Newspaper Page Text
The Savannah Daily Herald.
TV&SDAY* MAY 5, 1885:
Tie Latest News.
M»o Gray, of Major General Gill more's
\-.fl,\vho went to Augusta about a week
, o. returned gliis morning on the Jeff Davis,
and t-u; sequeutly proceeded to the head
quarters of the Department, at Hilton Head.
Major Gray proceeded by land, two miles
and a half from Hand Bar Ferry, where the
Jeff Davis got aground.
Gen. Upton had taken command before
Major Gray arrived. Communication by tel
egraph was established with Gen. Wilson at
We have received by this arrival Augusta
papers of the 3d, from which extracts arc
given In another colurn.
Macon is full of Confederate soldiers and
offlceis. Only a small force of Union men
i9 there, but with the assistance of the local
authorities it seems amply sufficient for the
maintenance of order. The greatest harmo
ny seems to exi9t.
Confederate money is regarded as worth
less. It cannot be passed at any price. A
good male wa3 sold the other day at auction
for two dollars aud a half in specie.
The inhabitants arc very anxious that
genetal communication should be re-opened
with Havannah aud the North.
Gen. Molineux was on his way up on the
Amazon, and has probably reached Augusta
before this.
Mr. N. 8. Morse 19 still publishing the
Chronicle and Sentinel, and is making-a very
good paper of it.
On Saturday and Sunday the following steam
transports laden with troops etc. arrived at
this port from Beaufort N. C , aud Moreliead
City,N. C.s Steam Ship Cassundra,Steamship
Thetis. Steamship Neptune, Steamship Star
of the South, Steamship Constitution.
The following are the regiments arrived
22d lowa, Col.- E.. G. White ; 28th lowa,
Lt. Col. B. W. Wilson; forming the second
brigade, under the command of Col. Harvey
Graham. The 175th New York, 156th New
York, Capt. Cooley, com’dg; ITCtli New
York, Major Lewis; 38th Mass., Lt. Colonel
Richardson; 128tli New I’ork; forming the
third brigade, under the rommand of Col.
Day; 24th lowa, Lieut-Col. Wright, Com*
TTOltiljlUj. 131st New York, Lieut.-Col.
Lieut.-ColT 16 ' JtLl New York >
the troops are of the old
army corps, and are under the-commanTof
Brevet Major General 11. W. Birge.
The following is the Staff of Gen. Birge:
Surgeon—W. H. Thayer.
Captain E. A. Fieke, A. A. I. G.
“ H. A. Darling, C. S. Vols.
“ W. B. Hunt, A. A. A. G.
“ F. Wells, A. A. D. G.
“ E. F. Goddard, AA.Q. M.
“ George W. Hussey, A. Ord. Off.
Lieut. §ug«ne Birclioff, A. A. D. C. '
“ Elijali Swift, A. A. Q. M.
“ M. M. Davidson, A. A. Q. M-
The Attention of Confederate Officees
is called to the circular issued to-day from
the office of the Provost Marshal, published
in another column, relative to the wealing
of the uniform of the so-called “ Confederate
service’ iu the streets of this city.
How “Bkss" Diyiio —lu describ
ing bow Queen Elizabeth dined, a historian
tel s us that “a gentleuuu entered the room
1 ►earing a rod, and auotbcr with him who
had a tabic-cloth, which, afier they had both
kueeled three times, with the utmost venera
tion, he spread upon the table, nod after
kneeling again they both retired. Then came
two others, one with a salt cellar uud a plate
of bread; when they kneeled as the others
had done aud placed what they had brought
upon the table, they too retired with the
same ceremonies performed by tbe first. At
last came an uuuiArried lady (we are told
she was a Countess,) aud along with a mar
ried one, bearing a tasting-knife; the former
was dressed in white silk, who when she had
prostrated herself three times in the most
graceful manner, approached the table and
rubbed the plates with bread and salt, with as
much awe as if the Queen had been present.
