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VOL. I—NO. 7(5.
The Savannah Daily Herald
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[Correspondence of the Manchester Examiner and
Washington, Feb. 22, 1865.
I have just come into possession of a very
curious document, and one too, which lam
confident will he peculiarly interesting to
your readers, because it sheds so much light
upon the connection vvhich Mr. Horace
Greeley, editor of the New York Tribune,
had with the famous Niagara Falls Peace
Negotiations of last July, in which he figured
so prominently, together w ith Cornell Jew
ett, and Messrs. Sanders, Clay and Holcombe.
Apparently this letter, which I need not say
has never been published here, was the initial
movement in the negotiations referred to.—
Here it is:
New York, July 7, 1864.
My Dear Sir : I venture to inclose you a
letter and telegraphic despatch that I re
ceived yesterday from our irrepressible
friend Colorado Jewett, at Niagara Falls. I
think they deserve attention. Os course I
do not indorse Jewett’s positive averment
Ibat his friend at the Falls have ‘-full pow
ers” from J. D., though I do not doubt that
he thinks they have. I let that statement
stand a3 simply evidencing the anxiety of
the Confederates everywhere for peace. So
much is beyond doubt.
And therelore I venture to remind you that
our bleeding, bankrupt, almost dying coun
try also longs for peace—shudders at the
prospect, of tresh conscriptions, of further
wholesale devastations, and of new rivers of
human blood ; and a wide-spread conviction
that the Government and its prominent supr
porters are not anxious for peace, and do not
improve proffered opportunities to achieve it,
is doing great harm now, and is morally cer
tain, unless removed, to do far the
approaching elections.
It is not enough that we anxiously desire a
true and lasting peace ; we ought to demon
strate and establish the truth beyond cavil.—
The fact that A. H. Stephens was not per
mitted a year ago to visit and confer with
the authorities a't Washimrton has done
harm, which the tone at the late National
Convention at Baltimore is not calculated to
I entreat you, in your own time and man
ner, to submit overtures for pacification to
the Southern insurgents, which the impartial
must pronounce frank and generous. If only
with a view to the momentous election soon
to occur in North Carolina, and of the draft
to be enforced in the Free States, this should
be done at once. I would give the safe con
duct required by the rebel envoys at Niagara
upon their parole to avoid observation and to
refrain from all communication with their
sympathizers in the loyal States: but you
may see reasons for declining it. But whe
ther through them or otherwise, do not, I
entreat you, fail to make the Southern peo
ple comprehend that you, and all of us, are
anxious for peace, and,prepared to grant
liberal terms. I venture to suggest the fol
1. The Urion is restored and declared per
2. Slavery is utterly and forever abolished
throughout the same
3. A complete amnesty for all political of
fences, with a restoration of all the inhabi
tants ol each State to all the privileges of
citizens of the United States.
4. The Union to pay four hundred millioju
dollars ($400,000,000) in five per cent. Uni
ted States stock to the late slave States, loyal
and secession alike, to be apportioned pro
vatu, according to their slave population res
pectively, by the census of 1800, in compen
sation for the losses of their loyal citizens by
the abolition of slavery. Each State to be
entitled to its quota upon the ratification by
its Legislature of this adjustment. The bonds
to be at the absolute disposal of the Legisla
ture aforesaid.
5. The said slave States to be entitled
henceforth to representation in the House on
the basis of their total, instead of their Fed
eral population, the whole now being free.
C. A National Convention to be assembled
so soon as may be, to ratify this adjustment,
and make such changes in the Constitution
as may be deemed ads isable.
Mr. President, I fear you do not realize
how intently the people desire any peace
consistent with the national integrity and
honor, ami how joyously they would hail its
achievement, and bless its authors. With
United States stocks worth but 40 cents in
gold per dollar, and drafting about to com
mence on the third million of Union soldiers,
can this be wondered at ?
I do not say that justice is now attainable,
though I believe it to be so. But I do say
that a frank offer by you to the insurgents of
terms which the impartial say ought to be
accepted will, at the worst, prove an im
mense and sorely needed advantage to the
national cause. It may save us from a
Northern insurrection. Yours, truly,
Hon acc Greeley.
(Signed) Hon. A. Lincoln.
President, Washington, D. C.
S'—Even though it should be deemed
unadvisable to make an offer of terms to the
rebels, I insist that, in any possible case, it is
desirable that any offers they may be dispos
ed to make should be received, and either
accepted or rejected. I beg you to invite
those now at Niagara to exhibit their cre
dentials aud submit their ultimatum, h. g.
