Newspaper Page Text
dan of Baldwin, Jordan of Jasper, Jourdnn of
Jones, Jones of Lincoln, Jones of 'Morgan
Jo.ies of Scriven, Kendrick, Kendall, Ki.
of Glynn, Lamar, Lewis, Ligon, Livingsio i,
Lockhart, Luckie, Mathis, McCraven, Me
Call, McIntyre, Moore, Moughon, Nesbit,
Neal," Oliver, Paine, Parker,Perry, Pemberton
Porter of B iker, Porter of Greene, Powers.
Ramsey, Reinsou, Ryan, Sayre, Scarborou li
Simms of Decatur, Singleton, Story, Stokes,
Tait of Elbert, Taylor, Tennille, Terrel ,
Thompson of Elbert, Thompson of. Taliafcr.
ro, Tigner, Trammell, Underwood, Wafer.
Waldliour of Effingham, Waldhourof Liber
ty, W ilker of Richmond, Welbom of H.irris,
Welch, Whigham, White, Wittick, Wooten I river.
of Monroe, Wootan of Wilkes, Young. I This is ‘he anr ount of what we have
gistrate, who was seated in the great cabin, I to fame and to his interest,as to feci a willingness to
with a newspaper in his hand. Among them yield one iota pf the too little influence that the South
a person, who atlerwards proved to he R. B. is now able to exert in the National Councils of the
Randolph, late a lieutenant in the U. S. Na- country 7 If there “is one, then him have we of.
vy, presented himself, apparently witha view fended." Of all other rights this is tho one that
to salute him, and assulted him in the face should bo tho most cherished and the last to be yield,
with considerable violence. With great en- ed by tho people of the South, and the most suicidal
rgy and presence oi'mmd, the President in- act that tho people of Georgia could be guilty of,
flautly rose up, pushed the assailant from him, would be to adopt any amendment of the constitution
roiectin" himself at the same time with his I which should have, even the most distantly, a preju-
arms. By the interference of the bystanders, dicial bearing on this important question. It ought
Randolph was hurried from on board, and it to be as dear to the people of the South as th<^ very
was s;iid would be handed over to the civil au- apple of their eyes. These things are contemplated
horities. The boat immediately got under >»y the propositions adopted by a majority of the late
weigh, and pursued her course down the convention, and it now remains to be seen whether or
not,' when their deformed offspring is presented to the
people, they will add insult to attempted injury, and
NAYS. Messrs. Adams Acre, Adair of I able to learn of this unpleasant occurrence. 1 urge upon them its adoption. When we reflect,
Carroll, Adair of - Madison, Anderson, Beall, VVe understand a statement of the facts sign- | however, deliberately on the course of the majority
Blair, Bowen of Carroll, Bowen of Jacksou, ed by several of the passengers, has been for
Brewster, Brewton, Burch, Camp, Chastain | warded to Washi igton.—lb,
of Habersham, Chastain of Union, Clark o!
an ccs, he will be available acquisition to the Corps
Editorial of our State. The Editor says, in speaking
of Gen. Jackson, that “ wliile we hold ourselves free
to contest his errors, os often as they transpire, we
shall feel ourselves bbun^l to acknowledge the prac
tical republicanism of his .administration, as long as
it shall stand steadily, apd gloriously permanent.”
Hall, Clark of Henry, Codec, Cone of Bil
Cone of Bulloc'i, Cox of Upson, Crowell,
Daniel of Emanuel, Denmark, Detinard,
Dobbs, Dismukes, Dunham, Espy, Farmer,
l aris,Fleming of Talbot, Fori of Twiggs, Fu!-
wool, Garrett, Garrison, Gresham, Griffin,
Groves, Hall of Wilkinson, Hamilton of Ran-
<loIph, Hand, II .rris of Walton, Harris of
Wayne, Jas. Hemphill, Hendrick, Hilliard,
Iloilidnv, Holcombe, Houghton, Irwin of
Campbell, Johnson of Henry, Jones of liar,
ris, Jones of Wilkinson, Kelly, Kennan, Key,
King of Fayette, King of Richmond, Knight,
Lawson, Lindsey, Little, Lowther, Lumpkin,
Martin, Mays, Maugham, McIntosh, McCoy,
McRae, McBride, Mclv.rland, Morgan,
From the Milledgeeille Federal Union.
