Newspaper Page Text
Published, in Savannah, it a.
\ FREE PRESS has been termed the Pal-
Mlium of Liberty; and since its first establish
ne!lt, it has been cherished by the People, as
hefirmand stedfast champion of their rights.—
iisperience, so far from chilling the enthusiasm
u .; tJ which it has been regarded, has only con
tinued it in the affections of the people. It has
>e<;n proved to be a most powerful engine in
he correction of those abuses of authority, and
hose faults in the administration of Government,
vhicli the Laws neglect, or cannot reach. In a '<
f ee Government like ours, there are many such, j
fie Institutions of our country are not based |
)E adamant, but are founded on opinion. Opin- j
ioo, which is mutable in itself—is one thing in j
Its day, or age —may be another, the next. —
What then but an kslightenkii pit ess can give •
(tability to our forms of government, by des
leniinaung correct and liberal notions in poli
tics, and bv inculcating sound maxims, and vir
tuous principles. Our Government professes to
derive its power from the suffrages of the peo
de. File Press is therefore of vital importance
o the people; because it is a vehicle through
rbich they can make their voice be heard,
iI respected, through every department of pow-j
r. ...
The Press may sometimes be faulty—may be ■
ifluenced by political combinations, or grow
centtous. But these are evils which speedily
rorktheir own cure. A licentious Press can
ut long be patronized by a sober and discrim-]
iating public ; and one that becomes corrupt, I
on the influence of power, and betrays the
tcresU’ of the people, will be neglected by
e petiole. And thus self-interest, the oniy
ce which could have induced an Editor to de
nt from his duty, will compel him .o reform,
file principles of tiic present Eii.toh of the
IcsiiL'K, must necessarily have become known,
lu large portion of the communi y, by h:s so.-
Btr editorial labors'. II s views of men anti niea-,
ues have been explained to die puuiic, by i
isetical comment. And it is thought that his :
(si course will b ar him out iu the assertion, i
hit his main object has always been, to pub
islian INDEPENDENT, -iONEST, and LVl
*AltriAl. PAPER, which should serve the in
erttts of the great body of the people, without
iattcring the vanity, cringing tor the favor, or
lisniismg tlie vices, of any particular class of
ttem. However mistaken he may have been
n the means made use of to accomp.ish tnis
Tiut object—yet lie can truly say, that he has
ecn devoted .to it, with ail honesty of inicn
bn, and singleness of Heart, which lias disdain
fall considerations of pecuniary advantage, or
irsonal feeling. Where his path of duty has
:en clearly marked out, he believes he has
Kleavored to follow it, regardless of consc
iences. lie believes that no selfish feelings,
I views of individual profit, honor or emoiu-
Hit, have had power to force iiiin from a stand,
iicli the interests of the people and toe bon
ot his country have called upon him o as
ms. Where his duty has been plain, lie lias
kleavored that his conduct should be tearless
id determined, lie lias not hesitated to de
nuice political profligacy, though c.odicd with
itliority ; he lues advanced tioldt/ to lue charge,
id attacked the enemies of economy, of jus-1
Cc, of liberty, and the people, in .lie strong j
ids of their power. I'ii.s he has not done 10
atify any angry feelings of uis own, but. be
ise lie deemed the public goou demanded it.
In particular, it will oe the wish of uie Etli
• to keep the Museum alool from all party
iitaug.eriieuts. In his editorial character, ue
ill know no party, but the American people;
id will acknowledge no ‘leaders bur tlie Spirit
f Jnot.ce, and his own conscience. In tlie fate
t other esla .lishnieiits, lie has learned the des
mj which must always await the Editor, who
tilers lihuseli to be made the tool ot a party.