The Rochester Democrat comments as fol
lows upon this extraordinary letter:
“Those follies (of Mr- Greeley’s.) which
had seemed to us only aberrations of judg
ment, or eccentricities prompted by conceit
and vanity, like the diplomatic attempts of
Colorado Jewett, assume a different aspect
on the perusal of the letter to the President
written by Mr. Greeley last fall at the time
of the Niagara negotiations. That letter has
just reached this country from England,
where it has found its way into the newspa
pers. It puts Mr. Greeley in the same posi
tion with the worst of the Copperhead op
ponents of the administration, using the same
fallacious arguments and making the same
false predictions that were used against the
L uion party in the recent presidential can
vass. It compels us to look upon him as one
who has misused the confidence reposed in
him by the Republican party by exerting hi 9
influence privately and publicly to persuade
or compel the President to a course of policy
ruinous to the country, and utterly at vari
ance with the declared views of the great
mass of loyal men of all parties.”
Mr. Layard, Under Secretary of State for
Foreign Affairs, was questioned in the House
of Commons on the 20th ult. in relation to
the property of British subjects purchased in
the United States before and since the com
mencement of the war, where proof had
been wanting as to the bona Jide nature of the
Mr. Layard said: “I presume the question
applies more particularly to cotton. This
cotton comes nnder two categories—that
which has been destroyed by the authorities
of the so-called Confederate States, and that
which has been taken possession of by the
Federal authorities. As regards the former,
the government have been advised that
foreigners owning property in a coun
try which is subject to such a
war as that now existing in the
Southern States of America are liable to all
the accidents which may befall the property
of persons belonging to that country, and if
that property has been destroyed for the bona
jide purpose of preventing it from falling into
the hands of the enemy, British subjects who
may be among the owners have no right to
complain. At the same time they have been
requested to preserye authentic evidence re
specting property so destroyed. As regards
the cotton seized at Savannah, full particu
lars have not yet been received by the gov*
ernment. It appears, however,-that a large
quantity of the cotton has been removed to
North, and it is stated that it has been so re
moved under the apprehension that it might
fall into the hands of the enemy. Upon these
grounds there is no doubt that the govern
ment of the United States have a full right
to so remove the cotton ; but her Majesty’s
Charge de Affaires at Washington has been
instructed to express a confident hope that
no obstacle will be interposed to the elaiyyn*
of British subjects in respect of that cotitosgiM
that is to say, that every facility will begfegg
to British, subjects to prove their clanhlul
British property thus removed by the federal
authorities to the North.
The following article, attributed to Jeff.
Davis, appeared in the Richmond Sentinel of
last Saturday, the last number of that paper:
We are very hopeful of the campaign
which is opening, and trust that we are to
reap large advantage from operations evi
dently near at hand, but our people should
clearly comprehend that whatever the tem
porary result, and though misfortune, beyond
what it seems in the bounds of possibility,
should befal us, our independence will still
be in our option, and our final success will
still be beyond the power of our enemies o
prevent it. The views which we copy from
the London Times to-day, express sound
judgement as to our ability to force our ene
mies to propose terms. Even at the very
time when they might suppose that they had
conquered us, we have only to resolve thit
we will never surrender, and it will be im
possible that we shall be ever taken.
Our country is too large to be held ; our
enemies could never afford to maintain
armies necessary for hostile occupation;
nothing could exceed the longings they
would feel for a settlement which"would en
able them to return to a peace establishment;
nothing could exceed the necessity which
would thereto impel them. The proof*and
the illustrations are seen in their anxiety to
bring the war to a speedy close ; they know
that their debt is already intolerable and far
beyond the power of confiscation to discharge
it. The difficulty of raising troops has be
come so great, that only the most ruinous
bounties will avail to secure the most iudif
ferent of recruits, and but for the hope that
they will soon succeed, they would this day
break down. -
As for ourselves, nothing could equal in its
horror the dreadful calamity of Yankee do
mination in our land, awful as has been the
four years of conflict through which we have
passed. They have been four years of joy
compared with what they would have been
with the heel of Lincoln on our necks. They
have been years for which, amid all our sor
rows, we should devoutly thank God. Better
for us a state of war forever, than union with
Yankees on any terms, a thousand times bet
ter than their domination over U 9. We have
therefore but to refuse to surrender, to refuse
to yield the struggle, and we should soon
weary our enemies into terms. When they
supposed their undertaking was at its end.
they would find, to their dismay, that* their
troubles had but begun.
