Newspaper Page Text
■ SAVANNAH* August zi.
V/e arc h?n <*nab’efi to submit tne fiist
umber of Republican to our
Hr;u The dclav which has been experienced, has
r'l painful to the proprietors i It cannot be better
or apologized for, than by the following
Ctof a letter fron: ixr. Eyon, dated July 230,
■ “I amju-t tc'.ovcr'ng - ro ™ * fcvere illncfs, which |
Beonfincd n e near! va W- from bufintj;. My ih- j
| to make ready for mv j *urney the Hr St of this mor.rr-. ;
“Shortly after youfnled, ! Hr tit to Ramage to (h p
i the Prtfs &r. . for Chadestor., v hichhe d.d ; and af- ;
liter being taken ill, I received his letter which with
pothers was kept from my nght miojiened two week’
I It enclosed a bill <•! 1 nirng. ”
P, ‘The absence of M r * Ry o, and the deficiency
W of assistance without in.’ aid, wul t rev i t e■. 2 appear
I -ai ce of the paper nc;c than once c. week for a (hurt
I time: our patron** may be afTured ihat t is
■ rime oil! be contracted to as Invl! a!pacc2ii
■ .Mr. Lyon is expedec! very Ron.
ml XJnrcrlef rred ptincipal on il.c xfl of Janu
■lily iboi k 80,16%-:07 60.
■ Unredeemed principal on ‘lie isl of Janu
■ ary ik'o2,
. i l Oi ■CI I y l y j~ . vii v lit,
■ Regift a*s Q;Tre, Dec. i2, ?8o r >
■ jOSI.PII NOURSii, Re'ft tier.
IT T —-
■ i t ; lfY j*rars from the t< fennony of a
■ feeler v, recfsKr, tint iincr Mr. Jtffcrfun
■ came 1 ntoofli e, the nTrna] debt has been
■ <jiininiiliej 2 59,TT dollars zn \ 31 rent:,.
K Whi’ft Ik ‘4jt also relieved us frym ail odi-
Bous, op v est J nrl internal taxation.
B Mid notl jefc. facts difi-ufc a general joy
Bovr t! <•( 1 *ry ?
■ A.{/ dnr-tl 1 ieererary of the treafar/, in a
f/er to the b>m:r.i r tee o’ ways tz means, dat
m tl,. 2cd <# January 1800, {Vues, that “ the
Bj r |-,> of the Unit'd States had tncrealed ftnee
■the efiabhfi Tent of the prclVnt government,
■the sum of 516,338 dolls and 50 crnrsT
■ This it \ ill be remembered, was aka 1 2
of peace.
■ Jn lelb tb.T. one year, prefidrnL Jeff rton’s
gKvife and frupd nnenfurea have decrealed it
■u nearly thr£ millions.
IB Thefc thi/gs, fellow rir.:ze >’•?., at e wot thy
HHyo> r rnofb .atenriv* and serious cordideration
I. CATO, ii unavoidably nnus*cd. i 1 it import-
BB *cx of the oKe-. cos a C iTI ~f%’c f(/ EOR gIA will
■ \urt hinia|!i;ce in our ntx*..
£NT£ R E D
‘■ hocner Betsey, Wilkinson, }<cw Frowidcnce.
88-~ —Prefidrng V irginia.
(■jioop Ringer, Kem, Charieiton.
■CL£ A R E D
Frwnd, Bunker, North Carolina.
Nancy, Farric, Jamaica.
Sophaj C lurch, S . Marys
ITU E'N rs,
of Chat ham County .
