Newspaper Page Text
i nines Clelwwli
SfewsSS 1 ®.
0 for iU tnonlho.
| , i.niibiiihodottho u»w»l rates,
Ad " ™T»o Oi>m»fo' 1116 «"*’««»«» Thiny-
IndTholf for each insertionotter, per
'K'rfta "onby tho Clerk. ortho Court,
j EtthCital i^tion bM boon mM ] 0 f or
teSm-. rouat be published
Administrators for
>» Creditors to render in thoir account.
|B «ndCroa'iiii« WI ,. EK a,
!«• by Executor, and Adiniul*-
’ of S»e aSetion, ou the findTue,-
'""^iKolweon (ho unlil hour, of
^"nlMo’of Public.Sale, in the County
•'•''’J'J'^iVj'iiodcc thereof in one of the
' rtM of tlii. Slate, and at tho doorcr
.uch .aloa are to bo
* for leave to sell Negroes, must bo pub-
| f ;:Sa, m=a.l», before an^order absolute
No. 234—Vol. XXXVI.]
[Whole No.—-»7,0*0.
City Treasurer’s OfHce,
SiVAKNMt, 1ml Nov. 1839.
rpiIF. following Lot. are in arrears to die City
A for ground rent, to wilt \
Drown Ward—Ifot* No»-,l, 2, 3 Ur IB, 10,
83,33, 4(1, 60, 5t, 50, GS, 03,01, 03. -
Columbia Ward-No.. 3,4,8,9,10,13,30,31
Elbert Wnrd-Nos, 0,10,11,13,13,15,10,30,
Franklin Ward—No*. 3,4,8,0,11, 17,18,31,
32,35,20,39,30, 31,34,35,30, 37, 38.
New Frauklin Ward—No*. 3,4, B.
Green Ward-Nos. 3, 9,10,13,14,15,10, 20,
•’Jackson Ward—No*. 7,8, 13,14, 15,10, 17,
21, 22,33,24,29,30,31,32, 33, 30, 37, 38,42,43,
.44, 46,40,47. -
Jasper Ward—No.. 5,0, 7,8,9,10.
LuUiyutlo Word—No.. 1, 2,3, 4,6,0,7,8,9,
Liberty Wnrd-No.. 1,4,9,10,11,13,10,37,
Pulaski Wnid—Noe. 1,2.3,4, 5,10.
i G | ! 1 ^rt!Jduyof Sabs These wile.must
S court y Ho.wed6or of the County
o,» immerty is situate, end on the Unit
rfiOonW,'between the hour* often in
Mid four in tiro afternoon. No -ale
"Ky i" valid, union, .o. cpreued in
^rti^uieiit. Administrators and
r “f^i,e } Court ofOrfinarv for leave to
£a« for foreclosure of Mortgage, on
,to must Im advertised once a month for
M o 0 rU.IcourtofOrdlnanr,(aecompani.
cony of the bond of agreement) to
i to land must bo advertised Tunic
kwlwunder executions regularly grant-
Courts, must bo advertised TIUKTY
—under luortgnffo executions SIXTY
•—Sales of poAdde. property under or-
Court, mustbe odvertiscd, generally, TEN
'dv erfoemcnuwill bo punctually attended
I All Lelton directed to this Offico or the
V must be postpaid, to entitle them to et-
Worrui Wurd—Nos. 3,5,10,12,1ft, 30,21,23.
Washington Word-Nc. 1,2,3,0,12,15,17,
18,19, 20,21,23,24,29,30.
JOSEPH FELT, City Treasurer.
Take Notice.
If the rents due on the above named lots are not
paid on or before the 11th init., 1 shall on the
morning of the l*2th inst. proceed to re-enter said
lea, in eouformity to ?
French Cliemicnls.
S ULPHATE auiniue, Sulphate and Acetate
of Morphine, Croton Oil. Oil of Block Pop-
ner.Kreoeoto, l’iperiue, Priuwic Acid, Iodine,Etn-
etinc, Ext. Nux Vomica, Hydrodnte, PotnsM. itc
Just received per Newark, ^ QN .
T WENTY boxes Colgate’. No. 1 Soap.For
wile by A. PARSONS.
To Let. .
i The two story Dwelling and Garden in
Dickson Ward, opposite the Free School,
tut occupied by Mr. J. B. Lewie. Pus
h will bo given on die lit November. Ap.
I Filly Dollars Reward.
Ranaway on tho 20th July last, from tho
subscriber, his Negro Man, SAWNY.
Hr is nliout 23 yearn old, ft feet 8 or 9 in-
. dies high, very black and likely, has rath-
fellow sepulchral volco, and a deep sicatnco
(side, ilo was bought of Mr. Hugh Rose,
rears since, and i believe was brought up
,,.ace about 10 miles above this city,
above reward will bo paid for his delivery in
life mil in this State, or to the subscriber.
Llp8nlVC,Ac. nii/1
O TTO Roso Lip SulVe, Patoy’s Cold Crown,
real French Almond Paste. A (Vesh supply
of these elegant articles, for the cure of chapped
HpMheo, & c,ju.trcceivcda,.d N fors,ie^oN
Otto Roic Iilp Salve.
