Newspaper Page Text
j - ■' *
ijuvuuvtlt - ; »A iiaitlU.
Monday $ Thursday.
|x/V\ V AW\ , W\'W\W\W\VV% I VV\ , VV\W'tVVVV%
Land Lottery Hegist r,No. 1.
kibbling —Wm. B, toward .
BnhhJin- John II Harvey, Francis Leo
Richard Irwin, Moses Crane
Cluck ; Nancy Kilgore, wnl John I iuni*
melt, Wm Johnson
Columbia Win Bastion, jr
Chatham— Wm Statham, orp John w.
Ashton, Bliaa I O'tgel, or l>
Camden —Joseph Eaton's orps Thos C
Cm-by, Alary Srfiilh, wid Isabella Clark,
Early— Mathew McCrary _
Elbert--- Saily wid Leonard
Rice, Isaac Das if!
Greene- Richard V Asbury, d bos A
Williams, Wm J W'lburn, Isaac Hogg,
Wm Sharp, Allen s. Johnson
Qwinneti —Luke Robinson, Wm Me
'• ' Bride
A/i-Wm Flanagan, sen
Hancock— James W ilkinson,
// tbershnm —Uicliard I ankersly
Jones—Calvin Ciemettce, Wm Williams,
Hern? Mill, Lucy Adkinson, wid Blunt
Bazmore.orp ... .
Jefferson —John P I.yons, Jason Alford,
\Vm Gi mo'e
Jackson Isaac II Kills, James N Cool.
Jos/ier— Kib'-rt Buis, Zecharia White,
Wm fltomas, Thomas Benton, John Pate
Luwcus— Ceo W Hammock, orp Thus
Liberty —VFm Murray, K Bodes, widow
Mortrun— Sterling L Pritchard
Off! ibov'rc -iWit 1 ' i hnith* *' " a ,r s , t
Pulaski —Mary Thompson, wid
JPiiinum —Jesse Taylor
Richmond —Rhodes’s 01 plums
Tr/fui'- —John Kainy
Twiggs —Robert Dcshago, David Mill’s
Walton —Robert S Mullens, Win Hen
son, Margart-t Waters, wid
Darren —llickmon Dixon
. Washington —Jacob Garner, Noah Ti-
JVs krs —John C Leitner, Joshua Callo
way, Win Proctor, Thus Littl
jltifhing- LW Cason, John Johnson, Jo
i Miller
IS ; dwin— Laird Fleming, John Batson,
M ,ses McCarty, Jus Sparrow, Isaac ’l’.
_ Francis Jeter, Mill’s orphs John
Kenui .rtou, Win Hollingsworth, Leonard
Perkins, Ealey Sharp, Darling Cobb, John
L Marti;i
It take —John Cox Wm Holliday, Jas
Allen, John Davis Reading I) Bryan, E
lisha Hainan, M Hoiimgsworth, wid An
drew Proudtli, Surah Telly, wid Coker’s
crph- Ft oil. rick R Sliurban
• Bryan— Davis’s orphs Ann Maxwell,
Bulloch— lsrael Green, Wm Grimes,
John P'-att
Ciaih - James Wilson, Zndock Cook,
Wm i c it, Lewis May held, Win C Dnh
bins, R eti Kimhell, John S'one, Jereo i
ah J'lde.i Wi" Hightower, ilowtl F.lder,
I’, a <r. . \V We> ks
Cilujiihia -Jo mi T Bayles, Five pa Jor
d. , Gcvpo Moy, jnn llirain Pittman,
; 111,1111 W Mu dick, Short’s orphs Wm
Iline, Nairy Cosby, w d FVanket Jones,
wi Cpmi in Fraser, Lem uuark, Wni’son
Chailfwt- Daniel « uolfe, Henry Norn
ingston, •te; in n Wolf, John P Maxwell,
Liukb. rry Ui>s>\vi< k, Ann W right, widow
F.dicoll F Doge; Wm Scott, H njaniin F
■■ Chet rj J uni Mingledoil, John Bonnily;
Thomas Box’s orps; Fryer**, orps; Thi s
I’U’sV; ine Gribb' n; wi N'choll
C. hi on— Wm Hunter: ‘suncy Stafford’s
orps y-.hii Stoteshuiy, & > Mczells;
C O ft Brown; y lilt II Molnte-h
KJj'tugh m—Davit) IF I’iiU v; s -n
Emanuel-- n S Kirkland; Isaiah
Tavlnr; 11 11 - 1 . i.» Studstill
E!bert~ y ones Fives orphs Samuel Le-
Sueur, sen .lolin W £ dnick; A'ud’ien
Hightower; Joshua Sjh-.s;s’ <n pb W ilhkih
Watson; Elijah Hunt; tVe.nley » Bailey,
Jose ;rh Wat kins; MCx older Hudson; J-a
Ad tins; Zacliar.ah S' :;ni >; -; Sam Mat a
evew; Levi' !* ti.iio-i; I’airiei BUt
lev; Joel Maxweh; Jeremiah Burnett
Franklin —John Belony, George N Bur
ro"s. Jam s J mes, jr John M Nct.l; John
lib'; Jis Mellonald
(in, ne ~ Elizabeth Anders: wil Drury
Allen, lacn U Kongo; Asa A’ Co e, Da
vd Sher-cB; \btier r«»*p. .; /’■ her- \l
- .1 bn Armor; GeoPjh Channel; i?iclt«
Di nt.i Shelling; James CatTmi'l; Walt r
Austin; Samuel McCt.ln; Wai TuggK,
Harrti (I Carrell
Gwinnett —Green Sorrel’; Bcrj Mun
Glenn— Joshua W M:e’t'vs
Hull— Thomas Obeuv; James Johnst.-n;
fen G orge t' Aamsey; Charles Haicc;,
oen Winney Slewait; wul
Hancock —Na'hau Gilbert's orps John
K He i 8« n, W in Jackson, Win Killehto'v,
Wm Medford, John Potter Elir.ab C
Barnes, widow, Wm Swint, Obcdialt .1
* Shivers
// bevsham —Shadntck Holt, Win H
Wofford. Jo' u Fain, Joint Trammel:, Frc
derick M ze, I hom.vs Garner
Jaae«“"\Vm Hunt, John Singleton, Job;
. Baker, Danivl Powell, George W Rogers.
