, orpiiau ol
Samuel Walker, deeeast and
This is thd%'fure to cite and admonish nil persons
concerned to fie and appear at iiiv oiliee within the
lane j-r-.-'-.-ribi. and by law to show cause why said
k-tieis - ; cuarduiddhip. ia the promises, slm l not
be grai: •'*. W. 11. PAUTKih t trdiuarv.
Xov. li. If At.— DO-tds
Administrator s Haic.
i 1 ■ >: i.!-. A ill A to an oreler of tie Poiirt e-f or
*» 1 -' -' *" IhUtiam ('• unty. \vtil be sold on the
hr*', i '•'•-day ia 1 )oce-m'>e-r next. (>o7' , acres of
-f 'adjoining the lauds'of Thomas
•' ' ! a H. M trshail. J. .4. (bin* tl and
' ll ‘ r . I pic.niso* I>*.« fair improvements
, aim arc situated 5 miles from Itennis
1 I'd"'- I- rc an.- «;•» or 70 acre's in the woods.
'veil tin.: or-k _ MARION SIMVISI. A tint r.
- 1 •: ■! 1 i;:ir_. . will
; ' : * "-• i: - -ay In Xovcnfiief next, i
* i • ' • yuttr- 'a; -of I
1 ' 'p' J 11 :''nt. k- atm B. W.
• .-•rine •••;. I.i the h'.-irs And Cttlili- ■
a is m-y X izzar I, dec -;iso,l.
_ ' L l .. .I 1" A - ' * I'-'VAKT. Afm'r.
, I 'NhfKrioivsr.fdjr.w of Or.iifiary of fie
) ;:,t - r c ' *’ !:t aou, will i)» -hi [it the Pourt
..-a-4 t w of Lrfot.t t -lirstTia-sdav
U .W*m
" . ? i*-:i of >[ a ii-l Walker. dcPd.
SOI-, mag • ~f \\ iilir.m AVbitfield, IlowcH Bald- j
lU,r tJ . - '..1,,,:! other-. This plan- ,
' f ‘5 i’-cnty oi timber. ihO a- res in the |
“V ! ■ bur state 1 of repair, inivmg a i
1 , '' l '\v,r my boa*■■ and ttb ae-eus-tiry oat :
l-iii ,u!i I u o->->.i jifciv cotton se-rttv. i
1 1 ■ "1,. tP■ ■-1 Pash, the balance jr-vafne flic •
4 Ip ' ■ A 15.7.-;. CMiTid: Slli-:i>iiKl*l>.
I' - 1 - A-liuY. with the* will um-xed. !
4 %•’* the --.'l’li day Li rds muitii, all the
\ / perishable pi'OjHjrJ\ i> -■!»»;>_■ i;i •• t.Ti .-pt •of
i!linmidnk* VViiiuuas deceased, hue »t l nt inn.
i will 1,0 sol! at i,b Lite rex»i.!et«*'» iu !
|cf.anty. r j
I terms of sale will he mile hnown <m :;•*> dnv <■■■
4 *ct. 7, l*.'*4—tile.
ON Wednesday, tne 'TIN >!ay of December next,
all the perHial.'e projieVty Lelon-intc. to tin
♦stats of Sanuml Walker, late of Pntnnni oomi'v.
<t( •ease, I, will tm sold at iu* late r ."ideuce jji ; ,ti
-emmty. It con**.*fs oj corn, todder, horses, nudes,
j'-ittlo. ii -g*. f-h'-op, house u:,| a:,,.1 khei.fa, rilHii
jtiir?, i'.ir,.,inir too! Ac.’ to voutm'te from ilnv
ft . .lux i. ii! :il! i
{ « «-i;i of male knh Cii the first
|)H*T sah .
ai!'iV2 djiliPilEßlh A-l*n*r.. &e.
f J iUii'iLl! J? #'
V-li;iinietr;itor> Male.
T'” ( r<|e r of the ( tut of On'iii'rv of |
j h ine.iai .onec county, will on Tnos’dsv I
t 1* r.f. il.-.r of D. flu her next, till lit,. p •n.-hahl’e 1
j.rojol- I" :
' sr-ii--l • a>*%. dc<i. Tiie nf’ ; r .en bobMrior to i
estate will t.< hire-1 on; for fe a* m- r cm the I
iA/oftixk-. W&SI.KV GKiGGS, A fm'r.
y r HU!RiET 11. OIHUGd, Wnii-'r.
f Oct. 21.
A OKLKAISLV ' . uu or h r p!>s o <]Ty the IniV-ri r
jV 1 1 M't of the < '.unity of I'utuaui. vidi riiting
for ordinary t.'iroor , veil! he t, ,M [ , tin: Tiigho i !
Vehler ho I*.* hi- - la's iav in December mxt, in- I
/geth'i . -,-b ■! --r in the l-.a ii of K-itoutop, i
h'li'h fit; -••liiutf the lauds #>V WliJi-itu j
Spire;- Fuller and other*. S-.l l i.s the
l ro| -r'y -t >m:i Lo deoeufctcj, for ,the purprse of i
T-rji- known on the bay of sale.
U ILL!AM (1. I.KF, Adm'r.
O-t . 44. I 4. 25 —tls of.'•ion I.c •, deed,
AiiiiiiiiiMratcrN Kale.
*A OKhILALLV loan order of tho Court of Or
lY. binary of I’ County, will Ijo >«>]R on the
S Tues tin in January next, hetween' the legal
| Burs: of Kale, hetbro tie- Court-hou •-e boar in the i
Vfru of Ivttonton, all the negroes lielongfeng to the*
fKUto of Henry Uli/, .anl, diywaxed. Snd for the
imrjJORC of (listnhijtiot; am mg Ino iieifft of Paid
icctascd. T. rue nt:ul<» known ofi the ffav of sale.
A. J. .SJKWAH'r, AclniV.
j Kor. 11. 1551.—30-td>
j Administmtor’sl^ale.
A GKELAKIA to mi order qf 11M*. I'.mitof tjfdiu*
■V. ary of I’ntjmiii county, \\:ill l>o .-old on the llP»t
Ae.rtday in January next, i>e' «tp)i i !i,> tyga.j iioure
Tpale, iietbiv tho Court ji'*Us>ew|»or, in ti.y tmyn ol
/Aon ton. two liegr ifM belujigfn/ to tin' • stilU 1 ot
$An I/.'WiHV r, deei«irj»l.i AJV” lit the saift.; time
M jduce. one tr.e-t of .ftml I.tiny jn i'U.v iu the'
|Mty of i’utuiiiu, and iiy,ij.c. eyhih.y of Jusje
■Wi'Utaitiiutr Wo acres tlfw ■ or leaf, adjoinin',' flic
jA V cf Heujaiaia Mofh y. M in (irant t o l.ollier.-o
Os fer the heneft <>( tuo j’eirsmf s-ai-I Le-dfctte.r,
■Sr,’ twelve irmeths with nidiroved m- ,
W,- v .JAMLsJN- 1A Null, Adm r.
fov.u, u-iw:j- 1
i nuiuiiv) os IftihiHliiJfuii nuHuufu'tiOj
No. 94, Bay Street, Savannah, Ga.
r JM-.N i>i.K tbeir services to Planters, Merchant's,
A iinddv.ib-is in the sal,; of t'uttou and all ot'u-r
c mittry produce. Ic.-iiig.-inuu-t-tiidjii bitsim-ss with
11 op ; ms, ll ud son A* (of t ‘imrleston. t in- establish
t-iciit ol an otli- - in this city will all'ord oitv friends
ehotec ol nt U'kcts -Strict aheniion will i'c jr'veii to
business, ansi the Usual facilities Htfor-led eustdmers.
