Newspaper Page Text
!i-h*'<l t'vu’.i‘ a weak during the session of the L«-
I wccklv for the remainder of the venr, at
*’ •*> r of NVuvue aiui Hancock Street*, at THREE j
1 i vUS »cr annum, in advance, or FOUR DDL*
,t tlieCll l i»f tiro ?ear.
b‘,‘ j u ,]| noth** sent to any j»» -r*nn out of tin* '
‘ " n l tue *;:n*eri;ui(»n money is paid in advance, I
. m-ioi v reiereiu v £»ven.
r j' ivi'ii i 1 SEMEN i'S inserted at the u-nnl rate.*. i
} . \ j*. sno-ui* LAND, l.y Ad nini.*trntor*, Exe* I
nlian*, lire roqiiir. 1, by law, to he held on |
lav m t'a- month, between tho in: tire often
i s\ml three in the afternoon, nt the Court*
o intv in which the property i ; situate.—
let be sivea i i a public ga/.ette
tho Indian,. Ilow log
em.MtnGEVIM.E, Tuesday, PEBIUMIIV 38. I83».
" «nla» in not wgfrcn m a I'utmc gir.i it.
i,vn |HVSimMi(ins!i.tll0.lnyip| -u.o,
‘ * of NEGROES muet be ut public auction, on tho
. ‘ i’ 11( »«Jiiv of the month, between the usual hour, o!
jb place of public ihw in thd co tv w h ro the
f i Ik? 'I’linrougii 3?rctl I2orsp
A Si A ts ,
in ri-mni for ivlmt «•« receive, wc offer Arub’. sen it cp to .
on immi reii-onnble terms than those of nnv i
oilier Iioibc on tin* continent, of bis grade.
T i' ,
H .„l ;it tll.'dOO
istratiou or (Ju-ti.lia '.l, first ing SI\TN IV\\’S no
ne of the public gnr.*ttc« of this State,
f the Cum!• house. whore such sales are
* (1 - N , , :‘,.r tho -«nb' of Parsnnnl Property, must bo given
. _ ai.iiiiior, FORTY (lavs previous to the tiny of sale.
* *\n,jt«> the l).\*lor* an 1 Ci ■Ktirs of an Estate must
I,. |)i!iiislicii for FORTY (lavs.
v that npplicntiou will be made to tho Court of
Ordmarv for h?a\o to sell LAND, must be publisbeil for
: > for leoi e t.) soli NEGROES, mu-t l»o puldi lied
c '■ p. )J It .MONTHS, bofore niiy order absolute shall be
mad thereon by lUo Court.
. il i,ii-iii"ss of ilii** l.u: I continue* to receive prompt
at the Ouln* of the GEORGIA JODBNAL.
-j/ fi> "Kiirllia l:„7.m«u„, r! iv.rriii*V,'nMLu”'"«?l,1''r’..‘I\• '‘V"' 1 ; , ’l'i’"r"iiii1y of
o„r.,* uv uu ,hc - v
!'|',1vi™^‘. 7,‘rid,!g IMiar.,,( lm ui N..y,„.l„.r, I a t J.f-A T nI.i n.Ik, for silver cun nu.l urn,
. , ll.t* I.u i i. ancerluiut'il, .........
! v lr i.Klimrc! ; imi.I One Dollar t.i i.i. n. rim
m i.;,m,i „„ | cxtoiHive pu.Htiirn.’e »ill bit pro-
‘ 1 ••! r '■ “frinn n ili.iniii-o, i.u.l li.ev nilll.r li'.l
lv “«-. >in,il ilircrflcil. All po »ibl ■. nro will bo liikpn
f. ;:,.M-.‘nt but no liid.iliiv Ibrniiv nmv
Central ISauli or «eor«sa.
O nnr.i'.rn TI . I'rbriinrr, IN37.
.. | |. ll’lt "IIpporltt.lll.l.'ll. Il,' MU.In,I > 1X
III.-ri' . rd U '“ • , .' l, !’ rs -l.M) DOI.LAKS, nmong
ev. r .l c onniir.i,, Suit,., mb.< lonnM.Inn ..rr„m-
the (bn c ... I - ' 1:1 °n ( cod di*comit on
vi/.: ’ *' ' 1 1,1 order stated in the following table,
«iul guarantied by Hm OeiMral
Zr2r& tk *1 More than a
' Vh »* ha* arrested the
r“ r8 *K or u, y®*™- *«» kept __
rear or the old thirteen ? Her kladnaee and nee
StS^iKS. ZJsm nTTht
8KCO.VD 8KSS|()> .
tittg..» I.C charged at th,'. d’av, h, ,u"„
ImvA |bc It)^ A . 7 ..
1111,1 111 V'»—V. «.n I,y A i ulna r t'lix, bv
i ' 1 ' 1 ’• ul }" ,,r heals, hrntiup an Mrlipsr and tim e ntiicr*.
• one tall at Joriifuli ii>, - ue won tin* two mile In alsiu
•» nuuub’s ;:J pom.lids, and d uiiuutes . r 't<erom'.s.
;Siuie fall, at New Jlopo, bay mure, (Hn art’s) by A-
inb, won the mm mile heats, bcntii.p tut, ilthms.
fall nt Jiicksi'n. N'. she won the one mile
I Amount nj
tioiieU to
I Count v.
»li 1 <*ouiilv.
• thom.- *lvos with hitvii
|»r. sent lhi* iiuiiv.illeil Siallio
heats;, |,rating the Eliza F.clipf *.
j, hdl, at On l-'tliorpo, Tube Uosc, bv Arnb
a billow oi* Hi * Vi!»r~ •"in' * i*'' ''^! 'T/•* ' ^ a .‘i fit! won fi.p four mile brats at Timonc-
i , w : .' i U J : | h t . ‘ i h‘*'tlipj«..kcvn.,b ,mr.-e^!miat four bouts,
V;. ; i ; k y nnd ppngbly Ols,.ring ni Marsk, btnitm*' (trange r.o\ V ,v sir !\,rl,\ • ! imidu bv Con-
t i.iiiatub 1 otomae, Whip an l And-ew, u.v ch.-ting t •nti.m.and Uucl.t lor bv T “
(«>»’CKItlN(l 1) \ vs.)
Jtiursiiity, ‘,' ld Mttnh.
Anwc.nt appor
tioned to each
! ,7 d'J
£2 3i A A r K S.
following nro aurnig the BLANKS that are kept
3. . auuiitly o.i h.ui.l, and for sale, at tho JOLTIN’AI.
• *• iidmitumu of a Imgc poition i.f tho community
a i I i' i <uii,uati:i ling liieattention of tho. sporting wnild—
1 «> the progonv of nil tli
and liuelit lor bv Tuckabo*.
‘.7*"? BHliield, she huh tbo iliroo mile licnts
•loekpy^CIjib purse, $"100, nt four bents, beating a
B tilts,
! llCtU
Declarations, Bo.ids,
|).\l,:mn (lor intcrr.)
J :r> rinuummsos,
s’lli.i pints (S. & I. Court,)
,• l|l|H —Adid’ts. Bonds,
Do. Foi tliconiing Bonds,
|’v Mi <:»* (•*'. N: I. Court,)
(• ,.i IP. — itions,
s.i -iiif’s Bills of Sulo,
Du. Deeds,
J |.:ioc*s Suinmonsoa,
Do. Bxceuetious,
Ta v (Nilleetoisdu.
De * Is
-a to it Mail,
, (’ll
Set. Fa*, fur FdTit. Druws,
Lowers of Administration,
l)o. Temporary,
Do. Testamentary,
|)o. Guardianship,
Administrator's Bonds
Builds of AdmTs. with the
will annexed,
Guardian’s Bonds,
Warrants of Appraisement,
Executors, Administrators,
and Guardi tit’s Deed*.