R ECEIV ED, u fresh supply of Otto Roso Lip
Solve. For sole by a. PARSONS^J
FT1HE following details of n Sen KMC or a Lot*
X ntnr. to bo drawn in December next, war
rants us in declaring it to bo UNPAR ALLELE!)
in the history of lotteries. Trizes to Uie amount
lie. It is trite, there arc many blanks, but on the
Other Imnd, the extremely low charge of
per Ticket—the value and number of tho Capi
tals, and the revival of the good old custom of
warranting that every prize shall be drawn mid
sold, will, wenro8uro,givQ universal satisfaction,
and especially to the Six'IIundrkd Prize Hol
To thosed spoBcdto adventure, we recommend
enrly implication being tnudo to us for tickets—
when t(io prizes are all sold, blanks only remain
—the* first buyers have the best chance. We,
therefore, emphatically sny—DELAY NOT! but
at once rc-mit mid frans-mit to us your-orders,
which shall always rcceiva our immediate atten
tion. letters to be addressed, and applications
made to SYLVESTER Sc CO.
15l> Broadway,Now-York.
O* Observo the number, 15(1.
8700,000111 8900,0001! 839,000!
O prizes or 830,00011
3 prizes of 819,00011
3 prizes of 810,00011
CP The richest and most magnificent Scheme
efor presented to tho public, in this or any oth-
4ir country.
Tickets only 90 dollars.
Aul/utrizctl by an Act oj tho Legislative Assembly
qf Florida, and under the directions qf the Com
missioners, acLng under the same.
FLORIDA, DECK Ut, 18119.
SYLVESTER & CO. 150 Broadway,
New-York, Sole Agents.
100,000 tickets, from No.l upwards,in succession.
Extruct from tho La\ys of the Logislativo Coun
cil of the Territory of Florida.
Chaf.701—No.22—Whereas the Court House
of Duval county, is in tin unfinisliod state mid
there uro yet duo and owing upon the smite, mo-
nibs, which it is believed will hup one too burden-
ncnmlly cashier of the Citizens’ Bank, and A.Bern-
douin, Eso. actually cashier of the Consolidated
Bank, ns Trustees, ns per Act passed before A.
Mazureau, I’.sq. Notary Public, ou die 2d of May, *
1838, and tho properties transferred unincumber
ed, for tho security of tho fortunate Prize Hold-
Monr. of Drawing.—100,00A tickets, from 1 to
100,000, will bo put in one wheel, ntidCOO prizes,
with the blanks, m another. To eveir number a
prize or blank will be drawn, until all tho prizes
arc determined, leaving the balnncoof numbers
in tho wheel blank*.
KJ“To Editors and—Having re
ceived Newspapers containing tho almvo Scheme,
from twenty^tvo States mid Territories, besides
Several of tho British Provinces^ wo are satisfied
with the circulation, and therefore request that
such paper-* ns have not, up to this time, inserted
the advertisement, will bo plensed not to do ro,
I mid that all the other papers will insert it once n
| week only, until the 1st of December, and for
ward us Uieir accounts.
158 Broadway, New-York.
july 29 151t
Blankets, Carpeting mid Rugs.
Per Excel- *
A * FURTHER supply of sup’r Ingrain Cnr-
petiug—Also, very superior Tufted Rugs,
3 bales heavy twilled Blankets. For sale by
oct 18 202
Muslin Trimmings.
A HANDSOME assortment of Juconot, and
Swiss Muslin Edging and Inserting, for
Kcwjtrc of spurious.imitation.
tractor Iceland jnou, Carrageen, or
Mom, Slippery Elm, Horehound, &c., avaluable
remedy for cold., cough., dy*pep»in, dysentery,
diarrhoea, catarrh, and nil affection, of the breast
rm Aw ft LAROCHE.
20 do.
60 do.
60 do.
30 do.
10 do.
40 do.
20 do.
sale by
^VERY Sc JOHNSON, have received a good
oct 23
os^rtment of Cotton nnd Bilk Umbrellas.
South side Monument Square.
A .VERY & JOHNSON have received alargo
xV. assortment real Welsh Flannels, wurrnnted
not to shrink. Also, large size ribbon bound
Blankets. nov 9
Stvolm’s Panacea.
A S the intemperance mid luxury oftne age are
hastening the ravages of scorbutic com*
pluints, and rendering the blood more impure and
ns thousands have destroyed their constitutions
by neglecting to apply tho proper remedies to ]
such. Swuiui’s Panacea must be and has been :
more than doubly valuable as n certain and effec
tual means of restoring them to perfect health and
vigor. Few families are wholly exempt from
scorbutic affections which exhibit various symp
toms, as emptioris, ulcemtions, debility, loss of
appetite nnd dejection, nil arising from impure
blood, and if not properly attended to, produces
tho greatest injury to the constitution, ami titny
ho imparted to their offspring. Bwaim’s Pana
cea is recommended at this season of the year, ns
an invaluable restorative of tho system, tltercby
invigorating the constitution nnd ennbling us to
hoar the debilitating effects of the summer senson.
It is conveyed by tho circulating fluids, and cor
rects their tendency to nil those diseases which
originate in a vitiated blood, diseased liver, de
praved appetite, or predisposition to effection of
tho lungs, &c. No one, however, is advised to
use it without convincing themselves of the truth
Real Welch Flannel** &c,
*1 f \ I’CB. fresh imported Welch Funnels
1U 1000 ynrds Canadian Korseys
3000 do. Cordova Plains
Just opened by
Fall Goods.
