Newspaper Page Text
City Sheriff’s Sate*
the first Tuesday in December next, will be
_ sold, before tlio Court 1 louse, in the city of
Savannah, between the usual hours of sale,
A Negro Woman named Rojo ; levied upon by
tuo of fi. fits. ismed from tho Hon. Court of
•mmon Plea* and of Oyer and Terminer for the
of Savannah, at the instance of Thomas
andJohit MeivhUon, ot. nl. vs, Rebecca
Russel): property pointed out hv phuntitrs at
torney LllVl S. RUSSELL, Sheriff,
ocl 20
I ty imp m■
kN the firot Tue *d.iy in December next, will
O be sold, before the Court House* in the city
of Savannah, between the usual hours of mile,
Lot No. 1), bounded by and'hutting on East
Broad-street on tho West, on the imrthdn* lot No.
7. on the east hy lot N«. 10, on the south by lot No.
11; contoining'90 foot front aud 105 feet in depth,
together with all tho buildings and improvements
thereon; levied upon by Virtue of tl fa’s issued
from the Hon. Court of Common Pleas and of
Oyer and Terminer for.tho City of Savannah, at
tho instance of John B. Gaudry et.ail. vs. Henry
Bagurs and James Sagurs. Property pointed out
by plaintiff's attornics.
oct 31 LEVI S. RUSSELL, Sheriff.
f e vjfln-Chntham Comity.
To nil whoinitinav'coucCMi.
W HEREAS, Mai \ tfpgur*. widow hath ap
plied to too Hon. the Court of Ordinny
of Chatham County, for Letter? of Administra
tion on tlic estate and effects of James Sogttrs,
late of Chatham County. ' •
These are therefbro to cite and admonish,all and
singular the kindred and creditor* of the said de
ceased, to file their objection.*, (if any they have)
to the granting of the administration of the es
tate to the applicant in tho Clerk’s Office of t o
said Court, on or before tho-twelfth day of Dc
comber next; otherwise letters of administration
will be granted.
Witness, the Hon. Francis Sorrel, one of the
Justices of the said Court, this 18th day of Nov.,
A. D. 183$. EDW’DG. WILSON, '
nov 18 Deputy Clerk c.o. c.c.
Georgia—<Chatham County.
> all whom it may concern:
ly l _
W IIEREAS Omi/ime Legriel, hath nnpjicd
to the Hun. the Court o* Ordinary C !•<»;•
OcorRln—Chatham County.
'i n !| whom it tnnv concern: ,
W HEREAS iWick Mirlow Imth apt
the linn- tilt Court of Ordinary of
ham County, for Letters of Administration
Estate and effect* of Nicholas Marlow, Esq.
Chatham Connty deceased.
These are therefore to cito and admonish, all
and singular the kludred and creditors of the said
deceased, to file their objections (if auy they have)
to tho granting of tho administration ofthe frathtn
of the deceased to the applicant in the Clerk’s of
fice of tho said Court, on orbelbrc the 18th day of
December next; otherwise letters of administra
tion will be granted
Witness, the Hon. Elias Reed, on© of the Jus
tices of tho s«id Court, tho 13 th day of Novombor,
A. 1). 1833. EDWARD G. WILSON,
nov 18 . Deputy Clerk c. o. c. c«
City Sheriff’* Sale.
O N the first Tuesday in December next, will
be sold, before the Court House, in the city
of Tavannah, between the usual hours of sale,
Ono Mahogany Sideboard, one pair Mahogany
Card Tables, one do. ends, ono Mahogany Dining
Table, nineteen straw bottom Chairs, two pair of
Shovel aud Tongs and one Fender; levied upon
by virtue of a distrain warrant issued from the
Hon. Inferir Court of Chatham county at the in
stance of Robert H. Pettigrew, trustee of Eliza
L. Pettigrew, his wife, vs. Alex. H. McDonnell.
Property pointed out hv plaintitTs attomies.
oct 39 LEVI ’S. RUSSELL, Sheriff.
ham County, for Letters of Administration on the
estate and effects of Paul Dnpon, luto of Chatham
CountV, deceased.
These are therefore to cito anil admonish, nil
and singular tl:e kindred aud creditors of tho said
deceased, to file their objection* (if any they have)
to tho granting ofthe administration of the estate
ofthe deceased to the applicant in the Clerk’s Of
fice ofthe said Court, on or before the 9th day of
December uext: otherwise letters of administra
tion will he grouted.
Witness, the Hon. Francis Sorrel, ono ofthe
Justices ofthe said Court, tho 9th day of Nov. A.
nov 9 Deputy Clerk c. o. c. c.
Eschcator’s Salt*.
O N the first Tuesday in December next, be
tween Uie usual hours of sole, will he sold
btlbn the door of the Court House in foe city of
Savannah, foe following property to wit: One
chest of Clothes, ouo old Tool Chest, one Tool
Chest, one Horse, and various other articles, the
property of tho estate of George Miller, deceased.
Also, ono Tool Chest, one Watch, and one old
trunk of Clothes, belonging to the estate of J. A.
Kennedy, deceased.
Also, several Trunks, Chests, 7 Bedsteads,
Matrasses, 8 Watches, and othes articles, belong
ing to the eitatn of Michael Lynch, deceased.—
Above mentioned estates escheated and sold for
benefit of creditors and all others interested.
nov 11 (Geor) Kscheator c. c.
Administratrix’* Salts
O n the first TucsAiy in January uext, will be
•old before tho Court House in Chatham
County, between the usual hours of sale, foe fol
lowing property:
All the interest of foe estate of R. F. Williams
in those two Tracts of Land, knowu as Varchise
and Orphan House.
Sold as the property of estate R. F. Williams,
* * * “ ofthe!) **
for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said
estate. MARY WILLIAMS, Adm’i x.
nov 9 281
Valuable Rice Plantation and
. Negroeslor Sale.
