Newspaper Page Text
Beers, do. 14 i tJnior,, Cole, do. 17; Catharine.
■Webb, Richmond, 12 i Fenelon, Mayhew,do. 16)
Regulator, Norton, Philad. 10 ; sloops Sattelhte,
Davis, N.York; Vissacher, Daggett;
via the Vineyard—schr. Resolution,Elus woa
dy,s days, for N.York, in distress, baying been
jun foul of in the bay by a schooner. . _
Below, brig Catharine, from Bristol, Eng. and
•hip Acaatus, Burnham, 110 days from the Isle
.■of France, v.s-'\u “
BOSTON, Dee. 13.—Ar. sch’rs Cort, Harding,
from Goree, for Bath ; Zephyr, Hibbrns, trojn
Martini Cos, Malaga and Gibraltar. Left at Gib
raltar, brigs Perseverance, of Providence ; A
gent, Lewis, for N. Hrk * Charles, Phelps, do. ;
Pegv •& Pamela, Bray, Clwrleston. The whole
American squadron remained at Gibraltar, with
the exception of the frigate Constellation, which
•ailed the same day for Malaga, for water, and
thence for the U; States.
Cleared, ship Cicero, Edes, Bombay ; schr.
Albatross. Collins, Mobile and Blakely i Adeline,
Tupper, Baltimore. 1 ’ *
The brig Adrartus, Tripp, from the W. Indies
for Kenehunk, went ashore on Marblehead neck,
yesterday aft ernoon-r-Her masts and spars went
overboard, but she had not bilged last evening.
At Gloucester, brig Gessypium, Pearce, 60 d’s
from Leghorn. Spoke, Nov. 19, ship Sally, fr.
Charleston for Liverpool.
HOLMES’ HOLE, Dec. ID ‘ —.Ar. sch’rs Two
Brothers, from Chatham for Wilmington ; Two
Sisters, Jordan, Trinity, 23 days and 19 from st.
.Lloyd's List, Oct. 24—At Leith, Pindus, Allen,
from Virginia. 17th —Gravesend, Constitution,
Seward, from Virginia. Atßelfast, Alpha, Wel
lington, Philadelphia. At Malta, Sally Ann, Ed
v es, Morion, and sailed for Smyrna. 2lst—At
Siicerness Alexander Buchanan, yColvill, from N.
York. At Deal. Regent, Ifoys, N. York and Ply
mouth. Gravesend. 21st, sailed, Virginia, Fish
er, for Virginia j 23d, Lorenzo, Dunbar, for New
York. At Mamel; Oct. 5, Iris, Bridges, New Ha
ven. Oct. 25th—The Rover* of North Shields,
from St AnilvfWV TJ P hnv'.np.
sprung aleak, and being water-logged, was aban
doned about 300 miles to the westward of Ireland.
The master and crew took to the boat, and after
being three days at sea, landed near Westport,
about the 7th inst.
Liverpool, Oct. 28.—Ar. during the week past,
ships Aldebaron, Borden, Virginia; Glenthorn,
Stef more, N. York; Gratitude, Kenner, do.;
Hercules. Macy, do ; Zodiac, Aymar, do , Po
i tfimac, Bradford, do.; Falcon, Lewis, Boston;
Waller, Wilkinson, and Ceylon, Ferrier, N. Or
leans ; Aristides Carter, N. York; British Union,
Quebec; Mary, Wilkinson, do; Courier,Bowen,
N. York. 17 davs; Helen, Wilson Richmond.
SailecT Oct. 22. Camillus, Howland, Charleston,
j 24th, Active, Brown, Savannah. 26th, Galatea,
Jacks#!, Philadelphia ; Ciesar, Wood, H avana;
Laurel, Smith, N. Orleans.
Cleared for sea, Mary and Jane, St. Thomas &.
N. Orleans; Dawn, Colfer.for Savannah; Ottawa,
Anderson, N. Orleans ; l.othair, Foster, Virginia;
Lady of the Lake, N. Orleans.
AtCork, Pocahontas, Post, from Virginia; Sal
ly, Quebec ; New-Jersey, Smith, Baltimore ;
Falcon. Trotter, Liverpool for Africa.
#3*loo to 150 bales Cotton
are wanted to fill up the ship CAMILLA, who
will positively clear out next month for Green
ock. For which or passage apply on board, or
dec 25 \yi 200
■. . 1 —* ■ — 1 - —•
For Baltimore ,
The packet brig CA T. VP SO, captain
Neill, will be dispatched in all next week,
:r if freight offers. For freight or pas
sage, apply on board, or !o
dec 25 ‘ 200 It. RICHARDSON 8; (U
For New - fork.
