Newspaper Page Text
The bride-elect was graduate
ed from Florda State Univer
sity, where she was corres
ponding. secretary of Zeta Tau
Alpha. She is a business edu
cation teacher at Chamblee High
Mr. Paulk attended St. Ber
nard College and Spring Hill
College. He is employed by the
East Lake Country Club as as
sistant golf professional.
Mr. and Mrs. William Heslin
(Jean Lacrosse)
1923 Joseph Court, Decatur
Girl born August 13, 1963
Sts. Peter & Paul Parish
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Curtin
(Joan Greer)
28 Oakview Drive
Boy born August 16, 1963
St. John's, Hapevllle Parish
Mr. and Mrs. John Duffy
(Jacquelyn Thomas)
134 Woodward Circle
Boy born August 18, 1963
St. John Vianney Parish
Mr. and Mrs. Miles Decker
(Rosemary Kearns)
2394 Whites Mill Lane
Girl born August 18, 1963
Sts. Peter & Paul Parish
To Make Bow In
new general interest magazine
designed especially for Catholic
women, will begin publication in
Mrs. Joseph McCarthy, pre
sident of the National Council
of Catholic Women, which will
publish the new magazine, said
it will replace two former NC-
CW magazines—Monthly Mes
sage and Women In Catholic
will carry a variety of articles
which will be of interest to to
day's Catholic women. There
will be well known guest writ
ers who are authorities in their
fields, as well as NCCW rep
resentatives, she added.
tides on the World Food Con
gress by Msgr. JosepftGremil-
lion, director of socio-econo
mic development, Catholic Re
lief Services—National Catho
lic Welfare Conference, and the
Pittsburgh Byzantine Rite Dio
cesan Council of Catholic Wo
men now being organized with
comments by Bishop Nicholas
T. Elko of the Pittsburgh By
zantine Rite diocese.
OTHER features will include
a pictorial section; a review of
"Unity of Christians," the re
cent book by Augustin Cardinal
Bea, S.J., and program infor
mation for the NCCW national
Mrs. McCarthy added that
while Word is the official pub
lication for the NCCW, it is
available on a subscription ba
The first issue will have ar-
/Recite Of *7Ac TOeeA
Melon Ambrosia
2 oranges
2 cups assorted melon bails
1 cup shredded coconut
1/2 cup confectioners' sugar
Peel and section oranges. Cut
sections in bite sizes. Alternate
layers of oranges and »elon
bails with coconut in dessert
bowl, sprinkling each layer with
sugar, if it is needed. If oranges I
and melons are very sweet no i
sugar will be needed. This gla-'
morous but easy dessert mayj
be varied by using other fruit,
such as pineapple-*|xh melon!
and oranges. This recipe will j
make 6 servings.
Sarah Hitch, Harvey Hill To Be
Honored At Pre-Nuptial Parties
Many parties are planned for
Sarah Hitch, daughter of Mrs.
R. M. Hitch, who will marry
Harvey Hill Jr., son of Mr. and
Mr. Benjamin Hill at Christ
ihe King Cathedral on August
Mr. and Mrs. George Craft
will honor the couple on August
23rd at a cocktail party.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Alston
Jr., will be hosts at a dinner
on August 24th at the Piedmont
Driving Club.
A lake party at Allatoona
Yacht Club will be given August
27th by the John Hartleys and
their son, Ronald Hartley.
Mr. and Mrs. Holcombe
Green and Holcombe Green Jr.,
have selected Aug. 28 as the
date for the cocktail buffet at
which theiy will entertain in
their home.
Mrs. James N. Frazer will
be hostess at a brunch at her
home. The bridesmaids* lunch
eon will be given Aug. 30 by
Mrs. Roland B. Anderson. Mr.
and Mrs. Roland B. Ander
son. Mr and Mrs. Harvey Hill
Neiner - Maguire
At Sacred Heart
Miss Yvonne Sarah Neiner,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gene
J. Neiner of College Park, be
came the bride of Lt. Maurice
Joseph Maguire, Jr., son of
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice J. Ma
guire of Atlanta, at a Nuptial
Mass on Saturday, August 17,
at Sacred Heart Church in At
The Very Reverend Vincent
P. Brennan, S.M. officiated at
the double ring ceremony. Lt.
