Newspaper Page Text
OF '
Gros & Ollendorff
RESPECTFULLY acquaint the Ladies
and Gentlemen of Augulla and its vicinity,
that they have- opened at the CITY
HOTEL, a new and elegant collec
tion of WAX FIGURES, judged by con
ro Hems to be superior 10 any exhibited in
America Among whkli are the follow
ing characters s
A Jlriking reprejaitatton cf the late unfortu
, „ ' nu>e duel berntfeett
In this interfiling fter.c, the Colonel is
feprrfented in the attitude of firing, while
the General (lands at his diftancc', waiting
the refill of the firfl site.-.-Both accu/atc
A jlriking liken ft of hu Excellency
Thomas Joffer [on.
Alfa of the
The death of
General ,
Whofellinthecvermemorable battleofßun
ker's Hill. In this warlike feene, the Gen.
is represented as fupporred by one of his
men, while a Briton nifties upon him with
bis bayonet. Another of the General’s
men prefen ts his gun at the bead of the Bri
ton for the immediate revenge cf his illus
trious heroc’s death.
H he Death of
General B ,
Whofellin Braddock'* defeat. An In
dian is represented fcaiping the General,
while one of his men, in an attempt to refeue
him from the hands of the Indians, is over
taken by another Indian, who is ready to
split him with his tomahawk.
The Beauty of
The Sleeping Beauty
Eliza Whorton,
Or the American Coquette, repre
sented between two rivals.
The happy Cottagers
Cheering themfelvcs with their
Bottle and Pipe.
The poor Mendicant
Aflcing Alms.
The Museum will be open from
nine o’clock in the morning ’till
‘ nine in the evening, every day,
Sundays excepted.
cents for grown perfons-*-Chil
dren half price.
cut with accuracy at the above
mentioned place.
April 19.
. . I
$3- ALL persons indebted to
the late firm of William H. Jack (3
Co. or to the estate of Andrew Junes, dc
ccafed, by bond or note, are once more
called on for immediate fcttlcmcnt; no
further indulgence can be given.—Those
indebted tu cither of the above mentioned
firm* on open account, are requeued to
liquidate the fame previous to the firft day
of September n:xt,—After that date,
suits will be commenced against delin
quent* without diferiminstion.
July * 3* (/)
■■ " » 1 " 11 -
r ]PO the proprietors, their agents or truf-
X tees, of the following tracts oflaijd,
situated in Burke county, that unless they
or cither of their agents, do come forward
and fettle the taxes due cn said laad, with
in fix months from this date will be
fold by the Coiled! >r of said county, for all
taxea due thereon, agreeably to law, viz :
600 acres pine land, on the waters of
tbs Big Spring, on Buckhead creek, grant
ed in the name of Wa, Hooker, and Jo
seph Atkinson. Also 100 acre* pine land,
on creek, granted in the name of
Wm: BOWLING, r. t. r.
Burke county % Jan. 11. (6 w)
THE copartncrlhip of Cormxck (3
Lube, being diflblved by the death
of the latter : The business will be carried
on in future, by the fobferiber, to whom
all persons having demands against the firm,
or individually, ate desired to apply, and
those indebted, are requested to make im- 1
mediate payment,
Asgnfia, Sept, 21, (if)
, By his Excellency JOHN MILLSDGK,
Governor and Commander in Chief oj the
Army and Navy of this State, and ts the
Militsa thereof,
WHEREAS I have received official
information of a tnbft wilful and
erne! murder, having been committed on
the night of the 25th of last month, rear
the plantation of Mr. John M‘Call, in the
county of Effingham, in thia Rate, on the
body of John London Esq. Senator for
that county.
And whereas it hat been represented to
me, that, from (everal affidavits, which
have been taken, there can remain but lit
tle doubt that the aforefaid murder was
perpetrated fey one Lewis M‘Gabagan,
who has abfeonded, and who is of middle
ftaturc, has light eyes, and hair inclining
to be red, is lomewhat freckled in his face
and on his hands, and has a small piece put
of one of his ears.
In order therefore , that the (aid Lewis
M‘Gah»gan, maybe brought to exemplary
jufiice, 1 have thought fit to issue this my
proclamation, offering a reward of ONE
%o ary person or persons, who will appre
end and lodge him in the Jail of eit her of
the counties of Chatham, Richmond or
Wilkes- and Ido charge and icqaiie the
Jailers of the n/ycctive Jails above menti
oned, that, in the event ofhis being placed
in the care of cither of them, he will be paf
ticularly vigilant and attentive'to his fafe
keeping—-and I do hereby also charge and
require, all officers, civil and military, be
lorgirg to this slate, to be aiding and affift
ir.g in apprehending and fccuriftg the laid
Lewis MGahagan, fa that he may be,,
brought, by due course of law, to anfvrer to
the charge alledged against him.
Given under my hand, and the Great
Seal of thefaid State, at the Statc-
House in Louisville, this 3d d*y of
April, in the year of our Lord, one
thousand eight hundred and fix, and of
the Independence of the United States
of America, the thirtieth.
By the Governor,
Hor: Mabsuuy, Secretary of the State .
