Newspaper Page Text
Top Events Of Church In U. World This Year
Tragedy-trimmed 1963, pas
sing into history, left in its
wake some hints of hope for a
better world of the future.
Topping the tragedies of the
year were; the June 3 death of
Pope John XXIII (Angelo Ron-
calli), wnose efforts enkind
led good will among all reli
gious faiths in the world; the
Nov, 2 assassination of Pre
sident Ngo dinh Diem, his coun
sellor-brother, Ngo dinh Nuh,
both Catholics, when a mili
tary coup overthrew their Viet
nam administration; and the
sniper assassination Nov. 22 of
John F. Kennedy, first Catho-
] lie U. 3. President, as he rode
1 through Dallas, Tex., streets.
‘ HEAPING up hopes for abet-
• ter future were; election of
1 Giovanni Battista Cardinal
j Montim, who as Pope Paul VI
too* up the good will efforts,
particularly through the Sec
ond Vatican Council, where
Pope John left off; upsurge of
; sentiment favoring rights of
U. S. Negroes following a year
. of demonstrations which found
Catholic leaders and organi
zations in the front lines; eas-
• ing of the Church-communist
• tensions by the releases of
Archbishop Josyf Slipyi, 76,
Ukraine Primate, after 18
, years imprisonment in Soviet
Russia, Prague's Archbishop
Josef Beran, 74, four other
bishops, after 14 years arrest
in Red CzechoslovaKia, and U.
S.-born Father Walter M. Cis-
zek, S.J., after 23 years im
prisonment in Russia.
Nineteen sixty three will be
remembered, too, as the year
when: Mother Elizabeth Seton,
foundress of the Sisters of
Charity in the U. S., and John
Nepomucene Neumann, C.SS.R.,
fourth Bishop of Philadelphia,
were beatified; the U. S. Su
preme Court barred devotional
Bible reading and prayers from
public schools; the U. S. Catho
lic population rose to 43,851,-
538; the U. S. Bishops’ 1963
"Bonds of Union” statement
advocated a common effort to
acnieve racial justice, other
unfulfilled national goals; Frank
A. Hall after 40 years service
retired as N.C.W.C. News Ser
vice director, was succeeded by
Floyd Anderson; two more sou
thern dioceses—Savannah, Ga.,
and Charleston, S. C.- quietly
brought racial integration to
their schools.
HERE IS a month-by-month
account of 1963's top events of
the Church in the U. S., and the
Pope John canonized St. Vin
cent Mary Pallottl, 1835 found
er of Pallottine Fathers. First
National Conference on Reli
gion and Race in Chicago, spon
sored by nation's major faiths,
was acclaimed widely, William
Cardinal Godfrey, 73, Archbis
hop of Westminster, died in
London. NCWC Family Life
Bureau named Mr, and Mrs.
Richard T. Seidel, their 11
children, Catholic Family of
Paul Emile Cardinal Leger,
of Montreal, breifly hospitaliz
ed for "heart fatigue,” order
ed to curtail activities. Auxi
liary Bishops John J. Doug
herty and Joseph A. Costello
of Newark, N.J., were conse
crated there. Bert M. Walz, 71,
Madison, Wis., named for 1963
Vercelli Medal by national Holy
Name Society, Cardinal Spell
man returned from globe-gird-
ling 12th annual Christmas vi
sit to U. S. servicemen over
seas, President Kennedy nam
ed Archbishop Joseph P. Hur
ley, Bishop of St. Augustine,
Fla., to 6-member commis
sion to plan 1965 celebration
of St. Augustine's 400th anni
versary. Time magazine nam
ed Pope John "Man of the
Outlining 1963 U. S. aid to
schools program President
Kennedy again urged inclusion
of Church related colleges, uni
versities, but exclusion of their
elementary, high schools, Bos
ton's Richard Cardinal Cush
ing disclosed he was "myste
rious donor” of $1 million to
ransom Cuban invasion prison
V» Gallon of SWEET CREAM
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more Retreats in 1963.
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ers. National Legion of Decency
rated 153 of 187 U. S. 1962
films in "A” classes. Sarah
Weadlck, who helped thousands
of immigrants find homes in
U. S. in last 41 years, retired
as assistant director of NCWC
Immigration Department.