Agreeably to previous notice, a very lar
and respectable meeting of the Uninn par
from every qu liter of the State, convened in
the Representative Chamber, at the State
House, on Tuesday evening the 14th inst. Af
ter tiie resolution, referring to Messrs. For
syth and Wayne, was read, Judge Wayne
arose and addressed the meeting at consider
able length, giving a lucid exposition of his
own and Mr. Forsyth’s course, a succiat an !
very lucid narrative of the principles of the
old democratic party, of the innovations at
tempted to be introduced by the nullifiers into
the republican creed, and of the administra
tion of President Jacksqp. The effort was
very happy, and was received by repeated
in the convention, wc are irresistibly impressed with
the opinion that the grand object *to which their la
bors were directed, was simply the adoption of such
alterations and amendments to the constitution, as
would prove obnoxious to, and be rejected with scorn
by Jhe people—that being privately opposod them- 1
selves to any reform in the Legislature, they were
determined in this way, to bend the will of tho peo
ple to their own selfish and ambitious views. If our
surmises are right, (and we would by no means in
clude all who voted with the majority, as acting from
such motives) we will be apt to find them lake-warm
and indifferent when the question of adoption or no
adoption comes before the people These are our
general views of the proceedings and results of the
late reform Convention. We will endeavor hereaf
ter to lay before our readers more particularly the
To the Editors af the Southern Banner.
Gentlemen :—The following communication from
the columns of the Christian Index, presents to my
mind an example well worthy of imitation. The
practice of wearing mourning has long appeared to
me to be perverted from its original import, and car
ried to a very improper length. If churches, and so
cieties, would follow the praiseworthy example hero
furnished, community would soon be disenthralled
from the tyranny of this perverted fashion.
From the Christian Index.
Mourning Apparel.—I am requested by
the Baptist Church of this place, (Columbia,
S. C.) to transmit for publication in the In.
dex, the following extract from the minutes
of the Church:
“ Resolved, That we believe the habit of
wearing the usual badges of' mourning is a
custom 'of the world, not in accordance with
the spirit of the Gospel; and should be aban.
doned by the.members of Christ’s house.—
We therefore recommend from.tbis time for
ward that our brethren and sisters dispense
with them.”
Before passing this resolution, we had ob-
served with pain that the poor and those in
moderate circumstances in life, (and the poor,
•Kr There mil be three CAMP-MEET
LNGis held in the Appalachie Circuit the pres
ent year, to continence as follows:
Ilaystan’s Camp-Ground, in Greene county, on th*
night of the 9th of August.
Watkinsville Camp-Ground, in Clark county, on
the night of the 4th of September.
Cherokee Corner Camp-Ground, on tho night of
the 20th of September.
Each of which will continue at least four days.
The Preachers are invited to each of those mectinirs '
May 18, 1833.
Weu, Store.
Macon and Lard
X Weight of Georgia re.iso
LA li D.for sale by the subscriber, liviugncar Jefferson,
Jackson county, lie will ai?poso of the Bacon at 10
cents round, and the Lard at the same price.
\v:,I. D. MARTIN.
May 25—10—2t.
the blessed poor, make up the largest por.
tion) in our churches, have often hecn thrown
grounds of our objections to the propositions which | into expenses which they were unable to bear,
Moseley, Murphey, Montford, Nolan, Oqtu ., burst of applause. We hope that Judge Wavne
Park ol Baldwin, Park of Gwinnett, Park o» wffl down the substance of his rem a rk s
Wnllon, Pittman,Powell,Pope,Quillian, Riley, | lortbe j )resa>
have been adopted by that body, and which are short
ly to be laid before them for their rejection or adop
Roberts, Robertson, Rogers, Sams, Schley,
Sellers, Sessions, Simms of Hall, Sloauc,
Smith of Lowndes, Smith of Stewart, Smith
Important Decision.—A case of considerable ini.
portancc, involving the right of masters arresting
and whichr they darfed not neglect, lest they
be accused of a want of proper feeling and
regard for deceased friends.
Many, who have felt the impropriety, nave
been unable alone to brave public opinion,
ir 'bACON, and a quantity of
Lumpkin Comity
TiHE Krm of S. J- MAYS It. CO. was dissolved
*- on the 1st February last, by limitation. S. J.