The packet-brig ELIZA, Thayer,
Jpjmaster, will meet with despatch. For
freight or passage apply to the captain on board,
or to ‘ Hall & hoyt.
dec 25 200
For New-York,
w|tss\ The fast-sading and regular packet-
C. brig LEVANT, D. Wood, master, will
meet with immediate despatch, having part of
her freight engaged. For freight of the remain
der, or passage, apply to the captain on board,
at Rice’s wharf, or to
Jones’ -wharf.
fpj Oonsignees of goods per the Levant, are
requested to call and receive them immediately,
dec 25 b , 200
•""” “ ‘ —— ■ - ■ ■■-■*■ i , .
For New-York,
The new and. substantial brig ROD
ERICK, E- Harding, master, intended
as a regular packet, will meet with despatch.—
F°r i , ejgbt or passage apply to the captain on
board; at Jones’ wharf, or to
of goods per the Roderick,
are requested to call and receive them imme
aia*ely- h 200 dec 2.5
For Freight or Charter,
vm|\ To any part of the United States or
-KisSfiS the West Indies, the new and stanch
schooner DISPATCH, capt Lewis Folsom, will
carry .about 1100 bhls.
. L or safe on board said schooner.
30000 common and coving Bricks
60 casks thomastown stone Lime
250 bushels Potatoes
20 bbls Beef, boston no. 1
14 do northern Rum
25 boxes mould -Candles
10 do Ist quality Soap
100 do Cod-fish P
10 casks cut Nails, assorted sizes
SOO yds Tow-cloth
5 doz. rorum Hats
1 Bereau
1 Desk
6 portable do.
2 tea Tables
Apply to the captain on board, at Wavnc’s
vharf, or the subscriber ‘
dec. 25. 200
- ,
S.ujutt w-W p*. hrtg Levant, from JV. York,
, o Jr*’ fur sale at low prices,
100 beuver HATS
40 do ,h ladies’ blk, trim’d complete
. d ° 1° do do do
aOOO castor do
600 ruiaui do
40 youth’* itirani Hats
lJphiUn i’ Ruff*
Do wool ||t
J 5 ‘J(H)
New ‘Rum , Sugar, &c.
3%hhds. N. Rum ; 50 bbls. do.
3z bbls. Beets; 20 do. Potatoes
50 casks Porter; - ‘ *
30 kegs fresh Crackers
SO reams wrapping Paper
8 hampers English Cheese
>. prime Sugar hi hhds. and barrels
20 boxes fresh Raisins
1 pipe Cpgniaq Brandy
6 hhds, Jamaica Rum
10 bbls loaf Sugar
6 kegs Dupont’s Powdefc
Tea in chests and boxes
For sale by C. BftUEN (J cO.
dec. 24. wa 200 No. 33— Bolton's -wharf
■ - ■ ■“-
Apples, Turnips, tfc.
-20 barrels green newton Pippins
200 bushelßussia Turnips
20 barrels buckwheat Flour
20 casks Goshen Cheese
10 barrels northern gin
100 stout lion skin great Coats.
Just received per sloop Earl, and for sale from
the wharf, by M. L. WHITE.
dec 25 s 200
Just Received
BY the Roderick, and other late arrivals from
New-York, an elegant assortment of
—consisting or—
Side-boards, setts of dining Tables
High and field post Bedsteads, Bureaus
Secretary and book “Case, card and tea Tables
Eight day Clocks, 1 elegant Piano Forte
Fancy and Windsor Chairs
Bith an ELEGANT assortment of LOOKING
Glasses, consisting of if
Heavy pillard, double twisted pillard, single
i twisted pillard, moulding framed, mantle
’ and pier Glasses
Mahogany pannelled elegant window Cornices
Toilet and dressing Boxes
Kt-itiq ivnrwl Rnvaa
‘Adi of which will be sold at reduced prices,
for cjjp, by
JOHN H. OLDERSHAW & CO. on the bay.
Where all orders for Furniture will be thank
fully received, and promptly attended to —and
all warranted to be made in the best manner and
of good Wood. dec 25 200
Landing, from schooner Jiriadne,
Twenty Packages Dry Goods 5
Broadcloths, Plains, Flannels, Cassimeres
a large assortment of Muslins, Calicoes
pelisse Cloths, bedford Cords
bandana and madras Handkerchiefs
white Marseilles, silk and kid Gloves
cotton Balls, silk Tu ist—together with a vari
ety of other articles in the dry goods line ;
all of which will be sold low and on accom
modating terms.