^^JTILL be sol
old at public sale,on the first Tues
day in February -next, before the Court
House in the city of Brunswick, that very valua
ble Plantation known as New Hope, on the south
branch of tho Alatatnnha River, in Glynn Conn-
g r, Ga., containing (3430) threo thousand four
undred and thirty acres, of which (580) five hun
dred and ^eighty. acres are first quality River
Swamp, (300)- threo hundred acres are under
K od banks ana in a tine state of cnlfivcti^n.' A-
ut (700) seven hundred acres of prime Inland
Swamp, well adapted to foe cuftiue ufCotion or
.Com, and (2150) two thousand one hundred and
fifty acres of heavy timbered pine land. On the
premises are a comfortable, dwelling House, Ne
gro Houses, Barns. Blacksmith Shop, and every
necessary out building for foe use of tho planta
At the same time and place, will lie sold (con
ditionally) a very prune gang of about sixty Ne
prime Rice Land, in fiue order to receive a caop
Terms made known on the day of sale.
HUGH F. GRANT, C Lx on -
nov 15 285 (Georgian)
ttcorgin—Cliutiiuut Count).
W HEREAS, Cyrus Stcdtuan hath applied
to the Hon. the Court of Ordinary of
Chatham County, for letters of Administration on
tho estate and effects of James H. B. Foster, late
of Chatham County, deceased.
These are therefore to cito and admonish nil and
jingular tho kindred and creditors of the said de
ceased, to tile their objections (if any they Imve)
to the granting of the administration of tho estate
of the deceased to the applicant in tho .Clerk’s
Office of the said Court, on or before tho 31st duy
of November next; otherwise letter* of adminis
tration will lie granted.
Witness, the Hon. A. Porter, ono of the Jus-
lices of the said Court, tho 31st dnv of October,
A. D. 1839. EDW’D G. WILSON,
oct 31 Deputy Clerk c. o. c. c.
C*eortria—Cli ultima County.
To nil whom it tnnv Concern:
IX/’HEREAS, 8. A. Hooker, hath spoiled to
v v tiio Han. tho Court of Ordinary of Clmt-
ham County, for Letters of Administration on the
estate and effects of Isaac Norton,late of Chatham
Comity, deceased.
These arc therefore to cito aud admonish, nil
and singular the kindred and creditors of tho said
deceased, to tilo their objections (ifany they have)
to the granting ofthe administration ofthe estate
of tho deceased to tho applicant in the Clerk’s Of
fice of the said Court, on or before the twelfth
day of December next; otherwise letters of ad
ministration will he granted.
Witness,the Unit M. Myers, one ofthe Justi
ces ofthe said Contl.the twelfth day of November,
nov 13 * Deputy Clerk c. o. c. c.
ir dc I*Amour.
fpiIE subscriber has tho pleasure of nhnomte-
X ing to tiio citizens of the Uuited Suites, that
he 1ms purchased, for a very Urge sum and from
. eiy large
the inventor, the celebrated Dr, Magiiin, of Paris,
the racipo and right for making this astonishing
medicine. Until tho appearance of the “Lucina
Cordial,” (about three years since! it was thought
‘itch it speedi'
Georgia—CSiuiiiuiii County.
To all worn it may concern.
^yilEREAS, Win. Henry Fitts, Admiiustra-
tor of the estate of Janies 1) Fills, late of
Chatham County, deceased, hath applied to the
Hon. the Court of Ordiuary of Chatham County,
for Letters Dismisrory.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all con
cerned, to file their objections (if any they have)
in the Clerk’s Office of the said Court, on or be
fore the Kith day of March next, otherwise letters
dismissory will lie granted.' 1
Witness, the Hon W. Thome Williams, one of
the Justices of the said'Court, the lGtli day of
September, A. 1>. 1839.
sept 10 Deputy Clerk c. o. e.
Georg itM: Imt hulii 'County
To all whom it may concern.
■^^rH EREAS, Andrew Dixon, Administrator
of the estate and effects of Daniel Foley,
late of Chatham County,deceased, has applied to
* - chi*’
the Hon. the Coitrt of Ordinary of Chatham
County, for Letters Diaihissory.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all con
cerned, to tile their objections (if any they have) in
the Clerk’s Office of the said Court, on’or before
file 3d day of January next, otherwise letters dis
missory will he granted,.
Witness the lion. A. Porter, one of tho Justices
of the said Court, the 3d day of July, A. D. 1839.
EDWARD o. Wilson,
july 3 Deputy Clerk c. o. c. c.
Georgia—Chatham County.
.To ill whom it imy concern:
W HEREAS Frederick E. Tclraan, hath an-
plied to the Honorable the Court of Or
dinary olChathum Comity, for Letters of Admin
istration on the estate and effects of Isaac Norton,
late of Chatham Countybdecda.vd.
These are therefore to cite and admonish, all
and singular the kiudred and creditor* of foe mud
deceased, to filo their objections (ifany they have)
to the granting of tiio admilisitratioti of tho estate
of tho deceased to the applicant in the Clerk’s Of
fice «r the said CottH, on or before the twelfth day
of December next; otherwise letters of administra
tion will he granted.
Witness, iho Honorable Anthony Porter ono
of the Justices of the said Court, tho twelfth day of
November A. D. 18:19.
nov 13 Deputy Clerk, c.o. c. c
that tho complaints winch it speedily overcomes,
were beyond tho roach of human remedy, ns for
upwnrda of a thousand years, they had bullied the
wisdom and ingenuity of the most profound phy
sicians! parts of tho world. This Cordial,
however, to tho great advantage of tho human
rnco.roon proved itself to bo tho desideratum so
long roujfot for; mid accordingly, notwithstanding
tiio brief period ol its existence, it has acquired u
celebrity so great, that it is eagerly sought for
throughout the civilized globe. Dr. Mngnin soon
finding that the demand was so vast us to render
n supply impossible, disposed of the recipo and
right oi* sale, under obligations of secrecy, for
England and tho Uiiited States, and other coun
tries, only preserving France und Italy for himself.
