Newspaper Page Text
Jared to rdso their hand in New York, and
to .merpose difficulties and dangers to the set
tlement of the public agitation throughout the
country? Let us see.
We have understood for several days, that
a suonlaneous movement was in
among the people in this city,'y dtscon-
nei't' d with party, fpr the purpose of
showing distinctly to ( engross what arc the
red sentiments which prevail among us m re-
1utnm to the Tariff We have purposely ab-
au.ii.ed front recommending any such-meeting
because, in a matter connected with the mteg-
nty of the Union-the adjustment of the Ta-
riff—the people sre tho most competent to
judge and decide for themselves—Ibid.
In the Senate, on the 7th insl., the bill to
modify and continoo the act to incorporate the
subscribers to the United States Bunk was ta
ken up—.the question being on the engross
ment of the bill,—
Mr. White rose and addressed the Senate
in opposition to the bill. Alter speaking two
hours, without concluding, he gave way to a
motion to adjourn,
And the Senate adjourned.
In the House of Representatives, Mr.
Adams moved tho House go into Committee
upon the Tariff—which was agreed to—Mr
Speight in the Chair.
Mr. J. Davis resumed his speech. Which lie
finished alter speaking nearly three tiours ; he
concluded by moving an amendment to the
bill from the Committee of Manufactures,
changing the minimum value of woollen
cloths, upon which en ad valorem dutv o. 5
p.\ cent, only was to be charged, tit 33 1-3
cents per square yard, and fixing the dutv on
other woollen cloths at SO per cent, ad valo•
rent, to bo charged upon the wholesale value
at the place ol importation, 89 settled by tbe
appraisers of the port.
Mr. T. R. Mitchell then addressed the
H o”so upon tho general question, about two
Mr. Bell moved the Committee rise, which
was carried.
Mr. Adams moved that the amendment,
.moved by Mr. J. Davis, be printed, which
-was agreed to.
The House then adjourned.
In the Senate, on the 8tn insl., the bill to
nudity and continue the act incorporating the
subscribers to the United States Bank was
lakeu up—the question being on the third
reading of the bill.
Mr. White resumed and concluded his
speech in opposition to the bill, and lie
followed by Mr. Hill, who spoke at conside
rable length on the same side.
Mr. Benton took the floor and afler speak
ing a short time, he gave way to a motion to
adjourn. Mr. Mangutn moved the adjourn
ment, and tho Speaker had declared it was
carried in the affirmative, when the count was
disputed and the yeas and nays were ordered.
The question being then taken uy yeas and
nays, it was decided in the negative as fol
lows ;
Teas 19—Nays 24.
Mr. licuton resumed his remarks in nppo-
yi*i, i to tho bill, and,afler speaking till 20 min-
ulus past 5 o’clock, he gave way t<> a motion
to adjourn, and, on motion ol Mr. Dickerson.
The bonate adjourned.
In the House of Rcpr-seniaiive.-, Mr. Ar
cher moved the House go into Committno «f
the \\ bole on the stale of tlie Union, upon the
French treaty, which w >s agre-d to.
The Houbo, accordingly, went into Com
mittee, Mr. Wirkliffe in he Chair.
The hill carrying nto cflfeei ihe treaty with
the King of the Frcneh, was rend.
Mr. K. Everett moved to amend the bill by
striking out 3 years as the period during which
th<- commission under the trenly should exist,
■wt.ioh was debated by Messrs. Polk, Ells
worth, J. Reed, Appleton, Pearce, E. Ever
ett, Dearborn, and Archer, J. Bates, when the
motion was carried—
Ayes 77, Noes 56.
Mr. Jewett moved an amendment fixing the
compensation of tho Commissioners at $8 per
dry during the time actually employed, not to
exceed, including travel, at the roto of $3 for
every 20 miles, 83,000 per annum, which was
Mr. Penrco moved nn amendment provi
ding that out of all sums allowed individuals
under the Treaty, such sums as may he due
from them to the Government shall be dedue-
ted—which was agreed to.