J oe E. 1NHERSOLL nro now receiving
• their supply of Fall and Winter Dry Goods,
which they offer tor sale on their usual accommo
dating terms. oct 5
■ New Goods, New Goods*
T HE subscriber has received andnow opening
•frombrig Savannah audship Celia, a large
and extensive assortment of newest style of Fan
cy and Staple Goods, consisting in part of tho fol
lowing articles, viz:
100 pieces Coni ova Kerseys
120 do. Satinets
new style 44 French Trials
do. English Calicoes
black and cord Scotch Ginghams
Kentucky Jeans v *
While Flannel
Rod do. various qualities
Muslin do IjaIAm <p
100 54,64 nnd 84 Chineill* Shawls
60 Merino Shawls nnd Mantles ;
400 Shawls, various styles and qualitio*
•100 pieces Frbnch nnd English Mdrmos
50 do. Pongeo Silk Hdkfs.
20 do.' English Snittalfield Silk do.
50 dozen Wolcn Gloves
20 do. Mens Buck and II. 8. Gloves
20 do. Ladies H. 3. Gloves
20 do. do. SUk and Cotton Glove#
and Long Mitts
50 pieces col’d ami black Silks,nowost stylo
2 cases Canton Flannel
20 pieces new style Cussimero
20 do. Vestings
10 do. Broadcloth.?, vhrimts qualities
30 boxes Bonnet, Cup Taffeta aud Belt Rib
bons *
100 dozen silk, worsted and cotton Hose and
Half lloso _
10 boxes Satin Ribbons, fVom Nn. 2 to 22
48 Ladies while Florence Bonnots
100 colored Bonnet* ... ^
White and colored Satins, cofd Florence#
White and blnck Crape
Black Love Shawl., black Bomha^na
Ladies hemstitched Linen Cnmbnc Hdkft»
Lace nnd woTkcd collars, Bonnets
Nun* Hoods, nnd a general assortment o*
losirable goods. For sale by
oct 29
some a tax upon the people of Duval, and where- ] of what is hero stated.
as, it is desirable to pay, those said sums and com- J This medicine is now used with success in all
The true Verbena C renin.
T HIS delightful Cream is warranted to be tho
true extract of Verbena*, gentleman having
louder faces or strong beards, would find it me
most delightful saponaceous compound ever of-
fered to (ho public, it make. * beautiful heavy lath
er, and after shaving, leave, a delto ionaftagixhee
of Urn Verbena, and prnventuig die foco ftom
cliapping, whiclt in general, other soaps irritate.
It i. ofoy for , : dc o h fciiER(feL A ROCHE
. Market 8q. sign of tite Golden Globe,
nov 18
pleie the building, as well for the greuter conve*
n ence of tite administration of justice, as for tho
double pttrposo of un Academy, for which pur-
S oso in part, the said building, when completed,
i designed. Therefore—
Skc. 1. Bo it enacted by tite Governor and Le
gislative Council of tho Territory of Florida,
That it shall nnd may be lawful lor Joseph 13.
Lancaster, Isaiah D. Hurt and William J. Mills,
or any two of titutn under tite direction ol tho
County Court of Duval County, to raise such
stun or sums of money by lottery, in such schemes
as they may deem appropriate and advisable: Pro
'.1 . I .......... a I Itilwl t l,<.l I, w«.1,’«»*
pnrt. of the world, and i» gaining groat reputation
in England.
From Dr. VtknHiu AMI,
Professor of Surgery in tho University of Now-
York, Surgeon ol tho N. Y-orlt Hospital,&o.
I have repeatedly used Hwaim's Panacea both
in tils llospitnl and in privnte practice, and have
always found it to be avaluable medicine in chron
ic, syphilitic, mid scrofulous complaints, and iu
obstinate cutanuons nilbetions.
From tho various impositions which have been
practised by adulteration, &c. oven to tho oxlont
vidod, that tho said persons shall hind themselves of perjury, for the purpose of imitating tho tiiedt-
iu such manner as tho Court shall direct, well cine, is sufficient to prove it* efficacy in tho dis
and truly to conduct such lottery ill good faith, to | eases in which it has keen sufficiently Jitovira to
appropriate Uio proceeds to tho object ubovo sta
ted.—Passed, Feb. 7th, 1834.—Approved, Feb.
11th, 1834. , ,
By agreement, bearing date the 28th of Febru
ary, 1839, the above Joseph Lancaster, Isaiah D.
Hart and William Mills, did, lor certain consider-
ations, in conformity to tho said Logislativo Act,
duly assign unto & Hamilton all
ltnve cured. Ills unnecessary to say further in
relation to this Panacea, other than to caution the
E u! lie against tho deleterious mixtures which have
eon made to impose upon tite ignorant. The
genuine article cat: always be found at tho store
of tho subscriber, who is the solo agent for this
State. A. PARSONS, Druggist.
iiuv 5 220
Lamp Oil* «cc.
F IVE hundred gallons pure Sperm. Oil. (tall
Ptruined,) *200 do. summer strained do.