' l - ‘l ri-so\, j . hAui-.i.rn lloi'Kt.xs,
W. h. l-i i.M-x-i, l 1 Au-.rusta.
Siivimtmlt. ) (,Jf J. Coiii n-, Plinrleston.
•.I rnr» ■«ss
■<l \s it yA
Ol K promptness and person and attention to all
business entrusted to bur elnnvc, having met
with tipproval, we beg leave re*p -tlidly -> si y, our
-diet- is c-nVinUi-d nt the v >lil stall. 1 .. I’emtatioa and
Kiunlly siij.piie, forwarded at tho law st market
pviiH'S, and liberal adveni-es made on l’lodtue in
stole, or.upon ltiuli'ouvl Kceeipfs.
‘ I*. Tl. muix.
Savannah. Mnylti, 1 j.'d, 4—ly
a.-'' ■a,«s:d:'.g2' , «:s)aaiss«s
. I X/J < 'OMM/.SS/OX .!//•;/,'(7/J.N'7;v
June Gtli. 13-IS. 7—ly
iM Xi.KR their survitx's to‘bo Planu-rs of fieor
ciit, iii flic sale ofoott--a and other Produce. —
ihiviug had many year* experience, (hoy llatter
Ihemselvost on being able 0» give satisfaction to
tlicir patrons. They villnot engage in speculation
of aiiy kiirtl whatever, (dixlers tor Bagging, Rope;,
aid Family Supplies will bo filled promptly and at
the lowest mark) * prices.
. w. K.vm x, of tho kite firm of raws a vuiithieaii.
n. .'M TU, li " “ surrn a- i..vihi:i>!'.
Savannah, June 24, 1554. 10-6 m
ii.\N \ A WASiIRI UN.
Factors A Commission Merchants,
I'. J. Dana, li. K. Washburn,
\ A’’i 1-1/ e-mtiime the above business at 144 Buy
* » * -t, Fast -if tin- K.xeiiaiigt*. Order • for
.’>. 1 (»(//.\(7. liopi:. a-i-l other titippHes, filled
promptly , at tlie lowest cash prices.
Maj. W. Sanfm-d, (Aen’l. S. P. Myriek... Baldwin Cos.
A. MeAimm, lm Peek Twigys Cos.
Ma.i. John S. Rowland Gta Cos.
M. Dennis, S. ]J. Marshal), Messers Carter ik
Harvey Puhitim Cos.
Black Cobb, Sloan * Hawkins Home, (so.
August 5, 1651. 1
1-’ ACTO I! S A N D
R'iy Street, Savannah, (la.
B. S. IlAt:mv:c-K, J.,
A i .list Is.‘4. gm.
- e zuo. tjv »
i.B v Auraonrrv of the State of Alabama.)
ctoxirciEi* ox the Havana plan
10,900 Numbers, 238 Piizcs.
Class F—to bo Drawn the 20th of Oct.
C.VI IfAL? £~. r ,■
• i• < • •,, $. 6000
. 1500.
,*n tnl, Jj'i j*mcs, amountiug to 130,000
liekote t=t>,u0 —H alves and iju artei's in preportioa.
A;i cmuunuimutions strh-tly con'mlcnthd.
iSAMI LL S\\ AX, Agent rind Managor,
~ t'Lti of the CiT.jize LitniH.
Montgomery, Get. 14, hS-H. i yr
*»;. r, . LA ItRI AhMS, ROl IvAV. AAS,
Ei —LLßl’hlliS, Two-Uorsc H'iigons, Arc-
\\' r ’* v ~M htut'i anieic.s ot il-eahe-.v <:«-seri»-
. T tio.i-, ijfte'l Up ill -j'/Oi.t st'vie, oi i. i iI : i tlfi; | -
ot our own manufacture, wni ii we i.iv' w
11 Vyf ! 1 ’ :l o" re,a,s„n..ble terns, ..j- m-\- 0 f t-wm
" ni-- i to <>i-. 1.-i'. .no upon s -!■>, not tec.
UC|>aii'l>iz Win iiis.i |)y (~,ne in tee beet ami
• " > -.ppiovi.-d style, on i\-,.*on:d>;c term-, and up
■a si.-ortnoti e. 1
i-atoiitpn, M y r.;, 1 - .4.
take notice.
1 11 .. ■op n .eiteisnip -eretulore existing under the
1 la-wit »fc J).,vis, is tui.s day dis
- .( lo; tint:util scut. All persons indebted tu
m iai "i to i-ail and |....y ui>. Xvfurtlier
isu.u.gyn..*. <., n, op will, he given.
W. ('. T)\VIS
Jtfty 29ih, i5.,4..' M. LiXcil. '
l.e ii/'s v.-hl hereafter be conducted in the
o m;- 1 t >; v» .A Walker. We solicit the pat-
J V‘ i:, c c *V/ oi ' ; 'niEr cu>toujc*rH, and the peo
i„c : •••TTiii V. W'•
‘>b givt sate Jh to all who liny favor us with
t.l .-if pm rona-'p. ObT tjDjnm will be UA '7/ for all
Gr to; ■ . ?»AVIB * WALKER,
od; E, 1354. L i„ ‘
/V * V'.7'V* l * 4r% n •»
f . ,\\ \ v .jjX' - J
irS/ uJ m\ h> w'.Gw .V —m tn
VO Si &«/f Jj /;.
I 9 I ?F AI *'“«• naif,i 111 tin the two stow
■f ‘'d'/dtitf now oeeup'u.a by Davis «fc Walker, atm
C' .'. o a <.r»i\mil us Ktore-room-s, below, and h\
i t 1 rcM, ' others above.
ILill* inici'est in the sioiv.hous,, occupied bv Mr.
'■ '.' or < weuioo house (with four
-mo., ii’.lf ticies ot 111" .Did.iominirMre. M-rUvi t her,
an ! now occitp.od lij R. I!. Walker.
o R,
>» «■'
Vi '. sw f wishing-to engage in nvrt-.-mtilc Imsiness
;,i t;i". who desire ni.dtd investment.-, in
!P' j'P ' xvouh. ch, wi.ll to “ ask for further
"itoim iiioii. UDDLUf ADAMS.
Jv luiit m, August ’/ii, 1351. ts
3 XLJL'Ji 4
PERSOXts wishing to jmjvhaf e NotKfkf itv the (itli
District of origtnaily Appling now Ware count \
in the State, of Georgia are requested to corivepoull
with the undersigned. TLKNKK.
Eitonfon, I'utiium Go. April, 13:,4. ’ \ j-’
Wi: ii vyi: UKCiavdl) OIJU SPUING STOCK ok
Mr* ( \ LOJ’IUXG, and a general assort
*t(J \J ment of urlieles luir.ptc.l to this
market. T icy base been selected with
tni'isi! tl f.tre, ini I we H itter ourselves that our < \-
periciier; will autliorize us to say also, with good
jit'Lmo.i*. • " I
0 i'6.isou line re/n'm an tex iinine. !
- . . 5X.43. ruaj)DLx * co.
6ntcntl jXiHuTtirqttniis.
N’l-W AO!! OFF I ('E.'
THE utideiviglicd respeetutlly informs the citizens
of Putnam county, utni the pulilie gtmpi-ally,tnat lie
has, in uoiim-etibn Witir ti-6 Inuki-kndkn r
oiliee, a large and well selected ussiutiiicnt of—
(Onmmnital hh vTnpr,
--lid is prepared to execute, with neatness ami ..lis
puts It, all kinds of
P EJiM X ;
Hills of Lading,
Party Tickels,
Eatoutou, .lime la. 18,74. <l. A. TURNER.