S2 casks prime goslicn Cheese
1 trunk of very superior New-York made
Boots and Shoes
dec 25 200 at Olmsteadi# Bat telle’s-wharf.
ML. WHITE, Jtda>-ket-Mfua,re. ...Savannah,
a has on hand and will be receiving, a gen
eral assortment of SADDLERY, manufactuf-td
by M. W. Morgan, New-York; warranted made
in the best manner and to suit, which
are offered wholesale and retail, at a small
vance from the New-York charges,
dec 25 se2oo
‘ - 1 ■'■■■.'■ ■ - i
'Schoolmaster Wanted.
A person qualified as above is wanted immedi
ately to go into the interior of this state, as
a private tutor in a genteel family residing in one
of the most heidthy spots. - For further particu
lars, enquire of T. M. CHAMBERLAIN,
dec 25 n 200 near the market.
Price M’Gran,
Market-square, Have for sale,
Prime muscovado Sugar, in hhds. and bbls.
Double refined loaf do. in bbls.
lump do. in bbls.
Prime green Coffee, in bbls. and bags
Chests hyson Tea, latest importation
Boxes Soap and Candles, warranted good,
Best richmond Tobacco, in kegs, 8 to the
Holland and anchor Gin
Cognac Brandy
Jamaica and n. f.. Rum
Malaga and tenerifie Wine
Pepper, Allspice, Ginger
Together with an assortment of
Broadcloths, white and blue Plains
Linen, cotton Bagging, Bcc. &.c.
dec 12 90
For Sale ,
First proof Philadelphia Whiskey
Northern Gin in barrels
Cheese iii boxes and casks
dec 15 92 Rice's -wharf
B'or Sale,
On board the shipThomns Gibbons at Smith's -wharf
65 tons best CHAMBER COALS,
Apply to JAMES DICKSON & co.
nov 1 58
Just received,
Pei-brig Sally. Ann, from Rotterdam,
3 pair elegant Looking-Glasses
9 elegant liquor Cases
2 casks German Sausages.
dec 1 § 0 80
Christmas Cordials.
XUST received from France, Cordials in bas
•J. kets of one dozen bottles each. Also, mus
catel and frontignac Wines, and sweet olive
Oil, for sale bv W.m. WOODHRIDGK,
flee 8 fb6 north east corner Urch/itufc
Last Notice.
4 LL the caution wbii h heretofore lias been I
Jm. given, against pinning or repassing on tli**
plantation of %. C. II Maiden, being entirely
i !i.,i egardcfl, see harrby inlnmi those who may
have still tlies temerity ol violating, that the l,aw
will b dilutee! in Ui ext ml,
VaVMUiali, dec 35 * -Jyj
The Co-ptirtnership £
HERETOFORE existing between the subscri
bers, under the firm of S. J. Bryan 8c Cos.
is this day dissolved, by mutual consent.
dec. 22,1817,
The subscriber having purchased the Entire
Stock of the late firm of S. J. Bryan & Cos. the
business will in future be conducted on his own
Grocery's, Dry Goods, Hardware,
And a general assortment of
All of which will be sold low for cash, at his
store north side of market-square.
dec 25 200
Jamaica Rum.
10 hhds Jamaica Rum, now landing from schr.
Sarah-Aim, for sale by
dec 25 200 No. 34, Bolton's -wharf.
500 bushels of Oats ,
For sale on Telfair’s wharf— apply to
dec 25 a 200 L. BUTLER.
The Subscriber
Offers for sale an Invoice, consisting of the folio-w
----ing articles :
Single and double bolted Padlocks
DtT do patent do
Pen and pocket Knives, children’s do. assort
ed, and low charged
Scissors, chest Locks, Knives and Forks
Stock Locks, Augers, pin Mauls, iron Butts
Carpenters’ Hammers, Sad Irons
Scrubbing Brushes, ship Scrapers, Bcc.
20 crates crockery Ware
25 cases Tumblers, 15 boxes tea China
10 tons Russia and Swedes Iron
The above goods will be sold low, and on ac
commodating terms, for the purpose of closing
a concern. Apply to ISAAC COHEN,
nov 15 se 77
Tea China
Received per sloop general Washington
100 boxes india tea China,
for sale by ISAAC COHEN.
oct 28 56
John Speakman £5 Cos.
