Newspaper Page Text
Citrous Oxyde,
‘Commonly Called
exhilarating gas,
WILL be exhibited !>v Mr. CHARLES, at
the Exchange, on Tuesday, fihe Ist of
January,) and on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
ami Saturday following, for the Last time.
A grand Panorama of the town
and Environs of
jß®oir®sj o
An Explanatory Key of the l’anoruma is to
[be had at the place If Exhibition.
• The hours of Exhibition are, from 9 o’clock
in the morning, till 5 in the evening.
Admittance to the Gas and Panorama, 50 cts.
Children half price. 46 ■ dec 31
The Last Week !
Mr. W BLANCHARD begs Leave to in
form the Ladies and Gentlemen of Savan
nah that his Company will play every evening
this w> ek, on which occasion they will bring
forward the greatest variety of performances
ever exhibited in this city— consisting of)Math
ematical and Philosophical Experiments by
Mr. biAxcmni).
Olympic Exercises,
i !••; Master GEORGE.*
Miss ELIZABETH, the flying phenomenon,
will perform on die slack wire and conclude on
the Tin/it tirjie
lA variety if Sentimental and Comic Songs
Grand Feats es Activity,
Mr CHARLES will .perform liis surprising
feat of
Swallowing Three Swords.
The- whole to conclude with M'-s. BLAN
CHARD’S Grand Performance on the Tight
•ltdpe, and conclude with Dancing a Pan Seal,
In Fetters.
Clown to the Tight Rope, Master CHARLES.
Tickets nt ihe reducetl p"iec of 5 0 Cents. Chil
dren half price. Performance to commence at
7 o’clock. Tickets to be bad at the Bar.
dec 31 46
Throughout n andpract;. j
cal anti and Compo
The exercises of the sUbscrib,-rs school will
recommence on the 2d of January *
The subscriber will on that day commence
giving lessons in all the various branches of
Cbirography, on a highly approved s_ stem, now
tauglil in Charleston, and brought U> a very
high state of perfection. The course consists
of thirty lectures, Os one hour per day. Young
Ladies and Gentlemen will be furnished with
separate rooms.
Terms, §2, the course, and found in station
ary, §2 50. Hours from IV to 2 o’clock.
Lectures will also bi giver, on Practical and
Philosophical Grammar and Composition, at the
same time. The course w ill consist of forty
Lectures, of one hour each, at §5 he course,
jin that period, ins pupils will be made a per- ,
feet masiev of Grammar; and wall faci.ity an
swer every objection that may be advanced a
gainst the generally adopted method ofinstruc
tion. Composition will also be attended to, so
that they may practically understand tlie science. .
Penmanship and Grammar will be taught to
gether or separately, as may be desined; and as
the time thus employed, will not interfere with
the usual hours of schools, and the terflis so very
low. induces the subscriber to hope, that fhany [
persons will cinbuace the present opportunity ‘
of arriving in a very short time, to, a very high
state of perfection in.two very important bran
ches of education. His best cllorL will be used
to benefit Lis pupils.
ills Evening School will open on the same
•lay from 7 to 9 o’clock
dec 31 46 KIOS. FOLKEU.
* Jhs day which comprises ail the branches
of education ccr.monljMfcmglit in a regular a
c.ademy, is §ll per qBLr *
]landing from sloop packet,
A NO for sale by MOSES .Vt MORGAN,
LX. Market square,
2 pipes Holland Gin
3 bhds Jamaica Burn
2 pipes fust quality Cognac Brandy
9 hlids 1 pipt and 2 bbls Rye Gin
5 bags Coffee
5 barrels Sugar
5 do smoked Beef
7 boxes men’s l!ajs *
4 firkins best Goshen Butter
—ALSO— •
A general assortment oj Saddlery,
made in New-York, warranted AH orders cx
, cnled here Apply as above gi dec3 1 |
Gin, Raisins
Just received per scltr Geu Hauies,
50 bbls Kutenburgli Gin
25 do Clarke’s do
Hi boxes Muscatel Raisins sup qualify
60 do bloom
10 bbls Greenings in prime order
Vor sale by 46 S. M ANTON.
sf, V* INi V -ut c ooxuj Cioap
JL 20 do rose do
1 bale Russia Sheetings
Oilcloth Carpeting
3 Giecii.n ‘ota
# 1 (.ig ami Flirness For sale by
r dre 31 46 1 lIANMER
4 GENTLEMAN (well known in this city)
ff\_ intends going to New-Orleans in the schr.