When they had waited there a little while
the yeomen of the guard entered bareheaded,
clothed in scarlet, with a golden rose upon
their backs, bringing in at each turn a course
of twenty-four dishes, served in plate, most
ot it gilt; the dishes were received by a
gentleman iu the same order thev were
brought, aud placed upon the table, while
the lady taster gave to each of the guard a
mouthful to eat of the particular dish he had
brought tor fear of poison. During the time
that the guard (which consisted of the tall
est and stoutest men that could be fouud in
- all England, being carefully selected for this
service; were bringing dinner, twelve trum*
peis and two kettle-drums made the hall ring
lor bull an hour together at the end ot all
this ceremonial, a uumher of uumarried la
dies appeared, who with peculiar solemnity
lifted the meat off the table aud conveyed it
into the Queen's inner and more private
chamber, where, after she had chosen for
herselt, the rest goes to the ladies of the
court. The Queen uines and sups alone
with very few attendants; and it is very sel
dom that anybody, foreign or native, is ad
mitted at that time, and then only at the in
t -rcessioa of somebody la power.
Dales of the stli Inst.
raoc&AnsATzosr or gov.
Extra Session of the Legislature.
further lawlessness
Hospitals and Government Stores Sacked
by the Populace.
Interesting: News Items.
(From the Angusta Chronicle end SentlneL)
Froclcmatioc of Governor Brown.
The magnitude of events that have oc
curred since your late adjournment and are
now transpiring in our public af irs, affect
ing as they do so seriously the safety, secur
ity and welfare of the people of the State,
render it highly proper and expedient that
the General Assembly should be iu session
again at an early day, to consider of the ex
isting state of things, and to provide the best
means which they, in iheir wisdom, may be
able to devise for meeting the exigencies of
the times.
The two most distinguished Generals of
the Confederacy, commanding the armies
upon which we mainly relied lor the defence
and maintenance of o'ur cause, having been
compelled by overwhelming numbers to
capitulate, it now devolves upon staUsmeu
and patriots in the civil departments of Onv
eremnent, to do all in their power to prevent
anarchy, restore and preserve order, and
save what they can of liberty and civiliza
You are therefore hereby required to con
vene in extraordinary session at the Capi.ol
in Milledgeville, on Monday, the twcuty
seeond day ot this present mouth
Given under my hand aud the Great Seal
at the Capitol ot the State, this third day of
May, 1865. Joseph E. Brown.
Lawlessness Everywhere.
Protect thf. Hospitals. —We learn that
at Covington the Government stores and offi
ces have been sacked by the populace. The
Hospital was stripped of everything. This
is very unfortunate. The hospitals through
out the country should be protected, as a
large number of sick and wounded 3oldiers
are yet to pass through the country on the
way to their homes, and many will perish by
the way, unless they receive the care and at
tention which can lie afforded only by keep
ing the hospitals intact. Citizens should look
after this matter.
Fbom up the Road. —Every depot up the
Georgia Railroad, we arc informed has been
cleared opt. The illegal operations should
be stopped at once. To our friends in the
country we will say, bear with pstlence these
ills, and protect yourselves the best you can
for a few days. A sufficient force has al
ready started for various sections of the State
to protect the peaceably disposed citizens
from outrages. 9
Interesting Items.
The Central Railroad. —We understand
Government has about thirty-oue
Central lUttlTo^^L''’ repairing the
at on re. It is the int en tfon 1
have charge of the work to have the road In
complete ruauiug order in three weeks.
Arrival of Troops.— -A body of U. 8
troops arrived in this city Thursday, Quite
a large force will arrive to-day. -
Navigation to be Re-opened W T e under
stand that the obstructions in the Savannah
river, between this city and Savannah, are to
be removed at once. There will be com
munication between the two cities in a few
Personal— Several members of General
GUimore’s staff arrived yesterday, aud have
taken up quarters at the Planters’.
Editorial Comments on the Occupation of
the City.
“One of Gen. Upton’s most important du
ties will be the preservation of public order
aifo the protection of the citizens.
Voluntary organizations of citizens can ef
fect a great deal, but there will lie no se
em ity apart from a competent military force
stationed at this poiut. Some parties we
learn are very sensitive with reference* to
this matter, but have no doubt a vast ma
jortty of our citizens would greatly prefer
the arrangement suggested.
Gen. Upton, however, will do that which
he coucetves best for all parties concerned,
and we bespeak iu his behalf a hearty sup
port tc those measures he may inaugurate,
A contrary course will be damaging to
every Interest, of Uie couutrv we profess to
A- Poush Superstition -It is a Polish
superstition that each month has a particular
gem attached to it, which governs it, and is
supposed to ioflueuce the destinv net-son.*
born in that mouth. It is therefore cusUtin
arj among triends and lovers, paiticulurlv
to preseut each other on the anniversary of
their natal day, with some trinket containing
tbeir tutelary gem, accompanied by an aDDi-tf
priate wish. , J
January—Jacinthcr garnet denotes con
stmicy and fidelity in every engagement.