MAYS tenders; his thanks to the.aithen* of Athens
ad vicinity, for th* liberal patronage heretofore re.
jpived—he has just relumed from.New York, where
bo selected with groat-dare, a handsome assortment of
And is now opening in the Store formerly occupied
oy J. WHITE «$• CO. He flatters himself to hold
out such inducements as to insure him a share of the
favors of his friends cud former customers. There
ny be found among his assortment, tho following
Pry Goods*
W ILL be sold on tho first Wednesday in July
next, on lot No. 950, 12th District, 1st Sec
tion ; all the Town Lots laid -Out for the county she
in said county. The sale to continue from day to
day till all the lots are sold. Terms iaadeJ.nov.-u on
the day of Sale. *
JOHN OXFORD, j. i. c.
JOHN C. JONES, j. i. c.
JOHN D. FIELDS, j. i. c.
May .25—Gt.
On Tuesday last the 16th, Baron dc Kru-1 and taking possession of slaves without a warrant, and have been ruled by the custom of this
dener, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister was lately tried before Judges Baldwin and Hopkins, world, doing violence to their consciences.—
of Tat. util, Speak, Springer, Stewart, Srick-1 Plenipotentiary of his Majesty, the Emperor in the U. S. District Court at Philadelpliia. I We therefore determined to act in concert
land, Slurtcvant, Sturges, Swain, Tail of of allthe Russians, was presented by the Sec- The case was brought by a Mr. Johnson for dama- and sustain each other, and present the sub-
Cherokee, Thompson of Campbell, Thomp-1 rotary of State to the President, upon his re- ges against the defendant a Mr. Kinderminc, who had ject to the public, especially the Southern
son ot Coweta, W ird, \V ulthal, Walker of Ir- turn, after an absence some time on leave.— I seriously injured Mr. J. in an attempt to rescue a States, believing that as it is taken up at the
4 GREEABLY to an order of the Honorable In.
ferior Court ‘
Ordinary purposes,
in August next
Hamilton, Harris county, Lot of Land No. 121, in
the 18th District of formerly Muscogee, now Harris
county. Sold as tho property of the Orphans of Jon
athan .Helton, deceased, and for thoir benefit.
Terms—Small notes with approved security, paya
ble 2otli December n3xt. ».
May 25-—10—Ids. j
'.xtra super blue, brown, black and olive Broadcloths*
Super •• <• •< « «
Common ** << ««.•>- «» «*
VESTINGS—-White and fancy colored Marseilles,
do. English silk and satin faced,
do. Black silk velvot and fancy cotton do*
Paddings, 4 and 6 quarter.
White gauze Flannels. - *
Irish Linens, Russia. Sheetings, bleached and blown*
Birdeye and table Diapers. , .
Lawns—3-4 Scotch Diapers.
Super damask Table Cloths. ; .
Furniture Covers—Piano do.
SUMMER CLOTHING—consisting of crape Com.
blets, French and English Bombazines, linen and
cotton Drillings, Rouen Cassimeres, Ennitts, Pitts
burg Cord, mole Skin, buff Cuslunerct, yellow
Bleached and brown 3.4, 7-3, 4-4 and 5>4 domestic
Siiirtings and Sheetings.
PIud and stripe Domestics. - i
Furniture ;ie . ' -art <\' cNa. . m ■
win, Watson of Monroe, Watson of Musco
gee, Welborn of Houston, Webb, West, Whit
aker. Wilcox, Wilson of Early, Wilson of
Hall, Willaims, Willingham, Wofford, Wood,
Mr. Trammell offered the following as a
substitute for said section, viz: “ The House
of Representatives shall consist of 129 mem
bers and no more ; each county shall have
one member, the 30 counties having the high-
est federal representative population, shall
have one additional member, and the 6 coun
ties having the extreme highest representative
population shall have the remaining 0 ; and
in ease of any new created county, it shall
have one representative until the taking of the
next Census, and be attached to the next
contiguous Senatorial District.” On receiv
ing the substitute, the yeas were 99; the
nays v.vre 139.
Mr. Barker then offered the following as
a substitute for tiie section under considera
tion ; “ Tho House of Representatives shall
•n>; sist of S9 members, to wit, one to each
county and no more”—which was rejected.
The question was then on agreeing to the
original section which was decided in the afir-
l native, by veus 128 ; nays 109.
W. Globe.
runaway slave,whom he had taken up in Pennsylvania J north, we shall findjavillttig and able advocates
whilst harbored by said Kinderminc. Judge Bald, here who will do ample justice. With these
win charged decidedly in favor of the plaintiff, and remarks I shall leave the subject for others.
the jury found for him four thousand dollars dama-
gesThis was in Philadelphia, the head quarters
of anti-slavery fanaticism, and shows that if there is I
a disposition to meddle with the question of slavery
even there, it is just such a one as the South would
; desire and approve of.