VX.KW edition of the Spui-im -i) Book of l -niee's
New York Type I'mindiy. will t-c pnhiisiie-!
m scptemlii-r, |S,'>4, end will I -■ -given totliosi- pn
prii-tors of Printing < •lliees who will send far it,
it w ill bo iV-rwardcii them by mail on receipt ia ad
vance, of fifty cents to pay for the postage.
In il mv exhibited many articles never before
show n—there have been added to the Foundry new
varieties of Raman types, from Nine-line i’iea to
Pearl, various imitat inns of writing, n great num
ber ofFuuey fonts. Borders, both Plain and Illu
minated, Labor-saving Kftles, fin'd a complete Foun
dry of (ienmuf.
foe types how manufactured are east from :i UC'V
combination of inetai of great durability, and are
itsuailv kept on hatul i-i large quantities. Every
fauey Font is sold by weight, aiul at printed prices,
whieh are t’l-oin to t-> -g-7 }ie,r eeut. less than those of
some other Foundries. Ail other printing materials
are furnished at Manufacturers prices, either for
t':is’a or Credit.
Printers w ishing to open accounts with me, or
w hose dealings have been long suspended, are re
quested to accompany their orders with city referen
ces to prevent delay.
Printers of Newspapers who choose to publish
this advertisement, .including this note, three times
before the Ist, of August 15.74, and send me one i-t
the p pers, will be paid for it in Type when they
puivinse live times tite amount of their bill from
me, of mv own manufacture, selected from speci
June If-, 1874—kt Chamber Bt. New York.
i). iTuunTirrirol^
s’.i st, on ,
| )ESPKCTFUI.LY informs Ins customers, and
li tho public generally, that he still Continues the
Tailoring business. From his past experience ill
tiie business, he warrants to give entire satisfaction
to all who may favor him with a pull, both in price
anil manufacture. Qfbco over tdirter iX Harvey’s
Mav lit, 1874. sm.
rUtgU’l-X'ITS. OF
A AVcekiy Commercial and Miscellaneous
rublixht I <:>Xry Sufu'i-Jni/ Horning.
aw iiLDJTJj'iL
; -ts Six Copies for Five Dollars. .
NYitb it view to accommodate those sections of the
cointtry wiiich have only a weekly inail eoinnmiiica
tion with Savannah., and in compliance with the re
pasts which we are daily receiving, the publisher
of the Daily Morning News has determined to com
mence on tite H'u!i of July next, tin- issue of a week
ly paper with the above title. Tile E*m
will be made up from the columns of the daily and
tri-weeJSiy Morning Eewx, and will comprise the For
eign and Domestic News, Commercial and Political
Intelligence, Local News, and Miscellaneous Read
ing of the daily paper. It will comprise twenty
eight- columns of closely printed matter, and will be
securely mailed to subscribers at the low jirir< of
i >X h DOLLAR per annum in advance.
Thu DolUir .\rtc< being a weekly reprint of the
daily Morning Xnrx will partake of its i-haracter ot
ni.itiiautv am- ixi-KPExinaxcE. It will be the
and it will be the aim of U «• publisher and editor
to make it the best; it will- be a comprehensive, ami
reliable news medium. •; . :i-ted to tm- wants of the
bus;ness mao. tin- plant, r, too politician, the gener
al iv. il r .mci th-- fu-n'ny.
Terms. — t Liu Doii -r p-r -minim in ndvancc.
T io very low price of the papal- will not admit of
Eire disc, iii-ts to agents. lor s.> we will semi six
copies of the Dollar A<
or the
A Southern Literary Family- Journal,
The Southern' Eclectic and Home (.azkttk is de
voted to Literature , Art, Sc*we, Agrindtme, Cm
ercil /nteUtgencr and. ,Southern lnter<-*t*. The aim of
the Editor is to make a Useful and Interesting Pa
per ; to blend the instructive and Entertaining to
gether, iii such a way ns to secure a high degree of
interest, and at the sane- lime elevate both ihe In
tellect and the Atleetions.
Tiie columns of toe pnj-bv contain st lections from
the best Magazines Unit papers of this evmntry and
Europe, Historical and Donit- RomaneC.', Pictur
es of Social Life, Sketches oi Bi“gl-.ap:iy. Choice
Poetry, Entertaining Anecdotes, Scientific Meumr
>m-la,’Agricultural and in .lust rial Articles, tite (ivn
i-n.l News us the day, and all Political Intelligence
of any importance. It will bo- entirely. JVeu from
Political bias and liigh-tone-i in character.
Tile Editor an<l Pn-pm-tor will spare no exertions
or expense, to justify the public eonfidunee, hereto
fore extended to both the Ceokgia Home Gazi.tte
.mi 1 rt-.iTHEKN E-u.cTir, ,-ind hy tjie union of the
tvvo, he trusts that it will lie still more worthy of
general patronage.
The work is published in a,convenient form for
binding, and will be ae--omp:mied at the close of
volume with a copious index. Each volume w ill
contain 852 pages of 8 columns each, and will equal,
in reading matter, exclusive of advertisements, LBuo
pages of an octavo volume of ordinary size.
Single Cony, One year, always in advance $5 00
if not paid within 3 months, $2,50,
If not paid within 0 months, tjtl.Ou.
The paper will'he furnished at tins lowest club
rates to any old subscriber who will procure anew
one, us also the new subscriber. Any two old sub
seribers can unite in renewing their subscriptions
and receive the paper at $2 50, each ; any three at
$2 III!
»-*7’To any person making up a club of Te.x sub
scribers, and sending §2O, we will scud a copy gratis
for one year. Address JAMES M. SMYTH K,
Editor Southern Eclectic and Home Gazette,'
Augusta, Ga.
Atlanta Intelligencer.
SiaKy, Tt'i- U'tcuX, (tntl Weekly.
/ \N tmd ufte.r tlic Loth of fieptemher the Attain"
\ / /»: • i/ii/oiri r will lie published Rail;/, Ti i
rr<d(;f and W'oßLj, <ll new and be utifui type
tinougUotii, tilt'd 011 anew Ci/liinter /‘mnr Y’/vi.v,
capable of throwing off from 1000 to ihOO sheets
per hour.
Tiie Lhuly tat'•lliijciif.r will he printed on usuper-•
royal sheet, :;2 In 24 incites suiTiue, on line white
paper, and will eoiitaiu twenty-four columns of mat
ter. It will furnish till the Client 'Eh'jnfphio in/nl
h'j< ,u:e. tVoin tiny Northern, mm W c teni-
Cities, vp to the mnnnnt "J •joiwj toprnnn. Having
the benelit, tiftwo different telegrapti lines wiiieh
phiee Atlanta indirect eoiiimniiieiitioii with all parts
of .tile l ni.'ii, the /toil// hUdliffcnwr will possess
j-very iHhantage lor obtaining too latest teicgl'up.i
ic Hews tmin all directions, while by means of the.
htrge number of Raiiloads eoinerging at Atlanta, it
will possess- nriil/'iclUti> -■ equal, if not superior, to
tiny otuer city iuthe South. In the columns of the
Eail// especial attention will he devoted to furnish
uigl'ull 11. 1 reliable eommereial reports. The Xew
York, llaltitnore, Ghurlestoii, Augusta, Atlanta,
New Orletths and Nusliville niiirkets will be regu-'
airly reported, in addiiioit to weekly reports of oth
er markets 1 !
The Tri- If'ceMu, will lie the sumo size as the Eai
/y. .•oiitaining nil the’reading matter of tho two
Dailies immediately preceding it, and telegraphic
hews no to the lnuir ofgoiiigt’o press.