I* As no narrative of the procedings
If a late extraordinary fefiion of the
*egiflarure, has been fubmined to
ou in detail ; as the object of these
goceedings has excited much enquiry
-—and as it is ncceflary that yon, as
veil as your fellow-citizens of this
hire, and of the United States, lhould
>e correßlv informed on a fuhieft ern
racing many important intereits ; r
Incomes rae to make you acquainted
l r h?i the progress and conclusion of a
| cafure, certainly of die firfb magni
lide to this country ; 1 fay of the firft
Magnitude. The wild, profligate and
Iftrußive spirit which was abroad, de
bralizirg the habits of the people and
Irrupting the sources from whence
it, order and beneficial polity were to
hw, has been at laid deft roved, toge
lerwith the fp-cnfitors who directed
irr all the pride- of their aristocracy,
.th all their hopes of aggrandizement
Id their fchems of pub’k plunder.
liey laid their rapacious hands upon
I* booty, but were furpnfed before
hy divided it: In truth they neither
we nor never have had pofleflion, nor
r rights of pofTelTion, nor the rights of
nperty in the territory, ami I hope &
ft they will never 1k are even the en
rment of it in common with us all.
Ld they Exceeded in their projeefs
•property and power ; a country e
taal in extent, superior in fertility,
yanmge# of climate and means of
commerce, to many of the Rates ami;
kingdoms of Europe, wotiid have*
been apportioned among a few, a rr-|
ry Jew, who would have called up the
fririt of feudaiifn from its burial place
in the old world to make the rich, the
Lords paramout. and the poor, the de
generate vafTals of the foil : such are
the consequences, pregnant with evil
incalculable which have been avoided
: the forefiglit, the patriorifm and
v Everance of rood men who have
* ° ,
never eeafed to defend the public liber-.
ty agaiuil the inroads of its enemies.
1 lie articles of agreement and refii
|on entered into with the United States
|are founded on tie ftridieft principles
of reciprocity. It is ‘a fair contract
concluded in f iirh between io
vereign and indep . ndent parties, un
iinfluenced bv any other motives and
w -J
directed to no oihei end but che ad
vantage of both. I'or twelve hundred
and fifty thousand dollars payable in all
reafoitable calculation in five years the
Irate of Georgia cedes to the United
stares, the territory comprehended
within eke boundaries of the United
| states, south of the Rate of Tt-nneflee.
j weft of a line beginning on the Cha.ta
ihocliie River, where it croflls the
!boundary between Spain *and the IJ
i J 1
biited States, and running up the fame
.River to the Creek called Uchce, from
j thence in a diredl courle to Nickajack
ion the renneifee River, and i uimino;
lup the Western bank oi it to the {bn
them boundary line of the Rate
of d'envefhe. The ifate retain-
Sirur and reiervino* to hcrlelf all
o o
Che lan dsficu at e and bet we e n lh c ea ft ‘r n
Ibotindarv of the ceded lands and the
temporary bfediidary line of the ilate 1
of Georgia ; and the United States j
un dcr t a king to extinguish, as ipeed ily |
uspoilible, the Indian claims to the j
lauds retained. In all probability this!
extinguilhment of claims will not be
e fleffed, but for a con sider able linn,
which added to 1,250,000 Dolls, will
make an aggregate consideration paid
by the United States for the fame ter
ritory, which a corrupt legislature
j would have fact ificed to Yazoo /pecula
tors for little more than one third of
the money.
The Legislature with'an almost unex
ampled unanimity ratified the articles
of agreement and ceifion, and as there
is noreafon to believe an extraordi
nary convention of Congrels will be
called within the time limited by the
commillioners, they may be confider
ed as binding and obligatory on the
parties forever. In confidence of chi?
a treaty lias been held and concluded
with the nation of Creek Indians, and
extinguishment of claims 10 part of
Tala flee County; 6z of the lanes 1 vino
-> t>
between t!ie Oconee and Oakrnulo-ee
rivers eftecTcd.* A land office will be o
pened at the ensuing session of the le
glike tore, and an equal divihon of thele
lands among the citizens Gs the flatct
will be attempted.
So far as the wilhes and expectations
)of the members of the laR general af
j iembly could be collected from obfer
| vat ion, I am happy to fay they were
j anxious for an equitable and just ap
portionment of the territory among
honest citizens,detenninedon an exclu*
iioa cf inoiiopolifts, and well disposed
to listen to the claim of the soldier who
had not parted with the evidence of
Ills title. Altho’ but a fmail portion
of the territory reserved is obtained,
by the late treaty, from the spirit and
zeal evinced by the commifhoners and
the accommodating dilpofuion difeo
vered bv the lndians themselves, there
exists no doubt but the kidkm title
will be gradually extinguifived and the
stipulations on the pai t of the general
government faithfully fulfilled.
