Newspaper Page Text
ft published near Whitaker-street, on the Bay,
everyday tor eight months and three times a
week for the remaining four months in the year,
t sight no Li,uts per annum, if paid in advance,
or tex dollars if paid after the expiration of the
year. No subscriptions are received for a period
less than six months, for which fivk dollars are
The SAVANNAH MUSEUM for the Country
is published to meet the arrangements of the
mail, three times a week at five dollars pef an
num, if paid in advance, or eight dollars per
annum if not paid during the year.
Advertisements not exceeding twelve lines are
published in both papers the first time, for 75
cents, and continued in the city paper, unless
otherwise ordered, at 38 cents each continuation
—Advertisements over twelve lines charged in
the same proportion.
When an Advertisement is sent to the office
without any number of insertions being expres
sed -n the’ face of the order, it is understood,
that the advertiser wishes it continued until fur
ther notice. Therefore, all Advertisements
which are not originally limited to a certain num
ber of insertions, are continued and charged un
til an order for discontinuance is received. Ad
vertisements not continued oftener than once a
week, are charged for each insertion, the same as
new advertisement.
Lands for Sale.
WILL be disposed of at a low price and on
accommodating terms, a valuable tract of
land on Lewis’ Creek and on the Altamaha river
4 miles above the town of Darien, formerly the
property of Mr. Wm. Joyner. The tract consists
•of 1190 acres, 200 of which are cleared and im- \
proved with the ordinary Plantation Houses—j
There are about 800 acres of first quality tide j
iand, suitable for the culture of Rice, Cotton or ;
Sugar; the remainder high land, with an exten
aive knowl fine elevation on which the settle,
ment is made.
The land is well timbered, and from its conti-
guity to a market, will, in its clearing, instead of
incurring expense, produce profit by the sale of
Shingles and other lumber, the proceedsof which
must far exceed the expences of the labor. This
tract is one of the oldest surveys andconsequent
lvbest selection of River Swamp land, with an
excellent pitch of tide, suitable to any species of
culture —having a beautiful scite for a residence
will located at an agreeable distance from tlie
loin of Darien, for purposes of business or plea
sure. Terms and a more particular desoripti on
may be known on application to
march 14 d62 No. J, Commerce Row.
■PHIS Establishment well-known lor some
|1 time past, having been thoroughly repaired
Est is in a healthy and airy part ot the city, m.
Ewell calculated for giving comfort and ease to
El who may patronize the estaalisnment. lie
Eroprietor can at any time accommodate pn- j
Eate families, having spare rooms tor that pur- ]
■ Travellers and constant boarders will be well
EttendtJ to, as good stables and hostlers have
Keen prucured-und the eating establishment
■will at ail times be furnished with the very best
Eiands the market can afford. The bedding is
Ks the first order and attentive servants are pro-
Eured to provide every comfort that can be had
Eurthose who may cull for them. In the liar
■oorn tlie best of Liquors will be furnished;—
End in the reidiVig-rooth department, to those
Elio wish food for the mind, papers from every
Eiavter of the United States will be found, he
Subscriber trusts from the endeavors he shall
Eruke, to render every individual comfortable
■who may patronize the Georgia Hotel, that he
Evill receive a share of the public patronage.
1 Baptist Church Square.
E april 27 lm
North to South |
■6.tUo\l four to six netv, comfortably construe- j
uT ed four wheel vehicles, drawn by tour
■orses each, and driven by sober and caretol J
■drivers, will set out from Trenton in New-.ler- i
■ey to Savannah via Augusta in Georgia, on or
■boutthe 15th of September next. The route
■through Pennsylvania, Virginia and the Caioli-
Iftas, will be confined as much to the neighbor
■hood of the mountains, as the good roads thro
Bthe country will allow. The journey will be j
■leisurely taken, so as to consume from four to i
■five or even six weeks, dependent somewhat on
Bthe iiicliqatiou of the persons who may become
H” Those who are disposed to engage seats for
■the above described journey, can do so by ap-
Bplyiiig to the Post-niaster at Savannah. Erior
■*ty iu the choice of seats will be regulated by
■numbering the first applicant one, which will
■entitle that person to the first selection, and so
■on to the last. An entire carriage can be taken
B U P by engaging the numfler of seats.
