Newspaper Page Text
Vol. 36, No. 4 WOLVERINE OBSERVER May, 1967
The Proposed Boy's and Girl's Dormitory-Cafeteria in the Center.
Brown Students
The Movies
Kappa Alpha Psi
Observes Guide
Right Week
by Don Graham
Beta Delta Chapter of Kappa
Alpha Psi Fraternity paid tribute
to three Morris Brown College
beauty queens in a colorful cere
mony celebrating the fraternity’s
annual Guide Right Program in
The queens who were crowned
on April 20, in Stone Hall are
Beatrice Tann of Valdosta, Ga.,
Miss Kappa Alpha Psi, Phyllis
Lane of Miami, Florida, Miss
Kappa Alpsha Psi Sweetheart,
and Shirley Sullivan of Augusta,
Ga. Miss Scroller.
The Guide Right Program is a
National movement of the fra
ternity conducted on a year
round basis in order to provide
youth the greatest opportunity
for developing and discovering
their potentialties and having
done so, to make proper contri
bution to the interests of man
The members of Beta Delta
chapter who participated in the
program are Ronald Lyas, Ron
ald Simmons, James Young,
Richard Hardon, Don Graham,
Willie Carter, Samuel Favors,
and Ronald West.
The American
Negro Dilemma
The new factor in U.S. rela
tions and politics that has come
to be known as Blacklash is
more than merely the reaction of
some white people to Negro
rioting or cries of “Black Pow
er.” Many white Americans are
(Continued on Page 4)
by Syble Avery
“Where do we go now?” ask
ed Jarret Thomas after a very
serious discussion on Negro col
leges and universities on April
21, 1967. Discussions such as this
one were held with several Mor
ris Brown students on April 24th
- 28th. These discussions were
filmed and recorded by Calvin
Production of Kansas City, Mis
According to Philip Benson,
Associate Managing Director of
The United States Senate has
approved by a 53-26 vote a plan
to provide a federal income tax
credit of up to S325 for tuition,
books and fees paid by students
in colleges and universities.
Final enactment of the plan
awaits agreement of a Senate-
House Of Representatives con
ference committee.
Senator Abraham Ribicoff, D-
Conn., offered the tax credit plan
in April as an amendment to a
House-passed bill which would
restore the investment tax credit
to businessmen.
Under Ribicoff’s amendment
the tuition and fee credit is 75
per cent of the first $200 paid,
25 per cent of the next $300 and
10 per cent of the next $1,000.
The credit is substracted from
Production, the purpose of mak
ing this film is to discover at
titudes of Negro College students
about their education and plans
for life work.
Mr. Benson said “We hope to
uncover misconceptions that
Negro College students have
concerning career opportunities.
We hope to correct some of the
misconceptions and motivate Ne
groes to attend college and strive
for the new career fields that
have recently opened. We hope
the income tax owed the govern
The credit is available to any
person who pays the tuition.
Thus, it would be available to
working students and wives as
well as to parents and other re
latives. Parents with more than
one child in college or graduate
school may get a separate credit
for each.
“Over two-thirds of the bene
fits of this amendment would go
to families earning less than
$10,000 a year,” Ribicoff said. A
formula reduces the amount of
the credit available to high
bracket taxpayers.
Senator Ribicoff said that is
an urgent need for tax relief for
persons faced with the increas-
, (Continued on Page 2)
to point weaknesses in communi
cation between America business
community and Negro College
students. We also hope to point
up values of career planning and
counseling to the total educa
tion program.”
Mr. Benson also said that a
(Continued on Page 4)
Probates For
Spring Line
The following people were in
itiated into sororities and fra
ternities during the month of
Sigma Gamma Rho
Beverly Fortson
Patricia McElrov
Patricia Wilcoxin
Barbara Ellington
Charlotte Randall
Zeda Stanley
Alpha Phi Alpha
Alphonza Gay
Minder Rucker
David Williams
Phi Beta Sigma
Marian Ealy
Lawrence Freeman
Franklin Lee
Kappa Alpha Psi
Steve Belcher
Omega Psi Phi
Lloyd Swain
Fred Williams
Frank Moore
Ronald Walker
Ellis Woods
La Norris Boyd
United States Senate Approves
Student Income Tax Credit
Atlanta University
Art Exhibition
by Virgil Carr
Alexander McMath’s oil “Pre
lude to a Kiss’ won the Atlanta
University award of $300.00 for
best portrait painting at the 26th
exhibition of sculpture, painting
and prints by Negro Artist in
April at Waddel Gallery at At
lanta University.
Other paintings that receiving
awards in descending order are:
Spring Frolic” by Gilbert Hatch
er; “Flowers and Paper Magni-
field,” by A. D. Macklin; Reclin
ing Nude” by Alvin Smith.
Isabell Cotton won the first
prize in sculpture for “Despair.”
The works in the exhibition
were in oil, watercolor, clay and
stone. Atlanta University will
buy all prize-winning works and
make them a part of their con
temporary art collection.
The judges of the exhibition
were Joseph Peirin and John C.
Alpha Kappa Mu
On The Go
The six robed forms that
paraded across campus for three
days during last month were
prospective members of Alpha
Kappa Mu Honor Society.
Initiation took place on Wed
nesday, April 12, in the confer
ence room of the Hickman Union
Building. The initiates were
Edna Armstrong, Martha Harts-
field, Reita Johnson, Birdie Mc-
Michael, Olinda Moore, and
Elaine Norfleet. For eligibility
each individual had maintained
an accumulative average of 3.39
or above.
April 17, 1967, the members of
Alpha Kappa Mu met with Dr.
W. F. Payne and elected these
officers: Edna Armstrong, Presi
dent; Martha Hartsfield, Vice
President; Reita Johnson, Secre
tary; Olinda Moore, Reporter;
Elaine Norfleet, Business Mana-
ager; and Birdie McMichael,
Activities Chairman.
The members of Alpha Kappa
Mu said “we are expecting each
student to strive to join us
during the next initiation period,
during the next initiation period.
All Brownites should strive for
academic excellence. Many of
you reading this paper are cap
able of becoming members of
Alpha Kappa Mu if only you
would begin working up to you
“Being a member of this soc
iety is not an end itself. Alpha
Kappa Mu is the means toward
higher and better ends-fruitful,
rewarding lives.
‘The members of Alpha Kappa
Mu hope that all Brownites will
at all times strive to do their
“We hope to see many more
robes on campus next semester.”
Olinda Moore