Newspaper Page Text
Miss Sherry Ann Latz
Weds Lt. T.E. Little
Sherry Ann Latz, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Latz, be
came the bride of 2nd Lt. Thom
as E. Little, jr., son of Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas E. Little of
Miami, Saturday afternoon,
Sept. 7, at the Church of St.
Jude the Apostle. Rev. John
Stapleton officiated.
Stephen Rhienhart of Pensa
cola was best man. The grooms
men were Ralph Little of Mi
ami, brother of the bridegroom,
and James Gould.
Bernadette Latz. sister of the
bride, was maid of honor,
bridesmaids, were Mrs. James
R. Mortimer, sister of the
bride, and Mary Amann. The
bride was given in marriage by
her father.
After the wedding, Mr. and
Mrs. Latz entertained at a re
ception at the church hall.
Upon returning from their
wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. Lit
tle will live in Huntsville, Ala.
Miss Bonnie Miles And
Peter Doherty iJnited In Ceremony
Bonnie Lynn Miles daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E.
Power of Williamston, South
Carolina became the bride of
Peter F. Doherty son of Mr.
and Mrs. William E. Doherty
of Atlanta at a Nuptial Mass
at St. Anthony's Church Au
gust 31. Reverend Jarlath Burke
officiated at the ceremony.
The bride given in marri
age by her father wore a gown
of silk organza over taffeta.
The beautiful chapel train had
insets of lace and pearls and
her veil of tulle had a crown
of rhinestones and pearls. She
carried a prayer book with a
white orchid.
Mrs. Robert Miles, the
Ltroy'f Auto
Tune Up - Front End
Automatic Transmission
4011 P’tree Rd. CE 7-1288
bride's matron of honor and her
bridesmaids, Mrs. Ralph Rig-
don wore gowns of yellow or
ganza over satin.
Mr. William E. Doherty, Jr.
brother of the groom was the
best man. Usher-groomsmen
were Mickey Phillips and Doug
las Toler. Soloist at the wedding
was Jane Flemister.
Serving at the reception which
followed in the church hall were
Mrs. Lavlnia Marks, Mrs. Paul
Zwicknagel, Miss Kathie Do
herty and Miss Jerry Morgan.
Miss Pat Thomas kept the
bride's book.
Following a wedding trip to
Jekyll Island the newlyweds will
reside in East Point.
Shrine Altar
Group Meeting
The Altar Society of the
Shrine of the Immaculate Con
ception, Atlanta, will hold its
regular monthly meeting on
Sunday, Sept, 15. The ladies
will attend the 8 o'clock Mass
and will receive Communion in
a body.
This is to be an important
meeting and all the ladies are
invited, The Moderator, Fr, Li
nus, and the President, Mrs.
John F, Walsh, will preside.
Breakfast will be prepared and
served by Mrs. Helen Graham
and her ladles.
Miss Rosemarie Schultes And
William Manning Married
Miss Rosemarie Veronika
Schultes daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Vincent Farrera of Col
lege Park, Maryland became the
bride of William Arthur Man
ning, USN, son of Mrs. William
A. Manning and the late Mr.
Manning of Atlanta, Ga. at the
Catholic Chapel of the Naval
Security Station in Washington,
D. C. on Augist 31, with Rev
erend Thomas J. Hilferty offi
The bride, who was given in
marriage by her father, wore
a short white peau de soie,
the bodice having appliques of
lace and seed pearls, the back
of the skirt having rows of lace
ruffles coming to a point at the
waist line, Her veil of illusion
was held by a tiara of seed
pearls and she carrle d a bou
quet of white roses, blue dai
sies and stephanotis.
The bride’s sister, Miss
Christine Farrera of College
Park, Maryland was the maid
of honor and the bridesmaids
were Miss Bette McCue, of
Washington, cousin of the groom
and Miss Marjorie Nunnally of
Hyattsville, Maryland. Denise
Duggan was flower girl.
The maid of honor was gown
ed in cyclamen pink lace over
taffeta with an over skirt of
the same material. Her hat of
pink illusion was held by a
matching satin flower. The
bridesmaids dresses of tur
quoise were of the same fas
hion as the maid of honor. They
all carried bouquets of yellow
roses. The flower girl wore
turquoise organdy with a
wreath of yellow roses in her
Mr. Lynn Peterson of Wash
ington, D. C. was best man and
the usher groomsmen were the
groom’s brothers-in-law, Mr.
Donald J. Roe and Mr. F. R.
Rauton of Atlanta, Ga.
Following the ceremong, the
bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Farrera, entertained guests at
a reception at the Statler Hil
ton Hotel in Washington.
After their honeymoon tour
ing the New England states,
Mr. and Mrs. Manning will re
side in Newport, R. I
Miss Geraldine Bowie And Ernest
Quickel United In Ceremony
Geraldine Elizabeth Bowie
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dan
iel Warren Bowie of Warner
Robins, Georgia, became the
bride of Ernest Clyde Quickel,
Jr. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Clyde Quickel, Sr. of Atlanta,
Ga., in a double ring ceremony
August 31 at Sacred Heart
Church, Atlanta, Ga., officiated
by Reverend Richard McGuin-
The bride was given away by
her father, Daniel Warren Bow
ie. The maid of honor was Mar-
, garet Union of Macon, Ga. The
bridal attendants were Patricia
Sheridan of Macon, Georgia and
Patricia Ondo of Dallas,Texas.