Thus lias the subscriber po.-ucsod himself of the
iiivuluuhle secret, and now hastens to give the in
habitants of his line of agency tiio benefits of bis
“Le Cordial do Lucine,” or, in English, “the
Lucina Cordial,” i» » general itwlgontiorof tho hu
man frame. In nil the vurious cases of languor,
lussitudo und debilitation, it is an unfailing reme
dy, ns it is equally its province to impart cheer
fulness aud decision to the mind, ns health and vi
gor to the body. But the peculiar virtue on which
its celebrity is bused, is the facility nttd certainty
with which it restores the virile powers when they
have been destroyed by disease, tune, .reckless
ness, or any of the numerous cause* which termi
nate in the prostrutiuu of those functions.
In common with the generality of really good"
medicines, this Cordial contains nothing ol u mer
curial or deleterious nature, among the uinuy in
gredients which compose it; hut is, ol the same
time, so simple, yet soellicacious, thut while it cun
renovate the prostrated energies of u giant, «n in-
font may use it, not only with impunity,, but with
Tho usages of society are unfortunately such
that, notwithstanding the benefits which would be
sure to result from it, wo cannot cuter iuto uu an
alysis of this inestimable Cordial iierc, or publish
many of the documents which have been receiv-
Georgia—Bryan County.
To all whom it luav concern:
XXntEREAS Andrew Bird has made appliea-
TY tionfor Letter* of Administration, with
the will annexed, on the estate of Dorca* Sander-
Hu. late ofthe County of Chatham deceased.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all,
and singular the kindred mil creditors ofthe said
deceased, to tile their objection* (ifauv they have)
in the. Clerk's otfico of the Court of Ordinary for
said Comity, within the lime prescribed bylaw;
otherwise letters of administration will be granted
to tho said Andrew Bird.
Witness, the Hon. Israel Bird, one ofthe Jti'
lice* of said Court of Ordinary, this 7th day of
November,is*?. J. SMITH, c. c.o. u!c.
nov 13 223
N INETY dnv* after date, application will be
made to the Planters’ Bank of the State of
Executor’s Sate- .
W ILL be sold, agreeable to an order of the
t , Hon. Inferior Court of Burke Co., while
•fitting for ordinary purpos**,-‘In foe town of
Waynesboro, on the first Tuesday in January
One tract of Land, belonging to the estate of
EUiha Andenon, late of .aid connty, deceased,
lying on the water, of Rocky Creek, joining loud,
of Jama. Andenon and B. 'filler, and containing
fourteen hundred and twenty-four (1424) acre.,
more or less. Bold for the benefit of the heir,
of the deceased.
oat 20 209
Administrator's Sulc.
TTHLL bo sold, on the first Tu&sday in Janu
s' v ary next, before the Court House door in
Jacksonboro’, Scriven county, between the usual
hours of sals, the following property, to wit:
One tract of Land lying in said County, adjoin
ing lands of Wilkins H. Nunnally, Rictiurd tier*
nngton, ir. and Brier Creek, containing 4(17 acre*,
more or less. Also, another tract, lying in said
county, containing six hundred (600) acres, more
or leu, adjoining land* of Richard Herrington,
sen., Solomon Zeagler and George Jtohbiu*; al
so, five Negroes, to wit: Vilet, a woman about 41)
years of age. Diana, a woman about 18 years of
age, and Child Chilson, about 2 years of age, ft o-
da, a girl about 14 year* of uge, and a girl bv the
name of Blatilda, about 13 years of age. Sold
agreeable to an order of the Hon. the Inferior
Court of Scriven comity while sitting for ordina
ry purposes, os the property of John M. Roberts,
deceased, for the benefit of foe heirs and creditors
of said estate.
oct29 DELIA ROBERTS, Adm ix.
Administrator’s Sale.
/~kN the first Tuesday in December next, will
be sold, before tho Court House, In limits-
ville, Liberty county, the following Negroes:
y, EW, Mary
and Nuncy, the property of
the eatate of John N- Way, and .old bv order of
tho Court of Ordinary for said county, for the be
nefit of the heir..
act 3 WM. N, WAY, Adin'or.
AdmlnlttU-ator’N Mule
W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Jfinu-
aiy next, before the Court House in Hines
Ordinary for said County, the following property
of tho estate of R. S. Leonard, viz;
Ono Tract of Land, containing-500 acres]
more or less, known as the Cooper Tract; one
House and Lot at Walthourville, with 13 acres of
land, more or less, together with all other Laud
or Property owned by said estate/, for the bone fit
of all concerned.
GEO. W. DUNHAM, Adm’or.
nov 5 217.
Hair Oil, Bears Grease aud JPo-
Wmm mutual.
M ACASSAR Oil, English, do do American,
Ward's Vegetable Oil,Bears Oil,do Grease,
Pomatum, In pots; do in rolls, Aldrich’s Balin
Columbia. Just received and for sale bn accom
modating terms by.
Corner of Broughton & Whitaker-sts.
HOT 20 - Opposite the Mansion House.
Houck’s Panacea.
O NE case Houck's Panacea, for Dyspepsia,
- &c. Received and for sale by
oct 18 A. PARSONS.
To all whom it may concern.
W HEREAS, Henr^ F. Wiilink, Executor of
tiio last will and testament of Duvid Pidge,
late of Chatham County, deceased, hath upplied to
the Hon the Court of Ordinary of Chuthum Coun
ty, for Letters Dismissory.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all
concerned, to file their ohjectiou»(if any they have)
in tlie Clerk’s Otficeof the said Court, on or before
foe 3d day of Jmmury uext, otherwise letters dis-
mis-ory will he granted.
