Newspaper Page Text
■ ——-—i
From the .ilabany Daily Advertiser.
SCRAPIAN A, from \Ve Doth records
of colony of New Netherfaml, now, in part,
the state of New-York. _
Frequent entries appear similar totne
lollnwina —“ Jan Jansen complains <>f A
dtfm Roelants* for slander — Ordered, that
pur'v nay 25 guilders to the poor.”
Aug. 28, 1638.
Singular punishments. —Two soldiers
“condemned to sit two hours on the wooden
horse.” a machine adopted in Holland con-
of a wooden horse, 12 feet high,
with a sharp back—the culprit’s legs were
fastened with a chain to an iron stirup, and
sometimes a weight was fixed to the feet.
Guvsbert Yah Bogerstand, for “ draw,
in? his knife ” oh some person, was sen
tence “ to throp himself three ttipes from
the sail yard of the yatch, the Hope, end to
receive from each sailor three lashes, ‘ Ju
ly 11, 1633. . • <V
Torture was applied in the case of Jan
Hobbes ; he had been guilty of theft, and
his guiit-cleaily appeared in evidence, but
it seemed to be necessary* beforo he could
be punished, that a confession should be
extorted from him by torture.
Hendrick Jansen,“ for scandalizing” the
governor, was sentenced to stand at the
fort dovr at the ringing of the bell, and ask
the governor’s pardon. 16S8.
Tobacco.— -This plant was successfully
cultivated on Manhatten Island, so that as
as the sth of August, 1638, two in
spectors were appointed to inspect *• tobac
co, cultivated here tor exportation, ” arid
on the 19th of August, 1638, an order was
passed, stating, ‘“that the high character
our tobacco had obtained in foreign coun
tries, ” required heavy penalties to be in
flicted on those who adulterated that artic
le ; and a duty, also, of five per cent was
imposed on all tobacco exported.
The rate cf interest on money in 1633,
was 5 per cent.
Goats and goat milk appear to be fre
quent subjects of traffic and sale in the
year 1638, and for several years after.
Fort Amsterdam [at New-Ymk] repair
ed arid finished in 1633.
Faulus Hook sold by Gov. Kieft to A
braium Isaacs Plank, for 450 guilders* on
the Ist May 1638.
•• J 1 cattle fair,” established by ordin
ance, to be held annually <>h the 15th Oc
tober, and of hogs, on the Ist Nov. Sept.
30, 164).
In a letter from the Dutch West India
company to (he governor, dated Amster
dam, April 7, 1657, it is stated that the
church bdl for Beverbeck, [Albany.] was
* GoV Stuy vesatitit, in a letter to the com
pany in 1663, expresses an opinion .that to
attempt to erect fortifications at the mouth
of the river near Staten Island, was money
thrown aii'(vj.\
Baron Van Slightenhorst, (agent for the
patron of l/engclaerwyck.) hiving quarrel
led with Stuyvesandt concerning some
questions of jurisdiction between the man
or arid the colony was arrested and cniiji
tted at New Amsterdam, [New-York*] by
order of the governor, frii several months,
in 1652.
Fort Orange, at Bevcwyck, [Albany,]
was built in 1614, by Harwich Christi
anse, and had 9 cannon mounted in 1663.
In the oath of allegiance taken by the
officers of government, they swear, “ to
inantain the reformed religion, in confor
mity to (he word of God, and the decree of
the Synod of JJordrech.”
No Taveriflteepei permitted to give
suppers to parties after 9at night; and if
an Indian be found drunk* his word, when
sober, shall be conclusive evidence as to the
white person who made him drunk.
Small Fox produced great mortalityjat
Bevcrwyck [Albany] Nov. 4, 1763.
Great mortality of Cattle in 1661.
Very high water at Beverwyck [Albany]
Oct. If, 1661.
Brick, imported from Holland, sold for
g 4 16 cent3 per thousand payable in bea
vers. Nov. 19, 1361.
The preceeding scraps are hastily collec
ted from the several thousands with which
our Dutch records every where abound.
To the antiquarin and historian, they
would furnish a rich repast, in which vari
ety* novelty and interest would be equally
attractive and conspicuous.
From the Evening Post.