They wore street length dresses
of apricot organza over taffeta
and carried bouquets of orchids
and carnations.
The best man was Ned Na
bors. Groomsmen were James
Donovan, Frank Barton, Dun
can Jones and Jack Jones.
The bride wore a gown of
white silk organza over taffeta
embroidered with lace and seed
pearls. Her fingertip veil of il
lusion fell from a pillbox of seed
pearls. She carried a cascade
of white roses and orchids.
The reception was given by
the bride’s parents at the North-
side Woman's Club.
Upon returning from their
wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs.
Quickel will live in Atlanta.
Miss Kathryn Wilbanks Bride
Of Larry Charles DeWine
Virginia Del Valle
And John Paulk United
Miss Virginia Sarah Del
Valle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
James Del Vail of Miami, Flo
rida, became the bride of John
Paulk, III, son of Mr. and Mrs.
J. D. Paulk, Jr., of Mobile,
Alabama, were united at a Nup
tial Mass performed by Mon
signor Joseph G. Cassidy at
the Cathedral of Christ the King
on August 24,
The bride was given in mar
riage by her father James Del
Valle, She wore a street length
gown of white silk with a scoop
neckline, fitted bodice, bell
skirt, three quarter length slee
ves and was detailed with ap
pliques of Alencon lace em
broidered with hand blocked
lace. Her shoulder tip veil fell
from a pill box beaded with
seeded pearls, Her bouquet was
of orchids, lillies of the valley
and ivy.
Miss Sue Ellen Jones, the
maid of honor wore a scarlett
crepe sleeveless sheath with a
boat neck and a back floating
panel clasped with a large bow.
She carried a cascade of pink
roses, tulle and velvet ribbon
and ivy. Her head piece was a
Dr. James Paulk was his
brother’s best man and grooms
men were J, W. DuBose and Ed
ward Andrews,
After the ceremony a recep
tion was held at the Cathedral
Center, Miss Molly Mackinkept
the bride's book and Miss Ber
lins Taylor, Mrs, Richard Fal-
cioni and Miss Marianna Glrt-
man served.
Following a wedding trip to
Sea Island the couple will re
side in Decatur.
Miss Kathryn Wilbanks,
daughter of Mrs. John H. Wil
banks, became the bride of
Larry Charles DeWine, son of
Mr. and Mrs. John Charles De
Wine, Monday, September 2, at
Sacred Heart Church. Reverend
Jerome Diffley, O.S.B. of St.
Bernard's College, Alabama of
ficiated at the Nuptial Mass.
The bride was given in mar
riage by her brother-in-law,
Mr. Terry J. Lohre of Balti
more, Maryland. The bride
wore a gown of silk net mist
with a sweetheart neckline, edg
ed in Brussels lace, with a full
skirt extending to court train.
Her veil was of fingertip illu
sion, She carried a bouquet of
white roses with lavender blue
pompoms with baby breath.
Mrs. Terry J, Lohre, of Bal
timore, was her sister’s Ma
tron of Honor. Miss Becky De
Wine of Jacksonville, Fla„ sis
ter of the groom acted as Maid
of Honor, Bridesmaids were
Mrs, Lawrence Stocks, Dalton,
Ga,; and Mrs. Tom Houston,
Chattanooga, Tennessee; and
Flower girl, Anne Jennette.
Mr. Charles DeWine, father
of the groom acted as his son’s
best man, ushers were Gregg
O'Connor and Ronnie DeWine,
both of Knoxville, Tennessee,
and Mike Morgan, Philadelphia,
A reception was held at Christ
Altar Society Of St. Jude’s
To Hold Third Starlight Ball
Initial plans for the
Annual Starlight Ball,
circlet with an illusion
The Altar Society of St, Jude
the Apostle Church will hold
their Third Annual Starlight
Ball October 26. Left to right;
Mrs. Ferdinand Beckley, chair
man of the affair is going over
the initial plans with Mrs. Dan
iel D. Braddach, President of
the Altar Society.
sored by the Altar Soceity of
St. Jude the Apostle Church
in Sandy Springs, have been
announced this week.
The elaborate social affair of
some 300 guests will take place
Saturday, October 26 at the
Standard Club. A buffet dinner,
dancing to the music of "The
Seventeens", and the awarding
of door prizes will be featur
ed events of the evening.
General chairman of the
dance is Mrs. Ferdinand Buck-
ley, and committee co-chair
man include Mrs. James S.
Bradley, invitations; Mrs.Al-
phee J. Bouffard, reservations;
Mrs. John K. Meany, de
corations; Mrs. Edward G.
Rice, Jr., publicity; and Mrs.
Warren Turner, telephone.
President of the St. Jude’s
Altar Soceity this year is Mrs.