■ may 28 hi 26
Insurance aguinrt Tire-
jEtha Insurance Company, Hartford,
*- will insure houses and buildings, merclm-i
fee, furniture, and other property, including
resseh in the port, their cargoes, &c against
Ims or damage by t ire, for any term h orn one
month to one or more years.
The conditions, Hiich are moderate, may be
known on application to the subscriber, who is
authorized agent, and is empowered to issue
policies without the delay incident to other a
genciea of this nature.
The company undertake in all cases to pa)
the full amount of the actual loss, provided it
now not exceed the amount insured *be
Premiums are reasonable, and should oner a
strong inducement to any person having pro-
P e >ty at hazard to place it in security.
truy 2S 26 S. MANTON.
To bet, T
One of those Tenements in the rear
■’Jiiisiof Col. Shtliman’s boardingahouse—The
will he low and possession can be obtained
“•mediately. For further particulars, apply at
office.. 6 ~ 7 j
toe sayannah museum.
to sell the lands in Florida, alluded to in the no
tice of Mr. Christie, and to apply the proceeds
to the immediate payment of part of his de.
mand, and deposit a sufficiency therco* to cover
all his claim, subject to the decision of the court-*
—but his opposition to any reasonable sale, as
spic jijteresjed in his own right, whilst injuring
can be made under an order of court. “‘ :i *
june 11
Notice and Caution.
1 have been informed that John
wNf Carnochan and Peter Mitchell of this city
have by sundry deeds recently mortgaged ami
assigned to divers persons either their indivi
dual creditors, creditors of the late firm of Car
nochan & Mitchell, or ethers, all cr sundry the
properly and estate, both real and personal, of
the said firm, as well as their own individual
property and estate, consisting together of
houses, lots, lands, stores, wharves, negroes, &c
in Savannah’ and Darien in Georgia, or the neigh
borhood thereof, and elsewhere with their in
terest or share in the stock of the lower steam
mill near Darien, and sundry shares in the U. S.
Bank and other banks,’ as well a3 sundry debts
due to them in various places, besides lands,
lots, negroes, &c. in the territory of Florida,
and particularly one large tract of land bought
of Forbes 8c Cos. lying between the rivers St.
Marks and Appalachicola in the territory of
Florida aforesaid.
These are hereby to caution the public against
purchasing any part of the said property or es
tate so conveyed, or any property belonging to
the said Carnochan 6? Mitchell,or either of them,
as I hold prior mortgages on the greatest part
thereof, which are on record in the registry in
Savannah and Darien aforesaid and in Charleston
S. C. and equitable liens on all the property of
said John Carnochan and Peter Mitchell.
june 11 f37
To the Public.
isJ son*y to he again brought before the public,
by a second notice of Mr. Christie’s, who has
iundoubtedly claims against them, which, when
finally liquidated on tlie decision of the suit now
pending, they will try to satisfy as soon as possi
ble thereafter.
The deeds under which Mr. Christie claims an
exclusive right to all the real and personal es
tate of Covnochan v , Mitchell, are considered as
informal, unjust and illegal. Hence they have
been brought and are still before the court, and
other deeds have been executed and recorded,
conveying the property for the use of all their
creditors, Mr. Christie included, without any
trust or reservation beneficial to C. Si M or their
families, and if this he not agreeable to that
gentleman, it must nevertheless appear fair and
equitable to the public and all who have a sense
of justice.
The Trustees under the late deeds are atixion
Just opened at the most reduced prices, at
Three doors south of the Post Office.