Etna, Capt Finney, to snl the last of next week,
and will attend to the s;.te of Negro’s that may
be shipped by her, therefore, persons having
any to ship will do well to profit by this opportu
nity. For further information apply at tlie
Counting-room of wU lT & SMETS, or
dec29 s ISAAC COUEN. ,
Found —a bag of Coffee, oh
Saturday'Last, which the owner can obtain by
giving the real mark and paying tlie expense of
advertising Apply at Duffy’s
flee, corner of M'uVgomerv and West Broad
streets, opposite the Steamboat wharf. 1
dec 51 46 ‘ F.Da AKI) DUFFY.
The Subscriber offers for sale, j
ffIMIREE thousand bushels of heavy rough i
.1 HICK.
dec 29 45 ‘‘ ‘ JOSEPH STILES. 1
For sale , ‘Freight or Charter ,
The substantial fast failing sloop
iSjjjjf PACKET, lleebe, master, three years
old, ninety-six tons burthen- For terms, apply
to the captain on board, or to
A. MOUGA M, .ToTies'sapper wharf.
Landing from said StooJ, ft ml for Sale as above,
It) hhds Jamaica iltim
4 pipes froUand Gin
4 do Cognac 14 randy
30 boxes Bloom Ruisi/is
20 firkins Goshen Hatter *
12 barrels Cranberries
1000 wt Hams
5’ 0 do Smokotl Dee f j§
10 lit’ bbls Upmarket Beefy
25 bbls Flour.
dec 31 46
For freight or Charter.
The staunch sclir VISITOR, capt Sil
vesicr, burthen 7*oo barrels Apply on
board, or to MITCUEL &. BARTLETT,
dec 31 46 s
’ For Liverpool,
200 Bales are vanted to fill the fine
gtfSgf, ship WTLHKL.MIXA, capt. Wilson, to
sail in a few days. Apply l<
For Providence,
The regular packet sclir. GENERAL
all? HaWES, ,I Paine, master, will sail on
Ist January. For freight *n deck, nr passage, ,
apply to S WANTON, Mice's ‘whwf ,
IVhohas for sale. Landing-from said schooner, .
15 bbls No 1 Mackerel v
20 do No 3 tin
20 casks Lime
15 do Potatoes. dec 28
For Havre ,
fJEt The fine British bi-tf* SPEEBWF.LL,
capt. Bathgate, a first class vessel, will
meet with despateh. lor freivy lit of 400 bides
Cotton, apply to
For Nerv- ? ovh,
s.iiiH'V The rc S’’^“ r packet brig NATIVE,
.SgiL C. Cole, master, will treet wit I, des
patch. For freight or passagn, having good ac
commodations, apply to rapt- G. on board at
Jones’s upper wharf, or to II ALL tk HOY F.
dec 25 42
For Boston ,
Sxjoßl The regular packet brig FRANCES,
capt Fosie:— for fi eigh- of 50 bales un
der deck, or 109 on deck, apply .tothesubscri- •
her on Williamson's wharf. ‘
E CRANE, jr. t
Landing font said brig, stile,
K Urge lih is St Grouse Sugars
ICO bags green Coffee
6 tons Swedes wagon tire Iron, IJ, 1$ L
2 inches
50 bbls Boston mess Ileef, put up for fam
ilies use .
200 reams Wrapping Paper
150 boxes Soap
100 do Cm ’ies ftifek
50 do Cod Fish
50 do Muscatel Raisins >sodays from
20 jars fresh Malaga Cl rapes 3 Malaga.