11“. Weekly liiEUjyahvr will he enlarged to over
dnuldo its present .jiiiuitity of rending niattev. H
will ho ptinted pit line papur, on an imperial sheet
ol tW by 45 inches surface, and w ill eoittuin thirti/-
tu<o rolumnH of matter,'— For tiie D lily If 0,00
TrMVeekly -J,<u)
Weekly 2 00
. < aI U V b Uu "f more at the same Post
Oitii'e, tlio Dany lnteHicoueer will he furnished at
s•> per annum, and the Tri-weekH tit sh.
MrThr t ASH SYSTEM will he invariably oh-'
served and tno ninn • of no siib-erHieik eitlier <o tfie
Daiiv, Tri-weok y, or WeokiE, will be entered on
books, u tus» is nuu'e.
' ' * " . ’’’
Central rrt is cm
Mi' btict m v /u mr bb:«c3 m 9
/rvmWoji«. f.r»
fflfl M Pi fl gg U M 03
\jTt.)H ME TEN of the “Si ii.nTii-ic A-miihi a-.
commences tin the fifth of September. It is
ehielly devoted to the advancement.ofthe interests
•T the Meelnmic-s, inventors, Mann fact itn-ts and
Farmers, und, is edited hy men practically skilled
in the arts and sciences. ‘ Probably no otln-v jour
nal of t lie smut: character is so extensively circula
ted, <*r so generally esteemed (brits pr-telieal uhilily .
Nearly all the Valuable Patents which issue wee!
ly from the Patent ORiec are illustrated witli c.i-‘
gruvings, ami the claims of all the Patents are pub
lished regularly in its coitmis as they are issued,
thus making it a perfect Scientific ami Aleelialiie.d
Eueyelop.-iliu of inlbluiatioii upon tin-subjects of
Mccliamefil Improvements, (.’■hembtry, Engineering,
and the Seienees generally. It is j,s l l >ii.-*i .< Iwe -!,-
ly in quarto form suitab'e’ for bindin'g, an-i each
vobime eontains 414 pages of rein ling matter, sever
al hundred engravings, with a full ami complete
index. Its circulation on the last volume exceeded
M-'-fod copies per week, and the practical r- wipes ii,
oi.i volute are worth to any family much more
than tin! subscription price.
The following < 'ash Prizes arc offer.’«! by tho pub
Ushers sos the fourteen largest lists of subscribers
sent in by tiie first of .laliUary, 1877; —I*loo w ill In
given for the largest ; $75 for the second ; SO7 for
the third ; $75 for tin- fourth : S7O for the fifth
•847 for the sixth ; $lO for the seventh ; SB7 ibr tin
eighth ; 3-;in for the ninth ; $-gr> for the tenth ; $-g0
for the eleventh ; sl7 for the twelfth I $1" for the
thirteenth ; and $7 for the fourteenth. The cash
will he paid to the order of the successful compcti
t."- immediately after the Ist of January, 1877.
TERMS—< ‘ue copy, one year, $8; one copy, six
months, $1 ; five copies, six months, $4; teneopics,;
twelve months, sl7 ; fifteen copies twelve months,
$22 ; twenty copies, twelve months, S2B in advance.
No number of subscriptions above twenty can be
taken sit less than sl4') each. Names can be sent
in at different times and from difi'ereut Post Oltk-es.
Ware house Receipts
Dill Heads,
Way Hills,
*Vo., Ac.
Accompanying, you li.-ivt* submitted tin* oflieial
piocccdings of the Share Holders in Mass Meeting,
convened on; tiie evening of the 27th inst., li>r the
purpose of selecting a Committee, and taking into
consideration other matters allecting the interests of
all ticket holders in my Tiitnn Girr K.vratriusK.
It will be seen that, a Committee have been ap
pointed, and instructions given them as lo die
course to fie pursued >i[)tOa certain si age of pro
gression iu the enterprise. For tiie information of
absent share holders, 1 here b«-g leave to stale, timt
the number of tickets sold up to the present linn*
is about■ 4<>,oort. From this you will petveive. that
so soon :ts 34,000 more are sold, they will advise
the whole body of share holders of tiie tiict, and
ask of them, in general meeting assembled for the
purpose, instructions its the liual disposition of the
Gift Property, with which they are intrusted.
That these 34,000 tickets may be sold in the
shortest possible time, the undersigned makes the
'following propositions, unequalled for liberality:
Each person who gets up a club of ten subscri
bers, and forwards (TO) /«« dollars to this office , will
receive by return mail or other conveyances, Eleven
Each person who sends [at one time] one hun
dred dollars, mil hove sail in like manner, One Hun
dred and Fifteen, tickets.
Each person who shall send [at one time] Jim
hundred dollars, will have sent iu like manner, Fi.c
Hundred Tickets.
And lor all larger sums in exact proportion.
It is thus, ladies and gentlemen, that I hope to
secure your hearty co-operation iu bringing this
enterprise to a speedy, and 1 hope to all, a satislae
tory termination.
With great Considerations of respect,
1 remain yours, obediently,
July 28th, 1854. ' J. PERU AM.
C3>“All Orders for Tickets, by Mail, should be ad
dressed to
JOSIAII PERUAM, Academy llall,
0(53 Broadway, X. Y.
If it should happen that all the Tickets are sold
when the order is received, money will be returned
at our espouse for postage. Correspondents will
p!easy write distinctly their names, residence, Coun
ty and State, to prevent errors. Or if convenient,
enclose an envelope with their directions on it in
full—in which such Tickets as they may order will
be returned.
Sept. 2, 1854.* s, s:.ias, b:.igs i
r IMIE .Subscribers are paying the highest price for
X good Gotten and Raj a ; persons having
t in-in for sale, will find it to their advantage to ad
Paper Commission Merchants,
CiiAutEsroN, S. 0.
Acents of the
H. Carolina Paper Manufacturing Company.
Muv y 1854
\ Splendid harness horse ami buggy. Apply
at this otliee:
October 21, 1854—ts
f’ O Ml S a L J?.
rj'MlE Subscriber otters for sale the large and b'JStl
J commodious building sit anted in the tmviiMtilL
0l Kutonton, known as the Kntonton Hotel, now oc
cupied us iv Tavern by A. A. Underwood, Esq. it
contains 24 roomSj lately put, iu thorough repair, and
has, connected with it, good oat-houses and stables.
The lot on which the promises is situated is large and
convenient, containing two acres, purl of which is a
garden for raising the necessary vegetables. Tho
recent completion of tho Railroad to this place fen
ders tl>.> above properly very desirable to those who
fish to make money. Call and examine for vour
rlvcp. fit. DKNN'iS.
August ?.*, 1*34, ts
Southern and Western money taken for subscrip
Letters should bo directed, post paid to “Afiinn
it 128 Fulton street, New York.”
Messrs. MuuiuArt’o. are extensively engage-1 in
procuring patents for new inventions, and will ad
vise inventors, without charge, in regard to the nov
elty of their improvements.
September 2, IX47—-27- ts.
Official Proceedings of the
Share Holders in PcrhauVs
Third €Hft Enterprise,
Academy Hall, CO3 Broadway, New York,
on Thiusdny Evening, July 27th,
At 8 o'clock the meeting was called to oraer by
Dr. Hall, when B. S. Adams. Esq., was nominated
avid unanimously elected Chairman, and Robert
Beatty. Jr., Esq., appointed Secretary.
The first business in order being the selection of
a Committee ot live persons to receive and dispose
of the Gift Property, it was on motion Resolved,
that wo now proceed to the nomination and elec
The election being gone into, resulted in the
choice of tho lbliowing named gentlemen :
Justice Lathrop offered tiie following Resolution :
Resolved, That the Committee have power to
till vacancies from a neglect to servo or to fulfill
the requirements ol a member. —Carried.
The Secretary then read the lbliowing:
Resolved, That the Committee bo authorized to
receive from Mr. I'erham tl.ioGift Property, or take
from him bonds for its delivery as called lor. and
hold tlie same in trust for the Shareholders.—Par
ried .
