Newspaper Page Text
Vol. 1.
I SAVANNAH, March 8. 1
Wtjlerday being the fay appointed for the Eledlion
of Aldermen of the City, tk - following Uentle
nten were thoj'en:
V. Tofclfr, afii. Owen'T wens, iqo.
aynr, 802. liiomas Jjurion, 1 jo.
Thos, Gibbons, 195, frhn M'-orf, ,
]alm M'Call,* 193. J B Young, ,36.
It gives us pleafute to find’ accounts
f the release of M. I.a Fayette,
|th and Eure",u de Puzy by tiie ri*npe
or. We hope the accounts may .rove
j 4 thcntic.
A convention for the purpofi • of form
ins; a conftit’.mon tor uie ter nr ,ry ‘outh
/j’ of the Ohio, was to be held” an the
I I tth January.
I s>vmcmal Cw.
■ Mar ri e D -On 1 hurl day . ojeninv In ft,
Mff R - Thomas a a *,/
irs, Llrza be t h Mo n#f ur- ;v
----o/ 1 Robert Montfort, Esq.
m— 1 *
■ Marine JfegHto. %
ENTERED inward
M^ nch h to v Frm J
miiv iny ’ Sma!i ’ Ana! ° Ba v, Tam. z s i
W .h. Rambler, Warner, Jack's Bay, Jar . 4 I
■ ‘ •'ypnn-', l) ; i kmlon, Charleftun,’ 3 1
■Sloop RambowManling, do. j I
R>; urn, Church, Kiltmiore I
■ rr~ ®''[f c y> F >‘cher, (ft I
1!“’ New-Yone, j]
Sch. Nr*- do. J I
koWun..', ck’r, Si. Bard.m.
■ c CLEARED out. ‘I
I r i u W J ! ; X 1 ander ’ Di S il!M > 2V ‘does. 1 I
ISrh#1 Srh # El ff a > Snel., Char- efton.
W ffdnnah, Hammon,’, St., Marks. >
1 Sloop Jenny, B'j V d, S.A' lo ix /
* Brig Ari'-l, Gairdner, ‘ - 0 I9>
1e l Aurora, Morion,
1 Schooner Bdllona, liel* Kingston A.. ‘:J i[
j Br: g Apollo, Sh.-fr* New-Y• # 1J!
’ Schooner Betsey, Hull, New-F- ▼ i Itlj
Polly, Bell, do. jT! I
By the Schooner New \dve, n J j
J ’■ C W; hightbou: ,/A£k
, 1 S'W- 1 irk, we have recce tiJ
papers as late as the 2o/ lvat ie|
February , from whir h
lowing articles arc ex tv at ‘beul
UPPER RHINE, November ]; n , J
Yeft-rday afternoon the AuiivjjjH
gainif M i'TiiS “ tt.'jfrp
nctiading continued all night
ceasing. The city was on fire
ferent places, and the flames are itiiiflb-
Able. .. Eg
Mar Oral d? Clairfayt has advemcej
his right wmg to the environs of Gtuii
fladt. Yesterday was heard on thaf
fide, a briiKjj tiring of cannon and ilui
quetry. Pichegru, with his army, is
petted dear Oggciheim. J
It was rumoured he. c that the Frlu h
had attempted to pais the Rhine t r
- 1 atltadt, but the report is not cOnfi rmed *
‘iuearmy of Wurmf<*r receive;, dab;,
reinforcements from Austria.
HoppenhettVy No-v. r 2.
Yesterday, General Worn ter fer
rounded Manheim. li. conlcuuercdof
the refufal to surrender, the bombard
ment commenced. About 6 o’clock site
city was oa fire in two places, and at
eight the flames had made a rapid iro
grefs. So far as we could judge at Vis
iiiftance, the fire appeared chiefly to
in the vicinity of the c'airch of thejfc
fuits. At 7 o’clollc this morrjingl he
fire flip continued. It Is lari that, on
9th, tiu Auitrians began their at
t*c, by vigorously cannonading; he
bradga of the Rhine before Waninl in,
1 nnJfchat the bridge w.r; ent.rely tef-
vßrofVil. r fhe French made the grei est
iPtforts in onier to repair it, Jbut wire
able to succeed. • *
WORMS, Nov. 11.—
This morning the Auftrains ente- and
this place. Ydierday was arm'oll?tre
mcidous day, the battle which treok
piacf having Med from ten in the morn
ing tp fix in the evening. The Fren.h,
though well fortified from Moliheim to
Fiferjdheim, were compelled to give
way to, the imperial fire. 1 The cent reof
tic Ftench armwwhich was obliged! to
i retreat alter theieft wing had been bea-
Iten. The Red Mantlcrs are said to
lhave pushed forward as tar as Laufern,
find tnat others patrole even up to rhe
bites of Treves. The took
,'yteces of cannon in our town, which
jttantiy made use of againlr the
n - T| k * tn<.h Generals demanded lad
PMr ■ 1 IBS ors oi r^e mu nici-
LJhT tfcr magazines, -and that
Slr ! Pd. four <( the
, . 1 ol that rauniciialitv
eKC ™ d “Va/u i hoft as . es .‘
Colttmbtatt muleuitt.