For JVTw - York.
The n e v packet Ship CRN. CAIt-
KINGTON, Thomas Wood .Master,
Will have immediate despatch, liri intone halt
licr freight engaged, for the resid .ie or passage
having good accommodation f, apply to Capt.
\V. on board, at Jones’ upp* was. or to
dec 22 ri Al .h ft MOVT.
For Liver pool,
The superior fast sailing ship AMF.R
fffejClCA.Wnllace. master, will be despa’ch
ed immediately tor freight -><*soo halts cotton,
It'uohave for
60 ldtds first quality N’eiv-Orleaiu Sugar
200 bbls Siipierflre Flour
100 do S York new Cecl
4 pipes Cognsr Brandy
2 pipe* super}ir old. Madeira Wine
Coils Hale liope, Inverness and Dundee
Tea, Green Coffee
100 tons flint shine Hal last
Vote tier.
70 kegs JI’OtVDEU, received from tbe
500 camiisters $ Vulcan anti Stone Mills, j
which ive warrant to be equal to any in this
market —for sale by b.II. S .VC'G t£ CO.
dec 27 _ 43 _______
Sperm Oil, Candles &c.
15 Ebls host Strain'd Oil,
lloxes Sperm Candles
Half bids Pickled Tongues Sc Smok’d do Fly-market llee'f, Kegs Hotter, mess Beef
and Pork, together with a Gill assortni?t of
Groceries & Provisions
For Sale afiNo. 23 Holton’s iiungeby
dec 29 i.45 CLAGHOKN &■ HASSKTT.
Corn & Lard.
* 2500 Bushel C irri
. 20 Kc .s hard—on b';JH*d Schr. De
!ieht-in-Peacc,--For Safe by
h. H. S ACK Jc Cos.
dec 29 45 /# > tor /Vs Wharf.
. JSoiv Land it ig -
Est ROM on o< ard the schr Gen. llj.wes, from
20 bids Gin, 10 do N K r?um
30'tubs butter, put up expressly forfamih
60 bills Potatoes [ use
30 do Ahplcs. For sale by
U. F. ‘A’ AYLOIi,
dec 28 i 44 Hire's Wharfs
Mc % -
21 bbls ALK, landwvg from brig Native,
For sale by C C GltlS i\ b l.b & CO. .
In Store for sate ns- ti Aot'",
90 bbls prime beef
280 do superfine Flour
50 kegi Richmond Tobacco
50 boxes Soap
50 do Candles
8 firkins Goshen Rutter
20 bbls toaf Sugar _
3 Marble Chimney riecec dec 27_
Fortmit /Painter. ;
inrAS returned to Savannah, and will engage
i fiiim the line of his profession cl uri ng the sea
son, at his former apartment, in tbe -dwelling*
! house oast of the State Bank, Johnstnr’ ; *o. m re.
1 dec 29 145
AN Address on the subject of Missions will
l be delivered before the Voting A fen's Atis
’ sionary Society of Savannah, by Air. S. L. Fair
field, anil a Collection made for the benefit of
the Society, on Wednesday Evening next, 2d of
, January, at 7 o’clock, at the Methodist Church.
The public is invited to attend.
The .Members >f the Society are notified that
immediately aflt-r the Address is delivered
their Quarterly Meeting will be held at the
same place. By order of the President,
Homes Tufpbr, Ret. sec'ny.
dec 29 , c 45
Coffee and Sugar.
50 bag.> prime green Coflee
SO hlids prime New Orleans Sugar
Landing from brig Helvirtere, for sale by
dec 27 JOHN LATHKOP k Cos.
Cheese, Ale §c.