This morning;we have been shewn a
beautiful ceder snuffbox, inlaid with gold,
which has been presented by the Duke of
Yoik, to the Rev. Mr. Dema'cst, of Tap
pan, in token of the grateful sense which
the Duke entertains of his respectful atten
tion to the remains of the late Major An
dre,’ which were disinterred from his
g’ ttud*. The cedsr, out of which the box
is curved, grew upon the grave and was
wnt to England with the sarcophagus,
which contained the bones of the;dcceased.
The following is a copy of the inscription
inside the lid ;
His Royal Highness the Duke of York,
To mark his sense
Os the Rev. John Dernaicst’s
Liberal attentiorr
Upnti the occasion of the removal
Os the remains of the late
Major John Andre,
At Tuppan, ,
Oa the 18th of Augast, *■ 1
„ 1821.
From the Richmond Compiler, June 5.
This new work from the pen of Wash
ington Irvine is likely to have a great run
in spite of its costly price. It consists ot ‘
two small volumes* very elegantly printed
like the Sketch Book. But the price in
Philadelphia is gs—and in this city per
haps it is more. We regret this circum
stance; because it cuts off a great many
from the pleasure of reading the effusions
of his genius. It is a Luxury of Litera
ture, which is accessible to the rich ; it is
a pleasure that from the poor is “ quite cut
The work must be read by those who can
afford to pay for it—for it is the production
of a fine genius, who has,contrived even to
suddue the violent prejudices, which were
entartained against American Literature
amongst the English people. He is among
the most popular Writers of the age; for his
descriptions are amongst the most striking
we have ever seen; his style is, as he choos
es to vary it, both r.umorous and pathetic,
Hein in the particularity of his paintings
the Crabbe of modern prose writers.
Bracebridge Hall consists of a series of
sketches. Some of them are too low, like
those of Crabbe; but they have a force
from their very minuteness and resem
blance to nature* which nothing but the
most critical and comprehensive observer
coold possible reach* What will thevrea
der think, for instance, of his description of
a dull inn on a rainy Sabbath day f Eve
ry part of it secmß elaborately drawn from
the life; but are there not many features
which might well have been spared ?
A Northern Editor has noticed the facts,
that Mr. Irvine preserves all his love for
America, but he contrives to pay some ve
ry dextrous compliments to English preju
dices. For instance, how adroit is the fol
lowing.; and yet when strictly (analyzed,
into what mere sophistry does it resolve
“Brought up, says Mr. Irvine, as I have
been, in Republican habits and principles,
I can feel nothing of the servile reverence.
for titled ran/c merely because it is titled.
—But I trust lam neither churl nor bigot
in my creed. Ido see and feel, how her
editary distinction, when it falls to the
lot of a generous mind* may elevate that
mind into true nobility, it is one of the
effects of hereditary rank, when it falls
thus hapily, that it multiplies the duties,
and as it were, extends the existence .f
the possessor. He. does not think himself
a mere individual life in creation, respon
sible only for his own brief term of being.—
He carries back his existence in proud re
collection, and he extends it forward in
honorable anticipation. He lives with his
ancestry, and lie ißes with his posterity.”
ca^ni ateiiu. pi’ with
the various and multiplied relations which
a republic creates between her citizens and
he* self * with the energy which is inspired
by the cuiiciousnesS of that importance to
which his own exertions and merits nay
raise the citizen of a republic, and Who
will compare a self-raised Washington and
Jefferson with a man who derives conse
quence from titles and birth? Nay,
even in England how do all the nobility
sink by the side of Chatham and of Shake
spear ? We do not admire this courteous
spirit in Mr. Irvine—lt might well be
limited without injuring the nerit of his
works: An American would prefer to see
in his cuuutrymen a less ductile disposi
Summer Hats & Clothing.
ravnK. subscriber has just received by the la-
J. test arrivals from New-York and Charles
ton, the most fashionable Hats and Clotlnng,
• which will be sold at cost and charges, conse
quently great bargains may be had four doors
ast ot the City Hotel.
30 dozen men and boy’s Straw Hats
4 cases fine drab broad brim Hats
Extra fine broad and narrow brim do
And a great quantity of fashionable summer
Consistng Camluils, Concan, Florentine
with sattin, blue Searsuckers, white and color’d
drab colour and white Janes.
Black, blue, green, Brown, Liloque, Bomba
zetts, Bombazeene, and Searsuckers
English Florentine, fashionable Stripe Val
encia Foilenett, black, blue and bull’ Cassi
ni ere Vests
Extra V est of England blue and black dress
15 trunks fine and extra fine plain and
1 frill’d Linen Shirts, of all sizes.
