Newspaper Page Text
GEORGIA, I To the Honorable Sepe*
Greene couutv. J rior Court.
T rPDN the petition of William Melton,
L Hating, that he had in hi* pcMon,
* dcr/i of conveyance to a traft ofjand, Iy
. ins> in the county and Sate aforefaid, in the
fork of the Ocrnec and Aaplatchcc riven,
containing two hundred and thirty acres es
land; which said deed of conveyance afiign
- ed by Sam'l Flcnikin to David Ficnikiu -
a copy of which laid deed ot conveyance,
»» neat the origins! a* your petitioner can
reccßcft, is lodged in the clerk's cilice,
together with an rffidavb, flatieg, that the
t rid o igind d'.ca of conveyance is led, so
tha» he cannot come at ti*c Gme.
iVhtrtvi) it is ordered, ‘l hat tbs fai l co
py iscitab!ifli;d in lieu of the original, un
f/fl good cause can be kiv/n to the contre
iv, aad that the Did ruie be publiflied in
one oi the Garottes of theftate, fix month*.
A true c'py taken from the Minutest this
2zd March 1806.
THIS Indenture made, this 28th day cf
September 1797, on or before, between
Samuel Flemkin of the fta:e cf Georgia
and bounty of Grceae, ot the one parr, and
David Fieuikiu of the flute and county
aforefzid, of the othrr pa;t, Witncffeth,
th,i the Did Samuel Flenikin, for, and in
confidcration of the Turn of two hundred
dollars, the receipts whereof are hereby ac
knowledged, hath given, granted, bargain
ed and fold, and by ihelc presents do give,
grant, bargain, fell and convey, all that
trader parcel of land, ffeqated, lying and
fctlng in the county and flare atorefaid, in
be fo;k of ih; and Apalatcbee
livers, containing two hundred and thirty
s;rs9, mere or lets, hiving fach maths and
fhapss at appear by 4he plat of the fame,
annexed to a grant bearing date December
sift 1767, to James Flcnikin, together
with ad and lingular the tights, members
and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or
in any wile appertaining—and I, the afore-
Did Samne Ficmkin, for myfclf, heir?, &c.
do, by thele presents, warrant and forever
defend, the lawful right and title of the
above mentioned land and premises, unto
th; aforefaid David Flenikilt, hi* heir* and
afiLni forever, and from ail and every other
person 01 per Cons, whatsoever, a* a clear
and indefeafible tftate, in fee Ample, fore
v;r-In tvitaef* whereof, I have hereunto
set my hand, and the day and year firft
above written.
S : gned, (eaJcd and deii- )
vcied in the pretence ot >
RICHARD BRADY maketh oath, that
he was a wiinefs to a deed, to the fame
tenor aad efteft of the above, to the best of
this deponent's belief.
Sworn to before me ? R, BRADLEY,
thin 4th March «806 y
Win. BROWNING, j. p.
STATE OF GEORGIA, Greene County.
'1 HIS d*y, came biforc me, cne of the
J'uftices afilgned to keep the peace, in said
county, Wm. Danacll, who maketh oath
as follows, refpedliog the within deed (to
wit)—At or foir.cdme preceding the date
within natnrd, he believe* he favt a deed
of conveyance to the within effeft, in the
poffcffbn of Col. William (yiclton, and be.
lieve* it to be confiJerably earlier than the
time within named —he dee* not recoiled
the exad confidcrttinn money named in the
deed, nor does Sic tccollcG the witncflrs to
tar fitid deed ; but from the feeft ol his n
ool!e“bn, and belief, believes the within
to convey the fubftaocc of the deed (Lid to
be loft or dtftroyed.)
Sworn to before roe I Wra. DANNELL,
this 4th March 1806. j
Wm. BROWNING, j. p.
STATE OF GEORGIA, Greere County.
PERSONALLY appealed before me,
Wm. Melton, and maketh oath, that on cr
before the date of thr within deed, he re
ceived a deed of conveyance from Samuel
Flcnikin, to the tenor sud cfFft of the
within, to the best of his belief, and that he
hat loft the fame, so that it cannot be had
Sworn to before me ) w MWT wxr *
this 4th of March iBo< ] W * LTON .
Wm. BROWNING, j. p.
Janet 1. [ewtm]
r *jS" > E5E beg leave to iniorm
the Public, that in future no open
accounts will be kept, with any person
whatever, and they trust this notice will be
fufficient to prevent applications.