JUST Landing, from Barque Spartan,
20 casks Superior Cueese
20 bbls Law Si Bevredges Ale
20 do Whiskey
* 100 bags Potatoes
And in Store, Buckwheat and Corn Meal, j
Goshen Butter, a general assortment of Groce- :
rics and Provisions, for Sale on Liberal terms)
6 dozen Fancy Chairs, for sale of above,
dec 25 s 42 Taylors Wharf
Boots and Shots,
fj|5HE subscriber has just received by the la ,< ' 1
S. arrivals From New’-York and Boston a large j
assortment.of F ots 81 Shoes selected parlieu-i
larly for Country Market, Viz:
1000 pair Ladies’ black .Morocco Siips
300*do do do do Waking [,
500 do do Uonns - L
300 do do I,either welted
300 do do do Pumps
200 do do col’d English Kid
100 do do white do do
100 do do black Morocco Boots
UOO do Gent’s, fine wax’d c.-.ifskin Shoes,
sewed, nailed and pegg’d
500 do do do do Bootees nail’d
3uo do da Morocco Shoes do
300 do common.lin’d & bound do do
290 do do Bootees do
2!’o do Negro Shoes do 1
200 do Misses black Morocco Slips 1
100 do do do do Walking
100 do do Leather Pumps 1
300 do Childrens col’d More. Shoes
i'Uj do do do do Bootees
■IOO do do do do Shoes 1
Black and’colored Morocco Skins
* Hair Trunks and Day Si .Marlins Blacking I
Which will be sold low by the package or doz- ]
111. lor cash or city acceptances only.
doe 22 40 Jfo •Ik side the JUarket. jl
Potatoes , Rutter, §c.
50 bbls Irish Potatoes
10 do Prime Beef ,
. 10 do Pilot Bread
1,5 firkins Butter
6 half bbisT Gibbono Fly market Reef
20 boxes Soap |
10 do fresh Raisins
400 pair Negro Shoes
Sounds and Tongues, Cranberries, etc. 1
For Sale by NEWMAN &. BLAIR,
dec 28 n 43 - Exchange Wharf
Fishing Seines.
THE subscribers oiler for sale, Four Fishing
Seines, 80 to 100 yards in Le gth, 18 feet
in t’>e middle and 12 atibe ends.
dec 25 e 42 \VM TAYLOR & SON.
Douglass EF Sorrel , 1 1
HAVE for sale —New Maryland white flint
100 barrels prime M iscovado Sugar
10 hlids do N O do
14 bbls Loaf Sugar -d Low prices
10 pipes Colmenur Wine
A few lihds of prime Havana green Coffee
200 bbls Howard streei flour, selected for fam
ily use
120 do Baltimore Rye Whiskey
6 tons Bar Iron
Tlo'dow Ware
Spanish Segues
Several very handson e Oil Cloth Carpets, dis-,
■ ferent sizes
Spanish Tobacco, &c. h 44_decJ?8_.
Plains, Flag Handkerchiefs §c,
5 bales u hite Plains
2 cases superior Flag Itandkfs.
Just received and for sale by
dec 23 -45 . BAKER fc MiNTON.
Just Landingfi nn brig Native
or n firkins choke Butter
25'*/ 15 -ibis do Civler
12 bbls Apples
15 boxes Muscatel Raisins
25 and Digby Herritig
4 casks Cheese, for tale bv
Enquire at the Store oj J l‘er,field 9 Cos.
* ■ * jko
• Whiskey, Pork, &c.
220 bbls best Rye Whiskey
50 do prime Pork
20 casks Csshcn Cheese
30 firkins do Butter, in double firkins
20 casks Shot, assorted sizes
20 hf bbls ny market Beef, warranted j
2 C springs Leather top Gigs with pla
ted Harness
L.aß'hng from brig lief -deri at Taylor’s wharf,
for sale by C 0 C.IIISWOLD a Cos.
decJ27 43 ,
Tj. 11. Sage Cos.