A Ri cat-quantity of Ladies’ andtlemens’ Silk
r and Cotton Hoziery
Four pub- fine Gentlemens’ Socks can be had
(or one dollar.
The very best quality can be had at the most
reduced prices 13 cents.
Negroes Summer Cloatliing.
S lk Umbrellas
At two dollars amt fifty cents.
Pavillion Gauzr.
lllue, white and green at two, dollars a piece.
A few boxes Prunes, at three dollars and fif
ty cents. PETER DREGt.
June 6 S3
Selling off at Cost.
STJHE subscribers will sell their remaining
Stcrk of CLOTHING, consisting of Woo!
ens and thin goods at cost Those wishing ar
tides in their line, will find it their advantage to
caU, as their business for the season, wifi lie
closed on the 15th. By which time those in
debted are requested to settle their bills.
june 4 32 c
The New-York Slate Company have en hand
a large and excellent assortment ol the first
quality Slate at the following reduced prices.
12 inch 4 75
116.d4,l 1 6. d 4, 7
22 &24 8 J , .
Orders left with the subscribers, will be fur
nislied immediately-
june 5
Cut Nails.
flTrVfiY Kegs Patent Cu f Nails, from 3d to
20d, assorted sizes, just received
per ship Mount Vernon, capt. Rawson, from
Boston, for sale bv
may 14 cf
Dearborn's Patent Balances ,
OF all sizes, constantly for sale by
novls 4 ®
L. H. Sage % Cos.
3000 bushels Corn
30 bbls. Ale
100 -do Mess and prime Beef
20 do Mess Pork /
20 qr. casks Malaga Wine
30 pipes Gin
100 boxes Soap and Candles
50 bbls. Loaf Sugar
20 kegs No. 1, Tobacco
25 do Lard
20 bbls. Navy Bread
10 thousand Delpino Segari
100 do Common do
100 kegs Crackers
50 bbls. Sugar
With a general assortment of
june 1 _______
A New-England Tale,
OR Sketches of New-England character and
manners, just received by
ALSO Johnson square
A supply of 2d, 3d, 4th octave and plain
and mounted D Flutes may 20
John Lathrup ft, Cos.
Hunter's fVharf.
4000 bushels prime Maryland Corn
100 bundles llay
40 hlids, prime Muscovado Sugar
75 bbls best double refined do
50 pieces Inverness Cotton Bagging
50 kegs Lard
30 bbls. prime Beef, New-York Inspection
10 hlids. 3d proof Neutral Rum
10 boxes No 10, Cotton Cards
3 quarter casks March’s superior Madeira
30 bbls. Glauber Salts
100 boxes No. 10 and 12, YVindow Glass
- lm '~M,A Volaioes.
JA few hampers cf tie above just received
Meta from Belfast, (via Charleston) and in ex
cei.cnt order for sale by the subscriber.
june 4 32 eoc*
Coffee, Sugar and New Shad
135 bag prime Havana Coffee
8 ithiL Muscovado Sugar
49 bbls no 1
32 half bals po 1 C.New Shad
34 bbls no 2
Landing and for sale by
Who have in Store,
SO bbls White’s best t,in
50 do refined Sugar
80 do kiln dried Corn Meal of superior qual.
40 ps 42 inch brown Inverness Cotton Bagging
10 pipes Colmenar Wine
Window Glass assorted sizes
A few dozen of Wire Seives
Spanish and Am Segars in hlf. k qr. boxes.
June 1 3t 30
Shot and Bar Lead.
43 casks shot, assorted from mould to No.
10 casks Bar Lead, landing from ship Geor
gia, for sale bv
may 21 o
10 000 wt. North Carolina Bacon. For sale by
Exchange wharf.
june 6 i34
New Summer Goods.
BY the ship Georgia, just arrived from Liver
pool, the subscribe.s have received avari
eiy of seasonable articles, which with those
recentiy received from England, make their
assortment of
more extensile and gein ra< than usual, an
will be sold at moderate advance and long creai
for undoubted paper ANDKEW LOW &Cos
Crates Crockery ware and tea China
Loudon Porter in pint and quart bottles
Casks Glassware, Sheet Iron, Stc. &c.
may 20 2in
Drafts on Dos ton
A T 30, 00, and 90 days, for sale by
may 16 c 16
Bills 011 England & JV*. York ,
For sale by
may 17 St 17
For Sale,
TWO Mulatto Women, one about 25 years
o age witlt a child about 6 years old, and one
about 23 years of age, both good house ser
vants. Apply to
may 28 and BAKER k MINTON.