Archbishop Josyf Slipyi, 76,
of Lviv, Primate of the Ukraine,
freed after 18 years imprison
ment in Soviet Russia, was re
ceived by Pope John. Saluting
Catholic Press Month, San
Francisco's Archbishop Joseph
T. McGucken, NCWC Press De
partment chairman, said Catho
lic press met its greatest chal
lenge covering the Second Vati
can Council. John Cardinal
D’Alton, 80, Archbishop of Ar
magh and Primate of All Ire
land, died in Dublin. Walls of a
Catholic school in B1BLAN
Ecuador, collapsed, killing 105
children and teachers.
Pope John transferred Bis
hops James A. McNulty of Pat
erson, J. J., to Buffalo, N. Y.;
James J. Navagh of Ogdensburg,
N. Y., to Paterson, and Leo R.
Smith, administrator of Buffa
lo, to Ogdensburg, and named
Msgr. George H. Speltz of Win
ona, Minn., Auxiliary Bishop of
Winona. Attorneys General of
19 states asked U. S. Supreme
Court to uphold legality of Bible
reading, Lord's Prayer recita
tion in public schools. AFL-
CIO executive council meeting
in Miami Beach, Fla., advocat
ed U. S. aid to nonpublic schools.
Refusal of Catholic University
of America officials to Invite
four theologians—Fathers John
Courtney Murray, S.J., Gus
tave Weigel, S.J., Godfrey Diek-
mann, O.S.B., and Hans Kueng—
to a student Lenten lecture ser
ies touched off a controversy.
The 1949 cure of J. Kent Len-
ahan, Jr., 33, Philadelphia
weight lifting champion and mu
sic teacher, from near fatal
auto mishap Injuries, was ac
cepted by the Sacred Congre
gation of Rites in beatification
case of Venerable John Ne
pomucene Neumann, fourth Bis
hop of Philadelphia. Bishop
Mark K. Carroll retired and
Coadjutor Bishop Leo C. Byrne
became administrator of the
Wichita, Kans„ diocese.
Britain's Prime Minister Ha
rold Macmillan had a half-hour
audience with the Pope, U. S, Su
preme Court held the Rhode Is
land Commission to Encourage
Morality in Youth violated the
Constitution by sending list of
publications judged objection
able to book, magazine deal
ers. Adlai E. Stevenson, U. S.
Ambassador to the UN, paid
tribute to Pope John in accept
ing the annual Patriotism Award
of the senior class at Notre
Dame U. An N.C.W.C. News
Service special report said the
Church was holding its own in
Poland, despite constant Red
Mother Elizabeth Bayley Set
on, U.S. Sisters of Charity foun
dress, was beatified by Pope
John. The 1963 Balzan Peace
Prize was awarded to Pope
John. Alexei Adzhubel, editor
of Izvestia and son-in-law of
Russia's Nikita Khrushchev,
with his wffe were received by
Pope John. Rhode Island adopt
ed a law providing tax-paid
textbooks, aptitude and intelli
gence tests for pupils in pa
rochial, other nonpublic
Death claimed Manuel Cardi
nal Arteaga y Betancourt, 83,
Archbishop of Havana, Cuba;
Auxiliary Bishop Lawrence F.
Schott, 55, of Harrisburg, Pa„
in Danville, Pa. Also beatified
was Luigi Palazzolo, 19th cen
tury Italian priest-educator,
who founded a community of
Brothers and of nuns. Augustin
Cardinal Bea, S.J., president,
Vatican Secretariat for Pro
moting Christian Unity, and Fa
ther, Hans Kueng, Swiss-born
theologian of University of The-
bingen, Germany, visited U.S.
Adm. George W. Anderson,
Jr„ was named for University
of Notre Dame's 1963 Laetare
Medal; Mrs. Patricia C. Crow
ley, Wilmette, 111., cofounder of
the Christian Family Move
ment, for Magnificat Medal of
Mundelein (Ill.) College, and
Maj. Robert M. White, astro
naut and X-15 rocket planes
pilot, for the Mendel Medal of
V illanova (Pa.) University.
Commission for CathoUc Mis
sions Among the Colored Peo
ple and Indians reported 703,-
433 Catholics among 18 mU-
Uon U.S. Negroes, 129,070 Ca
tholics among 500,000 Indians,
Aubiliary Bishop George H.