* IFTY chests and half chests Hyson lea
50 bags Coffee . ,
20 pipes India Point Gin
150 bbls mess and prime Beef
50 do prime Pork
.50 bbls Sugar, .superior quality
u) kegs No 1 and 2 mmufactured Tobacco
20 M superior Spanish Segura
100 M American do
50 bbls Cider
J 100 boxes mould Candles 53 do Soap
20 firkins Butter 1000 bushels Corn
£0 boxes fresh Raisins
With a general assortment, of GROCERIES,
and ec 27 43
# Just;* deceived,
f I'M IK Georgia slid‘South Carolina Almanac-,
I. for 1822, containing much useful informa
tion both of a private and public nature, —neat’
ly printed. For sale at the Museum Office coun
ting room, by the gross, dozen'or single. A li
beral discount made to those who purchase by
the wholesale. dec 19
Pure Old Jamaica limn, EFc.
18 punclin’i, received direct frm Liverpool,
per ship Jane, very high proof and well flavor’d
20 pipes very superior cogiiac Brandy, 4lh pf.
10 do Holland Gin—unadulterated
Madeira, Sicily Madeira, Tepcrifi'c and
Malaga Wines
.Rulenburg Gin in bbls
20 bbls Balt, rye Whiskey, old and 4th pf. i
20 hlids old N O Sugar, prime quality
20 bbls St. Crp'x do
20 do Loaf and Lump do
Hyson, gunpowder, imperial & black Teas:
100 boxes F Doolittle’s So .p, Ist quality
50 do Conoer’s Troy Caudles
50 do sperm do
Patent Shot, Nos. 1,2, 3,4, 5, 6,7, 8, f',
10, B. 88.
Mould Shot, S. SG SSG. and SSS.
Bar l.ead * . j
Dupont’s Powder, direct, from the mil’s—
FF. and JFK.
20 boxes fiesti Muscatel Raisins
30 half bbls Buckwheat Meal
50 bbls mess Pork
20 iif bbls T. Gibbons’ F'y-maike*. Beef ;
Patent Hoes, Nos. 1, 2,3 and 4
Beers’ Axes —best American Spyides i
Richmond Tobacco, Nos I and 2
Spam.h Segars, Ist and 2d (ptaliiy
Writing ami wrapping Paper
With many other articles, comprising a gen- j
eral assortment of Groceries, fhr sale in large
or small quantities on accommodating terms, !>v
dec 24 nt4l Ex change Stores.
TkfEtniiJ eUeT
Three doors'south of the City Hotel,
r bis friends and the public in gene'r
-8 al for tlie large support he has received in
tliis city since he commenced business. He
takes tltis opportunity to offer
Just received from England and the north, of j
the most fashionable
C list Pun THAN’
Extra superfine boys’ Water.oo Coats, full silk
trimmings, at llieJow raie of Sls
Fine and extra fine black Divas Coals, !fom gtfi
Extra blue Saxony clo. H'lO, ;iOd upwards
Extra fine and superfine double mill’d fashiona
ble Pantaloons, of all colors, from jg 4 to 12
First rate gentlemen’s fine white li.tfcu Shirts,
from g i 75 to 4
French Florentine Waistcoat*,
Extra quality English do. new pattern, £5
Blue m.d other colors Surtoirts, 512 St Howards
Extra fine Waterloo Coats, full trimm’d w ith
silk §22
Gentlemen’s knit Drawers, from 62i cts. to §2
Merino do. Shirts, from §1 to 1^
Superfine lamb’s w’ool Socks, 3 p ‘if for §1
Little hoys’ Gi eat Coats of all ‘color', §3J
Misses’ Polices from §4 to 6, scarlet, colors
Fcarnaugkt Great Coats, §SJ and upwards
Warranted extra fine water proof Hats, §8 •
Imitation Heaver*, §3
Boy’s Hats, §IJ
Blue, black, buff anti white fashionable Waist
Large size silk Umbrellas, from §2J to 3 J
Extra large size tartan plaid Cloaks, with two
Gentlemen’e Silk Stockings at g . J
Ladies’ and gentlemen's patent elastic silk
Stockings at §2 per pair *
Cases fine and extra line Irish Linen, from 25
to 87 J cents
Cassinicre PantalcOns nt §8 j
A great quantity of
Consisting of Jackets and Troupers, froth S*i
to 6 a suit
Superfine gentlemen’s Bearer Glove3, 75 cts
iiov 30
a. l. muting;
At die sign of the Mig Hoot, Afirlh side Market
* Square,
lIT|.VS just received per Gen. Carringti n from
ills New Vork,
1 trunk Men’s fine Shoce of a superior qua!.
