Newspaper Page Text
PAGE 2—The Southern Cross, October 17, 1963
\, M
CLERGY BANQUET—Priests of the Savannah area were
guests of Savannah’s Italian Club at a “Clergy Apprecia -
tion” banquet recently. Three of priests honored are
shown above. They are the Rev. E. Pirot Fiero, assis
tant pastor of Blessed Sacrament, and the Rev. John
Schroder, S. J. preacher for a special Novena at Blessed
Sacrament (standing). Seated next to Father Keane is Mr.
Tony Aliffi (third from left), President of the Savannah
Italian Club.
Priest Freed—
(Continued From Page 1)
Hitler-Stalin Pact, the sector
of Poland in which Father Cis-
zek was stationed was taken
over by the Soviets. Later that
year his family received a
post card from him saying he
was in the Soviet Union. That
was the last word from him for
15 years.
Father Cisze k had been ar
rested by the Soviets and char
ged with using a Soviet passport
under the name of Lipinski and
engaging in espionage. He was
sentenced to jail for 15 years.
(Asked by the N.C.W.C. News
Service why he remained in
the Soviet Union after serving
his 15-year sentence, the priest
simply shrugged and said; * 'Be
cause they would not allow me
to leave.”)
The priest’s father died and
his will was probated in 1947.
At that time Father Ciszek was
declared legally dead. Three
years later, in 1950, the Je
suits also began listing him as
dead in their records.
But in 1955, in the “thaw”
following Stalin’ s death, Father
Ciszek “received permission”
to write to his family. A letter
from him reached Mother Evan
geline at the Bernardine Sis
ters’ headquarters in Reading.
The family contacted U. S.
officials to tell them he was
alive. The then U. S. Ambassa
dor to Moscow, Llewellyn E.
Thompson, Jr., began to seek
his release.
Negotiations continued in the
intervening years. Last August
the family was notified by Atty.
Gen. Robert F. Kennedy that his
release was expected.
Obviously reluctant to relate
too many details of conditions
of his long years of imprison
ment and exile,' Father Ciszek
did say he spent the first five
years of his sentence in Mos
cow’s notorious Lubyanka Pri
At the end of his term there,
he was sent to Norilsk, a for
bidding Siberian wasteland or
the Arctic Ocean, where he was
forced to labor in Soviet coal
and nickel mines. * ‘Things were
very difficult” during World
War II, he said, but after the
AUGUSTA—Miss Carol Ann
Parlanti and Mr. James Ray
Floyd were married October
5th at Our Lady of Snows Church
in Clarks Summit, Pa. with
Msgr. Charles Heid officiating.
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Julio Parlanti
and the bridegroom is the son
of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Floyd,
SAVANNAH—Miss Betty Ann
Reynolds, daughte r of Mr. and
Mrs. James Lamar Reynolds,
became the bride of Eugene Roy
Casey, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Eugene Patrick Casey, October
12th in the Cathedral of St.
John the Baptist. The Reverend
Lawrence A. Lucree officiated
at the ceremony.
For Wedding Invitations
J) jf It’s
The Acme Press
PHONE 232 6397
h Savannah’s
V Leading
Bridal Store
SINCE 1870
AD 2-1145
126 E. Broughton St.
Savannah, Georgia
death of Stalin in 1953, his
situation “did improve.”
He would not say whether
he had been allowed to offer
Mass or perform any religious
function during his years of
imprisonment and exile.
In 1956 Father Ciszek was
sent to the southern and warmer
Siberian region of Krasnoyarsk,
and sometime later to Abakan,
a town bordering Outer Mon
golia and located on a straight
line about midway between Mos
cow and Tokyo.
There he worked as a
garage mechanic and enjoyed
the relative freedom of the
town. He said his relations with
the Soviet people whom he met
were “very friendly.”
At the airport here the priest
wore a dark brown felt hat,
dark blue flannel shirt, dark
gray trousers, black shoes and
a forest green mackinaw. He
spoke in Russian for the most
part, with a friend and former
student, Father Edward W. Mc-
Cawley, S. J., of Gonzaga High
School, Washington, D. C., act
ing as translator.