On inquiry, it was ascertained that Mr. Perliam
had sold about 4 (-.000 out of the 100,000 Gift Tick
ets; when the lbliowing resolutions were offered
and unanimously adopted;
Resolved, That so soon as it is ascertained that
80.000 of tiie Gift Tickets issued by Mr. I’erham in
Ills third eiitcrprizo are sold, the committee shall
cydl the Sltnri holders together .1 the most conve
nient place, Ibr the purpose of instructing said Uoni
mitiec in regard to the manner of disposing of the
Gilt Property, amongst those holding Uharc Tickets.
Resolved. That in order to close the cntcrpri. c at
the earliest possible mom.‘lit, this meeting recom
mend ail persons now holding Share Tickets, to use
tlicir influence in obtaining subscriptions and ad
vance the interest of the whole body.
On motion, adjourned.
AUcd. B. S. ADAMS, Chairman.
Rohkut Beatty, Jii., Secretary.
IgtisutaWMi gUfim'tisracnts.
rpilh next Agtie!miu|U I'uir will bo Hold riAug
.1. until, (in., on t i»o -ill, -ltli, - itii, -'iUii si rtf},
mill2Bth days ol‘ October, lc>u4. appemi^itoh
parts of’ the Fmoiuui List us tire of myre general
interest : anc f - <
i it:tii» c itops.
1 Fortlie latest crop of Cotton produced upon two
iteres ot’ upland, with the mode of cultivation, (no
utnotint :in<l kind >1 icumi'e used, file period ol
planting, thf number ol' liftios plowed and hoed,
the kind of Cotton ; the. land to be measured aim
the Cotton weighed in the presence of three dis
interested and reliable witnesses, with certificate
from them, pitcher, .
for the largest crop of Cotton produced upon
two acres of low land, (fcifo sipnc ivqilinhi m a *
upon an neve of upland,) >Vi
l-'or t!ie. largest erop of Pea Vine Ha;., raised
on 2 acres, one hale to he sent as a sample,
with a certificate oPqiisntity made, silver cup, 2"
4 For the largest crop of Native Grass Hay, raised
on 2 id'ics, tlic same as above, 2»
f, For t lie largest crop of Foreign Grass Hay, rais
ed on t woaert's, the same as übove, 2p
a For the largest eron ol'Corn grown upon two
acres of upland, n.ot ies> tliati 7."> luisiiets pet
aere ; the period of planting, the i»o;le ; pf eii: •
ti' atioii, kind ofeorn, titu s ph.wcd and I ,
the amount and kind of manure applied ; tiie
land and corn measure' i in the ju'esenee of three
disinterested and reliable witnesses, with their
certificates —a silver pitcher woith ho
I 7. Forthe largest crop oi'corn grown upon two
I acres of lowland, not less than U)o bushels per
acre f renuisitinnas upon upland Corn) fto
s. For the largest crop of Wheat (hroadeast»
grown upon two acres of land, not less than go
bushels per acre, nor under *ld pounds per
bushel ; the hind and wheat, to lie measur
ed, and under the same requisition in all
things as above 2ft
0 For the-largest erop of Wheat (drilled) grown
upon two acres of land, not less than go bush
els per aere, nor less than 00 pounds per bush
el, (requisition the same as above,) 2.7
10 For the largest erop of low land Rico, on one
I acre,-notless than 100 bushels, fto
i 11 For the largest crop of Outs, kind, Ac.,
i raised per acre, go
| 12 Fortlie largest erop of Rye, kind, Ac., rais
i ed per acre,* lo
j US For the largest crop of llarley, kind, A**,, rais-
I ed per acre,' 10
j 14 For the largest crop of sweet potatoes raised
j per acre, one eighth of an acre to be dug, and
j eertidentes of the yield by disinterested per
! sons furnished. go
! lh For the largest crop of Irish Potatoes raised
per acre, ?,
11l For the largest crop of turnips raised per aere, io
17 For tiie largest.crop ot ttroiuul Peas, or Fin
ders, raised per acre, 10
Is' For tiie largest crop of Field Fens raised per
aere, lo
I l‘.i Best box of chewing Tobacco, Southern raised 5
j go Best box of Cigars from Southern raised To
| baeeo, ft
■2l Best sample of Southern raised Smoking To
bacco, i 5
g 2. Fortlie greatest quantity ot' Corn produced
on an aere of land by ieeiyntwii, with the mode
of cultivation, time of planting, irrigation, Ac. 2ft
Exhibitors of'all the above crops must state in
writing in full to the Secretary, all the requisitions
as laid down for Corn, (Jetton, A"., as above, wueu
the articles are entered upon Ids books for exhibi
tion ; with the witnesses’ certificates for the. mea
surements of lands and pounds, and bushels per
acre; without which the Judges will be required to
withhold their awards, and exhibitors not comply
ing' with these requisitions willu ot be allowed to
compete for t he Premiums of tiie Society.
j i. For tiie largest quantity of Indian Corn grown
j bv any white boy under 10 years of age, upon
I ait aero of land, a patent lever silver Watch, go
The rules in relation to field crops to be com
plied with.
g For the largest quantity of Cotton produced by
any white boy under 10 years of age upon an
acre of hind—-patent lever silver Watch, 2.'
The rules of held crops to be complied with.
] The best variety of Bread Corn, with two bushel
as sunipio, $lO
2 Best variety of Corn lor stock, two bushels as
samples—tested by weight, lo
| 3 Best variety of Wheat, with a bushel of grain
j as sample, 10
: 4 Fortlie best variety of Sweet Potato, sample of
| two bushels, lo
:.7 For the best variety of Field Peas, sample of
j one bus lie!, pi
j (3 Best variety of UphiiL Cotton, two stalks as
samples, jo
1 7 Best variety of Sea Island Cotton, with two
} staiks as samples, jo
j 8 Best bushel of Rive, ft
!!l >• “ Oats, ft
lo ” “ Rve,
i 11 " Barmy.
I lg Be w bushel of Irish Potatoes, a
j B; Best variety of grass 'seeds adapted to the South
for Hay or C razing, lo
j Exhibitors of crops, must give In writing to the
i Secretary a full account of each crop offered,its adap
tation for profitable cultivation. A--.
1 Fortlie best go hales of Upland Cotton, sgu
2 " “ 10 “ ‘ " “ lb
“ •"> “ “ “ W
4 " “ 1 “ " " b
b “ " b " sea Island Cotton, go
tj Best hale of;4-lb; Sea Island or Blocs. Seed
< Villon raised on Upland, 2ft
fim <V.tton must be on the Fair Ground Curing the
F,\:::hition, - to claim tiie pi emimu.
