Newspaper Page Text
Manual* §»%l §rc*ato.
Os all the small annoyances, inevita- !
bly appertaining to a news office, the
one which troubles a quiet editor most,
is the carelessness of the many thought-
whose business or pleas
ure, or inclination call them to the news
paper office, and their neglect to shut the
door. In a large city, and in the office
of such a journal as the New York Her
ald, N. Y. Tribune, N. Y. Times, or
Philadelphia Ledger, each editor of a
“department’’ on the paper has his own
room, or at least his own private' desk,
so that he is never liable to be disturbed
by visitors to any ot his associates
In a small office, like our own, we can
not afford such luxuries as a special
apartment for each person connected
with our business affairs, but are com
pelled to transact the greater part of our
editorial work in a single room, to
which, for the present, the public have
free access. We say “free access,” for
in this case, as in most others, the words
“No admittance” over the door serve
simply as a stimulus to the curiosity of
£ur myriad visitors, who push past the
mystic door, and many of whom do so
simply and only because there is a paint
ed notice telling them not to.
Now, we like to see oar friends as well
as do most people—we are always, or al
most always willing and anxious to have
them call, but we do ask, we beg, we
pray, that they will L kindly remember to
shut the door.
Our Editorial room is unfortunately
situated in this regard, for it chances to
be in the very * centre of a thoroughfare
from the street to our printing office,
and though there is anothor, and far more
convenient course by which our printers
and others might make their way to the
rear rooms, they never take it. But it
is not of this that we so much complain,
it is that of the crowd of printers, visi
tors, and boys, not one in twenty-seven
ever considers it incumbent on himself to
?hut the door after him. There are two
doors, of course—sometimes the con
science of a man will smite him, and he
will shut one of them—but just so sure
as he does, he invariably leaves the other
wide open. Os the 16,701 people who
visited our Editorial rooms last Saturday,
only 183 attempted to shut both doors,
while to their limited credit be it said 761
did close one door on coming in—of these
however, 327 left the same door open on
going out—l 9 repented and returned to
do their duty when they discovered their
inadvertence. Only one man, and he
was a colored woman, had the polite
ness to come, back, shut the door, and
beg pardon for the annoyance caused by
leaving it open.
Os the folks who make our editorial
room a highway, and go gallivantiug
straight through it about 206 times a day
few of them ever think or care for the
trouble and harassment they cause us ;
not one in twenty ever carefully
closes either door after him, and we have
yet to see the first individual pass
through our sanctum and securely shut
both doors behind him.
On Saturday last one of our Editors
rose from his work nineteen times in
forty-five minutes to shut the doors
which thoughtless persons had left open.
It was too much—that Editor went off
and got drun—, got tigh—, got intoxi—,
got tips—, got inebriat—, got—, in fact
and got a glass of ale, and then
came back and left the door open himself.
Everybody who comes in leaves our
door npec. just, we presume, because
there is a notice on the sash, “Shut the
Over the entrance to our new Editorial
Room we propose to post in the largest
kind of letters the notification, “ Leave
the door wide opeD, ” and then see what
effect that will have. Our belief in the
utter perversity of human nature is such
that we earnestly and honestly believe
that if we place that notice in such a po
sition that every one must read it before
crossing the threshold, at least one in
twenty will stop and “Shut thk Door.”
Naval and Revenue Intelligence.—
The U. S. steamer Flambeau, from Hil
ton Head, arrived at this port yester
day morning. The following is the list
of her officers:
Act, Vol. Lieutenant Commanding,
Edward Cavendy ; Executive Officer, G.
Richmond; Surgeon, P. S-Perseil; Act.
Paymaster, C. C. Ward; Act. Ist Asst
Engineer, John Harris ; Act. Ensign, J.
W. Griffith; Act. Ensign, J. I. Ilarver;
Act. Ensign, J. S. Thombs; Act. 2d
Ass’t Engineer, C. B. Curtis; Act. 3d
Ass’t Engineer, Albert Bullard ; Act. 3d
Ass’t Engineer, Edwin Humstom ; Act.
Masters Mate, Jno. F. Peterson.
Yesterday morning the U. S. Steamer,
O. M. Pettit, Chas. Graves, Act. Ensign,
commanding, from a cruise to the South
Atlantic Blockading Squadron, arrived
at the dock in this city. The Pettit is
always a welcome visitor to the navy
who are protecting the coast, supplying
them with mail matter and receiving the
billets for the loved ones at home.
On Saturday afternoon the U. S. Re
venue steamer Wyauda iroiA Hilton
Head, arrived in the harbor and moored
at Sayle’s wharf on Hutchison’s I Hand.
