Newspaper Page Text
’ ! r*G AT ParLAJ.'SI.PHI A, 4 JULY, 18 CI.
NO m> .re to subtle ;:s a rrey,
’ v ‘";I ft* a” ulof thc*c* r of Jiy ;
t\ nation s i utn ’v a nil J ;
N entering or th’ au picioas nr.orn,
] i wM.h a pen; te’s hopes aie bor",
Yvhal jj) o’cifpreads :hc lam’ :
VO be p 1 eve A 1 portend'd harm,
And rais’d the ipirit of alarm,
>'nr rt rain of theend :
f • a.! vs a loft, the iKoPiect clear M,
A” * brqhi it ■of hope appear’d,
i r.c teopae’s clKnen inctid.
;■ )':votc : to his country’s cauf'*,
, nOus • Man and emu! I aw*,
His hollow’<J pen given :
And now tlioie Rights and Laws to favc.
i ;n n hnhiig to an early grave,
la? conies, employ’d by Heav’n,
‘v’hai io-.ful profpe£ls rife before !
’ ;•> e, At • and $• ienre hail om (here,
An ... through >he country
T V *
J c . nuv thcfe"bicftings benreforv’d,
And rv a virtuous iarul hoo#\ u,
\ * 4 •. jii pjb i- ivb"i oji iie. ••
C .1 O R U S.
; ’ tpt E, vt ot.itet, rejoice,
An.: jrm.ib the - trio? dime j
C.iir i by 3 nation's voice ;
* o Iv •, • his ecu try V fame,
A;d ‘..ili.a.e acre a ing fears,
tavua -£ j c.i ir. ••. 5 e.>., appears,
Rt every heart unite,
*1 eveoiful day to hail ;
AVhcr, Tom the Free men’s Right,
Ffie people’s hopes pr vail
I .at no.rco may horrid fiction ceab-,
/i si i.0..0r be maintain a wita FiiACE.
*K \RTFORD, July 29.
S! Rxcjtoy: —and a pod cu.
Deacon of a Church in a iTei^li
;ny/ rown a note* .I f devalijt, was
mol by one of mis r.rouaim.ance in ihe
T 1:01: t oi ji Me last, %\ ho enquired of him
where he was £oincr ? 7he Deacon
— 1 o
\ei y 1 cattily iutormcvl him to iiarlforcl
’ ‘ lit\ a iapply of Salt for las family’s
ui e, before the firft of July ; for after
tint time he laid Salt would rile ho
hf ;h tlia the dad 1 :>at expecfc to be able
to purchase any more : if hat will
1 cike it rile I)cacon, favs liis ncip;hbor:
It hv lays Hie Deacon, didn't von hear
what President Jeiferfm has been
cn*)ing : —I le’li certainly ruin ns, for ho of a’i the duty on the Ja
t iiV'y and ‘aid it on Sait.
■7//' t r. j t y,
‘’ o jojuj Fowler Esq. to his Conftitucnts.
oT 4 ih May, 1802.
Fellow Citizens,
TLIE fifion of ccvgrejs defied Lift night, and
-it might have been concluded before, had it not
t een tor a frivolous and frier aft mating oppoftticn
to the faint ary eta bis which we had before us,
>/7 which much time was wafted without honour
S’ the aft a tors, raid with no eft's el but the lefts cf
• • and money to the public. The ieft on after
ail has Irena Very important cne, much jh or ter
t* i'i :yfrft ft ft on of a fermet congress , and
muc v more has been axcon.piijhedfor the public
ft. Mere yft urn: at ion has been laid before con
<>/'■ 7 than n any for our cccajicn, and that
ay ft - ry tn w: h h all the operations of the execu
tive was herd of ere involved, has been entirely
The my oris oj the president at the opening cf
ihe !often, ift ah i r ajpeecb, Javcd the public
time and mo:: and [pav ed cone r efs in that early
Jtage the u> temper which a communication fto
dfte rent in its tenor Jr cm all that preceded it
hi’gbt have produced on tic he opposed to it.