Mr. Archer moved to sirike out Juno as
the commencement of the silting of the Com
mission, and insert August-which was agreed
Tho Committee then roso nnd reported tho
bill and amendments to ihe House.
The question was taken on ihe amendment,
which, after debate, were respectively agreed
Mr. Vance moved to strike the tenth sec*
lieu, which regulated the duties upon French
wines according to the treaty, irnm tire bill—
he was opposed to giving the power of regula
ting duties by treaty.
Mr. Barringer said this section wus inserted
in the bill for tbe very reason that it was nut
in'euded to admjt that the President and Se
nate possessed thut power under treaty regu
After a brief explanation from Mr. Archer
the previous question was moved and sus
Mr, Vance asked for ihe yeas and naya up
on tho previous question whicn were order, d—
Tho motion wos carried—Ayes 119—Noes
The question of engrossment of the bill as
amended was carried wiihout division—to day
was named for Ibe third reading.
Mr. Adams moved the punting of several
statements furnished by the Secretary ot the
Treasury relative to the tariff in answer to
calls made by the Committee of Manufactures
to-which was agreed to.
Mr. Dravton moved to suspend tho rule
devoting Friday's to private hills, in order to
proceed to the consideration of the Tariff,
which was carried—
Yeas 110—Nays 51.
Mr. lVjckliffe offered a resolution prescri
bing that tho House, after disposing of the
morning business upon each day. would then
proceed to take up and dispose of bills on the
Speaker’s table until 12 o’clock, when the
House would each day take up Ihe subject of
Ihe Tariff until otherwise ordered—which was
agreed to.
The House then, on motion of Mr. Dray
ton, went into Committee upon the Tariff—
Mr. Speight in the Chair.
Mr. Bell addressed the Committee upon the
general sudject about two hours and a half,
when, without concluding his speech, ho gave
way fora motion by Mr. G. Evans, that tbe
Committee rise, which wns carried.
Several bills from tho Senate were read the
first and second time and referred.
The act further to extend tho pensions of
certain widows and orphans of those who hnve
died in the Naval service ofthe U. States, was
read a third time and passed.
The House then adjourned.
From the National Inrclligoucer, Juno 11.
The bill to continue the Bank ofthe United
States passed ton third reading in ilia Senate,
on Saturday lust, by a majority of five votes.
Had the three absent members been present,
we understand the majority would hnve
been eight
The bill, as it has passed the Senate, con
tains in substance the following provisions:
1. The Bank charter to lie continued for
fifteen years, from and after 3d day of March,
1836 ; that being the day on which the presont
charier expires.
2. The Directors may appoint two or more
officers to sign notes less than one hundred
dollurs, which shall bo binding on the corpo
ration. in the same manner as if signed by the
President nnd Cashier.
3. Tho Bank is not to isstta or pul in circu
lation any notes, or any checks or drafts, of a
loss denomination than fifty dollars, which
shull not, on the faces thereof, be payable at
the bank where issued.
4. The Bank, and all its offices, shall bo
buund to receive, in payment of balances due
them irom other banks, notes or bills of the
Bunk of the United States, wherever made
payable on their laces.
5. The Bank is to hold no real estate (ex
cept bunk buildings and lands mnrlgaged, &c.)
lor h longer period than five years.
6. The Bank shall not establish or continoo
more than two offices in any one State.
7. The Bank is in pay two hundred thou
sand dollars a year to the United States for (he
benefits of the charter, during the whole peri
od of fifteen years.
8. It shall be lawful for Congress to pro
vide by law, that the Bank shall ho restrained,
nt any time after March 3, 1836, from issuing
or keeping in rirculniinn, bills of n less deno-
minatioo than twenty dotlars.
9. The easluer shall report annually to I he So-
ereiury of the Treasury the name of all stock'
holders; mid tho Treasurer of any Slute, on
tvq lost, shall ne furnished with a list of
siockh Iders who mny bo citiznos of such
11 will be perceived by our renders, that with
the exception of the section continuing the
charter, und that authorizing tho signature of
small bills by other officers besides the Presi
dent nnd Cashiers, all the provisions nnd en
actments of the bill are limitations and re
straints on tho Bank, or increasing its bur
dens. First, as to ihn bonus. For the pre
sont charter, and for the whole twenty years,
the Bank paid one million nnd a half of dollar)',
for tho new charter, and for the shorter period
>f fifteen years, tho Bank is to pay two hun
dred thousand dnllnrs a year; that is to say
three millions in all.