Several other Jesuits were
also on hand, including a former
classmate, Father Paul Mail-
leux, S. J., superior of all
Eastern Rite Jesuits in North
America and director of the
center for Eastern Christian
studies at Fordham Univer
Father Ciszek said he first
learned of his impending
release October 7, just four
days before he left the Soviet
Questioned about religious
freedom in the Soviet Union,
he said “there was religious
freedom in the churches autho
rized by the state.”
As for his plans for the
future, he answered in English:
“I’ll rest a while. I’m very
Makinen, who arrived on the
same plane from London with
Father Ciszek, was met by
his mother and father and two
sisters. Expressing “great
happiness” at coming home, he
declined to comment on the
truth of the espionage charge
on which he was convicted or
on the conditions of his im
prisonment. To most ques
tions he replied: “I don’t
think I will answer that at this
(Continued From Page 1)
placed in newspapers and
periodicals of large general
circulation. He was the prime
mover, too, in the project which
has resulted in the microfilm
ing of 11 million pages of price
less Vatican Library manu
scripts. The film library is now
located at St. Louis University
and is available to all scholars.
It was also under his leader
ship that the Knights of Colum
bus erected the Campanile,
known as the KNIGHTS”
TOWER, at the National Shrine
of the Immaculate Conception
in Washington, D. C. and have
provided the Carillon for the
The theme of Mr. Hart’s Co
lumbus Day Address was
The Man, his Message and his
Challenge.” It was heard over
radio stations in all the coun
tries where the Knights have
Councils—the United States,
Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico,
and the Philippines.
Pick Up And Delivery
1710 BULL AD 3-0985
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Over 40 Years of Dependable Courteous Service
U.N. Assembly President
Alert To Encyclicals
By Alba Zizzamia
—The new United Nations Gen
eral Assembly president is an
expert on international law who
has the content of Pope John’s
encyclicals, Mater et Magistra
and Pacem in Terris, at his
Carlos Sosa Rodriguez of Ve
nezuela views this UN session
as an “assembly of expec
tancy,” he told the N.C.W.C.
News Service in a special in
terview. * ‘At the end of it, ac
cording to the decisions taken
on programs and finances, we
shall be able to judge if the
world is taking a turn for the
better; the spirit of the dis
cussions will show if there is a
real desire for progress and
In his address to the General
Assembly upon his election
(Sept. 17), Sosa quoted from
Pacem in Terris Pope John
XXIII’s “earnest wish that the
United Nations Organization—
in its structure and in its means
—may become every more
equal to the magnitude and no
bility of its tasks. . .”
Does Sosa think the UN char
ter provides for strengthening
the UN in this sense? Yes, he
thinks it does. The UN charter
is a living document, he said,
capable of evolving wich chang
ing conditions and providing the
means for its own revision.
There has already been an
evolution in the interpretation
of the charter, he noted. He
particularly cited the increased
role of the General Assembly
(through the uniting for peace
resolution) and the handling of
nonselfgoveming territories.
* ‘Of course,” he added, smil
ing, “the UN still has a long
way to go before becoming a
supranational organization.
That will take time; it will be a
slow evolution.”
Since 1958, Sosa has headed
Venezuela’s delegation to the
United Nations, serving through
its chronic series of major and
minor crisis—not only in the
General Assembly but also in
the Economic and Social Coun
cil and in the Security Council.
A man of broad culture as well
as an alert and skillful diplo
mat, he has maintained an atti
tude of patient faith and deeply
Christian understanding toward
the international organization,
with a good measure of opti
mism regarding the eventual-
effect of the moral pressures
the UN is able to exert. His
approach may best be des
cribed as “evolutionary.”
For example, he considers
respect for human rights a
matter of the “progress of
What does he think is the
greatest obstacle to this re
spect, which received so much
emphasis in Pope John’s ency
“Well — there’s human na
ture,” he observed, with a
cheerful shrug of acceptance.
* ‘And then there are conflicting
concepts of the role of the indi
vidual and the role of the state.
But there has been progress.
Many conditions looked at with
indifference 100 years ago now
arouse great indignation, for
instance discrimination and se
gregation. There is a greater
universal conscience, now, and
a much greater sense of men’s
responsibility for their fellow-
“The peaceful settlement of
disputes, the equality of all
men—principles embodied in
the charter—are moral princi
ples,” he continued. “If they
were not, only power could
command respect. If more value
is given to moral principles,
more value will also be given to
spiritual over material pro
The new General Assembly
President believes that there
is a trend in this direction.