Frazer's wharf,
HAVE received on consignment and now
landing from the British brig John Wins
loe, Henry- Hodges, master, from New Port,
(South Wales,) a quantity of
Copper Bolts and copper Spikes
Tin Ware, consisting of household utensils, Sic.
New Cordage
Woollen Slops, consisting of jackets, trowsers,
10 pair Boots and 140 pair Shoes f&c
140 tons excellent Coals. also,
From the Juno, from Liverpool,
A few tons Shot Which they offer for sale.
66 - ‘ - nov 14
—■■ i .......
“By the dozen, piece or package.”
Stoutenburgli £5 Thorn,
Have received, and daily expect from England,
Scotland and France,
A more general and extensive assortment of
DRY GOODS, than was ever imported to this
city before.—Likewise, a few packages of
HARD-WARE, all selected by a person well
acquainted with such articles as are suited to
this place and the upper country.
nov. 10. 62
■ •
Just Landing ,
8 pipes and 40 bbls. Gin and Cider Brandy
in store —
Cranberries in barrels, or at retail,
Together -with a general assortment of
Groceries and Liquors.
For sale by C. BRUEN & co.
No. 33....801t0n's central -wharf.
nov. 16. wa93
D. W. McKenzie,
HAS just received per ship Adonis, and sev
eral other arrivals from New-York, the fol
lowing articles: which he offers for sale, on
accommodating terms, to suit purchasers, viz.
- 43 boxes of Hats, assorted
a fe\v dozen morocco Caps
41 crates stone Ware
11 hhds: do. do.
80 bbls. first quality Newark Cider
20 dozen fancy Chairs, of different patterns
and low prices
9 kegs Goshen Butter
a few half bbls. Ist qual. fly-market Beef
dec 17 n94
William I. Dudley
RESPECTFULLY informs the publife, that
he has opened a
thirty-six and a half miles above Savannah, on the
Augusta road. He pledges himself that no pains
shall be spared towards the accommodation of
those who may call on him ; and only solicits
public patronage.
Tuckaseking, Effngham county, Dec. 18. 97
W, P. Beers £5 Cos.
Opposite col. Shellman's boarding-house,
Have a complete assortment of English, French
and India
which thry offer by wholesale, on liberal terms,
dec 16 , * ||§we 9 93
For Sale,
‘On accommodating term,, if applied for soon,
A TRACT of 1000 acres pine Land laying
in Soutli-Carolina, about 30 or 35 miles
from Savannah; being pretty well timbered.—
For terms und a view of the plat, &c. apply to
R. St, J. Ilubersham, csq’rs. Also,..six Negroes,
one it capable driver. A. WILKLV3.
due to W!t y,)
OYK of experience, highly recommended, will
meet until employment on • cotton planta
tion n ‘iir Bhviiii,mlt.
For Sale
BY (TAFT fc? SIBLEYS, now landing from
brig- Gen. Jackson,,from T’rovideocig, k. i.
9 hhds n. e. llum
3i) bbki Mackerel—4s blyls Oats . - .
40 do Potatoes
20 do Apples
18 do Cider —7 do white Beans —2 do Shoes
1 do Axes ■ i, : f- ’
30 kegs Pickled. A j
10 hluls Jamaica Rum —4 do n. e. Rum
1 pipe cogniac Brandy
2dow. i. Rum . , ‘
2do american Gin—lo bbls do *
20 boxes loaf Sugar ‘?**
100 bbls pilot Bread
100 kegs fresh Crackers—3o boxes Raisins
10 bbls mess Beef .
20 do prime no, 1 and 2
500 lbs new-york smoked. Beef
1000 lbs Cheese
2 cases roram Hats ,
2 do wool Hats, etc. etc.
in 200 dec. 25
BY the Henry Clay, (via Charleston) from
6 packages of the best west of England
CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, and gentlemen’s lon
don-made CLOTHES.
They are of superior fabric, and will be soTd
low by the package, piece or garment, by
Smith's -wharf.
dec 25., § n 200
- --- * •
FROM brig Gen. Jackson and for sale low if
taken from the wharf.