Tajls Heed, >
Have just received for sale,
130 bbls. Manhaden Fish
50 bbls. Mess Pork
10 do Prime do
20 hlid3. Sugar
15 pipes 4th proof Brandy
20 puncheons Jamaica Rum
3 pipes Scicilv Madeira Wine
20 qr. casks Tenerille do
20 do do Malaga do
20 bbls. old New-Orlear.s Rum, 4th proof
10 bbls Boston Rum
50 bbls. India Point Gin
50 bbls. Loaf and Lump Sugar
50 kegs No. 1, Tobacco
15000 pounds Bacon
200 boxes Fayetteville and Charleston -uqr
100 dozen Beer’s Axes
20 do do Hatchet’s
’ ICO kegs patent cut Nails
10 casks flooring Brads
20 casks patent and mould Shot
20 boxes Hyson Tea
10 boxes Whittemore’s No. 10 Cotton Cards
200 qr boxes Spanish Segars
With many other articles in the grocery line;
at wholesale or retail at low rates, and on the
most liberal terms. may 30 28 and
/pv hlids china ware selected particularly
<3/ this market, just received per ship Emily
and tur sale by
june 6 33
For Sale.
The subscribers offer for sale, received by the
Thomas Fowler, and other arrivals—
-150 bundles prime I fay
50 boxes God Fish
50 bbls Mackerel No. 2,
25 bbls Beef
20 Pork
100 boxe3 Soap ar.d Candles, from John
Winsley’s Factory, Boston
And a few ton Stone Ballast
june 14
Prime Pork.
20 bbls. New-York City Inspection prime
Pork, landing from schr. Sea Lion For sale by
june 14 JOHN LAT !ROP k Go
Corn Afloat.
3000 bushels corn, cargo of schr. Hamilton
and Hiram For sale bv
june 14 JOHN LATHROP & CO.
To Rent.
A SMALL house consisting of three rooms,
/V in a pleasant and airy situation, rent low.
Enquire at this office,
june 7 35
Twenty Barrels Ale ,
TANDING from brig Telegraph, and for sale
j by L. 11. SAGE U Co.__
Lemons § . Mackerel.
40 boxes fresh Lemons
20 bbls No ‘ Mackerel
30 hlf do do
just landed and for sale by
Moore’s Wharf.
june 14 e4O
Da con, Corn, fyc.
30,000 pounds assorted Bacon
60 ) bushels Corn
100,000 American Segars
Now landing from sloop Resolution and for
sa! . e b y PALMES k ROE.
June 14 d4O
□"■pilF. Copartnership heretofore existing be
t ween the Subscribers under the firm of
F. Gillel Cos in Savannah, and R. Ladeveze
k Cos in Charleston, was on the 9th of April dis
solved by ii.utuul consent, those having any de
mands against them will present them and those
indebted make payment to K Ladeveze who
will continue the business and is duly author
ised to settle all the concerns of said firm.
R. Ladeveze having taken in partnership,
G Brciitmayer, the business will hereafter be
conducted in this place under the firm of G
juue 6 ni34
Landingfrotii brig Almira,
431 bags Sugars, of a superior quality
17 hlids. Aluscovado do
40 cases fresh London Mustard
3 pipes iitajfd Dupey k Cos. Brandy
For sale by
may 29 27 n*
TALE for the grave and the gay, bf the
sShA author of No Fiction,” 2 vols. Just
received, for sale by
Johnson’s Square,
may 13 13
C. C. Griswold & Cos.
Taylor's Building's,
19 casks Shot assorted sizes
• 34 kegs Maryland Tobacco, superior quality
J 9 bundles Hay
18 casks Hose Nails
1 elegant Gig, with plated Harness
A few firkins Goshen Butter
june 8 35
Teller & Fan Voorhis
Market Square
40 bbls of N Gin
15 firkins Go'hen Butter
2 pipe* cognac Brandy
3 hhds of Jam, Rum
A general assortment of domestic Goods and
Groceries june 7 035
■ Bcr Liverpool,
f&K. The
reJP 1 Ship PALLAS,
Ca pi. Land —lias onu half of. her cargo ready
anU now taking on board. She will be di*
patched without delay—lor freight, apply { u j_
Wood, cr
june 15 41
Passengers for England.