■i ■ . ■■ ——■ 1 ■■ ■
William H. Spinier £?James Platt
Having entered into copartnership, under the
firm of
On the firft instant, they have taketfthe
convenient wharf, dock and ftorc of Mr,
Abraham Twiggs, and mean to tranfaft
the business of LUMBER FACTORS &
thank their friends and the public in gene
ral, for a fharc of their favors in that line.
They ate perfeflly acquainted with the ad
meaforement and quality of ail kinds of
Lumber, and (hall make it their study to
give dispatch, and adl with punfluality to
their employers. Vcffels loading at the
wharf may go from it drawing nine feet
THE subferiicr having declined the Lum
ber Bufnefs, recommends the above gentlemen
to the Lumber Cutters,as fit persons to tranf
aS business in the above line.
Savannah, June 29, (ts)
THE Subfcribcr still continues the
BUSINESS, at his place, at the weft end
of the city of Savannah, where he has con
venient Stores for the reception of all kinds
of produce, and will be thankful for any
favors in tbc above line.
June 29. (tfi)
DiHblution of Partnerfliip.
IN confequencc of the death of Thomas
Kelly, the Partnership of Scott y
Kelly, is difibived—all indebted to that
concern, arc hereby notified that no indul
gence will be given after the frrft of Februa
ry next, when, all bonds, notes and ac
counts will indiscriminately be placed in a
lawyer's hands for recovery, in the mean
lime, produce will be received in payment
at the highest Market price. Thole who
may have demands againtt the late firm arc
requested to present tttem for settlement.
In future the business will be carfiedon by
the fubferiber, who has on hand, an exten
sive and complete aflbrrment of DRY
GOODS and GROCERIES, which will
be disposed of on such terms as to make it
an object to Country Store-Keepers.
November s o. (ts)
THE Copartnership of Tho’sßarrett
and William M. Cowles, under
the firm of Thomas Barrett ££ Co. ie dif*
solved this day by mutual confect. All
persons indebted thereto, are solicited to
make payment, and those that have any
demands against the concern, will render
them in to Thomas Barrett, who is authori
sed to fettle (he fame.
March ti.
jt 1
THIS justly celebrated Horse, imported
into Virginia about three years ago,
will stand the ensuing season at my Planta
tion, near Edgefield court-house, South-
Carolina, and be let to Mares at Forty
Dollars the season ; —but as much trouble,
and many inconveniences a life,'in the col
lection of thtfe kinds of debts, and ,as tl'.e
owner of Dragon is desirous of bringing
business of this nature to afpeedy close, the
season may be discharged by the -punctual
payment of Thirty Delian in every case, at'
any time before the fitft of January next.
The subscriber holds himfelf at liberty to
demand security in such cases as he may
deem expedient, in order to insure punctual
• Five hundcred acres of land for pasturage,
under one fence, and one hundred acres
under another, both well enclofcd, (the
latter for fiich Mares as have foals) are pro
vided for Mares j* but such must remain at
. the risk of the owners. Mares may be fed
well once each day, for ten cents per day,
and twice, for twenty cents per day,
DRAGON is of a dark chefnut coulour,
sixteen and an halt hands high ; is defeended
from the best running stock in England, and
is a brother in blood, to the famous horfc
Diomcd, whose stock is so highly esteemed
in Virginia.
DRAGON was ur.queftsonably the best
runner of his day. He won and received
forfeit two and twenty times before he en
ded his fifth j car, and in molt cases for
the Highest prizes in England among this
number was the kVhif, (which is known
to be the highest object of competition ever
established by the Jockey Club) of zco
Guineas each subscriber, against two others,
giving them botk a year's weight in riding,
four miles j and the famous match against
Clifdcn, four miles, carrying isftone {225
lbs.) upon each, in which he was rode by
the Duke of Bedford , and Clifden by Sir
John Lade,
DRAGON is a sure foal getter, and all
accounts concur in proving his colts to be
more promising than any in America, In
point of figure, bone, fizc and power, he
is acknowledged to be superior to any horse,
by almost every man who has fecn him. His
pedigree, at length, together with the ex
traordinary performances of his colts as
substantiated by the racing calandei of Eng
land, may befeen at his stand.
His season will commence on the 15th
day of February, and end on the firft day of
September,—One Dollar to the Groom must
be paid in all cases at the liable door.
Near Edgefield Ccurt-Heu/e , S. C.
February I. 3 m
Ten Dollars Reward .
QTRAYED away fro®
A O DofiorMurray’s Mill 8 *
gyp—wfP* on Butler's Creek a Black
f Horse, rifmg (lx years old,
ilvi about sixteen hands high
‘Tirriinr with a small fisr and strip on
hit forehead, and a white ting round the
middle of his left ear; whoever will deliver
said horse to Doftor Murray in Augusta,
or the subscriber at said Mills (hall receive
%hc above reward.
April 12. * {3O
Take the liberty of informing
their Friends and the Pub’ic, that they
have entered into Copaitnerfhip, under the
firm of VASSER & HICKS, and ate now
receiving at the House, .two doors above
Capt. S. M, Smyth’s, near the Market,
an affjrtmcnt of Dry Goods and Grccsries,
which they oft';r for Sale at the most
Reduced prices, forCAiuor Produce.