Such Fellow Citizens are the allure
ments to increafmg emigration held ou:|
by the government, by the extended;
limbs and productive powers of the
Country and above all by the facility;
of commerce. That this opportunity!
of bettering their condition will be!
readily embraced by our countrymen!
of the elder States ; that the current offi
population and ‘veahh will be with us;
for a long time ; and that the power and
refpectabiiity of Georgia will be propor
tionablv augmented ; seems now to be
J* o 7
■established in the nature things.
Your Fellow Citizen,
* “T he TerritO'v cc'ted is ahour ‘■’O.oCOCQo, the
i etritoiy retail ed by G?or<jia about 40,000000 and
the lands towhicn the Indians cl.i ms nave beer ex
tinguiihed nearly to 3,000,000 of seres. Tc wit : j
1,000,001* in the Fork. <sc near 2 ; ooo,0ooin T 2I i a .lee.
- “*■■ *■ *
It is Lu:ehable to notice the arifto- 1
crats how thev labor to get the name!
republican—On all ore aborts them
selves di e callinp- themselves rcpubli
jeans, and it ill the poor creatures fcnd
jit iiftlefs labor. As for the name fe-
Ideralift. they hsve damned, and have
1 ihewn a aeiire to get rid of it. The
* A?
I people thinking it, with all the
; odium lately brought on it, too good
j for the aristocrats have agreed to de
. dine them federalifts, and
j have fubitiar:ed the name torv. 1 his
r-s vvhac confoundedly chap-rines. and
I , / O ‘
i dikippoints the ariirocrats. ‘I hey
j thought if they could once throw off
j the name federaliils, that it would be
; the easiest thing in hfe to be called re
i publicans. Having however not theii
I eyes a little open, they find that Bel*
j zebub himfelf Rands as much chance
jofgct*mgth cch ara <ft e v of ala in t, as
I they do that of republicanilin.
; (Hornet,')
I he desire of New-England tortile
the Union is not anew one —it is a ve
ry old one, and existed before the fe
deral government was yet in evidence
—there may perhaps be vet funburnt)
among the records *A the government,
a prqjctl of Jonx Fay's for ceding, by \
treaty, to boffin, the iovcmymv of
roe Mifikippi navigation. Has tills old
project, which was then ibpported
wholly by New-England, any rela
tion to the recent foiledtudes about
Louisiana ? \V hen the project of ced
ing* the Miflifippi to Spain was llm
O a l i >3
geited it excited great alarm in the
i’ouih, and the N c v\ r -En 2 lan J p Ao
jedors were induced to become the
oppofeis of their own project by a
threat to withdraw pro recti on from
the Fisheries. A venerable Senator of
the old confederation thus explained
the policy of the projectors—“ The
‘ ; ealtern Rates fay, let us prevent new
j l4 Rates from riling in the welt, cr
! e< they will out vote us, we shall
j'’not hold our present weight in the
I “ scale-—ls we do not shut up the
* 4 Milfifippi our countrymen will emi
“ grate to those places instead of go
ring to sea, and we iha]l lose our tri
‘* bute and our power.” Aurora,
1 he Bronzed Gazette of Saturday,
in the true Connne&icut ca'ii affects to
deplore the vileffi llander and the X) ” ’/ r ~
movs falx which produced the
ruin of the late adm imif ration, and
boldly a Herts that these Handers and
falsehoods have been over and over de
tected and exposed. We (hall repeat
a few of those faffs which are called
venomous and Ha micro us falsehoods,
and as we kavy never teen {nor any bo
dy die) tie refutation of them we
beg the vzoral and meek and challe lan
guaged youths from Connecticut, will
point out to the public when & where
they were proven to be fa!fe or slande
rous. Mhe following are a few of the
facts concerning the late administration
which remain eftabliflied to this hour.
1. The lust administration laboured
to involve the nation in a war, contra
ry to its true interests, honor, pros
perity and policy.