Bt nj Martin, Drury Bag et, Mary Mitch
am, widow. John King, sen 1 h s Bullard,
Aiien Caldwell, John Dixon, Win Ui#-
imikos, Andfrson Satyerwhitc, Uicliard
Scott’s hips Berry Driver, John Fanner,
WJhis Gammon, Jas Moore, sen John R
M-oia, Daniel Me Loud, John Hudson,
David Tula
Jjf rsii.i—Uohcr Flemmg, Mary Spivy,
wi tow, Daniel t ook, Benj Sherwood,
Chrisiian Pylaml, widow
JacA*««“MAthrw M Penticost, Hugh
H< ivinck, Ricnsrd Pcnticost.Henry Sims,
Abner Saylors, J-n-pb W Todd, Co.ten’s
J;«/.er?*Ki\mc« Dean, widow, Josi&h
King. P» i m’s orphans. Most s Simomon,
v n IjMseter, Basdel Potter, Jesse Robe
re' i' Ga*c Jackson’ 'rp- Lemu. l Culpep.
P’ V* e ime White J hit Huston, Ra
ch-. tl» I, wi.T w. Silos U Buchannan
Lue ■ •■•'•TM'rty Graham, Widow, Vin.
■*k y Collins, widow,
H 'V% Jr
John Glesson, Jas H Ramsey, Jesse Cruse,
Dehtha Kemp, widow, Jackson Ham
mock. Eadingtou Willis, Wm T Davis,
Dan el Roberts , ,
Liberty— Jeremiah Hicks, Charlton
John Crozier, Charles Cour
sey, Mary Jeter, wid >w, John Zelender
Madisonrr-kmca Baxter, John E Cald
, well, Wm A'chieson, John Wood, Lu L
Christian, Berkley Sims
wMb-yrmi—Uonard Rums, Richard M
Gilbert, Susannah Bracket, widow, Ma
tbew Campbell. John Williams, Wm u
Stark, Daniel C Jackson, Jacob William-'.,
Thornton Perkins, Winston Smith, Filliot
Wood, Jane Fretwell, AVm Wood, Wm
. Wakefield, Celia Kennon, widow, Benj
White, Richard W Hanson, jane Nutt,
widow , Mary Irving, widow
J1 Vn/OA/i—Mary K Junes, widow, Alex’r
S Mclntosh; Susannah Burges; orp Char
les Day
,/Mon tgnmeryTTi o*hun Hambleton; Dan’;
•Morrison’sorps Neil klct^rahie
Oglethorpe*? Alien Harden; Armstead
Graham; Jami-s Jordon, jr Sarah Wright;
. widow; Luther Wallace; Samuel Keilunt;
j Wm Farmer; George WhitrcU; John" 5
’ Smith; Edwards’ orphans; Geo D'-ggeit;
John A Nuimally; Geo M Smith; IV nt N
i Leo. Mary Smith
/Voifci—Thos Delamar’s orps Moses
Godding?; sea Sanders Rush’s orps Silas
1 T). ar ; Absolam Sapson, Lary 0-Driari;Beiij
‘ Smith
/ 'ntaamsrohn P Layson, James Parks;
' Wood Moreland; John M Doughty; Thus
I» Swann; Allen Bartlett; Jacob Cobb;
Swinm y’s orphans; Mathew Haunter; Geo
JiichmondTiM Outlaw; Jas B Clark;
1 Elizabeth Thomas; widow; John II ( amp
bell; David Btt lett. Adeline E Moore;
orphan; Davis Bottom; Bell’s orphan*;
’ Charles Smith,yroseph Loyd; Amelia Hall;
widow; -Vandwich’s orphans; Oliver Mil
’ S'crivrn— James Dixon; Jonah Burnes
TattmUrr Elijah Padget; Levi Highs;
5 Benj Brat on; John Snrscrticy
Tctfaim Nancy Mcßae; widow; Henry
Hightower; ,u hn Mcßae; sen
VVcHtlu rington; Hugh Middleton, Ov, t ..
C Fert FJizabcth Opry; widow, Joel Ra
Walton —Thos Liles; Wm Mats; John
Coition; David Mcßride; jas Stroud; Ma
tliew Tidwell
Wavrvn —jngitua Stanford; sen johp
Harvey; Geo Morgan; .->ion Powell; j .mes
Fuller; Jordan Ouodsen, James Smith
David Green; Aaron Jones, Jesse Carter,
Rarnahus Jones; Saraii Ellis, widow Da
'id Moblts; John j Johnson; Elizabeth
Hi nt; widow
Washington —Benj Spain, David Dortch
John Walker; fieuCorbii; Ezekiel Howell
I hos Williams, j" Abraham Vann; Wm
Wayne— Ransom Cason
Wilkes —Jas Sanford; Titos Y Gill; Crcn
whaw’s orphans; Harmon Gn■»n, Richard
S Daniel; orphan; Thus J.irratt; ii tguley’s
orps Robl Mnrphey, Jas Grysup Jas Col
l\, j* Lewis Moore, Asa Lanli .ui; Ichsbod
Holmes; Th Terrell; son of Peter; EHz
M Thompson; widow; Thos A 11.-ard;
John Tarver’s orphans
Wilkinson —Abner Woodall; Arthur
Hundol; Joel Jackson, Wm Davis, Thos
Sherrer; Joseph Yarborough; jonn F
Simmons; Frederick Doroiany; Lewi
Mobley; Jesse Brown; sen Samuel Fhhe
i-cdr; a ihn Malpress, Brady's orphans;