“A hundred years from now,”
he observed, * ‘historians will
be looking back at this time
as a revolutionary age.”
Although the nuclear test ban
treaty was negotiated and sign
ed outside the UN, Sosa feels it
had its origin in moral pres
sures built up year after year
in assembly debates, which
were also a contributing factor
to its eventual conclusion.
What does he consider the
UN’s most important role?
Peace Keeping. And he ear
nestly hopes ways and means
will be found to get over the
financial crisis. This is “one
of the top items of the agen
‘ ‘Every nation needs the
UN,” he said simply. “But it
cannot be effective if it does
not have the wherewithal to
Not all the settlements ar
rived at under UN auspices have
been completely satisfactory,
Sosa readily admitted, and the
organization is ‘ 'far from per
fect. But that is normal in every
organization, isn’t it? And don’t
we say there is no perfection
until the next life?”
What is the most important
agenda item from the viewpoint
of the world’s need for the eco
nomic development stressed in
Mater et Magistra? Alltheeco
nomic items are interrelated,
Sosa commented. But the great
est hope is attached to the UN
Conference on Trade and De
velopment to be held in Geneva
early next year.
True to the Latin American
tradition, Sosa emphasized the
importance of the rule of law.
He said he feels that this em
phasis is the special contribu
tion which Latin American
countries make to the United
Nations. Despite internal diffi
culties such as dictators, Latin
American nations have been
faithful to the rule of law* in
international affairs, Sosa stat
ed. He said he considers that
Simon Bolivar, the great South
American liberator, foresha
dowed the United Nations when
he planned the Congress of Pa
nama in 1826.
In this connection, Sosa point
ed out, the work of the Assem-
ROME (NC) — The bishop
of a See in the southern part
of the Sudan revealed here he
has protected to-Sudanese au
thorities about a story pub
lished in two government news
papers in Khartoum quoting him
as saying that there is “not
religious persecution” in sou
thern Sudan.
Bishop Ireneus Dud, Vicar
Apostolic of Wau, said that
stories published following a
press interview he gave in the
Sudanese capital on September
21 were partially distorted and
partially falsified. He said that
actually, the Missionaries Act
of 1962 shows that there is
no freedom of religion in the
Southern Sudan.
Bishop Dud referred to sto
ries published in El Thawra,
Sudanese govemmetn daily is
sued in Arabic, dated Septem
ber 22, and the following day
in the Sudan Daily, English-
language paper published by the
Sudan’s Central Office of In
formation. Both papers carried
front-page stories quoting the
Bishop as denying thaf the
Church’s freedom is restrict
ed in the Sudan.
Bishop Dud, who was born in
the southern part of the Sudan,
was interviewed when he ar
rived in Khartoum en route here
for the second session of the
ecumenical council.
The 51-year-old prelate said
ROME (NC)—An Eastern Rite
archbishop has disclosed that
he has asked the ecumenical
council to change existing mar
riage laws so as to recognize
the validity of mixed marriages
at which non-Catholic ministers
Melkite Rite Archbishop Phi
lippe Nebaa of Beirut, Lebanon,
told a press conference (Oct.
8) that “problems arising from
mixed marriages are among the
most serious obstacles to the
reunion of the Catholic and Or
thodox Churches.”
As a result, he said, he had
proposed during the first ses
sion of the council that mar
riages performed by valid mini-
Sacred Heart
Parents To Hear
Vocations Talk
SAVANNAH—On October 17,
Sister Norine Marie, C.S.J. will
address the Sacred Heart Home
and School Association on the
subject “Attitude of Parents to
Also at this meeting the Li
brary Chairman, Mrs. Peter
Czarny will hold a Book Fair
to secure new books for the
school library. The books will
be on display after the busi
ness meeting and may be bought
at that time.
The Halloween Carnival Co-
Chairmen, Mrs. Edward Krebs
and Mrs. Fred Doyle will give
a report on the forthcoming fes
tival and will request the help
of all parents to make the Car
nival a success.
bly’s Sixth (Legal) Committee,
though it receives little public
notice, is extremely impor
tant. It is adapting international
law to the changing times and
laying the technical groundwork
for further development of the
rule of law.