70 pieces fine quality 12* cis
100 doTxtra do StreliU do at 14 ,*
Plain and striped Russia drill, of the hist
ViifJiKA. for coats .ol ps.t
loons, 624 cts pr yd
French Russia drill of all colours
Superfine 6-4 cotton cambric, 1- yard* ,or
Fine Men,s white and coloured Sox, 3 pair
LadT/s white silk Stockings gl 50 pr pair
Gentlemen’s elastic long silk Uoze
100 ps fine and extra Irish Emen from 50
cts to gl, full 4-4 wide
10 cases extra quality water proof broad &-
narrow brim beaver Hats $7 5U
J 7do second quality from 2to S'*
Os the. most fashionable Gentleman and
Servant’s Summer clothing made
in the newest style.
C ° Searsucker, Russia drill, white J” e
French Nankeenet, Canton anu Nankeen
111ue'and black Florentine Bombazine and
Camblet Pantaloons
| Searsucker, Gingham and Bomoazme-round
| Boinbazette, Bombazine, Searsucker, Ging
hams and Flanel Coatees , , v
English Florentine, white, colourec. and
lencia WYstcoats . _ e>.p rt3
Fine and extra fine Linen anu CoLon Sh.rts
wi’h and without trills
Serv.uts cocderoy round J.cketsand ran-
A great quantity of fine and extra fine, Gen
do milWPantaloons of all
A great'quaSy of Duck Trowsers and Shirts
for Laborers. 88 r
bushels prime Maryland Corn,
■) ,=
The Library,
„ ~ ,i„r,verv of Hooks, Monday
IS open for the delivery 4 6 oc i o . k
Wednesday and t riday, no dec lQ
p 3U
” ~ Notice. ‘ . .
THP Cos nartnership heretofore subsisting
Hie subscribers, under tpe firm
rUt Tl’Zer e Cos was dissolved by mutual
consent on the Ist of O DDER,
jnna It *
C. Kelsey § Cos.
Have received by the brig Hope anti other late cr
PLAIN and striped Russia Drill
Elegant Crape Dresses
Plaid and striped Silks
Levantine and Florence do
Black Silk Camblet
Black and colored Canton Crapes
Valeirtia Vest shapes
Black and plain Silk Hdkfs
India and German Flag do
lil’k. blue and col’d Italian Sewing Silk
Long and short yellow Nankeens
Russia Sheetings
Imitation do
.Men’s and women’s white cotton llos.e
Common anti superfine Calicoes
Irish Linens, whole and half pieces
Book, Mull and Jackonet Muslins
White anti colored Cravats
Linen Cambrics and Long Lawns
Domestic Shirtings
do Sheetings
do Plaids and Stripes
Madapolan amt Power Loom Shirtings
Thread and Uobinet Laces
Worked Flounces
Collaret Bands
Striped and plain Ginghams
White Jeans and Satteens
Cotton Cassimeres
Striped Cotton Florentine
Blue mixed Satinets
Common and superfine Broadcloths
do do Cassimeres
Silk Umbrellas and Parasols
Gilt Coat and Vest Buttons
Pearl do
Tortoise Shell Combs
Imitation do
Black and white Silk Hose
do do do Gloves
Beaver and Bucksin do
Black and white Italian Crapes
Black Florentines, French and ndia
White Marseilles Vesting
Apron Checks
Plain and figured Lustring Ribbons
Black Velvet do
Madrass Handkerchiefs .
Worked Muslin Dresses
4-4 anl 6-4 M.linetS
Straw Bonnets
German Rolls
Cotton Bed Ticking
Brown Linens
Hombazcttes, plain and figured
With a variety of other GOODS, which are
offered -for sale cheap for cash or approved
mav 18 ns§ 18
French Goods.