Speltz of Winona, Minn., was
consecrated. Archbishop Paul
J. Hallinan ordered all Catho
Uc hospitals in Atlanta (Ga.)
archdiocese adopt an imme
diate racial integration policy.
Pope John established a com
mission of 30 cardinals to re
vise the Code of Canon Law.
The $5 million goal Laetare
Sunday collection for the Bis
hops Relief Fund was conduct
ed nationwide.
Pope John released the sec
ond major encyclical of his
pontificate, Pacem in Terris,
cautioning the road to peace is
along the moral, not the power,
route. President Kennedy at
Boston College’s centenary cel
ebration said "as a Catholic I
am proud of it (the encyclical),
and as an American I have
learned from it.” The encycli
cal also drew praise from So
viet Premier Nikita Khrush
chev. The Pope made another
appeal for world peace in his
Easter message.
New Orleans' Archbishop
John P. Cody was reelected
president general at the 60th
annual National CathoUc Educa
tional Association convention in
St. Louis. Frank M. HeUer, Dal
las, Tex., banker-industrialist,
was elected president at the Na
tional CouncU of CathoUc Men
convention, Atlantic City, N. J.
Msgr. James I. Tucek, head
of the Rome bureau, N.C.W.C,
News Service, was named for
ViUanova (Pa.) University's
1963 St. Augustine Award. Six
bishops confirmed 1,000 in a
ceremony celebrating the 75th
anniversary of the Lincoln,
Neb., diocese. Cardinal SpeU-
man offered Requiem Mass In
St. Patrick's cathedral, for the
129 men who went down with
the U. S. nuclear submarine
Thresher. Pope John named
Bishop John L. Morkovsky of
AmarUlo, Tex., Coadjutor Bis
hop with right of succession of
the Galveston-Houston, Tex,,
diocese, and Msgr, Lawrence
M. DeFalco, Fort Worth, Tex.,
Bishop of AmarUlo. Michigan's
Legislature okayed a bUl broad
ening tax-paid school bus trans
portation for nonpublic school
Worldwide concern mounted
over Pope John’s Ulness, de
scribed as internal bleeding
from gastric disorders. The
1963 Official Catholic Direc
tory reported 43,851,538 Catho
lics in U.S., year’s gain of Corn-
lies in U. S., year's gain of
969,372. On U. S. visit Bel
gium’s Leo Cardinal Suenens
addressed U. S. Committee for
United Nations in New York,
received honorary degree from
University of Notre Dame. As
Pope John Joined thousands of
U. S. Catholics in prayer Maj.
L. Gordon Cooper set a U. S.
record of 22 orbits in outer
Floyd Anderson, managing
editor, Central California Re
gister, was reelected president,
received 1962 distinguished
journalism award at 53rd Ca
thoUc Press Association con
vention in Miami Beach, Fla.
Enthroned were Bishop James
A. McNulty of Buffalo, N. Y.,
and Bishop Leo R. Smith of
Ogdensburg, N. Y. Bishop Law-
Ogdensburg, N. Y. Bishop
Lawrence M. DeFalco of Ama
rUlo, Tex., was consecrated in
Dallas, Tex. Brooklyn's Bis
hop Bryan J. McEntegart re
ceived the 1963 St. De La SaUe
Medal of Manhattan CoUege,
New York. Pope John issued an
apostolic letter commemorat
ing 11th centenary of spread of
Catholicism through Europe's
Slavic regions by SS. CyrU and
Race riots broke out in Birm
ingham, Ala., whUe tensions
were reported in "deep crisis
stage” in 30 other U. S. cities.
As war with communist Viet
Cong forces continued contro-
very broke out in Vietnam as
Buddhists protested Presi
dent Diem's ban of Buddhist
flag display. Catholic parents in
Missouri rural areas trans
ferred hundreds of chUdren
from parochial to public schools
in protest over a killing a bUl
for tax-paid school bus rides.
New Our Lady of Perpetual
Help cathedral was dedicated in
Rapid City, S.D. Bishop Dennis
V. Darning, C.S.Sp., of Arusha,
Tanganyika, was consecrated
in Philadelphia.
Pope John XX1U died June 3,
his final prayer for reunion
of all Christians. The conclave
of cardinals June 21 elected
Giovanni Battista Cardinal
Montini who chose the name of
Pope Paul VI, and ascended the
papal throne June 30.