‘1 he p incip a meafturos cf the JeJftcn have been
in with the [pint of that message
—a relied to tee ccmttkn cf ui ftts cud the di
vrnwicn of public expenditure, tb: abolition cf
‘■d.: s or pernicious offices and the redaction of
’ <em: ive patron ge, the repeal cf obnoxious laws
. *ind the abrogation oj grievous cr odious taxes ;
i’ : reform cl the revenuejyjlem and ihe inttitu
tn>n of cffeAvv: msafures for the certain difeharge
ft the whole public debt.
J give you as full a ft a: event cf the me ft
important transactions, as the limits cf a letter
w. I admit. “The msafures cf retrenchment 0/
tie public expenditure bad been commence J by the
p’-'j:dcnt before cur meeting to the a
itiourt of ----- - Dols. 16 i,ooo
During the fteftion congress
f/ilii’.L 1 t.'l f CiiijZl })i T<’ *
J 0
tVthC Vlh CV. ‘ S .*
fjlai i jlhicKt us i3or <z7 N
n O2 , .<54,c00
Ditto , wrv, 200,000
7 hitc, fortifications } ldc. 1 j 9,000
By tie neve organization if
\Dfjooiiiory. 45^000
/locution cf coinmiffitrter rs
revenue end ingerintendant
ifflmf!, 12,053
Diminution of and tr/natic ex
s i
fences, 21, coo
Dm.l/alien r r fcr:i>gn ages cics
A/.U Lj C(l7;._n, JC .^'CO
Ke auction cf ex foxes or. claims
fir o:rm nd / / ,TcV y, 5 5,000
rrh, a„ I 7 r
/T/ . ** // t- rc- • - t -> ▼ r
*” 1 c • y/v , * • 5 dO >
Retrench:: tits in Utile mere
than a gear under a ret mb
it can a.dr : rdf:re lie:;, 1,182,533
i c ci ■ ‘ - { > tchich haa recti delayed by tbs
for er e.t nr mi/ ration ter -party pur pc ics <ur’ ‘out
ff r\ . , ‘Zi'as mid before cc rgrefs in fans yjj/in,
and the i yy^rdement R fixed at the 1 aim of
y.cvo fcrfiKSy and to fade effect on and afto
Ire 4. bay of 7/iorcL next. Dice bcitfe o- npre 1. res uo - ther conj. fi of 1 4 i ? lend ers, ecitb
fre nr. Or ri of he new ft aie fu nit ci ly a hiv cf
1 is f ji/u, of the territory her!u-'ivcjl of ices (J
- , cm 0 this number our fate will have to
clfi: fix ti/ mln vs.
t h fir dicing hw payed thel/jl fejpon of con
ye/r. tn .1 h.armer nr fid: J rmitced th n.y commu
nications icith ay corfiintents at the time, zreas
r.s a matter cf fifties , repealed in the
prefer*, and ‘lnfixes renderi?vp the c ar.:
mors re [pec! rid*, fcue4 to :be pride tic ifarxifome
fun aberas noticed. Dbe repeal of this tan w>n
ref fed a itb cxl the zeal a,,d rid iu e cf pro iy,
hi both b/ufes of Con/refs, and the ftaU artifices
cf aiarrn were refined to without ary other than
ludicrous efic As. (Jar be fie was threatened
with a civil war, and the Senate with a tela:
difiolution cf JoAely, if the abb was repealed—
but the falfe prophets care neither confounded nor
afiearned ; end Corner:js have since contrived to
go on, without indeed so much clamour, tho with
a great deal cf trifling altercation , but with
m(Vchp. uCi i- 1- u(*oant aje . ■
I fciwitlfsanding , the whole of the [internal
taxes, excepting the tifeful , easy, and predict!ive
cfiabljhment cf ihe foil-office have been repealed.