.-'jfjllE subscribers have just leceived direct
‘vA from Franca via Ne.v-Yci k. an assorlnio*, 4 -
wllicllThey unci r/>g* rr t, j ,
vance—among them are :
Double twilled Imperial Stripes
Do do mixt Jeans
Fancy plaid Ginghams
Assorted colors Vigonia Cassimercs
Double width Bombazeen
Tapes and Bobbins
Ribbons and Galloons
Italian Crapes, Velvet Ribbons
Silk Stockings and Gloves
Half silk Hose
Green, blue, white,* pink & black Florences
J)o do do do do Satins
Black, blue and assorted colors Sewing Silk
Silk Braids, thread Laces
Ladies Kid and Castor Gloves
Gentlemens superior Beaver Gloves
Dressed and undressed linen Camoric
Linen cambric Handkerchiefs
Muslin Hands for Collerettt
Canton Fringes, floss & marking Cotton
Violin Strings, gilt edge Pins
Head and Tooth Brushes
Cologne, Rose and Lavender Water
Pomatum, Antique Oil, Hair Pow ler, etc.
Anderson’s Building on the Bay.
april 22 and
100 hhds. prime Sugars
50 bills. do
120 bags St. Domingo Coffee
100 bbls. Whiskey
70 bbls. and 20 pipes N. E. Gin
50 hhds. Jamaica and N. O. Rum
15 West India
20 pipes Holland Gin
30 do Cognac Brandy^
40 qr. casks Tencriife W ine
60 du Malaga and Current Wins
10 pipes and hall pipes Canary Wine
20 bbls. Cherry Brandy
90 boxes Troy Candles
>75 do Spermaceti do
100 boxes Soap
10 chests and 20 boxes Hyson 1 ea
30 casks London Porter
40 bbls. Mess Pork
400 qr. boxes Spanish Segars
25 boxes white Havana Sugars
50 kegs manufactured Tobacco
20 boxes. Cotton Cards
150 bbls. Flour
50 do Loaf Sugar
30 hhds. Molasses
For sale by y THOMPSON,
may 15 Utls _
For S>ale.
rg> UILDING Store, Lime, Potatoes and Clar
is et, in demijohns and casks, Mpg>
may 23 and 22 Mongin't tVharf.
Mutter Shot , fyc.
®C. GRISWOLD & Cos. TayloPs Building,
OFFER roa su*:
9 bbls Mess Pork
44 do Ale
26 firkins prime Goshen Butter
20 casks shot assorted sizes
40 kegs Richmond Tobacco
20 do Rose Nails
2 elegant Gigs with plated Harness
25 bundles H*f 13
IS hereby given, that the left hand halves of
ten une hundred dollar notes of the Hauls of
the United States, signed by W. Jones, Presi
dent, and Jona. Smith, Cashier, of the numbers
and tenor described lrelow, were placed in tlie
post-office at Philadelphia on riic evening
i3th December, 1820, inclosed in a letter bv J.
S. U (L Hobson, to -Milne at Savannah in
Georgia, which letter was never received; and
as the entire mail of the 14ih Dec. from Phila
delphia to Savannah miscarried, the belief is
that the said letter and notes were stolen or
robbed from the mail. Application having been
made to tlie bank by the subscriber fur the pay
ment of the whole of said notes, all persons
concerned are requested to take notice.
Jan. 1,1817 A 1470 favor of O S West gloo
” A 930 •< J Houston 100
“ B 903 11 lOO
” D 1052 < PSeip Jto
“ C 426 W Rush, jh Mi)
“ D 773 “ CP hidings 100
May 20,1818 A 1868 •J- I‘ealc, Jr. idO
“ C 1797
“ I) 1679 * lOO
** D 1535 ‘• •• 100
aprilS fidS2
SrpilßEE months afterdate, application will
yJL be made to the Bank of the State of Geor
gia for the renewal of Certificate No. 408, for
fourteen shares Stock, the original being lost.
Mary sleigh.
april 4 jnifSO
N oticc.