February—Amethyst preserves mortals
from strong passions, and insures peace of
March—Bloodstone denotes courage and
secrecy in dangerous enterprises.
April—Sapphire or diamond denotes re
pentance and innocence.
May—Emerald, successive love.
June—Agate insures long life and health.
July—Hu by or cornelian insures the forget
fulness or cure ol evils arising from Jrieu l
9hlp or love.
August—Sardonyx Insures conjugal feli
September—Chrysolite preserves from or
cures folly.
October—Aquamarine or opal, denotes
misfortune and hope.
friSf 1 ' rT(,pi “ insUrcs anci
notfinTh 11 * ,er ~ , Turquoise (or malachite) de
ness livv^ 081 bri l lilltst 3ucce39 a»d happi
ness la every condition iu life.
iFi i Sfcw York Taper* of the 3d !n*t*nt.]
Ofitrt tlon of the Confubrrt* Ram
Wet Couilrmed—Surrender of Klroy
Smit ’s Command—Paymeut of Troop*
—Me can Advices, &c.
The earner Guiding Star arrived last eve
ning a his port from New Orleans 25th, aud
Havai 28th.
The destruction of the Confederate ram
Webb s fully confirmed. Slit passed New
Orleai under the heavy fire of our war ves
sels, t s Lackawauna sending a 250 pound
shot rough her bows. On y one vessel,
the H lyhock, Lieut.-Comma dcr Gherardi,
was r dy to follow, which k pt close upon
the tn k of the Webb, until 28 miles below
this cl , the ram saw the sloo; -of-war Rich
mond eady for action, and lirrie and for the
shore, he Hollyhock going s -night at her.
The ' ebb’s officers aud ciei tired her in
differt t places, and fled into the sw'amps.
Boats from the Hollyhock boa led her, and
saved :me man who* had bee abandoned,
and v s asleep. They were liable to put
out t; flames from the inflammable nature
of tin cargo, and from fear of n explosion
from icr magazine. The Web! was aimed
with tree guns, one a32 pouudr, and was
cornu indecl by Lieut. C. W. Red, formerly
of th< U. S. Navy, and commader of the
privaier bark Tacony, which inlcted much
damsfe cn our commerce a year'r so since.
Tln-ri were 217 bales of cotton on board,
besidts rosin and turpentine. 1 seems the
pilot pf the Richmond knew he Webb.
Two e the crew had given themrlves up.
Tla New Orleans Times, of the3sth, re
ports that the st earner General Hdges catne
out and the Red River, 23d, under lit; of truce,
for tie purpose of negotiating wh Colonel
Spraiue, Chief of Staff’ of Geu. Poe, lor the
surrender of Geu. Kirby Smith amhis force.
Coloiel Sprague left Cairo on th gunboat
Lexmgton for the purpose of noting the
Genrral Hodges at the mouth ottlie Red
Riv«r, and there can be little dibt that
Kirl(y Smith has surrendered bis effre force.
Theterms are these preferred bj General
Graft to Lee. The Lexington anqHodges,
at Jut accounts, were anchored at Hog
at, a few miles below the mout of the
The surrender of the Confederate icretary
Malory, at Peusacola, is confined.
Eight millions of dollars in greenbsks bad
arrired iu New Orleaus to pay ouitroops,
and as much more was on the way.
Claiborne, Ala., has been occupiedby our
cavalry, under General Lucus, alter victo
ry of over a regiment of rebels, nth of
Mount Pleasant. The rebels lost ) lulled
aud 15 wounded, and 22 prisoners, hr loss
was 3 killed and 9 wounded. Five tndred
bales of cotton was secured.
Captain Pickens, who has forsaln the
rebel cause, has issued au addres: o the
people of Louisiana.
Tne Confederate General Chalmer is re
ported murdered in Texas. \
Advices from Brazos state that C tinas
ha*d again abandoned the imperial cat and
occupied Saltillo and Monterey. Apty of
of Lis men are said to have dashed in Ma
lamoros, and Mejia had sent to VH >uz
for reinforcements.