We annex the following as her list of of
ficers : Commander J. H. Merriman; Act.
Lieut. J. C. Mitchell, Act. Lieut. Geo.
W. Bailey; Pilot, Wm. A. Booth; Engi
neer, Samuel Hamilton, Ist Asst. Engi
neer, James A. Doyle; Boatswain, Henry
Cole; Gunner, Henry Murphy; Carpenter,
Henry Walker.
Theatre. —An excellent bill is offered
to-night for the benefit of the two ladies
who have been a leading attraction in
the entertainments lately given at this
house, Miss Lottie Howland and La
Belle Louise. The popular and well
known drama, entitled “ Jack Shep
pard, " and the farce of “Our Gal.”
These two pieces, with the usual singing
and dancing, contribute a bill of fare
which ought to attract a crowded audi
dience. A full house would but •be a
fair and just recognition ol the efforts
which the fair beneficiaries have made to
gratify their friends and patrons.
This is the last night of the stay of the
present company in the Theatre, but
they are fitting up another Hall in
elegant manner, and propose to continue
there the same style ot entertainments
which have been so successful in the
Col. Taggart’s excellent New York
Company commence their season to
morrow night at the Theatre, opening
with the ..beautiful comedy of “Naval
Engagements” and “The Pet of the Pet
icoats,” with singing and dancing. We
have been led to expect great things
iiom this company, and from what we
know of them, the expectations of the
public will be fully realized.
Arrests.— Saturday last Patrick Bands,
a private belonging to the 20th Army
Corps, was arrested by the Police, charged
with stealing on the public street a mule,
wagon and its contents, consisting of
rations given to a poor person at City
Store No. 1. At the time Sands com
mitted the above offence, he wore the
uniform of a Lieutenant, and pressed into
service the wagon and contents.
James Hamilton, of the 9th Connecti
cut, was arrested Saturday evening, by
the keeper of the City Jail, attempting
to break open a house and rob it. He
was re-coramitted for a further hearing.
On Saturday evening Frederick G.
Hennessy, Cos. G, 12th Missouri, was ar
rested at the Theatre for being drunk
and disorderly.
Smoking Tobacco.— Our friend Ske
han, firm of Conyngham and Skeiian,l76
Broughton street, have seut to our edi
torial room a liberal sample of a fine ar
ticle of smoking tobacco, which they
have for sale. Their assortment of smo
king tobacco, cigars, ales, wines, porter,
groceries, clothing and boots and shoes
is very large, and their prices reasona
Sweep Your Chimneys.— Messrs. Jno.
G. Mehrtens and David H. Galloway
have now ready for sweeping chimneys
five boys who are thoroughly acquainted
with the business. Any Government
officers having in charge buildings whose
chimueys are foul and want cleaning,can
have the same attended to immediately
by leaving a notice with Mr. Mehrtens
at his store, southwest corner of State
and Drayton streets.
Cairo, Saturday, March s.— The steam
ship Empire City, reported wrecked off
Carrypoint Reef, got off and arrived at
New Orleans.
Permits to bring cotton within our lines
have been issued at Memphis.
For the week ending the 2i>th u’t, over
26,000 bales of supplies were allowed to
pass beyond our lines, valued at $220,-
% New Orleans dates of the 2,'>th ult., say
that the schooner Jane Laidlaw, report
ed lost off the mouth of the Rio Grande,
had arrived safely,
A railroad has been constructed from
the depot ot the Jackson road to the
Mississippi river, lor military purposes,
which will prove of great advantage in
the transportation of troops and sup
Gen. Canby had returned to New Or
leans, from a visit of inspection to 310-
bile Bay and the adjacent points.
Commodore Palmer’s licet is in com
plete order, and ready to commence the
attack upon Mobile at any moment.
A garden for the cultivation of vege
tables has been entabiished at eacu post
in Glen. Canbv’s department,
The health of the troops at the various
posts is good.
The latest news from Mat am ores is
that the American Sag had been hauled
down by some unknown pargv.
Cotton ranged at New* Oilcans from
05f\ a 69c. for good ordinary to strict
middling. The business was limited,
owing to unfavorable weather. Mid
dling Sugar ranged from 22c*. a 23c. a
24c., for fair to pride. Molasses, si.2f>
a $1.27 per gallon.
Three cargoes of sue ar and molasses
had arrived from Cuba at New Orleans.