I The imperial army not haling as yet
fi t for their magazines,and the French
atttiy not being abundantly supplied,
W. iwlhandman's flock will, by the re
itu jfition ofboth sides, become speedily
V'iaullcd. T!ic prices of c
nl) vinous, even sixteen florins perfack.
J Frakenthal having been taken pof
fthion of by the Anil rains |aft night,
11mr advanced polls arc hkcwiie before
Vla fttcim from that fide.
h Rb\ K.FORT, November 14.
i. Flic Auftiians, after reputung gene
r<fi Fichcgru’s wing, on the 10th, took
ti e redoubt of the Rhine, onpofite the
Manheim, by'florm, yeftetday, in which
t’.e regir: mt'of Lafey in particular dii
fmgiufhed itic’t ; much blood has been
L pibed .Vi both sides. Tlx bornbard-
I 4o it of the beautiful town of Manheim
till continues ; the report otits having
furreadered is not confirmed.
PARIS, Novc.nbcr 26.
, 7ne Executive Directory has publiflh
( ed a decree, appointing a certain liour
for Riling gram and float, and each citi
zen is obliged to carry a certificate of
I the number of persons in his family, In
I order that he may be provided accord-
I December 2.
I Letters from Calais ad'Tic, that two
I Fr.gli'.n commifiioners arc arrived from
I Dover for the purpolc of requeuing the
Liegiflaiive body to. treat the French an
ligranfs lately driven to the French coast
fby fires of weather, as wrecked persons,
I and to van them back to Fngiand ; and
f to declare at the fame time, that in case
► of non-c -uipfiiance, reprisals Ihould be
used againit the four French commifiion
ers, lately taken on their voyage to Mar
tin it o'.
In the fitting or the 23d of Novem
ber, the couneil provitionally agreed to
,a loan of 3 per cent, and approved of the
Jfufpcnlion of National Domains until
■ the iirfi Fra rial.
The proposition, that the council be
§ revok'd into a general committee,
I brought on very violent objections
land debates. “How long is this gen
rferal committee to lafi ? (exciaimed Gen-
I iijjSeaux) The public experts with the
I litmofi anxiety a refoiution, on which
k depends the welfare of us all.” Vio-
ibreed 1(t
----conded fell to the ground.
Gironeft proposed the immediate falc
of all the furniture, merchandize, and
other effects belonging to the nation,
| ahd not receflary for the public for vice.
Adjourned for future confide ration.
The council came to a refoiution, that
a committee, composed of five members,
thall ivt appointed, and to make a re
port on the sums which accrue to the
natic ilrom the fueceiTors of emigrants.
The amount of these funis is Hated to
J?e 20co millions.
In the fitting of the 29th the coun
cil declared, that the amnefiy of the 4th
Erumaire may be applied to all persons
confined in the revolted Departments,,
the rebels and Chouans alone excepted,
and that money (hail be fabricated with
ahe utmofl: exertion and activity.
Robberies are iucreafing at’Tnris in
1 mofi alarming degree, and gangs of
robbers it rip whole houses and fiiops.
T he greateit warehouse of broad cloths
m this city, and a watchmakers shop,
were lately broke open, and the thieves
got dear off with every article they
contained. Bread fells at 60 livres a
pound, and even at that enormous price
it is extremely difficult to get ahy, iince
the markets have been pillaged Ly the
mob. The distributions of bread in
the fe&ions are now only made every
second day.
The national, infiitute, which is des
tined to replace our universities, is now
organized by the executive directory,
and among the members appointed, we
find the names of Befnardin de St. Pier
re, Leg range, S ieyes, Dounou, Volney,
Ficarded, Garat, tec.. „
WESSEL, November 11.
Aujhatrt Retreat.