2 • They were hoftfie in theory and
practice to the principles of republi
can government.
j. 1 hey violated the laws in various
in Ranees, e. 7.
1. They disbursed piildic money with
out any appropriation made by law.
o. They kept up a handing army in
time cfpep.ce
g. They entered into a conspiracy a
tralirft an ally during a war, while wc
a to
V ere ;r peace.
4. 1 hey, ia violation oi liic eotiftitu
cion, and in contempt of the Senate,
entered into, and concluded a treaty,
without the advice or content of the
c. In violation c.f a law reftricTmo*
trade, they caused the fhrp Kingilcn to
leave port with merchandize.
6. The liberty of the press, rendered
sacred by the conflitution, ;hey vie
! lated.
it. They fanefioned the intrigues of a
I foreign minister; his cerruption of a
; fen2tor ; and connived at the escape of
the traitor.
8. They burnt two public ofEces, with
all the records of one, and part
of the other ; on their quitting oiß
9. They dictated to a |udge on
bench, and ordered the delivery oi
man holding the evidence of citizen
(hip, up to a foreign power.
10. They fanftioned the propagation
of terror and Rewarded violators of
the peace and the laws.
11. They fuffered vast funis of money
1 10 lie in the hand3 of public o i flceis, f 1 >\ *
jpurpofesof lpecu’ation, contrary to
] law.
jrv. They created numerous huecurc
places unauthorifed by the conilitiuion
or by law.
V. Tne y be do w ed such ofllccs 01.1
members of the senate to create influ
Vi. Contemned the rights and puvi
j leges oi Congress infuked in one of in
j members by military dependants on
the enecutive.
Vl 1 . 71 1 ey excited di vi fion, jca 1 ou{V
and difeord among the people, defio*-
natincr thole who did not approve of
their monarchal and arbitrary inea
fures as enemies, and by means of this
division attempted to ciftiave the na
Vi 11. 7 hey multiplied embalms with
out neceftlry, foi the emolument of
their families or political dependant s.
rX. They projected other embafiks
without reason or necessity, and with
a view to promote the hodile ilraLi
rems of the power* of Europe.
O - l
X. f 7hev directed neyoci at intis a ini
an tare din to treaties di igr aoefu I t o th e
independence and injurious to the rights
of neutral nations.
Mr. They to the dishonour of human
nature and in contradiction to the
glorious principles of the cangrefsX
1776, directed their a rub a Rad r
London to obftrurt the emipr
thole irifh patriots who eniuh
meric a in her refinance of e
wrorws ten thou kind times more
011s ; and refilled them an aiyk
these free and happy Rates.
Mil. They stirred up alarm, cz c.<
tenanted fictitious plots to deceive h
.American people into foreign or ch
Mxir. They encouraged arbitrary
power and a dispensation with t
right of trial bv jury, contrary to t. .
constitution and. die natw ai rights
man in society ; a Rretch of po -. ■
unprincipled as Robelpierian jir
upon no charge but fiifpicion, or
fiifpicion of being fufpefted.
XIV. They iallied orders to armed
veilels to make war, i?i a manner a■:
to an extent unauthorised by law o
any previous usage. Aur.ra.
Custom Houfr, Friday 20th Au yaffc ISO 2.
j\ FTER the chife of rhe ensuing week,
£\ ad Ronds due m this office, will he
final notice.
ALL persons that are indebted to
ths estate of John Zanc, dec. aredefred to
makr immfdiatf payment, and those that have de -
mands azainit that e-xate, are alk desired to reod* r
them duly au.s ed, on or bas re the first day of No -
vemher next,after that tinte I sh til apply to the court
ofOrdinary to be dif.mlTed from the Administr. -
August 19, 1 g 02.
’ .VJTiCh f
A LL pc rfons having any demands fcgakft the
Eftae of William Weft Fsq. Lte of Li berry
County, dectaf 1, are rrc u-ded to rr” ler ‘he fame q
MefT'rfi ]* v.z\ V/ ’uia Rote ts, at Riceborougti
or to the Sufcfcriber. /
AdminSrator. /
Sunfcury. AufuftjjQ i?©;, W