Nashville, Term., Saturday, March
4.—The heavy rains for the past three
days have caused a great rise in the
river, which is over its banks. The city
is entirely surrounded by water and the
lower part of it is completely submerged
On the railroad running Sputa- much
damage has been done by the wash in <r
away of bridges. The trestle bribe
over Stone river, near Murfreesboro’, has
been swept away; also the one at Frank
lin. There is no interruption as yet on
the Louisville and Nasjiville Railroad.—
The river rose seven feet yesterday and
last night, and is still rising. Much
damage has been done to property in
the vicinity of the flood. It is believed
the flood will be the greatest ever known
Two soldiers of the Ninth Indiana were
drowned, yesterday in Edgefield.
report op interments iN laurel grovf
March 5, Henry C. Brown, 46 vear*
dysentery, Georgia; M. Nettles Con
pauy E, Ist Georgia ; John W. OwenT
cerebritis, Michigan. -
March 6.—Thyrsa Ann Bennett -
years, chronic diarrhoea, Savannah" AW
Cole, 9 years, camp fever, Savannah
March 7.—Frederick J. Williams
Company H, 132d New York Regiment’
March 8. —Wm. H. Simmons, 2
and 7 months, congestion of brain
vannah ; Levi H. Green, Company F
29th Ohio Regimeut: Frederick CurW
38 years, consumption, Germany. *
March 9.—Augustus W. Claghorn i*
years, typhoid fever, Savannah ; m
wha Hard wick, 8 years, cerebro mem* e tb
March 10.—Moses Benjamin, <}
and 2 months, whooping caugh, Char
ton Cos. Ga. ; A. Dixoc, Cos. I 4-tk
Ohio Regimeut; James T. Moore fv
B, 87lh Indiana Regiment. ’ °
March 11.—3. I>, Williams, Cos. F
32d Illinois ; Richard K. Gibson, Teeth"
ing, Savannah ; James 11. Day, Cos I>
12th Maine. J '
Feb. 28—Mary Doyle, 5 yearn, po ett .
moma, Savannah.
March •3 N. McDonald, 2 days
spasms, Savannah.
March 7.—Joseph Alorgau. 2 months,
uiarrhtea, Savannah : Mary Jane Arm
strong, 1 year and 2 months, intermit
tent fever, Savannah.
March B. Charles Till, 9 years, cere
bero mein get is, Jacksonville, Florida.
March to.— Anna Birch,: days trismus
The Richmomf Examiner says “Jeff.
Davis ; s carrying the Confederacy to
perdition and the devil r Jeff, has one
consolation ; he hasn't far to go with his
Arrived—U. s. steamer Flambeau, Cavendy,
Hilton Head: lb S. Revenue steamer Wyanda,
Merriman. Hilton Head; U. S. steamer 0. M.
Pettit. Greives. South Atlantic Blockading
Squadron ; steamship S. It. Spaulding, Atkins,
Hilton Head; steamship Mary A. Boardman,
Jordan, Hilton Head; steamer Neptune, Gow.u,
Hilton Head.
Cleared—U. S. steamer Flambeau, Cavendy,
Hilton 11-ad; U. S. steamer, O. M. Pettit,
Graves, Hilton Head ; steamship Fannie, Cato:,
Ililton Head; steamer Amazon, Dillon, Hilton
In this city, on Sabbath morning, 12th ire tan'.,
Josiah Warman, infant son of Rev. Sand Mrs.
F. J. Landrum.
Lost, either from the propeller U. S. Grant, or
taken by mistake, or Friday night or Saturday
morning, a large yellow Trunk, belongiug to
Miss ll.v.tie Lee,of the Savannah Theatre. Who
ever will return it will receive the above reward
and the thanks of the owner. 2 marl3
D A Gentleman desires Boarding in a private
family, where the comforts of a home can be en
joyed. Cali at the Railroad Back, or address
marLi 1 S. M. KRATJSER, Q. M. Dept.
Savannah, March 12, ISCS.)
Genet. a .. Order, >
No. 22. f
All citizens arriving at this Post are required
to register their names at the Provost Marshal's
Office, within the neit 24 hours after their ar
By command of
Brevet Major Gen. GROVER.
Edward G. Dikic, A. A. Gen. marl3
A young man who thoroughly under
stands the Drug Blindness cun hear of a situation
by applying at this office. ts feblO
Four or D've FURNISHED ROOMS, suitable
ora small family for boose keeping. Address
Bov. sis., Savannah. mar 7—ts
Small quantities of the Per Manganate o*
Potash will be turnished, at the request of wj
Physician, by the Health Officer. feblO
Riddell & murdock,
Gkntlkvten’s FvENifytiNG Goods, &c-
No. 5 Merchants’ Row, Hilton Head, S. C.
w. e. LjanlO—tf] ~n. i. aicbdock.