Thos .Me Gi my
Mo. 2
APPLI.VG— James Jones and John
H. II.DWJJV—VM Abliotl, John Dees.
Allen Fis;es, >Vllli«m Hutcheson, John
Johnston, Sarah Lee, widow, Julia Mm
den, orphan, Jesse Prosser, Asa \ Tin
ner, Benjamin Jones, Thomas’orphan.-.,
James Mi liter, jand lolin McKennyl
BURKt\— Charles B -own, Robert C;t
rulhets, Benjamin Parnell, William God
by, jr Robert |i win, Henry Neyland, Ran
dal Odani’sorp, Spencer’s orphans Eze
kiel Weston, John Skinner and Samuel
BULLOCK- —Cullen Barrow, Sarah
liuu-s, widow, and John Rimes, sen
CL RK— Raleigh Hightower, Eld
ridge Nail ami Isaac Oakes
CO /, UMHJA— Dredsdale Ayres, Jo
seph G Blunt, Co es’ orphans, John W
Dozier, GurtrelPs orphans, David Holli
man, Mildred Jorden, widow, Dully Neal,
widow, John Pittman, James Quesenber
r , James tshipp, GilesJ Wilkins, Betija
min Watson’s orphans, .Sarah Collins,
widow, Fltomas Cobh, Henry Sikes,
Elizabeth Jones, widow, and Augustus
• ILITHA. -If—Ralph Bowman, George
-h'allmrn, Franeis Dayle, Samuel Griggs,
" tutu 1 Dine. John VlnNish, William bin
■stead, Hester Kiker, wi low, John A Ste
phens, jr. David H. iiompson, John Va
vet, Frederick Willlnk, diz. Strawliack
er, widow, Ed. Jt Aif i d Butty, orp Ann
Si at ham, widow, Joseph Revets, Wim
herly J Hunter, Matthew Shearer, John
I! Hail, Philip M Box’s orps John B Gan
drie, Silas J Ross, orphan. Miles Smith,
Lucy Hears, Sarah Biggs, w idow, Myren
Bartlett and Will am Bandy
t.f.UPE.V—James W Stewart, Rich
ard Lang, William Cone and Jonathan
EARLY— William Hair
F, FFI.VG //. LU— Rphrai m Pouledgo
FJIIAJVUEL —David P \dants, Jesse
Price, Tabitha VViikcs, wid Jorden Fun
dors, Arch’d Mothe’s orps Joseph Brook
er, Loud Moore, Abner Shaman, & Ben
jamin F'aircloth
El. HER F —Lucy Crawford, wid Ran
som Won ill, David Carr,Griliin’s orphans,
finny Ham, widow, John Crawford’s orp-
Wdliam Burnes, Charles Reynolds, Jach
W King, James G.Christian, George W il
liams and Hi nry Cabiness
Fit LVKLl.V —Warren Davis, Peter
Crover, sen Henry A S ■ h. Jas. Lowry,
snn ufVVm James Burges, Williams she!-
nut, Samuel Morgan, sen Joseph w , ;
W illiam Herring, David Payne, William
W ilkinson, Flez- I Praslny, John Williams,
Dicy Ayers, wid Thom;-•, Harbers, Wil
liam Ilausley, James ilcbonoid and Moses
GREEXE— PoweI Ward, dqhn Curry,
son ot Jas. AifO'il Allison, Robert Martin,
Pheby Fuller, wid HetUy Christmas, ,1a
coo MifchelkTbomas Kimbrough, Benja
min Drear, William Richards, Geo Hun,
Simeon Itridg's and James H Ramey
GWI.\Ji'ETT- Green W Baker, Bin
ay Muks, Jos ph Watson, Übell Brume-,
l >ve, orp J sst Hancock, Richard Holt
Thomas sJinrheu Etijah Cupels i
George Carpeme'-, B.njai iia Higgins, Sa
mucl Lee, Joseph CuvouUur, Bcrdigut;
Howal, James Curlec, Greenville Pulling
and William Shenhml ,
GLYJ VVV—He<r> Dubignon and Ben- i
jamin F Catoe ;
HALL —John Myers, John Haines, jr
Darcus Coffee, orphan, John Rodens,
James Black, Wilfiam Bird, John Colnn,
Riley McGuire 9nt Richard Adams
HANCOCK— Humbert Perrel, John
Asbury, Jesse 'William Medfort-,
Abraham White, .'ames B Waller, Hich
ardC. Burch, Kiciard Griffin, Thomas A
Gibbs, Mayo’s orplans, .lohr W Hall, Kd
, win Rogers, Nathaniel Garcy, Catharine
Dents and Spilth
UABERSHAJ I/A-Alkn Elston, minor,
i Henry Mize, John Fbrrister, sen Jo
j shua Stephens, Coirge Brock, Morgan
. Bryan, minor ' „ . ,
IRWIN— James Allen, Jos Grayham »
. Leonard T Marshall, James
C Davidson, j Thomas Boyce, John
I Paridiss, Turner Alford, Marlin L
McPherson, Spencer Owens, Benjamin
Birdsong’, Sanders W Denham, Jeremiau
Pierson, jr |William If FVagin, Thomas
Hobbit, Burwell Bridges, William Castey,
1 Elijah Wells, II Robinson, Oliver Lock
; hai l’s orps Alim J Austin, W iMiam Pet
ty, Thomas Harvey, Mai Lin 1 Ellis,
Wood’s orphans
; JEFIEKSON— Ebcnezer Calvsell, orp
, David Eva/is, Caswell Moore, John Earn
i est, orpha/i, Olive T Bell, wid V' illiam
Smar, Simeon Williams, Jeremiah Smith.