Also,ttdox. LampCl.iinnies.^ustreccived.m.d
Porcher St La Roclic*
|FER for sale on accommodating terms, No.
II and 2 Castor Oil, in bottles assorted sizes;
r the gallon; Spt*. Turoeutiiio, do. do. do.,
in and Glauber Salts, Cream Tartar, Brim*
L Sulphur, Dutch Madder, Glue, duuffr,Salt
L Alum, Black Lead, Lamp Black, Lamp
I Glasses, Borax, crude ond refined Indigo,
Inaand Spanish Float Bluping, Hippo, Jul-
mbarb, Calomel, Arrow Root,Bpaiusu Flics,
nor, Manna, Flake, Nutmegs, Cloves, Cin-
h, Mace,Black and Cuyenne Toper, Ginger,
IPowder,super. Carbonate Sodu, Tartaric
llochelle Salts, Salt Tartar. Sal Ammoniac,
'Aloee,tiuriaic, Anmioiiia, Beuzion, Copal,
b, Maitic, Arabic, Opium and Sty rax,Roso
latch Pink. Pearl Ash, Snl Aratus, Washing
pIii8tard,Linglass, Pearl and Patent Bar-
lniomile Flowers, Bonesct, Sage, Elder
i, Pennyroyal, Thoroughwort, Liv'erwort,
ced, Digitales, Senna, Squills, Quinine,
line, Iodine, Pipeline, Hydriodate, Potass
fcte, Potass; Croton Oil, Oil Blaak Pepper,
lint, Sassafras, Lemon, Bergamot, Cara-
Drange, Cubebs, Rosemary,Rose Cedrnl or
IFlowers, Juniper, Snake Root, Pink Root,
%>» andMazerion Root, Gontinn, Quassi.
v, Magnesia, lump and calcined; Sweet und
Oilsinflafks and bottles, Tooth Powders,
jauBark, F.xtract and Elixir of Bark, Ex-
rOptum, Hein Wax, Gum Myrrh, Alcohol,
f ^ ltre i UurUhora, Carbonate, Ammonia
F P^^nt Medicines, warranted IVesh and
ltet—Rowland's Tonic Mixture, Houck’s
Ntowaim’s Vermifuge, Barclay’s Cubebs
waparilla, Butler’s und Henry’s Magnesia,
run ^ Brandreths, Lees, Evans, Se-
II .P"' Beckwiths, Gnilighans, Hooper's
■her Pills; Unteman’s Drops, British Oil,
T* 0“I* Turlingtou, Bulsatn, Opodeldoc,
r™ « Thompson’s Eye Waters,Bernard’s vantage.
, Mature, Morton’s Cough Syrup, Apo-
y s Scales and Weights,
fumery, &c.—premiss’and Glossin’s Co-
I Lavender nnd Eye Wuters; do. do. Toilet
7> do. do. Extracts Musk, Jessamine, Rose
do. do. Bear’s Oil, Oldridge's
IP' tolmnhio, Hair Powder, Pufls and Box*
■onieruus Compound, Volatile Salt* of fun-
l'trnsand colors, incut glass and pungent*;
K^kr, Milk Roses, Cream of Soaps, Ver-
r**®) Cold Cream, Lipsalve, with u fttll as-
fnt or oilier articles in tho. line.
Trents.—Lancets, Tooth Kpys and For-
pwpds, Cupping Instruments, Dissecting
j ®J* r geou Needles mid Scissors, Cupping
biVipple Shells and Bottles: also, a Inrgo
pent of articles in tho line—where
Swulnx’s Vcri..ifUK«-
T HIS renu-ily couiitorncU tho whole train of
disoasrs nrisit.5 from tho' debility of thedt-
gevtive organs or a depraved cotwhuon ofthesto-
""irt'oit'of^ho diseases ofcltildren originate in vor-
Worms destroy the nourishment which is in
tended by nature to support life-.
The immediate effect of Swatm Vermifuge
are to tranqttilize tho stomach, clear it ofacidous
phlegm, dissipate suporfliiotls lnie. mereMO Uio
ffrnstic ittices and promote healtity digestion.
8 It alleviates sick headaclie, and is an “ 1,cll " °
for the Cholera Morbus of our country, drarrl ccu;
fever nnd ague, nttd that class of diseases whico
owe their ongin to a disordered state of the sto-
1U This'remedy oxpeis worms by giving^
action to the stomach nnd organs
There is nothing in its composition to kill worms.
Theyare seldom seen after its
tient improves in health, color and appetite.
Those remedies which kill worms must-of course
injure tho stomach materially, Mtd 6 l8 .
ninnv serious complaints. This fact has been ma
terially neglected by tho faculty, and tite error has
never bccti discovered until Swann s Vermifuge
proved it to the entire satisfaction of every fiumly
W Tho medicine w no less efficacious in naany of
the disease* of grown persons,by dissipntiug those
morbid secretions whtch’nroduce dysentery, thar-
• r i,olnm morbus, pile*, lever and ague, djs-
nenrin aeidiw of the stontnch, foul breath and
iufSgrecablo affections consequentupoubihoua
Dry Good#.
Received per L. Baldwin.