2. The circulation of small chocks and or
ders is prohibited.
3. All notes issued at any office shall bo
payable at that office.
4. All the offices are bound to receive the
notes of all other offices, when offered in pay
ment of balunees due from Slate banks.
5. The very important power is reserved of
restraining the circulation of all bills under
iwenty dollar'. This provision wus inserted
for the alleged purpose of giving up a large
pnrtion of the circulation of ihe Bank to the
State institutions, if the Slates shall ho of
opinion, that Ihe public good requires a with
drawal from circulation of all notes under five
dollurs, with a view to the introduction of n
greater portion of specie into tbe general cir
6. The number of Branches is limited to
two in any one Stale.
In Committee of ihe Whnle a section was
introduced for distributing ihe bonus among
Ihe scverul States, according to numbers ; but
thi- section wus subsequently rejected, and
the money is to bo paid, like other public mo
nies. into the National Treasury.
Ii seems to us that this bill very fairly pee-
seuts the question, whether tbe Bunk of the
United Stales shall be continued ; since it m-
iroduccs no new cause of dispute, bm, on tbe
contrary, contains several restraints on the
Bank, introduced to givo the greater security
to the public interests.
The following »ere the yeas and nays, on
Ihe passage of the bill, vix:
Yeas—Messrs. Bell, Buckner, Chambers,
Clay, Clayton, Dallas, Ewing, Foot, Freling-
huysen, Hendricks,Holmes,Johnstoo, Knight,
Naudain, Prentiss, Robbins, Robinson, Sils-
bee, Smith, Sprague, Tipton, Tomlinson,
VYagvaman, Webster, Wilkins—25.
-Ya^x-.Messrs. Beaton, Bibb, Brown, Dick
erson, Dudley,Ellis, Forsyth, Grundy, Hayne,
Hill, Kune, King, Mangum* Marcv, Miller*
Moore, Tazewell, Troup, Tyler, and White
New York, June 7.
Defeat of the Ministers on the Reform Rill,
by a majority of 35 votes I /—By the ship Tal
ly Ho, Capt. Fisher, arrived from Lovcrpool
last night, whence sho sailed on the 8th of
Mny. The most important news brought by
this vessel is, that in the House of Lords oil
the 7th, in Committee of the Whole a major
ity of 35 was obtained for the postponement
of the first clause of the Reform Bill. There
were but 267 members present It was then
moved and carried that ihe further considera
tion of the bill should be postponed till the
10th of May.
An express edition of th London Sun, da
ted at midnight of tho 7th, gives this very im
portant intelligence, with tho particulars which
we copy below. The vote, it will be seen,
was upon a motion of Earl Grey to postpone
the title of the bill, in order to come to the
consideration of the clauses. Though the
question was upon an umondment, it seems to
have been considered decisive of ihe fate of
the bill, unless recourse should be immediate
ly had to a now creation nfPeers.
The London Sun is of opinion Hint such a
course would without doubt bo pursued. It
seems, says that paper, “to bo the opinion
of several Peers in the Houso, that an extra
ordinary Gaxettc containing a list of sixty new
Peers would apper on Wednesday,” (the 9lli)
the day previous to that upon which Ihe con-
sideraiion of the Reform Bill was to be re
New York June 11.
By the ship Henry IV, f'uplaiu Rockeit,
from Havre, we Have Parts papers to the 9th
and Havre to the 11th ultimo.
The Cholera in Paris was'rapidly subsiding.
