Newspaper Page Text
Marie Theresa Lambrecht
Is Bride Of Peter Likus
Miss Marie Theresa Lam
brecht, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. William Joseph Lam
brecht, became the bride of
Peter Anthony Likus, son of
Mrs. Anna Stano Likus and
the late Mr. Peter Adam Likus
of Duluth, Minn., in a cere
mony solemnized on August 31
at the Immaculate Heart of
Man,’ Church, with Father Dro-
han officiating.
Bridesmaids were Mrs, Ben-
no Friedrich, Mrs. Robert Steb-
bins and Miss Mary Jo Lucyzak.
They wore identical frocks of
robin's egg blue.
The bride was lovely in a gown
of white silk organza designed
with a scoop neckline and short
sleeves. Elaborate motifs of
Alencon lace embroidered with
seed pearls were scattered on
the fitted bodice and skirt. Her
elbow length veil was caught to
a Swedish crown of seed pearls,
and she carried a bouquet of
white orchids and stephanotis.
Best man was the groom’s
brother, William Likus.
Groomsmen were Alan Dale,
James Mattson, William Gerard
Lambrecht and Thom Paine,
Following the ceremony the
bride’s parents entertained at a
reception at their home on 1244
Lindenwood Lane. Mrs. Char
les Eaton kept the bride’s book.
The bride was graduated from
Christ the King School and re
ceived her B.S. in Education
from the University of Alabama,
where she belonged to Alpha
Phi social sorority and PhiTau
Chi honorary sorority. She was
also active in the Newman Club,
which she served as an offi
cer, Alabama Spirit and various
other organizations. Mr. Likus
was graduated from the Univer
sity of Minnesota, Duluth Ex
tension, where he belonged o
the Newman Club.
Among hostesses entertain
ing for the bride prior to the
wedding were Mrs. John Henry,
Mrs. Benno Friedrich, Mrs.
Charles Eaton, and Mrs. Robert
Sarah Hitch And Benjaman Hill
United In Ceremony
Sarah Battle Hitch, daugh- egg shell peau de soie with a
ter of Mrs. R. M. Hitch of At
lanta and the late Mayor Robert
M. Hitch of Savannah, became
the bride of Benjaman Harvey
Hill, III, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Benjamin Harvey Hill on Au
gust 31 at Christ the King Ca
thedral with Monsignor Joseph
C. Cassidy officiating.
The bride was given In mar
riage by her brother William
S. Hitch. She wore a gown of
chapel length train. Her head
piece was a crown of alencon
lace and seeded pearls with a
finger tip length veil of illu
sion lightly patterned with lace
flowers and seeded pearls.
Mrs. Roland Bird Anderson
of Richmond, Virginia, was ma
tron of honor while Miss Julia
Ann Hunt, Charlotte, North Ca
rolina, Miss Anne Sewell Free
man, Miss Katherine Klrkpat-
rich Blackford both of Birming
ham and Mrs. Nicholas Niles
of Bronxviile, New York. The
attendants wore raspberry chif
fon street length dresses with
short sleeves, boat necklines
and straight skirts, narrow
chiffon panels at the back were
attached to the waist with roses.
Headpieces were dyed to match
their bouquets which were of
varying shades of rose.
Charles Doherty Hill, brother
of the groom was best man.
Ushers-groomsmen were Rody
Robinson, Jr.; Holcombe
Greens, Jr.; Ronald W. Hart
ley; Dr. William Martin III;
all of Atlanta; Thomas Clarke
of Athens, Lawrence Godehaux
of Abbeville, Louisiana and
Charles Owen of Lexington,
A reception was held in the
Cathedral Hall following the
ceremony. Miss Judy Johnson
kept the bride’s book. Serving
were Mrs. Roby Robinson, Vir
ginia Cates, Laura Sauls, Julia
Arnold, Mrs, T. J. Anderson,
Jr., Brooke and Frances Ander
After September 15 the couple
will live in Charlottesville, Vir
U, i, Olympia Champion O«r*mon 1 NIGHT
Prices; Orch.; $5.00 - $4.00 - $3.00 Thursday,
Loge; >5.00 Dress Cir.f $4.00 - $3.50 September 26
Balcony; $2.50 - $1.50 at 8:30 p.m.