S UPER black Italiun Cravats
Do Green Bnrige
Do blue black Crape
Do black do
Splundid Thibet Shawls
500 pieces blue black Braid
2 lbs Knitting Twist
Ladies super II S Gloves, gentlemen’s do
25[ Muslin Bands
Sensoimblc Good*,
B ROADCLOTHS—Black, invisible green.
olive, blue, dark mixed and cadet mixed and
brown, English double milled. , . ,
Cmwitnere*—Drab, black, dork grey and striped.
| Satinets—Blue, drab, cadet nnd dark mtxsd.
Suspenders—Elastic und knitted, also Extra Lnda,
Hosiery—Lambs ^Wool, Vigonm, white and mix
ed Cotton. • . .... _ , * •
Gloves—Colored and white Hoakin, Buckskin,
Silk and Beaver
Umbrellas—Silk and Cotton. _
Stocks—Satin, and Bombosin, with b#wa and
| Cravats—Black Italian ond fancy colored.
Merino Skirts.
8uper black ribbed and plain worsted Hose Brushes—Cloth, hair, nail and tooth,
Boys nnd Misses Hose and half Hoso
1 case Ivory Spool Cotton
1 do Persian do do
1 do Clerk’s do do
1 doz Ladies Merino Drawers
1 do do do Shirts a superior article
Shell back Combs
Do Sido do
Metnl do do
nov 18
W. II* & 8* Rogers.
H ave just received from New-York, viz:
0 cases Nun’s Palm Leaf Hats
1 do. sup’r Florence Bruid Bonnets, latest
1 do. Eitglish Straw do.
1 do. American do. do.
1 do. Misses round Florence Hats
2 dqz. do. do. Hoods
1 cose colored Straw Bonnets, See.
oct 18 South side Market-Square.
their rijh'tand intete»t.Mt.l;tediu — Pennsvlvani „ i nquire r. of May3,1834.
them by the ubovo recited Act of the Legislature RoW!ttl(i’M TOIliC Mixture.
Georee PlnllinMn- TOT"- EDITOR-Mitcl, » tho_powera oftffi.
Extract from the valuation of George Phillip Ma-
nouvrier nnd Jncob do Cordova, bothot tite city
of New-Orleuns, made und sworn to on tliolUtii
day of April, 1839: .
That the suid George Pilbp Manonvncr and Ja
cob Cordova, appraise and conscientiously and .
Sn"upp y e!“ it. type, attended
If i __*- at— ii...wi.n.i r ritiinaiitiil DiiIIiifm. I with syiici
M favorite remedy huve been extolled, I cun
not omit this opportunity ofdeclaring my decided
conviction that every account of tho satmtivo vir
tues of the Mixture will he verified to the fill ex
tent. Whatever bo tho character of the complaint
—whether unequal tertian—double or simple
’ ' *— ““-nde
New-Otleatfs, at Six Hundred Thousand Dollars,
“The _
City Hotel 1 — , .
or New-Orleuns, ut Four lluudrcti
Thousand Dollars.”
with syncope, npoploxy, vehement spasms, with
coldness and stupor—whatever its duration, who-
IV* II. A 8* Rogers,
H AVE just received from New York, the fol
lowing Fancy Goods, viz:
1 box ctnb’d changeable BomietRibbons,
splendid article
1 box sup’r fig’d Satin do do
1 do fancy French Silk Bags
1 do Pluid Bonnet Ribbons
5 White Net Veils
1 dozen Not Shawls
1 do Silk emb’d Scarfs
1 do Plaid do do
1 do Thibet do do
4 pos brown nnd black Silk Fringe
1 do Pliillygrnmtny
1 dozen Infnnt’a Waists
10 do Nuns (Dutch) Lace
Together with various articles in the Fancy lino,
nov 16 South sido Market Square.
Handlrereliieft-lwhUo Silk, plain, red «ixl figur
ud. Ju,t received, ndd for mle for .
oc t 33 No. 3 Shad'a Dnlldiilg*.
T HE eulireriherho. now pli hand,a very large
ajworlment or Su.pender., viz: Superior
Elastic Silk Net, do Gum Eliutic, do Buekakin
do, Extra Silk Elastic and Cottons all of which are
oiTcred at hi, u.ual low priM, '
nov IX G, 8, NICHOLS, Market 3
Merino Under SItIrts ft Dra;
T UEuiidewigned hit, a full .upnly or
Shirt*nnd Drawer,, whicli wjUho .old low
fureuh. * G. S. NICHOL8,
nov li Market Square,
Linen nnd Cotton Slilrt*.
J UST opened, o complete muortment or ready
made Shirt*, viz: Superior Linen do,
Cotton with linen boionn, do French Gingtam,
warranted not to fndei do Boston l’rmta, ond fcng-
li*U twilled, which will bo .old at it small
nov 11 G. S. NICHOLS, Market Square.
w. i». « ». Rogers,.
AVF. just received per recent omvaLi flromi
proporty known under the appellation of I J^^gerai^ffi^rtiona^ond^other'^ow’MiLnnerringly
otel" or 4, Bi*hop . Hotel, ta ttoo cud^city J^i 0 die«—however irregular in tlicirinva-
-Orlean*; at Four Hundred and Twenty *a , in ,i lP i r ntmearance*—in
.jon, nnd uncommon in their nppearanee*—in
' ■ , -I .... l.llnniiM/IHIBir n* llfllllt.