Loiters. fl)l ilia ionofEx*
Do. of Administrators,
I >o. of Guardiuiis,
.Marriage i.i. -uees.
progonv ,.f all those, we on,, with « onfidoueo, | Contention add other's. ’ ’ w
w'! v‘\, ,V’ 7‘ 111 T’ |,,,0rl I l ' iU ,:!3 '’ ,<ou Galley, bv Arab, won the Proprietor’s
, ‘*; lv * nt. — .K-tv powerful reasons: bo* pu- purse,two mile bents,beating with ease Mr. \\ bite’s
ii.oocl v Ills treiiiciitious size, and his exquisite Unpi.l, bv Butler, Eli/.u Walker bv Felinsc vvi.i. l, he con,bine. »l.,o,l.v'Sir Willinn.' ' 1 ’ ’
mill in
i i a big In-r d*’gree. th:
any other horse now on the eon-
iiuenr. uo mean no disparagoir.ent to other**; but
1 ! ‘ > l rU . 0r . tO i i “ w th r lli R h estimation in \% bit b AliAB’8 and oibe
Ml f, i r T w ? ' Vl11 l ';' l '". r ' 1 y ,cw l *e*‘*. we il.i.ik Somr Spring, Hr 1 Jc-rmnlo, Ilnmlv Cnp.h.'st thrre i
j , M f ,h ' l'' ,3tlb ' lll - v ,,f dulll “- «; u » •:> r, yi by A mb, bctiliiMr « Si, Cl,m l.» nn'j a
J .. ; ... , Jliin-n-iir r.inton, ni five In'ii.r.
I,Ml llmmw tho dam of Arnb, ...Id furCODn dnllnm, I’ull of li::i.l, „t ,\V« s.vnnpstnko., for Iliroo
, w "’ I year. "Id ; Coqno", Inr a «10UU,niter voam old, won bv Itorolln Krinlnll, I,online Iwo Alod-
1,roku • u , ul f’ 1 ' “ !*n»i.l, llcmbobu l.ns, An.l who in tbo .Snnlli mill WoM In.r nol lionr.l of
l 1 11 1 ilv .° mail,loil nnv prion bor ownor would IbiH.’ Killr.tlie l..r Ibmoil Hobocon lloi.o,
i.i. on.iiej,, bin slio died wbou going into bor mound i Kimlilnn.; wl;oi-Blill bonlingnll rotniiolitorB, mid win-
training, bno was thmu'lit by bor tranmrs In bo the ning frosb luurols in Mi>: i,,iupi, wboro olio wnoinkon,
n.vt noire tbn worn oior prudneod. 1’or Jmioil, Iwo nnd sold foj (l. r ,Oil, boforo she wns tbri ovonrs old! And
Spline nt l-mir. Tonn., Cell llnoo. mil,' lionis,
Mun by l id. i 1 arris’ State Eights, beating u Napoleeu
t ’iuroko
I ,!tl!l
Thursday, Cdh April.
- th,
G|\ mi,
Gw iniiPtt,
e. a iv.
f 2 A 51 • * undersigned lia\ iug mm ed to Mobile, w ill prao
2_ lice Law in nil tiie Courts of the City, and in the
ft',.iivin* Cn-.irt of tlio State. OTieO on lloyut Street,
a - ir! v opposite Gootlman’s House.
t ,• i , i i 11 1 . 1 . , w.,^ miiimhiuuii mu «n>i iiinni'iirK t'lii. a mi
in tad Jn. hundred doll ira wen* n In-, d; 1 anti, it is «-f t!ie tmpuriillellrd sneers* nt Tnitur.hv Arab, who, in
b-.i -wtl, sold lor8W ; for Kirbry, $ ‘J,. r >U(l , five rente.ts,\nuquisiud with ise. all Id* couipr lib is,
1 ! ":* i' r tV7 *' v:,s ,viu d i ‘/v; V:v*. ? al l ! r,, " k r; : '" ,,ont w )t u wn * iU ° vci Urnu%,t |{,,!,in ”^.1. m
• 1 t un <■. le t itotinee ; and AU.M* hiins.-ll sold beats, w ill, main cihns ibat could be meniimied. The
•' ‘ biiuglit at this time loi Ev.- than «>hn\e, how ever, shows that A mb’s colls have contended
Thursday, 20 th April.
»i<mi >le (hit sum. These plain, simple, nnd unvarnished j repratedlx an
la.-:», wlii.-li n.-o.l no eo-mneut, me in-ntioned lor uo | braird horses
esslully with the colts oftliecelc-
Ainciit u, nt nil distances,iVem tine t<» lb
■ piirp,»,o i mu to -bow lln* pronl value of Alt A l.’S imbv, sonlihiing the bi.cboli irwir ofiboir di.uiiHi,wh
II. J. II VIIWT.1.1.,
A x\IiW £50»fi STUKEi.
- TE. c. A. I'.EES iriving tlispos d of lii* ini, rest in
?2. tii! 1» i.ik I Li *i miss at .Maeou, his located him-
self in ddleilguvillo, tortile purjiuso of turiving on the
iib iv.» had i -. *. Bring truly tnankful l i his IVi-jiids in
v ni il*;* iris of t!u Stale fur the lib.-ml patroiiugi- here-
j I,".r.* liesiti.v,* I in him, he hop- s t*iey will not, with
t i • i iti/.-’n* of this place, forget to call on him, opposite
Mrs. Godwin’* Tavern, at the Sign of the large Ledger,
where may he lui.ud a largo aasoi tmcnt of
Law, IMLoelusnl, Afiscriaaueotes, :uul
Sp.hool 2>cx»5is,
(ilobes, Hehool A jipamtti j , Dissc-.-ted Map*, ami .Map* j
of all ki l ls, < v tv article in the use of Drawing, Gold
I’.iji r and Bunloriug, Fe rib rated i'aper and Cards for
I! iVv-t j , and a geuenil assoi tmeut of Fancy Articles,
M '-i - il Boxi-m, Accordion-*, Fiaiionnd Minuo Music,the j
li.-st a i il it. of ivnives, Steel Feus, Ev cr F«»iuti-d IN uvil-, ,
Du ninednitci ra,India Indoliblo Ink, I*.. 1 ; Um 1 . ml ,
iV; *esof nil kiii(ls t Hoed Buga* largo Work & Dm** Box* I
I-*,*.»-utlemeiTsSliaviiig Case-, St. I’raeelliug Desks, In!., '
»i . , I’.ip -r of all kind*, Blank and Record Be.#k*, oa ,
It ri! ciI mile to order. 'Flu 'Token, Gill, Violet and j
IL ,i i i-is Souvenir for 1337, ju-t received, and all the
n-vv I’uhlieationsaud Review* u* noon as limy are is-u- j
i the pres*; Greer's Georgiu Almanac for 1337, by j
1 Bet Bourn
alifiliation of wliat lias Iippii said, we will 1 ed i
extract trom a cf-rtijieate ot Ctd. W . II. Jehu- j . N«iw i * tlie opportunity nfii’red to the citizrnsof CJer.r*
-e opiu.iiiM in \ irgima, ami every where else, | gi'i. froni lircediiig from this noble horse. Thosoc wish*
’w iedged to l»o utiqnc-iiouublc : iag to improve the ir stock ki.ov ibeir interest.
1 11 1 1 THOMAS O. BANrOKIJ, & Co.
idn< oiti,
Me lute
t»,l In
id her stock, i
irst fn- ;
—. fact* tor thinking so:—1 Fehruarv 7 ,,
fjnld the one halt of Bet Bourn-.-, at IP \ ear.- old, to Dr. _ * ...
