Newspaper Page Text
' of the offices ia theperfoo of a fift-
Jj e individual, but more especially of the
military with the civil authority ; ia repug.
nant to the spirit ot the constitution of the
United States, and tends to the introducing
of an arbitrary government.
The question was then taken by Yeas and
Nays— Yeas 31 —Nays 81—and the refo
{utian was confequcntly rejefted.
Wednesday, Afril 2.
Refaived, That provision ought to
he made, by law, to render any officer, in
the army or navy of the United States, in.
capable of holding any civil office under the
Mr. Fife moved to poftponc this rcfolu.
tion indefinitely.
The question was taken by yeas and nays,
and the morion disagreed to—. Yeas 43
N»F* 72*
The question was then taken by yeas and
nays, on concurring with the committee of
the whole in their agreement to the refold,
non. and palled in the affirmative—. Yeas 64'
...Nay# 21 • v
( Thursday, Afril 3.
A bill to amend an aft to divide the In
diana territory into two fepente govern
etents, and for other parpofes, was read a
third time, and palled.
Mr. J. C. Smith, from the committee
of claims, reported that it would be expe
dient to *gree to the amendments proposed
by she Senate t» the bill making provision
for perfsns disabled by known wounds re
ceived during the revolutionary war.
Mr. D. R. Williams withdrew Ms
morion, when it was agreed .that the bill
IhonTd lie on the table.
The House again w ent into committee of
the whole on the bill altering and eftabliih
icg certain poll.toads.
The bill direr’* the eSabitflung of a rente
from Athens to Tellico-block-houfe.
Ic was moved to Srikeout TeUico-block
hoofe, and insert Knoxville.
On this motion, as well as the provision
of the bill, a debase el some length arose, *
which iCued in the adoption of the amend
ment as well as the provision,
Friday, April 4*
The Houfc took up the amendments of
the Senate to the aft i« addition to an aft to
make provisions for persons that h ive been
disabled by known wounds*, received in the
aftaal ferviee of the United States during
the revolutionary war.
The queftian was then taken on agreeing
to the amendments of ths Senate, and palled
in the affirmative—Yeas 97 —Nays 15.
The bill is confcquencly pafied.
Ibt Sbitatr of the UNITED STATES.
The following refolmions were fobtnitted
for confideratinn and read :
Resolved, by the Senate and Hoafe of
Representatives of the U. States of America
In Congress affemblcd. That Congress enter
tain a high fente of the patriottfm, intrepidi
ty, and valor of William Eaton, late Gene
fa) in Chief ©f the Army of the Ex Baftiaw
of Tripoli, and of Priestly N. O'Bannon,
and George WaOiington Mann, three
American officers, who with a small number
of American marines and the forces of the
Ex-Balhaw, composed of Greeks and
Arabs, eourag-oufiy marched through the
Lybian desert, defeated the Tripolitan army
near Dime, and took that city on the 17th
d*y of April, 1805, and for the firft time,
spread the American Eagle in Africa, on
the ramparts of a Tripolitan tort, and
thereby contributed to celeafe Thiee Hun
died American ptifoasrs from bondage in
Resolved, As a further testimony of the
gratitude of their country, that the PrcCdsnt
cf the United States be requested to cause to
be purveyed within the limits of the public
lands of the United States now open for
faie, as the fa id William Eaten (hall ©left,
a township of Six Miles square to be called
DERNE, as a memorial, «f the conqudl of
that city forever; and to come tobt laid
out, surveyed, and granted to the fa id
'William Eaton in one entire Traft within
ths said Township, * Thmfand A
cres, and to Prieftlv N. O’Bannon, and
George -Washington Mann, each
Thousand Acres, and to Arthur Campbell,
Bernard O'Brian, David Thomas, 'and
James Owen, the only farviving marines
whoferved as volunteers in that expedition,
Three Hundred and Twenty Acres each ;
to be granted to them refpeftively, their
Hein and Afiigns forever. .
Report fays that Mr. David MAFFiT,
fupcrcargo of the (hip Harriot arrived at
Nswcaftle, from the City cf St. Domingo,
brings information that the American vei
fels at La Guira, were embargoed on the
6th ult. and would be detained until the
event of Miranda’s expedition was known*
CHARLESTON, April 16. t
Dispatches are brought by the United
States from Mr. Mwnroe, to the executive:
and we are happy to allure our readers, on
good authority, that they are of the xnuft
hopeful and pleasing nature, }
twenty-first day's drawing.
Prize of 100 dollars—-No. 864.