Bagdad is also said to have been oei pied
by 3,000 well armed men under CortiusJand
it was thought that Matamoros wouysoon
be taken by them.
Deserters were coming in from Tea and
enlisting in the army at Brazos.
An inundation at San Antonio, Tex , had
destroyed twenty-five buildings and in or
twelve lives. .1
TV'® Ram Stonewall in the Tagus.— Til jon
dou Time3 of the 21st publishes a lett from
Mr. Harvey, U. S. Minister to Llsbo cor
recting some false impressions as to : fir
ing into the Niagara at that port. He ows
that the Federal commander was in e way
to blame, and says :
While the firing was going on an off t of
the guardship Sagres presented hims ’ on
board the Niagara to express regret f< this
violence, stating at the same time that i mst
have originated iu some strange mista . as
his ship nad received orders to pern the
Niagara and Sacramento to proceed to It at
2p. in. that day—an hour anu a qiiter
before they began to move at all—intch
was the desire of the commodore. By a|ro
videatial interposition no life was lostind
no ijjury was inflicted. Commodore Craen,
with rare self-command, in the face ofwclt
marked provocation, did not return thmre
of tie Castle, and to his discretion alonehay
be Attributed the happy exemption /om
causes of mourning, which every fricH <>f
humanity will appreciate aud rejoice an He
considered aud treated these repeated ate of
hostility as proceeding from an excess of
zeal on the part of a coin maud ant, whoelher
ignored or misunderstood his duty, anlhe
testified his friendship for and his coufiduce
in thejustice of His Majesty s Governteut
by retusihg to take the redress in his <wn
This Is not the proper place to speal of
the diplomatic action which followed, lit it
may b< said, as an answer to much raissite
ment, that the representation was contned
to the tacts, aud that explanations aud sina
ratlon lave been accepted. The mannet of
proceeding will be left to the judgment of
caudid unu enlightened men, when the cor
respondence should he allowed to speak ’or
Pains have been taken to excite prejuttce
against tbe United States in this matter, by
staring the embers of a much regretted n
cideut at Bahia. The authors of this inUs
tice conceal from view with characteristiclin
tentiou, the reparation which wa9 prommly
and honorably made, by disavowing aid
apologizing for the reprehensible aci, b j a
court martial of tlic offending naval eotn
mauder, by dismissal of the consul, and bf a
salute of the Brazilian! flag.
It is not expected that journals which have
been so quick aud eager to distort aud mis
represent the facts which are here presentud,
and whose unworthy vocation it is to inflame
the bad passions of a kindred people, will In
any way correct the errors that they hate
culpably circulated far aud wide. But this
“ plain, unvarnished tale" will serve at least
to inform those whose good opinion and good
will the people of the United States have
cherished through a prolonged period of sad
strife, and whicu they respect too much to
be willing to forfeit by ■ any Omission of
James E. Harvey,
_, , . U. S. Ministcrr.
Lisbon, April H.
Shanohai, March 9—(By telegraph from
Sue*.)—Taiping is reported to have been
captured. Hang-Chow and Ztng-Cbow-Poo
have revolted against the Chiuese govern
There is a good deal in the Northern pa
pers about the plot to burn Philadelphia, but
the subjoined article seems to contain all the
facts, and pretty much all the speculations.
(From the Philadelphia Age of Tuesday.)
Rtunored Plot to Burn Philadelphia.
Information was received from Washing
ton on Saturday afternoon, setting forth that
there was an organized plot to lay our city
iu ashes, the same as had beer, attempted in
New York. Major Gen. Cadwakler and the
Mayoi were officially notified and toots every
precaution to guard against any such calami
ty. The various government establishments
were placed under double guard, and the
whole police force detailed for duty during
Sunday night. The hotel proprietors were
notified, aud suen measures immediately
adopted that if there had been any such de
signs meditated the incendiaries would have
been most certainly foiled.