MAIL ORDERS Send stamped, addressed envelope with chick
NOW or money order to Auditorium for return tickets.
Miss Lucille Henry And
James Sinatra United In Ceremony
Lucille Curtis Henry, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Noah Wal
lace Henry, Jr., of 2368 Me
linda Drive N. E., became the
bride of James Benedict Sina
tra, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bene
dict Sinatra of Syosset, Long Is- (
land, Mew York, Sept 7 at Im
maculate Heart of Mary Church
with the Right Reverend Monsig
nor Michael Regan officiating
at the Nuptial Mass at which
the bride and groom exchanged
double rings.
The bride was given in mar
riage by her father. She wore
a formal Empire Line wedding
gown of faile taffeta, with a high
round neck line, and half slee
ves. The straight skirt was ac
cented at the back with a chapel
train. Her veil of Brussells
lace, which has been worn by
brides in her family for seve
ral generations, and which was
brought to this country in the
late 1800's from Brussells Bel
gium, was arranged as a man-
tallia falling in graceful folds
to the train. The bride carried
a lace handkerchief which also
has been carried by brides in
her family and which was made
by Madam Agatha LaBlanche-
tier in 1827, in France and car
ried on her wedding day. Madam
ried on her wedding day. The
brides bouquet was a nose-gay
of white roses and stephanotis.
Stephanie Henderson, cousin
and god-child of the bride was
flower girl and her dress and
bouquet were miniatures of the
The bridal attendants were
Miss Lynda Sinatra, sister of
the groom, who served as maid
of honor and Miss Sally Radick
of New Castle, Pa., Miss Mar
garet Rowe, Memphis Tennes
see, Miss Barbara Splller, Ma
con, Georgia, and Miss Mary
Dee Montie, Atlanta, served as
bridesmaids and their dresses
were of oriental sheer, in apri
cot shade with cap sleeves and
scooped neckline. The dress fell
into an obi drape in the back.
They carried tangerine carna
Frank Cichanowicz served as
best man and the groomsmen
were Thomas Cook, of Maxwell
Air Force Base, Ala., Ralph
Geronlmo, Floral Park, L. 1,;
George Matarazzo, Caldwell,
N. J.; Michael Montesani, New
Ladies Auxiliary
To Hold
Card Party
The September meeting of the
Ladies Auxiliary, Knights of
Columbus, Father Thomas
O'Reilly Council 4358, was held
at the home of Mrs. S. Staley,
with Mrs. Robert Blanchard
and Mrs. Jack McKinney ser
ving as co-hostesses.
Final plans were completed
for the big card party to be held
on Saturday, October 19, 1963,
at 8:00 a.m. at the DeKalb
County Federal Savings & Loan
Assn., Clairmont Ave., Deca
tur, Ga. This is the one big
event of the year to raise funds
for a very worthy cause. Gf
your friends and neighbors to
gether for an evening of fun
and relaxation. There will be
many wonderful prizes and
Canaan, Conn.; Ray Pinkerton
Sycamore, Ga.; Henry Rieneck-
er, Bellmore, L. L*. David See-
ler Huntington, L„L; and Wayne
Williams Fort Oglethorpe, Ga.
Following the wedding the
brides parents entertained with
a luncheon and reception at
Druid Hills Golf and Country
Club. Miss Roberta Radick, New
Castle Pa., kept the bride’s
book and Miss Penny Mills,
Miss Marylynn Morrisson and
Miss Sheila Roberts, Mrs. Wil
liam Parker, all of Atlanta and
Mrs. Nichalos Hocker of Rome
Georgia, and Mrs. Leo F. Pie-
rotti of Memphis, served.
Upon returning from a wed
ding trip to Miami Beach the
couple will live in Athens Geor
gia where both are seniors at
the University of Georgia.
St. John’s Guild
Holds Meeting
St. John’s Ladies Guild of St.
John's church, Hapeville, Ga.
met in the school cafeteria
Tues., Sept. 10, 1963 for its
first regular meeting of the
year. The speaker of the even
ing was Mr. John Hudson, Su
pervisor of Food Distribution
with the Georgia State Board of
Hostesses for the evening
were Mrs. Dorothy Austin, Mrs.