U. S. Supreme Court ruling
that devotional Bible reading,
recitation of Lord's Prayer in
public school was unconstitu
tional evoked a flurry of bills
in Congress to combat the de
cision. The Savannah, Ga., dio
cese announced racial integra
tion of its schools in Septem
ber and the Charleston, S.C.,
diocese said its schools will
Integrate in September, 1964.
Some 250 religious leaders met
with President Kennedy in the
White House, formed an inter
faith group to promote civil
rights. Frank A. Hall announ
ced his retirement as director
of N. C. W. C. News Service
Cloyd Anderson, Catholic Press
Association president, was
named his successor. Former
Vice President Richard Nix
on, bis wife and two daughters,
were received by Pope Paul.
Boston's Cardinal Cushing
advocated the Vatican Council
consider mixed marriage prob
lems relating to the non-Catho-
11c party. Death came to Father
Edgar Schmeideler, O.S.B., 71,
1931-1956 director of NCWC
Family Life Bureau, in Atchi
son, Kan., and Joseph J. Flynn,
67, longtime top Catholic jour
nalist, In Oklahoma City. Bis
hop Lawrence M. DeFalco of
Amarillo, Tex., was enthroned.
Dolores Hart forsook movie
stardom, joined Benedictine
Sisters in Bethlehem, Conn.
Father Rembert G. Weakland,
O.S.B., was elected Coadjutor
Archabbot of St. Vincent’s arch
abbey, Latrobe, Pa. Vice Presi
dent Lyndon B. Johnson headed
the U. S. delegation at the fun
eral of Pope John.
Capping trips to Germany and
Ireland, President Kennedy vi
sited Italy, was received by
Pope Paul at the Vatican. Death
came to Valerio Cardinal Vale
ri, 79, Prefect, Sacred Congre
gation of Religious, In Vatican
City; Archbishop Edwin V.
Byrne of Santa Fe, N.M., 71,
in Santa Fe; Archbishop Ger
ald V. O’Hara, 68, Apostolic
Delegate to Great Britain and
former Bishop of Savannah, Ga.,
in London; Father Joseph Mc-
Sorley, C.S.P., 88, former Pau-
list Superior General, in New
York; Father Joseph A. Skelly,
C.M., 73, promoter, Miracu
lous Medal devotions, In Phila
delphia; Father Edward V. Moo
ney, 60, first director, NCWC
Youth Department, in South
Bend, Ind., and Father Gerald
Vann, O.P., 56, theologian-au
thor, in Newcastle, England.
Rare spectacle of nuns pic
keting Illinois dub for Catho
Uc Women for refusal to admit
Negro members (the club later
lowered racial bars) occured in
Chicago. Cardinal Spellman and
Cincinnati's Archbishop Alter
Issued strong statements fa
voring civil rights legislation
pending in Congress; Arch
bishop GeraldT. Bergan direct
ed all Catholics observe a
"policy of open occupancy” for
all residential area in the Oma
ha, Neb., archdiocese, while
Seattle’s Archbishop Thomas
A. Connolly said religious
groups are "too timid too of
ten” In fighting racial injus
tice. Los Angeles'Cardinal Mc
Intyre scored the U. S. Supreme
Court's decisions against pray
er and Bible reading attheSer-
ra International convention in'
San Francisco.
Pope Paul named Auxiliary
Bishop Francis J. Fury of Phi-
lauTphia to be Coadjutor Bis
hop of San Diego, Calif., with
right of succession and Msgr.
Jerome J. Hastritch, Vicar
General, to be Auxiliary Bis
hop of Madison, Wis. Floyd
Anderson, N.C.W.C. News Ser
vice director, resigned as pre
sident of the CathoUc Press
Association, and Msgr. Robert
G. Peters, Peoria, Ill., vice
president, became acting pre
sident. Bishop Robert E. Tracy
ordered four high schools ra-
ciaUy integrated in September
as first step in aboUshing seg
regation in aU Baton Rouge,
La., diocesan schools. In a
message to Congress Pre
sident Kennedy advocated legis
lation liberlizing immigration
laws, aboUshing the contro
versial national origins quota
With CathoUc leaders and
groups in front ranks some
250,000 persons staged a dra
matic Jobs and Freedom March
on Washington. Earlier the U.S.