THE Subscribers ha*’e again united their in
terest in business under the firm of
Saranneh, May Ist. ml
A LL personshaving demands against the es
al tale of James Peto, late of South Carolina,
deceased, aie requested to render them prop
crly attested according to law, and those in
debted, are requeued to make immediate pay
merit to the undersigned, qualified administra
trix. MARY A. I’ETO.
march 12
N INE months after date application will be
made to the Honorable the Inferior Court
of Bryan county for liberty to sell the Beal Es
tate of William Road, deceased.
march 14 sm*
i nsE months afterdate,! shall apply to the
J3l Hoii the Judge of tpe nferior Court
Chatham Countv, for ie:n e to sell he real es
tate of W.G. Knoe, and for the benefit cf the
heirsand creditors of said deceased
S. G. T HUE A DCF.A FT, Adm’r.
itt :
THE subscriber requests that all those to
whom lie is indebted will present their ac
counts for payment previous to the 15th June
next— -and all those indebted to him will please
call and liquidate their respective accounts.
may 23 22 N. H. DARI.
vfMlftEE months afterdate the undersigned
|_ will make application at the Planters’ Bank
of the State of Georgia, for payment of a Note
issued by the said Bank, the left hand half of
which has been lost—No. 551, value SSO, sign-
march 13 j-nlfil
Notice to Travellers.
PERSONS travelling to Augusta by the way
of Mill llav n and Coutteau’s, will keep
up the old road from Jacksonboronght, 2 miles
and three quarters, and then take the nglit
hand road, as the former road which takes oft
at Jacksonborough, is stopped up, and a sign
is put up at the Forks of the road,
may 4 §ni
■ ‘HE copartnership of Hoao £c Janvis expir
3 ed on the 18th inst. by mutual consent
Those having demands will please present
them for payment; and those indebted will cal!
and settle their accounts with either of the
subscribers. MARK HOAG,
niav 23 22
it LL persons indebted to the late firm ot
tXA Parsons find Lay Druggists, are request
ed to make payment to either.othe.subscri
bers, on or before the first day of July next
Those persons that are delinquent, their ac
counts Übe put in hmnis of an attorney
for collection. j liv.’
may 39 27
THE Co-partnership of Henry & Collins was
dissolved on the Ist inst. by mutual con
sent Persons having demands against them
will present them for settlement to George
Collins, and those indebted will please pay the
ame to him, as he is duly authorised to re
ceive the same. THOM AS HF.NRY,
, june 4 32 ’’ - ■"”
A LL persons having demands against the es-
A tate ofCelete Ann M‘Coy,,late of Sayan-
Si, deceased, are requested to present them
to the subscriber, js •£ GREENE ; A<hntC ~ .
april 10 t* 2 *
No 142 Voi. £s’
% Ihker $ Minton.
On ne ursl 1 uesd vin August next, at 12 o’ell:
SS'f ’otNo STo in - tI,IS cit >’’ wiil be WM
T 1 B’:ir,d 8 ’ :ir,d t!ie improvements there-
A,so, the lot and buildings thereon, late in the
occupancy of Patrick Stanton, deeded, sitnaf.
ed m. St Jamer. square, Hc-athcole ward, sold by
permission of the Hon. the Inferior Court of flio
I “y ,** The above is the
of the estate of Patrick Stanton deceased 1 *
Terms cash.
By order of the Administrator.
jnne 1
% find Hinton,
On the first Tuesday in Ju,y. next,- will be sold
in front of tiie Court-House in Savannah, be
tween the usual hours,
The Buildings on Lot No. (40)
]lnb’ et i ♦ Vard ’ilVT! c!ty ’ u itii the un
expired term of the lease of said lot, being the
remaining part of the estate of H. IL son, dec!
Sold by virtue of an order of the lion, the inffe.
nor Court ofCliatnain County, by order of <■{,-
administrator. Terms cash. a p,.;; 5 7
Uv George Schley
administra roll’s sale.
YU fi ti r . U ? dRy in A J?ust next.