Fill i fS.
i Fh>r the best 100 oranges, open culture, grown
at the South, ’ $7»
g b'. b '.4 one do/.eu Pine Apples, ft
i Fo ia si ami largest- variety oi Table Apples, ju
1 •• " and largest eoiieetion ofSoutlioi'n Seed
ling Y;ij>L*s, eaeii variei.v named ami labelied, 10
,j Lor best late Seedling Apples, tor ail purposes,
with description of the Free, history of its
origin, keeping, Ae„ one do/.eu Apples to be
exhibited, b
1 For best mu! largest v trietv of Pears, lo
g “ " " eoi .eetiou ot Southern Seed
lings, 8
3 For best single Seedling, for ail purposes, with
description of the Tree, history, Ac., half
dozen specimens to be exhibited, ft
1 Fov best collection Seedling or others, process
of keeping, Ac., 10
2 For best collection of Quinces, ft
3 For best eoiieetion of Native Grapes, with his
tory of keeping, preserving, Ac.. 10
■1 For best Foreign G rape for table, 10
ft F'or best Foreign Grape for Wine. lo
i) F'or best dozen specimens of the Lime, Lemon,
or other Southern fruits not named above,
each, ft
1 F'or the largest collection of Southern Seedling
Apple frees, each variety labelled, with spe
cimens of the fruit, 20
2 For the largest and best collection of Peach
Trees budded or grafted, each variet y describ
ed olid labelled, " 20
3 The largest and best eoiieetion of Pears, de
scribed and labelled as above, 20
4 For the greatest variety and best collection of
Strawberry Plants, ft
ft For the greatest variety and best collection of
Raspberry Plants, ft
0 F'or the best specimen of native Gooseberry (so
called) raised in garden, 10
1 For the largest eoiieetion of Osage Orange, or
other plants, (Georgia raised) with a description
ot' the best method of planting, trimming and
training the hedge, 20
•2 F'or the best eoiieetion of Osier or Basket Wil
low, Plants, or Cuttings, 20
3 F’or the best basket of Southern grown Osier
Willow, 10
•i For the best Basket, Mat, or other work of
Mire Grass, 10
[ Foi* the best ami most eeohoinleal method,
(based on actual experiment) ol’
the worn out land ol’tlie South, by n system
of turning under green crops, liming, Guano,
Super-phosphate, or otherwise, 25
2 For the best essay on Agriculture, by a pupil of
any School or College in the State—lhtcher, 25
; 1 For best Flowing by woite mart, $5
j 2 “ “ “ “ slave, 5
j “ “ “ “white boy 13 to 10 yours old, 5
■1 ' “ “ “ “ negro “ “ “ “ 5
Thu Flowing Match will come off during the Fair.
Grounds will be prepared for the same, and en
trance open to horses, mules and oxen.
Judges in this department will be governed in
awards by the depth and width of the furrow slice
turned liy the plow of each competitor, and the
employ de to complete his work.
Flows must be deposited at the Secretary’s office
on the first day of thu Fair. Those of Southern
construction and manufacture, if of equal merit,
to have precedence.
53?"As many articles of merit in the various de
partments of labor, art, Ase., which are not spe
cially provided for in the Premium List, may be
presented l'or exhibition and premium; a committee
on miscellaneous articles will be appointed to ex
amine and report upon, and award premiums upon
till such articles worthy of premium.
The Society have offered premiums to the amount
of live thousand dollars, embracing nearly every
thing valuable in Agricultural and Mechanical In
dustry, Art, Science and Taste. The Premium List
will lie furbished by application—-’postage paid—to
the Secretary, or to the Cultivator office, or Soil of
the South.
13«X2» «L MB''®
r PIIE notes and accounts of the lute firm of Liach
X st Davis are in the hands of J. D, Diomafr"*
I Esq., for collection.
August lU.TPM, ts
Valuable Plantation
mm sauiitb
\ \Ti LL h ■ su’d, on tiie first Tuesday in Noyem-
V V her next) in t’ <• town of M idison, M< rgati
( Viimtyi G..., 1200 seres of Ian 1 , m- re nr Jess, d
i<lining lends of William Stokes. C. p. Zaebry.
.lames Finney. A. ALieoii ami others. T e plan
tation will he sold in tligee pay m<-i.:-, Fie first pay
ment due 12 months utter day •-)' ale. T!MV sale
will be made-for the purpose of a division among
t lie legatees of Joseph \V. Walton, deceased.
All ust 12. 187,4. [dlls'] Executrix
ur ARTi:i;LV !(KVii:\Y.
' ITUs !’.•!■;,.die; ii . I.i mi; nm • . its clas inlliv
1 ■, iii• ■i\ - i ■: : eSmb : a..a i:„ pages ,r>
• "li'll "i in .... i.|, e best ev. icticC "l lee : hijij of tee
South, and its e .pitch;, to give expression til the.
feelings, tiie iig(-M-s(s and intelligence oi'this see
lion of inir country . Its purpose i> t., fairiy repres
ent olirscly, and to nn.-r,q>le cut nicer., il
aim to ninliitaih ti.e atii is w- in, "erst..ho it, m
-.-sert l j• i iniviigi-i utfl equality m* <mr section,
a . ue, al lbs , m,. time, ll w ill "free the mill,l ol toe
iinm! of our peojde iVcm that state of literary thrui
l"in iiuii depeti ienev uiuier wideii they hi'vc too
iong laboi'ed. We claim, then, frqm ail lovers oi
the Sniifii and friends of a truly home literature,
that support for our work which will enable us to
give it a free course, and thus make it eminently
worthy of the world’s admiration and our own
pi'i-Ln _ C. MORTIMER, Publisher,
Office Soul I ern Quarterly Review.
April IsftJ. Law Range, Broad st., Charleston S.C.
T'he following resolution was adopted by the
Southern Commercial Convention, held in Charles
ton in April, 18ft, 1., flint the Southern (piarterlv Review,
published in the City of < 'innleston. by a native
ot \ irginia, and edited by one of the most dis
tinguished literary gentlemen of the South, be
ing the only Periodical of that character, printed
and published in the Southern States, and hav
ing always defended the institutions and interests
<’f tiie South, is entitled to the patronage of the
Southern people, and this Convention earnest!'
recommend it to their favor. Ice consideration, tt
soil. 11l Till: So! I ll
TOR 1 8 5 4.
An Agricultural A Horticultural Journal,
Priu.isiiiin at Cot. t'.M lies, < Junior a, ox mi-. iu:,-t oi
every month-
JANES M. CHAMBERS, Anmrrr.Tt'KAi. Ehitoi:.
(JiIARI.ES PEABODY, 11,,are rnnui. Emroi!
r M :’»® Sfeo
One Dollar a Year in Advance.
| One ('m y. one yi.aj: 8 1
Six Copies, one yea a •>
Twenty-Five Copies, one 20
One Ih'MJicED Copies, on), yeak "■>
All !■!uhscfi/>tionn rnn-st couumuce until the cohnoK
This Journal, now entering on its Fourt h vniimi,-.
is two well known to need any panegy i ic from the
l>id.ilisliui's. This much we wiil say—we intend
to enlarge, and beautify it. Each number will
have a handsome cover, upon which advertisements
e.m be inserted, without taking up the reading
matter of tiie paper.
.The editors wili each, in bis'department, give a
ve-eord of the progress and advancement of agri
culture and horticulture, especially, as adapted to
tiie soil ami climate of the South. .Each number
will contain plans for the month, for the farm,
orchard and garden ; new plants and seeds adapted
to Southern culture will receive the careful atten
tion of the cnitnrs, and a faithful report made
thus saving thereon, thepublie trout much imposi
To our patrons, we appeal ; how large an edi
tion shall we start with. 7> or lnpioo t W'e know
there are more than Id,non reading farmers, gani
ners, and Horsts around us, who would save money
by taking the So4of tin No••,•///. But it- is not confin
ed exclusively to thb class. Every man that plants
cotton or corn, a cabbage, or a t urnip, keeps a horse
or a cow. raises an apple, pe-.r. nittm. peaeh, grape,
fig or strawberry ; every Isay t at eultivates a rose,
.geranium or pink : every house-keeper that makes
| a loaf ot bread, or a pot ot'soap, will livd in the
j >«•/ ot tl. sunt //, for Is: r, something worth ten
| times the subscription pri .-.-.
Bit’uiisliei'r—Coimitliiis, Ga.
! f,*.'} 7*l
lit{Jitrliirc oS' Cars oti
Two Passenger Trains Daily.