2 do satin le prunelh Slips, heels and springs
of a variety of patterns
I do white kid very fine, springs and heels
1 do undress Moroc. do do do
1 do walking Shoes do do
.1 do Morocco Slips do do do
* AI.SH,
Servants Shoes of every description, to- j
gelher w'jtli a complete essptfments of Men’s,
Wi men’s and Childrens Shoes suitable’for town
pr country Irade.
In store, 200 pair Negro Shoes, first quality,
de. 22 j n§ 40
Mahogany Furniture,
Piano Fortes, Curlal Hair Matrasses’
Feather Heck , Chairs, &v.
rltllK subscriber, agent for tiie well known !
.1 Factory or D. PIIVV'F., in iho city of New-:
York, respectfully informs the citizens of Sa-1
van- all, that he has brought to this city a huge j
h full assortment of'U AIM NET FURNITURE,;
consisting oftlie following articles :
Side Boards, with and without Liquor Cases
Sets of Dining ‘Fables, single do.
Sofas and Couches, Rosewood a id Mahogany
Pier Tables, witli marble tops, C trd Tattles
Tetv Tables, Break'ast Tables, Dressing Ta
bles, with and witliou’ glasses
Rosewood and-Maiicgaiiy Work Tables
do do Writing do
Secretaries, Book Cases, Bureaus
Double and single Wash Stands, Ward Robes
Build’s’ Trays and Stands, Piano Stools
Music Book Cases, Mahogany Chairs
Curled Maple do, Rosewood do.
High post Rosewood Bedsteads, Field do_
do do Mahogany do. Field do.
do do Curled Maple do field do
Dressing Glasses, of every description
Piano Fortes, the newest Music, ike.
Double and sing 1 w curled i:u Matrasses
do do fevihev Hcdsol he best quality
A liege assortment of Chairs.
Alt the above articles w-ill be v. intuited to
stand ;he climate, and Hie subscribe, invites the
public generally to call am) view fort <cmsclves
at his Repository,
Cliwih liuildinSn, o'lpente Gibbons’ Buildings.
N. B The subscribei has brought out one of
the best W.M'knv n, and will attend to those who
wish their Furniture repaired or varnished,
nov 12 6
ALL person* having demands against th< es
tate of G. U. Richardi Widow late of Cam
den County, will hand them in properly attest
etl, and those indebted to said estate are reques
ted to make immediate payment
1 • -• JOHN C. RICHARD, Executor.
| St. Mary’s, dec 23 !■“'* AS
P,y Baker § Minton ,
TIIIB DAY, Irtinst. at It o’clock,
In Jeon', of the Con. t liou.c,
>3 Negro Man, 33 years of age
: and a good workman—for an approved note at
; 99 days-.
Bv J. Jl. Herbert § Cos.
1 TO.MORHOW, 2d inst. at half past 10,
Will hi sold on Mutton's Central whit’s,
j 12 pipes 4th pntuf flfnamly, of A
; choice quality. ‘Terms at time of sale.
By J. Jl. Herbert Cos.
THIS DAY, bt wst.
i UHI he soldh Jure the Court, t <e, btgteeen th’
natal hows,
2 Feather Hods and Bedding
1 doz hiiver Spoons
Sundry ai t'dies of wearing apparel
2 tiuikstic, the. personal property of
; Mirlc Eierbeo, deceased, liy order ol the Ad
■ mimsttator.—Terms Cash. .
| By J. II- Herbert EF Cos.
• : THIS DAY, Ist inst. / .