The excise, so befiile to freedom, and Jo pernicious
and vexatious to cur own fiats, ccafcs cn the
fir ft cf Juki The ft amp tax,fie grievous in its
j operation and so repugnant to Ah. erican feelings,
\alfo follows tea merited cbiivkn. at the fame
! time.
The internal taxes altogether, produced but a
very jmall ftura, then ft they afforded ample
means for creating party dependants,ami it ought
net to pass unnoticed that the present govern
ment has voluntarily deprived it [elf of that fce
des of influence, which was attached to the pow
er if dtfmiffion at pie a fur e over above 1000
persons, including clerks. The internal revenue
altogether did net produce more than 900,000 dol
lars : of which little more than 600,000 ever
went into the treafiay, the difference cf course
remained in the lands cf the off dr s employed in
ihe allcfhcn,fo that about 30 0000 debars was
paid by ihe people to tax-gatherers, and we
cammoi forgot what use was made of thier agency
under the former cdmtniftration. Tea will, per
cii\e also that the retrenchments made in the an
nual expenditure as above fated , exceeds ihe
gross amount cf the internal taxes, more than
200,000 dollars and mere than the re-urns
into the treasury by 500,000 dollars.
Hand in hand with theft beneficial regulations
and reforms , prevision is made for the appropri
ation cf 7,300,000 dollars for ihe difeharge cf
the public debt in Lefts than- fix teen years.
The alien law puffed in the reign cf terror has
been repealed, and a liberal rule cf naturaliza
tion adopted , the period being fixed at fiveyears.
The advantages of this wife meajure mufti is
[enfibly felt by ail the l err: fates, particular
ty b y 6ii t oa. n.
In cur inter comfit with foreign nations,feveral
important reforms have a fto taken place. Jou
may nccllcll that the fir ft pretences for a rmzy
were formed upon the piracy of tree Algerines \
and that instead of protection, we were subj. sl
ed to enormous tribute, rot only by the Algerines,
cut by oiler barbarians. Tec present admini
stration feel the ignominy cf this tribvte , but
treaties ex ft, and treaties are rcfpelled . Some
prompt me.l fares among ihe firft ft the present
executive , have produced very fa in! ary effects on
those powers ; and me of oar i/. :ps has jujl ar
rived in the Potomac F; after an uffful crutfe ih
the Mediterranean , where our relations under
treaty are rendered much lefts expeyfive than here
The fuppressisn ft ths embassies to Portugal
and Holland, five to the public, l fide the inju
reis of dipmmalic intrigues , 21,300 dMars a
tilth Great-Britain a convention has been
concluded, and Congress have ratified and provi
vide-d fir its fulfilment, by which we are re lea fed
from the txpenftvt: end apparo.'f endU/s lUiga-
j tions r* :jh:g under it: f:xtb arlulc cf the trea:y
j unhappily negotiated h Mr, Jay. IF* are to
\j-:y Itcocco ftcrling , in fall d:jcharge cf a'i
. Ih; tie at! the f cover cf Eure tee we nr: a:
rev vrf) tolc, in peer e and friendjhip---felici
tous cureut cur cm: government and its perpetu
ation. and l do ing nothing to do with the concern:
cf ether nations, as vise zaijh to avoid their inter
fer-ug wifi curs.
Itzi'it; to he rvijhe.l the h'jl admirddratio:
} had pu: sued fueh a poluy— -it is pr cl able that at
\ a future dry Ccngrefs will find itself unavoidably
Uanpell and to bring forward tranfa ß ions rs this
nature that may / ! rp*sze the people in general.