Albon Chase and A. .11. IVisbet, tldiion.
The General Government and the Cherokecs.—We
j call the attention of our readers to the corrcspond-
[ encc in another column of our paper t&is week, on
this subject. These letters of Secretary Cass and
Mr. Herring, put at rest forever the ioolish story so
O’ By the Millcdgeville papers received last eve
ning, wc have the conclusion of tho proceedings of
the Reduction Couvention, frQm which we find that
Spring G&mls.
HE Subscribers having just opened an Assort
ment of New and Fashionable .Spring Goods,
offer them for salo on tho most Reasonable terms.
May 18—9—3t.
T HE Subscribers having just received a Choice
and Select Assortment of
Offer them for sale very low. Among yvliich arc
The following is from the Augusta Constitutionalist,
and contains the necessary alterations :
According to the plan proposed by the Con
vention, the House of Representatives is to
New Candidate for Governor.—We published last widely circulated since the passage of tho enforcing G f 144 members : 15 fcounties having
our information of last week was in part incorrect. ! Large Caned ..hell Combs. .
Medium and Small do.
Plain hell do. assorted.
Plain Shelf Neck, Roll and Side Combs
Frcdcrickslmrg, May 8.
Monument to the Mother of Wash
ington—The President ot the United Slates:
Gov. Cass, Secretary of War; Mr. Taney,
Vttomey General; Major Barry, P. Master
General; and Major Donnelson, the Pres
ident’s Private Secretary, arrived in town on
Monday evening. They were accompanied
| by a number of citizens from the District,
! ('apt. Moore’s company of National Cadets
[from Washington, C.ipt. Kinsey’s company
I of Riflemen and Capt. Brockett-’s Light In-
lfintry of Alexandria, the marine Band from
(the Navy Yard, as well as many strangers
[from the eastern towns. They were met a
week an article from the Recorder announcing the
nomination of Maj. Joel Crawford ol Hancock coun
ty, as a candidate for Governor at tiie next election
We have not learned whether or not the nomination
lias been accepted, but take it for granted that it has;
Major Crawford being in Millcdgeville at the time,
ns a delegate in the convention from Hancock, wc
conclude that his silence on the subject is expressive
of his assent.
Maj. C. is an accomplished statesman, a gentle
man of sterling integrity and patriotism, and we be
lieve, notwithstanding the shout with which his name
was announced by tho ultra nullification editor of the
“ Millcdgeville Times," that he remains true to the
good old fashioned doctrines of State Rights—unuw-
ed and unnerved by “ tile pollings of the pitiless
storm” of Nullification, on the one side, and the iron
bound coast of consolidation on the other—true to his
integrity, and true to the streamer of State Riuhts axd
hill, that the views of the Cabinet and its former pol- I the b j gbest wliite population are to be. enti-
icy towards the Indians,would have to yield to the re- t i e< j each to lhree mcmbers; 25 counties next
quirements of that instrument. The Secretary of highest in white population each to two mem-
- L ' 1 * “ hers; and the remaining 49 counties each to
War says on this subject, (in speaking of the letters
of Mr. Herring to the Indian agent and others)—
“These letters will undoubtedly remove any errors,
which may have prevailed, and will show that the
opinions of the President are unchanged.”
The letter of Mr. Herring some time since, to Jno,
Ross, which has been so industriously usod by the
head men of the Cherokee Nation (and by a few pol
iticians in Georgia for the same purpose) to delude
the Indians into the belief that the Government in
tended to drive off the Georgians and restore to them
one member. It follows then by taking the
census of 1831 for our guide, that the follow
ing 15 counties are to be entitled to three
members : DeKalb, Elbert, Franklin, Gwin-
nett, Habersham, Hall, Henry, Houston,
Jackson, Jasper, Jones Monroe, Newton,
Walton and Washington : The following
25 counties to two members • Bibb, Burke.
Chatham, Clark, Columbia, Coweta, Fayette,
Greene, Hancock, Harris, Jefferson, Madi-
Brazitlian Carved and Plain Tuck, Neck, and
Side Combs, assorted.
•May 18—9—3t.