Witness, the lion. Elias Reed, one of tiio Jus
tices of tlic said Court, the 3d day of July, A. D.
july 3 Deputy Clerk c. c. c. c.
Georgia—Cliutliaua County.
ToV* ‘
9 all whom it may concern.
w c
’^^’HEREAS, William Law, Administrator
of tlie estate and effects of Marv M. Hafir
..lid Agnes Haig, deceased, lias applied to the
Hon- the Court of Ordinary of Cuatimm County
for Letters Disiuissory.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all
concerned, to file their objections (if any they
have) in the Clerk’s Oificcof the *aid Court,on or
before the 3d day of January next, otherwise let
ters disniissory will bo granted.
IVIlnoda tl... If.ktt IL'l.i
Georgia, for renewal of lost script, for Five Shares
Stock of said Bauk. in the name of Mary C.
Schoeddo. 8. PHILBR1CK & CO.
tiug 16
F OUR months after date, application will be
unde to the Justices of (lie Court of Ordin
ary forthc County of Camden, for leave to sell all
tho real and personal estate of David Thomas, late
of s lid coiratv, deceased,
aug 26 ’ G. W. THOMAS, Adm’or.
F OUR month* after date, application will be
made to the Court of Ordinary of Kllitighatn
County when sitting for ordinary, purposes, for
leave to sell tho following Land:
Ono hundred and fifty acres Pino Lind, |yiug
nnd being ill the County of Elfinghnm, belonging
%i the estate of Ernst Wm. Guzer. bouu led north
by L'jteburgcr’s r.u.l KeiiTcr*. cast by Keiffer’s
nnd unknown land, south and west by Dasher’*
I uni: for the benefit ofthe heirs and creditors of
said estate.
nov 18 FREDERICK HINELY, Adm’or.
milESG Powder.
J. fbryeo
«rn tinodml
(in.? nil kiwis
Jmirnblo substitute
(hryeast, m uwklug nUKtntlstfbaUat ottlte.,
tiiul have the tulvaiUuRn over that article lit mn-
Wnc the hatter perfectly' lit-ht owl rcttily for be-
kinx the in.tellt they are mixed. Buckwheat awl
other cukes, when made with tlioso powders, ttr;
loss likely to disagruo with the sloimch thmi tltn.i-
iiindo wilii yensf, and as It require* ImtnmWmin
lit.'* to.prepnra for hnkinx; tho pnmihility of eve
linvittx tlieiu sour. Ill entirely at .tided. Tito pood
cfiV'ft of mixing cake nnd lilscuit with these pow
der*, lias boon approved by unity ofthe most em
inent phvsictims and attrccon* in lltia country.—
Titov ore also ItiphW rocommondod'hv ninny ol
thu first fnitiilies ill this city and oilier places-.
. itv i
A IVcsh supply uf tlie above nrlicle just receiv-
pply of
cd awl for sole by
nov 13
Porclicr ft 1.M Itocl.c,
LL receive in a few dnv* liy the brtt-Wtn.
Taylor,the following tiardoli Seed* oftlto
. JSWt—Rota Bngu Turnip, while Dutoh
Turnip, red lop Turnip, ycliuw awl red Silver
Onion, early Blood Turnip Beet, French Anther
Super Boot, white Solktia Sitpur Beet, long bleed
Turnip Beet, long orange Carrot, long white
Pnrantp, curlv cluster Cucuitilmr, long green Cu
cumber, early *hort, erocn Cucumber, superior
Watermelon, largo MusUmolon, Cttnlclopc do,
hush crook neck summer Squash, early Dutch
summer do, ctoak nock winterdo, imperial sugar
loaf, large green and liratvn Dutch Lettuce, curly
scarlet, short top, Iona scarlet nnd yellow Turnip
Radish, (n now article) early and Itirge York Cnh-
Driiiiihend Cnhhngc, flat or
(Sued in a sum not exeecai...
slavo or free person ofcobiV
ill tho cit^ K ol ? Suvun„ah at ° r f" 11 ’'
tame to hi. ot Iter Swn n» S-i
witlim the limit* of t|, Q r 'h'tt n, t
qsca:?£ •■s
and if a slave or Deo polio
ed m a sum nm exoeedSS # .Jf "V
whipped at the HiJSo 'T'
he said mill,*„h!..r*.
bngo, early uml largo
Into Dutch, green glazed and red Dutch!
Scotch pale or green curled Squash oi Boll I*ep-
by tlie said mill; .o'iiYo"3LWA
oxceeding one hum
-«el.ofle7,pe,„mi 1 &;^fo- 1
moved to a proper .listJteo hjtt"'"*
the expense or the owner or s. ^ I
Bee. lit. Bo it nirthcrer,? •
he lawful fora,t ZS^’
per.jCu'ri Cress orJ’epper Gr'nss. Jnr^c smooth c j iNme'snvammh "‘rat
Inrrli ... * *
cd, a* voucher* of the bltuniiii^* it hus conferred on
imuikerH of denpairing individuals. But this we
jar reiuarkii
red Tomato, solid Colory, curled ParaTey, round
leaved Spmnge, long wliito Okra, Giant Aspara
gus, Nnstitrtinn Lemon Balm, early Sugar Corn,
Chinese Prolific or Tree Corn, early Washing
ton or Juno Peas, largo white Marrowfat, early
Chinn Dwarf, early six week, white kidney anil
red marrow Beans, largo whit© marrow Cut flat
Pens, nnd othor seed .suitable for the Southern
market. Sign of the Golden Globe,
nov 13 Opposito tho Market.
Witness, the Hon. Wm. Thorne William*, ono
of the Justice.* of tlie mid Court, the third day of
July, A. D. 1839.
july 3 Deputy Clerkc. o.c.c.