Katherine Reed, and Mrs. Hilda
Look-Out Mount
Altar Society
Our Lady of the Mount Al
tar Society resumed its regular
monthly meetings at the church
last week. Mrs. Shirmer Brown
presided over the luncheon
meeting. Father Lawrence Ha
ber, C. S.s.R. presented the
The society, under the chair
manship of Mrs. William Bunn,
will donate an electrin for the
church in memory of the late
Father John P. Murphy, C. Ss.R.
who served as pastor for many
years. Final plans for a Sun
day night social for the teenage
set of the parishwas discussed.
The members will operate the
Ladies of Charity Store the last
W ednesday of each month. Pre
ceding the business session,
Father Haber conducted a dis
cussion on marriage dispen
Hostesses for the luncheon
were Mrs. George Fontaine,
Mrs, Mert Hodges, Mrs. John
Founacht, and Mrs. Earle
Evans. There were 21 in at
Parents Meet At
St. Thomas More
The Home and School Asso
ciation of St. Thomas More Sc
hool, Decatur, will hold its first
meeting of the school "ear on
Sunday, Sept. 22. T he 3 pm
meeting will be held in the ch
urch cafetorium.
Tickets may be secured by
contacting Betty Lunch at 284-
2897 or Mary Kelley, DR 3-
A report on the Gold Bond
Drive was submitted by Mrs.
Larry LaBonte.
The next meeting will beheld
on Monday evening, October 7,
1963 at the home of Mrs. F.
The school’s new Principal,
Sister Martha Julie, S.N.D.,
the teaching faculty and the new
officers of the Association will
be introduced to the member
ship. Association president for
the coming year is Mr. Edward
Beckham; vice-president, Mrs.
John Plrhalla; treasurer, Mr.
Dick Westbrook; correspond
ing secretary, Mrs. Joseph Mit
chell; recording secretary,
Mrs. Glen Bourgeois.
St. Peters Parish Council
Holds First Fall Meeting
St. Peter's Parish Council
held their first meeting of the
Fall year, at the Parish Hall.
The meeting was opened with
a prayer by Father Leonard
Mayhew. Mrs. Charlie Solo-
man, newly elected President,
presided over the meeting.
Plans for the South Deanery
Archdiocesan Council of Catho
lic Women, to be held in La-
Grange at St. Peter’s Catholic
Parish Hall later in Septem
ber, was discussed; also the
purchasing of a new Christmas
manger * for the church was dis
The following officers were
elected for the year 1963-64;
President: Mrs. Charlie Solo
mon; Secretary: Mrs. Milton
Reeves; Treasurer: Mrs. Jack
Kesler; Committee Chairmen
are: Activities: Mrs. Nasor
Mansour, Jr.; Altar: Miss Ro
salie Joseph; Mrs. Charles
Traylor; Catholic Charities:
Mrs. Joe Cosgrove; Foreign
Relief: Mrs. Guy Estes; Fami
ly & Garden Education: Mrs.
Alfred Mansour; Mrs. Claude
Foster; Hospitality: Mrs. John
Swiatek; Publicity: Mrs. George
Mansour; Phone: Mrs. Jim Fin
cher; Mrs. Alvin Hamlett; Reli
gious Education: Mrs. R. P.
Jabaley; Library & Literature:
Miss Helen Jabaley and Spiri
tual Development: Miss Nannie
Following the meeting, re
freshments were served by
Mrs. Alfred Mansour and Mrs.
Claude Foster.
St. Joseph’s
To Hold
Card Party
St. Joseph's Home and School
Association of Marietta, will
sponsor a Fashion Show Dessert
Card Party, featuring fashions
by Franklin Simon. The event
will take place Wednesday, Sep
tember 25, at 8 p.m., in the
school cafeteria.
Models participating will be
mothers of the Home and School
Association; Jeanne Wynne, Do
rothy Chapman, Barbara Gu
thrie, Jean Baker, Kay Stan-
ger, Sylvia King, Rosemary Ho
gan, Julie Boothe, Millie Mon
toya, Mary Ruth Hamilton. Jun
ior Miss and Little Miss fas
hions will be modeled by Pa
tricia Reardon, Mary Lou La
mer, Michele Boothe, .'Kath
leen Bergin, students of St. Jo
seph's School.