M AY be had at my Shop, next door to T. Han
cock &. Co. extremely low for cash or credit,
all kinds of
their lands, Mr. Herring says, was intended to relate Mcrriwether, Morgan, Oglethorpe, Bike, _ .77 „ , .. rn . „
solely to that part of the Cherokee country lying with-j Putnamj Richmond, Taibot, .Troup, Twiggs, Consisting of H^temena f .
in the States of North Carolina and Tennessee and
over which these States have not extended their juris
diction. It is lor the purpose of removing intruders
Union,which floats around him. These are our present | from these sections of the Cherokee Nation that
impressions, and if we*hoold be in error 1
will doubtless set us right.
The Times" troops have been sent in that direction.
Upson, Warren, Wilkes, and Wilkinson
And the following 49 counties to one mem
ber; Appling, Baker, Baldwin, Bryan, Bul
loch, Butts, Camden, Campbell, Carroll, Cass,
Cherokee, Cobb, Crawford, Decatur, Dooly,
Extra super cair-brick Ginghams.
Seersucker striped and plaid do.
Corded skirts, cambrick and furniture Dimities.
MUSLINS—Foundation book, loom Swced do., 4.4
and 6-4 plain do., nansook and jackonet, Swiss and.
mull plain and figured, stripe and check do., dr a.
pery do„ scollop and insertion muslin Trimmings*
Bishop Lawns. ■' ' • ■ •
7.8,4-4 and G-4 cotton Cam'aricks.
Ladies’ plain and fancy cotton Hose.
•Super black do.
Men’s silk half and cotton do. .
Misses’ cotton do.
Ladies’ colored and white horreskin Gloves.
Long kid ■ ; do.
MisscS* do. and Mitts.
Men’s beaver, horacakin,- buff and charmoiso Glove^*. .
Cotton and sill: Suspenders.
Gentlemen’s Stocks, a great variety.
Furniture Fringes and Cords, assorted.
Linen Cambrick and lawn Handkereliiofs.
Gentlemen’s Collars and colored Bosoms.
Fai&cy and Sill* Goods*
Black and blue Sarssietts.
White, blue, pink, yellow and green Sarsnctts.
Black Italian Lustring. 1
Super Mattionis.
Black gros dc Swiss—Black gros de Swas*
Super black Satin. *
Figurtfil black and colored do.
Black watered and colored gros dc Nap.
iSilk and Colton UMBRELLAS*
Plain and Figured
Black Italian and liat Crapes.
Bead B igs an l Purses.
Black and colored gauze Handkerchiefs,
Crape and Blond Gauze - do.
Zephyr crape Handkerchiefs.
Hnrnani do.
Silk Muslin do.
Blond Gauze Capes and Veils.
Gentlemen’s pongee, flag and bandanna Ildkfs.
Boys’ do. do. do. do.
A Splendid Assortment of cap, bonnet and belt Rib
Silk Braids.
'Thread Laces, English and French.
do. Footings and Edgings.
Plain Bobinets, 3.1, 7-8, 4-4, and G-4.
Quillings and bobiact Footings.
“ Why, I will fight with him upon this theme,
Until my eye-lids will no longer w-ag."
Not feeling altogether willing to risk our charac.
ter for patience and forbearance in tho excited stale
of feelings, produced by the reception of the actings
short distance beyoad Falmouth by the Mar. and doing ’ of the late misnamed Reform Convention,
shuls ol the day, the Fredericksburg Guards, we hav * allowed several days to pass by, for the
the Rifle Company and Fredericksburg Blues „<• ..j ...
The amende Honorable.—Our friend, Mss. Axne Early, Effingham, Lmanucl, I'.loyd, Forsyth
Rotal (we must still claim her as such, notwithstand- Glyrin, Gilmer,-Heard, Irwin, Laurens, Lee,
ing she has publicly accused us of wilful falsehood) I Libert v,. Lincoln,,£*owndes, Lumpkini, Mari-
we are sorry to find has gotten out of humor with us I on, McIntosh. Montgomery, Murray, Musco-
for calling her by the respectful, and endearing name I gee, Paulding, Pulaski, Rabun, Randolph,
of Mother, and into a rage (very unbecoming for a [ Scriven, Stewart, Sumter, Taliaferro, Tatt-
lady) we were innocently guilty of calling I nail, Telfair, Thomas, Union, Ware, and
her Paul Pry a deistical character. Now, as we hope I Wayne.
Boots; Calfskin, Morocco, black Buck-skin and
Sealskin Shot3 and Pumps ; Ladies Buckskin, Mu-
mdc.o and Sealskin' Shoes. Every description of I Sprig Bobinots.