Kvtxi.NO Tkain- —.LeavesSavannah at s B. M„ aim
j arrives in Mavon at ft 1 ., A. AL, connecting witu tin*
| Soutii-\\ esteru iiaid'oau to (igielhorpe ami ( .mum
j bus, and by stages tlienee to Taiiaiiassee and oti,e>'
i points South West.
i Monxi.No Tl,ain— Leaves Saw nosh at sA.
i arrives in Macon m ii)l . M., eounevtiug witii th*
| Macon and Western night trains to Atlanta, M..nt
| gomery ami Chattanooga, ami with tin- Augusta and
A Raiimad (.lay train j to Augusta , and
-going E...-t/ with Railroad to Miliedgeviile from
G i mu.
Centra! Railroad. N. Western Railroad.
: ' , ( a ;;. i : v ‘ ,, ;s]ATii NS.
e.i\ at. n. .Aon'.'.
t-aviihnah, Ga > |Macon 0
siatmn No. 1, t* jEeheeouee, 12
Bloomingdale, 13 Mule Creek 2o
Eden, go iF'ort \ aiie\, 28
Reform, no |Marshallvi'lie, 3ft
Egypt, an | Winchester 38
Armenia, 4;3 Marthasvi;'e, 42
1 lalcy om.a.e, fto Montiv.uina 48
Scarborough, 70 jOglethorpe fto
"'•'(Lien, 7"J Muscogee Rniiroad
Citshiligville, -83 T ort \ niie\ 2 s
Birdsviile, ho ihitler,...! .I','
fit station No.
lloleomlie ....Bui '• o u 4
Spear’s Turnout 112 “ (j«»
Davisboro’, 123 •' u .j.
Temi'ille, 133 “ *. g"
Oconee 147 '* “ ' 7u
Emmett, log “ “ <ui
McDonald, 130. Columlois <;‘,i
+Gordon 170 i St,'uk Line—Colunib
Griswoldvillc, 1»3 Ito Opelika, 28
M:lw;< B'l |M.A W. F. Railroad.
('pelika o
+.Milledgeville A Eat-m- Auburn -1
ton Railroads. I.ochapoca h
(lordoii, ~.0 j Notasulga ]»>
Station No. 1 S IChehaw? •*:l
Miliedgeviile, 17 j Fruuklin ' -tt
Meriwether, >ft [Fort Decatur
Deii"’s <SO Shorter's 4"
Eatonton, 38 ! Met Jar's, ..'p;
{'fippeeunoi', .. .
Montgomery, 34
J\‘cw Pam ily Plour
M ! LL,
OR Til /.' .s' TORE OF Al> A A/s <f- BROTlfhilS. j
Sept. 2, 187.4. [tt'J E. N. MACON. Ag’t.
To the Citizens of Putnam County.
HAYING permanently located in Katonton, 1 rc
. spcctfully tendet you my professional services-:
i have spent the last four years with an old and ox
j pcnenccu physieian ol'tlie reformed school, and have,
during that time, treated under his supervision, many
eases of most of the diseases incident to this section
of country:
My motto is, that “ Poisons are not medicines.”
1 use such I 'liicdli* only, as act strictly in harmony
with the known laws ol’tlie animal economy: These
I select from every kingdom of nature, hut with a
careful and discriminating hand:
< Mlicc U)> stairs adjoining the printing office, where
1 may he found during the any. and at night, at the
residence of W. A. Davis.
s. W. BRYAN, M. ]>.
Katonton, April 25, 1854. (g
r l' , HK lute firm of Nisbet «fc Dennis having been
.1 dissolved, tin* untinisiied business will be settl
ed by the undersigned. Early settlements would
ve very acceptable. *' lb J{. NIS RET
August 2fi, 1854. ts
Plantation For Sale.
r PH.K Subscriber offers for sale his plantation lv-
I iug upon Crooked Creek, seven mUea East of
Eatonto;,, emit lining 37 o acres. Ttiero are 100 acres
°t w, _° ‘-hind of s upon r qualily, and between 50
an l 7-i acres of first -rate button land. The place
has upon it a comfortable framed dwelling, new
g.'ii-n ease ~u and all ti;e necessary out-liottscs, '“a | mr _
gain s fiffored, as 1 wii! -ell the land upon vei v
fiv. r.ddr terms. WITH JAM LITTLE ‘
A u -list 10, Is-4.. , ts
OF Kerseys, Lindseys, Blankets, and other goods
mutable tor negroes, at
Batenten, Sept. an, l«.%■}.
«sa- ta o
mmm Mm.®*
■ O u-vNr.iN, \i m. Mcttnovk, Geo. L. Smitfrirs.
r |a;| is_ Eatahiishinent has been in successful opera
JL ti< it for a number of years. The Quarries are
ed opened, and the Marbles superiors anv in the
' Unite,. St ites.
(V e liave so perfected our facilities forgetting out
•and finishing w< rk, that we furnish Monuments,
Tombs, Tablets, Headstones, and every thing m
otfr line <»f business, in better style and at yheaoer
rates, than any yard in the country.
When it Is considered that we saw dtir own Mar
ble, pity no jobber’s profit, and no high freight from
tiie North, it will be seen that we do possess material
:<dvantage over all.competitors.
We cordially solicit <ntr friends and the public to
i.x.inline our work, and compare oar prices with those
.q'otner yards, before ordering Marine.
\\ e have mi hand in our Yard at Marie,ta, a large
assortment of finished work—Monuments, Tombs.
Ac. —where our agent, Mr. G. W . .Summers, will sell
at our prices. Uur principal Work is done at thr
mills. A o.u - J. (< RANKIN', ,v CD.,
Mali)'' Work i*. ()., (.ia,
M-.yti, is id U 12m
I'.VIUVAI.,- II AIUIAV Or tai.ent.
Tiie I'r< piietorsoi'the ‘ik.-t in again euming bs
foietlie pnbne, uotiio return tnunks for tiie gener
ous patron,age widen has p.aveu tnem far in advaiieo
of every other Literary Weekly in Ameriea. And,
as the only suitable return for Mich lice and hearty
support, then arrangements for lsft4 have been
ui.iue with a degree oiLiberality probably uiieqiia!-
ed in the history of American newspaper litcraturn.
They have'engaged as contributors for the ensuing
year, the foliowiug brilliant array of taielit and g«-
niotls: Men. i''out/in"ith, J-inemun lit matt , Met.
bn,mem,, tin e, 1 1 e,>nnuint mui iunmj fern.
In the first paper ol'.fanil..ry, \vc designcotnilicne
iug an Dngim.i Novelet, written expressly for our
columns, emitted Jln i>eui< uj /It ll title, nms, by
Emerson BeiiEett. aitthoi oi ial'a Molialtil,' 1 Ac.
This we design following l>y uimts er eidied T/.e Stej.-
Mutine by .Nil's. Mary A. < \ uiusnii, i.fithor «.-l* **Ger
tl'ilvle ldis.-eii," A' . \- e i :-v e also ti-c promise of K
number of Mteiciies by Ci.ic Greenwood. Mrs.
i SoitUiwottn wiiinli*** ni".it:t«iii mr on; auu pleasant
oouueelioii with tin i'l-s). Id.e next story In to her
gift.oi pel. win lie eatit.i. .Niun.vii ua Avnxoi k :
j in: nit i- \ ow. Lv t.iiim .D. F.. N. South wort: ,
j /.ittio rof the *• lAisl It io -, etc. And last, hut
. not least, we are aiuma .sci t<< atiiioiua'i- g serna; ci
I artieo s from one ME" i; - ivpioiy then vr«y high in
1 p«.| uh l ti.Voi . _ ld-e. _.v ,i: .«• entitled a A,'a- se: it*
>•/ .n/.v J<•/.<•«, by funny i t,■/,. ;.ui hot o; **] ,n, j.ouv e» *’
; Ac.