If we can effect our safety in no other way,
we can effect it by ruining them, and it will
be in our power to ruin them by refusing to
surrender our cause. A town may be cap
tured, a county may be overrun, and so long
as it is occupied the inhabitants must yield
such obedience to the captors as the laws of
war require ; not by taking an unlawful oath
of allegiance, but by the military neutrality
which may be exacted of citizens in their
situation. But if such towns and counties
are held, others will be free, and to capture
a second, a first must be liberated, aud be
discharged of its temporary and constrained
neutrality. An army twice as large as Lin
coln has would not suffice to hold a country
as extensive as ours, with a population im
placably hostile as ours would be, and de
ermined to be lree.
I’ll tell you a very diWktorv. There was |
once upon a time an enror ; this emperor
was jealous. There vuHso an abbot, qnite
a grand gentleman—a pity that his
shepherd was wiftier tan he. The emperor
cared neither for cold >or for warm,; often
would he sleep armed hp-a-pie under a tent;
scarcely had he enouglvye bread, water, and
sausage ; often wouldle suffer sadly from
hunger and thirst. 116 little abbot took
mere care of himself, a il kept a better table.
His plump face was rfeplcndent like the full
moon—three men touding their heads could
not encompass his paid*—and for this the
emperor often sought Squabble with the lit
tle abbot. One day, odiug along under a
broiling hot sun, witUgrand escort ot cav
alry, he met the abbot, taking an airing be
fore his abbey. “Oh, Aere’s a go," thought
he to himself, and sfeeringlv saluting the
abbot, “Servant of th church, how goes it
with it ? quite well itopears to us? prayer
and fasting, I trow, <sn’t agree with you.
Strikes us though, thai time hang 9 on your
hands, and you 11 surey thank us for giving
you a job. It is said jou are the most cun
ning of men, that youilmost hear the grass
grow ;*so now, just t> amuse your plump
cheeks, we’ll give you three pretty nuts to
crack. We give, reckoning from this day,
three months, at th< expiration of which,
we’ll hear you ansvtr these questions
lstly. When we’re in the midst of our
council assembled, seated on our throne,
and robed in tbs imperial phiple you
will tell us, like i true connoisseur in
money, how much w? are worth to the farth
ing. 2ndly, YouT| calculate and tell us in
how long we can rile on horseback round
the world—not one ninute more or less—we
know aIL that’s but aitrifle to you. 3rdly. O
pearl of prelates ! yqi shall guess to an acre,
our thoughts [whichwe’ll loyally confess af
terwards,] but in ofir thoughts there must
not be one particle »f truth ! Au’ you do
uot answer ' these three questions,
you’ll have beeu abiotr too long; we’ll have
you ridden about tin country on a donkey,
the tail in your handin lieu of the bridle !’
So having said, ihe emperor, laughing,
trots away.
The poor abbot cudgels his head to split
it. No rogue endured more agony before the
fatal noose. He acids to one, two, three,
four universities, hterrogating one, two,
three, four faculties; pays tees and costs plus
and more, and, nevertheless, no doctor could
solve these problems. Amidst the quakings
and aebings of the heart, the hours grew
quickly into days, the days into weeks, the
weeks into months—fast was the term ap
proaching. The poor abbot from yellow
grew green. Despairing, pale, and with hol
low cheeks, he mused in the fields, woods,
and most retired spots, and in a footpath
scarcely trodden, he met, seated on a rock,
his shepherd Jeannot Bmdick.
~_“Oh ! my lord abbot,” said jeannot “‘what
Mjou ?, By my troth, yoa’ll be soon meagre
jfr shadow i You scarcely crawl along
' atfiy Something evi’ has happened to yon? "
; “Alack! good Jeannot Biudiok, thou art
Dut too right, something has happened to
me. The emperor has given me a rough
colt to comb; he’s put ’twixt my teeth nuts
that Beelzebub himself would find uneasy to
crack. Firstly: When in the midst of his
council assembled, he’s seated on his throne,
robed in imperial purple, I must-tell him,
like a true connoisseur in moneys, how much
he’s worth to the farthing. Secondly: I
must calculate and tell him in how long he
could on horseback ride round the world, not
one minute more or less, and he fancies all
this is but a trifle to me. And thirdly: O,
most unfortunate of prelates! I must guess
to an ace his thoughts! (which he’ll confess
loyally after.) An’ I do not answer the
three questions,l’ll have been abbot too long.