JACJ&SON— John perk, Andrew
i Reid’s ops Irev Jarratt, Henry Collins,
John Orp, jr William Ryholds. John C
j Stone, Mary McNatt, will Val Frefflan’s
orps Maryann Shadock, wid Moses Lira
Inm, Hill Steed, Corneliusshocklcy
JASPER —Joseph Smith’s orps John
B Dye, James H Montgomery, Wiliam
Lawless, Ludwdl Watts, James Dmity,
James Fincher, John 11 Pearson, David
Hosti n, Gilbert IJ Greer, William Pres
null, Robert Woods, Jase Berks, widow,
Lai ken Dunn, John F,Gloves, Bnrwell
. Jenks, Henry Ware, M<vk Wales, Plea
sant Golclsby, William ferry, Dempsey
r Poriw find. Brow i’s orphais
LAUREL'S— L‘ke Lsseter. Hcn y
j Messer, William Kiuchenl Richard Glo
i ver’s orps John Careyt Denpsey Fennel,
, c.n. uarsey, liltas Miller, Mary Cook,
widow, William JI CaHiupu. Mary Beaty,
widow, John Register, 'Nmcy ifodges,
i widow, Wiley Pope
LlßEßTY —Needham goiter, Jolm 3
Law J thn Tver
LINCOLN —• amuel Glaze, Codins
Brown, John Jarnttt, Wiliam Ei ans, Su
nmel McKorde. AbraliainShernauti, Jane
Leveritt, orp Daniel Weters
MADlSON—‘ Thomanlicliards, Daniel
Tollison, Lewis l.audf, William W
MORGAN— Cloe Faipn,widow, Rich-
VI Gilbert, Leny Tjvasher, widow,
Irwin Ycates, David, Morris’
orphans, Jolm Jackson, dicajuli CWI
iiamson, Benjamin Easley William Fain,
James Bracewell, David love, John Siu
dix, Joh Willard, John A Burney, Wil
hum Drennan, Julia Greet son of George
Solomon Seat
MIYTOSff- —John Jufline, Susanna
O’B ien, widow. Ann CFulon, widow
JifONTG OMERl —Doran M'Crim*
moo, Hector M Milton, Mcßea,
Malcom McKinnon
OGLET/fi jf/ J £—John Gicen, Wm
f unsiord, Samuel MoCanless, Wm A
Cunningham, Pollard Vorphans, Nathaniel
I ndv, Dudley Dunn, Doctor, Wald
toolsby, Wm W Austin, James Jerrell,
l.ittleberry Edward, Jesse/enkius, David
l adshaw, Peter Butcher, jr Francis 0‘
Kehy, Chesley Am hi
PULASKI— Solomon Brewer, Robert
lowdl • I
PUTNAM —Boswell Turntr’s orps
Sanders B ihepherd, John {Edward. Wm
uimons, Rowel Reese, John Johnston,
' mi Lamar, widow, Jones McNeile, Wi •
W Walker, Joo Ardis,Jisiah Johnston,Jon
human, sen Jefl"n J Lamar, Martin Moon,
'■'.d Barnes, Fdi Banks, Betij King, John
f'Jiisley, Lewis Bass, Joseph Morris, Thos
RABUN—Omrv Wall
RICHMOND —Win Harris, Wm Fee
der, Samuel Hall, orphan, Joseph Phillips
Thomas Averill, David Wright, Secreta
ry Powel, Win W Montgomery, Thomas
Cnlhreth, Mary Wages, widow, Cresa At
well, widow, Thos Campbell, Simeon
Russel, Augustin Slaughter
SC RlVEN—James Conner, sen James
P Poyihress
V 'ATTNALL —Stephen Thompson,
Necliam Gann’s orphs
TELFAIR —Dennis Taylor, Samuel T
Garrett. Joseph Blanchard
TWIGGS- William Dish roon, William I
Ke, dnek, Win Gromsley, Nathan Worn
bk , Devi Liston, Cullen Sals, John Ash
bd, Samuel Duncan, John Rutherford,
Thomas Dennard, jr. Isaac L Streetman,
Ricbad Street
WALTON- —Jlton Weath rs, Elijah
Caimatax, Hardy Smith, Wm Mcßride,
Samuel R Redish. Ricihard I! Bradford
Jordan Baker, David Garrison, fbhn Clark,
James A kins, Charles Garrett, Daniel
Hagens, John Whitley, J sse Lane, John
WARREN —John tJsry, Film’d D
Perryman, Edwin Baker, Greene Baker,
Mary Sanders, widow, Thomas S Roberts
Claborn Thigptn, David Durden, Cluircli
weP lire, Reuben Stanford, Isaac Ba'.ey,
Thomas Posey, John Wilson, John Wright
Guthrus* orphs Absalom.iscoit
G'. ISHInGNO v’erCharUg King, Wm
Whitfield, Thomas sheher. Solomon
Wiight’t orphs David Williams, Jolm
IT enmn, J mrs M Franklin, Joel Davis,
J hn' Lufier, Elzabeth Howard, S nits
S'.villy, Frederick Tison, Sarah Bushin,*
Thomas Smith, Clmrchcll Haines, Mary
bhwsr’NatTcy Stokes, Robert Brooks, Ja
smin Miller
iVA F-A'.G’T'Snfnuel Persons, Fanny
Kn -.hi, James Ratcliff, Randal Sh-ffudd'
h ILKES— Burwell Duniphant, Phil
ip J Stalk’s orps Irwin Crews, Ehendar
F emister, widow, Chasteen Gibson, Wm
•/ Aiastrfn, Wm Cato, Alexander Smith,
Mm Right, Charles Boswell, James Hop.