I Wc expect to commence the .Sketches of Fanny
I tern us wed as tm-scries by ( 1 I'iiv'i Green wood in
! tiie cany iiiimbi is of l,e ei mihg vear.
j iingi'i. viiij.s, Coin spoi'i.ft-uce,—Agricul
| t nr-.1 article-. 1 iic New. ,< 'oi,j<i,•.-.-doind repot is, the
markets, etc;, ttl-< si.aii be regiuariv giv, u.
(1.i.-p Postage. iEc po p.:g«. ,m the IV.Mtouny
part ei ti e niti t Mates, —vviien p: id quarter!v
ill ad van-e, is only 21'. rents a year.
1 F.L.NIS- s'mgie ( i.pits Ju advaneo.
4 copies (ami 1 to ti.e getter up of tbo club . Tft 0»
“ 10 00
" .... 1 .ft (U.
)“ “ “ 20 0l
I’iie money lor eluns always musthe sent in sd
| vutree, siitisi riptious may be sent at our risk. W hen
1 " y..- sHlii is large, a draft should lie procured if pessi
: bn. the en.-t ot vvnich may be dcviuc.ed tisiu the
j illllOltllt
1 Address, alwavs post-paid
Deacon a rktekson,
J No. 33 South tjiini Street, Bit.
The Loinii u Quarterly Review i t onservative.)—
j Tin- Ediiiiihrgii Review (\‘. iug,. The North Brit
j isil Review (Free Ciimvii. i Tec W'* Ke
j view (l.tberal,) Blackwood s Edinburgh Magazine
i (Tory.)
The present critical state of Finropemr Btfuirs will
‘ render these juihiieation unusually interesting du-
J ring the yr. ..4. rhey will occupy a ninuiie ground
I between the hastily written news-iteius, ? T ue.e sj«ee
! illations, and living rumors of the daily .1 rutii, ttini
| the pomieroiis Dune of the future historian, writ
t ten after the living interest and excitement of the
j great political events of the nine sm.F have passed
| away. It is to these Periodicals that people must
j look for the only realty intelligible dj* t reliable his
| ton ot current eveu.s, and as siieii. in addition to
i their wcU-e-stii'lilisl V.I literary, seielititie, Mid theclo
| gieai eiiaraeter, vve i rge them upon the consideration
ol the reading public.
AtTnugeniem.-. are in progress for the receipt ot
I early sheets from the British publishers, by which
I wc shall be tilde to place all our Reprints in the
j hands of subscribers, about as soon us they can bu
| fimiisned with too foreign copies. Although this
: will involve a vary large outlay on our part, vve shall
i continue to the Periodicals at tiio same lew
' rates as heretofore, viz:
Per aimiiiti,
! For any one of the four Reviews, 00
j For any two oft he four Reviews, 7. 00
j F'or any three of the four Reviews, 7 Ot
I For ail’four of ti e Reviews, 8 00
For Blackwood's Magazine 3 00
I For Blackwood and three Reviews, 9 Oh
i For Blackwood and the four Reviews, 10 00
-Payments to be made in all eases in advance.
Money current in the State where issued will be
received at par.
A diseoimt of tvent;-five per cent fret" the nV.vo
ju ices will be allowed ioCiuhs ordering tour or morn
I copies of any one or move of the above works. Thus :
i FYur copies of Blackwood, or of one Review, will
1 in-sent to otic-address for $iH-fmir copies of the
i four Reviews and Blackwood for fKd; and so on.
Remittances and communications should always
be addressed, post-paid, to the publishers,
7.3 Gou> Shieet Ni w Yolik.
j N. B.—L. S. A Cos. have re ciitfiv juihlishcd, mid
i have nor.' for sale, tiie “FARM Eli 8 Gl IDE.
Henry S',ealiens, of Edinburgh mid Prof. Nr.rt'-n,
I I Vale College, New Haven, eopinkite in 2 vol •
: vo. containing Finn pages.
1 engravings* Price in f f>-
Harper's New Mtb- n/.me
JS i.-siicd invai iab.y °Vj,e first llie mouth
.ill wt.ieli it is dated number will contain
44 octavo pages, ituli/j.,'. ; each year thus
comprising nearly fjgJLI pages of tl.o
1 elioieest Misc ellaueotis Liberallire oftlie age. Eve
ry number will contain liißiierous Pictorial lllustra-
I tions, accurate plates of the Fashions, a cwpious
! ebroniele of current events, hud impartial notices
jof the important .books of the mouth. The \ol
' times commence with tlie numbers for June and
I December,
1 Tkiims.—The Magazine may be obtained of book
! sellers, periodical agents, or from the publitbcrt.
j Three Dollars a year, or Twenty-five cents each.
1 as, furnished by the Agents or Publishers.
The Publishers will supply specimen number
] gratuitously to Agents ana Post masters, and will
( make liberal arrangements witn them for circuits
j ting the Magazine: they will also supply Ciubron
I liberal terms and mail and city -subscribers, whtu
payment is m.i,«e totiiem in advance. Numbers
from the commencement can be supplied at anj
53?” Exchange papers and periodicals are reqr.***
to direct to “ Harpers Magazine, N<■ t
Splendid Engravings, omy no cents per V*’.
inn-. Cue inn iiateu record of Agrieultiue, M*
- ebanies, Science, and I‘scful Knowledge, publisu
jcd monthly by Alfred E. Iteaeb. Every Sumbe
j contains 32 large pages of Letter-Press, beautiful!
| printed online paper, and profusely illustrated wit
: engravings, forming at the end of each half year.
I Splendid Volume of two hundred pages, illustrated
: with over 200 elegant Engravings, the entire cost be
j in/ only a Half Dollar.
j tanners, Mechanics, Inventors. Manufacturers,
and people of every profession, will tiud in th*
People’s Journal a tv|iositorv of valuable knowl
edge, peculiarly suited to tgoi'r respective winds.
i'o subscribers, 60 cents a volume. Two volume*
are published annually. Subscriptions may be relit
by mail in coin, post office'stamps, or bills, at lb*
risk of the publisher, ftic name of the Post offie*.
t oiuity and State where the paper is desired to l 1 *
sent, should be plailiiv written. Address
No. si’,, Nassau-St., X* •» fork t ity.
ton 1854.
The Southern Cultivator, a monthly Jour
nal, devoted exclusively ,t<> tno improvement ot
Southern* Agriculture, Horticulture, Mock Breed
ing, Poultry, Bees, Genera I-t arm-Economy, Ac.—
Illustrated with numerous'clegant engravings.
T:i t- l ii'iijth W.luttie tinnUy Jiiiyroctd, Cvt/ittKnttt
ill Juntlllffff 1854.
The Cultivator is a'large octavo of S2 pages, form
iug a volume of 384 pages in tlie year. It contain* a
much greater amount of reading matter than any
sin ilar publication in the South—embracing, in ad
dition to the current agricultural topics of the day,
Valuable Original Contributions from many of the
most intelligent- and practical Planters, Farmer* and
Horticulturists in every section ol'tlie South and
Otic copy, one year in mHiiuce, $1
Six copies, A 00
Twenty-five copies, .., 20 o<*
One hundred copies, 75 < 0
The. Cash system will lie rigidly adhered to, and
ih no instance will the paper he scut unless the mo
ney accompanies the order. The Bills «f all specie
lmying Banks received at par. Ail money remitted
by mail, postage paid, will be at the risk oft he I’nb
1 is her.
Address \YM.S. JONES,
Augusta. Goo.
SIXTY davs nller date application will be mad*
to the (Yntrt of Ordinary of Putnam county for
leave to sell a 40 aero land warrant, the property of
Abel Farrar, deceased, VY, \V.<) ’N E.\ L-Kx’r.
kept. 23, 18 4. MARTHA FARRAR, EsF*.