2 pipfs 4th proof french Brandy
2 do Teneriff Wine
38 barrels Sweet Cider
200 do Potatoes HARRIS ¥ WATERMAN
market square.
dec 25 n 200 ->
THE subscribers placed in the post-office, 6n
the evening of the 6th instant, a letter ad
dressed to messrs. J. 8c B. Howard, Augusta,
Georgia, enclosing Two thousand dollars in cash,
Bank of the No. 29, letter A favor of J. Cum
stateofGeo. 5 ining, Oct. 24,1816, for gIOQ
Bank 618 ! nol96 ’ letßfavJ-Bilb °’ deC 1,1817 100
do. no. 197 „ A do. do. do. 100
do. no. 198 „ A do. do. do. 100
do. no. 198 „ B do. do. do. 100
do. no. 199 „ A do. do. do. 100
do. no. 191 „ A do. do. do. 100
do. no. 187 „ B do. do. do. 100
do. no. 188 j, B do. do. do. 10U
do. no. 189 „ A do. do. do. 100
do. no. 185 „ A do. do. do. 100
do\ no. 175 A do. Wm. Scarborough,
Jan. 18tl>, 1812, 100
do. no. 193 „ A do. James Bilbo, Dec.
1, 1817, 100
do. no. 192 „ B do. do. do. 100
do. no. 192 „ A do. do. do. 100
do. no. 191 ~ B do. do. 4 do. 100
do. no. 195 „ B do. P.Giurard, do. 50
do. no. 194 ~ B do. do. do. 50
do. no. 195 „ A do. do. do. 50
do. no. 197 „ A do. do. do. 50
do. no. 196 „ A do. do. do. 50
do. no. 196 „ B do. do. do. SO
do. no. 197 „ B do. dd. do. 50
do. no. not recollected 50
Mr. Johrt Howard’s note to John W. Deve
reaux, dated in March last, and payable on the
Ist of November last, for gl2oo, and paid by its
to Thomas Fitch, as per his receipt on the back
of said note; which letter has not come to hand.
A liberal reward will be given for the recovery,
or any information respecting the same, will be
thankfullv acknowledged, by
Savannah, December 22, 1817. we 99
For Sale, ,
100 pieces squared cedar LOGS. Apply to
dec 23 99 ‘
For Sale ,
247 casks LIME, just received by the ship Stir
ling, capt. Johnston, fronj Boston. Apply to
dec 23 s 99
50 barrels Apples—just received and for sale
by C. BRUEN 8c CO.
dec 20 n 97 no. 33, Bolton's -wharf.
New Shoes.
Just received by the late arrivals from New.York
and Boston, a complete assortment of SHOES,
among which are
ladies’ black morocco Slips and walking Shoes
gentlemen’s copper fastened calf Shoes
Wellington Boots, morocco Shoes
dancing Pumps; bl’k, white 8c col’d kid Slips
misses and children’s Boots and Shoes
3000 pair lined and bound Shoes
3000 do negro do
500 do black and colored Slips
A few boxes and barrels first quality Cheese
Do. firkins of Goshen Butter
For sale by WOOD ii WALKER.
dec 9 §B7
■ -- , , —i A.
Bills on Boston ,
At ten davs sight, for 3500 dollars.
For sale by J. BATTELLE.
dec 18 § 96
Marshal's sale.
BY virtue of an order issued out of the dis
trict court of the United Stales, in and for
the district of Georgiu,
H ill be told, at Hunter's -wharf,
On MOND4Y, 29tli instant, at 12 o’clock,
d>4s\ Tfee brig MARIA FRANCJBCA, with
hei®uckle, apparel ami furniture.
dec 25 + 200
Sorvunt’s Shirts.
JUST received, 1000 stout linen Shirts, made
up in France, suitable for house servants, fur
sale very low by Wm WOODHHIOGK,
dec H fdO north-east rmnrr Krrhungf,
* Almanac* for <BIB,
Fur sale at thb
at Auction.
TOMORROW, 26th instant,
Bill be sold at my store,
Groceries and Dry Goods.
4 pipes cognac Brandy
5 do superior cape Madeira Wine
2 hogsheads muscovado Sugar
30 barrels red and yellow Ochre
30 quarte r casks sweet Malaga Wine
30 boxes Soap
10 demijohn Honey
Colton Bagging, white and blue Plains
superior and coarse Clotlis, fancy Calicoes
snperfine Irish Liiiens, London Da fill Blanket*
fancy muslins, and Combs
And a variety of other articles.
’ Sale to commence at II o'clock *
dec 25 D. WILLIFORD, auct'r.
On THURSDAY, 22d January next,
Will be sold at the residence of Thomas Polhill, esq.
near the market-square, and next tenement to
Fi-ancts H. tVelman, esq.
Household £5 kitchen furniture;
Sideboard, Sofa, dining ‘Cables, tea do.
Mahogany Bedsteads, Bedding
China, glass and Crockeryware, &c.