Th^Deede^ol’tlie Property imd J of Ura’pathmh tlmcomplniii^dtko w3» adicuon
tho security of the l’rize Holdors.
tho due ndminlstrntion .....
This ia no high-wrought panegyric lor tho exper
iment. I speak only from what 1 positively know
— . fiilwi* iirzitninitinitu ninv
OW III BUlicxu h™ •— —
world. Families rosiSent ih the coun^trevel.
lers going into Uio hiterior or voyaging info dis-
font tropical climates, (insulated from medical nd-
cllt) would find Swaiin’s Vcrmifugo of great nd
Kept constantly on hand, ^fojrside^^
Sole Agent for Uio State.
L an8 ' planters and country merchants are
to call and examine, for themselves.
Opposite tho Market,
Sign of tho Golden Globe.
It i« now in general wee in moat parts of the
li is now iu , „ trv travel-
• D Y^ne.fos tt Weh^ 0 o?fooT 0 o&e.of
of Tho Heiress, Merchant’s Doughtor, Prince mid
Oie Pedlar, & c. 2 V a o1s. nuals
Christian Kccpsake’Cd'tcilhy foo tl^J 01 ™ ^
Clark, With contributions hy^Ionfoome^.U ^
Natchez-streeti 12« foet, 6 inches, on Gra-
vier-street. Rented at about $37,000 per
annum. 1°"'™
Valued at . _ 700,UOO
1 Prize—City Hotel—102fecton Com
mon-street, 140 feet, 6 indies, on
Camp-Street. Rented at #*>,000,
Vuliied at , .
1 Prize—Dwelling House, (adjoining
tho Arcado) No. 10—24 feet, 7 in
ches front, on Natchoz-strect. Rent
ed at Sll,200. Valued at
Prizo—Ditto (adjoining tho Arcade,)
No. 18—83 feet front on Natclieg-
•treet. Rented at $1,200. Valued
1 Prize—Ditto—No-23, northeast cor
ner of Basin and CustonHouse-st.
40 foet front on Basin, and 40 lcet
on Franklin-street, by 127 foot deep
on Custom House-street. Reiifoil
at *1,500. Vulucdat
1 Prizo-Dillo-No. 24, soutwestcor-
uer of Basin and Custom House-
street! 3* feet,7 indies on Uiwm,
32 feet, 7 inches on Franklin, 127
foot,10J incliesdecpin front olCus-
tom Hotwe-st. Rented at
Vuliied at
Dried FigSc
£? DRUMS Figs, in fine order, in store and
Jmlsj for sale by
nov 12
nov 19
Negro Pipes.
BOXES Negro Pipes, landing flrom j
shin Trenton, for sale by
hjplcinlhl Scheme : _|,oweveroiicce*siiil oilier orqianition* may
1 Prize—Tim Arcade—280 lcet, 5 , 1 " bcn t |icrn can ho little placed upon
£! f°n‘i.“ “onVira-1 the ,n when compared wi,h or.iclm By strict-
ly following tho direciions that accompany the
bottle we find it eels upon the most scientific
principle—for, it seems to anticipate tho return
of tho cold fit, und oxciles a strong reaction, and
powerful glow over the whole syslcm; mid thus
to nrc-nccupy tho ground, and by dUforbing llie
regularity nffiio typo, to subduo the mtennilten*
altogether. Under such a course of medicine, I
?,ave been astonished to notice with what haste
iho disease heats iihinn for a retreat, and the pros-
trail’d strength of the system rallies. It is a pow-
erful, yet niild mediciiio-siibstitutmg calmness,
tranquillity,and balmy sleep,in placo of pain.woa-
rincss, and restless night* a renovation of long-
lost strength and robust health, in lion of foclilc-
ness nnd Inundation. And I confidcnlly believe,
Domestic Liquors.
A f* HBI.S. N. E. Rum
TcO 5 half pipe* Brandy, landing from ship
Coromando, and for solo low from the wharf,by
nov 2 GEORGE H. MAY.
IiOnf nn«l Crushed Sugar.
BBLS and 5 boxo* refined Loaf Sugar
JZlYJ 10 bbls Crushed Sugar
10 do Powdered do
Received from tho Boston Sugar Refinery,
aud forsalo by L. BALDWIN,
nov 1 214
- N. York, nearly their fall supply of French,
German, Ituliim and English Fancy Dry Goods,
among which arc the following ftiticle*, viXi
Ladies rich Plush and Silk French Shawls
Do. colored and black Ostrich and Cosluncr#
1 case finest Florence Braid Bonnets
1 do. super. Irish Linens •
15 cartoons Paris emb. C'npes and Collars
30 pieces Wash Blonde and plain Quilting# ,
5 do. Woir Gro do Lyons Laco. ^
25 do. Thread Edgings nnd Inseftongs
10 do. Volencino uo. do. nnd Bexdtngs ja
44 and 54 Wash, Spot, Square and Il
lusion Blonde , _ '
French worked Cutis, Blonde Veils ond Pan#
Chnntilln Veil" Eng. Collars and Twin Shawl*
Mohair Nett*, Bag* ami Scarfs
Muslin Toris einliM Shawls, 44 and6-4
Black Lace do. do. 1-2 and14-4 .