Isis thrust forth as the “ Cat’s paw” in ail
[un-els; pushed forward as principal in con
raversies, where lie lias no interest, and can
mi no honor ; and must bear the odium of sins
illicit are not his own. If the designs of the
wly succeed, he is neglected, because his ser
ices are no longer useful. If the sinister de
igns of the parly are detected and fail—the
ii.nter, who was only an instrument in the hands
kinore cunning men—who oniy became odious
rem assuming other people’s actions—is sacri
iced to a selfish policy; he is made the scape
yat, and sent forth into the wilderness with
lie sins of the whole party on his head.—
IVarncd, therefore, by tne example of others,
lie Editor of the Museum will lend himself to
iie views of no party. Ue will advocate the
ntemtg of THE PEOPLE, and trusts to them
lone for patronage.
in the competition between citizens for posts
f honor and profit, the influence of the Aluse
•in shall always he exerted on the side of vir
ie and talents. The spirit of our government
eiues a prescriptive right in any person to 01-
cc. Honors and offices are not the property
f any family or party —but are tlie iuee oirr
1 the people; and should be bestowed upon
luisc whose virtues have rendered them idus-
Wius. They should be bestowed as a reward
ot eminent services rendered the country—and
ini held out as bribes for political duplicity.
Until have been tlie views and principles which
lavs governed the Editor ot die Museum in
‘•is past course, and which lie modestly hopes
Gl! continue to guide him for tlie future. In
Wanting an increase of patronage, which may
e niier the Museum more extensively useful, the
kidor trusts that the principles he inis support
-4 are such as will advance the best interests
kms country, and which the enlightened ci
taus of Georgia cannot but approve. With
liisc impressions, and these hopes, this PKUS
‘UJt'tb is submitted to a liberal public.
*7, at .Eight Dollars per annum, payable in
‘’ •nee. If not paid during the year, Ten Dal
are charged.
the savannah museum for the
hi N FRY', containing all the News and New
twertisements of the Daily Paper, is pubiish
i Three tinies a week, for Five Dollars peran-
a "> payable in advance. If not paid during
*.) ear, i.ig/u Dollars are charged.
Either Paper is forwarded to any part of tile
Sultry, without any extra charge.
Francis J. Lay,
HAS just received a further supply of Drugs,
Medicines, &c. warranted of the first qual
ity, w hich makes his assortment very complete
for sale low at his Drug and Chemical ware
house, corner of Congress & Whitaker-streets,
Shadd’s building.
Cubebs, Chamomile Flowers
Cream Tartar, Cinnamon
doves, Mineral Putty
Oil Pennyroyal, Powdered Ginger
Root Ginger, Oil Mint
Flax Seed, Kim Dark, M ice
Magnesia, Wells’ refined Liquorice
Powdered Jaiap, Tart Emetic ,
Gum Camphor, Gum Opium
Rob Lafecture, Trusses assorted
Common Castor Oil, low
Tooth Brushes, l'ooth Paste,
Tooth Powder
I Lynch & Clarke’s superior Soda Powders, put
In p in tin bokes, warranted to keep in all cli
mates, Sic. Sec.
i Afresh assortment of Dr. Isaac Thompson’s
I Patent Medicines,’ which are offered whole
sale and retail at the patentee’s prices,
april 4 86
Stock (a Produce Broker.
HE subscriber will attend to the purchase
• and sale of STOCKS, PRODUCE MER
CHANDIZE of every description, at a moderate
i Ifall CJ Hoyt’s Buildings, on the hay.
i march 4 dftf
. , AVF. removed tlieir Store to Johnston’s
i square, next to Mr Longwortli’s Book
store, win re they are now opening a large and
legant assortment f HATS of every descrip
mn, from die factory of
hich are offered on their usual terms,
i march 9 58
For Sale.
(1 Y the subscriber, thu: valuable LOT No. 2.
Tower tylhiug, Decker ward, 60 feet in
out, and 90 in depth, in Market-square Ap
inarch C 7 ns
Linen Drilling.
(1 case double twill’d Linen Drilling, for sale
A by
.narr.h 3 ) m 76
[ Dry Hoods, .Vails, Homan Ce
ment fy’c,
Landing from sebr Ranger from London.
247 pieces best Streiitz Oznaburgs
57 do Sol Cloth
12 baies bleached Sheetings
II trusses Shoe Thread
Blue, red and white Baize
Swanskins, Druets
G-4, 7-4 and 8-4 Blankets
Rugs, Summer Cloths
Fine Flannels, Shirtings
Cotton Bagging ifr..