Pat Maguire of Fort Bragg,
North Carolina, was his bro
ther's best man. Usher-
groomsmen were Tim Dyer of
Ypsllantl, Michigan, David Katz
of Guntersville, Alabama, John
O'Donnell, and Tom Maguire.
The bride, given in marriage
by her father, wore a full length
gown of imported lace and silk
organza. The fitted bodice fea
tured a scooped neckline and
elbow length sleeves. The slen
der front panel of the skirt ex
tended to a full Cathedral train.
Her mantilla was of imported
French lace. The bride car
ried within her bouquet of or
chids of lilies of the valley the
prayer book of her maternal
grandmother, Mrs. Albert Bi-
zelli of St. Charles, Missouri,
and a hand made lace handker
chief, the gift of her paternal
grandmother, Mrs. Isabelle Eh-
will be hosts at the rehearsal
dinner that evening.
The bride-elect's mother,
Mrs. R. M. Hitch, will enter
tain at a rception following the
Additional parties for Sarah
and Harvey include the lunch
eon at the Capital City Club
given by Mrs. Howard Johnson
and her daughter Judy; the cof
fee and recipe shower at which
Mrs. Robert Royalty enter
tained and the barbecue and pool
party given by Mr. and Mrs.
Augustus Sterne and Mrs. and
Mrs. Alton Irby.
Named For Pope
BOSTON, <NC)—'The new sem-
inary for late vocations being
established by Richard Cardinal
Cushing, Archbishop of Boston,
in nearby Weston will be named
in memory of Pope John XXIIL
The Cardinal said the seminary
will be opened in September,
1964. He said a number of app
lications from men older than
the usual seminarian's age
already have been received.
Vows Said
linger, also of St. Charles,
Miss Rosanne Neiner was her
sister's maid of honor. Miss
Mary Josey of West Palm
Beach, Florida, and Miss Melda
Walter of Bradenton, Florida,
were bridesmaids. Miss Lori
Luerding of St. Charles, Mis
souri, cousin of the bride, was
the junior bridesmaid. They
wore peacock blue dresses of
satin peau de soiewlthmatching
hats of satin peau de sole and il
lusion veiling. Their bouquets
were of champagne carnations
and ivy.
For her daughter’s wedding
Mrs. Neiner chose a dress of
willow-green chiffon with
matching veil and accessories
and her corsage was of cymbi-
dium orchids. The mother of
the groom chose a dress of
celery colored silk with match
ing accessories and wore a cor
sage of cymbidium orchids.
Following the ceremony, the
bride’s parents entertained at a
reception in the Church Rec
tory, after which they enter
tained family and out-of-town
guests with a buffet dinner at
their home in College Park.
.After their wedding trip, Lt.
and Mrs. Maguire will reside
in Columbus, New Jersey.
When selecting “FEATURE SHOES"
choose the shoe with
FIT on the inside
FASHION on the outside
Miss Ann Morrison Seaver,
Bride-Elect Entertained At Parties
Ann Morrison Seaver and
Glenn Wendell Brinson have
completed plans for their wedd
ing, which will take place Sat
urday, September 28, at the
Cathedral of Christ the King.
The bride-elect will be given
in marriage by her father, Art
hur Morrison Seaver. Miss Ann
Bouvette will be the maid of
honor and the bridal attendants
will be Catherine Atkin and
Kathleen Pace who is the bride-
elect of Thomas Hirons.
Edward Brinson will be his
son's best man. Usher-grooms
men will be Jay Potter of Mon-
cks Corner, South Carolina,
Dewey Welch of Charleston,
South Carolina, Michael Dange-
rf ield of Atlanta and James Sea
ver, brother oi the bride-elect.