Caps, Insont’* Waists, French Flower* and
French, English and American Pnnt*
Chollys, Mons. do Lames, Velvet* and Silk*
Tartan, llob Roy nnd Kolivlo Shawl*
Bonnet, Belt mid Can Ribbons
Ermine nnd Fur Collars
Silk, SVorsted and Cotton Hose. _
oct 31 South side Market Square.
'Northern Preserve*, assorten.
BOXES fresh Frcscrvos, of vnrion*
kinds, just received by ^Uio G. B. Lamar
for sale by C. L. McNISH.
nov 11 - . . 'j -
Gun§) Kiftcs una Pistols
and for i
A N assortment o"f Pistols, und single and don
Me barrel Flint and Percussion Gum, for
ftp ., 0 ‘*r«lcn Seeds.
K’ .Wbriber has just received per brig
CJjf* 01 '’ Hin supply of fresh Gordon Seeds,
T“jM to be of best quality, and Uio growUi of
» k . id "rJ’ * 1 “'f moon ond Valentino; Beot,
LjmjP. hloqd,white, Scoraity and Mangel
nJ.. b*lto, early York, Battersen, Drum-
, n . S'Osudrad, Carrot, early horn,
1.5,1 Cucuinlior* early framed, long
e ,.,F r, okly; Lettuce, eurlyicoand long
I,. ” 11 ; c ' lr °n, Pino Apple, Nutmeg uml
''y Cauliflower; Onion, «ilver shin’d,
„ l!„ Portugal; Okra, curioil Pursloy,
"•jobgaweet, Dwarf, Mar-
d'.P. r!- J "’ Imperials, Washington,
it *h . fd Tall Marrowfat; Radish,long
ThoS Raffles CnimSmm R«. W. Jay,Bishop
7vos!Bi»hop Smith, Bfshop Doano, and otl.orom-
"'llcVgfolis Ortbringfmlifodby’SIiss C. H. Wa-
“Timptri.’oVlSws Gift, wifi. 6 engra-
vings. • ’ .
The Literary Souvenir, edited by W. R. Bur
t0 Tho 3 VfolM,"edited by Miss Leslie 6 ongra-
K Poets of Americo, illustrated by one of her
8T GilVas°t n ra,Se n dby Smollett, in2 vols. royal
8vM ilMstrofod >ly Jean Gigott, with upward, of
and 2d series, ,
White Lend, *c
For sale by
Prize—Ditto—No.339,24^1,8 in-
dies on Royal-street, by
inches deep. Rented at %l,40l>.
Prize—2hOSIiarc» Canal Bank Stock
*100 each,
1 Ditto-200 do. Com. do. do.
1 Ditto—150 do. Mechanics and Iru-
jers'do. Uo. ,
1 Ditto-100 do. City Bank do. do.
1 Ditto—100 do. do. do. do. do.
1 Ditto—100 do. do. do. do. tto.
1 Ditto—50 do. Exchange Bunk do. do,
1 Ditto—50 do. do. do. do. do,
1 Dilto-25 do. Gas Light Bank do. do.
1 Ditto—25 do. do. do do. do.d .
1 Ditto—15 do. Mechanics and Ira
ders’ do. do* ,
i r): tt0 15 do. do. do. do.
20 Do"—each,ana
State Bank, $100 each, each prize
ness ond emaciation. —_ .
I and I prediwilo my oiimloii upon the most sub.
I stantial proof, that underwhalover sky—m what
ever comer of the earth—whether upon lull or
valley, wherever fever and oguatnokas usoppear-
oncof there also will "Rownnd’s Tonw Muttnre’
find its way—tho lioppy desideratum, the perfect
antidote. _ N. LEE, M. U.
rpOnc of tho best recommendations that con
bo given this medicine Is the following;—Physi
cians living in Fever and Ague districts,who have
become acquainted wifii its efficacy, are in the
habit of ordering it to boused in tlioir own prac-
From the Harrisburg Intelligencer ot June, 1833.
Mr. Wyeth—Having long boon alDicted ni my
family witli Fever and Ague, am! having tried ev
ery nieans to get rid of it without avail, I at longUi
met wiUiyonr advertisement of Itowand s genu
ine Tonic Mixture, which I determined to try.
•\fter using if, my wife was entirely restored to
henlth, having suffered for liftoen months from the
debilitating efibets of Fever and Ague, and is now
hearty and stout as »''-™ XRD jj AY
AlnlgTsuipyoftlie aimve valuable medicine
just reef ivedVrom the Munufacturer, and for sale
...l..Ue,.ln nr rnloil llV
Wholesale “”^IER& LA ROCHE
10 Do -each 2 shares of $100 each,
10 each prize $200, of Uie Gas Light
J200 Do?—end. 1 sharo of $100, of the
Baidt of Louisiana, ■
200 Do.—each 1 share of §100» oi uw
150 Do.-oachl sharo of $100, ol tho
Union l)ank of Florida,
t A A KEGSm^oWuh White Lead
100 200 do ‘do American No.l &2
- 10 bbls English LiiiBced Oil
10 do do Plmlk
10 do do .Whiting
5 .do Alum, 5 do Suit Pctro
Just received per Savannah and Coromando,
“ nov 4 Ml0 1 G. R. HENDRICKSON.
000 tickets $20—no shares.’ 00
nov 12
Sign of tho Golden Globe,
Opposite the Market.