\\ H-L be sold at the Court House in Saran
-1 \ “ sh ’ l,e '.. we ® n the fiours of 10 and 12 o’
clock, an undivided naif of all that valuable
nee plant,tKm. with tlie improvements thereon
in Chatham cty. being die upper part of Way
arem fT 775 acres, 43tt0l which
Bo - vfn ‘/ amS i n °,' V ln ! ,le Passion of Hugh
re . q h r ,Kkd I SotlUl l y ih * estate of Gen
l Bead, will on other sides by the Savami-ili
FrTwT” f " rme T ot ‘ tiie rcal estate cf
Francis I.evett, and after a regular rfiviGr.,
allotted to heirs of John Levett, deceastl sold
.) order of the honorable the Justices of th*
Inferior Court of Chatham Count, for !
benefit of the heir, of said John Lerettf dec
by fit 1 attorney John Carnochan
.nine 4 132 ‘be late, John LeYett,
Administrator's Sale.
PUHSUANI to an order of the H o n the Jus
ices of. the Inferior Court of the county of
’ ULthaai sitting for ordinary purposes will ba
exposed for sale at the Couii House in the tit J
of Savannah, on the 4th day of July
netween the usual hours, one Negro Ma and
mieNetrto AYuniaji.
.june 4 n32
AdminisimUor s Notice
OrpHE subt,rcriber has been appointed by the
Courl of Ordinary of Scruen Count,, ad
ininistralor of the estate end efleets of” Mrs. ,
Lucy Thomas deceased, late of su j! countv, and ■
having been qualified as such, he requests all
persons who may be indebted to the saiii Lucy
Thomas, to make payment to himself, and those
who have demands against her, ir.ust present
them to him legally attested, at his residence in
Tie county of Scriven.
GEORGE POLLOCK, Administrator.
way 21
Administrator’B Notice.
subscriber has been appointed and
LI qualified as administrator de bpliis non of
of the estate of 7 hevpilus Thomas deceased, late
of Scriven county, and he requests those per.
sons who have demands against the estate to
present them to himself properly attested, and
such persons as are indebted to the deesased,
are requested to make payment.
GEORGE BOLLOCK, Administrator.
may 9 >.
Superior Court.
Chatham County Chambers,
18th April, 1822.
Samuel Howard, ur Butrrr.
Ts - . > Bill original* and a.
Bank of Darien, et. al. 3 mended.
| tWO of the defendants in the above t ' nQn .
I viz. The President of the Hank of Darien,
(representing said Bank) and the Cashier of the
said Bank, reside without, this county, which
fact is verified by affidavit of complainant.—
It is ordered, That copies of said bill be trans
muted by the Sheriff’of Chatham county to the
Sheriff of, Mclntosh county, where the said de
fcndai tS reside, With instructions to serve them
on said defandants, and make return of said ser
vice on said copies, to the Clerk of the Superior
Court of said county of Chatham, within thirty
days from this date; and it is further Ordered,
iiiat tliis Rule be published, and the defendants
appear and answer at the next Term.
Hxtractfrom the Minutes.
april 24. jo
LlBsnTZ county. S Clerk Court of Ordinary.
trix of all and singular the goods and chat-,
els, rights and credits, which weie of Herman,
Hundley , late of county, deceased, applies
for dismission from her said administration :
These are, theietbre, to cite and admonish
all persons cencerned. to file their objections,
if any they have, in iny office, at Riceborough,
within the time prescribed by law; otherwise
the said Clarissa Uoadley will be dismissed froifi
her said administration.
Given under my hand and seal this eighteenth
day of March, in the year of our Lord one thou
sand eight hundred and twenty-two.
ft. s.] ELIJAH BAKER, c.c.o.i. .
• april 15 89*6m
Hay § Lard.
/fifiDk bundles Huy
50 kegs Eard
Landing from ship Morning Star, fdr sale by
may U * 13