50 casks Roman - ement
80 kegs Rose Nails, assorted
BtJ do gro.ilid white Lead, containing 28
and 56 lbs each. For sale by
april 3 79 C C GRISWOLD & Cos.
a kFFERS for sale at Ins Hardware, Dry Good
UFA Grocery Store, Market-square, as follows:
and General Assortment of
I lard-Ware and Cutlery,
Among winch are,
Cross-cut mill and whip Saws
A general supply of Building articles
70 kegs cut Nails in 100 lb kegs
Wrought Nails 3,4, 6,8, 10 and 20d
1 rase line Guns, from 20 to -SO dollars
Share Moulds and Shot assorted
2 tons Castings, Brades’ patent Hoes, no 1, 2
and 3
5 ) doz. Plough I.ines, and 30 Bed Cords
100 straw s Tumblers
70 lbs fine Shoe ‘Threads in hanks
Black-smith Bellows, 24, St 34, inclj, war
VVhittcmores Cotton Cards, in boxes and half
A general assortment of Wooden Ware
Market and Cloatli Baskets
15 bbls malaga Wine, 4 casks Cherry Wine
4 pipes Cognac llrandv, Dupuy’s brand
4 puncheons Irish Whiskey, fifth proof 2
years old
10 bbls loaf Sugar
Philad. Beef & Tongues in half bbls put up
expressly for fatndy use
A general supply of Liquors by retail which he
can recommend,
Also a general assortment of Garden Seeds,
from W Mahon’s, also his book for gardening,
w ith Smith’s Botany.
lie will sell any of the above goods low for
Cash or town acceptances,
abril 5 81
‘SAIIF. subscriber has lately lost a watch—it is
i a double cased English one, makers name
.1. Harvey, No-3446, bought of .1 Penfield in
Feb. 1819—it is request and that should such a
wa’ch he met with, it wou-d be stopped, for
which a suitable reward will be paid if required.
All persons are cautioned from purchasing the
same urless offered by myself
april 4 30c\ JOSEPH S. MILLER.
Mahogany Furniture,
Piano Fortes, Curled Hair .Matrasses
Feather Beds, Chairs, <S(c.
THE subscriber, agent for the well known
Factory of D PIIYFE, in the city of New-
York, respectfully informs the citizens of Sa
vannah, that be has brought to this city a large
Si full assortment of CABINE T FURNITURE,
consisting of the following articles :
Side Boards, with and without Liquor Cases
Sets of Dining Tables, single do
Sofas and Couches, Rosewood and Mahogany
Pier Tables, with marble tops, Card Tables
Tea Tables, Breakfast Tables, Dressing Ta
bles, with and without glasses
Rosewood and Mahogany Work ‘Tables
do do Writing do
Secretaries, Book Cases, Bureaus
Double and single Wash Stands, Ward Robes
Butlers’ Trays and Stands, Piano Stools
Music Book Cases, Mahogany Chairs
Cm led Maple do, Rosewood do.
High post Rosewood Bedsteads, Fieldjdo
do do Mahogany do. Fieldjdo.
do do Curled Maple do field do
Dressing Glasses, of every description
Piano Fortes, the new est Music, &c.
Double and single curled Ini Matrasses
do do feather Beds of. he best quality
A large assortment ot Chairs.
All the above articles w ill be-.. arranted to
stand the climate, and the subscribe, invites the
public generally to call and view fort lemselves
at his Repository,
Church Buildings, opposite Gibbous ’ Buildings.
N. B ‘The subscriber has brought out one of
the best workmen, and will attend to those who
wish their Furniture repaired or varnished,
nov 12 6
C. C. Griswold, £s* Cos.
Offers fas sale at Taylors’ vharf.
60 bbls prime Beef
35 do Pork city inspection
15 do Mess Pork
40 do Ale
50 do prime Butter for family use
40 keg. Manufactured Tobacco
20 do patent Shot assorted sizes
50 boxes Caudles, 50 do Soap
16 bids Loaf Sugar
50 ktgs white Lead
53 do ground Verdigris
29 do black paint
16 bbls Lamp Black
4 do black Varnish 84 april 9
Exchange on London,
march 18 65
Karon. •
30,000 lb N. Carolina Bacon of ’Tst quality,
now landing and for vale by
april 10 85<1 TUFTS &_REEII.
Leghorn lints.