Prize cf 50 dollars-—No. 119*
Prizes of 40 dollars---Nos. 6904 3^*®
7 5 3 2 * - „
Prizes of 20 dollars —Nos. 1144 050*
Prizes of 12 dollars—Nos. 8039463*
54*5 4533 9*34 3934 3 sSl t^ z 9049
ff*4 6*3* 8629 624x85:15219*3401
9368 1428 9899 6* 06 *3OO 3925; 5034
7755 6 54 J 822*9410 9 i2 4 ,727
68964520*571 9 00 2916 2161 6830’'
4801473464073164*00 *7s»
iB* 60*2 43*0 2289 4246 7861 1316
Prize of 100 dollars—. No.. v 9io2.
Prizes of *0 dollars—No*. 177 c 978
Prizes of 40 dollars—Nos. 7871 491
Prizes of zO dollars.—Nos. 3*98 8931
3966 446 7 2 54-
Prizes of tz dollars—-Nos. 9707 7691
*0842231 *207 *B3* 8607 428*289 2910
7332 5029 845537*3 967 9*09 *53 10*9
juo *659 6077 49*7 862* 4518 97 26
3879 7644 3548 7119 <343 *9019002
9167860*65392940 9113 82328*12
34*r 9i3 453 »979 »43j>9795 5567*5*4
*717 8939 8833 5926 92fj,4347 »940
5**94726 4016 313 1363 *64* 8698
4766. *“
Died, On Monday the 31st ult. in this
city, in the 4id year of his age, after a
fbort b*t severe illnafe of pleucify, Mr. E
lihu Palmer, the well known moral and
political lettuHSr. A man who preferred pa.
vcrty with candour ; sincerity and the ap
probation of his own conscience, to riches
■and fplcndour parchafed by hypocrily, He
has for these ten years past laboured under the
greatest of all human calamities, a. total
loss of sight. His friends who were not
present at tbs time of his death are informed
by one who was, that he died in the fall
confidence of the truth of ihfe principles
which he had inculcated in his difeoarfts,
It is reported that Mr. Doncan, who
made a large feiztue of contraband goods
rear Michilimachianac, has been difraiffed.
—The seizure was valued at _£60,000 Jler
hno. Ibid,
The celebrated traveller Sir Alexander
M‘Kenzie , we arc informed is in this city
now—-the bulinefs of the fur trade in which
this rcfpeftabla traveller is concerned, is
conduced with more success and address per
haps, than at any former period.—— lbid ,
From the Richmond Enjttlrer,
Mr. Ritche,
I have heretofore withheld this comma
nitration, left the minister of Spain, might
have had time to prevent the plan I wito to
fee effected,
Miranda has the pcrmiSmn from the
Britlfh government to make Trinidad the
plaec of rendezvous; he is gone there.
The delegates ©fCarfacas, Sta, Fee and ;
Mexico, are now there, or expefted to meet
him. Some delay may take place j therefore
it would be imprudent to name the place of
attack, rather the place to hefirrendered ,
—to be made the feat of confederation. ■/
If Miranda is not gone to that vfland,
you may laugh at my credulity; if you
hear es his being there, you may put more
confidence, than heretofore, in any com.
m inications I (hall make as to this fubjea.
OnTuefday last, in the circuit court of
the U. S. now fitting in the city of New.
York, Mr. Samuel G. Ogden came inter
court and furrendcrcd himfelf into thecufto
dy of the raarftul, in difeharge of his bail.
He was again recognized to appear during
t£e present term, himfelf in the sum of ten
thousand dollars, and ©ne.farety in twenty
thousand dollars. The diftrift judge prefu
ded, none of the judges of the fuprene court
having arrived in that city. *
On Monday the 16 lh of June next,
In the Town of Milledgeville,
a numberof Lots in the said Town not ex
ceeding twenty, five, agreeably to the terms
of former Sales.
Milledgeville, April rg. (4*)
to dipofe of his present
stock, which consists of an extensive aid
general affbrtmcnt efWet and Dry
Offers it for falc on moderate k
advantageous terms. Country merchants
and others, have, in consequence, in op- |
pnrtunity of supplying themfclver, which
does not frequently occur.
He has just received apipe of genmao
C °*>‘S f,t)
Comraiffion & Factorage.