Ac tub node has t een made about removals bv
‘he cxciktive , ; u 1 have taken every means ts
| difeowr the utmef extent of this, and indtei
j arn only dif-ppointed and regret that so much mo
| aeration teas oeen Jisezvn where Jo little is merit
\yd. 1 never cwfidered nor would any liberal
man corjider appointments made by Mr, Adams
after U e 1 2th December, lboo, as any ether
than party appointments ; they have been very j
a* U * -'by i ci: ten in the puttie papers rtvdnifbl <■?*>.
pt pit mev.ts : leaving the is cut of the ( t uefiion, the
/ cuoa. t ;,g iv ut i>t jo it aato t e tne exact amount
or removals cf pa fens commissioned ly the Vre
hdent if the Untied f tales : four diftriil alter
fii*~n >me ‘inatj.ais, tivo persons rejlored *<-
ff,ce who had teen tiifnaycd jer ref tying to sign
addref'es, nine removals in various l ranches cf
revenue ccbletilun, making in all only twenty
four—-there were eight disn- ifjals from office fa
various kinds cf waiver fallen, ddiuiu.ncy , ex-1
torticn , or odiousorduA .
There is cn: oiler circurafiance which J rn:iy\
notice, ana then J jhall conclude ; a ruction was
made in an early part cf the jessien tc enquire \
1 HtC tc n iout.,s cl -.fa/. j /i ££} my 101 t/isriv ft- 1
crctan of fate, His friends at Jtif eppoj'cd
it, but without efjcJ ; they then carried a mo
ld nJo t making me enquiry general, and a ccui
’ nit. c e w* -. i.u.'i.. 1 r y dwo re—
iports from that committee have been hud before
Ccngrefs by which it appeals that enormous ulu
ses have lean trad fed and the particulars flat
d, It appears among ether things that the late
1 ‘ref dent ordered Iccrcr lor vice money to be
distributed, cmd ones ran to the Senator of the U.
States from Pennfyi vania. The dec aments ac
panying the tafi report are voluminous, and will
take fcmi days to print them : but the general
ref nils art such as I defer ibe ; and lam a Cured
that matiappropriations and defalcations cf se
veral mil lions of dc liars will be brought to tight
by this inviftlgailoiu
These ace the principal features of cur pro
ceedings in this Jess ion, during which we lave
puffed 53 public and private laws.
Plcafe to accept the assurances of high refpefi
and regard, from
Tour obedient servant,
Mdv 241 b. 1 3 >2.
npH AT separate proposals will be received at the j
jj Orfi eof the Secretary for the Department o! |
:VV ar until the expiration of the 31 ft day of July next j
enfiring, for the supply of all rations, which may he j
required for the use t>‘. the United Stages, from the j
lit dav of October, F;O2, until the 31st dav of Sep i
1803, both days incluhve at the following plat e 5 j
First. Ar Niagara, at Detroit, at Ivlichiiimaci- ■
nac, and at Fort W ayne. j
Second. At Cincinnati and Sain’ Vincennes.
Third. Ar Fort MzFac, near the mouth of the 1
Ohio, and Kafkafkias.
Fourth. At South Weft Point, Tellico, TCnox- j
ville, and on the road from Knafhville to the line he- j
tween the Chickafavvs and Choctaws, a;,d anv place
or places w’here the troops are or may he ttatior.ed, j
marched or reciuite’j within the state of Fenneilec. |
Fifth. At the ChicLalaw bluff, Nat> F'7, Inin
Adam - , Mobile, and on the road from Natchez to!
ihe bouudrv line between the Choctaws and Cnicka-I
taws, ru’d at anv place in the Chick Raw or Unociaw j
country, between Bear Creek and Natchez.
SE Pdk.4 IE progijuis v:itt etjq be received as cforeft.ud,
fsr to*’ Juprii (,[att rations which may le requit ed tsr
the use or da Vtided S.Jtes, from ihe Ift day oi fianu
an 130 >, unit, the 5 \Si day of December in the fame
fear, both days in iuj:vf, within the feveralfiatei
here .*? a iter rnentu :td, v,z.