At midnight ofthe 7th, 48 deaths for the pre
vious twenty-four hours were reported; nnd
on the 6-h 35. A consultation of physicians,
on the 8th pronounced thu case of M. Cnsiinir
Perier to be favourable, anticipated steady
At Havre on the 7th, four new cases of
Cholera ivere reported in the hospitals—none
in the city. Tbe whole number of c-uses had
I *“ n
iieSR 63 ; rie?!hfi 27—remaining 19.
The Duke rid Reichstadt was recovering
from his sickness at the last dates.
The following paragraphs comprehend all
the news of moment brought bv this arrival.
France.— I he Chambers were to bo called
together nn the 1st August.
The French troops have ovactuatcd Anco
na, und (he Austrains have received similar
orders, aud most of them aro ulrcadv gone.
Arrest of the Dutchess de Berri.—The
steam boat Charles Albert, having on board
the Ductless de Berri, the Duko of Almazan,
the Duko de Escars, and the son of Marshal
Hourmont, with several other pt eminent mem
bers of ilie Carlisi party, having attempted to
land at Marseilles, was seized by the armed
ship Sphypx, conducted to Ajaccin in Corsica,
and the passengers were put on hoard it fri
gate which was lo return them to Holy Rood.
Report of the Capture of Madeira.—Cap
tain Gorham, of the General IFun-en, nrrivod
at Now York from Smyrna, reports thut he
wus boarded, on the 24th of April, by the slop
of war Donna Maria, under English colors,
off the harbor of Madeira, heard that Don Pe
dro’s forces hud made prisoners of ihe Gover
nor and oflicers of the Island, nnd sailed the
day preceeding for Turreira lor a largo rein
forcement. The officers and men in Don Pe
dro’s vessels wero English. Capt. G. on
boarding the Donna Maria, saw men whu had
been wounded in an action with the Islanders.
Several prizos had been made, nnd four or
five American vessels had been ordered off
Capt. G. was ussured by the eommunder that
the Americans had barn Well treated.—Chas
The Reform Rill is lost—the King has re
fused to croate Peers—the liberal Ministry
have resigned, and all England is in a slute
of confusion I
C LARK Postponed Sheriff's Sale.—On
( he first Tuesday in AUGUST next, will bu sold
at Ihe Court house in i< atkinrville, Clark county,
w ithin the usual hours ofssle, the following properly to
“’I !
Six Negroes, to wit: Amy a woman about
twenly-fivfl years ofsge; Lizy a girl, shout four years
old ; George a boy, about Iwo years old , Joe a boy,
about sat yraia olu j Lindy agirl, about four years old;
and Nelson a hoy, about five year*old: levied on as
the property of Gabriel A- Moffett, lo satisfy a fi. fa is-
sueuen ths forecloturo of > mortgage in favor ufSle-
vens Thomas, vs. said Moffett.
May tt9. JAMBS HENDON, D. Sli’ff.
V ACKSON Sheriff's Sale.—On Ihe first
Tuesday in AUGUST next, will Ik. sold al the
Court-house in Ihe town of Jefferson, Jackson county,
within the usual hours of sale, the following property,
to wit:
One Black Marc : levied nn ns the property
of James B. Lord, to satisfy two 6. fas. onnin favor of
tlexekiah W. Scnveil, thoolher in favor of James Lig-
on, vs. James Lord snd Simeon Lord.
June 36. BARNABAS BARttON, Sn'fT
H ALL Sheriff’s Sale.—On the first Vues-
dsy in AUGUST next, will be sold, at the
Court House in tbe Town of Gainesville,Halt coun
ty, within the usual bouts of sale, the following pro
perty, lo wit:
One Lot of Land, No. 38, in the 8th Dis
trict of Hall county, whereon Hectnr McCumic now
lives: levied on aa his properly, lo satisfy a fi. fa. it-
aued from Hall Superior court, in favor of James Stane-
cypher, vs. said McComic.
One Fifth Part of Lot No. 162, in thoAhli
District of Hall county; levied nn as Ihe property of
Lewis Smith, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Lawnorn
and Venable, eg. said Smith.