Sosa’s personal dedication to
freedom is evidenced by his
six-year voluntary exile while
dictator Perez Jimenez was in
power in Venezuela. He has the
reputation of being a strict par
liamentarian, a smooth but
brisk chairman.
His duties leave him little
time for his favorite recrea
tions, such as swimming. He
finds rereading the classics
(French, Spanish and English)
refreshing. “But I try, too, to
read a best seller now and
He was married in 1938 to
the former Yolanda Pietri Pie-
tri. They now have five sons
and three daughters, ranging
in age from 24 to three.
His three eldest sons are study
ing in Caracas. A daughter,
Yolanda, is a student at Man-
hattanville College of the Sac
red Heart, and a younger son
Julio, 12, attends St. Bernard’s
School in New York.
that he responded to specific
questions concerning his per
sonal freedom by stating that
he was free to go around and
preach the Gospel. He said he
also answered in the negative
when asked whether Muslims
were killing Catholic priests.
From these answers, he said,
the newspapers wrote stories
attributing to him statements
that there was no persecution
in the South.
Bishop Dud said that (Sept.
23) before he left Khartoum for
Rome, he sent letters of protest
to the editors of El Thawra
and the Sudan Daily and to the
Ministers of Information and of
Animal Resources.
His own personal freedom
does not mean, he told the
Sudanese officials, that all
personnel of the Church in the
Southern Sudan are free. He
added that there is much more
to persecution than simple kil
ling. Actually, he said, the
Church’s freedom of action has
been curbed severely in the
Southern Sudan and she is no
longer free to carry on her
Bishop Dud said he has
received an answer from the
Minister of Information stating
that all citizens in the Southern
Sudan are free and that the
Missionaries Act of 19,62 does
not restrict freedom of reli
sters, such asOrthodoxpriests,
in which one partner was a
non-Catholic and other was a
Catholic should be recognized
as valid despite the fact that
marriage vows were exchanged
in the absence of a Catholic
Archbishop Nabaa said that
the council will continue with
the same ecumencial spirit with
which it opened under Pope
John. As proof of this, he noted
that Pope Paul VI in his in
augural address ' ‘became the
first pope in history to ask
pardon from the other churches
for the mistakes made in the
past by the Catholic Church.”
The Archbishop, who is one
of the five undersecretaries
of the council, said the coun
cil will work to break down
misunderstandings and ob
stacles that stand in the way
of Christian union. He said
that during the first council
session the Catholic Church
“expressed its great apprecia
tion for the true Christian val
ues in the non-Catholic Chris
tian churches, that is the Or
thodox and Protestant churches,
and through its cardinals and
bishops has told the world of
its desire for union with the
other churches.”
The Archbishop said that
“an atmosphere of charity has
been created and a new spirit
permeates the Catholic Church
and non-Catholic churches. All
the churches want union and all
are working for it.”
He said the union of the chur
ches will take place on the level
Sudan Gov’t Accused Of
Distortion, Falsification
Asks Change In
Marriage Laws As
Step Toward Union
Parents Hear Of
“New Look”
Look in Mathematics” was the
topic of Sister Mary Miguel,
R.S.M., speaker at the Octo
ber PTA meeting of St. Anne’s,
Sister showed samples of stu
dent’s work to illustrate the
fact that arithmetic is no long
er a mechanical process, but
involves thinking as well as
Mr. J. F. Hatte, president,
announced that the Halloween
Carnival will be held on
Wednesday, October 30th, and
invited all to participate.
Sister Mary Benitas’ first
grade won the attendance award.
Crimson Blade
Incredible Mr. Limpet, The
Any Number Can Win
Fury of Smuggler’s Bay
Mary, Mary
Thunder Island
Pink Panther
Twilight of Honor
Tom Jones
Gun Hawk
Lady in the Cage
Three Fables of Love
Conjugal Bed
My Life To Live
St. Benedicts Welcomes Fr. Austin
COLUMBUS—An open house
was held recently at St. Bene
dict’s Mission.