Mingeii.r I()«»«!—she w as tho .l.iinof And,, whose slum!- A .1 It ITaV% , OS \ R’l’ IRia*
i Ai.ib) boi bi.l. mill, thn, w?* *"!•! : .*rr—CII Altl.r..*!, will mnni,. ih? pn-Bcnl
spring ut his Stable nt Milledgev ille. j
If!\ ’Term th sii’m- ■■■< la t piing. This
IL . •’«***—.. |n « t j n |n
Thursday, \lh Mat/.
Arthur, (Hie dam
f„r.^ I,all)—of Coquette, by >ir Arebie, that 1 sold
for .S 1000, and after breaking down. She was the dam
of Jam-tic,!., Archie, tiiat I rave * I'.OO dollars for,and
rolu *i*d $ J.iOO; (dso, Bv rou, by \ irgiiiiau, wbicii at Iwo j (Jour
will lie ANDREW’
•dts w ill compare with ii
..... ,, I i ,• hr. 5 >Li •, ms colt* will compare with nnv in America.
i w ,i 1 ° r ^i ’, M , ’ of ‘ d vert ml. (a bll\) by Ar-j A« an evidence of tlielr woi tli, (’id. \V:n. B. Johnson, of
. " r , |!| l “v , 1 ,! ’i ■“*,7 ° ‘’m ' ' " ! ' ir - inin ' r, ’ r m«''! $-31100 fur bi-i oll mil of ibr ,b,m ..fill-
S,„l,,ri 'i!.®. I?!!.'"* ' iVl A*, r J A 1 I ra " ,ea Jrmo,wU ? iibiiUhre,weokiold. Till, colt with
byf!':,^ 1 '.;'« i * 1 . r y'!'. ,,v A!,’Hi'.'/..rwi.i,.',; ^„,b,- r , hf.w^pkr:::,,:'
L tiiou,
■I, (.00
hnve swept Iho' AVir Mr,7w7 ►
gn, n 1 il, mimlenting cxtei-tniimtion J lint tka
ety lia, been mised of cmeliy mid oppmwiow,
and tlie m»( hck«.in* ■ ’ ' •
, Hf ilnisilin/, February 1.
Ini: bill milking npprnpi'intiotii for tlie cur-
!- eD r'ls'i'r 1,1 llle Depnrtinnil v mull
(on imiHo i. vvs.) i ,nr [ulniling treniy mipuluiinn. tviili ilm vnriou*
rii'iriday/Mtli ilairh. | •"<•««" iribcH. fur llie )cnr coinin'^ up ; mid
‘.mm, $3,:a0 i tliu qncMiuu lining on ri '
•a. ", "™*i cruelty mm oppmwiow,
and tlie madui-ii, of tho day mud hnve time !•
coul. I tru.l, »ir, | may lie pardoned for the di-
giMHion* lulu which 1 have lieen drawe by
tills (Iclinfe. *
VT’-r.;, ” r ; r , " 1 concumi*,
. "I die Whole in ilm ,1,
Mr. I'AV' SON. nfCimrgiii. tniil iho course
which the ilchnlu bail tnhen on the hill before the
tills debate.
i lie reliiru to the eaute* of the late war. It
bos been asked if the conduct of the citizeo* of
*■; ° e. ! Y , " d Alahamu did not produce ti e war,
tvhut did » I answer, the treaty, nml the conte-
lancet proceeding neeeskarily from it. Yee.
Sir. tho Iff.nlv <>III aril/I ^
4 702
in-with tl.JCom - * necehsaniy from it.
w H.C t. out I sir, tho irenly entered into nt VVathiiiEton citT
tu.ide |,y th,, L'uitcd Htnte. and ij lc chief, of the Creek
.. -nii ■■ , , un iiicniii nctoreine
-eOb House had iniidc It his duty, ns one of the re
ThuriJay, 13th April.
day, l .
, _ -""j, •«* in.u oi mu rt;-
prcsrnBjtivcs of (Icorgin, to ttsk tho ittdulgencc
n! the lluusc, for it short timo, that lie might ho
:|,n;o i hoard upon sumo (d*tlio facts stated by gonfle-
ij ! "'h' 11 * ••ricHy to reply to sonic of the iiisiou-
fc, "‘ «tions. e.iurges, nnd allegntions which had been
m;i»hi in relation to flint pint of the Dnioii from
\\ liiwi he came. I lie range of this discussion had
been wide, nnd to hi* mind. (Mr. 1). said,) in a
gicat mensure utinuthori/c-d hy the objects ofthc
l»ill ; questions nnd subjects having but little coil-
tiexiou, if any, had been introduced.
ficutleincn had spoken freely nnd sympatheti-
c-illy toucliiug the policy ptirsm-d in relation to
EUDo I , * ,e > Julians, and especially tlio Creeks, and had
. r »,72B ' J»Ininly iutimafed, if not charged, that humanity
’lh April. | ,M “ I l ‘ cc » violated, and tho character of the
$7, Hie
12,9 it
New ton,
pru. | mu ciiaracier <
.«l,n,:o I country hlnckpiied hy net, of cruelty to them
,-V-W j tluu the conduct of the eiti/.etis of (Jenrgii
il i 1,1:11 •ne conduct ot the ctd/.eiis of Georgia and
,?H0 • •^bibaina to these Indians had given origin to
i*:;iG ^ ,L ' Lite war, which, it seems, tin* not yet entire-
f'h'jjj ! I>‘ subsided, nnd, in its consequence*, the hutch*
. ery of men. women, and children, depredations,
ml desolation of properly
n.'.uti i
.j44 ! . Mr. Speaker, pirndt me ( w id air. D.) to say oHI,'
e*c allegations contain not the tme m„ 0 n- Z " It?...* 11 /?: m, V’ ^hen the same is surveyed
W idlo
1 tlie*e allegations contain not the true cause* of
i the war. ft b :i mistake, a very great mistake ;
ls l *°* sn *. ^ , ond justice unite, and deny
’ 'ii.!i Btnt Gcorgitt and .\!«i!iaiii': were in fault in this
I |,i). UBitfcr to Mieh :m ox tout as to justify so grave
11,LIU j nu allegation ; and in their vindication, and cs
• land -- . . v ' Ul 1,10 v/reen
uation, in 1833. My opinion is, nnd so W (he
opinion of nil who fully understand alli/t parts,
lit,it nut of the terms of that treaty grew tho
prt.'iir rnuxe of the misfortunes, butcheries, and
desolation* which tho people of Georgia sod Al-
nhania suffered tvithiu the last eighteen month*.
!,• I me explain. The reservation!, the Indian
reservations, sir. turned the Creek country into
a market, owf and covert, for sales ami roo-
ti acts, honest and dishonest ; for frauds, limited
and extensive ; aod to this market thronged snec-
Ulaion "full sizes, classes, nml characters, in,livid
[tally null in confederacy, and those who were too
lioue-t to act improperly in person, sent their men.
*' '. 0,n , ' ,ese reservations spring the contract* and
sales, honest and dishonest, nnd nil the fraud*
about which so much has this day been said.
And those frauds chiefly, and perhaps an unwil
lingness on the part of the Indian to go west of
the Mississippi, produced the late war. Hence,
my assertion is true, flint the provisions of the
treaty created the enures of tho witr—the frauds,
tlio war—tho reservations, the frauds—the tren-
ty, the reservations. Hear tho 2d article of that
trentv ; it reads thus: •• The United States en
gaged to survey the land ns soon as the same
can conveniently lie done, after the ratification
lit till* Il'OtltV • fsss.l ...1. .... . I • .
reputation of
.I 1 '.’ r “ 4oril ■ of the'family. She n-ver appeared in i,"scc“,‘ iii'the Turf'liegtseV 1 ’ 1 *'' - 8 ’ ,l ”''
i .10' lull once, « ben sbe coutcnilrd with tbv eelcliiiitcd
Icury, nail beat liim villi case. Tiii'ili'iHnlro n souol'i timer
Id Itei, that I gave $ 11)00 for a Ujuuulbs old. Snllv
lellville, by Virginian, bcrdaiiglitcr, I -old fur C 113)0 | VWffsA’EiV.
fill2IS thorough bred yountr lin
The la
:d handbill*. Tlio b- . .