RETURNS his thanks to his friends for
the liberal fapport he has received
fmee the commencement of the above busi
ness, and inform* them he continues the
fame WARE* HOUSES and STORES, for
the reception of produce and merchan
March it* ((/•)
By in arrival at N. York, a French
fqaadron, confiding of p 74’* arid two fri
gates &c. under the command of Onille
waix, were (leering for St Helena, a Britiih
island, on this fide of the coast of Africa—*
having intelligence of the British bring at
the Cape of good Hope, it is not improba
ble bat they will fit them. It is repotted
from Europe that Bonaparte intended to
rsife, or rather, to degrade the republics
of Holland and Switzerland, to kingdom*.
Mur.t is said to be intended for the former
and his brother-in-law, Burehefe sovereign
of the latter—. Saxony and tile Carcass mer
chanr, Heifr, are represented as candidates
for the fame title; —from- a jealouty among
fame of Napoleon’s generals, {for titles,) it
is reported that they are all railed to the
rank of princes.—-This reminds us of the
Maccdoriaa’s generals.—Marbois the grand
Treafarer of France and Decrees, the mini
ster of marine, are said to hare been difgra
ccd—The Algerines arc at Tea against the
Portnguefe, and hadtaken three of their drips,
an Algerine frigate is cruizing off Madeira
by tbelaft, the Pope was to have been trans.
planted to Paris, instead of Conftantinoplc
—-Boosparte may do what he pleases with
him—The report of Commodore Rogers
having killed c*p£. Gale, Teems to have been
anfoonded. Vice Admiral Sir Andrew Mit
chell died at Bermuda, on the 29th of March
—Hugh Lenox of Philadelphia is appointed
agent from the United States, to the Uland
of Jamaica —By the last arrival from Nantz,
it was there reported that several attempts
had been nj?de to affatlinatq Napoleon, a
group of fufpefted Ladies was taken up ; and
-allairand pop guns prohibited in conference
-.The report will do for the gulls in London.
The Wahabees, a tribe of fanatics, have
captured Medina in Arabia, ravaged the
adjacent country—animmenfityof blood has
been (bed on this oocafion in honour of the
prophet, and his body, fufpeaded between
Heaven and earth, brought down at last I
Fire was set to the town ; the tnofques, af
ter haying been pillaged, were confmned
some thousands of females of the firft rank
were carried off into the defert—for the use
of the camp, no doubt!
The Legiflattire of Pointy Irania are pu(b.
ing their reform of the Law—They have
decreed that all Latin words should disappear
—nothing but plain English.
Jaty the famt body.
** Ser. ;5. And he it further tnadltd by
tie authmty nforefaidy That in ail cases
where a remedy i» provided, or duty enjoy
ned, or ?ny thing directed to be done by the
ails of affoaibly of this common wealth, the
. direftlons of the Cud a£ls (hall be ftriftly
pursued, and no remedy (hall be afforded or
duty performed or penalty inflifted, nor any
thing done agreeably to the provisions of
the common law in such cases, nor in any
other manner; any law, custom, or ufiage
to tho contrary notwithstanding.”
The CvnKhoufe ,of Darlington S. C.
has beeh lately burnt, together with ail the
records of[the clerk's office, —-the records of
old cheraw diftrßl, and the records of the
Court of Ordinary prior to the establishment
of county courts.
At the last meeting of the City Council,
they chose the following officers—-Jofcph
Hutchinson Esq. Clerk—MT. Caiby Dick,
infon, City MaHhall, and Mr. Zach. Bell
Clerk of the Market.
On Monday last Mr. Mat. Fox was
elected Clerk of the Inferior Court, in place
of Mr. Hutchinson resigned.
' DIED, On TuefJay morning i(sth inst.
Mr. Thomas Waltom fen’r. of Lincoln
county, in the 67th year of his age, he waa
highly refpefted by all who bad the plcafure
of his acquaintance, was distinguished, for
•his strict honesty, industry and perseverance
by which racitns he acquired h very confider.
able fortune was a warm friend and an affec
tionate Father, has left a wife and a numero« 8
and refpectablfc offspring to lament bis lof g<
Just Published,
And FOR SALE at this Office.
Military Discipline,
Every one who wishes to know the use
of (ire arms will find this publication ufeiui.
Every Officer and militia man ought to
have it,
Price Centt,
HAVING experienced considerable en
couragement in hit bufiiiefs, fincc hit
eflablifhme&t In this place, returns to a
generous public his grateful thanks for the
fame, and eatoeftly solicits a continuance
of their past favors, a (To ring them that be
has now on hand, a handfomeaflbrtment of
the neatest and most fafttionablc HATS—
he flatters him felt to be able to fell as low
by the quantity, {cofts and chargee inclu
ded) at can be bad from New-York. He
therefore hopes it will be an objeA with the
Mercbante from the up country, to call on
upper end of Broad Street, Aogufta.