The new-s of the alleged plot spread like
wildtire, aud wa9 announced during the af
ternoon from several church pulpits. In one
church in the Eighteenth Ward the an
nouncement caused the greatest consterna
tion. Several females fainted, and the con
gregation were dismissed. By ten o’clock
on riunday evening there' were very few who
had uot heard the news. Still a request was
made by the authorities that no mention of
the affair be made in the public prints. This
ilemaud was complied with, aud yesterday
morning, much to the astonishment of our
citizens, not a Philadelphia paper alluded to
the subject. The news would no doubt have
been excluded even to-day from the Phila
delphia press had not the silence been broken
by the New York dailies, which appeared
yesterday morning in full display, informing
the public ot the whole affair. To is of course
renders it necessary for the city papers of
to-day to state what they have learned iu
regard to the matter.
From what we can gather It seems that
th£ plot was to have been carried out on
Sunday night. As we have stated, every
necessary precaution was taken, although
the autuorities were inclined and still con
sider that there is no foundation whatever
for the report. Still howover, they acted
wisely and timely, making every arrange
ment anu preparation as if they "knew the
thing was actually to occur. One or two
suspicious individual, were arrested,and after
being subjected to a strict examination were
found to be ail right, and consequently al
lowed to depart. From the reports made by
the police and military yesterday morning,
nothing occurred duriug" the night, to verify
the belief that any such organized plot, as
stated, was really in existence. The only
thing ot a really suspicious character, and at
the present time an unexplainable mystery
that occurred, happened at the Schuylkill
Arsenal. Here, as at other government
boiklings, an increased guard was put on
duty, under the command of Captain Mo
Between 2 and 3 o’clock yesterday morn
ing a suspicious individual was discovered
lurking in the neighborhood ot the building
occupied as the knapsack department. The
fellow was hailed twice by the guard, but re
fused to answer either time. The guard then
fired two shots. The intruder retreated,
jumped a fence and got into a brick yard,
when the discharge of a pistol was heard.—
This, it i3 thought, he fired at the guard.
An attempt to cut off’ liis retreat was un
successful, aud he escaped. Whether his in
tention was to rob the place or to fire it has
not yet been ascertained. The authorities
will still continue to exercise tlia precautions
adopted on Sunday night, and if any suen
diabolical design has been concocted we
feel confident that it will just so surely be
An association has been formed here for
the purpose of erecting in this city a suitable
monument to the memory of the late Presi
dent Lincoln. The following are the officers
-wf-the association : Richard Wallacli, Mayor
of Washington, President; Crosby S. Noyes,
Secretary, and George W. Riggs, Treasurer.
It is proposed to raise for this purpuSe a sum
of at least one hundred thousand dollars by
subscriptions, to limited in amount from one
to ten dollars per individual contributor.—
Such is the general solicitude to contribute
for such a purpose, that it is uot doubted ti e
amount requisite can be promptly raised, and
the monument erected Immediately. Per
eons throughout the country desiring to con
tribute are invited to scnd theircoutrlbutloua
to the treasurer of the association.
La3t week Gen. Patrick, Provost Marshal
General at Richmond, summoned Mr. Smith,
of the Whig, before him, and ordered him at
once to remove from his paper the Virginia
coat of arms.
CLWebster and dangh’r F Wells. Capt &AA D O
Capt T Q Fisk J D Darling, Goldsboro,l7 0
N N Day B H Robinson,
C W Kennedy B F Howard, "
G*pt G W Hussey S winders, “
Lt Davidson E Bishoff,
Surer W H Thayer J S Signer,
H A Darling, Capt &C S OF wl'bor,
W B Hunt, Capt & A A A GS S Wallace, Georgia
E Goddard, Capt& A A Q MCapt J W Deacon, 12 Me
G FRolde, Raleigh, HC J Growley, at Helena
A L Uarrlss, Newark, OhloCapt Sweet&nd & wife, HH
G T White, Capt <3fc A D C Mrs Weeds, Hilton Head
G A Gardner, “ . C B Sheridan, “
W F Bnel, Surg 131 N Y Solomon Sanders, “
M Downing, Morehead CityJ H Miller, “
C Ivers, Savannah Miss Higgins, Savannah
0 A Near, Lt,104 US OT Miss King,.-.- “
E M Decker, “ “ Mr and Mrs O Burns and 2
8 B Hawes, Brooklyn, N Y children. Savannah
J K Lowe, ,l D McDonald and ladv, Sav
Capt A 8 Moorehcad, Miss Hany, Beaufort. S C
7(J Penn Vols Mt ;U Sirohecker, Sav
Snrg N Y Leet, 75 Penn V Mrs S Lassard, . “
Lt A M Brown, 148. N Y V W T Burt, Nashville
0 H H-in son, US N J
U Lynch “ F heller, “
WII Barclay, “ Ls J A Hiriing, 94 O V
Capt W Peridns,u HI Cav F Jackson, St Helena
Lt C Bonnet, t lowa Vols S E Reedy, Washington
"Mrs M Hollignn, SavannnED \V Hyeholl, Jacksonville
. MAY 7, 1335,
Arrived—steamships Thetis, Waldens, Morehead
City; Neptune, Brown, do, star or the South, Wood
hafl, do; Constitution, Greenman, do: Tonowanda,
Teal, Beaufort, NC; Cassandra, Holloway, do; tug
Oeu Shendon, Palmer, Hilton Head; steamers Sylph,
French, do; F S Grant, Briggs, do ; Mary Baker, Nor.