-Farming Shoes of a superior quality; all kinds ot'Ne- | G:mp Flouncings.
gro Shoos; Children’s Shoes of every description. Feather Fans.
Repairing done in the neatest mannor and at short | Gilt and cut Glass Bonds—Together with a large as-
nofico. Materials and work all warranted.
Persons wishing to economise in the above article I
of dross, would do well to call and judge for them,
selves. It. ROGERS.
April 13—4—mly.
Company and Fredericksburg Blues
I Junior, by whom the President and Suite were
j accompanied to their lodgings.
A troop of Light Horse, from the county
I of Fauquier, under the cammand of Cupt.
ITho’s T. Fuuntleroy, also arrived the same
Laying the Corner Stone.—This ccr-
lomony took place on Tuesday, with very im-
[posing effect. About 9 o’clock the President
[was escorted from his lodgings to the Town
JHuil, where he was introduced to a number
lof citizens and strangers, who called to pay
I I heir respects to the Chief Magistrate of the
i at ion. The day was fine, and the occasion
attracted a large concourse of persons from
[the adjoining counties,
jut from the 'J
purpose of regaining our wonted equanimity; the
better to express a calm and dispassionate opinion on
tho subject. And we did think, that time and re
flection had accomplished something for us ; but so
soon as wc took up our pen for that purpose, we felt
the fever returning : yet, we flatter ourselves with
the hope that wc shall be enabled to get through
to escape the awful calamity of having our names
enrolled on tho pages of her black kook ! we protest
and affirm we intended no disrespect thereby, either
to Mrs. Anne or to that “yellow flower of the forest,”
the worthy offspring of her Genius—Paul Pry. The
age of Mrs. Anne and her great experience, we thought
entitlod her to tliat appellation, particularly when
spoken of by those as young and inexperienced as we
I ^IORTY-EIGIIT pages weekly—nearly 2590 large |
. 0
with what we have to say at this time, without doing a f° ’ “ n< * " e s -'^ think that her long and great ser-
On Wednesday evening, the 8th inst. by the Rev.
violence to the private feelirigs of those, whose cop.
duct in that convention has dono so much to our po.
liticul ones,
That convention was called by the people of GeoT-
vices in the cause of correct political principles, if | Moses Waddel, D. D. Mr. Tiios. J. Bryant, of
nothing else, ought to entitle her to that honorable Twiggs county, Ga. to Miss Elizabeth, daughter of
and respectful title. And nothing has mortified us
Jacob Martin, Esq. of Abbeville District, South Car
In Oglethorpe, on the 5th inst. by the Rev. Mr.
so much as to find, when wo addressed her thus rcv-
gia; for what purpose ? to reduce and to equalise the I crent * a hy» that the feelings of the woman predomin-1 Hendricks, Mr. Matthew Varner,^ to Miss Sarah,
representation in our Legislature. It has provided, ! ato ’ where we ho P odt o have found thatliithcrto sole. [ daughter of tho Rev. George Lumpkin
it is true, to a certain extent, for a reduction of its C * 8IH *“ ** ature t* 10 triumph of philosophy over sex- LImr-. ^
numbers; but on such terms as, we make bold to de-1 ual or g an «»tion. But alas • where are we now to | MAUI »UJ! WT»*
> counties. The procession set chrCi the frW! and int eUige„t citizens of Georgia will look for that P l >Uospher’s stone, when Mrs. Royal- rglHIS delightful
Fown Hall at half past 10 o’clock, never t! The nu , nbcrof our Representatives th e most gigantic female genius ofthe agc-posscssing a ness for the rec
1 * r 1 —j j 4L.4 -Li. t. t.i i I Ptnr will iisd his pm 1
Summer residence is in readi-
rcception of Visitors. The propri-
; nd " wvcd . uccordin g to J hc arrangement of and Senators under the present apportionment is, it mind and P ur P° s0 ’ that is able to ^PP 10 w ‘th and ?J“ r T® comforta '
Ihc Committee, in the order and through tho
is true, a great and growipg evil; but great as that
I t «»« . I uuw givnipg VTU I uuv ^ILUl l ASIA I,
event streets previously designated, to the nvU j 8) it is nothing in our coll6ep tion, when oo.npar-
Bite ol the Monument.
ed with the new ones attempted to be imposed, by the
subdue the strength of an intellectual Hercules— I blc who may visit b " plaCC WM M; NORTON,
the Corinna Elizabeth Catharine De StaCl Aspasia I May 25—It.