“Space Is So Startling”
Coming One Night Stand
"Space Is So Startling" a mu
sical play with a cast of 99 from
17 nations will appear at the
Municipal Auditorium in Atlan
ta, Ga„ on Thursday evening,
September 26, at 8:30 p.m. for
one performance only.
"Space Is So Startling" is a
space-age musical in more than
name. Produced by MRA in
Switzerland last October, It has
already travelled half-way
round the world. It appeared
with great success in Japan
where Prime Minister Ikeda
launched its tour with the Em
peror's youngest son, Prince
Yoshi, Supreme Court Justices,
Members of Parliament and
Western Ambassadors among
the distinguished audience.
While in Japan, the play was
presented on the Yomiuri Tele
vision to an estimated viewing
audience of 15 millkon.
From Japan the cast of 99
singers and dancers flew to
London, where they presented
"Space Is So Startling" at the
Westminister Theatre in Lon
don's West End, playing to pack
ed houses for three months.
In March of this year, * *Space
Is So Startling" opened its Ger-
St. Theresa’s
Circle Meets
St. Theresa’s Circle, of St.
Anthony's Parish, Atlanta,
meets today at the home of Mrs.
F. C. Etheridge, 1740 West-
wood Ave., SW, Atlanta.
The Knights of Columbus
Ladies Auxiliary will have a
card party and fashion show at
the club house, 2620 Buford
Highway, Sept. 20 at 7:30 p.m.
Donations are $1.25.
On Sunday, Sept. 29, all AC-
CW South Deanery parishes will
hold a meeting in LaGrange at
2:30 p.m. Arrangements are
being made to charter a bus
for the trip (38 passengers
will be needed) and reserva
tions should be made, no later
than Sept. 23, through Mrs.
Margaret Barnes. 755-9896.
Holy Family
To Meet
Holy Family Hospital Auxi
liary, Nazareth Chapter, will
hold a meeting on Thursday,
September 26, at 10:30 a.m. in
the Blue Flame Room of the
Atlanta Gas Light Company, 284
Peachtree Street.
Sister Theophane will ad
dress the meeting. All mem
bers are urged to attend.
Miss Beaudry
To Attend
St. Leo College
Miss Priscilla Beaudry,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
Beaudry, has left to enter the
freshman class at St. Leo's
College at St. Leo, Florida.
She was a June graduate of
O'Keefe High School.
man tour at the National Thea
tre In Mannheim, and went on to
play in Koblenz, Ulm, Stutt
gart and Bonn, where they were
received by Chancellor Ade-
naur in his Cabinet Room, when
he told the cast "I believe the
weapons you use and the convic
tions you spread, are the stron
gest." From there the com
pany appeared in Berlin. The
German Minister of Defense
arranged special performances
for the German Army when
18,000 of the "Bundeswehr"
saw the musical play. In Berlin,
excerpts of the play were given
over Television Free Berlin,
and seen on both sides of The
Continuing its world tour
"Space Is So Startling" is now
appearing in Boston where the
Governor of Massachusetts and
the Mayor of Boston Joined oth
er notables for the opening per
formance, Continuing its tour to
the West Coast "Space is So
Startling'* will appear at the
Municipal Auditorium in Atlan
ta for one performance only,
on Thursday evening, Sept. 26
at 8:30 p.m.
"Space Is So Startling" has
book and lyrics written by the
noted English author Peter Ho
ward, and his son Anthony. The
lyrical score is by Canadian Ce
cil Broadhurst and Americans
Richard Hadden and Herbert
Allen, who is also musical di
rector for the play.
Leland Holland, Ilene God
frey and Cecil Broadhurst are
the singing stars of "Space Is
So Startling" with featured ap
pearance by the U. S. Olympic
Gold Medal Champion oarsmen
John Sayre and Richard "Rus
ty" Wailes playing leading
roles. The large singing and
dancing cast and the story of as
tronauts and the others in the
world today, make this truly an
"out of this world" entertain
ment for the entire family.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Myers
(Sharon Deitering)
2408 McAfee Road
Boy born on September 11,1963
Saints Peter & Paul Parish
Mr. and Mrs. David Sikes
(Bernadette Flood)
415 East Hardin Ave.
Forest Park
Girl born on September 11,1963
St. Anthony Parish
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mc
(Alice Boyle)
700B Lindberg Dr., N. E.