The occasion was twofold: to
welcome Father Austin Martin
S.D.S. to the parish as its new
assistant pastor and to give
the non-Catholic community an
opportunity to see the church
and new two-room extension
which has recently been added to
the rectory. Father Austin will
assist the Rev. Ignatius Behr,
S.D.S., pastor.
F ather Austin is no stranger
to the area. Before his pres
ent assignment he taught for
three years at Mother Mary
Mission in Phenix City.
Along with his parish duties
he had accepted a teaching post
at Pacelli High School.
College, Philadelphia, an honorary degree of Doctor of Let
ters was conferred upon Methodist Bishop Fred Pierce Cor
son (left), president of the World Methodist Council, by
Father William F. Maloney, S.J., college president. It was
believed to be the first time that a Methodist bishop was so
honored by a Catholic college. (NC Photos)
CLASS A —Sectin I —Morally (Jaobjeetioaable for
tSword in the Stone—BV Young Swingers, The—Fox
Alakazam, The Greet—Am. Inti.
King Kong vs. Godzilla—U-I
Reptilicus—Am. Inti.
Alignment Outer Space—Am. Inti.
Lafayette—Maco Films
Savage Sam—Buena Vista
Bear, The (Fr.)—Embassy
Lassie’s Great Adventure—Fox
Sergeant Was a Lady—U-I
Black Gold—War.
Legend of Lobo—Buena Vista
Seven Seas to Calais—MGM
Boy Who Caught a Crook (Waa: Boy Who
Lilies of the Field—UA
Siege of the Saxons (Br.)—Col.
Found $100,000)—UA
List of Adrian Messenger—U-I
Snake Woman—UA
Captain Sindbad—MGM
Man From the Diner’s Club—Col.
Son of Flubber—Buena Vista
Capture That Capsule—UA
Summer Magic—Buena Vista
Cattle King—MGM
t Miracle of the White Stallions—Buena Vista
Swordsman of Siena—MGM
Dentist in the Chair, A (Br.)—Ajay Film Co.
Mouse on the Moon—UA
Tammy and the Doctor—U-I
Drums of Africa—MGM
Murder at the Gallop (Br.)—MGM
Tarzan’s Three Challenges—MGM
SS Days at Peking—AA
My Six Loves—Para.
Teenage Millionaire—UA
First Spaceship to Venus—Pan-World Films
Mysterious Island—Co).
Thief of Baghdad—MGM
Flight That Disappeared—UA
Mystery Submarine—U*I
13 Frightened Girls—Col.
Nikki, Wild Dog of the North—Buena Vista
30 Years of Fun—Fox
Francis of Assisi—Fox
No Place Like Homicide (Br.)—Embassy
Ticklish Affair, A—MGM
Gathering of Eagles—U-I
Nutty Professor, The—Para.
Titans, The—UA
Gidget Goes to Rome—Col.
Papa’s Delicate Condition—Para.
Great Escape—UA
Password Is Courage—MGM
Two Daughters (Indian)—Janus
Hercules and the Captive Women (Ital.)—
Pied Piper of Hamelin—Prod. Unlimited
Ugly American—U-I
Valley of the Dragons—CoL
Varan—The Unbelievable—Pan-World Filins
Pirates of Tortuga—Fox
Honeymoon Machine—MGM
PT 109—War.
tHow The West Was Won—MGM
Purple Hills—Fox
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea—Fox
In Search of the Castaways—Buena Vista
Queen of the Pirates—Col.
When the Clock Strikes—UA
Invasion Quartet—MGM
Raiders of Leyte Gulf—Hemisphere Pictures
You Have to Run Fa»t—UA
Jason and the Argonauts—Col.
Joseph and His Brethern—(Ital.)—Colorama
Raven, The—Am. Inti.
Young and the Brave, The—MGM
CLASS A —Section II
— Morally Uaobjectionable for Adalti and Adoloaeoata
Haunted Palace, The—Am. Inti.
Lord of the Flies—Walter Reade-Sterling
Two Nights With Cleopatra—Ultra Films
All the Way Home—Para.
Duel of the Titans—Para.
Amazons of Rome (was: Virgins of Rome)
♦Erik, The Conqueror—Am. Inti.
Play It Cool—AA
Four Days of Naples (Ital.)—MGM
Pit and the Pendulum—Am. Inti.