Mary Wolstencraft of the world, shrinks like an or- Tho Augusta Constitutionalist, Courier, Chronicle,
dinary woman, just beginning to “ wither on the I Washington News, Milbdgeville Recorder, Journal,
thorn," from the slight reflection on approaching age, I Federal Union, wilLgive tho aboye one insertion
contained in the appellation
' mother ? Having al-
As the procession moved up Main Street, i ate convention, on the people of Georgia. For the
Tirii v ,hC V ’ ,n ° US uniforms of the purpose of effecting a trifling reduction in the num-
JlUllian, the glittering arms, the music, the ber of the members of the General Assembly, that
I dense mass that thronged the side walks, tho body proposes to continue in operation the present I ways thc fear of that aforcsai ' Book before
crowded windows, overlooking the whole inequality in tho Senate, and to destroy that equality °“ r cyes ’ we furt,M!r P r&,est <■»«* not guilty | Subscriber beg, i caV e to inform the citizens
scene, mio 0 cuier presented a view grand and w hich now exists in tho Home of Representatives— of "V* W3choo:1 ' •“ culling her Paul a deis. .JL of Athens and its vicinity, that ho has returned
j imposing. I It proposes tq prostrate at “one fell swoop,” the dear- tical fellow ‘ Pa “l * B such a wild, karum scarura sort | to this place, and opened a shop next door to the
, | • I •» |»lwpv«vw *V I*# 1 — " •« tUv tivuT- I - I I f • # . •
Arrived at the spot, after an appropriate e3t rights of the South, at the feet of die non-slave- of a chap—idways cutting and slashing at such a tor- sto ™ ofJ ’ I I oard &< ?°* for carrying on the above
Pr:i\ or by the Lev. E. C. M’Guire, an Ad* holding states—to destroy that principle, for wliich rible 0110 ^ cler 27» Sunday schools, biblo, temper- 1 busincss -
ores- was delivered by the President, and al-
- . the whole South contoilded when the Constitution of I ance and societies, that we took it for granted
so by M r. Basstlt, thc plate With the inscription the United States was formod—(and without the ac- 1,0 would be proud of the name We hope then, that
deposited, and the Other usual ceremonies I knowledgement of wliich right the slave-holding I wiU pard<,n and attribute the mistake to our
wer r performed. The procession then
turned to the Town Hail, where tho proceed
ings were concluded, aud the companies se
We lament to state that an attack was com.
I mitted on the person of the President, o
states would never have ratiiied that instrument) we[ tSnorance of human nature—to our want of ngacity
mean the Federal Basis of Representation I We say
it proposes to destroy this fundamental principle, not
lircctly it is true, but if thc amendment touching it
proposed by the convention, ever becomes incorpora-
, - , - i ted with the constitution of this State, so soon we .
Monday, on board of the Steamboat Sydney, placei weapon in the hands of our enemios ia the to be cu- by the one or blacked by the other.
Place ^ d °T the P ® t0maC tQ thi , S Middle «d Extern States, for our own destruction. O’ We have received the first'numbor of the
Wc rr'th r 8 en ^ cm ? n Wll ° was P reseQt > I For it is idle and foolish to disguise the fact, that if] “ Hickory Nut and Upton Vigil," a paper of respect.
[Wcgalhcr the followng facts; , _ | we this re a false basis of roptasentatioa it Lie size end a PP ear£ce,
He tiae also on hand a large and splendid assort
ment of GOODS, consisting of
Clotbs, Cassimeres and
in distinguishing between premises and conclusions I Which be will rapfoto order in the best manner and
—between praotice and professions—to any thing but raoRt fashionable stifle, and at tho shortest notice
wilful falsehood. We hope to hq. pardoned both by
mother and child, for if there is any thing in the
world which we fear and dread tho most, it is ejther
N. B—During my absence at any time, Mi. Fry
er, who is an ihle had experienced workman from
New-York, will attend to my business.
' Athens, May 25—10—tf.
When the Sydney reached the wharf at home,
To Printers*
pOI sale at this Office, a complete Set of PrinU
ing Materials, for newspaper, job or book work,
AU- , . J ~~— — . — . —we have no right to claim it as the true basL I Upson county, Ga. The Editor whose n» m does “ S°°d order, bat .partly worn. The Pros is one
Ihoari»n na ’ \ CT0XvA of CltlZCDS S ock « d “ the Rational Legislature t And where'is ti,c not appear, we understand to b. a genUeman of liter £ ^ ”***?* ***'"
| I,oard to pay their respects to the Chief Ma- Southerni— — I 10 00a e cnucmaa “»*I Terms liberal.