Boy born September 12,1963
Christ the King Parish
Mr. and Mrs. James Smith
(Ellen Roach)
2423 Semmes St.
East Point
Girl born September 13, 1963
St. John the Evangelist Parish
Mr. and Mrs. Jose Fernandez
(Nora Diaz)
1603B Dixie St., S. E.
Twlns-Bo\ k Girl
Bom September 13, 1963
Immaculate Conception Parish
Miss Kathleen Face Is Bride
Of Thomas Hirons
Kathleen Marie Pace, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul J.
Pace, became the bride of Tho
mas Joseph Hirons, son of Mr.
and Mrs. A. Joseph Hirons of
Adrian, Mich., Saturday, Sept.
7, at the Cathedral of Christ
the King. Rev. Noel Bertenshaw
officiated at the Nuptial Mass.
The bride was given in mar
riage by her father. Marianna
Pace was her sister's maid of
honor. Bridal attendants were
Paulette Pace, sister of the
bride; Mrs. Michael Henderson
of Carmichael, Calif., and Mary
Hirons of Adrian, sister of the
Linda Howard
To David Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Martin W, Ho
ward of Decatur announce the
engagement of their daughter,
Linda Marie Howard, to David
Leon Smith, Jr., son of Mr.
and Mrs. H. Vernon Jarrett of
The bride elect is a graduate
of St. Thomas More and Gordon
High School. She is employed
David Huart; of Anaheim,
Calif., was he best man.
Groomsmen w;re David Weber
of Grosse Poiite, Mich., Mic
hael Henderscn of Carmichael,
and Timothy Carroll of Lan
sing, Mich.
A reception was given in the
Cathedral Fall after the wed
ding by tfc bride’s parents.
Those assisting at the recep
tion were Ann Seaver, Carol
Murray acd Denise Greene ot
Williamsvile, N. Y.
Upon returning from their
wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. Hi
rons wil) live in Raleigh, N.C.
by the Social Security Adminis
The groom elect is a graduate
of Southwest DeKalb High
School. He is employed by Ivan
Allen-Printing Company.
The wedding will bo on Octo
ber 19 at Saints Peter and Paul
Cathedral Club Holds
Election Of Officers
The Cathedral Club, spon
sored by the Cathedral of Christ
the King parish held election of
officers last Sunday, evening
those elected for the 1963-64
term include Pat Talbot, presi-
South Deanery
To Meet
In La Grange
St. Peter’s Parish Council
LaGrange will be hostess to a
meeting of the South Deanery on
Sunday, September 29th at 2:30
p.m. in the Parish Hall.
Mrs. Jack Kesler of La-
Grange, President of the South
Deanery, has prepared an inte
resting program, the highlight
of which will be a talk by
Very Reverend Vincent Bren
nan, S.M. Chairman of Archdlo-
cesan Committee on Christian
This will be an open meet
ing and all ladles of the area
are cordially Invited to attend.
dent; Noreen Leavit, vice pre
sident; Dodie Gay, secretary;
and Bert Steele, treasurer. The
new officers will be installed
on October 1st.
On Saturday, September 21,
the group will hold a cocktail
party for all new members at
the home of Jean Batchelder
at 8 p.m. Then on Sunday,
September 22, they will hold a
Discussion Night at the Cathe
dral Hall at 7 p.m. The topic
to be discussed will be “The
Catholic Club’s Responsibility
Toward Young Catholic Negro
The group will holda"Luau‘*
at the home of Tomm^ Taylor
on Saturday, September 28.
The South Seas theme will be
carried out in food and drink
along with island music. The
time is set for 8:30 p.m. and
all attending are urged to wear
Anyone interested in joining
the group is asked to call Dodie
Gay, 231-1560 or Bill Johnson,
Funds received hy the 10th of any month
urn front the first
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