J will bo furnisli; «1 tii tliost- ITw a tij,.-
red[1. Bet I
V r 11 '"'i.Myuobl An-bie lill.v, of sitcli promise ns loin- i -a 6 "arod"i.vTmhi7
i M n °® )!'■• «!»?». h T" ll0r >,'°* »> «;lake «.; MmmJ roost distinfulsln.1
Newoi k, to bo run lor next t*priiig, to wIu«Ti there nrc 1 uy TI l j.f\ r |,. i llll( | , , t
"'-v S'th«-i-i | h*|r,ut $.VK»« :.~li—mid of a yearling his dntii villi si-ine .
i< nl.«*o the d.-
t .
r daz -
try, (on*' of the
i’.-i !i-a will be allowed a liberal discount in furnish*
ir Srliaal*, mid gnntloiniii piircliu*ing far their
. eoo niuoii ited on iho mo»t roosonablo tenuis
r.L-r* lliaukfully rocaivoil and promptly attended !
ii*, that Mr. Aiiii*h told
, * i’-i J \ IlCtl
Bu*iue«a will be eondai*t-'d in thi* •
C. A. ELLS. |
illo, Oct 23
-alt bv Ar
6 500 far
generally largo,handsome
whale ot them alluded to 1 v
high price* ;*t t !ii-* timo, Rome of them three or four time
th it ca The alei !.n\•• certninly t-i ven pi ■
o side of
. , ,, lV i. ,—; of the luma priz-
ij* had been ortt-red . ed racing *tock of the day ; I. wing jinwed unn.niiage-
0 ", u0 7 m . , ' i, V Her etock arr utdn ontlsc 'I’urt, will make hi* Hr* t sonnon in Milleilcc-
111,1 adinircd, and almost tho j villc,commencing on the fir*t dnv of March cm*uiu <r .
vonnuuml \cry | Fartieular*, including a foil pL-digrec,dr*cription'iind
1 ."•»»<» nr perforiminces, will he given in a subsequent advcrtinc-
uicnt, iiml in bill*.
T!ae Ssthsci-iEit-i-
I’.spECTFI’Ll.\ iiifornifl hi* frieinl* nnd the pu’..-
lic that he Im* sold his entity Sto.-h <d' G* >ODS to
ilGE E. t)’Bill EN, w ho will contiuuo un tlio l»u-
■ - ih'MI, after the l*t of February.^
- Subscriber tenders to tiio.-n of Id* friend* and
iii 'r*, hi* sincere thank* for the liberal putronugo
,.i-d i t him, nml would respectfully solicit the same
nag Miicnt for hi* successor, lie would also say
i- who are indebted to him, either hy note or ne-
t. t’.iut he intend* leuviug this place shortly after
cl* they will now come forward
ll-h 14—It
ON thy first Tuesday in March, wo will
* d ?:i!. jhis Jieantil'ii 1 and thorough bred
-tt.f Feb. and expect* they will nowcomo lorwiird
like a tin il sel’Ienieut, a* lie will then place all
and account* alter that time in the hand* of an At*
•' •dlection. lie tin :* ill.-re will lit- no diiii-
• it.-s ,i\ Tctiou ntti-nding I'ay collection of hi*
nit', us lie Inis given great indulgence and ample
tor the liquidation of them.
have preferred stating to giving or procuring ccitificati-s. 1
Making th-'sum of near $20,000 that old Bet and 10of j
her family actually sold for, and some ofthemuot three |
week* old, and many of them nol 3 year* old. Stronger or ’
iiior.- ' 'ihstantiiil tact* could not Ua urged in proof of the , STAl.LION, to the highest bidder', to
cxtil.cii Htatittu occupied by Arab mid hi* stock in \ irgi- i fit (-.lo^f the concern.
ni j, and not a doubt can’ hr now entertained that hi* . Adte&A. lie i^ in ns Hue health mid vigor na ever
coity in the very first rank of distinguished lacci* j atid i.* now in good condition to irmkc a first rule pt-nsou.
nt me present day ; to prove which, we refer the public He will he sold without rest r\e.
to the American Turf Register, w here it will ho aeon j \\ IN TEE «!c BUCK 11ALTER.
that Ir- has produced as many winner.* as almost any I f-h21—2t
other liorsonow living. Ourliiuit* will mu j*cimituato j zrr:
go into lengthy detail •>, hut will give below tne perforin* S® E'. 1 'W
nuce of a sufiici nt intiuher of hi* roll* to estuldisii the I oy the
fact, tiiat iie i* th- sire of race horses of the very first or- ! J ugiffitfr Chronicle 8title Hi?his' Sentinel.
tier, for w hirli jmrpose, it is only uceosnry to mention ! r r * j j E und.-rsi--m d, at present Editor of the State
a l w ot Ins tirst coll* that weie tliree Wiir* old in I I .0: | |»kbits’ having p' i*T.nrrd the eptah-
(•raii'-e on the 1 mi in North Ca- ,„ P nii.i tho Atou
«,!»! 1
requires that the money apportioned, ni,all be loaned only to the, itizens of su
tie* respectively,and that the endorsers, hh well as the
makers of notes,shall he resident* of tho eounlv. 'The j
lSi»,ir<l vv ill therefore require, iueach ca*.*, ii certificate «,l i
rp.iilcnco until nC tin- uuikpri. I vnilor»i'i., vliicli nmv |
bn mgui’il I * y uni viul nli'.c'c r of tin' llm if mV
mnii-y upnroniim.'il mil,., rnumii's n-ii.'viii nlv, kIn.II
lull III! I1||||||,',| lur, mill In,mi'll villmi l!iirl\ cluvh from l!iu I
"ll 'i inn uniIII.mI' B|u'i ilii'(l, tin II Ilio mIhivi' ronuirc- I
III 'll! ill lilt* Iniv in ii'lminii .u tlio n',iii.'iici. ul ciiilur.prK
"i' ,| <.'s, un.l ufi, tin,.: ii tv,till,-nt,i i.f li,j iv.vl,'iv,. |
nt tlio milker only, \\ ill im ivi|uin’il.
All lintl-rl in it Ht* lio iiuiiIp |i:ivm!,Iu III ilv Cl'lltrill lln nk :
inf'C hllii.l.t',1 nml .i\11 ,|„ • . n ltvr ilntn, nml
must liuve two or more good --iidors
Certificates ot the taxable pi
tin r 1 > Iimatuiun, nun u*-
I’Jim. pennlly those ot my constituents who have been |
1 '•'••'.nminnU'.l the Penplc of thn l''romii'i's. nml i
13,731 ngiiiimt u Imiiii it Ittix Iippii said tlio .lire cnlniiiitic.
7,333 j w liioli wore porpetrated on tlio enstorn nml wos-
lorti luniks «if llie Clntlohmiclico rivop, during
tlio In-t spring and Buminrr, wore pnrtiully elinr-
iroiddo, I in,iv say, tvillniiit living iuliiiPiircd |,y
mu I, j * l!, t | ' pritlo. a iionoraldc mill liigli-mindvil
cm a* p»|.iiluliiiii iuliabil mi porlinn of iliia Union, and
- liir lIn' fulfilment ul’ Ili.-ir duties as guild and
wnrljiy cili’/.Piis, piiliiically ami morally, nro not
in f.'i In any oilier porlinn of tlio Conl'rdnrncy.