He’ll have me ridden round the country on a
donkey, the tail in my hand in lieu of a
bridle 1”
“And nought more ?” laughed Jeannot
Bindick. “My lord abbot, resume your
peace, I’ll settle all this—lend me your hood,
your little cross, and your habit. Clothed in
these, I promise to render* for you the right
responses. True as it is that I know no
word of Latin—what gentlemen doctor’s
can’t learn with the money, I inherited from
my mother.”
The jbbot, delighted, skipped like a lamb.
With the hood and .the cross, the cloak aud
the girdle, Jeannot looked a veritable abbot,
and quickly proceeded to the court of the
emperor. The emperor was on his throne,
in the midst of his princes—magnificent
sceptre in hand, a crown on his head, and
robed in imperial purple—and first clearing
hia voice, “Now, my lord abbot, approach,
and like a true connoisseur in moneys, tell ns
how much we are worth to a farthing.”
“Majesty, one worthier than you was sold
for thirty pieces of silver; so I’d give for yon
(high as your majesty may esteem itself) only
twenty-nine florins, for surely you are worthy
one florin less than He.”
“Ahem!” said the Emperor, “the reason
ing is evident and suffices to correct a serene
ness’s pride 'pon my imperial honor, I
never esteemed myself so cheap. Now cal
culate and tell how long it would take us to
ride round the world on horseback, not one
minute more or less.”
“Majesty, if you were to slart i’ the morn
ing at the same instant as the sun, and ac
company him riding so fast as he, I’ll wager
my cloak and my cross that your Majesty
would go it in twice twelve hours.”
“Oh!” quoth the emperor. “Oh, excel
lent oats I——you feed your horses upon ifs
and auds. The man that invented ifs
and ands certainly made gold of chopped
straw. But now gather all your wits for our
third question, else we’ll condemn thee to
the donkey. What do we think that is
fa he? say it directly, but no ifs and ands.
“Majesty, you think 1 am the abbot of St.
“Without a dbubt, and there’s nothing
false in this."
“Your pardon majesty, your idea deceives
you—l’m only his shepherd Jeannot Bini
“ Wlia*, demon! thou’rt not the Abbot of
9t. Gall ?” exclaimed the Emperor, with all
his might, as if fallen from the skies, but
withal in'jovial surprise, “Well, tbou’lt be
so for the future. Til invest thee with the
Signet and the Crozier. Your predecessor
shall mount the ass and trot, which 11 make
hifn comprehend what meanetli qni juris, for
who would reap must sow.” t
“By your leave, Majesty,” answered Jean
not, “ I'll remain as I am. I can neither
read, nor count, nor write ; I don’t under
stand the wee’st word of Latin—what Jean
not never learnt, Jean never can.”
“ Good Jean Bindick, more’s the pity; but
ask us another boon ; your joyous face hath
greatly diverted us, and we'd joyfully rejoice
thee in our turn.”
“Majesty, I need not much in this world,
but since it pleaseth you to heap favorS on
me, I’ll ask for all recompense—the pardon
of my most Reverend Lord.”
“ Bravo, my friend! We see you carry
your heart like your head—in the upright
in am a. - . 80, then, we paidon j-our Reverend
Lord, but on the following condition: We
command the Abbot of St. Gall that Jean
Bendick no longer watch his Hoiks, and or
der that he provide gratuitously for all his
wants until he is overtaken by the ease and
happy death which heaven will send him.”
Military Execution. —A terrible tragedy
wa9 enacted yesterday at Camp Douglas—
the execution of a prisoner named R. Murin,
who had made repeated attempts to escape.
The execution wa9 not made public in ad
vance, for reasons be9t known to the author
ities, and our reporter was not
present. It was only at a late hour last eve
ning that wo heard of the tragic event, and
are not therefore able to give a detailed
account. The circumstances so far as we
have beeu able to gather them, are as follows:
Murin came to Camp Douglas with the
last detachment of rebels from Nashville.
He was very retiring in„his habits, avoiding
contact with his fellow-prisoners as much ss
possible, always taking his rations and retir
ing to his tent to eat. He was noticed by
the guard, and gradually became a favorite
with them, they often giving him of their
own food, and at length allowed him the lib
erty of the kitchen, where he busied himself
in apparent content for sometime.