kins. Jam, s owns, Thos Green, jr Patsey
Foster, widow, Thomas A Heaid, Obetli.
ah Tallov \ orps Floyd’s orphans
If ILK I\ SOS -.Aicob Boon, John
M inters, Jas Welch, Phiionion Conoly,
P .ilip Pitmta Mills Jackson, Jas Wade,
Jas Smith, F Creek, Wm Harden.
No, 3.
APPLING —Jeremiah Chance), John
H Mulper, E-ijah Sapn, Andrew turner,
lesst Wiggins, Mial Monk j i
HAL ft IH\ —Jas. Berry, Isaac Cope
and, J P Jame’s orp Thomas Lampk-n,,
•olm Malcolm, Wm. Skinner, Benjamin i
I icker, AUuuis Whitfield, Benauiuci
BUnKE—John Dcvingport, Vtiison B
Kimball, George Phillips, Charles Skm
ner. Turner Scarborough, Zacn. L. F t
BRYAN— EIi Fulch, Elijah English
Asbury Silvester,' Luke Mann,
BULLOCH— Pugh Pollard, William
Starling - , ,
CLARK— John Kilgore. Robertsons
orp John R. II Smith, Thomas Thomp
son, Douglierter’s orphs Robert Velvin,
Joseph Smith, Nathan Gann, jr. Benjwmn
Davis’ orphs Leonard Ward, Tho s Jerler
son Bugg, Richard Mcßee, jr* James
Sims „ _ .
COLUMBIA— James McVail, Sarah
Phillips, wid Thomas Somers, sen
CHATHAM—James McCareel, orp.
John A Parasoll, orp Henry Street, Es
ther Towns, wid Anthony Snares, Sarah
M Ben>on, orp W iliam Shaw, Mary Gro
rm t, wid Sinvin John P- Jacob Fox, How.
ard’s orphs Charles Thomas, Margaret
Shifter, wid Burrel Lathrop, Robert Uar-'
re 1, jr
CAMDEN— Charles Floyd, William
I.ang, John Kirkland, Robert Honeker,
DOOLY— M illiam Posey,
EARLY— ,Usse Davis, Willis Kelly,
Jul ns W- ver, H bert Benson
EFFINGHAM—John Genobly, Sarah
Womack, wid 1 hornas Brilch,jr George
EMANUEL— WiIIiam ..Thornton, E
phraim Herrington, jr Ghii'les Meek,
Bear infs orphs
ELBERT- George Alexander, Jesse
Lcgrand, E ijah Dubbs, William llulrlie,
Joseph Evans, .John Johnson, sen John
W Terrell, jr John Mitchcm, Wm II:
Underwood, William Wells, Davis Jones,
Gy!him Hudson
FRANKLIN—Lews Walton, Wm.
Atterway, sen John Johnston, Benjamin
Chiles, Juicy Hooper, will Wm. Atier
way, jr William Perdue, orph Winston
Whiteworth, Thomas 0 Vlclntire
GREENE —Redding Jarrell, Burnett
Moore, Obediah Campbel 1 , Walter Aus
tin, Folly Simmons, llnsscl Tally, Milly
Weathers, Joel Moody, Robert String
felloiv, John McLain, Allen Bools, John
Blakenship, Green /dinson, James 11.
Ru'iiey, Benjamin AVilliams Jccamiah
Vlome, John A Bates, Elizabeth Gooder,
wid Joshua Myers’ orpea Martin Slaugh
ter, William Criddclle, Kiziah Womack,
wi l Joel Moody, Eatoii Upchurch, Henry
C HTNNETT— Lindsey Elsherry, Ro
bert Whatley, Edward Lee, Henry Lee,
James Baskin, Aden Btich, Micajali Hen
drick, Francis Winn, William Dobbs, sen
GLYNN —Joseph Crews
HALL —William Mullins, Nancy Black
well William Blackwell, Thomas Dosette,
John T Camp, Irwin Strickland
HANCOCK— Elizabeth West, widow,
George Collins, Spear Bradley Barnabas
Godwin, Levy W Coxon, Joshua Grace,
Kolin Tbomersnn, Jolm Dennis, jr John
E Denson, Frederick Carter, Simon S
HABERSHAM Francis Whiten, orp
Robert C Winfield, Coltei J Smith, Elisha
Crawford, Turner Lain, Isaac Dis.iaioon
IR WIN- —Jonathan Walker
JON S —Elijah Horn, John Porter,
Sexton’s orphan’s William Coulter, Wil
liam Rose, Henry Ligon, Edmond /ones.
William' Trice, jr John B Todd, Moses.