Tim plinrge lliat their eomliict r.irced the Indians
into a slat'' of depredation, mid cnilsed I lie Mon-
dv and sin age nets which they rnimiiitled, is not
truu or jiisl, nur can il, ivilli any pnijiriciy, l,e
made. Sir, tlio People of (lint seciinu .if the
country arc Imnovnlcnt nnd goiicr.nis, and pox-
ill least in mi ci|md degree, every svmpa
/ ’ "urn me same is surveyed,
to allow ninety princiiml chiefs of the Creek Irilio
to select one section each, nnd every other haul of
a t reek family to select one half-section each,
Hindi tracts shall ho reserved from salt (nr their
use, lur iho li nn of fivo years, unless sooner die-
posed of by Hum," &,c.
Tlio 3d article says : •• These tracts may he
convoyed hy the persons .electing iho same to
l (tintt persons, for n (siircotwidt’mimii iitmaii
m. tliy coimnoti to our nature, unn wn
v ,»f the makers mid niiblp nml honorable act*, nml would
. icrsof th • note
evidence of their so!
No mrto vv ill hn di«
any person imlchn-d
security, vvliich debt
of, or endorser on, at
by tho Bank, nml w!
No note will lie
*d, win i;
mled, hav
i l * r' su ' ,a ftwiccimg mo same to
an ip other persons, for a lair consideration, in such
manner u* the President may direct; the con-
tract slist 11 he certified by some person appointed
lor that purpose hy tho President, but shall not
be valid til! tbo President approves the same;
a title shall he given hy the United State*, on
Iho completion of the payment.” Who cannot
ace, at a glance, that thi* treaty, concocted,
nr •anged. planned, nnd ratified here, in the city
of Washington, threw open, wide and hroad,
tho don;'* lor speculation, fraud, und corruption ?
An I, sir, I have no doubt one of the contracting
parlies saw it, and knew it, nnd, it seems, en
deavored to provide ngaiimit ; for tho .‘Id arti
cle. which contemplate* a sale, says *• these re-
St iV'iti'ins map h? sold, for a fair consideration, in
such a manne r as the President may direct; tho
) th ■
mart lie.I;
ate or bill !
i* pa«t dim
.. . w.i-d di-H'iimn, nnv
of 12n clock M. of thr day* nlmvi- i|htiI1p(1,
By order of tlio Board,
frbSI—3t U. A. GREENE. C
gurjej ill. best iiiflueuco of these vidimus feelings us fur ns nuy
people mi onrlli. Ami here, in nil kimluexs nml
•nml feeling to the gentlemen from Miu.aehu
........ I us ine 1-resiaeni mao direct; iho
I h yp*™. «p-
>n it the nun
I H principal or I »* "n — —« .•••-.mill) *>.
1 (» is the umkrr I 8Ctts nnd Vermont, who, on yesterday stud to*
•otmc di •rounird | day, nddre*sod the Mouse with po much sym-
'tUrndrd to.
ilio hmir | I’!" 1 '? 1,1 helmlf uf llm nlmrigiuc, nml uho lie-
j |.ieloil, willi so imieli pnilm., iho oppressions mu!
(•riodlir* n Inch Inn! In*cn .... tl.-.t
W .m.-.u, a .us
v a rrangrin
•thi* jdu
vi'ilr, Jau 17—if
rollna. \ i giuiu and X'^vv-l ork, ol thi* veur, and won lor j u „ ptipci*, on thr iii *t of jiiiiiliirv, under tho nlovr t 'llr.
\ .Vi l, i MVI - H aurc . h "‘II U'wer liu.o One at live Fiom and after that da v, the (!iiuomi'I.k aV .Sk.ntim l
Ai-.kly, un.l weekly,
pi.-.l hy Mr
i 1 Ac
The Subscriber
IJESPEFTFI LI.V infnrm* hi* friend* and th
u k li.- ia g -11 r.d, tiiat Ii4 iittrn l* tn continue tho above
b.iM.i.-■••* in all ii * hrunehes, together with tha
A»» l will roiMtantlv kerjiou Ii iml a general assortment
in •iruilriii-iT* and Youth’* Wearing Appand, Cloth*,
t'i iuierr*,aud Vesting*, Hat*. Boot*, Hosiery,vVe..Vr.
i’a - siihseriln'r iat -ii.l* to renew his Htm-U of Goods in
tli.'Spring, wh -ti he wilt receive even article ill hi* line
nflni I*. - • uitnhlo fur thd soason, uud hop i to r«c« ivo
la'* imo liber d lulroiiagc a* wit* extended to hi* \ re*
.1 -cr. ' GEORGE E. O’BRIEN.
Milled lvillo, Jan 17—tf
Bn ft*cut (Bargains*
4l^HR .Su!>*erilu»r will eoulinuo on hi* pres.m h id-
= nr • until lit*- first dav of Febiuui v next, and will
frilv.v low for A. t’. VAIL.
J Ell. h -a:i-i; an A.ivhic ; one at Long l.dund, bciiting uu will ho published daily
l.-iip -, vvn.i ofu.-rs. Iho t.i." co.i (Fill k • •.) w a * throughout the lude vi ...
tn.M malclicd un i run tor $ i.' D, against Maxwell - •»!- j Various conE leruti .us liava- i-an-pired to induce a dai
ly, by i.cIijim*, a singT- two mile*, wljudi lie vvon vv ith | v jiui licr.ti* u : omoug which inn> he uoliced ns most
wo,i great ea*e. lie New Holland, with a 100 iiij-'urtaiit,tl:opr'>sj'crou«eoinLtion of A utrn tn. itr exten-
iv.- commerci.-il luisine**, nnd i!i • e.Mra udim rv mail tn*
ilitie* enjoyed by f»nbli«Iicrs of m-wspnp.-in. Augusta
* the linn point in tlie State, at which all new * of impor-
ance, whether eoiiunercial
ll-tv-l 111
mile hor- - I 'ox, h
»* c
:>t«*h a single mile. XI»-1 «>.-t <
i was he iten hy the ceh hr;
Eclipse. All were astmiMied to
Fox run*o (doseIv by
oni. achy-s. t-oii.i boat won bv i-i\
hentln : n Hi- nt four heuliq ; n • at N iv M.. et
iug lour other*, at two heat*, one minute fill.
I*, each ; and one s.t Norfolk, bcuti'ig
-.Hjinetful/y request
him, cither by note i-r
c- • ■ me, cr make some
d to them, lie expeete
irtlv, and it i> iMijinrtaiit
nbl bo closed before be I
nt it it his old toud, a \v c
• loitmlreadv to see his friends
1 I—El
o i • miii'ii.• lor:
Filly, 1 minute
Charleeten, uml all «:S
thiniic portion ot th. i uioii.
ed by until*, diver-in in di
** c\cry |-art of tho State. 'Toallpt
! it. tin; current news ol’th* 1 day, i:.--:
d at tli(^ cat lie
(!it:es and State* in j
1 limit here it is (
nt ili.vction*, into i
•li**, th-'n, in* rrrtcd |
iii.t vvhii h it :
, tl:i*citv certain! 1
rut* prc-i
heat*, first heat won l.v Slam! nil, i,u>utiem
doe *.vmi Is—21 l: ; at won by the Arab ad'. '. itag
second*, ami t!i * 31 beat bv th Idly,; 'J’o the mereautde eoimiiunitv, both in the ("it \■ mid in i
which, hi* (-(»!:.» have ; the interior of the Stale, n c oinn.cir iul paper at llii place
.-ii h>
in v ii ion* part < jw of mo;.• impm lance th
N irgmia, ; • w ill '|'|,p E a pres* .'tail urriv
j.a 17
from .Mr. 'Tlio- York,being thr
of liigth atandinr and mail. By it, slip
C*eorf;i.A E'esisnl;*
sSCOT'J’riIU)UU\ (ha.
a 1 R fii**ii*ls and patrons
(’.* of t!ii; Institution we
li'.ili i.iii,—.1. /;. iv.| T/cotW, A. i’.^« UMi-
ItIL't’ I'Ll UK li, irivi 1 arrived
li Jail v oxpeelod. Mr, W. re.