Six h. At Forf Wjikinfon, at Cockfpur island,
and at any place or places where troops are or may
|he hat! med, inarched or Jecruitcd within me State
|of Ge rgi a. ;
Seventh. At Chari .(ton, at Rocky Mountain,Jon (
t : e head wafer; of the Santee, and at any plate or .
n’accs where troops are cr may be Rationed, march- !
ed or recruited within the States or Scuth and Nor h j
Eighth. At Norfolk, and at env place or places;
! where troops are or may be flatioiud, marched or |
recruited within the State of Virginia.
Ninth. At Fort McHenry and at any other place j
or places where troops are or may fta i >ned c-r
marched orrecruited within the fD'e of Maryland. 1
Fen h. At Fort Mifflin, and at any place or 1 la-y
res where troops are or may be stationed, marched
nr recruited within the dates of Pecnfylvania, New-
Jerfew*and Delaware.
Eleventhi At Fort Jay, at Weft-Point, and any j
place or places where troops are or may be station j
ed. marched or recruited within the (tale of New- ]
York, excepting Niagara.
Twelfth. AtFoit Trumbull, at Fort Wid cot •
and at anv place or places-wiierc troops are or may \
he ftadoned, •marche.i or recruited withiu the slates j
Conncvticitf, *nd v etnucn..
i Hutcerah, Ar ] ort Independence, {'Boftonhar’ A
bf)i;r) ar.d ?“any place or p.'accs where troops arc or fl
may be ftationeci, marched or recruited within ti e U
Stateo: .Maoichufetis, the JjftriSt of Maine except-
} o’jrteen'h. AtPortfmou h, at Portland, and at H
anyplace or places where troops are or may be ft a- fll
tinned, (rarefied or recruited within the State of N. H
:lampihirc and Diftria of Maine. TM
A ta‘:o:i ro cc?n"tit cf eighteen ounces of bread
Hout, ( r when r,either can be obtained, cf one
or k ter, nr cue and an hair pound of Sifted or
imintn mta , or c pound and a quarter of beef, or 3 M
quarters of a pound cf pork, one gill of rum, or M
wh.skeyor brar.dy, and at the rate of two quarts cf
la.', four of feut pound cffoap,and fj
oi'C p and and an half of candles to every hundred P
rations. Ihe or the lev end component parts v
o. tne ration, as v\ell as iuhftitutcs ar.u alternatives,
mu ft be fpecihea. Jfl
ihe radons are to he furr.iihed in such quanti- |
tier, as that there ftuii at all times, during the J
term of tne propofeu contracts, be fufneient for ■
confump ion id the troops at Alichilimacinac, V ami Niagara tor fix months in advance ; and ■
at eachr of the other -efts on the western waters, for fl
ar let It irirt-e monies in advance, of goini 5c whole- H
fonte, it .he fame (hall be required. I: is fl
•*do to ‘•*-* ptm sou.. to ad ur.J every of the comman- Jfl
or .f eu ) ‘aces, or posts ro call at feafoiu M
vinca t” c ij.CiC can be traniperted, or at any *Une fl
m thi re; or urgency. ’>• h fupplics cf like pr^viliouS
m H’.v.irceas ;n rhe uuc:c;ion c.f sue commandant
Hull he pr. p.-’. It to be understood.
.hi...- -• .ctoi I- tj beat the *‘lc of it
fulng theiuDt lies to iht: troops and .that all Jcftcs ful-^fl
tamed by the Cop!cdatione of an er*mv, or by t
mcdies in the tit-ops of the Unite:* States, fhal! ! rHS
for by a Untred btaes, at ;he price or
article captured or destroyed, cn the of H
r \v.> 14 i1 ie r■“ cicint .oie w,;ao.eigpo the
of the uitcEs fur whten t mpeafaiun fhail be:^ a:is ‘* H
‘The nr ‘.lege is to be m beis:ocli to be referred flj
to the LJf-.i u! States if teqtiring Jj..t nor e of the flj
iu r pl;es wii.cji may be turmihed IiBW any of
piopofoi c ei': oh, (bah be blued ildii the
w hich nave tn on or may be be fun pied con-flB
•racts now in t.,rce, have been cor turned, V nL * ; *‘*acH
a 1 apply i•. may be alvvats Wquired\SlJ >’H||
of the b.vt-d post, on the leaboa-e or I diau
not exceeding thr c months. j \
of War.