The fine coppered and well known
Can handsomely accommodate a few mora
passengers, and will be .ready for sea about tha
15th of this month. Apply lo capt. VarnuiQ
on board, at YVilliamson’s Wharf, or to
JuneS 22 and
For Liverpool ,
The staunch fast sailing
Edward Candler master —the greater part of ] lef
cargo is now ready to go on board. For freight
of 300 bales cotton, or passage, having good ac.
commodations, apply to the capt. on board, at
Jope’s lower wharf, or to
YVho has received per said ship, and offers for
20 bbls. No 2, Mackerel
99 do No 3, do
june 14 c4O
For Providence,
The fast sailing Regular Packet
Brig KOLI A,
11. Harrington master —will sail on Sunday the
23d. For freight or passage, having hand
some accommodations, apply to the capt. ca
board at Moore’s Wharf, or to
june 15 S MANTON.
For Baltimore,
* The fast sailing
TtTX> Schooner BAHACOA,
Hammond master —will meet with dispatch. For
freight or passage, apply to the capt. on board
ntß olton’s Central Wharf, or to
Who have for safe oil bourd said vests!,
Baltimore Howard st. superfine Flour
Prime white Maryland Corn
25 boxes mould Candles, 4toß’s
june 15 I
For Boston. I
.Jjrt&jU The staunch schr. LF.ANDER, capt. I
g'JPrif Baker, will sail on Thursday next, liav. I
nigail her freight engaged. For passage mlj I
apply on board at Anderson’s wliari or to I
june 15 41 I
For N. York New-Bedfordl
’ “File Packet Sloop I
gQ> EXPRESS, C Wing muster: I
Will pos* ®;riy leave here on SUNDAY’ the 16|k I
weather permitting. For passage onlv, apply t I
, r!i.. on hoard. I
June 11 I
For New-York, |
T, ' e 6ist sailing regular Packet Shy I
AUGUSTA, D. Wood, master v ill sail I
on fuesday next, for freight or passage (i a inj>l
superior acc .iiunodmioas) apply to life iimUil
on board at Jones’ upper wharf or to I
June 14 * 40 ■
For New-Yorh, I
ftu>£r The fast sailing regular packet ship I
GI N ('ARRINGTON. 11,05.* Wood,*
will be immediately dispached, for freight cr l
passage having excellent accommodation’ .in'ilyl
to Capt W. on bourd at Jones’ upper wharf or I
june 14 40 ■
For New-York, 1
The fas’ sailin? packet Schr SEA H
1 ION, Totten master, will be iinraedr K
ately despatched f >:• freight or passage having H
handsome accommodations apply to Capt. T..H
ori board at Bolton’s wharf or to fl
june 14 40 ■
For New-York. B
JtIHl) The fast sailing packet sloop |B
EMILY", grower, Master Bi
will sail without delay for passage, only, app!/
to the Master on board at Bolton’s wharf or to
june 14 e4O B
For New-York,
k|v|\ The fast failing sloop K
■Si&Ssfc COME, S. 1). Vail, master, will m*
with immediate dispatch. For lreight orp* -
sage, having handsome accommodations, appty
to capt V. on Lfourd at Jones upper wharf,!*
June 14 40
For Alexandria ,
Os Port in thf Chesapeake. Ti*
JgWn& fine fast sail! jg schr HAMILTON M”
HIRAM, Capt. Tuijflti, for freight or paf**? e
liaveing excellent accommodations, apply 4 *
board at Aneieaux’s | wharf or to
june 14 40
For Boston .
Jtmi\ The schr. HUMP.IRD,
Capt. Collins,
to sail on Sunday—and
Capt. Atwood,
to sail on Tuesday next, for freight or passag l
apply on board at Hunter’s wharf or to
Who has landing from said vessels, and far#*
10 Tons old Sable Iron
50 Casks cut nails—small sizes
10 bundles Hay.
june 14 c4O
Passage for New-YorU,
fj*T The Barque
will sail on Tuesday next, and can take
more passengers both in the Cabin and Steeras
I—apply l —apply to capt. Coleswortbv, on bear*
Williamson’s wharf,
june 14 40