Georgia—EMugliuui County*
To a" ’
nil whom it may concern.
W HEREAS, Eliza McGahagan, Administra
trix of the e*tntc of Wm. McMcGuhagan,
deceased, lias applied to the Hon. tiio Court of Or
dinary of Eftiingbam County, for Letters Disuiis-
These are therefore to cite and odmonish all con
cerned, to iHo tneir objection* (if any they have) in
the Clerk's Ofiice of the said Court, on or before
thcGlh tiny of March next, otherwise letter* din-
inlssory will be granted.
Witness, tlie Hon. C. Powers, one of the Justi
ce* oFthe said Court, the 6th dnv of Sept. A. D.
sept 6
Gcorgitt-Efllnglinui Comity.
To all whom it may conci
may concern,
W HEREAS, Thomas H. Brew, Adruitii*tra-
tor of the estate of John W* Graham, de
ceased, has applied to the Hon- tlie Court of Or
dinary of Effingham County, for Letter* DLsini*-
These ure therefore to cile and admonish all con
cerned, to file their objection* (if any they have)
«... aid Court, on or he-
in tlie Clerk's Ofiice of tliesai*
fore tlie 2d day of January next, otherwise letters
fore tlie 2ddav ol January
disinissory will be grunted.
Witness, tlie Hon. C. Powers, one of the Jus
tice* of tlie said Court, the 2d day of July, A. D.
july 5 . • c. c. o. e. c.
Georgia—£flliiRlmin County.
To all whom it may concern.
W HEREAS, John M. Luca*. Adminintmtor
of the estate of .William McGahrigui, de-
deased, ha* ajiplied to tlie Hon. the Court of Or
dinary'of Effingham County, for Letters Disnji:
ville, Liberty County, by order of tho Court of 80 fX: ■
c__ ^-Ihese are therefore to cite nnd ruhnonish all con-
corned, to filefoeir objections (if any they have)
in the Clerk's Office of the said Court, on or be-
Witness, tlie Hon. C. Powers, one of tlie Jus
tices of the said Court, the 6th day of Sept. A. 1)
sept 0 . Clerk c. o. e.c.
Georgia—EfHnpham County.
To all whom it may concern.
W HEREAS, Mrs. Naomi Weitmnn, widow.
Administratrix of the estate nnd effects of
Matthew Weitmnn, deceased, hath applied to the
Hoh. the Court of-Ordinary of Elfinghuin C.jun-
ty,for Letter*Disminsory. •
These are therefore to cite nnd admonish fill file their ohjectiQns(if any tlieylmve)
in the Clerk’s Offico of the said Court, cm or be
fore the 26tii day of January uext, otherwise let
ter* dismissory will he granted.
Witne**,lhe Hon. C. Power*, ono of the Jus
tices of tlic said Court, tho 26th ddy of July, A. 1).
july 26 ■ Clerk c. o. c. c.
F OUR months after date, application will be
made to the Justices of the Court of Ordin
ary for tlic County of Camden, for leave to sell all
the real estate and bank stock, belonging to tlm es
tate of Juseph Thomas, late of Cumden County,
aug 26 174
cannot forbear remarking—that it bus been de
monstrated that there i* scarcely ever, if any such
thing at all, ns natural barronnc**, or as natural
imbecility of tlie procreaut function* in cither sex;
and, lherefore l< thul those evils aro tlie effects of
artificial causes,and muy ho speedily subdued nud
removed by tiio use of "Lo Cordial do Lucine.”
The Lucina Cordial i* a!*o an indiibitnblo cure
for the Gleet, and the Fluor Albiu, obstructe d,
difficult or painful Menstruation; also, for tiio
iucnntiiicuco of Uriuo or tho iiivohiutury di«-
charge thereof It i* likewise an invaluable and
unr.vailed luedieiue in case* of Chronic Errup-
tion* of tlie «kiu, und in tlie dropsical affections
of the aged.
Most important to the American Public.
The United States proprietor of (lie celebrated
Luciua Cordial, or Elixir of Love, beg* to lay be
fore the community, tho following certiorate,
which he ha* received from tiio inventor, Uie illus
trious Dr. Muguiti. of Paris:
“This is to cortity, that I have disposed of the
recipe for making the Lucina Cordial, or Elixir of
•Loye» und also the right to sell it throughout tho
Uuited Stateflof North America* to John Winters
Holderwell'M. D. My reason* for so doing is,
that tlie demand* to me for the above Cordial, of
which I am tho inventor, are so numerous, that I
am uiiable to supply all the orders from France and
Italy alone; and have therefore disposed of foe
privileges vouchsafed in this and other certificate*
of a like nature, in order to generalise tlie bene tits,
of my discovery throughout the wurld.
Given under toy hand at Pari*, on this nineteenth
day of January, in the year of our Lord, eighteen
hundred and thirty-eight.
Gaspard Define. \
Wiliam Merritt, )
This highly important medicine is for snlo hy
John Winter* Holdcrweil, No. ]29Lihcrty.-street,
New-York; Charles B. Tyler, No. 70 Chesnul-st.
Philadelphia; und in Baltimore by Robert* & At
kinson, John M. Laro.pie, nnd <1. R. Tylep in
Washington City by Tobias Wutkin* und Charles
-v Notice.
A LL person* having clnim* against the late Jnn.
Bailey, E-q. of Camden county, are request
ed to present them properly attested* and those in
debted, will pleata make immediate payment to
ROUT. LANG, ? AUnBttr.
Jefferson, 3d Ocl. 1839.
oct 7 192
A LL persons having claims against the Into Jc-
rein! di City lor, E-q. are requested to present
them properly attested; and those indebted will
please make payment to ..