One Negro man by the name of Dnvid.
about 15 years old: levied on as the property of Janies
C. Tate, to aaiiefy a A. fa. issued from Franklia Supe
rior Court, in laVur ofGeorge Lott, for lb* use of John
Lott, vs. Edmonson and Tat*
One Negro Man by (he name of Tom, about
95 years old: levied on as the properly of Mary l>.
Woodson, lo salisfra fi. (it. issued from Hall Superior
Court, in favor of Milton (L Gathrite, vs. Henry Homes
and Mary D. Woodson.
Six Sacks of Sail, nnd one Sotrel Mnro,
six or seven years old: levied on the property of John
Stmson, to saliefy a fi. fa. issued from Hall Superior
Court in favor of Alexander Rutlerree, for tho use of
William Grady, vs. John Slinspn ; Joseph Ferguson
and James A. Johnson, securities on slay of execution.
Four Hundred Acres of Land inoro or less,
adjoining Merrell and others: levied on as Ihe proper
ly of William Pope, lo satisfy s fi. fa. issued from a Jus
tices court in favor of Amos Dow-cry, vs. said Pope.—
Levy made and returned to me by a Bsliff.
One Lot of Luod, No. 37, in Ihe 12th Dis-
trict of Hall county: levied on os Iho properly of E. J,
Jackson, to satisfy three fi.fus. issued from a Justices
c°arl, in favor of Reuben I licks, vs. said Jackson snd
F. Carter. Levy made and returced lo me by a Ba
All of Robert Hamilton’s interest in Lot
No. 94, in tire 12th District of llall county : levied on
as the property of Robert Hamilton, to satisfy u fi, fa.
issued front a Justices Court in favor of IV. N. Bishop,
vs. said Hamilton. Levy made and returned In mo by
o llaliff.
Juno 26. A. CHASTAIN, Sli'ff.
M ADISON Sheriff’s Suit!.—On the first
Tuesday in SF.PTEM Bl-’.R ilex 1 will he sold at the
Court House in tho town of Danietsville, Madison
county, within tho usual iiustrs of sale, thu follow ing
property, to wit:
Two Negroes, Fog a Woman, and her child
Jack, Iwo C ovs and Calves, and one Yearling ; four
beds and furniture, livu bedsteads and colds, four ta
bles, two trunks, eight chaiis, three pots, two ovens,
one brass and otto iron kettle, one skillet, two sols
knives and forks, four earthen dishes, one dozen plates,
two sets cups and sauce:., two looking glasses, one
donnjon, five common bowls, two wash bowls, two
stone pitchers, three stono jure, and four common pitch
ers. Also, one gray Horse, one bed and furniture, nne
stand of curtains, one spider, one oven, one pine slab,
and one pair of sltovel aud tongs: letted on by virtue of
two mortgaged, liis. in favor of James Long, vs. Sum-
ucl Higginbotham, and taken as the property ofthe
said Samuel Higginbotham, and sold by order of the
Superior Court of said county. Property pointed out
in said mortgage fi. fss.
June 26. RICHARD B. GIIOLSTOv, Sb’ff.
l<aw Notice.
T HE Subscribers respectfully tender their services,
to their friends and tho public in tho lincoftheir
Profession ; Persons in Augusta, holding claims against
individuals in the Counties of Clark, Walton, Jackson,
Gwinnett, ifa!!, Oglethorpe, Morgan, llebcreliain and
Franklin, which they desire to have collected, will en
sure every attention to them, by placing them in the
hand* of Andrew J. Milter.
of Athens.
of Augusta.
June 26—15—tf.
F OR SALE, the Plantation whereon tin subscri
ber now lives, near the Town of Athens, consis
ting ot about
ACRES, with a large twr» ntivrv Dwelling House, and
other suitable out budding*. The \vliolc or n part of
the plantation will he dtai used of with the buildim!**
to suit purchasers; tbe fituatiun is healthy and sufli-
Cieritly near (within a mL*) t in Odiuijp for all the
advantages of the school?. I would .ai ticnlarlv invite
parents who wish to educate their ehildron under their
own immediate guardianship, to call and sec the premi
see. JOHN NlSBFaT, Jun.
June 25—l. r »—6t.