Petty, Bartlett. Whitliurst, Levi Pitts,
William Kirk, Joseph Nash, Young Smi'h,
Stone’s orphs Jethro Hamlin, orp Charles
Law, Felix Huckahy, Stephen Cooly,
James Britt. ’Wm. W Jordan, Green Wo-,
mack, John D Stripling, Howard’s orps
Pat'puce Simmons, wid John Edwards, jr
J£FF£tISON -Alford Coley, Jane
Evans, wu! Kineheii Mayo, William Col
ley, Peacock’s orphs Sarah Jones, wid
Byrd Hud-on, Wm. L. Fokes. Patrick B.
Conelly, Thomas Connell, Judith Sande*
fer, will
JA CKSON—E I ij ah Rosson, Harris
Ko.b, Charles Yancey, Mitchell Benne't,
Lucy Piron, wid William Wiison, G. C.
Peter Anglen, Samuel Barnett, Hardy
Strickland, Thomas Menyard, John Har
rison, Kev’J John Jemison
JASPER —Mary Mason, wid Benjamin
S Moore, Betsy Roberts, wid Anderson
Dabney, John K Binford, Usia Taylor,
Benjani'n H. Wilson, John II Gdmore,
John Carrel!, Joseph Buckhannon, George
Crain, John llately, Junes W Shropshire,
Samuel Herd, Jobe Dunn, Judy Walker,
-vid Samuel Smith, Hiram Morris, William
II House, John James, George W Low
ry, Jane Robison, wid 11. Edmonson, Sam
uel Herd, Joseph Davidson, Thomas Gar
rett, Richard M. Bevars, Samuel Harper,
Jo m Richardson, Isaac !) A Martin
LAURENS —JoIm Davis, Josh Crach,
James Dominy, orp Joseph Calhoun,
Wright Sheffield, Alexander Cary, Jesse
Stansel, James Weight,.James Perry, Jo
siah Stokes, Nathaniel Miller, Benjamin
LIBERTY —Henry Dyess, John Sew
ant, Samuel Beasley, Wm Muncy, Samu
el liar- lie, Paul Johnson
liINGOLN— Wm Mathews, Thos. Tas
ked, John Clover
AIADISON— Wm. Miller, Sami Whit
worth, sen Jeremiah Shoemaker, James
Cooper, Stephen Smith, O'Kelly’s orphs
Wm Cunningham,
MORGAN —Jno Lucas, Edwin Payne,
Benj Boon, Micajah Hughs, jr. Thos O
Harris, Jesse Myhand, John Lewis, Rich
ard Garner, J C Shipp, Thos AY Stropp,
Eliz Joh .ston, wid Jones W Stropp, Lew
is Grav* s. Isabella Browning, wid
-1i INTOSH ■ —Geo 1 >avis, Lachlan
Intosh.j Wm Thompson, Mathew Leo
nard, Fi ■<l Rose, John Caldwell, Rufus
Hoski's, Harmon Domere
MONI GOMERT —Joseph Clements,
‘Daniel McKenzy, sou Elias Branch
O LETHORPE— Moses Smith, James
W Is, Baiawin's oiphs Mary Mathews,
v, id Sami el Cochran, John Kagan Sami
Hatton, Henry McCad, I hos M. Gilmore,,
o' j) Rob- rt S. Smith, jr John Burge. Ro
bert S Leveritt, Micajah Hancock, Mica
jah Hancock, John A Davenport, Henry
L. Edwards
PULASKl —Chapped Bond, Bernard
G Thomas, Thos Howell, jr James Fur
hand, David Gaitman, Elias Dykes, James
Roach's orps James Henderson, Benj
M. Patrick McGriff. Bryant Lane
PUTN AM — Muses Padget, Ann Brad
ford, wid Samuel Wright, Thomas White.
Head, John 11 Holland, Jas Jeter, Archi
bald Batchelor, John R Hargrove, Burke
Jackson, Shadrack Bullock, Jolm Mad-
Uocks, Robert Bl- dsoe, Geo M. Wolcott.
John Hays, Wm Wright, Braze) Brisco’s
orp John Bryant, Martha Crawford, wid
Wm Moman, John A Smith, Henry Mil
in, Henry Miltins, Alanson Moseley, Ter
rell's orphans
RABUN— Wm Henson, sen
RlcUMoND—les Hutchison, Cin*
cinnatusL Acee, Jaa McLaws, Eli Smith, | Ih
Susan A Harrows, orp John Mcdude. Jas on
Francis, John Whitaker, James Francis, m;
Heart’s orphs Mary Dalton, wid Samuel ot
McCollough I
SCJIJVEN —Chas McQueen, Wm M 1 t'u
Pickerson, Win L M' bly, Hope II Colson 1 an
David D Nelson, George Newton, Andw 1 Si
McClenan, Benj Dowdy, orp Thomas \V I m
Oliver I b 1
TATNALL —Jesse Durrence, William I
Lankford, Jacob Carpenter I ai
TELFAlß—Bradley Hales, Andrew
TWlGGS —Stephen Regdon, John I 1
Colvin, John J. Sharp, Frederick Roman, I fe
Moses Wheat, Wm Davis, Rarheal Beaty, I is
widow 1
WALTON —Rebecca Smith, widow I
Joshua Brantly, Martin Luker, Rofat LI o
Hays, James Butler, Thomas Godfrey, J .s I
I.indley, Aimrod Smith Thos Hompton, I a
Wm Barrett j
B ARREN— Boling W Stark, William J
Nt wsom, jr Reddick Bass, Wm Harden, I “
Jordon McCullers, Jacob Landrum, Sarah j it
Culpepper, wnl Robert Hill, jr Samuel J o
Murks, Aaron Johnston, Eli jab Worthan, j S
jr W m G Edmondson, MoSes Darden, sen I ti
WASHINGTON— Nancy Booking,
Richard Newman, Abraham Anison, Mary j a
Salter, Ilamnnn Howard, H> nry Mason, I 1
Mary RatlufF, Wicker’s orphans John I
Duggan, sen, { <
It'ATNF. —Wm Davis, Win Fendervis, I
Stenlien Pilcher, John Mosley 1t
WILKES— Solomojfl r j|)wns, Henry t
Clemmons, jr Benj Vlhlikin, sen William j c
Miller, Hopkins W Brewer, .las Bearing, I t