Hierarchy issued a statement
urging all CathoUc individuals
and groups to become involved
personally in bringing harmony
to the nation's racial crisis.
The 1963-64 Catholic Press
Directory disclosed a record
28,847,343 circulation among
610 Catholic publications in
North America. Atlanta’s Arch
bishop Paul Hallinan was a chief
speaker at the World Methodist
Council meeting in Lake Juna-
luska, N. C. Cardinal SpeU-
man was the unanimous choice
for the American Legion’s 1963
Distinguished Service Medal.
Laurean Cardinal Rugambwa of
Tanganyika visited the U. S.
Pope Paul congratulated U.S.,
British and Russian leaders on
singing the nuclear test ban
treaty. The Vatican disclosed
Pope John XXIII established a
peace prize bearing his name to
be awarded every three years.
Equal employment opportunity
was cited as the master key In
solution of the nation's race
problem in the NCWC Social
Action Department statement
prepared for Labor Day.
Some 50,000 marched in the
traditional parade at the 8th
quadrennial Holy Name Society
convention in Buffalo, N. Y. The
1963 North American Liturgi
cal Week in Philadelphia drew
nearly 14,000 delegates. Death
claimed: Patrick Bouvier Ken
nedy, 2-day-old son of Presi
dent and Mrs. Kennedy in Bos
ton; Msgr. Donald A. McGowan,
55, NCWC Health and Hospi
tals Bureau director, in Bos
ton; Bishop Joseph M. Preciado,
C.F.M., 76, retired Vicar Apos-
toUc of Darien, Panama, in Los
Angeles, and Father Charles
Dlsmas Clark, S.J., 62, the
'hoodlum priest” champion of
ex-convicts, in St. Louis. Pen
nsylvania's Legislature defeat
ed a bill to provide tax-paid
bus rides for nonpubUc school
students. Msgr. Juan de Dios
Lopez was named Auxiliary
Bishop of San Juan, P.R., where
he is Vicar General. U. S. Bis
hops meeting unofficially in
Chicago disclosed a general
favorable expression for a
statement on religious liberty
l:rom the Second Vatican Coun
cil. NCWC Education Depart
ment survey disclosed an ex
pected 5,565,000 enrollment In
U.S. Catholic grade and sec
ondary schools in the 1963-64
school year. Deposed Presi
dent Juan Bosch, in Puerto
Rico, charged priests helped
"instigate*’ his overthrow in the
Dominican Republic.
Pope Paul opened the second
session, Second Vatican Coun
cil, on Sept. 29. Earlier the
Pontiff told the Roman Curia
he Intends to reform it. The
world was stunned by the bomb
ing of a Birmingham, Ala., Ne
gro church, killing six Negro
children. A majority of the na
tion’s public schools obeyed the
U.S. Supreme Court ban on re
ligious exercises as classes
Auxiliary Bishops Jerome J.
Hascrich of Madison, wis., and
Juan de Dios Lopez of San Juan,
P.R., were consecrated; Most
Rev. Francis J. Furey was en
throned as Coadjutor Bishop
and Apostolic Administrator of
San Diego, Calif., and Arch
bishop John Heenan of Liver
pool was named Archbishop of
Westminster (London), Eng
land. Fifteen Negroes entered
once all-white CathoUc schools
In Charleston, S.C., ending ra
cial segregation a year ahead of
schedule. Death claimed: Rob
ert Schuman, 77, twice France's
Premier, In Metz, France, and
Msgr. Edward J. Higgins, 73,
Catholic War Veterans founder,
In Long Island City, N. Y. An
Our Sunday Visitor nationwide
poU showed 60% of U.S. Catho
lics favoring the Mass in Eng-
Ush. Sixty heads of CathoUc
universities in North and South
America met in Washington, D.
First step toward canonlza
tion of Father Thomas A. Judge,
founder of the Most Holy Trinity
priests, Brothers and nuns, was
taken with forming of an eccles
iastical court In Washington.
John Gronouski, new Postmas
ter General, became 18th Ca
thoUc to serve In a President's
cabinet. American Legion con
vention in Miami Beach, Fla.,
adopted a resolution asking
Congress for a constitutional
amendment to permit prayer
in public schools. An address by
Pope Paul via Telstar satellite
opened 175th anniversary of
Georgetown U., Washington,
oldest U.S. CathoUc college.