Ke.. \\ in. T. Bnntley and others.
Mr?. Nieholaa l’.i I lie iin.1 u!l,ei>; Mi
nt Mr... \\ illt-niH 1 Sentiimrv ut Ti'ov ;
T.'-r::, III,, P r inei;,nl, I
ilia. D’DSTi:
.mmt'ii.I.'.I In tlio
V..a, I fi-:-In
C. a"... luate
nu.l Mr. I.. l. v-1
;r tn Frof. James 1
s ‘.'Olid*. Sim
uning with iiupurulhdle I
-'ahe ! Suit *, and pud ■
. the fellow in r e-.t,a. t m
mdo 'Tucker, a geulh-m;
rim"icter. of Brunswick county, Virginia. Speak
Aral), lie say*—“ of Ins get at this lime, f
ill you nt inex| rioucedh i id
competitors. 'I’lihormio nnd B thany will luiild a r pu- | ttle
i itiuu w hich cannot he pulled (low-u in Virginia, wi.ere rren:
l i ; value of his *ioek Im* latelv increased nt b .*t
ni I.
* th:
; *t *
, Tolu
W'dhe.-e, Dr. ,M. II. Do Leon, Rev. Dr. Ca;
■ i i, S. C.; Dr. J B. Gtirm ui, Tallmttoe, ( - ur. J •
T"'vve.i, Augusta ; Maj.J.H. Howard, Jc'.r.i D. Howell,
| > l-» E-l. Garev, E-q., ColumhtH, Geo.: <’ol. Saitmel
K'c-kvycll, Milh-dgeviilo ; Col. F. Carter, \Vm. Y.ilau*
1 > L*q., L. Day, E*q.,Scottshoto’,&e.(.Vc.
I ' a; 1 -.mi .1 tljut some have complain: 1 of our
1 * a • b iug iiigherlhan nt unv otii *r Sclmtd in this State,
w* hiuconcluded to cdtalilidh tlio following us our
preju be s of a |ieop!e, .
*uitv over the vile nml insidious attack of
joci . • '!.» A RAIL”
FF.’dIGREE.-Auab i*n beautiful dark b
hand* high, I; nest measure, of fine earring
and comuiaii lisig presence,
stallion, o! 1
r Ifi
i*-re in four days from New
uiicquitinii cl the ( iiliuarv
ed by E lit( i o ily, fn t i!!
the eointnoreial i-ities of the Atlantic Stnt-s, contdidug
all the most im|io:tn:.: news, v, hi«*hcauhe jmldi-la d here, .
at least, two day* ill ailvauco <>i the ragulnr mail. The
fi’cct oi thi* will In' t<* render Xorliu i n newspapers o! but
lue to meie.uitiJe uu n i:i llii* State, while it in*,
creases the impcitiinee ofji.'|-ers|Mihli-lied here.
In addition to nil th. imp- t: mt - mnnietcial new \ the
Cnr.'i* ict.s y Si vn\,. . will coni tin a lnrg> (piuniitv of
tciseellmieou* matter, instruct!!-::, interesting, ami limit*
g toevory d tiouof i hrtlier in tho rity
i n the country, 1 lion in this State,
and in .*'oui!i (’aroliiia, far hey ond »hnt ever po---.*>*ed hv
th r papt r at this pl > *. it o;fi. r< tin- Mronge. t |»osi*
at all tine-
MilK-dgcvillt', 1'
THE SiiI'Kfriliors nfiVr ili- ir i-ntir.- xti,.-k r.f (im.d
■ consisting of Dry Goods, Crockery, Ibirdwan
lints, Slioe*, ,Ve. at eo’-t, f 4 , r cash or appro.ed i n (lit.
AII |i'*r*oiif indebted to them !•> iici ount, ate. roque
ed toi .11 and sottlo by note or otherw i a,
I'-’k 1 i—n' ’ COWLES .V WARD
f i 1! KY A. CH VNDLKR, (late of C
* fi 'uiaueiilly located him.-. h in tl.r town of (’(dumiiu*.
Mis ds-ipjii, and will practice Law in the eountii * of
Lowndes, doijroc, Noxnbe -. Kemji. r, \\ iiiston,Oklihu*
!ia. and (’uick Haw ; anil in th - Supreme Chancery
Court* at Jackson, Mi - !**ipni: and in the (-onuticr of
Fickein. Fnvrlte, Marion,:,nd J’n i-aloo.m, in Ahd
II - will also, n* agent, attend to th- sale of Laud* in
Id • I .le Choetuw and Chickasaw Nations, „ ,, ilm ||
i-oiiuiii**ioii. GUA\ A. CHANDLER.
Oilier, (’idiunhu*, Mi*s.
'Tic* ^^leon'des «.-ng,r; Coliim!oi* II«rul.!; ingiiHta
C • ■ i titutimalist; Chri i- I ; . . tiu 1. andSuvnuttah
Gcei-ian, will publish th.-above once a week for four
o e> !\s; and nft.-i ward* once a month for fi month* ; and
forward tb.'iruccount* to the aub-viibrr. (7. V. C.
A Teacher Wanted.
f 5^0 take charge of the Hale DcjuiitiiM-iit of no Acn-
ruvliif. nliicli tin.I l.cen ioflietc.i un that race,
I mil sny tin tnnn iii.lolgr. a mure .iucero .lerire
In alleviaie llit-ir con.lilioi), ami improve their
i.iimls anil ilieir murals limn I do ; aod lliogeo-
«l.-mi-ii will pardon inu for reminding them that
tlie tide, the first wave of ultie/i fogan to (low
on lit" landing of tlio pilgrim, at I’lymonlli,
(1(520.) nu.l lieal on that rock w hich now occu
pies ti, n thu ceutro of the town of
IMvmomli. and is i« this.lay respected as .acred,
is-till flowing, uml will finally urge llii, rnco lic-
ymul tlie Mississippi, without leaving aretnunut
ix'liitid. The waves of this tide have, in its
floods, left tlio remeuiliraiieo of oppreoion.
nnd seeming, if not neltial, erueltie. toward, the
I’eople of tlio i-'orest, which the history of tlie
Xew lln; land pilgrim- and their deM-eudaut.
; has recorded. Oil tint pages of that lii.tnr)
' I scenes are painted not less nl.honcnt to huioaii-
itv or less appalling to the sickly imaginations of
,1 hi.- j.. r- tiic present titan scenes of cruelly and rip
I pri's-iim to w liii'li sueli frequent refemteo Inn
iieen Hindu dm iug this deiiate. ,'.l;t) I lie pir-
milted to ii-k, w here nro tlio mighty of
| Indian- w ho once ni'cnpied lire di'lighlful re-
gimis of New Kiigl iiid, und limn tlie •‘mnitii-
tain tup" limited their extent only hy tin) sur-
| I-..nod. tg sky, and who, in tiicir native freedom,
tc.l mi the heauliliil rjvcrs, mid w lm sprenil
ill'll terror und con-tci initinn among tin: first
P''.»»od 'hat puriiiue hy tlie President," fee.
neiier tieorgia nor Aialiamacreated thi. motherof
,o many evils : no, sir, it took in origin iu the
"tty ot \\ nshiiigtoii, ami \va. the pruduetinn of
oio: ot the departments of this Government.
Ami who should Ilf niiswcrahle for the dreadful
at "I heart-rending caliimitics, frmuls, specula-
tioos, and infauimis coinliinatious for unworlliy
purposes, growing out of it ? Yho answer i.
And, .ir, who has not heard it and seen it in
tlio public prints, that this treaty had been made
a means, uu engine, mt instrument in the hand,
of (jovei'iiineutai agents, in combination with
individuals and companies, for, in nittn^ in.lnn-
i1 lie
i jM.-.'siitiiiiiblc ro
onlly or* t il ii •
eniilllv. A lihci
■ tho I
• F. ().