Jas B Brady , Powhatan B Thurmond, Asa J
Hearing, James Bryant, Benjamin Rhodes’ 1 i
orps I i
WILKINSON Cader Keaton, Baxael I
Bell, Je.-s,e Thrower, John J. Stanton, I
Heen Rye’s orphans Violetter, wid j i
Wm Willoby, Wan. Jinking, John Waid, I
Meredith, Ezekiel VVasey, Elisha I
Hull, Jordan Williams, Wm. Smith; jr. I
Benj Stubbs, Lawder Mims, Robert Sal- j
•teiv'.lobn I) Pei due, Samuel Howard, Pa- I
trick McCallum,
No 4. j
Appling —Stephen Hagan; Paul Pop-1
well; Lnal Smith; A’. asnu F Swilly
Baldwin — Abbott; Samuel H Bur-1
ger.; Wm B (Clark; E heridg'-.N orphans 1
•Vimeou Godwin; Mark M R Jowelt; Jas I
•JlcDaniel; Lewis Stephens; Britton Wil- I
Burke —Levi Calhoun; Jlfatthew Hut- I
cheas, Jl.foses Johnson; Eliza Ann Lea- I
vett; .Wit h w C -McCuller; Wm Perkins; j
John Pior; John T Smith, Arthur Wes , I
Hall’s orphans Fanny Gravy I
Bryan —Benton’s orphans John Towe.s
Bulinch —Davis Austin, /? ddlck Can I
non; J?.an Fryer; Gnodma i’s orphs Peter I
Platt; Wyley .Yapp
Clark —Henry Hays; ..Malcolm Johnson; j
Nicholson Laurence; Joshua G. JWbore;
John Nance; Thomas .Roberson: Henry
•mith; Francis W Weeks; Wm Wiilougli- I
Columbia —David Hurdsidc; Taints Bai
ly; Nathan H Clanton; Jiel Cooper, IVm
I. A Coli ns; Rebacca Dixon; Ann; 1
Aundolph Jt-rrald; Thos N Hamilton, .1/a
ry Jones; wid JJm Kendrick; Amon New- I
lorn; I’hebv -S’oly; wid i
Chatham -j. >un Alexander; Henry S 1
Atwood; B .flat’s orphans; Archibald S
"Bulloch; John Baines, W n Brantly; Char
les W Carpenter; Am. Courtney; widow;
Henry Craig; Pilot; James Ciithbert; orp
Henry Castelow; Wm B Fox: Fishei’« or.
phans; Ca harine Fountain; Howard’s or- j
, phans; James Key, Peter Leroy; Jacob
Marta; McLeod's orphans: O- borne's or
phans; Wm Unhn; J>hn Add, capt. Bar
tholomew .Roberts, Jacob Reed; Joseph j
C Stiles; J im H Sender; Thos Scott
Can>tlen" m Ji}hu I’otti r; John L Winkler I
Early -Benj Hodges, Jesse Kelts; Lit-I
tleto i G S oton (
jEJ/ingham —John Abbott; jr Jas Blitch; I
Louis Benton; Gn 'ia Conner; Howell j
H ues, Christian J Heidi; jr Maryann Ma
son, w : dow; Calvin Tison; Allen Wilson;
John G Zi'trowei ; John J. Metzger; sen
[ Tube Continued.]
(ieoYgia ii.egittitttUwe.
Monday, November 12, 1021.
Notices for committees to prepare and
report bills.
Mr Allen—To alter amlamend an act,
entitled, “ an act to amend an act entitled
an act for the trial and punishment
of slaves, and fr e pers ins of color,”
passed the 19th December, 1317, also io
alter and amend the sth section of an act,
passed 10th Dec, 1811, entitled “an act
to establish a tribunal for the trial
of slavts in the state,” and also to
alter and amend the Ist section of an act,
passed the 19th Doc. 1816, entitled “an
act for the trial and punishment of slaves
and people of color.”
Mr. Reid—To make permanent the
town of Lawrenceville in Gwinnett, and
to incorporate iht same-
Mr. Beasley—To incorporate Hebron
Academy in Jasper comity.
Mr. Henly—To divorce Nancy and Adam
Mr. Allen—.To amend an act, and to alter
so much of an act to regulate thefeeneral
Elections in this state, and appointing the
time of the meeting of the General Assem- I
bly. so far as the same requires the general 1
elections to be held at the place of hold- t
ing the Superior Courts. I
Bills reported. 1
Mr- Mitchell, (of Jones) —To incorpo
rate the Clinton academy. t
Mr. Jackson, (of Early)—To divide the a
county of Early. )
Mr Ry .n—To alter and amend the 2d t
section of the 2d article of the Constitu- 11
tion h
Mr. James—To alter and define the n
liae’between Walton and Henry counties, f
and to add part of Walton to Henry, and r
oart of Henry to Walton * h
Mr. Walker, (of Appling)—To authorize t!
the Justices of the Inferior Court of Ap- d
ding county, to levy an extra tax 0
Mr. Blackshear—reported the proceed- tl
ings of the Board of commissioners of the g
Oconee Navigation—B6ad and referred to '
the commitee on Agricuhure and Internal
Improvement. P
On motion of .Mr Blackshear, 1
Resolve i, That the Judiciary committee s
be instructed to enquire into the expedie. •
cy of preparing and reporting a bill re
q.iiring the Judges of'he Superior Conr
of this state, hereafter to be elected to
alternate, and to convene at the seat n
government, (once in a given time) f
tlv purpose of establishing uniform rules
of practice throughout this stale.