Daniel D. Bradach. Rev. John
D. Stapleton is pastor.
Miss Mary Jane Bowman
Among Oglethorpe Graduates
Miss Mary Jane Bowman,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jo
seph M. Bowman of Atlanta,
was a recent graduate from
Magna Cum Laude* Oglethorpe
University. She was a member
of the Duchess Club Womens
IRectyU *7Ae 70uA
Easy To Fix Cookies
1 1/2 cups sifted enriched flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
2-3 cup lard
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup firmly packed brown
Sift together flour, baking
powder, soda and salt. Cream
lard and sugar. Beat in eggs
and vanilla. Add sifted ingre
dients. Stir in outterscotch
pieces and orange rind or peel.
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 cups quick-cooking oats
1 package (6 ounces) butter
scotch pieces,
2 tablespoons grated orange
rind or 1 teaspoon dried orange
Mix well. Drop by rounded tea
spoonfuls, about 2 inches apart
on greased cooky sheet. Bake
in a moderate oven (375 de
grees F.) 12 minutes or until
lightly browned. Yield; 4 to
5 dozen cookies.
Honorary Society and the New
man Club.
Miss Bowman is a graduate
of St. Pius X High School. She
has accepted a position with
the DeKalb County Board of
St. Joseph’s
Auxiliary To
Hold Meeting
St. Joseph’s Infirmary Au
xiliary will hold its first meet
ing for the year 1963-64 on Mon
day, September 16, in the hos
pital auditorium at 11:30 a.m.
The new slate of officers is
headed by Mrs. Eugene Mc
Laughlin, president, with Mrs.
Kent Higgins, vice president;
Mrs. J. E. Durden, treasurer;
and Mrs. Arthur Bennett, sec
Sister Mary Melanie, R.S.M.,
newly appointed administrator
of St. Joseph’s Infirmary will
be the guest speaker.
the KingHall following the cere
Mr, and Mrs. DeWine will
live in Knoxville, Tennessee.
Sacred Heart
C.Y.O. Elects
The C.Y.O. of Sacred Heart
Parish in a meeting last Sun
day elected officers for their
1963-64 term. The new officers
include President Richard Ay
ers; Vice President Christine
Tidwell; Secretary John Pet-
zelt; Treasurer Bobbie Daniell;
and Marie Poucher, Publicity.
A Pizza Party was held fol
lowing the meeting in the As
sembly Room of the church.
NEW OFFICERS for the ACCW were installed by Archbishop Paul J. Hallinan at their annual con
vention held at the Dinkier Plaza. They are bottom row left to right: Mrs. George Briggs, 1st vice
president; Mrs. Edward P. Faust, president; Mrs. HerbT. Mallon, second vice president; and Mrs.
Jack Kesler, third vice president. Top row left to right: Mrs. John Flack, parliamentarian; Mrs,
V>. L. Dennon, corresponding secretary; Miss Ann McLaughlin, treasurer; and Mrs. Harry Horsey,
recording secretary-.
Parents’ Group
Meet Monday
The Parents Association of
Christ die King School will hold
its first meeting of die school
year in die Auditorium on Mon
day, September 16, at 1:00 pjn.
The presiding officers for the
school term will be President,
Mrs. Robert L. Robinson; 1st
Vice President, Mrs. Jack
Tracy; 2nd Vice President,
Mrs. Eugene Cates; Recording
Secretary, Mrs. Lewis Gordon;
Corresponding Secretary, Mrs.
Albert Hart; Treasurer, Mrs.
Robert Hodge.
Speaking at the meeting will
be Sister Mary Timothy G.N.
S.H., Principal of Christ the
King School and Miss Roma
Jean Harper, the new gym in
structor at the school.
Serving as hostesses for the
social hour proceeding the
meeting will be the members
of the Board. They are: Mrs.
Phillip Duffy, Mrs. Wilson Mit
cham, Mrs. Charles McCrary,
Mrs. Louis D, McClesky, Mrs.
Victor Tabaka, Mrs. Donald
Seeley, Mrs. Emil Docekal,
Mrs. Charles Stengel, Mrs.
Michael Cram, Mrs. Fred Mix,
Mrs. Paul Van Hem art, Mrs.
William PauUln. Mrs. William
Urquhart, Mrs. John McMa
hon, and Mrs. Alex Smith.
THE ALTAR SOCIETY of Cathedral of Christ the King held their
first social of the season in the parish hall. Mrs, George Gun
ning is seen pouring at the 1st annual coffee. Other guests in
clude left to right; Mrs. James Cassidy, Mrs. William Hare
and Mrs. Ellis Gay.
r mi e eosTAOi - havi. uy mail iMmi*
funds rveeived by the IOtli «</ any month
am from the first (
f\ dividing 4 % % ns annum
, ^6*****+ ANII( IPAtta Die 31
/ M **
« \ Of T he Best Place to Save"
; i m * jckA 1,
I \ ‘The Best Place to Save"
Mr, and Mrs, Charles Howe
(Mary Turvey)
1929 Boulevard Drive S.E.
Girl born September 5, 1963
Sacred Heart Parish
Mr, and Mrs. Jack Lenz
(Faye Chapmap)
3981 English Oak Drive
Girl born September 2, 1963
Our Lady of Assumption Parish
Che Sillage ue