In-altliy and
allowi I, and
• aeadi-my is
oetublc ii'-'igh*
vv bite
|>1 ICC
cttlcr* ? They nro gout*.
€•«*, (lislionoHt spcctiliuioiis nnd fraud 1 Ye*,
*ir, Ilnur things are pnhlic ; and, in my view, it
ix clear that thi* treaty, with it* reservations, ha*
hccii used for the mercenary interest* of other*
lh,*iu a portion of tho People of Georgia nml Al
abama. Yea, North and South. Cast and Writ,
and this centre. Washington City, $ho place
which gave birth to tho treaty, are (aid, and f
have no reason to doubt it, to have recipients
mid partaker* of these fraudulent speculation*.
^ \ ho day, I trust, will come, when tlio curtain
•hall lie removed, and the authors, active and </or-
mant, in these dark deods of infamy, shall be
; dragged forward on rite sceue ; when tho whole
It frequent reference had , «f the fact* connected w ith this treaty and the
h debate. Ala v I he »c r* , frauds shall he developed w ith dim in iug proof a-
K ! »inst the guilty, nnd ample justification nnd ap
proval of the honest speculators or purchasers,
when the world sh .U know where to attach the
blame, to apply the finger of scorn, and the ac
cents of indignant reprobation. Then we shall
fold who lias pocketed the proceeds of frauds
'’timed into successful operation hy means of
hid (
bv tho well k.iovvn bid! . .
\rchv, ( i’ ulioin u i’ E. r 1“ order Mgivo iillm-w.- rcrciv.-d bv th ExpoM -.l,
ii Iho ‘hi* dan, ohl L, t Boiii.Yc, In tltc iu ;-oi ti d nt thoc ii!ii-*t hour, the Daily jiajicr will ho jkj! d c hciHi
li’irso Sir 11 our v, hi* grand duo hv Hurl’* i. >irtcd o’clock in the nfti-i noon.
* ; • .. .; m i*. i a > , g. p. The eht^oftlie Doily poporwiillio that of the Avovsta
gr.i: la:i hv i-u at -.1 Jcilv R-./vr, out of Iho ii'.ijM.rtfil Cuuomh.k, cniitiiiiin. • v.-n c-.linuu* on «:i h
m. •, .1 liiiv tV-,..:-i..m. * " Tli" S.*iiii-\Vi « LIv j. iji r v- ,!l i,c
fell 21—3t
W. F. il\ki:r,
Iiich l.iicu them unco w ill know them
And hy w lint power we re they for
ced. at h*:i*l. from the land of the pilgrims ?
Sir, I will not cry out cruelly, inhumanity, or
inju.'tiee. or imliil^i* in a m-edlcs* and iiiiiiccc-ssh-
i v uhom the policy pursued iu that wrtion
in tiiat peiiod and since, towards the Feopl:*,
wlin^e condition we cannot improve ; il
would, perhaps, lie unkind so to act or to
speak, for necessity, no dottht, pro
thu pulLy of that day ; thcimmr
ii aw produce similar effect*. I
ver, remind {lentlcmen that, the
. ^ j (.'iMn.ii mm bhvlcmiui operaiiou ny means o
sir; Hull III" thi, mentmre of the Goverumonr, tlio treaty
i would
will, hows-
And yet, sir, ootwiilislfindiog tlio iminy uctor
h> tliose ntrocitic. exclusive ccn.iira hu. beet
directed to iho contiguous >Stnlra of these fraud,
nml they nloue r\|m-eil und lirundoil it. the or
iginutors of the evil, w Inch have followed. Le
every one bear hi- Imre of the lilnmu, a. well a:
hi- |.ortion of|.ulilic Indignation, w hut her he h;
in olHro, high or low, or occupying n privut.
station; lltcy who nro equally guilty of frau.
should lie equal in every tiling else.
I'n cliango tho eonelttsioo- tvhjrh Iwto lieet
title < ! ri, ' v " hy myself nml others, in relation to th.
. i causes ot tho war, it has been .aid, and I thiol
L* ‘iiH’iitfiry br inclu'*.
Ri<liufct brunch.v,
lh t'ving ,m,| paiutius.
$12 per term.
r . tilling in tlio mr» t gb*w iug
iW h«
•Mu.-ic, (Fiuno und Guitar, ear
Bouuc * un i her ^;(l
nil,) spoukrt of A i i.b und B
*i * of th - duv, nu.l gives Aruli’a |k
*•! 1
1 he h -:d»li of t!ii« p! if", the
' ' uf tlio wall r ana lit
Iiid l« rainier hix Iii*liltlt}un for t
i* for South, give
t ;o p,
Br. ,M
lit perm.;
fi'.lCUH’ttt Ol lt“ *
•Itled d.-t *riiii«n-.
,n fu!! brother
.t*, ut :t Ik*at*
'Twenty «h
G., t.vo ml;
war l.»,lw •'
oi i
• St), i
.oil Ik* l»?nt Di'f
ii' hv^FBrti!hi!mvlog i . cir-.i.i. o
•ward*, he bout Flirtilhi, nt ii lit'..
i uguiiist t!:•' •!(•: • •! r!-il li
uu - . t' r." nil.' h ,t«. J!•-»«* \
moriiiiig, a ml i!i' Weekly ji.ipor «
TERMS—Daily pit per, 'Ten Dollar* per nunum, in i«
■iciui-NVicklv pr.prr,h •• live Dt llurs,
inner,or Six ;.! iIk- • rv! ot the venr.,or Four
r will !k i ned on Tne*,In
, Fil: i
X . ! ..
wah'H a:
j *!l 21—tf
L. LA l’AS TE,
ill I i - • iK il*.
I 2 1 i
H-ttl.vla I ini.t
I Jii •
..I*. After III It Ik
1st \ •
i eiv( «i;
tv und t
E l -K
xiwv rumu*.
'ed, Th :• i!i |. qhy W.n. Sin:f!i • Letter*
Lu i i ; v; 1.1 fo of A ii ron
t’ii Pro i, with new illihiratiom ; th*
oi i hi'ia nnd its iolinbiMnlH; thn Religion*
* und eharncicr ol Wu-hington; %l*o, n fresh
"f heauliliil Englisli Aiiiiunls, for UfiJ7,(
leuth’* Book of I! -uuty, hv Com,less v
with IM ,4 . . tut I) , ft living *; (i, Ori.-:,
»,**(! tin? .Mo ■ ul Eoipvioo , u ith 22 line
. ig* L.ii).t-eu|K* A i.nitc.l, u i(Ii ...> Eugrnv iu
i*t in S;niu, hv linn (••• • the F. -o|i*aki
l • L 1 L • * ■ Kintuoliiio Stum
v; IL u’ If Fie lure*', j *10 AllUil.l, \iiM 20 inr •
En flawing ; Syria, tli* llnty Land; A . - M .
ruK-il iu a sere-^itl \ iow* drnv. it fiom untttir; ||
f Scolhiutl, and the Wnverlv Novel,.: i .
which. I might w»v, «as put in timtiou by I "“T** ""i" * MMI
the I'uritaoH, in its floods, has spread .lesola >,< Mr - «•) ha ‘ho whit, pop
s r . • .j ; Litioii oil tlio frontier* mid the fndiati* are gt
timi over the native*** of the fore, in—ft rut iu tlu
i Fa*t-— ami it w ill not ebb, I apprehend, until S
: they me utterly annihilated : the idea U tin* i
' plrnsa.»t, yet it i* clearly the result to Im gather- I
ed from tho past lii-tm y of this country, and the |
| imliemioux of the fitlma*. Let not the Irtint
.1 V n-
then, reflect on the policy of the General Go
vcrtiii.ciit, or the Hiatus in relation to the ahori-
ncrcHidty and policy prescriha the
To (hr Southern Puhlir.
