Newspaper Page Text
March 20
Devils and
For a Good Season
VOL. xxiii
A Teenage Nutrition Confer
ence is being held today an
Athens, at the University of
Georgia. The program ■will deal
with such topics as fad diets,
health foods, and new t foods
which are on the market.
ECUS Clubs were invited fo
send delegates'. Those clubs
which chose to send representa
tives were: Alpha Beta, Athena
Tri-Hi-Y, Blue Sword, Delta
French, Hi-Y, Interact, Key, Mu
Alpha Theta, National Honor,
Pep Club, Thespians, and Y.O.T.
The Annual Military Ball will
he an event of March 14. The
featured band will be Chocolate
Buttermilk. The dance Is open
to the school with attire for
non-military participating males
being coat and tie and formal
for girls. The cost will be $5
per couple or $3 stag.
The Drama Department, un
der the instruction of Mrs.
Felice McBride will sponsor a
talent show on March 21. Ev
eryone is invited to come and
display their talents. Auditions
are being held today in the
old gym from 1:15 until the
talent runs out. Monetary award
twill be presented in the amount
of $30.00. The first place win
ner will grab $15.00, second
place winner will take $10.00
and the third place winner will
rwalk away with the $5.00 prize.
The show will be held in the
old gym during fifth and sixth
The ROTC Department hast
made several promotions in re
cent weeks. Those being pro
moted from Company Com
mander to Staff are Rodney
Little, Dan Jones, and Larry
Ayers. Sam Baker is current
ly on the Staff as Adjutant
atad has been promoted from
Captain to Major.
New company commanders
are Mike Fontson, Joey Loving-
good, and Jack Watts. Lieu
tenant rank has been awarded
to Jeff Jones, . Tony. Bryant,
David Kay, and Linton Huff.
On March 22 the ECHS Drill
Team will be traveling to At
lanta for a 30 team meet.
The French Club held their
annual French week, the week
of February 10-15. Members of
the club gave the devotional
and blessing services over the
intercom in the French langu
age. Posters were also display
ed around the school greeting
the students in French, along
with the English translation.
1E3C A(S®!K
ECHS STAR Student, Teacher Named
Tommy Howell, second from left, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Cullen Howell, has been named Elbert County High STAR
student. He selected Mrs. Carol Goddard, left, as his STAR
teacher. Walter McNeely, chairman of the Elbert County
Chamber of Commerce’s Special Activities Committee, pre
sents Howell his certificate as Mrs. Dorothy McDonald, Cham
ber manager, looks on. /
Howell Named STAR Student
A resident of the Rock Branch
community, Tommy Howell is
the 1975 STAR student ait El
bert Counity High. School. In
turn, Howell chose Mrs. Carol
Goddard, a math instructor, as
STAR teacher.
Tommy, a senior, is the son
of Mr. and Mrs. Cullen Howell.
He plans fo enter college, but
as of now he is undecided oh
what institute he will attend or
what field of study he will pur
Selections were announced by
the Elbert County Chamber of
Commerce and Walter McNeely,
Special Activities Chairman.
The chamber sponsors the pro
DECA clubs. He is employed
by West End Grocery. Tommy
was recently chosen as one of
the twenty students for recog
nition as Who’s Who.
“i was honored to be named
STAR student,” he said. In
selecting Mrs. Goddard for the
faculty honor, Hoiwell said “I
am especially interested in
mathematics and Mrs. Goddard
has helped to develop that in
A native of Nashville, Tenn.,
and a resident of the Bowman
community, she is married to
Mr. Bruce Goddard. Mrs. God
dard is a graduate of the Uni
versity of Georgia and Georgia
Honor RolN #
The Hexagon staff would like
to recognize and congratulate
the following 6 6 people for
making the; second nine weeks
and the first semester honor
roll. In order to make the A
honor roll a student must main
tain grades ranging from 93-
100. To capture the A-B hon
or roil the students may fall
between 86-100. The following
people are to be congratulated
for this effort:
9 Weeks A Honor Roll
Tommy Bryant, Sheila
Grimes, William Staples, Carol
Winn, Drucelle Whittner, Pam
Mixon, Steve Bond, Brenda
Bond, Rhonda Bell, Elaine
(Continued on Page 4) ,
Robert Fowler, a senior at
ECHS, has been notified that
he is a finalist in the National
Merit Scholarship competition.
He will receive a Certificate
of Merit and will be informed
between mid-March or early
May if he has won a Merit
Robert shares this honor with
a highly selected group of less
than one-half of one pier cent of
the nations’ graduating seniors.
Of the 14,000 finalists only 25
per cent of V these will receive
Merit. Scholarships.
In informing Robert of his
attainment, Elizabeth Jacka,
executive vice president of the
National Merit Scholarship
Corporation pointed out, “You
have demonstrated outstanding
academic ability and have
shown potential for becoming
one of our nation’s future lead
ers in your chosen field.” She
urged, however, that “This po-
AyeTs Nominated
To West Point
R.O.T.C. Cadet Captain Lar
ry Ayer® has been nominated to
the United States Military Acad
emy. He is eligible for this
nomination by the R.O.T.C. De
partment because the E.C.H.S.
unit was designated as an Hon
or Unit with Distinction during
the annual Federal Inspection
last year. This nomination to
West Point is not a final ap
pointment; however, i|t does
mean that Larry’s Qualifications
wiili be reviewed.
In considering Larry, a copy
of 'hi® grade® were sent along
with recommendations from
counselors and teachers. In
addition, Larry will undergo an
extensive physical aptitude test.
He will be ' notified around
April of the Academy’s decis
Larry is the son of Mrs. Omer
Ayers. He is vice-president of
the Mu Alpha Theta and is an
active member oif the Blue
Sword and the Future Farmers
of America clubs. He is also a
member of the Rifle team.
tential will be realized only
through perserveranee and the
most extensive training and
preparation you can obtain.”
gram, along with the Georgia
State Chamber of Commerce.
The top student is a member
of honor clubs, including the
National Honor Society and
Alpha Beta. He is also Yreslr
dent of the Mu Alpha Theta and
Employment Good
Says Mr. Gaines
The monthly meeting of the
Distributive Education Club of
America was held recently. The
club was honored to have had
as their guest speaker, Mr.
George Gaines, personnel su
pervisor of the Granite Asso
ciation and a former graduate
of Elbert County High School.
Mr. Gaines spoke to the club
about the present situation of
Elberton’s unemployment rate
in the granite business. Accord
ing to Mr. Gaines, Elberton is
not suffering more unemploy
ment than normal.
Different types of jobs were
discussed and also the steps to
take in applying for a job. The
meeting was concluded with a
question and answer session.
Tommy and Mrs. Goddard
will join other county winners
at a district banquet in Au
gusta this month. The state
wide banquet is planned for
April at the Marriot Motor
Motel in Atlanta.
Students Attend
9th District Clinic
Seven Elbert County Band
students participated in the an- i
nual Ninth District Clinic Band, I
hold in Blairsville, Ga., on Feb
ruary seven and eight.
Selection of students was 1
based on the director’s recom
mendation of their ability. Each
student was placed in one of
two bands, pending an audition, j
This year’s’ participants were
Mary Lawrence, Sandra Hamm,;
Charles Dunn, Tammy Boger, I
Samantha Abner, Joyce Dunn, |
and Pam Mixon.
Following a series of long re- |
hearsal®, the two bands pre
sented a concert on Saturday
evening at 7:30 in the audi
torium of Union County High
Principal Paul Abernathy (right) presents a certificate
of merit to ECHS senior Robert Fowler (left) for being nam
ed a finalist in the 1975 Merit Scholarship competition.