Being a part of the estate of the late mr, Ben
jamin Brooks, deceased, and sold by order f\
the executor.
Terms- rncli— n <lt n'tlnrl-
M. HERBERT & Cos. Jhict'rS.
. dec 21 98
On THURSDAY, 22d January next.
Will before our store, all the personal estate
of the late Ur. Joseph JV. Caldwell, dec. consist l
ing of - ■ •
1 family Horse
1 Gig and Harness
Household and kitchen Furniture, &c.
By order of William 11. Joynei-, adm'or.
Terms, cash—Sale at 11 o’clock
M HERBERT 8c Cos. avct'rs.
dec 20 97
—— ...-ai;,.
On the first TUESDAY in January next,
Will be. sold before the Court-house in this city,
The Lot alul two tenement
BUILDINGS, lot no. 2, Warren-ward, fronting
the bay. Both tenements are two stories high,
and in complete order. At present occupied by
mr. Holmes and mr. Oonald M‘Leod/ *
(Iff Terms —one half) 60 days ; and the’ other
half 12 months’ credit, adding interest at the rate
of 8 per cent, with approved endorsers.
M. HERBERT & CO. Auct'rs.
dec 12 90
Hardware , Cutlery , and Fancy
HAS taken the store one door west of messrs.
Crapons’, near Market-square, where he
Offers for sale, at very low prices,
The following Articles,
I able, desert, tea and children's Knives & Forks
Scissors, Shears; pen and pocket Knives, of ail’
Oyster, butcher, mincing and pruning Knives.
Iron, polished steel, japanned, paper Sc leather
snuff’and tobacco Boxes
Ink Powder, court Plaister
Elegant game Bags, powder Flasks & shot Belts
Battledores and shuttle Cocks
Toy Watches and Cushions
W hite and yellow tinsel Cord
Gold and silver Thread, silver Thimble, 4
Bodkins, Pencils, tooth Picks and Cases'*
Plated pencil Cases, Spangles, finger Rth,j3
Opera and spy Glasses
Metal coat and vest Buttons
Treble gilt-and plated do.
White and yellow ball do.
Black, blue anjl green glass Buttons
Pearl and Ivory do.
Quilled back and plain dressing Combs
Coarse and fine * do/
Pocket Combs, steel Bodkins andF weezerS
Japanned and plated Hooks and Ey „
Cork Screws, gun Picks and Brus, *
Lead Pencils, India Rubber ,Jb
Morocco pocket Books and Pu.j^
Single and double temple Spc tm s
White metal, pincli-back and Thimbles
Brass and iron paste Jiggers ,F Jewsharps
Do. Chain j iron post cofUer’ ’alls, with and
without covers jf
Netting and knitting Needlt*
Red Keys, sugar Nippers, fi iner Scribes
Brass Cocks, with fast and kite <• keys
Brass and irpn Candlesiicter ✓
Jack and trace Chains, pujiMnLi’ steel Snuffers
Iron and japanned SimflxTsf snuffer Trays
Iron and brass head ShdlNs/hnd Tongs
Brass pocket ink Standswnl Compasses
Steelyards, fire Steels, Candlestick Spring*
Spouts and Handles for tin tea kettles
Composition and sheet Iron Tea Kettles and
sauce Pans
Long and short handle frying Pans
Tuning Forks, A ah<j C
Horse and shoe Rasps
Mill, pit and -hana-saw Files
Rough, bas tar. 4. J2d cut and smooth Files
Thumb, NovfUkand brass nob spring- Latches
Cupboard, bureau, clu-st, trunk, desk, closet,
stock and pad Locks
Iron rim door Leeks, wlih brass rings or nobs
li'on sash Pollies
H HL T"strap and chest Hinges
Brass trunk Nails, Clouts
Flemish and tin Tacks, tenter Hooks
Shoe Pincers, Nippers, Hammers
Knives, Awls and Tacks
Carpenters’ Hammers
Compasses, Rules, Pencils, Clnlklince
Spike and sail Gimblets, Augers, Braces & Rita
Trying and iron Squares, hand, puunel tennon,
dovetail and compass Saws
Jack A smooth Planet, commode Handles & Nobs
I .iondicwl and shell Rings, cluck Ralls
Thread F.scutchions, socket and plate Castors,
witli iron, bra** ami wood howls
Wood Screws of all sites
Smith liatnmers and Herewplalos, iron Wtrs, Ac
M*M A liS 0. *H
1 case first quality Violin Strings, reunited
2 do. best Turkrf Oil.stone*.
dec 13 |> ; , 91