ris, do; Blanche Page, Rodgers, do; -Nemaha, Mc-
Gowan, do-; Golden Gate, Fitzgerald, do; Cornet,
. Horne, Huwkiusville, Ga; tog C T Shepperd, Davis,
Augusta, Ga; brig Catherine, Nichols, Full brook, Hil
ton Head; steamers U S Grant, Briggs, Dattfnskie;
Gov Tronp, llatfleld, Doboy, Gi, via Hilton Head; Re
solute, Cannon. Jiilton Head; Edwin Lewis, Savage,
do; sebr Kphralm and Anna, Harrlss, do: brig Mary
Cobb, Duncan, do. * .. .
•UAttur* Resolute, Cannon, nfftoa Booth
OnvCiS, Bullitt, do i U 8 Grant, Briggs, do s B?*r.d'-h
Moore,, Sisters' Ferry i Sylph, French, Btitonßead,
Planter, Small, Sisters'Ferry s Emllie, Bender doi
steamship Daniel WebsUr, Voider, Fernandiaa, F , '
C 8 gunboat Pontiac, Luce Tybee Roads.
District of Savannah, May S, I$S5
I am directed by the Brevet Major General command,
ing, to notify all persons whom it rnav concern that
hereafter, any person found upon the streets, orta aJr
other public place, dressed in the uniform of an offiSv
of the so-called “Confederate service,” wilt bo imrne
diately arretted, and held for trial, lor
before the Second Provost Court. "“auor,
Lt. CoL 75th N. V. V., and Pro. Marshrd
District of Savannah.
headquarters u. s. forces *
Genfbal Onnsa > ° a ” ** *
No. 3*. f
After the 10th inst., nnttl farther orders, no Dors
mi ess securely muzzled, tv 111 be allowed to rua at hr
iu the streets and nrpi&res of this dtv u = e
To carry this order Into effect, the following reeuia
tions nre announced, viz: 6
Tne St cet Commissioners wi'l select a suitable in.
closure for a Dog Poi.ud. aud will appoint a keener to
the »ame. *
After the order goes into effect, a reward of 25 cents
will be paid to any person who shall bring to thenound
any dog lound running at large, and n*t secafely muz-
Each dog so delivered will be kept in the ponnd for.
ty-eight hours, unless sooner claimed by the owner
who, upon claiming property, shall receive the doininl
on payment of a flue of s‘3 50. "V*
Iu case of non-payment of the fine, or of the failure
of the owner to claim property at the expiration of w
hours, the dog will be subject to public sale »t tha
pound (at not lets than $;1 00) for 2a hours, and at the
expir.ition of that time, aiiy dog not sold shall be killed
Any persan delivering at the pound or aUcnintln<l
to deliver auy dog uot subject to rightful seizure uu
derthe requiremqpts of this order, will be sublect to
trial before the Second Provost Conrt for misdemeanor
By command of Brevet Maj. Gen. C. GROVER
Edwaed G. JJvkk, A. A. G.
Will bo purchased at Fair Rates by the undersigned,
Partle#deslrlng to sell, will state quantity for dis
posal, and price per bushel desired, and where located.
mar 7—ts Box 14, Hilton Head, S C.
1865. NEW SKIRT.
•I. W. Bradlet’s New Patent DUPLEX ELLIP.
TIO (or donblaj SPRING SKIRT.
Wests, Bradley & Cart, (late J. I. &J. O. West,)
sole Pnrprletorfwand Manufacturers, 97 Chambers and
79 aud 81 ltea. 3 streets, New York.