All the appearances of a retreat have
since Monday night lafi fubfified at Co
logne, the Wrench being upon the ad
vance. The Auitrians evacuated Deutz
at day yesterday, and the
French wmcin polleflion of that place
in the afternoan. The flying bridge
at Cologne is-again at work, General
Jourdan,.paffin Tijtue Rhine upon it yes
terday afterffvon. The French are
rnarcling in t’vo"columns, the one over
mountains, the other along the bank cf
the Rhine to Frankfort.
On the dry before yesterday the
Uriahs had tetreated as lar as Sicbburg,
which plac* js taken poflcliion of by tlie
1 French, The French advance step by
ftepj in pr iportijt as Auftrizns re
rteai ; both parses fire upon
thyiat a dillancd principally vnth can
non, The Auflj’ans retreated in order
of battle on the ltcrnoon of the da) be
t'orey efterday, js far as the border of
the Lzig, and Hffed that river. The
Freiich are clofdat tlieir heels, as they
were ) efterday ai IJckcrath, nine leagues
above Deutz.
LONDC N, Nov. 27.
TuJclayav acirefs was read by com
miflioncr i fby at his office in Chat
ham dock y ad, intended to be sent to
bis majesty, cot > ratularing him on his
late efcapt I frn aflallination, and to be
signed by ai, b longing to the yard ;
but trom fonc aulc, the greatest part
oft he vvorknienjin number about uoo
or 12.00, alle nbl and on Vv ednefday morn
ing in tlic rope- oufe, and refilled fign
q; c-. Thejcoi mitiioner and orliceVs 01
the ard aeqaai; ted them there was no
ocean, a for then to afl contrary to
then inclination jbut wiihed them to go
about their rtf pc rive duties, which they
Md hot ; anq in| the afternoon fiearl)
the Whole absnthl ihemfelvcs, and went
to Rochester 10 gn the petition againrt
the bills now|de ..tiding in parliament.
No ember 2S.
Admiral Han was oil’ Cadiz with
fix fail of t|e ne, and blocked the
French in, aifi Td taken 16 ships, la
den Yv. :'a cor., rm America. ‘This
was tiie ncwsTvlcn the Mary, Captain ;e left G’orto the Bth initant,
ar.d who arrited in the Downs yester
day. I
J i
PORTSMOUTH, December 1.
A ditcovefy pas been male by one of
the crew of malhip American Eagle,
arrived at Cfivts irom Virginia, with
tobacco, whole jnafter and mate were re
ported to have died of the yellow lever
on the voyag*—j-that they were murder
ed by the lea-iid mate and four others, in
the mouth of the channel. T'heir ob
ject was to havf run for fome country
where they ccu!d have fold ftiip and car
go, but providently were forced into
Cowes by thj late stormy weather.
The rnagiftratf, of the island have com
mitted the vvlnle of the crew to Win
chester jail ; ind it is supposed they
will without ( JTd;
trial next adm(ralty feflions,
EXETpR, November 18.
The farmets in various parts of the
kingdom, arfl particularly in the neigh
bourhood of Sherborne, have agreed to
I'upply the pior through the whole win
ter, at Bs. qjr bufiiel for their prime
wheat, 596 i<r their best barely, and 4s.
lor the bei peas. Tbe redutftion in
the price olgrain, togeth r with two
killings prenium, which w ; are assured
the governingt intend Ihorcly to allow
for every buiel of w ; heat imported into
this kingdon; mud whilst it a fiords pe
culiAr fatislalion to every human mind,
ultimately tad to restore the price of
bread to its riginal standard.
LEmMUDA, Jan. 16.
I hurlaayjrrived the ichooncr L’Ef
perance, CStain John T ucker, from
Rape Nichci-Mole, after apaflage of 8
days. Aditral Parker, who commands
on that ftatin, with fix ships of the line
and a numla* of frigates, was making
preparation for attacking the Cape and
Port-au-Paj, as soon as joined by the
reinforcemets from England, which he
daily iooke for. The squadron had
been fuccefsil in capturing a cumber of
veftels; which were a privateer
of 16 guns,aid an American, with a
commilfary md a great quantity of calh
on board, tipurchafe provisions.
Lafi Weiefday evening arrived in
town from Ne w-York, Charles Ad
ams, Esq. \eare informed that Mr. Ad
ams has broght tiie Treaty lately con
cluded beteen the United States and
the Dey o Algiers; also an elegant
Sword, a resent from the Dcy to the
President ojthe United States.