Hearing a noise some weeks since near the
fence, one of the guards stopped and listen
ed. He heard a noise as of earth being ex
cavated, and beckoning to one or two of bis
comrades, so as not to create alarm, they
broke through the ground and pulled out the
culprit by the leg—it was Murin. Five min
utes more and he would have tyeen outside.
He was confined, being bound with cords,
in the absence of shackles, but managed to
loosen them with his teeth, and was again
almost at liberty when the attempt was dis
covered, and his escape again prevented.—
Several times subsequently he tried to escape
but in each case failed; so much trouble did
he give, however, that it was fonnd neces
sary to watch him constantly, and his re
peated defiance of orders was at last made
the subject of .a court-martial, on whose find
ing he was condemned to be shot—the sen
tence was executed yesterday.
At four o'clock yesterday afternoon a file
of soldiers were drawn up in a hollow
square, and the prisoner brought in. He
manifested no compunction for his crimes
and viewed the dread preparations with ut
ter indifference. He submitted to all the
preliminary ceremonies without a murmur.
The fatal order was given, he received the
fire of the platoon, fully half a dozen balls
entered bis body, qne of them passing into
the brain; he died without a struggle.
The affair created the wildest excitement
among the prisoners, many of whom vowed
dire vengeance on the perpetrators, of w hat
they called a “wanton butchery.” The jus
tice of the act may well be questioned, and
we heard, indeed, last evening, that a judic
ial investigation of ail the circumstances
would be asked' for. We hope so, for the
sake of humanity. One cannot but admire
the daring and persistence of the unhappy
prisoner. Life is sweet, and liberty more
so; if he did not attempt the life of the
guard, the shooting is unjustifiable.
iMer.—' The excitement is increasing, the
matter i9 being discussed with great vehe
mence, and those who justify the execution
have been threatened by an attack from its
denouncers, among whom we notice several
violent Copperheads. The streets are all
iMtest. —Our reporter is on the point of
going down to camp, to ask for a military
Very latest. — A special reporter informs us
that Murin i9—a Jjatin name for rat.—Chi
cago Tribune , April 1.
Money.—When Dr. Barth, the great Afri
can traveler, went from the center of Europe
to the center of Africa—to Karro and Tim
bucloo—his experience furuUhed a better
lesson on the use and meaning of money than
has been furnished by all the political econo
mists of the world. The good man was very
far from thinking that was any part of his
mission ; but he has given us the facts, and
they are invaluable, lie left Europe; cross
ed the Mediterranean* to Tripoli; proceeded
to Mourzuk; then down to Karre; and
finally on to the Niger, at Timbuctoo. Now,
how did he get along in the way of money ?
How did he accomplish his exchanges?
Well, he begins with bill of exchange on
some central banker; then he got bank
notes,'etc.: he proceeds to Tripoli and finds
bank notes won’t go twenty miles into Africa,
but they are par with the merchants of Trip
oli trading with France; so he ex
changes all his money for hard silver dollars.
That is the money from Tripoli to Mourzuk.
Arrived at Mourzuk silver dollars will avail
no longer for exchange; people think silver
rftod gold very good things no doubt, but peo
ple who have traded in Karro would rather
have something else or their goods. What
is it ? Why they must have strings of little
shells! These w r ere very small, beautiful
shells, a thousand strung together; that is
the currency for thousands of miles, so Dr.
Barth had "to exchange his silver dollars for
strings of shells, and when he had remit
tances front Europe it had to be put into
something which could be exchanged for
shells. With what infinite disgust the hard
mc ney people must look upon the civilization
on one hand and the barbarism on the other!
On one side they wanted no silver, because
they had paper, on the other they wanted no
silver, because they had shells! Nobody
wanted hard money but that enlightened,
commercial people who lived along the coast
of Barbary!
The internal revenue taxes for 1865 w ill be
made out upon au amended form. The blank
which every citizen is obliged to fill up cov
ers oil the ground, and unless a man peijures
himself there can be no escape, thougn an
inspection of this new form induces us to be
lieve that the assessors will find it very slow
work in assisting honest men to make out
their returns. Tjie assessors are required t<»
ask the following questions:
Had your wife any income last year ?
Did any minor child of yours receive any
salary last year ?
Have you included iu this return the iu
come of your wife and salary received by
minor children ?
Have you auy stoc ks, and what are they ?
Is your report made on the basis of
Have you bought or sold stocks or other
property ?
Have you any United States securities ?
Do you return the premium on gold
paid you as interest on United States se
curities ?
Have you kept any book account ?