Miss Seaver is being enter
tained at several parties prior
to her marriage. Mrs. Howard
Jones and Mrs. Carl Mathes will
give a luncheon and linen sho
wer on August 23. Mrs. Will
iam Crenshaw will have a lun
cheon on August 24. Miss Cat
herine Atkin and Miss Ann Bou
vette will have a miscellaneous
shower on August 28. A mis
cellaneous shower will be given
on August 31 by Mrs. Richard
Stephens and Ann Stephens.
Miss Peggy Hynes and Miss
Mary Ann Powell will have a
dessert bridge on September 4.
Mrs. John Hubert will enter
tain at a coffee on September
11. Mrs. Charles O'Hair will
have a luncheon and shower on
September 23.
Those ho have already ent
ertained re Mrs. Paul Pace
and Kathleen Pace at a luncheon
and kitchen shower.
Miss Gloria Graham And
Thomas Daly United In Ceremony
Gloria Elizabeth Graham,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
A. Graham, became the bride of
Thomas Francis Daly, son of
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Daly,
Sr., of Savannah, Georgia, on
Saturday, August 17th at the
Shrine of the Immaculate Con
ception. Reverend Rene May
nard officiated at the Nuptial
The bride was given in mar
riage by her father. Miss The
resa Graham, sister of the
bride was maid of honor. Miss
Carol Dearwent was the brides
maid. Mr. James A. Daly, Sr.
acted as best man for his son.
Ushers were James A. Daly,
Jr., Richard J. Buchner and
Mike Campos.
The bride graduated from
Sacred Heart High School and
is presently attending Georgia
State College where she is a
The groom attended Benedic-
Christ The King
CYO To Hold
Summer Fiesta
tine Military School and is a
recent graduate of Georgia In
stitute of Technology where he
received his degree in Engi
neering. This fall he will teach
at St. Joseph's High School.
The couple will reside in At
lanta following their honey
Mansour^ Nolan
Are Married
Mr. and Mrs. William T.
Stapleton announce the marr
iage of her daughter, Kathryn
Mansour, to Capt. James Mor
gan Nolan of Quantico, Va., son
of Mr. James Nolan of Swam-
pscott, Mass.
The ceremony took place at
St. Joseph's Catholic Church,
Athens, on August 18 with Rev
erend John Mulroy officiating.
The bride was given in mar
riage by her stepfather. Will
iam T. Stapleton, A reception
followed at her home on Dudley
Edward Knight was the ring-
bearer and little Miss Jean Kni
ght was the flower girl.
Capt. and Mrs. Nolan
live in Quantico, Va.
Exp«rt - Personalized Service
Given to livery Garment Coming
Into Our Plant
111 N. Main St. PO. 1-4404
College Park, G».
Lucy's Family Shoe Store Inc.
4067 Peacfctro# Rd., N.E. Brookhaven
CE 7-782(
Regional Meet
NEW YORK (NC)—A tri-state
region of the Legion of Mary
will hold a conference in the Ho
tel Commodore here from Octo
ber 10 to 13. The region cov
ers New York, New Jersey and
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brin
son, parents of the bride-groom
elect, will give the rehearsal
dinner at the Peachtree House
September 27. After the cere
mony Mr. and Mrs. Seaver,
parents of the bride-elect, will
give the reception at the Cathe
dral Hall.
New Officers Elected For
Altar Society At Christ The King
New officers have been elect
ed for 1963-64 Altar Society of
the Cathedral of Christ the
Officers and committee
chairmen for the year are as
follows: Mrs. Brainard T.
Webb, President; Mrs. Norman
Boswell, 1st Vice President;
Mrs. Charles McCrary, 2nd
Vice President; Mrs . John
Oberg, 3rd Vice President;
Mrs. Harry Horsey, Jr., Re
cording Secretary; Mrs. Ro
bert Bell, Corresponding Sec
retary; Mrs. Richard Kane,
Treasurer; Mrs. Edward Hol
mes, Program Chairman; Mrs.
A. M. Seaver, Membership
Chairman; Mrs. Russell Broad-
bear, Telephone Chairman;
Mrs. William Sullivan, Rosary
Chairman; Mrs. William Cren
shaw, Jr., Publicity Chairman;
Mrs. James E. Boggs, Hospi
tality Chairman; Mrs. John
Lambert, Parliamentarian; and
Mrs. Harold Muth, Sacristan.