10 “ n *° »creaat to his birth-right, so lost, ary acquirements; and to judge from first appear-1 Athens, May 18.
OP THE - .
sortmentof FANCY ARTICLES, &c.
A GENERAL assortment op „
& CUTSiUmr.'
Shot Guns and Percussion Locks.
octavo pages u year, for §5, furnishing annually
t fleet reading, equal to 50 volumes of common siza.
The Library will contain nearly all tho new works
of merit as they appear—Voyages and Travels-—His
tory—Biography—Select Memoirs—thc most appro
ved European Annuals—Adventures—Tales of un
exceptional character, &c. &c,
Tho “ Complete Periodical Library” will lie found
indispensable to all lovers of good reading, in town
or country. Every number will contain 48 pages,
in a size expressly adapted for binding, when the
book is completed ; printed with type so largo as not
to fatigue tho weakest eye. Its immense size will
enable tho Editor to crowd any common sized book
into two numbers, frequently into one. New works I Ladi es » B hcll carved and plain Tuck Combs
will thus be despatched as they arrive from Europe, I side and N»ck - do.
and sent off fresh to its patrons. The subscriber in Long Combs for children
Missouri will be brought as it were to the veiy fonn-1 Fancy Fire Boards and Borders,
tain of literature. Works printed in this library will p a pcr Hangings,
be furnished to him,-when, without it, he would children’s willow Cradles and Carriages,
be wholly unable to procure them. A book that will Clothes Baskets, &c.
cost us six dollars to import, can be reprinted and dis- ['Colored Foot Mats,
tributed to subscribers, owing to our peculiar facili-1 Vrtificial Flowers, a great variety
tics, for about twenty or thirty cents; with the impor-
Men’s and Boys’ drab and -black BEAVER
Gentlemen’s white satin do.-
Men’s and Boys’
aim Leaf HA TS.
Wool do.
Ladies’ I'u cm and plain Straw Hats.
tant addition of its being fresh and new.
We shall give near 2599 pages annually, equal to
fifty common sized books! Every work published in
the Library v/Hl bo complete in itself. A title page
will be given with each volume, so that the subscriber,
if he please, may sell or give it away, without injury
to any of the others; or it may be bound up at the
pleasure of the subscriber. •
This work presents au'extraordinary feature, un
known to any ollibr periodic J in the country. .The
subscription price may be considered a mere loan for
a year, as the work, at the year’s end, will sell tor
cost, and in many parts of the United btates it will
bring double its original cost to tho subscriber.
The works published 1 ia “The Complete Periodi-
cal Library” will be of the highest character, both as
regards the author and his subject. New whrks, o.
approved merit, will be scut out to the Editor by eve-
ry arrival from -Europe, giving him an unlimited field
to solect from, while care, will be taken to make bi®,
publication equal to any thing of the kind in America.
The first number will be issued on the 8th of May
nest, and regularly every Wednesday thereafter, secu
red in handsomely, printed covers, and on fine white
paper, at $5 per annum, payable in advance. Clubs
romittiug igf29 w ill be supplied with fire copies for
that sum; agents at tho same rato. Address
No. 9 Franklin Place, Philadelphia.
April 13.
ftj^Jlqnles of every description
for sale at this Office. * ,
Hair Bnida—‘-Curia and Puffs.
Ladies’ Corsets—Bead Guard Chains.
Card Casos and Visiting Cards.
Gold and Silver Leaf. •
Fancy Soaps—Persian, Rose and Naples Compound.
a general assortment or
X few seta Imperial Painted CHINA SETS.
A few pair Embossed Porcelain China PITCHERS.
Paris and Na-varino Lustre do.
Porcelain Painted China FLOWER VASES.
.'winging Frame and Toilette do.
Gilt Cap Frame do.
SADDLES, Bridlest
Travelling Bags and
Ladies’ SADDLES,
• To ride on either side.
Jig and Carriage WHIPS.
Coffee-Loaf Sugar—Almonds—
Raisins*—Figs. '
Lbinon Syrup—Black.and Green TEAS.
AtIwBh.Mdy^’• • r ‘ V • .