WM; II. CUYLER,*aunl.Ex-or.
oct 2 188)1- 1
BOO Oollnrs Gluillciitrc.
rjlHE Genuine^FKEjNGII^PILLH against all
the aUACK NOSTRUMS of the age for
the cure of -
Tho French Pill* are applicable to nil cases, for
cither sex, (warranted free from mercury,) nnd
possesses great advantages over the Balsams and
all liuuid medicines, hy being entirely free from
smell, aud consequently do not effect the breath;
thereby preventing the possibility of a discovery
while using them.
Besides this important odvuntage they never dis
agree with the stomach, and in the first stages of
the disease they usually effect a cure in a few days,
with little regard to diet or exposure.
In the most obstinate stage* of the disease, they
arc equally certain, having cured many after every
other remedy h id failed. In short, they have been
so universally -aicccssiiil, that that the proprietor
challenges any ono to produce a remedy of equal
certainty, under tv forfeiture of Three Hundred
Dollar*. For sale hy
T. M. & J. M. TURNER.
Price $2 per box.
_aug 5 164—ly
IlaiTiaoii’s Specific Ointment,
JjlOR the cure of White Swellings, Scrofulous
und other tumors, Ulcers, Sore Leg*, old and
I. ..... .....I Hun! ..... .. .
fore the 6th dnv of inarch next, otherwise lettters fresh Wound*, Sprains and Bruises, “Swelling*
dismissory will be granted. nnd Inflammation*, Scald Head, Women’s "Sore
Breasts, Rheumatic Pain*, Tetters, Eruptions,
Ciiilhuin*, Whitlows, Bile*, Corns and External
for tho
Disease* generally. It i* likewise greatly
or to any medicine heretofore discovered,
chafed hacks und limbs of horses; for ring worms,
chopped lips—und in short, for every external bo
dily evil that may full to the lot of manor beast.
For sule by
T. M. tfc J. M. TURNER.
Price 50 cents per box.
aug 5 164—ly
A WELL selected stock of Perfumery, em
bracing all ofthe highly perfumes, and re
commended by fu mi lies. Kept constantly for
sule wholesale nr retail at the store of
Sign ofthe Golden Globe,
Opposite the Market.
£nov 21
Stott; in Georgetown by O. M. Lintiiocum; iu
Richmond by John E. Eustice; in Petersburg by
Braggs Thomas, and Dtipuy, Ro*cr & Jones;
aud m Norfolk hy M. A. Huutos wiwT B. Emerson;
and hy John Woodly, No. 65 Poydrns-st. New-
It can also he found at all the principal Drug
Stores in South-Caroliim, and iu Augusta, by Iln-
vilund, Rislcy & Co., Thomas Barrett & Co. uud
Nelson Carter; uud in Savunnah by
Price $3 per bottle, with full directions,
aug ft 164—ly
Razors and Razor Strops.
A SPLENDID assortment of combined Sil
ver and Steel Razors, of excellent work
manship, iu cases, of vurious prices. Also, San-
ders, Emerson, and Mecliis’ Razor Strops kopt
constantly for sale hv
Sign of the Golden Globe,
uug IQ . Opposito the Market.
iulpliatn nnd Acentnte Alorpli
Musk in Pods, Oil Black Paper, Croton Oil, Hy-
driodate Potass, Soda and HeidliUs'Powders,Lon
don Lustnrd, &c. Fdrsalo by
S Tobacco.
LY boxes Lcftwich’s Cavundisli Tolmcco, on
hand, and for sale by A. PARSONS.
oct 4
S , v . Patent Barley. .
1A d07.. Robinson's Patent Bnrloy,
und for sale by. ANSON I*AU£
mig 21
. received
„ _ „ . . Stvcot Oil.
■ II “^^KETfl superior Sweet Oil, fresh
’/y imported, \\n foil tops. Just received
and tor sale by
^ ^ Bavanca Solars,
OHO SUPERIOR old BarnncuSc-
gurs, for sale by
Course Frcneh Rappee Smii3.
yj I JARS coarse French Rappco Snuff, rose
. . ‘hworeil, of Lorillard’s manufacture. For
sale low for cash, by
Sign ofthe Golden Globe,
no ? 4 ^Opposite tlie Market.
Rowland’s ICalydot\
F OR foe face nnd skin, and of vital importance
to the support of female loveliness, Power
ful of etlect. yet mild of influence, thi* admirable
specific (a preparation from tlie most delightful
balsamic exotics, and perfectly free from mineral
or other pernicious admixtures, possesses balsamic
f iropertie* of surprising energy; it eradicates tun,
reckles, pimples, spots, redness, aud ull cutaneous
erTuption.i, gradually realizing a decidedly clear,
fair and soft skin; transforms even the most sallow
complexion into radiant whiteness; render*harsh
and rmr^ii skin delightfully soft and smooth; im
part* to the face, neck and arm*, a healthy und ju
venile bloom; und, by due perseverance in it* ap
plication. promotes n free and uninterrupted exer
cise of those important functions of tho skin, which
are of the most necessity for the preservation of
health and attainment, and continuance of a boun
tiful complexion.
A fresh supply of this valuable article just re
ceived, and lor side by A. PARSON
aug 5
R ltotvlnnA*. Tonic mixture, *c.
EC LIVED per ship Gaston, a full supply of
• Rowland’s Tonic Mixture, for fever and
ague; Sulphate Quinine, Piperine, Iodine, pure
Mor^hino, Sulphate^ nnd Acentate Morphine,
Just Received,
D lt. KERSHAW’S Tonic Mature for tit©
Fever and Ague. Double the strength of any
other of the Tonic Mixtures.
Intermittent Fever, or as it is more popularly
called, Fev t-r and Aguo, or Chill* and Fevers, i* u
Fever composed of seveiul distinct paroxsysms,
with a perfect intermission, or period whim no fe
ver i* present, interposed between each. Each
parox-sysui has tlirce stages, which successively fol
low each oilier with considerable rosttlurity,unme-
ly, a cold stage, a hot stage, and tin uly, u sweating
stage, which terunuute* tue paroxysm.