Atlantis, the Lost Continent—MGM
40 Pounds of Trouble—U-I
Playboy of the Western World—(Br.)—Janus
Billy Budd—AA
Frantic (Fr.)—Times Film Corp.
Samson and the Seven Mira del of the World
Birds, The—U-I
Fury of the Pagans—Col.
Am. Inti.
Black Fox—Capri Films
Good Soldier, Schweik (Ger.)—Lionex
Sanjuro (Jap.)—Toho Inti.
Black Zoo—AA
Guns of Darkness—War.
Bridge to the Sun—MGM
Harbor Lights—Fox
Scream of Fear—Col.
Burning Court, The (Fr.)—Trans-Lux
Haunting, The (Br.)—MGM
Secret of Deep Harbor—UA
Call Me Bw&na—UA
Hook, The—MGM
♦Castilian, The—War.
Hootenanny Hoot—MGM
Slave, The—MGM
Cat Burglar—UA
House of the Damned—Fox
Square of Violence—MGM
Centurion (Ital.)—Altura Films
Huns, The (Ital.)—Altura Films
Taras Bulba—UA
It Happened at the World’s Fair—MGM
Terror, The—Am. Inti.
Child Is Waiting, A—UA
Just For Fun—Col.
Thrill of It All—U-I
Come Fly With Me—MGM
Kiss of the Vampire—U-I
fTo Kill a Mockingbird—U-I
Convicts 4 (seas Reprieve)—AA
•Lancelot and Guinevere—U*I
Trunk, The—Col.
Courtship of Eddie’s Father—MGM
Lawrence of Arabia—Col.
Twenty Plus Two—AA
Cow and I, The (Fr.)—Zenith Inti.
L&zarillo (Spanish)—Union Films
Twice Told Talea-UA
David and Lisa—Continental
Life in Danger—AA
Weekend With Lulu—Col.
Day and the Hour, The—MGM
Miracle Worker—UA
Werewolf in a Girls’ Dormitory—MGM
Day of the Triffids—AA
Murder on the Campus (Br.)—Colorama
Wheeler Dealers—MGM
Devil at ♦ O’clock—Col. (Ind.)
Mutiny On the Bounty—MGM
X—The Man With the X-Ray Eyes—Am. Inti.
Diary of a Madman—UA
My Name Is Ivan (Russian)—Sig Shore
Yellow Canary—Fox
Donovan’s Reef—Para.
Naked Edge—UA
Young Doctor*—UA
Dr. Blood’s Coffin—UA
Old Dark House, The—Col.
Young Racers, The—Am. Inti.
CLASS A — Seetlee III — Merally UaobjeetUuble fer Admit*
Angels of Darkness—Thalia Films
Pyro—Am. Inti.
Heavens Above (Br.)—Janus
Rice Girls (Ital.)—Ultra Films
Armored Command—AA
Rififi in Tokyo—MGM
Beach Party—Am. Inti.
Hustler, The—Fox
Rocco and His Brothers (Ital.)—Astor
Big Risk, The (Fr.)—UA
I Could Go On Singing—UA
Running Man, The—Col.
Breakfast At Tiffany’s—Para.
In the French Style—Col.
Season of Passion—UA
Bye, Bye, Birdie—Col.
Leopard, The—Fox
Sparrows Can't Sing (Br.)—Janus
Love and Larceny (Ital.)—Major Films
Spencer’s Mountain—War.
Love at Twenty (Fr.)—Embassy
Summer and Smoke—Para.
California—Am. Inti.
Love Is a Ball—UA
Sundays and Cybele (Fr.)—Davit-Royal
ClaudeUe Inglish—W»r.
Lovers of Teruel—(Fr.)—Continental
Susan Slade—War.
Come Blow Your Horn—Para.
Magnificent Sinner—Film-Mart, Inc.
Term of Trial—War.
Come September—U-I
Three On a Spree—UA
Condemned of Alton*—Fox
Marriage of Figaro (Fr.)—Union Films
Thunder of. Drums—MGM
Corridors of Blood—MGM
Mind Benders, The—Am. Inti.
Town Without Pity—UA
Couch, The—War.
Money, Money, Money (Fr.)—Times Film
Toys in the Attic—UA
Critic’s Choice—War.