This invention consists of dnplex (or two; elliptic
steel springs, ingeniously braided, tightly aud firmly
together, edge to edge, making the toughest, most
flexible, elastic and durable sprlug ever used. They
seldom bend or break and consequently preserve their
perfect and beautiful shape twice as long as auy other
The wonderful flexibility and great comfort and
pleasure to any lady wearing the Duplex Elliptic Skirt
will be experienced particularly in ail crowded assem
blies, opera, carriage, railroad cares church pews, arm
chairs, for promenade and House dress, as the Skirt
will fold itself, when in use, to occupy a small place at
eaglly and conveniently’ as a silk or muslin dress.
A lady having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort, and
great convenience ot ’wearing the Duplex Elliptic
Soring skirt for n single day vud never arwu-iii-rt wfi.
inigly dispense with the use of them. For Children,
Misses and Young Ladies, are superior to aU
Tney ere the best quality In every part, and un
questionably the lightest, most desirable, comfortable
and economical blurt ever made. For sale in all ttrst
c'ass stores in this city and throughout the United
Mates, t. a van a de Cuba, Mexico, South America, and
the West Indies.
Inquire lor the Dnplex Elliptic Skirt.
mart l MSmo
Savannah, Ga„ May 4tb. 1885, /
The owners of tho following described animals, Will
please call at this office, prove property, and pay char
ges. on or before tho 9th Inst., or they will be sold to
defray expense*, v.z:
One dark bay Horse,
One daik bay Maie,
In Public Pound since April 29th,
Captain and Street Commissioner.
fcfr ood Living,"
\JT At reasonable prices, can be had at the
in the rear of the New Post Office, Union Head, S. C.
I have the very best facilities for tarnishing OYS
&c , from the North and other places in this vicin
ity. Cooked to ordei from CA.M.to3 I\ M.
P. S.—One trial is respectfully solicited
Hiltoh Head, S. C., May 1,1885.
General OudesO
No. 53. j
Hereafter, no private buildings, except sufh ns aro
abandoned or coufiscab'e, will Tie used for miNtarvor
Government purposes within this Department. It D
believed that there are, at all the Military Posts, suffi
cient public buildings and abandonetr or confiscable
private ones, to answer all the needs of the service.
The use of buildings owned by loyal persons subjects
the Government to claims for rent, and thus becomes
an unjustifiable source of expense.
Each Post and’ District Comm. nder will forthwith
report to these Headquarters, all buildings used by
hlmseif or the officers of his command, with mil state*
meets of the location and size of sued buildings, the
number of rooms In each and the name ol the owner
or owners, with such information as he can obtain aa
to their residence and loyalty or disloyalty.
- By Command of Major-Gen. Q. A. UILLMORE,
T. D. Hodoes.
Captain 80th U. S. C. TANARUS., Act. Asst. Adit. General.
We respectfully call the ivesf'on of the public to
° ur Buksry & Confection ry Es..tblishmeut in Sam.
A. Cooley’s Building at Beuuiort, at which *ve are
prepared promptly to fill any orders which msfjr be for
warded to us. Special attention Is paid to the man
ufacture ol Ornamental Pieces, Fancy Confectionery,
and Elegant Pastry, for holiday orfestival tables.
Feb. 3-ts McMANUS & MURRAY.
_ „ ‘ Hriio.s Heao, May 2, Ifc'CC
OsaruAL Orders, >
No. 54. f
Assistant Surgeon Wm. F. Buchanan.J, S, A., be here
by announced as Assistant Medical Director, Depart
ment of the South, and will be obeyed and respected
By Command of Major-Gen. Q. A. GILLMORE,
T. D. Hodges,
Captain 35th U. S. C. TANARUS., Act. As3t. Adjt. General.
Savak.sab, Ga., April 80th, liiCo.
Genmsai, Order,!
-No. 28. /
Major Allen, 38th Mass. Vols., in charge of the
Water-Works of Savannah, having been relieved torn
Capt. Nathan ttarker, A. Q. M »
will take chaige of the Same from this date.
By command of
~ „_. Btcvt. MaJ.-Qcn’l C. GROVER.
Edward G. Dike, A. A. G. ml
/~\Lu Newspapers,
For sale at the
sum *° 111 Kmu ' '