Previously to un uttack, a feeling ofianguor and
debility i* experienced, with sluggishness lit motion
aud some uneasiness iu attempting to move, 'i'ne
faco uud extremities become pulo, tlie naiU of u
leaden or livid color, the features shrunk, and the
skin uppeur* as if contracted by cold; a fooling of
coMness come* on tlie buck, resembling often a
stream of cold water running down it, uml hood
extern!* over tlie whole body, (though at this tune
tlie skin of thu patient wifi fool warm to another
person) tlicsettaut.on of coldness soon increases
to u tremor, and this to rigours ami shivering.
Tho above symptom*, which are thoao of tho
crtld stage, vary in dilforeut individuals, being very
•light in some, in other* very severe. They uie
generally more severe iu Uie old and debilitated,
than in tlie young und strong, uud last from a few
miuiitcs to tinny hours. After u time, ditieriug in
almost every case, tlie chillnes* seem* to abate, or
to alternate with slight flushes of heat—these soon
give place to a continued nud increased heat of Uie
skin; then follows all the *yinptom* of fever. Af
ter an uncurtain period tlie *ymptoni«almte,asweat
now gradually breaks out, und soon becomes pro*
fusu,—wlicu us ng tlie mixture, all painful symp-
tonis disappear, the skin becoiuea cool aud tlie pa*
gradually better until tho paroxysm paste*
L-ly oft*. All fevers marked liy a distinct chill,
followed by fever aud sweating, uni terminating
in a more or less perfect remission of all the symp
toms, the ague occurring at tolerably reguiur in
tervals, are included iu the cl.iss of iutermitteir.s.
As Ague uml Fdvergciiorally originate in places
contiguous to marshy and inundated ground, care
should be tukenuot to lie exposed more than ne-
ee««';»ry, either to the heat of the suit or iu the open
air nftor snu-tlown.
Directions uccmnpnny each bottle—price, $1.
For sale by
Opposite the Market,
sept 11 Sign of the. Golden Globe.
Snull's, KituIPs.
2 BBLS. of superior French Rappee course
Snuff, 1 bid. Maccoboy, 6 bladders Scotch,
100 bottles do., from Lorillard’s niunufuctory.
For side by
oct 30
uo *uwiw lor any nersniinr. ’ lft *l
or, or ciiiile to
Cil ill tiin Snvti,it,»l. ''iUnvn
,Af * t.’il
liigli water mark, within thilX iu
(lictionnl limit. orUio,it v „ru ,u, “'
or ony .ub.tanoo ofwhSu ,r "
which,nigh,i„ any "«»-
water in .aid rivor, or ,T
limit, ulbrowiid, nnd encfin! "
Ending, .1,nil fcr "
fiuod m n.nm not egooldtaJt
lar.,tl die oflonder bo a * :
.lavo or Doc perwn of color h, i 1
whipped not exceeding fiffct?"
owner, employer or gnnnli.t; Jr .*■
por.o„ of color, .half l
onohaiidrod dollar., wl.loh l,L r
«o«.ed .qromst mij , iuv „ orft ^
for .uch olloiico. ret 1»
Bo it Arnlicr anlniuod Hu,
forfcittiro. incurred under tl i, „Jr
collected nnd enforced in the
liy law, mid ono half oftlre ”
“ ,d forfeiture., ,W| ,-
foriner, and the other half
Boo. 21. Bo itnirthcrordS
•nee. or parte of ordinal
tlii.ordm.mco, bo, and the ram ",
penodod, and that all onlitnmco!
dinaiiooj imbtating agoltut dm.
Uw Kuno aro hereby repealed. "T
Poated .n Coutio Anrun | M
Father Bntlor,
A ND tiio Lough Dcarg Pilgrim, by W. H<
Carleton, author of '‘Trait* and Stories of
Irish Peasantry,” “Neal Malone,” &c. To which
i* added—National Talo* 4 by Thomas Hqod, 2
Shakspenre niul his Friends, or Tho Goldon
Ago of Merry England, in 3 vols.
Tho (Jointier of tiio days of Chnrlos
„ 2d, with
othor Tales, hy Mrs. Gore, author of'Mary Ray
mond,’ Arc. 2 vols.
Tho Canon* of Good, Breeding, or the Hand
book for the Man of Fashion, by the author of
.'The laiw* of Etiquette;'a neat poekot edition.
Now Remedies, the method of preparing and
administering them; timir effect* on the healthy
anddi*ca*ed economy ;&c., by Rolihiy Dtlnglen’on,
M.D.lvnl.Svo. J
The Religious Souvenir for 1840, edited by
Mrs. L. R. Sigourney, with 8 illustration*.
Splendid Annual*, Engli*hand American.
Just received.
nioimu-a fciroTpmrssfj
T 11E8 E medicine. 1 have* ten. bngi,
appreciated for their eitraoniimn,
mediatei powor. of re.iorini pcnbciS.
.otu.iiQormi under n.-nrly cenkiJTS
to winch tliolmuun frame i. liaBle ■
I lie nropriotor rejoice, in t|„ oprwl
forded by Iho univcrwl ditfeiono;tb,
for placing hi. VEGETABLE i 1
within tiio yuowledgc aud reach «,
dual iu tho community. Unlike the hottfl
mciou* quackeries which Loan ofte-ci
gradient*, the Life Pill* arepurrlr*! *
getahle, and contain neither men ay, i
Hrscn.c. nor any other niiiiemlin auy (oi
ever. They uro entirely compoVi of«
from rare And powerful plant*, mo rirtnodJ
though long known to several luduti trite
recently to noiiioeminentpliannaccnlic Ich
are altogether unknown to tlie ignorant pi
ers to medicft science, nnd were ui-verW
ministered in so happily efiicaciouitci
csttec foev tin* puwerot reMonn.__
pi ring embers of health, to a glovringviiorM
out the constitution, n* the Pbasettixiiud^
restored to lifo from the ashes of its own i
tion. The Piia>n x Bitters are entirely ifp
composed of root* found only in ccruinpi
tiio western conntiy. which will infaliMyni
VFR8 AND AGUES of all kind*; will i
full to eradicate entirely nil the effects of n
infinitely sooner than the most pi r '
ration* of Sarsaparilla, nud will im
the determination of BLOOD TO TiffS
never foil* in sickness incident to voaas fa
and will bo found a certain remedy in all«
nervous debility and wcakneM of tlie w
paired constitution*.