\V L : 1 it a duty we owe to ourselves, t »iu (*'«'
• * i . , 1 . ; . | I til
■ 1 ol » very oik tlinl -.mi.- tench i i-i . w: ( ott ho- I
1 " 1 •* Abolui )..iKti. \'v o nro not t!i" (m:!-. ti-.i-. ii r.'
u:h, mull
■ltd lo
uir / Ti
the An,
. Iletl
• I Hetuv
», tiv f r
For nab- at t!i •
Large I
f-h 14 —tf
of V;
j Emeu; tho A -
vi.d |)i*’r!o*urv - t.i .Mmia Mo. k.
i R .ok Slot, , ul 11 io rign of ihc
< . A. ELLS.
1 -It
vith -•
.•fid priaeiphv -they !
Aor?c t;.
i r.r i; ui.ks.v n; a
■ t-. I.,- .-ui.lfi.-'ni n, -ii (icniie..
fiv u,lapt)oiq fiy fiinl], cdiieuiio.i, si-l i.i t n..
I .. I, Vi' \S I r,
. v. i v r a ■.
■ . I'- l.t'.rs vv’i'i Invo p«! lidiodaprovioti.
•' '.’ir-, will ;.| -ii ,!!- •.•ntfici.. tttat , ..1 . . rltlu
It M'.fi.'
I...I I-
d to ill
.' Iul.. I
, l .r.
- >-J tile Itit'ti'iijiKloii «|‘ ,*i,. if,
5 j "IN'J , p ,„1, |, „ I ..I , I llm,
:i “ni.... t.\ v.T» .,f„u i-ort’i'...>.. '■••i- .
; • 1 " th • S. Uo.l.—I ,1 .t ; . ; . ... • .....
i' I'"' 111 <1 I I. ! t< . ... I. i!i(. . . I . 1 i
I. i.iu—Koi :• i.iii ... i i. il....
lilt'd le
<’ I" '""
rville, Ft-1, ! t— Pt
n Mi.r.s,
t. i>,: we.
• , ' ' ■ '•
•• f irtn-’r
i o« td*, Ate-,
id other pi •
king hi* •
| 'll.lie tlmt hi. i
... ...... , v ; ,..«o ..... course j
of all, mingled with and legulatud hy justice uml >
I trtut the House will pardon me for r«llia«liitfg %
at ll;i, time, to the Icpi-I.ttiou of Georgia, and
her niihM' towards tiu-M- people: her laws.)
uIii-u understood, will heapprovod—-her statute ;
honk - vv ill shoe, the protection and accuiitie* i
guarantied to the ludimti. Their persons ami (
property are ns inviululdn as tlm>e of the {
whites : personal wrongs committed mt them '
hv tin* whites are punished hy the anmu law, 1
i I to the ktinu e\tcut, as if committed on n
while man.
\s to the indtd;;rnre* towards the liuliwi*,!
ilii- iitiiienee with which Gemxin nw.aitid the |
dii'mcnt «d' the comnaet of 1-lfcJ wdi -how. j 11
And it is worthy of rematk that, uotwitbsiim* i jt* .
iSnfif the various tribe* which have resided ini Vl ,|,
t!» it Slate from tlie Revolttfimi to this dav, Lor • B ., P<
hi -tury is tint >*iiiitied hy a -ingle net « t eruelty j t.i T.,
tow aids that pm<|.lc ; itu. has an Indian stiller*
i d the penalty ol the law fur its violation, w bicli
a v. Idle
ren Iv tit).
i the i i'I, ill
• »’ uecijuul l - lh o dco ot
■W'.Vi' lilt: -tlxS.
» , I
v will ! . Ik !
- hi* War-li'iii# -
: v id. i« tn. I
i '• i '.li.x* to.I-t •
•I. s. rt r Tt:.t
Mont; Ituis . I.*
r \. ELI
d. h \mmo\:», y i. r,
IB It ’K u I.I L, J. I. t'.
IIH .H I t ». I.
w .lh the l.»(er.»»..■•
id*eii. lur . I |.»
..i,lil unt liavo stifiVred for the t
> ime idlcuce. Nur 1; i the policy uf (itoi^ia, I
within tint lu*t foriv >c or*, and I believe never; 1
m r have ilia nrH oi' any portion of her cttiwtt*
iuvadx d thi* 1 ioverium- it in a singio border war.
Rut.-ir, for a lew jear* pntl imlividtiaL, and
per.up* i.umbers (d'very rood men, luivn la*
• oai-d Minh • a ib In imi and belief that <Jeorgia
I, .1 ueicd to.v nds Hi.' tudimii within her limits
v.i lii - a* M *r ud upprftxiotl. TbU i* qot
inn-, ni llivexloul ullvtiil : in fact, every act ol
dm Sut* had been jiiftlifiable and douiamtcd l*\
ilm ni lie of our Ittdmii relation*. N« Hlatc, .Mr.
t J p ... r. f*,dd Mr. D.) in this Union l»n» evlu-
I .■•••! i:r*t• ma^unntiri , '\ amliudalj nee toward*
ur.tlly in ;t state of hostility with each other ;
a proportion, it may he true, hut lit relation t
the late Crccck war it was not su : for 1 has
no recollection of any act* of oppression to tl
Indians, or of hostilities from thorn. The It
(limit were peaceable until the consequences t
tin* treaty began to develop themselves, Fraud
it is said, were committed in relation to the n
starvations, which could ho effected only hy
combination of the certifying agents ; and, m
less tho agent* connived, it fraud could not b
easily practiced. The removal of suspected j
gen:*, by the President, took place in order 1
protect die Indians ; hilt, sir, uotwithstaildiii
frauds were perpetrated, the Indian* were swb
di ‘d, ami they, at least <t part of them, boenu
<h -pcniie, particularly when the mnii or nu
w iiich their Great Father the President Und *0
for their protector, had become* traitor tathi
interest, and whs instrumental, a* has bet
charged 011 this floor, and oLewbere, iu defrmi
iug them.
M( 11 from ©very section, almost of this wi
rent* SejHi-y, • oiu-ciitrutftd in the Creek count
thi* jieriiul—and for vvh*t purpose d
o? To lake the udvnntnges which the pi
* of din treaty unfortunately presented f
Hjifiwihutor in Indian reservations. They d
1.1 ik*i it * siiliree of Mpeeiilntion, *ml phmyesf inn
rent nod nmifleiidiiig men. vvoaic.i, nod children,
Georgia mil Abibama. on each side of lb# fi*
Cliaitatino-hee, in alt the horror* of * hluudjr •
vv,tfnro. by li.cii* i. id Iki
l'»r g.i'.o no. |.r..fiil 10ul "lien tl.oy nod ruoMimn
i.-.l limir «i«J fraud., in uliicU i
Qo.H’iti'iuv.. I.I AI«Iino»iai»B |iartic ; |ial«d, ilroy n
«i.3 fraud., iu wliicli
1. I., ir l.unir-, and odd to tl.uir ii.iumy.i.y bUimIp
i.I r.'diimnli.iing II." |.o"|.l* o', lit* friuitiara. w
iliav l.-.-l 'r-adv loo imieli i.ij.ucd, by litaal
1 ... firing >u« i.t.iigalora and eaua« of
.I'.il r.'ii.CquonvC * of lli,lr mm asM of il
III * •
H r, ilirr.'lin* bo«u an knoiMiMP inacbia* ia
u u1 in rolatiou lo lli,*, (.and,, *n.l .ioiilar *pM
....... ... rvrry arritou ..fifip cminiry wbaiai
I... Iitiul* ar* for *al. a . Wfirro can il* localiiu
air) I l.*vo In-aid il >nid. |.r»lably ia llta ci
ecu* is M Mta*< wi
Wp.l.ii'glou On, thing .ecu* I, •