Trial, The—Astor
Crooks Anonymous (Br.)—Janus
Monkey in the Winter (Fr.)—MGM
Trial and Error—MGM
Day in Court, A (Ital.)—Ultra Films
Nine Hours to Rama—Fox
Two Are Guilty—MGM
Dime With A Halo—MGM
One Plus One—Selected Pics.
Two Women (Ital.)—Embassy
Dr. Crippen (Br.)—War.
Panic in Your Zero—Am. Inti.
V.I.P.’s, The—MGM
Fatal Desire—Ultra Films
Passionate Thief (Ital.)—Embassy
West Side Story—UA
Five Miles to Midnight—UA
Police Nurse—Fox
Winter Light (Swed.)—Janus
Fun in Acapulco—Para.
Great War, The—Lopert
Quare Fellow (Irish)—Astor
Wrong Arm of the Law (Br.)—Continental
CLASS A—Seetlem IV—
Morally Uaobjectloaable for Admits, with Reoervatloas
(An A-IV Classification is given to certain films which, while not morally offensive in themselves, reauire caution and some mH ***d*m*»L*.
as a protection to the uninformed against wrong interpretations and false conclusions.)
Under the Yum Yum Tree—Col.
Adam and Eve (Mex.)—Wm. Horne
Never Take Candy From a Stranger—Ouaar
Advise and Consent—Col.
Girl of the Night—War.
Pressure Point—UA
Anatomy of a Murder—Col.
Important Man (Mexican)—Lopert
Sky Above and the Mud Below, The (Fr.) —
Case of Dr. Laurent (Fr.)—Trans-Lux
Circle of Deception—Fox
King of Kings—MGM
Storm Center—Col.
Clao from S to 7 (Fr.)—Zenith
L-Shaped Room, The Columbia—Davis-Royal
La Dolce Vita (Ital.)—Astor Pictures, Inc.
Stronger* in the City—Embassy
Crowning Experience—MRA
Suddenly, Last Summer—CoL
Devil’s Wanton (Swed.)—Embassy
Lolita—Seven Arts
This Sporting Life (Br.)—Continental
♦Divorce, Italian Style (Ital.)—Embassy
Long Day’s Journey Into Night—Embassy
Too Young to Love—Arthur Go Pictures, Inc.
Eclipse (Ital.)—Times Films
Martin Luther—de Rochemont
Victim (Br.)—Pathe-America
8K (Ital.)—Embassy
Mondo Cane—Times Films
Walk On the Wild Side-Col.
— Morally Objectlaaable la Part for All
Love on the Riviera—Ultra Films
Who’s Been Sleeping in My Bed—Para.
Arturo’s Island—(Ital.)—MGM
Landru (Fr.)—Embassy
♦Shock Corridor—AA
Back Street—U-I
La Viaccia (Ital.)—Embassy
Sodom and Gomorrah—Fox
Candide—(Fr.)—Union Films
Leda (Fr.)—Times
Splendor in the Grass—War.
Light Fantastic—Embassy
Stripper, The—Fox
Cry of Battle—AA
♦Diamond Head—-Col.
Main Attraction—MGM
That Touch of Mfnk—U-I
Explosive Generation—UA
Follow the Boys—MGM
Man Trap—Para.
Temptress and the Monk (Jap.)—Hakim Pro-
For Love or Money—U.I.
Marines Let’s Go—Fox
Time Out For Love (Fr.)—Zenith
Free, White and 21—Am. Inti.
Mary Had a Little (Br.)—Lopert
Tomorrow Is My Turn (Fr.)—Showedrp.
Girl Hunters, The—Colorama Features
Two Weeks in Another Town—MGM
Goodbye Again—UA
New Kind of Love, A—Para.
Vampire and the Ballerina—UA
Head, The—Trans-Lux
Night Is My Future (Sired.)—Embassy
Very Private Affair—MGM
House of Fright (was: Two Faces of Dr
No Exit—(Fr.)—Zenith Inti.
Wall of Noise—War.
Jekyll)—Amer. Inti.
Of Love and Desire—Fox
Waltz of the Toreadore (Br.)—Continental
In the Cool of the Day—MGM
Operation Bikini—Am. Inti.