Is your income estimated, or taken from
your book.
Have you not the expenses, &c., estimated
as deductions, already been taken out of tha
amount, reported as profits ?
Did you estimate auy portion of your
profits in making your returns for 1863 ?
YVas any portion treated as worthless, and,
if since paid, have you included it iu this re -
The individual who drew up this se
ries must have beeu au adept iu cross-ques
The Surrender of Richmond. —Major A.
H. Stevens es the 4th Massachusetts cavalry,
and Major'E. E. Graves, of Gen. Weitzel’s
staff, with forty men, were ordered to pro
ceed on Monday momiDg last and investi -
gate the state of the roads leading to Rich
mond, and had hardly got within the rebel
lines -when they espied a shabby carriage
approaching, the driver waving a white flag.
Approaching this vehicle, it was found to
contain Mayor Mayo, the head of the Rieh
mond city government, Judge Lyon and
several other worthies of the rebel persua
sion, who announced that they baa come
out to snrrender the city to the competeut
authority. This took place within a distance
of two miles fiom the city, after the Union
Mayors had found their way through several
. lines of torpedoes, and was marked by the
following conversation:
Major Stevens —“Who is in command of
this flag of truce ?’’
Judge Meredith—“lt is Mr. Mayo, Mayor
df the city of Richmond.”
The Judge at the same time introducing
the Mayor and all of his associates to (Mu’or
Stevens and Major Graves.
Mayor Mayo then handed Major Ste
vens a small slip of paper; upon which was
written the following :
“It is proposed to formaly surrender to
the Federal authorities the city of Richmond,
hitherto capital of the Confederate States of
America, and the defences protecting it up
to this time.”
The surrender was acepted and sent back
to Gen. Weitzel. The gallant Majors then
took charge of the rebel flag of truce party,
and advanced upon the city—two capable,
efficient and popular officers of the stout old
Army of the James thus being the first, with
their escort, to enter the fallen and capitula
ting capital of rebeldom. They proceeded
straight to the capitol, where rebellion has
held high carnival for nearly four years, and
planted the stars and stripes on its summit.
The national symbols thus hoisted consisted
of two bright and tasteful guidons from
Companies E and II of the Fourth Massa
chusetts cavalry, of which Major Stevens is
one of the ablest field officers. The colois
of the Union were greeted by prolonged
cheers and other popular demonstration of
applaus* on thq part of rebel civilians and
Contrabands.— Boston Journal.
Eightieth Birthday of John Pierpoint.—
John Pierpont, the veteran poet and pioneer
emancipationist, was complimented to-night
on having reached his eightieth birthday.
The pari ore of Mr. Cherles H. Morse, form
erly of Cainbridgeport, with whom Mr. Piar
pont now resides, were handsomely orna
mented with national flags, appropriate mot
toes and rare flowers. In the evening Mr.
Pierpont was told that a few friends hacf call
ed, and on entering the parlor to greet them
he was entirely surprised. One presented
him with a gold watch, another with a valu
able cane and another with a large photo
graphic album containing the portraits of old
Boston friends and parishioners. But the
most valuable gift was a large portfolio filled
with autograph letters of congratulation in
poetry and prose from Sumner, Wilson, Mrs.
Sigourney, Whittier, Wood, Dana, Holmes,
Whipple and other prominent authors, -with
other letters signed Moses Williams, Gard
ner Brewer, William W. Clapp, and other
“solid men of Boston.” An old differences
of opinion were forgotten and due honor was
paid to the poet, the griest, the emancipa
tionist and the temperance reformer of “Auld
Lang Syne.”
It seems to us that sending Kennedy, the
spy, into the other world with his fierce pas
sions unsubdued, was simply the contribu
tion of another devil to the multitude of such
who inhabit the dark shades on the other
That may be all very true, but, as a mem
ber of a civilized community, we venture to
say that we prefer to have the devils sent
back to the hell where they belorig, to hav
ing them roaming about here in the service
of the Confederate States.
Rarities. —The sale of engraved stonea
belonging to the Pourtales collection has ter
minated. Among the most remarkable w’ere
an intaglio, by v inccntino, in rock crystal,
mounted on a gold box, which was sold for
1,31 If; and an oriental sardonyx, of two
layers, a cameo mounted as a bracelet, lep
resenting a woman in long robes, standing
in a chariot drawn by two horses, a beautiful
specimen of Greek workmanship, which was
knocked down for 27001’. The total stun
produced was a little oyer 4C.000.