For the Toilet.
P RENTISS’ extract of Rose, Musk, Jessa
mine mid Bergamot
Do. fine ond superfine Toilet Powder,Rose scent
Edo’s *np. Musk and Rose Persian Scent Bags
Genuine Russian Bear* Oil
Rowland’s JIncasor Oil
Oldridge’s Balsam of Columbia
Pomado a la Rose, Savin, Jassamino, Orange ond
other Odours, in pots and rolls
Coggcrsliall's sn'r Connossiera Soap
Palmer's sup’r Cream de Savon Rings
Sup’r Verbena Cream, a delightful article for
Lowe’s celebrated Shaving Soaps
Preutiss’ variegated Soups; suitable for the tablet
Powder Pufls and Boxes of the latest patterns
Cologne, Lavender and Rose Waters, of various
manufacture and assorted patterns
Espirit de Rose, Cold Cream, I.ip Salvo
Otto of Roses, stip'r Rose, Ciimaiuon and Al
mond Soaps, in bars
Cut Glass Bottles, n largo varioty
Fine ond course Tooth Combs
Nail, Tooth nnd Clothes Brushes
Vignette, Napoleon, Madnmmonselle, Victoria
and Glass Back Hair Brushes, of oxcpllent
Pockct' a Books, Scissors, Razors and Razor
Glenn’s Indian Dye, Vinegar Rougo
Milk of Rosea, Orange Flower Water
Oil Citron Flowers, Shaving Brushes
Salt of Lemon nnd Roses, ill Eng. cut glass bot
tles, Anioniae Vinegar
And olher articles in the Perfkinery lino, for
sale by
N. B.
& H. WEED,
’ \ -
• Oats. . . . _ '
(\WAA BUSHELS heavy Virgin* Oats,
iy 4 * J V landil1 * from bri 8 Lfoanor,for tale
in lots to suit purchasers, by
nov 12
Patent medicines.
Garden Scctls, Crop 1899.
P ORCHER & LA ROCIIE is, nnd will re
ceive in n few days, a large assortment of
Vegetable, Flower and Bird Seed, the crop of
-8- Also, in daily expectancy, a beautiful arti-
fp-eo I’m-ii. The above
cio called the Chinese Tree Corn. 1 no aeove
Seed is warranted to prnduce largo vegetables and
fine flavor. Planters nnd others arc invited to
Sand examinofor themselves. AU of which
will be sold low for cosh or city nrceptoiices.
Sixn of the Golden Glphe,
n0V 4 Opposito the Market,
Tooth Wash.
C tll ORINE, Oris Olid Kroosot Tooth Wash, recommended forwhltening the teeth,
purifying iho breath and imparting nhosMiynp-
pearonce to the gams. Just received, per W.l-
Fuller, and forsalo by jjpjj DRICK g 0 j(.
Received nnd for sale wholesale and retail, onac-
comuiodoting forms b^ £ gT j LVVELL>
Corner of Broughton & Whitaker streets,
110 v 19 Qpposito file Mansion House.
Sulphate Uitinlnc, tkc.
jJA OZS. Sulphate tlninino
jtJ 10 do do Morphine
1 case Flake Monna
1 do Senna, 1 do Rhubarb, 1 do Jalap
Received und for sale on accommodaung forma
Corner ofBrouglitonnnd Wliitakerslreets,
nov 19 Opposite the Mansion House.
Chinese I-rrilifle or Tree CoMt.
B ORCHER&LA ROCIIE basin store tho
above valuable Corn. Persons who have
engaged will jilenae call early and take it away.
Planters are particularly invited to call and judge
for themselves, ns there is only a small quantity
left unsold, nnd if they wish tho article,wo willle-
salo wholesale or retail on accommodating terms,
Sign of tho Golden Glebe,
oc t J5 Opposito the Murkot.
gain invite’them to scud their orders euriy. Also,
Sign of tlie Golden Globe.
- garden
form*. -
nov 23
(JtMALL Seed
Slinkcrs* nerbs.
LANDING from ship Gaston, n full supply
_ i of 8 linkers’Herbs, comp rising Catnip,Fox-
clove Horehohnd, Sage, Pennyroyal, Thorough-
wort, Liverwort, Bonoset, Thyme, Mint, Worm
wood, Wonnseed, Elder Flowers, Slippery Elm,
&c. in 16 oz. 8 oz; and 1 oz. packages, suitable
for families and country merchants. For sale by
Sign of tho Golden Globe,
oct 15 Opposite tho Market..
Garden Seeds. JU
, Seed or Top Gnions, Peas and
„ Beans, Cnbbngcs, Carrots, together with a
fine assortment ofotlior varieties,w:u-rantcd Iresh.
Just rreeived per MgffifigflBSfc&ON.
— Stnvch.
T HIRTY boxes superior Eagle Starch,
quality, for family, purppsos. Just receivi
a "»ov r 23 le ^ a. R- HENDRICKSON-,
Ede’sT«dorlTeroiiS Coiiipotind or
Perfumed Extracts. ,
•ARUNTISS' celebrated extracts of Persian
Jr Roses, Chinese Musk, nnd Jessamine, de
lightful odors for tho hnndkercliiof. For sale by
is fo, sale by
Opposite the Market*