War Lover, The—CoL
Irma La Douce—UA
Paris Blues—UA
White Slave Ship—Am. Inti.
Wild Harvest—Pathe-Am.
Island of Love—War.
Peeping Tom—Astor
Johnny Cool—UA
Private Lives of Adam and Eve—U-I
Wives And Lovers—Paramount
Joker, The (Fr.)—Lopert
Purple Noon (Fr.)—Time*
World by Night-War.
Kind of Loving, A (Br.)—Governor
CLASS C — ConleuMl
And God Created Woman (Fr.)—Kingsley
Baby Doll—War.
Lady Chatterley’s Lover (Fr.)—Kingsley
Please, Not Nowl (Fr.)—Fox
Law, The (Fr.)—Embassy
Port of Desire—Union
Balcony, The—Continental
Les Liaisons Dangereuses (Fr.)—Astor Pic-
Pot Bouille (Lovers of Paris) (Fr.)—
Bed of Grass (Greek)—Trans-Lux
tures, Inc.
Bell’Antonio (Ital.)—Embassy Films
Liane, Jungle Goddess—DCA
Prime Time—Eiaanjay Films, Inc.
Boccaccio 70 (Ital.)—Embassy
Love Game (Fr.)—Films Around World
Private Property—Citation
Breathless (Fr.)—Films Around World
Love Is My Profession (Fr.)—Klngsley-Intl.
Question of Adultery—NTA
Cold Wind In August—Aidart
Lovers, The (Fr.)—Zenith
Saturday Night and Sunday Morning (Br.)—
Come Dance With Me (Fr.)—Kingsley-Inti.
Mademoiselle Striptease (Fr.)—DCA
During One Night (Br.)—Astor
Magdalena (Ger.)—Buhawk
Savage Eye—Trana-Lux-Kingsley Inti.
Espresso Bongo (Br.)—Continental
Maid in Paris (Fr.)—Bellon-Foulke
Seven Capital Sins (Fr.)—Embassy
Plve Day Lover (Fr.)—Kingsley- Inti.
Mating Urge—Citation
Sins of Mona Kent—Astor
Girl With the Golden Eyes (Fr.)—Union Films
Miller’s Beautiful Wife (Ital.)—DCA
Small World of Sammy Lee, The (Br.)—7 Arts
Green Carnation (was: Trials of Oscar Wilde)
Mitsou (Fr.)—Zenith Inti.
Smiles of a Summer Night (Swedish)—Rank
(Br.)—Warwick Films
Mom and Dad (Sideroad)—Hallmark Prod.
Tales of Paris (Fr.)—Times Films
Green Mare (Fr.)—Zenith
Moon Is Blue, Tire—UA
Temptation (Fr.-Ital.)—Shelton
Heroes and Sinners (Fr.)—Janus
Never On Sunday (Greek)—Lopert
Third Sex (Ger.)—D. k F. Dist.
I Am a Camera—DCA
Nude Odyssey, The (Ital.)—Davis-Royal
Too Young, Too Immoral—Rialto Inti.
I Love, You Love (Ital.)—Davis-Royal
Odd Obsession (Jap.)—Harrison
Trials of Oscar Wilde (Br.)—Warwick Films
Joan of the Angels?—Pollsh-Telepix
Oscar Wilde (Br.)—Four City Enterprises
Truth, The (La VeritO (Fr.)—Kingsley Inti.
Jules and Jim (Fr.)—Janus
Passionate Summer (Fr.-Ital.)—Kingsley
Viridiani (Sp.)—Kingsley Inti.
L'Awentura (Ital.)—Janus
Phaedra (Gk.)—Lopert
Wasted Lives and The Birth of Twins—
La Notte (Night) (Ital.)—Lopert
Playgirl After Dark (Br.)—Topax Films
K. Gordon Murray Production
Women of the World (Ital.)—Embassy
leek ot Raring.—19X6-1959, 15.00
Film. Reviewed—October—1959-1960—1960-1961—1961-196S—Sfc ImL
Bi-Weekly List—United States and Possessions—Air Mail, $6.00. First Class Mail, $5.00.
* This clamttcation is applicable only to prints shown in the U. S. A. t Rernsnaerarkd.