April it, (3O
\ ■
Treasury Office,
Louifiville, March Jib, 1806.
THE Collectors of Taxes who are in tt
rears, are informed, that unlcfs tbey
come forward and make payment before
the fitft day of May next, Executions will
on that day iffoc against theta and they
are further informed, that agreeably to a
resolution of the last Lcgiflvnre, their
names, together with the names of their
securities, with the balance due by each,
wilt bepabliihed in June thereafter.
ELEAZER EARLY, Compt’r gen,
March 15. (?#•!-
Ink powder.'
Os the very best kind, to be had
on low terms (by whoielale and re
tail) at the Chronicle Office.
February 12.
Blanks of all kinds executed at
the ftiorteft notice, at
this Office.
On thejtrfl Tnefday in May next , between
the usual hours, at the Market-house i n
the town of Louisville,
1150 acres of land in Jackson
county, on the waters ®f Dove creek ad
joining Horatio Marbury and James
Jones. ALSO,
1250 acres of land in Jcfferfoit
county, on the waters of Ogechee, granted
to Robert Forfyth and John Meals, ad.
joining said Fotfyth, and on all other fidcs
vacant at the time of fnrvey.
2871 acres of land in Franklin
crunty, at the time ol fnrvey, granted to
John Stanford, adjoining Thomas SneHoos
and William Motts land ; The above land*
‘' levied on as the property cfjohn Fotfyth
to fatisfy an execution in favor of Thomas
W. H. Cryen—pointed out by the defend*
ant. ALSO,
1150 acres ot land in Franklin
county, granted to John Appling, on Bea.
vet-dam creek, vacant on all sides at the
time of fancy; levied on at the property
of John Appling to fatiily Chtiftc Tcafale
& co,—pointed out by the defendant.
200 acies of land in Wilkes
county, granted to David Cn dwell on the
waters ot Dove creek, adjoining Woods,
& on all other Tides by vacant lands, levied
on as the property of David Crcffwell, to
fatisfy Isaiah Teasdale, pointed out by the
defendant. ALSO,
200 acres of land in Columbia
county, on the waters of little river, ad
joining Robert Davy & Bender, levied on
as the property of the Executors of Oliver
Bowen to fatisfy two executions, one in fa
vor of John Rolfton and the other in fa.
vor of J. &, J. Hamilton.
100 acres of land in Elbert
county, on the waters of the Savannah Ri.
ver, and Powdcrbag creek, adjoining
Blackbours and James Catfons lands.
140 acres of land in the county
of Elbert on Savannah River, bounded on
the cast by said river, and Elijah Owens.
140 acres of land in the county
of Elbert on both Tides of big Cedar creek,
adjoining Josiah Dobbs and others.
350 acres of land in the county
of Elbert, On the waters of cold water creek
adjoining James Hunts and Daniel Whites
land, levied on as the property of Hugh
McDonald, to fatisfy Thomas Backly,
pointed out by the defendant.
One half moiety of 265 acres of
land in Jackson county, on the waters of
iiiver creek, adjoining Martins and Ha.
gens land. ALSO,
One half moiety of 230 acres of
land in Franklin county, on the waters of
the Oconee River, boanded on all (ides by
vacant lands, at the time of fnrvey.
287- acres of land in Franklin
county, on the Oconee River, bound on
N. E, by said River, and on all other fidcs
vacant lands, levied on as the property of
John Cubbs to fatisfy Thomas P, Johnston
and Stephen Hollingsworth, pointed out by
the defendant, ALSO,
300 acres ofland in Burke coun
ty, on the waters of fweft water creek, ad
joining Howells land on all fidcs, levied on
as the properly of Jeffc Gregory, to fatisfy
William Willfon, pointed out by the defen
dant. Geo ; W. MOORE d. m d. c.
dpril y- Q 3
At G1 cent Court House , cn the frjl Turf*
day in June next, hetwetn the hours of
10 a n d j o’clock.
* /
Seven Negroes [To wit) Petigrcc, Mira
me Phcobe, Binah, Hannah Hcitha and
David, levied on bv, virtue of an Execu
tion ifloed on a Mortgage foreclosed in
favor of Butdcll & AlUsn vs Wm. Melton.
Cash Sale.
N. G. MACON.®, s.
A P*U (g<) {
On the frfl Tuefday in June next,
to an order of the Honorable Inferior Court
0/ Burke county .
Will be Sold
At the court-house, all the real cflate 0*
James Reid, deceased.
Con ft/ling of three Trails oj Land,
Situate in Burke county, cn the north
fide of Brier creek, contiguous to, and
adjoining each other, laud containing in
the whole 57 r acres, more or left, bounded
wcftwardly by Powell's and, northwardly
by Pi ice's, caftwardly and foutfcwardly by
Tabb’s and Beall's.
One containing i_yo acres, more
or left formerly said to be Samuel P.cid’s,
adjoining the aferefaid trails, for the bens
fit of the heirs and creditors.
Conditions made known on the day of
fa!e. ISAIAH CARTER, Adm's.
April 22. (3t.J