On motion of Mr Stocks* **
Sc -
.csolved; a ‘ - -^1
a the part of the Senate,';., ■
]\ ht appointed on the p uU - M
I Representatives to takeintufl
! on '’l®; Propriety
les olD'oley, Houston,
;»d Fayette, and to add he twfl
•ou/hnrn a,Td the thrse latter ’■
Circuit, with power \M
>y hill or otherwise, fl
Ordered, that Messrs Stocks rl
l o explain an act patsed the I
, t(> authorize the Justices ■
enor Court of Liberty to lew*
ax, &c. ■ ■
NOTICPsf ay * No , VelT ' beP lj 9
of Bills KS " gard t 0 tlle "’.-fl
Mr Wimberly— Ta divorce fl
ate Lucinda and Reuben S. Ilaifl
BILLS reported. isl
Mr Dunham—To amend an actfl
an act to amend the several
ing roads in this state.” so ■. fl
operation of said ads in Bryan ■
M’lmnsh, Glynn, (Jamden, and V
tar as respects the enmity of M’lfl
Mr Bacon—To alter the 8h fl
an act, altering and ameinlmg
laws, solan as respects Tattnall cl
Mr Henly—To divorce Nancfl
dam M’ Bulloch. I
Mr Button—To s cure to thc|
of the German Lutheran Congrfl
the county ot E)n igham. and fl
cessors in office, the exclusive fl
toll-bridge across Ebenezer cierl
Mr Bui ton—l o amend an aa ■
ing commissioneis for the town fl
zer, £;c S
BILLS passed. fl
To a,ter and cliange the rantefl
tain persons. S
l’o divorce VViffiam and Cliz„bß
son—Yeas 31—Nays 11 fl
To ex.end the time for
out their giants so far as
surveyed on head rights a. >„iH[
Wednesday, November
NOTICES in relation
| tion of bills. 9
Mr Mitchell, (of Clark)-"lb fl
sth section t’f to a tto rci-aiaieflg
and to suppress vie. ami
fed 14'.U August, 1796
Mr Garrison—l o establish ;fl|
the Cimtalioocliie, at a place
Vann’s ferry
Mr Swain—To alter awl
entitled, “an act to prevtnt
I cions practice of hunting
j night by fire light, “passed
1790. ■
I Mr Jackson, (of Earl))—To B||
lea Atkins, his heirs ami assigns,
j of keeping a ferry on the
at his landing in the 23 h distnfli
ly, and to i cgulatc the tates
I in said county.
Mr Collee—To alter ami
organizing the counties of
and Appling. H
I Mr Jackson, (of Early)—To
“act to alter and fix onliie
mg the Superior ami ti.f rior
I 11 1 e several judicial circuits in tH)
j passed 4’h Dc. 1819, so far
the pMiitlieri judicial Circuit.
and amend an act to organize
ties oi Earlv, Irwin, and
21sl Dec. 1819, si- far as
li-.s ot llit- conunissioaers
nii.k. choice of a temporal')
ing courts, &c. for Early
Mr Biapksiiear—l o aulhorizHj
of the Inferior Court of
lo levy an extra tax. H
From the London EtaminU
She is far from the land wliareli®
hero sleeps, ■
And lovers around her are sigH
But c» dly she turns from tlieir fl
weeps, P
For her heart in his grave is In
She sings the wild songs of her del
plains, I
Every note that he lov’dawakifl
Ah ! little they think, who ddigliH
strains, f-
That the heart of the Minstar!■
ing! I
lie had liv’d for his Love, for Iv.sß
he died, I
They were all that to life
him; _ fl
Nor soon shall the tears of his Cow
Nor long shall his Love stay
O make her a g’rave where the si
at rest -■ ■—
Shall proniis a glur'ouse norrofl
They will -smile o’ -r her lorn 1 ), lik
from the West,
Os her own lov’d Island of
From a London Paper •
flow street.—Bigamy Extra wrlim
fat,.Tderly decently dressed co in
man, presented herselfbefore Sir d
on W dnesdav, and after haveing
profound obeisance, addressed Inn
“I am sorry to inform your "
that I am married to a men wha has
anither wife- He’s a Chelsea net
you. honour, and saxty years ot a
bye about sax months mail - , and <>
nave known better. He came to in
honour, at Ingatestoue, about
months syne; and as I was a .one"
four years 'tanding, or thereabout,
ried him, and maintained him, t o ' ll
best o’ my puirabeeliiy, but when n
that I could na’ weel do it any l JI 'l
de'san ed me ; and went afore a m *f
o’ the place, where he nv*ke -l '
that he had a lawful wife thirty '
rone, living elsewhere, and that i •
hing at all to him -the false h) ' -
Here she paused and took
pocket a L ug huswife, curious y
ibout with a light blue ribbon, trom
she produced the certification 0 ■
age, and laid it before the
lie same time observing sheh *
v.dence to prove the fi ■st m ‘* ir l
I’ray how old are you ? askea ■
• .
“ I am na yet in my saxty first y
•.-plied, “ and I’m placed m a »ery
.• decciment, worship
.m marry again, or take ony t