J 03T received from New York an elegant assort*
ment of
Ladies and Gentlemen's
Gold, Silver, Lepiuc, common Watches, Alan, Silver
do. do. do. j Ladies Gold neck snd watch chains; Gen
tlemens' Gold safely snd watch chains; Ladies and
Gentlemens’ Gold and Plnlcd watch seals and keys;
Ladies Pearl, Jel, all Gold, Gold and Coral, Gold and
Cameo Ear ornaments of a new pattern amt very
splendid. Breast pins, Finger rings, Medallions,
Miniature lockets, Pencil cases, Gold and Silver »nee-
lacles, Gold end Silver thimbles, Shirt slmls, Bracelets,
common Solely chain* of variotia pattern.; Plslcd
castors Plated and Brass candlesticks, snuffers snd
trays Plated fruit baskets, Brillania Coffee snd Tea
acts, Razors, Razor straps and hones, Shaving boxes
snd, Cloth, Hair, aud Tooth brushes, Pen
knives, Pistol-, Fancy boxes, Boll buckles, Dcmostlic-
nian keys, Scissors, Snult boxes, Pocket books and
Wallets, Glass and Coral beads, Music boxes, Beed
purses, Childrens Silver whistles, Childrens Dumb
watches, Silver spoons, Silver and Plntcd Butler knives;
Claronets, Flagellate, common and Octave Flutes;
.avendei and Orange water. Milk nf Roses, and an
iegsnt assortment of Brass Clocks end Manila Time
Pieces, &c. kc, B B. LORD.
N. B. Canes mounted with Gold or Silver; and Sil
ver spoons made at aliuriest notice.
Wanted a few thousand dollars worth nf Georgia
Gold. B. B. L.
June 12—IS—eow3m.
A Fortune, if you want one!
N Gwinnett county, Geoigia, the subscriber has for
sale a valuable Landed Estate, with excellent im
provement* upon it, two framed Dwelling Houses, one
commodious enough for u Urge family—its aile is upon
a beautiful eminence, overlooking two splendid newly
built Mills, both in good order; ihe Oriel Mill has
when attended, a full support. The planletiun lias
various cabins upon It, a good still house, and a very
Superior spring, which tuns at the bass of the hill from
a flint rock muted with granite, it is pure, and is recei
ved into a beautiful rock basin, formed by nature.—
The mill pond ebounde with the best kind of fish. The
Milla are upon Ivy Creek, which is a lively stream,
furn'shing water al all seasons to keep the mill* in
operation. 8nmo Gold '-aa been found upon one ofthe
Iota—Iron ore in abundance, and a place to nut the
Factory. About one quarter of a mile below the mills
is a splendid Shoal, where an extensive Iron I actorv
can be eilabUsbed, end judges who hsve examined
tbe mince upon thepremiacs, pronounce them rich anil
inexhaustible. Persona wanting such property will do
well to visit ihe premises, and judge (hr themselves,
and then ball and see the subscriber, i bey are best
know n ss Bogan’s Mills, abaut T miles from Lawrtnte-
villc. renns ‘""^aly jleKliF.N, Talbotlon, Gen.
ApritJO—4— W3m,
JVeit) Goods,
T HE subscriber having recently received a fresTf
supply of
Consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, llsrd-wares, kc—
offers them for sale on vnrv reasonable terms at bis
store opposite Mr. Byrd’s Hotel.
He returns his tlmnks io his former and present ctis«
lomcrs, and hopes that the low prices of his goods, will
secure* continuance of their patronage.
June 19—14—if.
Strayed or Stolen,
ROM the subscriber, living 4 milet
from Lexington, on the road lead
ing to GreeUesbofough,nn Sunday night
the 10th inst.,a gray mare of tolerable
size, about 5years old, 5 feel nne inch high; marked
on the left shoulder by a ehnlnr, also, on her tight
hind leg about two inches above her pastern joint, is a
knot occasioned hy a rock. Any person who may take
up nnd convey the said animal to Lexington, where I
can gel Iter, shall receive a reward nf J'en Dollars,
June 19- 14—3l—p.