February 16.
A lcttcrlated Port-au-Prince, Janu
ary 5, fa), “ Five thousand of the
Brigands <me in this morning, and
gave themf.ves up.—There are twenty
lail of Ameicans here, all in distress for
want of me:to carry them home. 5 ’
Extract of detier from lla-jannah } dated
‘January 10.
<( The slebrated Negro General,
Jean Rranor and his second in com
mand, arriud here yesterday from Fort
Dauphin, Tth about 400 of their adhe
rents ; buffo much andfojuftiy, do the
owners of te ellates now dread the in
troduction of such a bloody mifereant
among then, that they have with
T. V . 1
city council in a body, ojpofed his be
ing allowed to put his foot ashore, nor
any of his people. In cotftkquenee of
this fpiriteu condufl they ri
board of the veflelsMiat bt
and no pCrlon except the officers oAth
fovernn..*nt, allowed to go on board,W
old any intercourfc with these erd 1
plundering murderers. It is fuppolf
tliey vv ill be sent to Florida, from
they vv’ill soon find their way into thi
United States. \
ixlradi of another letter f tom llaoeanuahi
daft J January 23, 1796, to a merchant
ik i/jts city.
“ Y r ou will perhaps have‘heard, err ’
this reaches you, that the remains of ‘
Chriflopher Columbus, have been, byr
order of the Court, transferred frpm
the I Hand and City of St. Domingo to
this place, i1 a ship of 74 guns. Tie.*
1 qth Lift, they were depolited in tie
Cathcdi ial, and upon this occasion,- the
funeral proceiuon wa9 the grandest and
moft foieron I hav e ever ften. A mud
excellent Oration ivas pronounced on!
the occasion, which really does honor to
the nation. I mean to procure a copy
of it, as also a portrait of Columbus,
from an original one,- which accompany
his remains.” \
NEW-YOkK, February 20.
Avery large, privateer, schooner rig
ged, mounting 30 piece* ol cannon, is
in'uifing in the Bay of-mfeay, and has
made very great havoc w; 3 h the Eng
ifh and Portnguefe trade—her objedt is
ro deft roy all (lie meets, and to land the
prifonerson the nearest coast. She be
longs to Bourdcaux.
It is supposed that ioc'o persons, out
of the fleet of emigrants from the Elbe,
perished on tiie coast of France near
Calais, in the dreadful florm in Novem
Former reports ofafrefh infurreflion
in Paris, prove to be ill-founded.
BOSTON, Feb. 13.
A fubferiptionfor printing Mr. Har
per’s address to his conllituents in South
Carolina , was opened a lew days since,,
and a thousand copies fubferibed for in
two days.
Wo arp tr. 1.1 Ki/ f..>r fro — I'■ >,L _
ratter, that a correiponctence has taken
place between Amiral Richery, com
mandirfg the French squadron in Cadiz
and Amdiral Mann,commanding an En
gbfti one at Lisbon, _ ‘l'hey had reci
procal 1 y exchanged prisoners ; and had
envited each other to another trial of
strength, at the end of which adds one
oi them, u there will unquestionably be
more liats left tlian heads.”
1 0 the Young LADY, who pref uted her
X Complimets to an old married Gen *
SINCE woman is by God defign’d, <
Mar.'s chief felicity,
Corredt thy droll eccentric mind,
T hen thou u ill quickly fee,
I hat when a suitor woosa lass,
Whose mind’s not X, but calm,
Her joys may always far surpass
(If pirudent) common balm.
No man of sense avoids the lass
Whose x is giv’naway,
Except he’s a prognostic gur
, ,4 ma y come another clay.
T ’enfure, throughout this mortal life,
Happiness, and just praise,
Ee thou a good obedient wife
Thy fame will lali always. *
Dancing Afjembly ’
THE Managers refpeTf-’f/ inform
the Ladies” and GMflemen, that in
eonfequence cf tß'6ad weather prevail
ing the the Assembly was un
avoidably postponed until Wedneftiay
the Qth inst.
March 8*
notTck *
AL L persons having any demand
again ft the estate of FRANCIS
STEBBINS, deceafed,are requested to
render the fame, properly attested ; apes
tbofe indebted thereto, to make
diale payment to
Savannah, March 8, 1796. ‘6w’s.
To Sail in about Eight da's,; the faft:
failingftaunch, built
reJL ia nc e,
/till accommodated for
Decks, if any ofler in Season, —•
For termsaiiffv to