One case Leghorn Ha I S, Nos. 33 to 58, fo’
sale by BAKF.It Sc MINTON.
!V>n‘ 0 8i 1
VI.L persons having demands against the es
tate if Celete Ann Vl‘Coy, late of Savan
nah, deceased, are requested to present them
to tlie subscriber.
S. C. GREENE, Admit’r.
april 10 irj-* 85
E. I. Sugar.
200 bbls and 2bo bags K I. double boil’d Su
gar, landing fsom brig Almira, ufld for sale by
april 8 88
For Sale ,
4 PRIME negro man about 22 years of age, a
* good mason. Apply to
anril s—Bl I B. HERBERT Ik CQ.
Huron Laid.
50,000 wt Prime North-Carolina Bacon
100 kegs prime Lard, in kegs suitable for
family use—Just received and for sale by
april 8 83 Jones’ lower wharf.
Sugar and Tobacco.
30 bbls Loaf Sugar
20 do Lump do.
50 kegs No. 1 A 3 manufactured Tobacco
5 do Cavendish ‘Tobacco
For sale by J. MEIGS,
april 6—d§ Bulloch’s buildings.
Butter , Cognac Brandy, Ja
maiiu Hum,
30 firkins very prime Goshen Butter
4 pipes Cognac Brandy
4 hhds Jamaica Rum
31 boxes Crackers
A general assortment of DOMESTIC GOODS,
consisting of3-4, 7-8 and 4-4 brown & bleach’d
Shirtings and Sheetings—Rlaiils and Stripes
Chambrays, Denims, Checks, Ticking, inclu
ding 2 cases of Matteawan Goods, of heavy al
Blue Denims, Plaids and Stripes, Dandarills.
he. together with a general assortment of
GROCERIES. For sale by
Next to the corner of Market-square,
St. Julian-street.
april 3 and
To Bent ,
The subscribers STORKS are now
ready to receive tenants, either for the
single store, or tenement, being situated at the
head of the shipping, with an extensive Wharf,
will he found profitable for the Augusta busi
ness. Persons desirous of occupying any part
or the whole, will find them convenient and the
rent reasonable.
Also, that commodious HOUSE situated on
the fork of the Augusta and Louisville roads,
nearly compleated, erected purposely for a
house of entertainment,with the lot of five acres
attached to it, For terms apply to
april 4 89
18 hereby given, that the left baud halves of
ten ( n e hundred dollar notes of the Bank of
the United States, signed by VV. Jones, I’resi
dent, and Jona. Smith, Cashier, of the numbers
and tenor described below, were placed in Hit
post-office at Philadelphia on the evening of tin
13th December, 1820, inclosed in a letter by J
S. & Hobson, to Joshua Milne at Savannah m
Georgia, which letter was never received; anil
as the entire mail of the 14 h Dec. from t’hila
delphia to Savannah miscarried, the belief ;•
that the said letter and notes w-ere stolen <ji
robbed from the mail. Application having been
made to the bank by the subscriber for the pa)-
ment of the w’hole of said notes, ad persons
concerned are requested to take notice
Jan. 1, 1817 A 1470 favor of G 8 West glOi-
A 936 “ J Houston 100
“ B 903
“ D 1052 •< P Seip 100
“ C 426 “ \\ Rush, jr. loti
“ D 773 “CP hidings 100
May 20, 1818 A 1868 J- Peale, Jr. 100
“ C 1797 “ “ 10
“ 1> 1679 “ lOO
“ D 1535 “ “ 100
S', 000
april 8 fidß2
A I.L persons having demands against the es
ll tale of James Peto, late of South Carolina,
deceased, are requested to render them prop
erly attested according to law, and those in
debted, are requested to make immediate pay
ment to the undersigned qualified administra
trix. MARY A. PETO.
march 12 60
ItJ INE months alter date application will lie
iN made to the Honorable the Inferior Court
of Bryan county for liberty to sell the Real Es
tate of William Hoad, deceased.
march 14 9;n*
(IT Notice.
I JERSONS desirous of disposing of Lands in
Monroe, Houston, and Henry Counties,
atul lauds in the Counties generally, of the two
last Land Lotteries, w ill please give informal ion
to the subscriber by letter, post paid, through
ttje medium of the post office, statuig the low
est pi ice for such, will promptly lie answeied
feb 16 33 DAVID POI.O'.K.