Giuseppe Cardinal Siri, Arch
bishop of Genoa, Italy, and
Archbishop Martin Ngo dinh
Thuc, brother of beleaguered
Vietnam President Ngo dinh
Diem, visited the U. S. Presi
dent Kennedy signed a bill for
a $236.4 million program of
Federal aid for consrruction at
public and private medical and
dental colleges
Pope Paul beatified John Ne
pomucene Neumann, C.SS.R.,
fourth Bishop of Philadelphia,
who died in 1860, and Dominic
Barberi, 19th century ItaUan
Passionist priest, who received
Cardinal Newman into the
Church. Second Vatican Council
Fathers: virtually completed
work on Uturgy schema which
wUl introduce vernacular into
parts of Mass; approved broad
er role for bishops in Church,
breviary reform, and restora
tion of diaconate; and discussed
role of layman and coUegiaUty
of bishops.
Prague’s Archbishop Josef
Beran, 74, four other bishops
were released after 14 years of
arrest by Czechoslovakia’s
Reds, and U. S.-born Father
Walter M. Clszek, S.J., came
back home In a prisoner ex
change after 23 years as a pris
oner in Soviet Russia. Metho
dist Bishop Fred Pierce Corson
received honorary degree from
the Jesuits' St. Joseph’s Col
lege, Philadelphia, and Episco
pal Bishop Joseph S. Minnis of
Colorado, preached after a Ca
thoUc Columbus Day Mass for
Church Unity in Pueblo, Colo.
Bishop Leo R. Smith, 58, Og
densburg, N.Y., died in Rome
while attending the Vatican
Council. Msgr. John J. Ward
was named Auxiliary Bishop of
Los Angeles. Oregon Atty. Ge.
Robert Thornton ruled shared
time programs between public,
private school pupils are con
James T. Carey, California
U. professor, arid Perry H.
WiUiams, Negro member of
President's Committee on
Equal Employment Opportuni
ties, received the 1963 James
J. Hoey Award medals for in
terracial justice work. Pope
Paul consecrated 14 bishops
from the six continents at a Mis
sion Sunday ceremony in St. Pe
ter's basilica. The Sacred Con
gregation of Seminaries can
celed its order prohibiting U.
S. CathoUc coUeges to award
honorary degrees without its
•permission. Mrs. Rose Ken
nedy, mother of the President,
and Baltimore's Archbishop
Lawrence J', Shehan received
honorary degrees from Mount
St. Mary's CoUege, Emmits-
burg, Md. Rep. Clement Zab-
lockl, Wisconsin, back from
congressional Far East fact
finding tour, said there was no
evidence of Buddhist persecu
tion by Vietnam President
Diem's administration. Larid
movie advertising was scored
by Msgr, Thomas F. Little,
National Legion of Decency
executive secretary, In talk at
Theater Owners of America
convention in New York.
President John F. Kennedy,
46, was assassinated Nov. 22 by
a sniper, who also wounded Tex
as Gov. John B. ConnaUy in
DaUas, Tex. A few hours later,
Vice President Johnson, who
also was in DaUas, took the oath
as President on a CathoUc
Bible. History’s greatest con
gregation of world leaders at
tended the funeral Mass offered
by Cardinal Cushing in St. Matt
hew’s cathedral, Washington.
The first CathoUc U. S. Presi
dent was burled in Arlington
National Cemetary.A week ear
lier he had paid a surprise
visitto the National CathoUc
Youth Organization Federa
tion convention in New York.
President Ngo dinh Diem and
Nhu, both Catholics, were as
sassinated Nov. 2 when a mili
tary coup overthrew their Viet
nam government, A debate be
tween Germany's Cardinal
Frings and Cardinal'Otuvianl,
secretary of the Congregation
of the Holy Office, over the
Powers of the Roman Curia
highUghted the Vatican CouncU
sessions. The CouncU Fathers
approved the Uturgy and com
munications schemas, discus
sed ecumenism, the bishops and
diocesan government topics.
Death also claimed; Archbis
hop Daniel Mannix, 99, of Mel
bourne, Australia; Father John
LaFarge, S.J., 83, author, edi
tor, racial justice champion, in
New York; George A. Pflaum,
Sr., 60, pubUsher of classroom
periodical s for parochial
schools, In Dayton, Ohio. Msgr.