For carrftfy Mcdds jf the L . :S- t j, e g s M
Lowing ts oft-K tads, will he -.a %\. it the Gener\
PcJlcfide it: IVa fit ngt on, until the ■■ day oh fail
i.tai M
1 N G E O R G I ... I
4S. hi> nf Wafaington by Bun ‘%a , s, T z.cXina
ton, Athens p.nd Clarksburg, to Jackon c. h. oni
a week ; leal;* Washington every U edne/duy atl
A. 1.1. i ad at ~-u'kfon c. h. ojf i uefday byl
P. M.— j.ickkm c. h. everyriday at 6 J
M. was ut/iJ. V. .tbi* ici\ tii S* jrday bv ‘di
iVi * j J
xS U rs o.
i. The i Ml- Al-lici v er.etal itay expediteH
1 kid and alter the time -I auival and departure aH
ny time during the continu.-nce of tj.e cOntrrcf,H
previously an autqualb compeniati*
I bur any extra ckpence tl.a: may be oicahczed the™
I by* j I
! 2. r ifteen minutes fbu.l be alloVved for epenij
1 .mu cioimg the manat ail ofTices uije.c no partfcl
j iar time i. Ficdicd. M
3. For every Thirty minutes delay (unavoldaß
| acudeiUs <xceptcd) in arriving ?f:er the tr®
| preferibed in any contradl, rtrv.ior fhali M
ro-it one dulkjx 1 ucl it the <<v! ccn u.uc until ■
‘departure ci snv depending v>„ u ‘ -i hv.- the
jdeftined tor such depending r 3
Uitioi. ai i./tk.t J!of ii ve and ’ - • > fl l ;t.,t
4. xsi ewi: apei s as well as e te 1 Hie to
’ the niail j a y nerfbn in.. rropol.ds, <’.• f;re*
, carry Rewfpapers other than thole conveyed infl
mai', lo; h.-. own emolumet , he must date his {■
; oi.a 3, ■I. wuat lu .1 •it ui carry it with
ernoiu nent, and ijr v. nar iarn without that e.
lament. H
5. Should any rerforts making propofal.s, defirg
xltcia.ion oi the tm e- < r arrival and departure
ibecifiec, he mult fta e -ins prcpofals the alt®
tions deiired, 1. J rite ditfetencc tney win mak®
the terms or his cd. fl
6. PerfoLi making proposals are desired to .®
cbeir prices by me jx:. i hod* \,ho con.racl H
receive li cit pay quaiteriy, m ti.e months or .H
A'tguft and Novumber,*.-. e int nth after
uuaiion of ea* h quarter.
7. No other than a tree white peifcn
employed t,' convey the mail.
u, Where the proposer intends to
mail i 1 the body of a itage carriage, he h
ft ale it in his proposals.
q, lhe ih it Ala tier General rtierves to
the light of dec]a r ihg any ccntracl at an t: ii fl®
•ever diree failures happen, which
infs of a trip each.
t.i. B'ne <.o. tracts <. i ihe above routes a’C t®H
oner-d ion to .he fit it day of October next ; ■ ih|®H|
tne lit ft ty.cmy-U'ur routs are to continue in
for one vear bum th-t time, and those
from twenty rive tu q>: are to continue unH
j l ft cay of .riaicn I^o3.
P.d (lateral. V |^H|*. : . d-Oj/iii, IP*ten City, fluty 2, msffl
THIS is to forewarn any p?fll
per sons whatever, from trade! ng
recuivlnp a Nore i.f Hand for One
Jars, crawn by \'v ilihm H Roberts, in DeiHH
4 ooi,and m..dc payable to Curtis k Blount,
tint day of January, as the laid X(®
. oecii folv 01 imsiaic.
Curtis oc Blount Hdl