4 LI. persons indebted to the estate of John
t\ Cliace, late of St. Marys dec are request
ed to make payment ti the subscriber w ithin
50 days from this date, the debts not then paid
will be put in suit, and those having demands
against said estate are requested to present
them for payment to
GEO. \V. MARTIN, Adm’or.
yan 22 §ni 13
Take Notice.
NINE months afterdate, 1 shall apply to the
Hon. the Judge of the nferior Court
Chatham County, for leave to sell he reales
tale of AV.G. Fume, and for the benefit of tlm
lieirea ad creditors of said deceased
it 62
PERSONS having demands against the late
Mr. Archibald Mi Leran, dec. are requested
to render them properly attested agreeable to
law; anil those indebted are requested to make
immediate payment to the undersigned qualifi
ed executors.
HENRY McALPLN. \ E.x’is.
feb 14 ill 38
subscribers offer for sale at greatly re
-1 duced prices,
800 boxes CANDLES, from tlieir own
Manufactory, acknowledged to be far superior
to a y in the country.
100 boxes do Geo. Jackson Ji Co’s, brand
And No 1, 2 and 3 Soap
Georgia Candles, 4s, 5s and 6’s, 20 a 23 cts. p lb
Northern do (Geo. Jackson & co.) 5s and 6’s
16 and 17 cts
do do oilier brands, 15 and 16
Spermaceti Caudles, 44 a 46
No 1 Soap, primest quality, 10
Inferior do 4 a 6
Fancy Soap, 6 dozen, JJ2, a 2 50
AUo,for sale,
No 1 a 2 Mackerel, in whole and half bbls.
march 26 72 L B VLHWIN & Cos.
THREE months afterdate the urdersigned
will make application at the Planters’ Hank
ofthe State of Georgia, for payment of a Vote
issued by the said Hank, the. left hand half of
which has been lost—No. 551, value gSO, sign
ed J ohn Bolton, Pres’t.
march 13 fni6l
• lIHG partnership heretofore existing between
I the subscribers under the firm of Jume s
Poultiiey & Cos is dissolved by mutual consent
those persons indebted will please call and make
immediate payment, and those having demands
present them immediately to John i’arvin, who
is duly authorized to settle the concern.
q'j’ James Poultney ft Cos. refer their custom
ers to M. Hopkins & Cos. Market square. •
april 4 c 80
• —— if
M 133 T. RKAUVALLKT begs leave to in
form her friends and the public general
ly, that Mrs. J Dschbwaux having retired from
Business, she has urcliased her
and will continue the business in her own name
at the. sane stand-, where she will always keep
a general assortment in that line.
Sa-.atitnaii, .Ijtril 3, 1832.x*
No. ....... VoL* &8i
By J- B Hubert ff Cos.
On the first TUESDAY in Mav next will be sold
before the Court-House in this city, between
the usual hours of 10 and 3 o’clock,
All that valuable Lot, No 2d, Trustees Gar
dens, in the city of Savamiali, front on East Broad
street, sold as the property of Mr. Samuel nav
enport, deceased, for tlie benefit of the heirs
and creditors, by permission of tlie Honorable;
tin Inferior Court of Chat bam County, and b;’
order of the Administrators. ‘Terms at time of
ule. march l
A clrninistr.-itor
I3y Baker and Minton.
On the firs! Tuesday in May next
.it 12 o’clor k, in front of ti.e Court House,
I lie wharf* Lot No. 8 called
Stanton’s wharf, with the buildings theron.—
Also, the lot a a! buildings thereon, lately in tha
occupation oi F. Stanton, deceased, situated in
St. James square, Heathcoat Ward, sold by per
mission of the honorable the Inferior Court, In*
order of the administrators—Terms Cash,
feb 23
Ky J. P HerbcrtS’ Cos.
On Tuesday, 23d April, will be sold at the store
formerly occupied by Saint. Evans, dec.