Miss Susan Schiller,
Fiancee Of Frank DeLisle
Candy Stripers bring smiles
to patients on their rounds thr
ough the hospital. The group
Ed Curtin
Now Featuring For
Allen collay duo
FROM 5:00 TO 7:00 P.M.
TR. 5-4251
is made up of high school girls
who are interested in doing
volunteer work in the hospital.
In order to become a Candy
Striper a girl must be 16 years
of age and a Junior in High
School, must pledge 60 hours
volunteer service during sum
mer or school year, and must
purchase her own uniform. Af
ter 60 hours of service they
are given a cap. Many of the
girls now working have over-
500 hours of service in the
hospital. The group is taught
by the Red Cross throughout
the year on their duties to
perform within the hospital.
Just a few of their duties in
clude working on the floors de
livering flowers, feeding pati
ents, admitting and dismissing
patients, helping the Auxiliary
in the Gift Shop and with the
Hospitality Cart.
Any girls meeting the re
quirements and interested in
becoming a Candy Striper are
asked to contact Mrs. Frank
Corrigan at TR 5-6986.
Schedule Fo next six weeks
August 30-September 2
September 5-8
September 12-15
September 19-22
September 26-29
October 3-6
Phone 255-0503 or Write 6700 Riverside-Dr. N.W. Atlanta 5, Ga.
Mr. andMrs. James Del Valle
of Miami, Fla., announce the
engagement of their daughter,
Virginia Sarah Del Valle, to
John D. Paulk III, son of Mr.
and Mrs. John D. Pajlk Jr.
of Mobile, Ala.
The wedding will be Aug. 24
at the Cathedral of Christ the
Parents are asked to donate
cakes for the affair. Anyone
wishing to do so is asked to call
Mrs. Hansen, at BL 5-0061.
New NCCW Magazine
Sizes 5 1/2-8 8 1/2 - 12
12 1/2 - 4
Widths Price $7.99 to $9.50
— fitted with special care
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dunn
Schiller announce the engage
ment of their daughter, Susan
Roberta Schiller, to Frank Pat
rick De Lisle, son of Mr. and
Mrs. John H. De Lisle of Mon
roe, Micigan, formerly of Hart
well, Georgia.
The bride-elect is a June gra
duate of Northside High School.
The wedding will be Septem
ber 21 at the Cathedral of Christ
the King.
“PET.»you betl"
DAIRV nivisiON
For Convonitnl Homo Dolivory I
Atanta Call 636-8677
The CYO of Christ the King
Cathedral will hold a Summer
Fiesta this Sunday in the sc
hool. The money raised from the
affair will be used to resettle
a Cuban family in Atlanta.
A chili-dog supper for 50£
will be held in the school cafe
teria from 7 to 8 pm followed
by dancing from 8 to 11pm
for 75£. Between dances there
will be cake walks, a hat booth
and a cake sale.
in fashion’s favorite styles for school, play, dress
for special needs ... by our trained staff.
The bridegroom-elect grad
uated from Georgia Tech, where
he was a member of the Round
Table, Interfraternity Council,
and served as president and
treasurer of Delta Sigma Phi.
He Is employed in Indiana
polis, Indiana.
Virginia DeValle, Paulk
Engagement Announced
"My Little Doll Has to Look Pretty Too" was what Magie Sue
Eubanks of Lithia Springs said when Candy Striper Carroll Offer
went In to fix her hair. This is Just one of the many things the
volunteer girls do at St. Joseph’s Hospital.
This summer you will see Candy Strip girli working In the
hospital doing numerous jobs from fluffing pillows, delivering
trays, to admitting and discharging patients here Mrs. W, B.
Harrison of Athens is shown leaving the hospital with the
assistance of Candy Striper Karol Hoyt. Karol is working
towards her cap which she will receive after completing 60
hoursof work.
Candy Stripers Doing
Volunteer Work At Hospital