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Vol. I No. II
The Spelman Spotlight
January. 1958
fij/l'T'llWIL-DA 0063 S 'TO OiN<3
A T A]oRe.itoase. oqoozgo r£-a. x
•jattiviV’D Dobbs will be ore sente cl in
cation and recreation building of i ore house
2nd, at 4*30 P.F.
i iss dobbs is a graduate of boel-
mr.n, end. nude a brilliant record while
a student here. She graduated with high
honors, and all. of her scholastic and
artistic achievements since that time
have b' en of the same calibre.
All of us here at Guelman are pzoud
of our lost famous sist' r and have fol
lowed her career from its beg inn ins;,
not only arc ve oroud of her as a So el-
man graduate ( * 1 l.C) but as an excellent
singer, he feci, therefore, that it is
niircessary to urge you to supnort the con
cert, especially since the proceeds go
to the U.N.C.F.
it sure to check 1 ith 'our class
officers or the alvmac office to get
the complete details on the sale of
tickets, lach Spelman student is being
asked to sell at least two t ickets.
Let's support the concert from every
viewpoint 1
-i t -j-aumme cjuj.cii on.- i, >
As a member of the United egro
College Fund, a . e—Init r—.lumnac Club
has been organize d at Spelman. IhemstD-
bership is com vised of all S pe lman
students. Taking th< inxetiative in
this organization is a group of twelv*
representatives, three from each class,,
who make in a i* rc— inte r— lumnae Coun
cil. s their first project, the- club
is directing the calc of tickets f or
r.ttilda T)o’obr concert to be heltl on
February 2nd.
concert in. the new health, physical e u-
Collc e on Sunday afternoon, Febr u ry
/V] tf>4 \A3iT3
-by Jane lo n'
During the' part few weeks We have
had, he re in Atlanta, members of the
roral 2e-Armament movement visiting in
the city. They came to present the
world p. c.miere of "The Crowning txreri-
ence," a musical olry based on the life
of hary i .cle od 3ethunc .
Mere, at Spelman, we’ve had the ex
perience. of listening to several mem-
bars give testimonies in chapel*
I ,1.A. is bast d on four absolute
moral standards; honesty, purity, un-
sclfishness and love. ■ ach morning the
believers have a period of silence in
which they listen to God’s voice.
Thoughts that come to them at this time
are written in small books which they
carry at all tint s. After their period
of silence, they have a meeting in which
they confess their bitterness, failures
and other short comings, By common con
sent the women members of the movement
wear no make-up.
It has been an interesting experi
ence. to me' t a grouo of people so fir-in
i' convinced. that they have found an
answer to the world problems.
The Art department plans a n art
exhibit for Sunday, January 26, at 4:30
on the ground -H.oor of La v ra Spelman,