Robert G. Peters, editor of the
Peoria (Ill.) Register was elec
ted president of the CathoUc
Press Association at a board
meeting in Chicago.
The 1963 statement of the U.
S. Bishops, "Bond of Union,”
emphasized many U.S. goals,
including racial justice, are un-
fulfUled but can be achieved
by a common effort. Archbishop
O'Boyle of Washington was re
elected- NCWC administrative
board chairman at a U. S. Hier
archy meeting in Rome. Father
Leonardo Murialdo, 19th cen
tury ItaUan champion of trades
men, and Father Vincent Ro
mano who died in 1831, credit
ed with saving the ItaUan town
of Torre del Greco, from the
wrath of Vesuvius volcano, were
beatlf'.Ji. Bishop James E. Mc
Manus, C.SS.R., was named
AuxUlary Bishop of New York,
after retiring as Bishop of
Ponce, P.R., where he was suc
ceeded by Coadjutor Bishop
Luis Aponte, first native to
head a Puerto Rican See. Pope
Paul named: Msgr. John J.
Graham as AuxUlary Bishop of
PhUadelphia; Father John T.
Daley of PhUadelphia, as Auxi
liary Bishop of Harrisburg, Pa.,
and Father Bernard M. KeUy as
AuxUlary Bishop of Providence,
R.L Dr. Martin Luther King,
Negro rights leader, was pre
sented with the 1963 St. Fran
cis of Assisi Medal by the,
Third Order of St. Francis ii
New York.
Pope Paul promulgated con
stitutions on liturgy, bringing
vernacular to the Mass, and on
communications media; issued
morn proprio granting 40 facul
ties to bishops of dioceses, as
second session of Second Vati
can CouncU ended. Third ses
sion was scheduled Sept. 14 to
Nov. 20, 1964. Pope announced
he would make Holy Land pU-
grimage Jan. 4 to 6. U. S. Bis
hops pledged to "make full use
of the vernacular concessions.”
Signing measure for $1.2
billion U. S. aid program of
classroom construction at pub
lic, nonpublic coUeges, Presi
dent Johnson caUed it greatest
"education bUl" in U. S. his
tory. Cardinal SpeUman left on
his 13th consecutive Christmas
visit to U, S. personnel over
seas, going to HawaU, Fiji Is
land, New Zealand and the South
Pole. Nunzlo Sulprizlo, 19, a
19th century Abruzzl, Italy,
blacksmith's helper, was beati
fied. Dayton U. named Father
Rene Laurentin, Angers,
France, theologian, for Its 1963
Marlanist Medal. Montreal's
Cardinal Leger left Rome for a
month's visit to Africa mis
sions. Consecrated were; Auxi
liary Bishop John J. Ward in
Los Angeles; Bishop Edward L.
Fedders, M.M., Prelate Nul-
lius of Juli, Peru, in Coving
ton, Ky. AuxUlary Bishop Jo
seph A. Durick of MobUe-31 *m-
ingham, Ala., was named Coad
jutor Bishop with right of suc
cession of NashvUle, Tenn.
Congress extended die contro
versial Mexican farm labor
(bracero) program to Dec. 31,
1964, Indicated it then would
President Johnson posthu
mously awarded Medal of Free
dom, highest U.S. honor for ci
vilians, to Pope John and Pre
sident Kennedy, and to 31 oth
ers, including Genevieve Caul
field, 75, blind U.S. Catholic
missioner of Far East blind.
Congress dropped a birth con
trol authorization from the $3,6
bUlion foreign aid bill. Death
came to Bishop John C. Cody,
63, of London, Ont., and Arch
bishop Alfonso Carinci, 101,
whose death made retired Bis-
nop Edmund F. Gibbons, 95, of
Albany, N.Y., Church's oldest
bishop. President Johnson was
scheduled to speak at a Dec.
22 candellght memorial service
for President Kennedy at Wash
ington's Lincoln Memorial, ar
ranged by Archbishop O'Boyle.
Msgr. James F. Chambers,
Buffalo, N. Y., was named pro
rector of North American Col
lege, Rome. Belgian Father Do
minique Pire, O.P., 1958 Nobel
Peace Prize winner, made a
U, S. lecture tour.