They are fcnfible that by this step they
Inte a number of valuable Customers, but
the arrangement of their bufinef* is such,
a* to make it unavoidable, Those in
debted by open account, wiil be called on
this fumraer, for the purpofa. of having
them liquidated.
June 14. _ . (ts)
&3* ALL pencils indebted to
the late firm of William H. Jack ts
Co or to the estate of Andrew lnnes f de
ceived, by bond cr note, ire once more
called on for immediate fcttlemcnt j no
further indulgence can be given.—-Those
indebted to either of the above mentioned
firms on open account, are recuefted to
liquidate the fame previous to the firft day
of September next.—After that date,
fails wiil be commenced against delta
quents without diferimination.
jfuly 13, (tj)
Adininifirators Sale.
WILL BE SOLD, on the fourth Monday in
Augujt next, at'the Court fioufe in Colum
bia county, to the highejl bidder , on a
credit till the firft day of January 1808,
" and pcff'Jion giver, the firft of January
next. Said lands being a part of the real
Eflute of the late Wm, Tyler deceafcd,
to wit*
260 acres (be the fame more or
left) on Little Ktokcc creek, adjoinirg
William Walton and other*, the late rc
iWcacc of the decefefed, well improved,
upwards of one hundred acres open, a
young thriving Peach and Apple orchard,
well watered.
297 acres (be the fame more or
left) adjoining lands of Beverly Low, and
Savannah river, in two »r three mile*
dtftance of the former, in good planting re
pair, with an equal quantity of open land,
part of which are low ground* $ the foil
and fertility of these land* are thruught equal
to any in the county.—. Sale to continue
from day today till fold--The sales made
at the confrrft, and rt quest of the heirs.
Wot. BERRY. 1
Benj. LEIGH; £ Adtn’rs.
July <• (9O
GEORGIA, Richmond county.
At a meeting of the honorable the Inferi
Court, on Monday the fth July, iS©6.
Prefcnt their Honors,
John Willson, )
John Course, V Juflices,
John CATLET'r.j
ON the application of William Butler,
Hating that he i*confined in the custo
dy of the Shcr IF, under a bsrii writ, iffoed
at the snit of Michael and John Conrad and
co. and that be is unable to pay the debt
or give bail for the Fame, and prayirg the
benefit of the aft pefl’ed for the relief el in
solvent debtors.
Ordered. That the Lid William But
ler notify Jm creditors either in person or
by giving ficty day* n-.tiee in the Chron
icle and Columbian Centinel,-previrus to
the firft Monday in Oftober next, at, which
time an examination wiil be bad and a dis
charge granted if no esufe i» (hewn to the
contrary; and the hereby com
manded to hare the body of the fatd Wil
liam Butler before h*, at 10 o'clock,
at the Ct ort-Hcufc, onthe said firfi: Mon- ,
day in Oftober next.
Taken from the minutes -
Os the Fra&ionalSurveys,
WE the Coramilibners appointed by
the Legislature to fell and dispose
of the Fractional Surveys, of the counties,
of Wtikinfon, Baldwin and Wayne, do
hereby give notice that the sales will com
mence on Monday the 25th of Augnft next,
and continue from day to day, in the follow
ing manner, until the whole ate fold,
Thole of the firft dill rift, on the 27 th of
Augull next, and continue from day to day,
s Sunday s excepted, until rbc 2d of Septem
ber inclufivc.
Those of the 2d. difirift cn the 3d of
September, until the 6th inclusive.
Those of the 3d. difirift, on the Bth of
September, until the 10th inclusive.
Those of the 4th difirift, on the jithof
September, until the 13th inclusive.
, Those of the sth difirift on the
September, until the 17 I1 inclusive,
Those of the ift difirift, on the igthcf
September, until the 22d inclufive.'
Those of the zA difirift, on the 23d of
September, until the 30111 inclusive.
Those of the 3d difirift, on the ift of
Oftobcr, until the inclufive.
Those of the 4th difirift, «n the 6th of
Oftober, until the 9th inclusive.
Those of the £th difirift cn the* roth of
October, until the 16th inclusive,
Those of the ift difiiift, on the 17th of
Oftober, until the 24th inclufivc.
Those of the 2d difirift, on the 25th of
Oftober, until the ayth inclusive,
Those of the 3d difirift, on the 28th of
Oftober, until the jifi inclusive.