(*i*;iiiiitini' School.
t BMIF. Trustees.>f the Grammar School in Athens,do
B now announce t-> Ihe public; that the institution
is in successful operation, under the management of
Mr. William It. Hunt; a graduate of Franklin College,
and an instructor of some experience. From Ihe trial
made under Iho present provision, from personal iii-
speelion hy visiting enmtoiftees of the hoard, snd sn
attendance upon a quarterly examination, the Trusters
can and do with confidence rreumnrnd Iho institution
to the public, as a preparatory school fit youth drsitntr,
la enter tho College: And persons visiting Athens fur
n summer residence, arid all others, are assured that
pupils will he well prepared fur College, rii pursuance
ofthe coiittu recommended by the Faculty of the Col.
Ample provision will ho mado for accommodating
the increasing numbers of the school.
JOHN A. COBB, Chairman.
E. L. NEWTON, Secretary.
P UPIL from Iho Conservatoire of Paris, reaper-tfnl.
ly informs alto citizens of Athens and its vir mity,
that lie proposos lo idacli Ihe following brandlt'es nf
Vocal and Instrumental music, lo wit: Vocal m <aie,
Church or Lyrical, Piano Forte, Guitar, Violin, Bass,
French Horn, Flute and Clarionet, flo will luno and
repair Pikno Fortca in ths beat order—Sell music and
Piano strings.
Mr. Marck will bn glad that persona wishing hie ser
vice, will call at Capt. Brown's in this place, where all
orders left will be piinctuolly attended to.
Refcrrewce—Dr. W tV. Waddet, G. W. Shaw, and
S. Tcnny, alt -f thin place.
JnnelD—14 M.
Planters' Hotel,
(BUIE PLANTERS’ HOVEL in thrv place, ie fi t
U, kept by tin- subscriber. Promo h ami pled.
gesaro the common order of Ihe dsy Insnehcu-es, but
as heretofore ho refrains from either; yet ' e hopes to
he able to givo as genaral satisfaction aa any other
man so high up the country. Gainesville is a pleasant'
Village, and is perhaps nne of the healthiest places in
the State—in Ihe nnrneriiele vicinity of the Gold Re
gion, will: t ,vo lime-stono springs near it, ono is 11,
and the other 3 miles distant, with a good road to each.
A Stage has commenced running fio/n August* to this
piece twice u week.
fCjF° The Editors of the Georgia Journal. Augusta
Conslitmi-mslist, Abbeville Whig, will givo Ihn above
three insertions, and forward their accounts to the sub
scriber for payment. L. C.
Gainesville, June 19—14—if.
T TE subscriber will sell at puM'io sain in the low-it
of Wntkinsville, en the first Tuesday in July next,
the following properly, to wit: Ono Negro Worm ft
about 30 ynaranld, and tier three children, a Girl almut
5 years old, a Hoy about 2years old, and a female chi d
about 6 months old. Sold ss tho properly of Jacob
Klotts, deceased, for the benefit of liis heirs. Noli.a
with approved security, will be laltm, doe 1st January
June 12—13—31. . .
Ir on Work $.
gU till'. iron Works, which the subscriber lias been
JL building fur the Iasi IS months, is now completed
in in operation, w here
of defferent descriptions can b« had on moderate terms:
of all descriptions neatly made, can Mt had at the thor-
Ordcrs sent io me, may b* directed to Clarkerdllc,
Habersham county, Georgia; which is within iwo and
a ball* miles of the Iron Work*, High Shoals nn Suque.
JV. B. Any gentleman Dr company if min
willing to embark in thu busineat of Manufacturing,
either Colton or A sol, can be furnished by the subreri-
ber with water power for that purpose to almost any
extent gratis, and ho earnestly invites such as feet dir.-
posed io engage in the business to visit him during the
present Summer, and tee the prospect for tufch estab
Tho Lumber, Iron and Castings necessary for such
building*, can bn furnished at tue place en moderate
terms. J. S.
June 12-13-31.
Blanks of nil descriptions foV
sule nt tin's Office.