As a remedy for Chronic nnd Inf
Rheumatism, the efficacy of the Fhacnl
will be demoiistmteil hy the itwofa
Tlie usual doso of thofO Bitters iilulfawmfl
full, in wntcror wine, uud thUouaoliiywj
ken two or three time* a day, about
before meals, or a lewi quantity may beta*
all time*. To those who arc afflicted
gestinn after inoal*, theio Bitter* will P"“
valuable, as they veiy greatly intre tw th
of tho principal viscera, help them to P
their functions, and enable tlie *umncaJi
To PlantcrM.
P ORCHER A: LA ROCHE has just received
by the ship Trenton, from Now York, a full
sj'pply of Vegetable, Flower nud Bird Seeds—a-
mong which are tho Chinese Prolific or Tree Corn
Planters utuny distance desirous of obtaining the
above Corn, will pleaso seud their order* im
mediately, of which they can rely on being * Kent
with neatness and despatch. Also, p full supply
of the early Sugar Corn. Tlie above seeds uro
warranted to be the crop of 1839.
Sign of tho Golden Globe,
n °v 10 Opposite tho Market.
Btitler’s EfferveHccnt Itlngnesin
TjlOIt dyspepsia or indigestion, nervous dehili-
X ty, giddiness, headache, acidity of tho stout-
uch,habitual coHtivoness,cutaneous diseases,gout,
gravel, Acc. and highly valuable a* a gentle coo!-
mg purgative. A fresh supply of this valuable
iiieilicino just received, aud for rale by
july 31 A. PARSONS.
BOXES superior stcum refined Cottfcc-
tJ\J tionary, in boxes 30 and GO lbs each, just
received and lor sulo by
Soaps, Ac,
T WO coses old Kttglish Windsor Soaps, suita
ble for family use
10 boxes Castile do., 1 case Toilet do. ass’d
20 baskets Sweet Oil, superior
500 lb*. Pipo Clay, 3 canes roll Brimstone
50 lbs. Calomel, Eng.; 50 oz. Quinine
32 groco Clark’s Friction Mutches
500 lb*. Chloride of Lime, 2 cusks Flaxseed.
Just received, and for sale hy
Tj’UFTY groco Clark’s Patent Friction Matches
X superior to all othor kind*. Just received
and for .uie by G. R. HENDRICKSON,
oct 17
Tobacco and SniifT.
F IFTY groco Mrs. Miller’s Fine CiltTo'mc
co, 6 bids. Lorillard’s Scotch and Macco m
Snuff, \ bottles; 20 jars qoursn Rappco an
Maccolmy do. Just received, and for sale hy
sept 16 G. R. HENDRICKSON.
charge into the bowel* wlwtovct i» Q
Tims indigestion is oiisijy und
appetite restored, and tiie moiuli* o( ^*
ant veaseli be ing cleaiwed, natation»
and strength of body aud energy or «■»]
,Ul f'or fiirthur'particular, of Mofttl'f
uml Plmeiiix Ilitt r..«J)plyatMoW|«t
510 Bron'lwuy. New-York,where imJ- J
obliuued I'ur 25 cent., 60'cenU end111 R
.lbr$ln$2 pertet*'W
• of tho wonderful e®*?*
and the Bitter*
oils ‘certificates
may he there inspected.
For sale by
At hi* Store, on the Bay, corner
nov 23
ofiw 11 !
Bowlantl’s Palmonorjlit
irclnblc Dcmnlccui'
of obstinate Culurrb,
I N case, of obstinate w
whetherurieingfroiii recent» c f
in A.tlnnut undnsununxiliaryeirf ^
sent relief from tiio threatening j!
proafe Pulmonary CoiBrnopneMe
lew «reaterel.ii.n. upon the
vulill than tiio above nicilieme. ^
It i. for tliq alMictivoan.1 W'«* -
tom. or coughing,
in the breast, &c. winchconWgtWL^rf
turos of tho coinplnuit, titat
designed, aud hasmani/batcdiRiuo*^ j
perties. _ . . the ^ L
<\i is equally useful of ^
i._ '-i Aui nrtaiiie from >‘ lidU .. I
coughs and cold*, arising ' r ° n . 1 . ^ c . •
weather, from wearing damp ,l “ CD ; A gT0W‘
For sale hy
may 23
Swcct sccfatc*
D'OZ. Otto Row {
6 do. Violet
6 do. Plain -
Also, Powder Boxes and PuR*'
for Hide, by ^
oct 25
Oo\vJniul , » cosij
parent, and/or removing
See., warranted gorminj’- rrg^pltlCK^
diifo hv G. It'
«ula by
.. e ,
White Xett*! \Vlnte IN
WO’HunSed keg- E"S ll!l ’
060 Jo L . An)crie^W||°' 1 ^|
1M bbta Xwf
10 do.
50 keg* Spanish ^StitjChroiV^
] 00 canisters Patent Bnf, 1 a |„j t »ca^
mperior articlo for < *°®|'mj^lehy „ K sOS
&c. Just received, nmM»r J R]Ch . .
«cpt 20 G. re " -