Terms of Sale.
Os the purchasers bond, with approved
prrfonal security, fer the amount of purchase
money, will be required, in four equal, t;nnu
al inftalments > to be paid in gold dr silver ;
the firft payment to be made, twelve months
alter date, in addition to which a mdttgagc
on the premises will be required.
CammiJJioners .
Louisville , June z 6, ISO 6.
U-... - - -- -
Ten Dollars Reward.
RAN- AWAY from the fubferibera mu
latto girl of the name of SALLY, It
U fuppoP.d (he is in the vicinity ol Augusta,
©r in Leach Ift ind—-whoever briogi her
to me i't Augusta, (hall receive the above
s- m
■ *' . V. f ' '
V *
On the firft 1 Ufjday in Augvji next, at the
Market Houjeinthe City of Augufa, at
the ufuai hours ,
ioo acres of i and on the Wa
ter* of Cupboard Creek, with a good Grist
rail! ; bounded by lands of John Savage,
Holland M‘Tyre and others.
25 acres, adjoining the said de
ferred Joo acre trail, and lands of Hol
land M‘Tyrc and General Thomas Glnf
ccck, with the improvesnefit* thereon;
being the late refidencc of Capt. Samuel
Bugg.—the above land* levied cn aa the
property belonging to the Eftatc cf Samuel
Bugg, to fatisfy an execution in favor of
■> the aarn’ri of John P:arcc.
Two Negro Fellows, JERRY
and SAM ; the above negroes levied «n a»
the property of George Pcarfon, to fatisfy
an execution in favor of the ad min ill ra to it
of Jofcph Cox.
One houle and lor, adjoining the
Cicy of Augusta, and conflicted as in the
City, at present occupied by John Hrm
mell efq ; containing in front on Reynold
Street, 100 ;ect more or left, and exten
ding towards the River 120 sect, mete or
left ; bounded by lots of Andeifon Wat
kins and Dreadzil Pace, Efqrt. th 6 above
lot levied on as the property of Edmund
B, Jinkins, to Satisfy an Execution in favor
of the City Coupcil of Augusta.
One Brick Heufe and lot, levi
ed on a* the property of Geeige Watkins,
Esq. in or adjoining to the said City ot
Augofta, containing in front or. broad Street,
80 feet, more or left, and running thiough
to Reynold ftreei:, supposed to be 342,
ami bounded on the North-weft by a final!
alley, which is bounded by land beloning t©
the heirs of M'Cartcn Campbell, and on
the fouth weft, by a Jot belonging to M‘-
Iver; the above Jot with the improvement*
threon is levied on to fatisfy an execution
ia favor •£ the City Council of Augafta,
Part of the lots No. 21 and
22, with the improvements thereon, at pre
feat occupied by George Pec and others;
bonndt d by the lots of J ohn-Catlett and J ohn
Wi'lfonefgrs, andrathersand Reynold ftrect;
the said lots and improvements levied on,
and to bs fold as the property cf George
Fee, to fatisfy an execution in favor of
Wm. Wallis on a foreclcfure es a Mort
gage.—-Conditions of Sale, Cash,
H. M‘TYRE, s. r. c,
June 28. ( ts)
On thejirfl Tutfday in Augufi next, between
the vfual hours of sale, in the City of
Augusta, at the houfs formerly occupied by
Laurence Somers deceased,
An Alfortment of
Levied on as the Property of Laurence
Somers deceased, to fatisfy a judgment in
favor of Jos. G Cormick, and pointed
out b« the piantiff.
GEO. W. MOORE, d. m ». g
7“iy g. ' (60
, Executors Sales,
On the fame, day {frfi Tutfday in Auguji,)
at the fame place, and immediately after the
MarfiaVs Sales .
Will be disposed of the relidue
of, the Pirftmal prspery of the said Lau
rence Somers deceased,
CONSISTING of a general aflbrtmcnt
of Wet and Dry goods, which will be
put up in Lots, to snit the purchafcrs.’
Terras of fa!o, Cash for all furas under '
roo dollars --a credit of three months on
all from too to 500 j and of four months,
•n all over 500 —the purchafcn giving
notes with approved endorsers.
N. B- Thofc indebted to the said eflatc,
arc rcqucSed to make immediate payment
as above, and thole having demands rgainft
the fame, t© exhibit them duly attested.
June 14. [6]
TH A t
Valuable Plantation.