Will be sold before the .Cuwd-house, between the
usual ht>w s,
The Half of Lot No 15, in Carpenter’s Row,
together with the improvements thereon, eon
sisting of a good substantial <me story building,
with necessary out-buildings, the ! A in fee sim
ple ; the above property will be sold at pri*
rate safe, if previous application Li made
By J. B. Herbert EF Cos.
THIS DAY, Ist inst. ,
j Before the Conn-Honor, will he leaded for the
term of Three l ews,
The Plantation of Daniel Rcmshart, deceased
about two miles from Savannah, on the Oge’ bee
road, together with the improvements thereon
the laml is considered good plan ing land, and
all under fence,
Terms made known at time of sale.
13y J. Jl. Herbert fr; Cos.
TOMORROW, 2d January.
Will be sold b>fof e our Store\ ■ .
A large and general asso;-tnient of
Also—so pair Fire Buckets.. Terms cash.
At Private Sule, limiting from sloop Packet,
30 firkins choice jluuer
50 boxes Negro Pipes, fi grace. jan 1
By J. Jl. Stephen EF Cos. “
TOMORROW, 2d inst. t i past 10 b’clk.
Will be sold oil Holton's Central t elurf,
(2 pi]>es 4th proof cog. i*andy
|Of a choice quality. Terms at tune of sale,
tan l
Jiy Baker iS Minton,
‘Thursday Sd inst. at half past 10 o’clock)*
In front of their Store^
A general assortment of GROCERIES ,
And at 11 o'clock, in st> re,’
A general assortment of
Seasonable -Hritisii and Tudia
1 jjant . w .
By George Schley,
On THURSDAY. 3d Jan. at 10 o'clock,
In J’ront of his Auction Store,
Sundry articles of
Groceries Hardware and
Dry Goods,
jan 1 ’ ■’
Ily J. Jl. Herbert Cos.
THURSDAY, the Sd inst. at 11 o’clock.
Will be sold on Bolton’s Central Wharf, with
out reserve, to close a consignment,
50 hlids prime N. O. Sugar,
Suitable for retailing. Terms w ill be accom
m('dying. - j a W 1
To Planters.
JT|HE Subscriber lias on hand ft will continue
A to keep a constan* Supply of
With a general Assortment of such articles as
are required for Planters. The Goods will be
i sold at Sftvannab prices, mml Produce taken in
i payment —lie Solicits the Patronage of those
I Planters in the vicinity of St. Mary's.
. In Store,
2000 Bushels Prime Flint Corn,
300 bbls Superfine Flour,
j With a general assortment of Dry Goods, Haiti.
. ware and Groceries.
St. Afnrvs. JVov 17. 17
- { ; : t—-
The Subscriber
VTTiAVING opened a store in one ofthose two
lid story buildings west of the “Market, known
as Hogg’s Lot, under the snperintendance ol
Mr. W.h. C. Mills, offers for sale, a general as
sortment of
Consisting in part of Sugar, Codec, Tea, Cog.
Kraltdv. Jail). Rum, \V. 1. and X. K. do. Holland
Gin, Whiskey, Flour in whole and half barrels,
Soap, Salt, and a lot prime Georgia Bacon
ALSO—Homespun, Cutlerv, Crockery, ke.
JOSEPH BACON has formed a connection
in business with Mr. A. HANfOU I'll, under
the firm o (BACOX Zi JU.YFODTIf, they
offer their services to their fiends and the pub.
lie in the commission line, for the purchase ol
cotton ai‘.l disposition’ of all kinds of merchan
dise, on which they u ill make liberal advances
if required. JOSEPH RACON.
Augnsto, Dec 24. ft A. OASfUimi.
Daniel W. 31<Kxnzi*.
H ‘ck.
AVE just received per ship fienCarrlnp
ton from New York.
10 boxes hsrfcc Irowt Negro Pipes
2 bb>s smoked Reef
2 and. Mipi-rior Rnrlingtift Herrs
1 5 half do Rye Eiouc
3 bbtsSi-eJ Rye
15 kegs fresh Lafirl • *£*s*•%
* 5 casks tiostiea Chee‘ A y
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