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Make sure your child is a part of a very
special edition of the Barrow Journal...
CbilOten of Batroto
The Barrow Journal will be publishing the
Christmas Children of Barrow in a special edition
on December 24. We want your child, or your
grandchildren, to be a part of this event. Your
Christmas child's picture can be published in this
• Children pictured must be 12 years old or younger and
live in Barrow County or have a parent or grandparent
in Barrow.
• Please list the child's name, parents' names, living
grandparents' names and town - space will be limited.
• The Christmas Children of Barrow edition will run on
Wednesday, December 24, and the deadline for pictures
is Wednesday, December 3, at 5 pm.
• The cost is only $ 10 for a single child's photo that will
run one column wide, and just $ 15 for a group of chil
dren that will run two columns wide.
• There are three ways to send us your child's picture and
- Email to
- Drop by our office at 77 E. May St. in Winder
- Mail to us at Barrow Journal, 77 E. May St., Winder, GA
• Photos can be picked up at the Barrow Journal office
after the edition runs on December 24.
Barrow Journal’s 2008
Christmas Children of Barroto
Edition Runs: December 24, 2008
Deadline: December 3, 2008
Email information below
and attach photo to
Fill out this slip, attach photo and
drop by our office or mail to us at
Barrow Journal
77 E. May St
Winder, GA 30680
I'm including:
| | $10.00 (single child's photo)
I I $15.00 (photo with multiple children)
Child's Name
Parents' Names
Living Grandparents' Names.
Dusty and Daniel Rhodes, Winder, sons of James and April Rhodes,
grandchildren of Alice Rhodes and Al and Betty Whistler.
Kelly Pickier, Auburn, daughter of Jim
and Kay Pickier, granddaughter of Bob
and Sue Pickier and John and Jane
Shauna Moreno, Bethlehem,
daughter of Anthony and Susan
Moreno, granddaughter of Drew and
Rose Moreno and Fred Duke.