CONSISTING of 2627 acre* on Savan
nah River in Burke County, and 767
on the oppoftte fide in South Carolina—
The value of the Pine Lands, on this fide,
and the rich low Grounds cn the ether fide
of the river, renders the whole a
Valuable FJlate.
The advantages of an elevated
situation, the cftablifhoient of a F-;rry con
ftantly, and with the command of Lands of
every quality, upon a navigableiiver, are
so well known as to need no other deferip
tion.—-Terms of payment, and the price,
will beeafy; for particulars, apply in Ab
gufta to Thomas Flourncyefq ; of Seaborn
l r^ e * c * f J* a* hi* feat in Sciiven county, .
and in Savannah to
Juy ij.,-
. Offers For Sale ,
His STOCK in Trade,
Consisting of a small though
choice aflortment of
Lately imported, with a supply of
Liquors and Groceries
which he will difpcfe cf on low terms,
and on a Hbeial credit.
June 7, 1806, (if)
THE Subscriber intending to leave the
state tor a few months lias appointed
John Ra»cliffe cf Aagufia and Edmukd/
Maher of Savannah, his legal attornies, du.
ring his abfcnce 5 he has alio taken the kid
RadclifFo into Partneifhip,'and the business
will be carried on in future under the firm of
Who are/ and will continue to be well fop,
plied, with *
Dry Goods & Groceries.
Thoic indebted to the late
firm of Scott & Kelly's, who have neither
/ liquidated their accounts nor paid, any parr,
will find them in a lawyer's bands tor recove
May 17. (tl\)
A O T I C £.
To all and SinjfuUr thoje suho may he con-
I corned in tne Ejiaie of Benjamin Horn
late cf Columbia county dtceJjd -that on
(hefifihduy of September next , at iht
hou/e of Eli one of the admitij. i
trators. on /aid Efiate ,
ALL the Perfonai JEftatc of
the said Benjamin Horn.
dec. The terms of Sale will he u?de
known on the day of fale---a'nd those who
may'be indebted to said Efiate, will pkafc
conce forward and make fettlenrxnt # wiih
said Efiate ; and th'-fe who may have
mand* against said Efiate, will a*f;> attend
with their account* attefled.
A dntinijiraiors.
July 26. [6."]
Executors Sale.
On Saturday tbefrtk of September ncxi, !,J
Columbia County . ■
THE Plantation whereon the
late James Burroughs lived;
The plantation cetfifts of 400 acm, about
15*3 clear—ilie whole well fenced in, with
a comfortable dwelling house anoth
er convenient improvements; laid pin ti
tioa adjoins lands of EivcUy Lov-c, and
George G. Tsnkcifley.—Term ir.nds
known by applying to the executort.
At the lame time and place, two
Negroes, two beds and furniture wi;h Urn 2
other article* of houfchold furrmnic, the
perfonai property ot Elisabeth Er.»’»o:ghs
jau’r, deccaied.
7 'Ay 26. [3*o
On the firfi Tuefday in September next, at
Scriven Court■ Hou/e, between the hours cf
jo and 3 o* clock.
A House and Lot in Jackfonbo
foßgh known by No. 14.
A trad! of Land in said ebunty,
rn Utse Ogcchce, joining land cf James
Fonder, containing 400 acres, more or ltfs>
taken rs the property of Geraid Lartigue*
at the fait of Jame* M'Konkry, Pointed
out by Henry Joyce—Term*, cash,
JOHN BRYAN, s. s. c.
July 1 6- [3O ..
A f,L Persons having any de
l\. mauds, again!! the Kfiate
of Daniel L. fiin cf Lincoln county dec.
i are hereby requefied t > render in uiou
i account* properly attefied for payment 1
and those indebted to Lid Efie te are casn* ‘ r
Jy tequefted to make immediate payment*-
Wra. EVANS 1 r .
July 26 [*:]
To afford one more opporuuu*
ty for zhots in arrears for taxes, *u di '
the fame, jh,e fobiciUer will a'-tr. - f* -
the receiver l of Land draws cn 'he B ; *•*
of their attendance in caefc d drift ; ;
who do no: avail them ft Ives of this c t?:y
tquitv, will be deprived of their draw*i *
the land, and will soft slTurediy find
• name* in the Newr-peper, and their j’*'*''
perty advertised for falc.
Eichvtbndccur.tyy July z 6» •