April 16, (3 f )
The subscrib ;
HAVING Purchsfcd Mr. D. Pace'a
WARS HOUSE and lat the Ri.
ver, next above Calls* Ware* House, in
, lands making such other improvements there
t as will render them fafc and coimnodioca
far the reception of Ccttda, Tobacco and
all kinds of Merchandise—They take the
liberty of offering their fervioes to their
friends and acquaintances in the op country,
BUSINESS. Their prices for Storage and
all other charges will be regulated by those
of the fixed and established Houfea in that
line in thit place—Having corrcfpondenta
in all the principal Saa Port Towns, they
will at all times, be able to give their
Friends In the country, their Earliest ad
vices refpefHng the variations and prices of
produce. From the raoft ftrift and pc Se
vering attention, they Hope toihsrea pa-t
of the bafinefi in their line. They aifa
intend continuing the Dry
And Grocery Bujinefs
In the store they at present occupy on
Broad-greet, next door above Mr. William
White's, and opposite MeflTrs, John Wilifon
and Nephew, snd are desirous of felling by
wholefalc their present Sock of Goods,
which is well calculated for the fcafon, and
an ohjeft worthy the attention of country
merchants in particular.
April *5. ’ (41)
Valuable Lands,,
THE Subfcribet rfFsra for Sale the Plan
tation wherean Mr. Dreadzil P.;cc,
at present rcfidcs, adjoining the Village of
Campbtlltoo, South Carolina, and contain
ing fix hundred acres.
The Plantation known by the
ottKe of Mount At ay, also adjoining
Carapbellton, containing about three hun
dred acres.
Thcfc Plantations join, are both
On the SavannalTriver, aud Irons their fix
ation (the most distant point being within
three miles of this city) pofiicfs peculiar ad
vantages. f
Also, three LOTS in Camp- \
bell ton, with the improvements thereon, '
nowin the occupation of Mr. Jas. M Qnaen.
The above property will be fold
low, and the payments made extremely ac
coramodatinif topurchafen. Apply to
Augusta, April ad. (ts)
GEORGIA, "1 At an Inferior Court
Wilkes County. / held in and for the
county of Wilkes, on Friday March 14th
Present their Hanbn.
William Sanfotn 1
Holman Freeman > jfufiices*
Aaron Lipham, }
To their Honors, thtjuflius of the Inferior
Court of the County of Wilkes •
THE Petition of Nicholas Jarrett, hum
bly (heweth; that he ii new confined
by virtue of a Bail Warrant at the inflance
•f Joseph Pollard, for a sum of money which
' he is unable to pay, and that he is willing
to give np all hi* est ate, both real and per
sonal for the benefit of his creditors. He
therefore prays your honors, that he may
have the benefit es the insolvent aft ex tended
towards him. It is Ordered that the said
Nicholas Jarrett gives notice to his creditor*
as the law direfti, to appear by them felvca
or attornies at the Court House in the coun
ty ot Wilkes, on the last Saturday in Jone
next, to (hew cause, if any they have, why
the said Nicholas Jr.« rett ihauld not be dis
charged in term, of the alls of the Aflcmbly
in such cases made aud provided.
I hereby certify the foregoing to be a true copy
from the record offaid court
April *6. ($0
, - - , -- -
Run-away Negro.
Brought to Richmond Jail on the
4th inst. a Negro buy named JACK, about
15 or id years old, lays be Ran away from
jamea Sanders, at the other fide of Cam
bridge, South-Carolina, who was then on
his way to Virginia—This boy adds he be
longs to Col. Sanders, in Colombia county
Georgia, with whom ha has been raised
The owner is requeued to pay colls and
take him away.
April 2s. (ts)
------ ■■■■ ■■ -■
GEORGIA, Warren County,
WHEREAS Thomas Plinn hath appli*
ed to me for letters of administration
on the real efate 0} John My nek Sen,
dectafed. {de bonis non.)
THESS are (kerejert to Cite and Admon~
ijh all and Singular the kindred and creditors
offaid daeaftd, to be and appear before the
honorable Court of Ordinary at Warren
Court house , on the firfi vtonday in July
next, then and there to fhao cause, if any
they can, why said tetters fhoukL not be gran*
ted •
Given under niy hand and fealihis 10 thof
April i£o6.
S, WEATHERBY,c, c, o.