The personal Property of said
dec. consisting of sundry articles of Wearing Ap.
pare!, Beds, Bedding. Bedsteads, Chairs, Tables,
Bureaus, Sideboard, Carpets Sofas, Book Cases,
Andirons, Candlesticks, &c. &e. Also, a valua
ble collection of Books, consisting of about 150!)
volumes of the most approved works, some of
which are in superb binding. Sold by permis
sion of the bon. the Inferior Court of Chatham
County, by order of the administrators.
Terms cash. april 6
Administrators Sales.
|> Y order of the Honorable the Court of Or:
i J binary, lor the county of Chatham, will be
sold at the Court House’ in this city, on the
first Tuesday hi May next, at 12 oclock, the
following property, being the remaining part
of the real estate of llazen Kimball, deceas
One vacant Lot of Ground, designated in die
‘.■lan of the city as No, 16, Jackson Ward, eJ bv
94 feel; fronting on Orleans square and on Ua
yard street continued, opposite house of R
I Uilifrsb .tu. f,(|. subject to annual ground rent
to be ci'y i f g 55 68 lUU.
One iiu 1 . known and designated in lAe
plaiii of tlie ~.:ty as No i5, Warren ward, with
the improvements tlieieou,consisting of a good
two sttoy House and out buildings, recently
• ‘-copied by Mr J Lawrence, subject to ground
renl .nfso-100 peramium.
Tern s oi side—for the vacant Lot, one
third cash, one-third six months one third 2
months, with interest—payment secured by
mortgage on the property. ‘Tlie half Lot, with
improvements cush—purchaser paying for ti
GEORGE SCIILFY, Auct’r. march 9 58
Marshals Sales.
ON tlie fust Tuesday in May next, will bo
Sold at the MarketfrMouse in the Town o
St. Mary’s, between the usual hours often and
three o’clock
I he following NEGROES, viz. Serah, Charles,
Samuel, Alary and Amelia, Levie.l on as the
property of David Lew is deceased, to satisfy
sundry Executions in favor of the United States
Vs. Samuel Clarke, Administrator of Ukvid
Conditions of Sale Cash, in such Bills or
Specie, as will be received in the United Stater
Branch Bank, as no other will be received.
M. BOOG Dy. M.
St. Mary’s march 16 70 march 23
Marshal's Sales,
ON the first Tuesday in Slay ndxt, will b
sold at the .Market-house in the town of
St Mary’s, between the usual hour 9 of ten and
three o’clock.
The following NEGROES, viz: Cato, Arm
sted, Ned, Coco, Milley and her child, Mary ,
I’iissilla, Dclila, Lucy, and her three children,
Isaac, Jacob, and Bella.
Also, the following Tracis of Land, laying
and being in East-Florida, viz t One Tract con
taining two hundred and six'y acres, more or
less, situated oil Mills’s Swamp.
One tract containing 175 acres more or les3,
situated on Bells lfiver, with the improvements
thereon; one tract, containing six thousand
eight hundred and eighty six acres, more or
less, situated on the waters ofNassaw River.
One tract containing five thousand four hundred
and sixty acres, more ot less, situated on Bell’s
River—One tract, containing three thousautl
ix hundred and fifty four acres, more or less,
situated on Brandy Branch—One tract contain
ing two hundred and seventy acres, more or
less, situated on McQueen’s Swamp—One
tract containing two hundred acres, more or
less, situated on Bells River, and one lot in tlie
town of Fern&ndina.
The above property pointed out by the de
fendant to satisfy an Execution issued out 6lr
the Sixth Circuit Court of the- United States fyr
the District of Georgia, iu favor of William £.
Kelly Vs. Eleazer Waterman, —Conditions ot*
Sale Cash. M. BOOG Dy M.
St Man’s march 16—70 mart h 23
liv linker ami Minton,
On the first ‘Tuesday in June next, will be sold
in front of tlie Court-House in Savannah, be
tween the usual hours,
The Buildings on Lot No. (43)
Warren Ward, in said city, together with the un
expired term of the lease of said lot, being the
remaining part of the estate of 11. IE- -soil, dee.
Sold by virtue of an order of the hon. the Infe
rior Court of Chatham County, by order of the
administrator. Terms cash. april 6
Exchange on Providence , R. L
For sale by S. MANTQpC,
marth 29 lUCe’s-wLarf*